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    PROJECT ReportON

    “ A Case Study of Financial Innovations in

    Indian Stock Market (with Special reference

    to Financial Derivatives)

    SUBMITTED TO:-Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra


    For the degree of 



    (SESSION !""#-!""$

    U%der the &'d)%*e Of: S'+,tted B:

    Mr. R)%eet /er,) AS0AFaculty, MBA MBA – Final Year N.C.C.E.,Israna ROLL NO. : MBA/04/00


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    Preservation, inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in

    the success of any venture. In the present world of competition and success

    project is like a bridge between theoretical and practical working.

    It is a great pleasure to present here the opportunity to express myheartfelt thanks to everybody who helped me through the successful completionof the dissertation.

    I express my sincerest regards and deep sense of gratitude to Ms. Puja

    Mann (!",M.#.$. "epartment, %.&.&ollege of 'ngineering,Israna(Panipat

    who gave me an opportunity to work on such a challenging topic.

    It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge. Mr. )alit $sija (faculty,

    %.&.&ollege of 'ngineering,Israna(Panipat for his inspiring guidance which

    helped me a lot in selecting this project and working on it.

    I am also thankful to the staff of %.&.&ollege of  

    'ngineering,Israna(Panipat for their keen suggestions from time to time.

    )ast but not the least my sincere thanks to my parents and friends who

    helped me to bring this project in a final shape

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    Practical training constitutes an integral part of the management

    studies. +raining gives an opportunity to the students to expose

    themselves to the industrial environment, which is uite different from the

    classroom teaching. +he practical knowledge is an important suffix to the

    theoretical knowledge. I consider myself lucky to get mytopic of the report

    which is #$%%&'()$&%* $% I%+$(% *)&,- .(/-0) 1$) *0,$( /00/0%,0

    )& $%(%,$( +0/$'()$'0*  . It really helped me to get a practical insight

    into the actual business environment and provide me an opportunity to

    make my financial management concepts more clear.

    +he main objective of the study is to analy-e the Indian derivative

    market.+he study conducted by me has also some other objectives such

    as giving new suggestions for the improvement of existing system speed


    +he conclusions of the study are people have less awareness

    about derivatives and +he !+& derivatives markets have witnessed sharp

    growth over the last few years. .

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    +he emergence of the market for derivative products, most notably

    forwards, futures and options can be traced back to the willingness of riskaverse

    economic agents to guard themselves against uncertainties arising out of 

    fluctuations in asset prices.

    /inancial markets are, by nature, extremely volatile and hence, the risk

    factor is an important concern for financial agents. +o reduce the risk, the

    concept of derivatives comes into picture.


    "erivatives in the form of forwards and options have been around as long

    as there has been commerce because all commerce involves business risk. +he

    history of derivatives can be traced far back to renaissance period (*0 th &entury

    where the 1enetian spice traders waiting a cargo on high seas would enter into a

    forward contract./orward contracts are also traced in 2apanese and $merican

    markets for hundreds of years ago. +he /utures trading on the commodities first

    started in &hicago way back in *345. #ut the explosion of derivative markets in

    the form we see today can be attributed to volatility in the foreign exchange rates

    created due to collapse of #reton 6oods system. ($ system whereby all the

    exchange rates were pegged to 789 whereas there was fixed parity between

    789 and :old. It led to the introduction of the forward contracts in the foreign

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    currency by *;4s?

    also led to the introduction of few more derivative products vi-. currency swaps,

    interest rate swaps, index futures and options, etc.

    In India, the ).&.:upta &ommittee was appointed in *;;@ to develop

    appropriate regulatory framework for the euitybased derivatives trading. It

    submitted its report in *;;3, which was later approved by 8'#I. It has suggested

    introducing derivative products in a phased manner starting with Index /utures

    followed by Index !ptions and !ptions on shares. Pursuant to the same, Index

    /utures were introduced in India in 2une >> at #ombay 8tock 'xchange and

    %ational 8tock 'xchange, "elhi 8tock 'xchange has indicated to join them


    F$%(%,$( D0/$'()$'0* have been in existence in the markets for over *0>

    years A in fact the first reference to some form of the modern day. /inancial

    "erivative is found in the /utures markets that were function in &hicago in the

    *30>?s. !ver the years a more formali-ed structure came into place A the most

    significant fillip in this regard was the seminal work of /isher #lack and Myron

    8choles in *;4=. 8ince then, the development of /inancial "erivatives and its

    extensive use in the financial sector has been synonymous with the stupendous

    growth in the financial sector itself. +he *;3>?s and the *;;>?s saw tremendous

    growth in the /inancial 8ector and a lot of it was directly fuelled by the growth

    and development of the use of derivatives in this area.

    +he liberali-ation in the Indian /inancial 8ector started more than a decade

    back. #ut it is only now that the Beserve #ank of India is looking at allowing the

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    use of derivatives in the market in a wide scale. +hough derivatives in the euity

    market were permitted in >*, the currency and the interest rate sectors of the

    financial sector in India were kept immune for the use of derivatives. +he only

    derivative that was allowed in the money market segment of the financial sector 

    was 8waps and with a casebycase approval from B#I some backtoback

    foreign currency option deals. owever, B#I is now keen to open up the

    segment and allow for options on both currency (the Indian Bupee as well as the

    interest rate applicable in the Indian markets. In view of this, the traders of banks

    and financial institutions as well as corporate need to be aware of these

    techniues for both investment as well as risk management functionsC especially

    given the highly volatile nature of the industry.


     $ derivative is a financial instrument whose value is derived from the price

    of a more basic asset called the underlying. +he underlying may not necessarily

    be a tradable product. 'xamples of underlying are shares, commodities,

    currencies, credits, stock market indices, weather temperatures, sunshine,

    results of sport matches, wind speed and so on. #asically, anything which may

    have to a certain degree an unpredictable effect on any business activity can be

    considered as an underlying of a certain derivative.

     $ll derivatives can be divided into two big classes.

    *. )inear 

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    L$%0(/   are derivatives whose values depend linearly on the underlying?s

    value. +his includesD

    • /orwards and /utures

    • 8waps

    N&%$%0(/   are derivatives whose value is a nonlinear function of the

    underlying. +his includesD

    • !ptions

    • &onvertibles

    • 'uity )inked #onds

    • Beinsurances


    +he derivatives market performs a number of economic functionsD

    *. +hey help in transferring risk from risk averse people to risk

    oriented people.

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    H0+;0/* use futures or options markets to reduce or eliminatethe risk associated with price of an asset.

    • S0,

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    • A/=$)/(;0

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    FORWARDS:   $ forward contract is a customi-ed contract between two

    entities, where settlement takes place on a specific date in the future at today?s

    preagreed price.

    FUTURES:  $ futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or 

    sell an asset at a certain time in the future at a certain price. /utures contracts

    are special types of forward contracts in the sense that the former are

    standardi-ed exchangetraded contracts.?

    OPTIONS: !ptions are of two types A calls and puts. &alls give the buyer the

    right but not the obligation to buy a given uantity of the underlying asset, at a

    given price on or before a given future date. Puts give the buyer the right, but not

    the obligation to sell a given uantity of the underlying asset at a given price on

    or before a given date.

    WARRANTS: !ptions generally have lives of upto one year, the majority of 

    options traded on options exchanges having a maximum maturity of nine months.

    )ongerdated options are called warrants and are generally traded overthe


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    LEAPS: +he acronym )'$P8 means )ong+erm 'uity $nticipation 8ecurities.

    +hese are options having a maturity of upto three years.

    BAS9ETS: #asket options are options on portfolios of underlying assets. +he

    underlying asset is usually a moving average or a basket of assets. 'uity index

    options are a form of basket options.

    SWAPS: 8waps are private agreements between two parties to exchange cash

    flows in the future according to a prearranged formula. +hey can be regarded as

    portfolios of forward contracts. +he two commonly used swaps areD

    • INTEREST RATE SWAPS: +hese entail swapping only the interest

    related cash flows between the parties in the same currency.

    • CURRENCY SWAPS: +hese entail swapping both principal and

    interest between the parties, with the cash flows in one direction

    being in a different currency than those in the opposite direction.

    SWAPTIONS: 8waptions are options to buy or sell a swap that will become

    operative at the expiry of the options. +hus a swaption is an option on a forward

    swap. Bather than have calls and puts, the swaptions market has receiver 

    swaptions and payer swaptions. $ receiver swaption is an option to receive fixed

    and pay floating. $ payer swaption is an option to pay fixed and receive floating.

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    T0 &&1$%; (,)&/* ('0 ;0%0/(> =00% $+0%)$$0+ (* )0 .(?&/ 

    +/$'$%; &/,0 =0$%+ ;/&1) & $%(%,$( +0/$'()$'0*:

    *. Increased volatility in asset prices in financial markets.

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      S0,&%+@  the derivatives market helps to transfer risks from those who have

    them but may not like them to those who have appetite for them.

    T$/+, derivatives, due to their inherent nature, are linked to the underlying cash

    markets. 6ith the introduction of derivatives, the underlying market witnesses

    higher trading volumes because of participation by more players who would not

    otherwise participate for lack of an arrangement to transfer risk.


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    "erivatives are risk shifting devices. Initially they were used to reduce

    exposure to changes in exchange rates, interest rates, or the stock indexes.

    More recently, derivatives have been used to segregate categories of investment

    risk that may appeal to different investment categories used by mutual fund

    managers, corporate treasurers or pension fund administrators. +hese

    investment managers may decide that it is more beneficial to assume a specific

    EriskF characteristic of a security.

    /or instance, several derivative products may be created based on debt

    securities that represent an interest in a pool of residential home mortgages.

    !ne derivatives product may provide that the purchaser receives only the

    principal payments. +hese derivatives products, which react differently to

    movements in interests? rates, may have specific appeal to different investment

    strategies employed by the investment manager.

    +he financial markets increasingly have become subject to greater 

    E8avingsF in the interest rate movements than in past decades. $s a result

    financial derivatives have appealed to corporate treasurer who wish to take

    advantage of favourable interest rate in the management of corporate debt

    without the expenses of issuing new debt securities.

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    :lobali-ation and liberali-ation process has changed the pace of 

    economic development of many developing countries like India. !ne of the

    uniue features of globali-ations and liberali-ation is that, innovations have taken

    place in the different areas of financial system. Product innovation is one of 

    them. $long with the economic development, risk in the financial system is

    increasing at the same pace, to manage these risks the innovation of new

    products like "erivatives is not a mater of surprise.

    /inancial "erivatives are used by various organi-ations to manage

    different categories of risks i.e. interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk and credit


    +he present study is undertaken to view about the various derivative

    products that have entered in Indian stock market in 2une >> with the

    introduction of Index features on #8'. )ater on in mid >* stock features and

    stock options were introduced on =* which later on increased to 0=.

    In >< 2uly %8' launched interest rate futures. Becently %8' and #8'

    announced the introduction of various new products in "erivatives segment. +he

    study has great relevance in the light that growth in the derivatives volume is

    exponential in India. +he above text justifies the selection of research proposal

    on the topic.

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    +here is wide existing literature available on financial derivatives which

    contains information about various aspects of financial derivatives. /ew of them

    are listed belowD

    G R0(*&% F0= 2""4 C(((% 9((

    In defense of derivativesD #etween 'nron, world com and global crossing,

    the controversial financial instruments have gotten a bad rap ereHs the truth.

    G I%+$(% D0/$'()$'0 M(/-0): S)/

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    +he present study will encompass following objectivesD

    * +o study the nature, types and features of these products on %8' and


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    Besearch comprises defining and redefining the problems, formulating

    hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organi-ing and evaluating data and

    reaching conclusions.

    +he +erm JBesearch MethodologyJ here comprises of all research

    activities carried in connection with J/inancial derivatives in IndiaJ. +he basic

    purpose of the Besearch Methodology is to describe research procedure. It

    helps the researcher to give the reason for adopting certain line of action while

    ruling out the other.

    R0*0(/, P/&=0.:

    +he research studies the Jfinancial innovations in Indian stock MarketJ.

    +he research tries to find out the innovations in the field of financial derivatives.

    R0*0(/, D0*$;%:

    +he research is descriptive research. +he research describes the problem

    and tends to study each and every aspect relating to derivatives.

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    "ata can be classified intoD

    a Primary "ata

    b 8econdary "ata

    In this project main source of data is secondary data. +he data useful for 

    the project has been collected from various sources likeD journals, maga-ines,

    newspapers, books and internet.

    D()( A%(>*$*:

    +he data relating to the growth and volumes of derivatives have been

    analy-ed using charts and tables.

    S,&0 & )0 S):

    +o know about the innovations which has taken place in stock market,

    particularly in financial derivatives.

    +o study the future development of "erivative segment in India.

    +o 8tudy the performance of derivative products in stock market.

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    +he first step towards introduction of derivatives trading in India was the

    promulgation of the 8ecurities )aws ($mendment !rdinance, *;;0, which

    withdrew the prohibition on options in securities. +he market for derivatives,

    however, did not take off, as there was no regulatory framework to govern trading

    of derivatives. 8'#I set up a

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    also made it clear that derivatives shall be legal and valid only if such contracts

    are traded on a recogni-ed stock exchange, thus precluding !+& derivatives.

    +he government also rescinded in March >>, the three decade old notification,

    which prohibited forward trading in securities.

    "erivatives trading commenced in India in 2une >> after 8'#I granted

    the final approval to this effect in May >*, 8'#I permitted the derivative

    segments of two stock exchanges, %8' and #8', and their clearing

    houseLcorporation to commence trading and settlement in approved derivatives

    contracts. +o begin with, 8'#I approved trading in index futures contracts based

    on 8P &%N %ifty and #8'=> (8ensex index. +his was followed by approval

    for trading in options based on these two indexes and options on individual


    +he trading in #8' 8ensex options commenced on 2une 5, >* and the

    trading in options on individual securities commenced in 2uly >*. /utures

    contracts on individual stocks were launched in %ovember >*. +he derivatives

    trading on %8' commenced with 8P &%N %ifty Index future on 2une *>.

    +he trading in index options commenced on 2une 5, >* and trading in options

    on individuals securities commenced on 2uly *. 8ingle stock futures were

    launched on %ovember ;, >*. +he index futures and options contract on %8'

    are based on 8P &%N.

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    +rading and settlement in derivative contracts is done in accordance with

    the rules, byelaws, and regulations of the respective exchanges and their 

    clearing houseLcorporation duly approved by 8'#I and notified in the official

    ga-ette. /oreign Institutional Investors (/IIs are permitted to trade in all

    'xchange traded derivative products.

    +he following are some observations based on the trading statistics

    provided in the %8' report on the futures and options (/!D

    • 8inglestock futures continue to account for a si-able proportion of the /!

    segment. It constituted 4> per cent of the total turnover during 2une, >

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    • Put volumes in the index options and euity options segment have increased

    since 2anuary >

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     D(> M&%)

     Y0(/ E'0%)

    *5 "ecember *;;0 %8' asked 8'#I for permission to trade

    index futures*3 %ovember *;;@ 8'#I setup ).&.:upta &ommittee to draft a

    policy framework for index futures** May *;;3 ).&.:upta &ommittee submitted report4 2uly *;;; B#I gave permission for !+& forward rate

    agreements (/B$s and interest rate swaps> 8IM'N chose %ifty for trading futures and

    options on an Indian index> 8'#I gave permission to %8' and #8' to

    do index futures trading; 2une >> +rading of #8' 8ensex futures

    commenced at #8'*< 2une >> +rading of %ifty futures commenced at %8'=* $ugust >> +rading of futures and options on %ifty to

    commence at 8IM'N

    T0 SCF /0,&..0%+0+ &&1$%; .0(*

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    prescribing necessary preconditions which should be adopted before the

    introduction of derivatives.

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    4. +here is an urgent need to prescribe pronounced accounting standards in

    the case of investorsL dealers and also back office standards for 

    intermediaries with a view to reducing the possibility of concealing the loss

    and perpetrating the frauds by companiesL intermediaries to a minimum.

    Institute of &hartered $ccountants of India, in consultation with the stock

    exchanges, should formulate suitable accounting standard and 8'#I

    should prescribe the same before trading in derivatives is commenced.

    G/&, the :overnment lifted the three

    decade old prohibition on forward trading in securities by rescinding *;@;

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    notification. +his prohibition was imposed by :overnment in exercise of its

    powers under section *@ of the 8& ( B $ by a notification issued on 2une

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    conditions for registration, payment of fees by trading and clearing members of 

    derivative segment or clearing house.

    &urrently, /IIs do not pay any margins in the cash market and bring in

    funds only for transactions in euities. In derivatives trading, however, all

    investors, including /IIs, have to bring in upfront margins. +he igh )evel

    &ommittee on &apital markets favoured /IIs to bring in funds in advance to meet

    their margin reuirements for trading in euity derivatives.

    A/&'( & D0/$'()$'0* T/(+$%;:

    8'#I granted final approval to the "erivative 8egment of the %8' and

    #8' and their clearing houseLcorporation for commencement of trading and

    settlement in 8'#Iapproved derivative contracts, which included only Index

    /utures contracts to begin with. +he approval was granted for trading in futures

    contracts based on 8P &%N %ifty Index and on #8'=> (8ensex Index.

    +rading and settlement in derivative contracts would be in accordance with the

    rules, byelaws, and regulations of the respective exchanges and their clearing

    houseL corporation duly approved by 8'#I and notified in the official ga-ette.

    N01 D0/$'()$'0 P/&+

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    positions of each individual client in various index futures and index options

    contracts. +o cover the risk arising out of change in the value of index as well as

    index volatility, margining system would have the ability to compute the worst

    case loss under various scenarios of index and volatility changes and charge

    margins accordingly. Position limits mandated for future market would also apply

    to index options. $ny short positions on options would be subject to stringent

    margining. !ptions on index would have maximum maturity of three months with

    minimum of three strikes (in the money, near the money and out of the money.


    +he derivatives trading on the 'xchange commenced with 8P &%N %ifty

    Index futures on 2une *>. +he futures contract on %8' is based on 8P

    &%N %ifty Index. &urrently, it has a maximum of =month expiration cycle. +hree

    contracts are available for trading, with * month, < months and = months expiry.

     $ new contract is introduced on the next trading day following the expiry of the

    near month contract. 1arious conditions like, :oodtill "ay, :oodtill&ancelled,

    :oodtillate, Immediate or &ancel, 8top loss, etc. can be built into an order. +he

    salient features of 8P Index /utures &ontract are presented in +able *.

    T(=0 !:C&%)/(,) S0,$$,()$&% &/ SP CNX N$)> I%+0 F

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    &ontract 8i-e > or multiples thereof  Price 8teps Bs.>.>0Price #ands %ot applicable'xpiration Months = near months

    +rading &ycle $ maximum of three month trading

    cycleLthe near month (one, the next

    month (two and the far month (three.

    %ew contract is introduced on the next

    trading day following the expiry of near 

    month contract)ast +radingL'xpiry "ay +he last +hursday of the month or the

    preceding trading day, if last +hursday is a

    holiday8ettlement In cash on +* basis/inal 8ettlement Price &losing of futures contract8ettlement "ay )ast trading day

    +rading ours ;.00 am to =.=> pmMargins 7pfront initial margin on daily basis

    !n the last day, the futures closing price for each %ifty index futures contract is

    computed by taking the weighted average price for the last half an hourHs trade.

    +he trade details of the Index futures market of %8' from 2une to

    8eptember >> are presented in +able > is presented in &hart .

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    T/(+0 D0)($* & N$)> F

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    &lose 1alueG





    of &ontracts









    &lose 1alueG





    of &ontracts







    G $s at end of the month or date of expiry of the contract

    T/(+$%; M0,(%$*.:

    +he /utures and !ptions trading system of %8', called %'$+/! trading

    system, provides a fully automated screenbased trading for 8P &%N %ifty

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    futures on a nationwide basis and an online monitoring and surveillance

    mechanism. It supports an order driven market and provides complete

    transparency of trading operations. It is similar to that of trading of euities in the

    &M segment.

    +he %'$+/! trading system is accessed by two types of users. +he

    +rading Members Q have access to functions such as, order entry, order 

    matching, order and trade management. +he &learing Members (&M use the

    trader workstation for the purpose of monitoring the trading member (s for whom

    they clear the trades. $dditionally, they can enter and set limits to positions,

    which a trading member can take.


    +he maximum brokerage chargeable by a trading member in relation to

    trades affected in the contracts admitted to dealing on the derivatives segment of 

    the 'xchange is fixed at .>>>.+he trading

    members contribute to Investor Protection /und of derivatives segment at the

    rate of Bs.*> per crore of turnover (>.>>>*R (each side.

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    B(*-0) T/(+$%; F(,$$)> $% D0/$'()$'0* S0;.0%):

    In order to provide a facility for easy arbitrage between futures and cash

    markets, %8' introduced baskettrading facility. +his enables generation of 

    portfolio offline order files in the derivatives trading system and its execution in

    the cash segment. $ trading member can buy or sell a portfolio through a single

    order, once he determines its si-e. +he system automatically works out the

    uantity of each security to be bought or sold in proportion to their weights in the



    F$%(%,$( +0/$'()$'0 $%*)/

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    'xpiry "ay )ast +hursday of the expiry month

    8ame asindex futures

    8ame asindex futures

    8ame as indexfutures


    Permitted lot si-eis> multiples


    8ame asindex futures

     $s stipulatedby%8' (not less

    +han Bs.

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    %8&&) undertakes clearing and settlement of all deals executed on the

    %8'Hs derivatives segment. It acts as legal counterparty to all deals on the

    derivative segment and guarantees settlement.

    T>0* & C0(/$%; M0.=0/*:

    In the derivatives segment, %8&&) has admitted &learing Members

    (&Ms distinct from +rading Members (+Ms, Primarily, a &M undertakes clearing

    for all his +Ms, performs actual settlement and undertakes risk management.

    +here are two types of clearing membersD

    • T/(+$%; M0.=0/ C0(/$%; M0.=0/ TMCM  $ &M who is also a +M, +M

    &M may clear and settle his own proprietary trades and clientsH trades as well

    as clear and settle for other +Ms

    • P/&0**$&%( C0(/$%; M0.=0/ PCM $ &M who is not a +M. +ypically

    banks or custodians could become a P&M and clear and settle for +Ms.

    +his is in line with the

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    %ifty index futures contracts are cash settled, i.e., through exchange of cash

    differences in value. 8ettlement is done on a daily basis by marking to market all

    open positions on the basis of the daily settlement price. Members are reuired

    to pay the mark to market losses by +* day and the same is, in turn, paid to the

    members who have made a profit. +he contracts are finally settled on expiry of 

    the %ifty index futures contract, when %8&&) marks the open positions of a &M

    to the closing price of the underlying index and resulting profitLloss is settled in


    R$*- M(%(;0.0%) S>*)0.:

    +he salient features of risk containment measures on the derivatives

    segment areD

    • !nly a member on the &M segment can take membership on the "erivatives

    segment. $ member is reuired to comply with the following capital adeuacy

    normsD (in Bs. )akh

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    R0> =>> *>> =>>Interest /ree 8ecurity"eposit

    3 ==G

    &ollateral 8ecurity"eposit

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    • &Ms are provided a +rading +erminal for the purpose of monitoring the open

    positions of all the +Ms clearing and settling through them. $ &M may set

    exposure limits for a +M clearing and settling through him. %8&&) assist the

    &M to monitor the intraday exposure limits set up a &M and whenever a +M

    exceeds the limits, it withdraws the facility provided to such +M.

    •  $ separate settlement guarantee fund for this segment has been created out

    of the capital deposited by the members with %8&&).

    T(=03: B

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  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    "erivatives trading at #8' commenced with #8' 8ensex futures on 2une ;,

    >>. +he salient features of #8' 8ensex /utures contract are presented in

    +able 5. +he trade details of the index futures market of #8' from 2une to

    8eptember are presented .

    Table-4: Contract Sec!"!cat!on "or Sen#e$ In%e$ F&t&re#

    Item 8pecification8ecurity 8ymbol

    7nderlying 7nit

    &ontract 8i-e

    +ick 8i-e



    Price #ands

    'xpiration Months

    +rading &ycle

    )ast +radingL'xpiry


    8ettlement/inal 8ettlement Price

    "aily 8ettlement Price

    8ettlement "ay

    +rading ours


    #8' 8ensitive Index

    0> or multiples thereof 



    %ot applicable

    = near months

     $ maximum of three month trading cyclethe near 

    month(one, the next month(two and the far month

    (three. %ew contract is introduced on the next

    trading day following the expiry of near month


    )ast +hursday of the month or the preceding trading

    day, if last +hursday is a holiday.

    In cash on +* basisIndex closing price on the last trading day*

    6eighted average price of trades during the day.

    )ast trading day

    8ame as in cash market.

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    Margins 7pfront initial margin on daily basis* !n the last day, the futures closing price of each #8' 8ensex futures contract

    is calculated bsed on * price points of the cash 8ensex values during last half 

    an hour of trading. +he highest and lowest points are ignored and the closing

    price is computed at an average of remaining 3> points.

    D0/$'()$'0* V&

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1




    C&%)/(,) E$/$%; &%



  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1




  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    G$s at end of the month or date of expiry of the contract

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    N$)> 0 on $ugust *3,

    >>, the si-e of each futures contract is about 78 9

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    risks and ensure orderly development of derivatives market, the Beserve #ank

    issued guidelines on Interest Bate 8waps (IB8 and /orward Bate $greements

    (/B$s in 2uly *;;;. Participants undertaking /B$sLIB8 were reuired to ensure

    that appropriate infrastructure, risk management and internal control systems,

    whereby a clear functional separation of trading, settlement, monitoring, control

    and accounting activities is provided, are in place before they undertake such

    activities. +he Midterm Beview of Monetary and &redit Policy for *;;;>>

    announced the decision to permit M/s, in addition to corporates, to undertake

    /B$sLIB8 with banks, P"s and financial institutions for hedging their balance

    sheet risks. +he outstanding notional principal of /B$sL IB8s contracts

    amounted to Bs.5,, >>, which rose to Bs.0,3=* crore

    as on 2une =>, >>. +he tenor of deals generally ranged up to one year and

    majority of the contracts used MI#!B as the benchmark rate. +he activity in this

    segment of the market has, however, been limited on account of lack of 

    benchmark rates for longer maturities and large spreads in bidoffer rates.

    /urther, the majority of the prospective participants are in the process of putting

    in place adeuate internal control systems for undertaking /B$sLIB8s and asset

    liability management system, which would facilitate identification of mismatches.

    'ffective $pril >, the use of interest rates implied in the forex forward

    market as a benchmark has been permitted in addition to the existing domestic

    money and debt market rates.

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1



  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    +he table above on the derivatives market shows the continuing

    northbound journey. +he turnover of >> scrips get traded on both the exchanges.

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    C(* 'G* D0/$'()$'0* $% 2""2

    > 0>> *>>> *0>>













       T   $  .  0  3  0  /   $  &   +


  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    +he last three months has seen a significant rise in the derivatives market

    following the impressive results from infosys and 8atyam, discovery of gas by

    Beliance and disinvestment news on #P&) P&).

    +he market is, however, dominated by select scrips, infosys,

    8atyam, Beliance, P&), #P&) and "igital accounted for nearly 4>R of the total

    derivatives market. 8atyam accounts for nearly *0R of the daily turnover in

    the derivatives market while infosys constitutes around *>*0R. Beliance makes

    up for nearly ;R while P&), #P&) and "igital account for 0*>R of the

    turnover on the derivatives market.

    C&.(%> & )0 .(/-0)


  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    these developments. 6hile both exchangetraded and !+& derivative contracts

    offer many benefits, the former have rigid structures compared to the latter. It

    has been widely discussed that the highly leveraged institutions and their !+&

    derivative positions were the main cause of turbulence in financial markets in

    *;;3. +hese episodes of turbulence revealed the risks posed to market stability

    originating in features of !+& derivative instruments and markets.

    +he !+& derivatives markets have the following features compared to

    exchangetraded derivativesD

    *. +he management of counterparty (credit risk is decentrali-ed and

    located within individual institutions.

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    affected indirectly by national legal systems, banking supervision and

    market surveillance.

    C&.(/$*&% & )0 ,&*0 /$,0* & )0 NIFTY N0(/ M&%) F

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


     C&.(/()$'0 (%(>*$* & )0 T/(+0+ V(

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    It may be observed that the traded value in the /! 8egment has increased

    from Bs. *,4@,>>@ crores in $ugust >5 to Bs.0,

    a growth of 0*R, while the &ash 8egment has grown by *0R during the same.

    +here was a fall in total trading volumes during 2anuary >0 in both segments

    due to lesser number of trading days. +he rate of fall in trading volume was

    lesser in /! segment as compared to &ash segment.

    +he /! segment has consistently seen trading volumes at < times that of the

    &ash 8egment. "uring 2anuary >0 this increased to

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    It is felt in some uarters that if the derivative contracts attract

    stamp duty at existing rates, trading in index futures may be uneconomical. It is,

    therefore, suggested that derivatives contracts may be exempted from stamp

    duty. +he other view is that there should not be any discrimination between the

    cash market and the futures market in terms of stamp duty. +he securities

    transactions attract stamp duty at two stages, namely, at the time of entering into

    the contract, i.e., on contract note and at the time of transfer of securities, i.e., on

    transfer deed. +ransfer of securities in demat mode has recently been exempted

    from stamp duty. In case of index futures, no transfer of securities is involved

    and hence no stamp duty is payable. In case of futures on individual securities,

    there will be no stamp duty on transfer, if it is in demat mode. +he contract notes

    for confirmation of trades done in both cash segment and derivatives segment

    would attract stamp duty. ence, securities transactions in cash segment as well

    as derivatives segment would attract stamp duty. ence, securities transactions

    in cash segment as well as derivatives segment would attract eual treatment in

    terms of stamp duty. /urther, the rate of stamp duty on such contracts is not

    prohibitively high. In respect of contract notes issued by brokers to clients in

    "elhi, the stamp duty is applicable T fifteen paise for every Bs.*>,>>> or part

    thereof of the value of the security subject to a maximum of Bs.*0. It is Be.* for 

    every Bs.*>,>>> or apart thereof of the value of the security, i.e., >.>*R in

    Maharashtra. 8uch low rates of stamp duty on contract notes only may not have

    any significant impact on derivative transactions. /urther, stamp duty on contract

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    notes being a state subject, efforts to exempt such duty can virtually stall

    derivatives trading.


    +he incometax $ct does not have any specific provision regarding

    taxability from derivatives. +he only provisions which have an indirect bearing on

    derivative transactions are 8ections 4=(*> and 5=(0. 8ection 4=(* provides that

    any loss, computed in respect of a speculative business carried on by the

    assessee, shall not be set off except against profits and gains, if any, of 

    speculative business. In the absence of a specific provision, it is apprehended

    that the derivatives contracts, particularly the index futures which are essentially

    cashsettled, may be construed as speculative transactions and therefore the

    losses, if any, will not be eligible for set off against other income of the assesse

    and will be carried forward and set off against speculative income only up to a

    maximum of eight years. $s a result an investorHs losses or profits out of 

    derivatives even though they are of hedging nature in real sense, are treated as

    speculative and can be set off only against speculative income.

    F&t&re Pro#ect#

     $s we see it, the derivatives markets will overtake the cash market in the

    future. 8'#I had announced that nearly 0>> scrips woud be added to the

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    derivatives markets as against the existing =

    could well turn out to be the year of the derivatives. +he derivatives turnover is

    expected to see robust growth in coming months. +he retail investors, who have

    not been active in the derivatives market are likely to participate more in the

    derivatives market. +his will trigger more volumes and boost the derivatives

    market. Moreover, /IIs domestic funds and even operators are expected to play

    an active role in the derivatives market rather than the cash market.

    If >bn in the coming years. &ash may be king but

    the future lies in derivatives.


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  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1



    * )ow awareness about derivatives among the people is the obstacle in the

    way of success of financial derivatives in Indian 8tock Market.

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    prefer to leave their positions unhedged rather than hedge every small

    portion of their exposure.

    4 +he !+& derivatives markets have witnessed sharp growth over the last

    few years, which has accompanied the moderni-ation of commercial and

    investment banking and globali-ation of financial activities.

    3 !ptions and futures on individual stocks are viewed with apprehension

    by many in India. It is their view that these are risky and prone to



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  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    * igher institutional participation is important for the overall development of 

    both the exchange traded derivatives market and the spot market.

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


    4 /utures should be listed on individual stock. +hen futures are play on

    mean prices. +he management of mean prices of a stock is less costly

    and more efficient with direct access to futures on that stock than through

    futures on a stock index.

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1




  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1



    * T$.0 S(%:

    Beport is prepared in a time span of < months, which was not sufficient.

     $s for complete disection of a topic, one reuire ample time.

  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1




  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1




    !ptions, futures and other derivatives A 2ohn &. ull

    /utures and options A %.". 1ohra, #.B. #agri

    /inancial Institutions and Markets A ).M. #hole

    eith Bedhead D /inancial derivatives

    othari &.B. JBesearch Methodlogy A Methods and +echniues


    +he 2ournal of /inance

    #usiness India


    'conomic +imes

    #usiness 8tandard


  • 8/18/2019 Company 3 Stock Market1


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