Page 1: COMPARISON OF PREDNISOLONE WITH ASPIRIN OR OTHER … · aspirin in the long-term management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and a similar result was obtained in a trial conducted

Ann. rheum. Dis. (1959), 18, 173.




The results of previous trials conducted by theJoint Committee (1954, 1955, 1957a) showed thatthere was little to choose between cortisone andaspirin in the long-term management of patientswith rheumatoid arthritis, and a similar result wasobtained in a trial conducted by the Empire Rheu-matism Council (1955, 1957). Since the time ofthese trials many analogues of cortisone have beenintroduced, and, of these, prednisone and pred-nisolone appeared to be particularly suitable for thetreatment of rheumatic diseases. Further trialswere therefore initiated by the Joint Committee in1955. In the first of these prednisone was com-pared with cortisone in the long-term treatment ofrheumatoid arthritis. The results of this trial,which have already been published (1957b), showed

* MEMBERS OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE: Lord Cohen ofBirkenhead (Chairman), Prof. E. G. L. Bywaters,Dr. W. S. C. Copeman, Sir Charles Dodds, Dr. J. J. R.Duthie, Prof. A. Bradford Hill, Dr. H. F. West; Prof.J. H. Kellgren (Medical Secretary), Mr. J. C. Beavan(Lay Secretary since 1957 in succession to Mr. W. A.Sanderson).PARTICIPATING PHYSICIANS: Prof. E. G. L. Bywaters

(Postgraduate Medical School of London), Dr. W. S. C.Copeman (West London Hospital Medical School),Dr. J. J. R. Duthie (Rheumatic Unit, Northern GeneralHospital, Edinburgh), Dr. A. G. S. Hill (Oxford RegionalRheumatic Diseases Research Centre), Prof. J. H.Kellgren (Rheumatism Research Centre, Manchester),Dr. G. D. Kersley (Royal National Hospital for Rheu-matic Diseases, Bath), Dr. R. M. Mason (Dept. ofPhysical Medicine and Regional Rheumatism Centre,London Hospital); Dr. H. F. West (Sheffield Centre forthe Investigation and Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases).

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Dr. W. J. Martin (MedicalResearch Council Statistical Research Unit, LondonSchool of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine).

that for this purpose prednisone was better thancortisone. The present report concerns anothertrial in which prednisolone was compared withaspirin or other analgesics in the treatment ofpatients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Methods and MaterialDiagnostic CriteriaThe criteria for entry into the trial were similar

to those used previously, and patients of either sexbetween the ages of 17 and 59 years were admittedif they had a rheumatoid type of arthritis of from3 to 24 months' duration affecting more than threejoints with bilateral involvement of hands or feet,ankles or wrists. A sheep cell agglutination testwas done on all patients entering the trial, but theresults of this test were not included in the criteriafor entry.

TreatmentThe general management of the patients in terms

of rest, splintage, exercise, and physiotherapy wasto be that used currently in each participating centre.Within each centre one group of patients receivedprednisolone in an initial dosage of 20 mg. daily,to be adjusted subsequently on an individual basisto give the maximum therapeutic response obtain-able without serious side-effects. To a secondgroup aspirin or other analgesics were given; mostpatients in this group received aspirin in an initialdaily dose of 6 0 g. though seven of the 39 patientsreceived phenylbutazone instead with an initialdaily dose of 400 mg. For allocation to one orother group, randomized treatment orders, stratifiedfor sex and for disease duration of under or over9 months, were prepared for each of the eightparticipating centres separately.


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Page 2: COMPARISON OF PREDNISOLONE WITH ASPIRIN OR OTHER … · aspirin in the long-term management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and a similar result was obtained in a trial conducted


AssessmentsClinical evaluation and simple laboratory tests

such as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, haemo-globin, and white cell counts were made on entry,and after 4, 8, 12 and 24 weeks and 1, 1, and 2years of therapy. Sheep cell agglutination testswere done on entry and after a, 1, 1A, and 2 yearsof therapy. X rays of the hands and feet weretaken on entry and after 1 and 2 years.The clinical assessment, which was similar to that

used in previous trials, included the physician'sopinion about the following four characteristics:

(1) Degree of disease activity in four grades.(2) Patient's general functional capacity in five

grades varying from normality (1) to completecrippling (5).

(3) Joint pain and tenderness in four grades.(4) Joint swelling in four grades.

The strength of grip with each hand was recordedin mm. Hg.Body weight and blood pressure were recorded.Certain defined side-effects of therapy, such as

dyspepsia, moon face, hirsuties, tinnitus, deafness,changes of mood, etc., were recorded as absent or

present, and details of other complications andintercurrent illnesses were also asked for.

Radiographs of the spine and a barium meal wereincluded in the 2-year assessment.

Number of Patients84 patients entered the trial. Their distribution

by sex, disease duration, and treatment group isshown in Table I. One patient died early in thesecond year, four were lost to follow-up, and twohave been excluded from the final analysis, so thatthe results of 2 years' therapy are compared in77 patients, of whom 41 were originally allocatedto prednisolone and 36 to analgesics.

Deaths and Withdrawals.-Two patients diedduring the trial. The first died at the time of the

2-year assessment and has therefore been includedin the analysis of the clinical and laboratory data.She was a female aged 44 years with a diseaseduration of 4 months on entry. She was treatedwith 400 mg. phenylbutazone and 4 g. aspirinduring the first year and by aspirin alone duringthe second year. During the second year shedeveloped pneumonia for which she was admittedto another hospital where she later developed heartfailure associated with mitral stenosis and bronchi-ectasis and she died from this at the end of thesecond year. The other death was that of a maleaged 53 with a disease duration of 8 months onentry. He was treated with aspirin throughout,did badly, and died of heart failure at another hos-pital at the beginning of the second year. Thispatient has been excluded from the analysis.Two female patients, one on prednisolone and

one on aspirin, developed complete remission of thearthritis during the early weeks of the trial and couldnot be traced at follow-up. Neither showed any

serological or radiological abnormalities and theymay well have had some more benign form ofpolyarthritis.Two further patients were lost to follow-up. One

was a male of 59 years treated with prednisolonewho developed recurrent pericolic abscesses fromdiverticulitis during the second year. Because ofthis he was transferred to another hospital whereprednisolone was discontinued. The other was a

male aged 39 who was treated with phenylbutazoneand aspirin. He defaulted at the end of the firstyear and could not be traced.The two patients who were followed for 2 years

but have been excluded from the analysis were bothfemales allotted to prednisolone, aged 53 and 19respectively. The first developed an acute psychosisduring the first week of therapy and was subsequentlytreated with aspirin for 2 years and did well. Thesecond developed typical dermatomyositis a fewweeks after entry. The sheep cell agglutination testremained negative throughout and the 2-year x rays


DISTRIBUTION OF PATIENTS BY SEX AND DURATION OF DISEASE AT ENTRY INTO THE TRIAL(Figures in brackets represent patients not included in the analysis at 2 years)

Duration of SexDisease Treatment Group Total Entered(mths) Male Female Total

3-8 Analgesics 5 (1) 10 (1) 15 (2) 17Prednisolone 8 (1) 7 (3) 15 (4) 19

9-24 Analgesics 10 (1) 11 21 (1) 22Prednisolone 9 17 26 26

Total Analgesics 15 (2) 21 (1) 36 (3) 39Prednisolone 17 (1) 24 (3) 41 (4) 45


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showed calcification in the soft tissues but no articu-lar erosion. These findings suggest that the originaldiagnosis may have been incorrect.

Changes of Treatment and DosageThe mean daily dosage of prednisolone given

during the 2 years is shown in Table II. There is asteady fall from 17 4 mg. at Week 4 to 10 0 2 years, and only 35 of the 41 patients seen at thattime were still receiving prednisolone. Three weretaking aspirin instead of prednisolone, one was oncorticotrophin instead of prednisolone, and twowere not taking any drugs. During the second yearan increasing number of patients in this group alsotook aspirin in one form or another, so that by theend of the year seventeen patients were taking aspirinin addition to prednisolone.Of the 36 patients who started on analgesics, five

had changed to prednisolone and one to cortisoneby the end of the second year. At this time twentywere still on aspirin only, seven on phenylbutazone



Time Mean Stnad Numberof Dosage Standard of

Assessment (mg.) Dvain Patients

Week4.. .. 17-4 3-74 41Week8.. .. 16-1 3-92 38Week 12 .. 15-0 4-04 39Week 24 .. 136 5 *03 39Week 52 .. 12-0 3-48 38Yearf..I .. 11-2 3-38 36Year 2 .. . 100 3 54 35

mostly combined with aspirin, and three weretaking no tablets of any kind. The dosage ofanalgesics was also gradually reduced during the2 years of therapy, but since different preparationswere used no mean dosages are shown.

Since most of these changes in therapy onlyoccurred towards the end of the second year theyhave been disregarded in the Tables of results whichshow the patients in the treatment groups to whichthey were originally allocated.The reason for changing from analgesics to

prednisolone was usually inadequate symptomaticcontrol, whereas the abandonment of prednisolonetherapy or its partial substitution by aspirin wasusually due to complications and side-effects; thesewill be described in detail later.

ResultsThe general condition of the patients in the two

treatment groups as judged by the physiciansopinion about disease activity, functional capacity,joint pain or tenderness, and joint swelling are setout in Tables III to VI, in which the results at thevarious assessment times up to 2 years of treatmentare shown. It will be seen that in all these charac-teristics the two treatment groups were reasonablycomparable at the start, though the prednisolonegroup contained a few more of the severely illpatients. The patients in this group showed,however, a greater early improvement on theaverage than those in the analgesics group, and thisadvantage to prednisolone persisted and was still



Time Gradeof Treatment Group Died Total

Assessment 00 1 2 3

Week 0 Analgesics - 13 21 2 - 36Prednisolone - 9 27 5 - 41

Week 4 Analgesics 1 22 11 2 - 36Prednisolone 9 29 3 - - 41

Week 8 Analgesics 2 17 15 1 35Prednisolone 14 24 3 - - 41

Week 12 Analgesics 3 19 10 2 - 34Prednisolone 16 21 4 - 41

Week -24 Analgesics 4 22 8 1 _ 35Prednisolone 10 22 8 1 - 41

Week 52 Analgesics 4 18 11 1 34Prednisolone 10 25 5 40

Year I Analgesics 3 18 12 - 34Prednisolone 6 27 8 - 41

Year 2 Analgesics 4 22 9 1 36Prednisolone 5 30 6 - 41

* Grade: 0 None I = Slight 2 Moderate 3 Severe

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Time Gradeof Treatment Group Died Total

Assessment 1 2 3 4 5

Week 0 Analgesics 8 24 3 1 36Prednisolone - 11 16 9 5 - 41

Week 4 Analgesics 1 21 13 - 1 - 36Prednisolone 8 22 8 2 1 - 41

Week 8 Analgesics 3 17 14 1 35Prednisolone 16 20 3 1 1 - 41

Week 12 Analgesics 4 18 11 1 - 34Prednisolone 20 16 3 1 1 - 41

Week 24 Analgesics 5 23 5 2 - - 35Prednisolone 19 16 3 1 2 - 41

Week 52 Analgesics 10 18 6 _ _ - 34Prednisolone 22 14 3 1 40

Year 11 Analgesics 6 21 6 34Prednisolone 17 22 2 - 41

Year 2 Analgesics 9 18 7 - 1 36Prednisolone 19 18 3 1 41

* Grade: I= Fully employed or employable in normal work and able to undertake normal physical recreation.2 Fully employed in special work after vocational training, or doing light or part-time work in normal occupation.

Limitation in amount of physical recreation. Housewives, all except the heaviest housework. In-patients, in hospitalfor investigation only.

3= Not employed or employable. Very limited physical activity and little or no capacity for physical recreation. Housewives,light housework and/or limited shopping only. In-patients in hospital for treatment but up and about in ward.

4= Confined to hospital, house, or wheelchair, but able to look after themselves in the essentials of life. In-patients inhospital for treatment sitting up but not getting about.

5= Confined to bed and unable to look after themselves. In-patients on complete rest in bed.



Time Gradeof Treatment Group Died Total

Assessment 0 1 2 3

Week 0 Analgesics - 11 21 4 - 36Prednisolone - 13 19 9 41

Week 4 Analgesics 3 17 15 1 _ 36Prednisolone 19 18 3 1 - 41

Week 8 Analgesics 4 16 13 2 - 35Prednisolone 20 17 4 - - 41

Week 12 Analgesics 5 19 7 3 - 34Prednisolone 20 18 3 - - 41

Week 24 Analgesics 3 23 7 2 - 35Prednisolone 12 21 7 1 - 41

Week 52 Analgesics 4 22 5 3 - 34Prednisolone 12 21 7 _ _ 40

Year 1I Analgesics 2 19 12 1 34Prednisolone 12 19 9 _ 40

Year 2 Analgesics 3 23 8 1 36Prednisolone 9 22 10 41

* Grade: 0 = None 1 Slight 2 Moderate 3 - Severe

present though less marked by the end of the secondyear.The changes in strength of grip and in the results

of laboratory tests such as the erythrocyte sedimen-tation rate, haemoglobin, and white cell count are

set out in Table Vil (opposite), which also includesbody weight. The mean value for each character-istoc at each assessment time is given.The patients receiving prednisolone showed a

large improvement in strength of grip at Week 4

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Time Gradeof Treatment Group Died Total

Assessment 0 1 2 3

Week 0 Analgesics 1 14 20 1 - 36Prednisolone 1 20 18 2 - 41

Week 4 Analgesics 2 25 8 1 - 36Prednisolone 19 19 3 - - 41

Week 8 Analgesics 5 18 11 1 - 35Prednisolone 19 20 2 - - 41

Week 12 Analgesics 6 19 9 - 34Prednisolone 17 22 2 - 41

Week 24 Analgesics 6 21 8 - - 35Prednisolone 11 23 6 1 41

Week 52 Analgesics 5 19 10 - - 34Prednisolone 12 20 8 - - 40

Year Ij Analgesics 2 23 9 - - 34Prednisolone 12 20 8 - 40

Year Analgesics 5 18 12 _ 1 36Prednisolone 16 18 7 - 41

* Grade: 0 = None 1 Slight 2 = Moderate 3 = Severe



Strength of Grip ErythrocyteTime of Treatment (mm. Hg) Sedimentation Hb White Cell Weight

Assessment Group Rate (g. per cent.) Count (lb.)Left Right (mm./hr) I

Week 0 Analgesics 133 131 36 13-1 8,900 136Prednisolone 119 110 41 12 7 8,300 141

Week 4 Analgesics 152 155 32 12-9 8.100 137Prednisolone 209 217 14 14-1 11,200 142

Week 8 Analgesics 152 163 34 13*1 8,000 138Prednisolone 222 222 14 14-6 10,600 146

Week 12 Analgesics 151 160 27 13-2 8,100 138Prednisolone 225 226 18 14-4 10,600 149

Week 24 Analgesics 159 175 23 13-8 7.200 136Prednisolone 206 210 21 14-3 9,800 150

Week 52 Analgesics 154 166 31 13-1 8,000 137Prednisolone 203 210 22 13-8 11,000 150

Year 1 Analgesics 144 157 32 12-8 7,500 136Prednisolone 206 206 22 13-6 9,000 149

Year 2 Analgesics 152 163 29 13-2 8,500 138Prednisolone 195 199 25 13-7 9,500 146

and a further small improvement at Week 8; by6 months a slight decrease commenced and thevalues at the end of the second year, though muchabove the starting point, were slightly below thoseof Week 4. In the analgesics group there was onlya slight improvement throughout the 2 years. At2 years the improvement in the prednisolone groupwas still significant (p <0'001), but that in theanalgesics group was not.The erythrocyte sedimentation rate showed

similar changes, the prednisolone group recording

a marked fall at Week 4 followed by a gradual riseand the improvement at 2 years being still significant(p <0 01). The analgesics group showed nosignificant improvement.The haemoglobin values showed a similar early

rise and later slight decline in the prednisolonegroup with a significant remaining improvementat 2 years (p <0 01), but no such improvementoccurred in the analgesics group.The total white cell count rose at Week 4 in the

patients receiving prednisolone and then declined,

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but the 2-year figure was not significantly higherthan that recorded initially in either group.

Thus, in the prednisolone group, all these charac-teristics showed marked early improvement whichlater became less but, with the exception of the whitecell count, this improvement was still significant at2 years, whereas there was no significant improve-ment in the analgesics group.Body weight rose steadily in the prednisolone

group during the first 6 months of therapy andduring the second 6 months the patients in theprednisolone group were on average 13-14 lb.heavier than the patients in the analgesics groupwho had shown no change in body weight. Duringthe second year the patients in the prednisolonegroup lost weight, so that after 2 years' treatmenttheir average weight was only 8 lb. greater than thatof the patients in the analgesics group.

X-Ray ChangesThe x rays of the hands and feet were all read

at one time by a single observer (J. H. Kellgren)who was unaware of the treatment given, and theoverall gradings for rheumatoid change, whichinclude articular erosion, subluxations, and osteo-porosis, are shown in Table VIII which gives therheumatoid gradings of the initial, one-year, andtwo-year films. Initially the two groups weresimilar, but the patients treated by analgesicsshowed a steady increase in the more markedchanges. Thus the number of films in this groupshowing only doubtful changes or none declinedfrom eighteen to five for the hands and from sixteento seven for the feet, whereas the number of filmsshowing moderate or severe changes increased from

six to seventeen for the hands and from nine toeighteen for the feet. In the prednisolone groupthe increase in severity was much less; the numberof films showing only doubtful changes or nonedeclined from 23 to seventeen for the hands andfrom seventeen to fifteen for the feet, and the numbershowing moderate or severe changes increasedfrom five to eight for the hands and from ten totwelve for the feet. The significance values in theanalgesics group for the differences between therheumatoid gradings of the initial and the 2-yearfilms of the hands and feet are p <0 001 andp <0 02 respectively, whereas in the prednisolonegroup the differences, though in the same direction,are not formally significant. In addition to thesegradings of severity the degree of improvement ordeterioration was also recorded, since minor degreesof improvement or deterioration, though definiteenough to record with confidence, may not alwaysbe sufficient to alter the overall grading for severity,and useful minor differences may thus be missed.The numbers of films showing improvement,deterioration, or no change in the two treatmentgroups are shown in Table IX (opposite). Thedifferences in distribution between the two treatmentgroups at 2 years has a significance of p <0 03 forthe hand films and p <0 00001 for the foot films.Improvement in the radiological appearances,

such as healing of erosions and increase of bonedensity, was observed in a few films in both treat-ment groups. Thus, at the end of 2 years, three of35 hand films and four of 34 foot films from theanalgesics group, and four of 41 hand films andseven of 41 foot films from the prednisolone groupshowed improvement when compared with the filmstaken on entry into the trial, but the main difference




2 3 4 Total

1 1 5 1 35*13 4 1 41

15 7 3 3516 4 2 41

Grade: 0 = None 1 = Doubtful 2 = Slight 3 = Moderate 4 = Severe* The patient who died at the end of the second year is not included in this Table or in Tables IX, X, and XV.


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Time Changes in X-ray AppearancesFilms of Treatment Group

Assessment Deterioration No Change Improvement Total

Year I Analgesics 17 17 1 35lPrednisolone 7 30 4 41

HandsYear 2 Analgesics 26 6 3 35

Prednisolone 17 20 4 41

Year I Analgesics 15 15 4 34Prednisolone 5 26 10 41

FeetYear 2 Analgesics 24 6 4 34

Prednisolone 4 30 7 41

is the lack of radiological deterioration in the Examples of the type of improvement or deteriora-prednisolone group, especially in the feet. tion noted are shown in Figs I to 3; deterioration

!i:^X A_ tw~~~~~~~!i(a) (b)

Fig. 1.-X ray of right hand (a) at the start and (b) after 2 years of treatment, illustrating the greatest degree of deterioration observed inthe trial (Grade 0 to 4). This patient was treated with prednisolone initially, and with corticotrophin during the second year.

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Fig. 2.-The greatest degree of improvement observed in the trial (a) in the wrists (Grade 2 to 1) and (b) in the feet (Grade 3 to 2).Theinitial film is above, the 2-year film below. The hands and feet are from two separate patients, both of whom were treated with predni-

solone throughout the 2 years.

was sometimes pronounced, whereas improvementwith actual healing of erosions and recovery ofosteoporosis was less striking.The initial and first year films were also read in

a similar way by three other observers (J. J. R.Duthie, H. F. West, and R. M. Mason). Thoughthe criteria for grading varied widely between oneobserver and another, all noted the same order ofdifference between the patients treated with anal-gesics and those receiving prednisolone.The radiological findings thus reveal a definite

advantage to prednisolone, in that during the2 years of the trial patients receiving prednisoloneshowed significantly less increase in destructivejoint changes than did those treated with analgesics.

Results of Sheep Cell Agglutination TestsIn making the sheep cell agglutination tests

somewhat different techniques were used by the

participating centres. Details of the methods usedare given in the Appendix. Because of thesedifferences in technique, direct comparison ofagglutinating titres between one centre and anothercannot be made. However, the minimal positivetitre used by each centre has been taken as zero anddilutions above and below this have been scored as+1, +2, etc., and -1, -2, etc. The results soobtained are set out in Table X (opposite), to permitsome comparison of the two treatment groups.This method of comparing the treatment groupsseems justified, since approximately equal numbersof patients in each group were tested by each of thedifferent methods, and it is the changes in aggluti-nating titre during the course of the trial that arethe main interest. At the start of the trial the twotreatment groups were similar, although there weresomewhat fewer patients with high agglutinatingtitres in the prednisolone group. The distribution


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({a) (II)

Fig. 3.-Typical examples of moderate deterioration (a) in the hands (Grade I to 3) and (b) in the feet (Grade 3 to 4). The initial film is;above, the 2-year film below. Both hands and feet are from the same patient, who was treated with aspirin throughout.



Results of Sheep Cell Agglutination TestsTime of TotalAssess- Treatment Negative Positive Negative andment Group Positive

- -5to -3 -2to -1 Total Oto +l ±+2to +3 +4to +7 Total

Initial Analgesics 6 6 12 8 10 5 23 35Prednisolone 5 8 13 14 11 3 28 41

Year 1i Analgesics 11 4 15 7 8 5 20 35Prednisolone 9 7 16 6 12 7 25 41

Year 2 Analgesics 5 9 14 9 7 5 21 35Prednisolone 6 6 12 5 12 12 29 41

* Based on minimal positive titre = 0, with deviations above and below in numbers of tubes showing agglutination.

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ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASESof positive and negative tests was almost identical:23 to 12 in the analgesics group and 28 to 13 in theprednisolone group. After 2 years of therapy theproportions of positive and negative tests had onlychanged slightly, being 21 to 14 in the analgesicsgroup and 29 to 12 in the prednisolone group. Onthe other hand, in the prednisolone group, there wasa decline in the number of patients giving borderlinepositive tests from fourteen to five and an increasein those with high agglutinating titres from three totwelve. This change in the distribution of titreswithin the group of patients with positive teststreated with prednisolone is significant (p <0 003).No such systematic change occurred in the sera ofpatients in the analgesics group in which the dis-tribution of titres amongst those giving positivetests at the end of 2 years was similar to thatrecorded initially (p 0 4).

Thus, in the present trial, the agglutinating titreshave behaved differently from all the other charac-teristics recorded: The patients treated with pred-nisolone show greater improvement in both theclinical and radiological signs 'of arthritis whileat the same time showing a general rise in aggluti-nating titres amongst those with positive tests.

Complications and Side-EffectsThe incidence of the defined side-effects of therapy

listed on the record form is shown in Table XI.These were mainly of a minor character and requireno comment.

The changes in blood pressure are shown inTable XII. There was a greater tendency for theblood pressure to rise in the prednisolone group, buthypertension did not become a therapeutic problemin any patient during the period of the trial.





Number of Patients withTreatment Systolic Diastolic

Group Recordings of Recordings of

160 mm. and 90 mm. andover over

Week 0 AnalgesicsPrednisolone

Week 4 ..

Week 8 ..

Week 12 ..




Week 24 ..' AnalgesicsPrednisolone

i~~~~~Week 52 .. Analgesics


Year 1 AnalgesicsPrednisolone

Year 2 AnalgesicsPrednisolone














8_ 19

10i 19


There were a number of major complications andintercurrent illnesses which may have been related



Time of TreatmentAssess- Group


Week 0 AnalgesicsPrednisolone

Week 4 AnalgesicsPrednisolone

Week 8 AnalgesicsPrednisolone

Week 12 AnalgesicsPrednisolone

Week 24 AnalgesicsPrednisolone

Week 52 AnalgesicsPrednisolone

Year 1 AnalgesicsPrednisolone

Year 2 AnalgesicsPrednisolone


Tinnitus orDeafness



1 1





Dyspepsia Moonface Acne Hirsuties Oedema

2 1 13 2

12 1 2 14 7 1 -

9 I 22 20 2 2

5 - 2 I110 20 2 1 1

7 - 1 1 1

9 27 4 21- _~-L

72 6 24 2

4 6 1*9 22 1

1 7 4*2 8 14 3

1 34 1

53 4

1 22 2II

Euphoria Depression

_ 51 4

_ 5


_12 3

3 2

* These patients changed to cortisone or prednisolone during the trial.



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to therapy. The major complications summarizedin Table XIII will now be considered in detail.



Treatment GroupDisease

Analgesics Prednisolone

Psychosis .0 2Clinical Presentation of Peptic Ulcer

during Trial .0 3Major Intercurrent Infections . 3 4Ecchymosis ..1 3Miscarriage ..0 1Amenorrhoea .. 0 1Glycosuria .. 0 1Cardiac Infarct .. 0 1Insomnia .0 1Thrombophlebitis .. 1 1Herpes Zoster .. 1 1Leg Ulcer . .1 0Arteropathy .. 1 0Severe Diarrhoea .. 1 0

Two patients developed a psychosis while on

prednisolone therapy. One was a female aged53 years, who was given 20 mg. prednisolone daily.She developed an acute psychosis on the fourth dayof therapy, but recovered rapidly when the treat-ment was changed to aspirin. This patient wasfollowed for 2 years and did well, but was notincluded in the analysis. The other was a maleaged 59 years who was given 20 mg. prednisolonefor 3 months and then developed attacks of panic.The dosage was reduced to 5-10 mg., but he becamemore disturbed, and by the time of the 2-yearassessment he was in a mental hospital as a voluntarypatient. No patient receiving analgesics developedpsychosis.Two patients on prednisolone developed bleeding

peptic ulcers. One male, aged 39, given 20 mg.prednisolone for over 6 months, developed dyspepsiafor the first time and after a few weeks had a severeuncontrollable melaena for which emergency gas-trectomy was done at another hospital, where theprednisolone was stopped. Following this, hebecame extremely ill with febrile rheumatoid diseasewhich could only be controlled by corticotrophintherapy in high dosage. He had a second con-tinuing melaena from a stomal erosion which hadto be undersewn. He also had staphylococcalsepticaemia and multiple pyarthrosis, but finallyrecovered enough to leave hospital. The otherpatient with melaena was a male aged 55 who wasgiven 20-25 mg. prednisolone daily for 6 monthswhen he developed an ulcer type dyspepsia for thefirst time. A barium meal at that time was normaland the prednisolone dose was reduced to 17-6 mg.supplemented by 4 g. aspirin, but 2 months laterhe had a melaena and a barium meal showed

duodenal ulcer. Prednisolone was gradually with-drawn and aspirin therapy continued, but dyspepsiapersisted and the ulcer did not heal during thefollowing 6 months, and after a second melaena agastrectomy was performed. He was subsequentlytreated successfully with enteric-coated salicylate.No patient in the analgesics group had an overtgastro-intestinal haemorrhage, though it must benoted that one of the episodes of melaena reportedabove occurred at a time when the patient was onaspirin only. Another male patient, who receivedprednisolone in a dosage of 20 mg. daily duringthe first year, developed ulcer type dyspepsia for thefirst time during the second year of therapy whilereceiving 15 mg. prednisolone daily. A bariummeal revealed a large gastric ulcer.Major episodes of infection were reported in

seven patients, four in the prednisolone group andthree in the analgesics group. Those on prednis-olone included the case of staphylococcal septicaemiaand the case of peritonitis and pericolic abscessesalready described plus one case of cholecystitis andone episode of pleurisy. The infections in theanalgesics group included the patient with pneu-monia who later died of heart failure and bronchi-ectasis who has already been described, plus onecase of pleural effusion followed by spontaneouspneumothorax and empyema, and an episode ofpneumonia in a patient with chronic bronchitis.Thus severe infection appears to have occurred withsimilar frequency in both treatment groups.The following were reported once only in patients

receiving prednisolone: miscarriage, amenorrhoea,cardiac infarct, glycosuria, thrombophlebitis, herpeszoster, and insomnia. Three patients were reportedto have ecchymosis. Amongst the patients receivinganalgesics there were also single reports of thrombo-phlebitis with arteropathy, varicose ulceration,severe diarrhoea, herpes zoster, and ecchymosis.The main difference as regards complications

appeared to be the cases of psychosis and gastro-intestinal bleeding occurring in the prednisolonegroup, but the numbers are far too small for statis-tical significance.

Since peptic ulceration and osteoporosis havebeen regarded as major side-effects of prednisolonetherapy, a routine barium meal and spinal x rayswere included in the 2-year assessment. The resultsare summarized in Tables XIV and XV (overleaf).The withdrawals are the two patients excluded

from the trial because of early changes of treatmentand incorrect diagnosis who both had barium mealsat the 2-year assessment. The patient who hadprednisolone for 3 days and aspirin for 2 yearswas reported as having appearances suggestive of

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Evidence of UlcerationTreatment Barium Other NormalGroup Meals Gastrectomy Duodenal Gastric Total

Analgesics .. .. 34 1* 0 0 1 1 32Prednisolone .. .. 40 2 2 2 6 2 32Withdrawals .. .. 2 0 1 0 1 0 l

Total .. .. 76 3 3 2 8 3 65

* This gastrectomy was done before entry into the trial.



GradeCharacteristic Treatment Group -- -

0 1 2 3 Total

Osteoporosis.Analgesics 16 10 28Prednisolone 13 6 13 32

Expansion of Disks.Analgesics 23 4 1 28Prednisolone 25 6 1 32

Collapsed or Crushed Vertebrae .. Analgesics 21 6 - 1 28Prednisolone 26 4 2 - 32

Grade: 0 = None 1 Doubtful 2 = Slight 3 ModerateOne centre did not take lateral films.

duodenal ulceration, and the patient who had beentreated with prednisolone throughout was reportedas showing no abnormality in the barium meal.The radiologists' reports given in the Appendix

show that only two of the ulcers were regarded asdefinite active ulcers at the time of the examination,two duodenal ulcers were reported as healed, andone gastric ulcer was doubtful. Only one of thefive patients with radiologically demonstrated ulcerwas reported to have dyspepsia, though all thepatients who had had gastrectomies had sufferedfrom dyspepsia before their operations and one stillhad dyspepsia at the 2-year assessment. In contrastto this, there were fourteen additional patientsreported to have dyspepsia at the 2-year follow-upin whom no radiological evidence of ulcer wasreported.The most striking feature of Table XIV is the

absence of active peptic ulceration amongst the 34patients in the analgesics group. This is not sur-prising since patients known to have peptic ulcera-tion would not have been entered for the trial.The barium meal also revealed no abnormality in32 of the forty patients in the prednisolone group,but some evidence of peptic ulceration was noted insix (15 per cent.). This may be compared withreported ulcer rates ranging from 31 per cent.(Kammerer, Freiberger, and Rivelis, 1958) to 5-3

per cent. (Henderson, 1955) in patients with rheu-matic disease treated with corticosteroids.Of the total 76 patients investigated at the end of

2 years' therapy, eight showed some evidence ofpast or present peptic ulceration. This figure corre-sponds closely to the 10 per cent. prevalence in thegeneral population quoted by Kirsner, Kassriel, andPalmer (1956). Even if we bear in mind the factsthat all the patients in the trial were under 60 yearsof age on entry and that only 32 of these were males,the prevalence of peptic ulceration still resemblesthat reported by Avery Jones (1957) for autopsyfindings in coroners' cases.On the other hand, serious clinical manifestations

of peptic ulcer developed for the first time duringthe 2 years of the trial in three of the seventeen menin the prednisolone group, whereas Avery Jonesreports an estimated incidence of 3 2 per 1,000 manyears. Furthermore, the three men who developedulcers during treatment had all received pred-nisolone in a daily dose of 20 mg. or more for over3 months, a dosage substantially higher than thatgiven to most patients in the trial. Indeed, thisorder of dosage was given to only eight patientsand of these four had evidence of ulcer and a fifthdeveloped psychosis so that the question of dosagemay be crucial.The films of the lumbar spine were read by Obser-

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COMPARISON OF PREDNISOLONE WITH ASPIRIN OR OTHER ANALGESICS 185ver 1. The results are shown in Table XV. Lateralviews of the spine were not taken at one centreso that only sixty films were available for study.All that can be said is that these films did notreveal any significant incidence of disk expansion orvertebral collapse in either treatment group.Although more films from the prednisolone groupwere recorded as showing slight degrees of osteo-porosis, the difficulties of estimating osteoporosisin spinal films are great.

DiscussionIn the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis short-

term improvement can be obtained by givingcorticosteroids in high dosage, but the toxic side-effects of steroid therapy increase with the durationof treatment so that when this is prolonged overyears the acceptable dosage ceiling becomes severelyrestricted and the benefits of treatment are propor-tionately reduced. This emerged clearly from long-term trials in which cortisone did not prove to besuperior to aspirin in the treatment of rheumatoidarthritis.The introduction of more potent analogues with

less effect on body electrolytes gave greater promiseof success and in the controlled trials conducted bythe Joint Committee prednisone has been shown tobe superior to cortisone, and prednisolone superiorto aspirin or other analgesics in the treatment ofrheumatoid arthritis over a 2-year period.The findings in the present trial are of special

interest. The one- and two-year radiographs ofthe hands and feet more often revealed a distinctincrease of erosive joint damage in the patientstreated with analgesics than in the patients treatedwith prednisolone in whom there was much lessprogression of the joint disease. On the other hand,in the group treated with prednisolone there was ina number of patients a rise in the sheep cell agglutina-tion titres during the two years of therapy, whereasin the patients treated with analgesics there was moreoften a fall in titre. This is an unexpected findingsince, in a previous study (Kellgren, 1957), therewas a positive correlation between high titres inthe sheep cell agglutination test and the develop-ment of articular erosions. This association wasmuch less apparent in the prednisolone-treatedpatients in this trial and this raises the interestingpossibility that the process responsible for jointerosion may not be identical with that producingthe rheumatoid serum factor and that prednisolonetherapy may suppress the former while enhancingthe latter.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis withprednisolone as with all corticosteroids the question

of dosage is crucial. After 2 years of therapy themean dosage in this trial was 10 mg. daily, which isstill above the maximum of 9 mg. for men and5 mg. for menopausal women recommended bySlocumb, Polley, and Ward (1957). Of the eightpatients in the trial who received 20 mg. prednisolonedaily over 3 months, four had evidence of pepticulceration and a fifth developed psychosis-aproportion of serious complications which is clearlyunacceptable, and this high incidence of complica-tions with high dosage accords with the experienceof others (Howell and Ragan, 1956; Black, Yielding,and Bunim, 1957).

ConclusionsFrom the results of this trial it may be concluded

that the administration of prednisolone instead of,or in addition to, analgesics, such as aspirin, tocertain patients with rheumatoid arthritis for aperiod of 2 years will, on average, improve theirfunctional capacity and general well-being andreduce the incidence of erosive joint damage;but more patients are likely to show a rise in sheepcell agglutinating titre, and the significance, if any,for the patients' future is not yet known.

If the daily dose of prednisolone approaches20 mg., undesirable side-effects are likely to occurand the highest acceptable daily dose for long-termtherapy is probably in the region of 10 mg.

Summary(1) In a controlled therapeutic trial prednisolone

has been compared with aspirin or other analgesicsin the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

(2) Eight centres participated and 84 patientsentered the trial. A few patients defaulted, died,or were withdrawn from the trial, so that the resultsafter 2 years' treatment are based on the analysis of77 patients, of whom 41 were originally allocatedto prednisolone and 36 to analgesics.

(3) The patients treated with prednisolone showedan early significant improvement in both clinicaland laboratory indices of inflammatory polyarthritisand this improvement, though less, was still presentto a significant extent at the end of 2 years.

(4) In the group of patients treated with anal-gesics the frequency of radiological signs of erosivejoint disease in the hands and feet increased signi-ficantly over the 2 years, whereas there was nosignificant change in the group treated with pred-nisolone.

(5) In many patients treated with prednisolonethe agglutinating titre in the sheep cell test rose

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during the 2 years of treatment, whereas such a riseoccurred in only a few patients treated with anal-gesics.

(6) Two patients treated with analgesics died ofheart failure. Five patients treated with prednis-olone developed major complications (two cases ofpsychosis and three of peptic ulceration). Thesemajor complications all occurred in patients receiv-ing a daily dose of 20 mg. or more of prednisolone.Patients receiving prednisolone also gained weight,and showed some rise in blood pressure and atendency to mooning of the face. During thetrial the mean daily dose of prednisolone wasgradually reduced from 17 4 to 10-0 mg. and morethan half the patients on prednisolone were alsoreceiving aspirin or other analgesics. It is con-cluded that the optimal daily dose for long-termtherapy in the average case of rheumatoid arthritisis not more than 10 mg.

The Committee are indebted to Boots Pure DrugCompany and to Upjohn of England for the generousprovision of initial supplies of prednisolone for thistrial.

REFERENCESBall, J (1950). Lancet, 2, 520.Black, R. L., Yielding, K. L., and Bunim, J. J. (1957). J. chronl. Dis.,

5, 751.Duthie, J. J. R., Brown, P. E., Knox, J. D. E., and Thompson, M.

(1957). Ann. rheum. Dis., 16, 411.Empire Rheumatism Council (1955). Ibid., 14, 353.

(1957). Ibid., 16, 277.Gibson, H. J., and Ling, N. R. (1956). Ibid., 15, 246.Greenbury, C. L. (1957). Association of Clinical Pathologists,

Broadsheet No. 18.Henderson, E. (1955). J. med. Soc., N.J., 52, 609.Howell, D. S., and Ragan, C. (1956). Medicine (Baltimore), 35, 83.Joint Committee of the Medical Research Council and Nuffield

Foundation on Clinical Trials of Cortisone, ACTH, and OtherTherapeutic Measures in Chronic Rheumatic Diseases (1954).Brit. med. J., 1, 1223.

(1955). Ibid., 2, 695.- (1957a). Ibid., 1, 847.-(1957b). Ibid., 2, 199.Jones, F. Avery (1957). Ibid., 1, 719.Kammerer, W. H., Freiberger, R. H., and Rivelis, A. L. (1958).

Arthr. and Rheum., 1, 122.Kellgren, J. H. (1957). Brit. mled. J., 2, 850.

and Ball, J. (1959). Ibid., 1, 523.Kirsner, J. B., Kassriel, R. S., and Palmer, W. L. (1956). Advances

intern. Med., 8, 41.Rose, H. M., Ragan, C., Pearce, E., and Lipman, M. 0. (1948).

Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.), 68, 1.Scott, F. E. T. (1952). Lancet, 1, 392.Slocumb, C. H., Polley, H. F., and Ward. L. E. (1957). Proc. Mayo

Clin., 32, 227.




The following centres used some form of sheepcell agglutination test:London Hospital: Original Rose-Waaler method (Rose,

Ragan, Pearce, and Lipman, 1948) during Year 1,and Ball's method (Ball, 1950) using 18-hourreadings during Year 2.

Manchester Royal Infirmary and Edgar Allen Treat-ment Centre, Sheffield: Ball's method using 18-hourreadings (Ball, 1950; Kellgren and Ball, 1959).

Northern General Hospital, Edinburgh: Modification ofBall's method using 18-hour readings in whichhaemagglutination plates are substituted for tubes(Duthie, Brown, Knox, and Thompson, 1957).

Postgraduate Medical School, London: Modificationof original Rose-Waaler method as described byScott (1952).

Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, Bucks.: Green-bury's method (Greenbury, 1957).

One centre used a human cell agglutinationsystem:

Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Bath:Method described by Gibson and Ling (1956).



Patients on AnalgesicsMALE, "Generalized thickening of the gastric rugaeAGED 29 with gastritis but no evidence of gastric orON ENTRY duodenal ulcer or neoplasm."'

Patients on PrednisoloneMALE,AGED 51ON ENTRY

"No lesion found in the oesophagus. Thereis a very coarse gastric rugal pattern with alarge gastric ulcer on the posterior walltowards the lesser curve. Whilst this maywell be a simple ulcer a neoplasm cannot beexcluded. No duodenal ulcer detected."S weeks later: "Gastroscopy showed ashallow healing benign ulcer measuring2 cm. in diameter on the posterior walltowards the lesser curve about IA in. fromthe pars angularis. There was no evidenceof neoplasm, haemorrhage or abnormalmucus."

FEMALE, "No abnormality seen in the oesophagus orAGED 41 stomach. Duodenum the cap is deformedON ENTRY and there is an ulcer crater present. This

was not tender."

MALE, "Barium flowed normally down the oeso-AGED 52 phagus. No abnormality detected in hisON ENTRY stomach. The duodenal cap was deformed.

However, as the mucosa of the duodenal capappears normal and there is no excess restingsecretion, the probabilities are that thesedeformities are due to old and healedulceration."


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"There is a slight irregularity on the pos-terior wall between the fundus and body ofthe stomach. I cannot exclude a shallowulcer there, but it is doubtful."

FEMALE, "The oesophagus is normal except thatAGED 51 there is a tendency to dilation of the ampullaON ENTRY phrenica. No hiatal herniation. The

stomach is of normal 'J' type and showsgood tone and regular peristalsis. In theerect position there is a small projectionon the lesser curve at about the site ofinsertion of the ligament of Treitz. I donot think this is an ulcer. The pylorusand duodenum appear normal."

MALE, "Negative apart from small short oeso-AGED 44 phagus-type hiatus hernia."ON ENTRY

WithdrawalsFEMALE, "Oesophagus and stomach outlined nor-AGED 52 mally. A small incisura was seen just aboveON ENTRY the left fornix of the duodenal cap which,

though a duodenal ulcer was not seen, issuggestive of duodenal ulceration."


DR. M. THOMPSON (Newcastle) asked if there was amoral obligation to put all patients with active rheuma-toid arthritis on a dose of about 10 mg. prednisolonedaily, and why this trial had shown such a differentresult from that of the original Cortisone/Aspirin trial.

PROF. KELLGREN replied that the different result wasdue to the fact that a different steroid had been used.In a previous trial conducted by the Joint Committeeprednisolone had been shown to be significantly betterthan cortisone in rheumatoid arthritis, and it was nottherefore surprising that a different result had beenobtained in comparing prednisolone with aspirin orother analgesics.He did not know the answer to the other question.

The rising D.A.T. titre worried him. He felt, with theothers, that the rheumatoid serum factor was a nastything to have in one's blood, but a longer follow-upwas needed.

PROF. S. J. HARTFALL (Leeds) asked if one treated thetitre or the patient.

PROF. KELLGREN replied by citing syphilis and theWassermann reaction. One did not really know thesignificance of the Wassermann reaction, but if it becamemore strongly positive in a patient under treatment forsyphilis it would be worrying, although the patient mightbe feeling fine.

PROF. HARTFALL did not consider the analogy a goodone, since the significance of the rheumatoid factor inthis mysterious disease was not known.

PROF. KELLGREN felt that there was increasing evidencethat a high agglutinating titre in arthritis indicated a poorprognosis and a negative test a good one.

PROF. BYWATERS (Taplow) remarked that remission orprogression could occur in individual patients irrespectiveof the D.A.T. All one could do was to observe thepatient and the D.A.T. It was not yet possible toforesee prognosis from changes in the D.A.T. in serialmeasurements.DR. F. DUDLEY HART (London) asked whether complete

remission had been seen in either group of patients.PROF. KELLGREN replied that one patient on pred-

nisolone and one on aspirin had gone into completeremission before the end of the first year; they had hadnegative tests and x rays before entry. Both haddefaulted from the trial. In reply to a question whetherthe D.A.T. had fluctuated, he said that the D.A.T. hadbeen done at 3- and 6-monthly intervals, and that a fewnegative had become positive and vice versa.DR. M. THOMPSON (Newcastle) said that the single

adverse finding, in the prednisolone-treated patients, ofsignificantly more positive D.A.T. results at the end oftreatment, could be very important. The significance ofthe D.A.T. titre in the series investigated by Dr. Duthieand himself had been emphasized, and he felt it necessarythat in these trials a standard uniform test should becarried out in each centre.DR. J. GLYN (London) asked whether anything could

be learned from the failures, i.e. from the patients whohad been changed from one drug to another.

PROF. KELLGREN replied that, broadly speaking, thepatients who had changed over had not done so well.DR. H. F. WEST (Sheffield) thought that Dr. Thomp-

son's first question on the moral obligation to giveprednisolone should be answered more fully. They hadbeen heavily involved in these therapeutic trials, buttheir present view was no different from that held at thebeginning-namely that steroid therapy should be usedfor th- severely affected, ill patients (i.e. about one intwenty).DR. J. J. R. DUTHIE (Edinburgh) thought that, if the

progress of erosions could be arrested, it was surelybetter to use prednisolone in early mild cases rather thanin late severe ones.

DR. J. NORRIE SWANSON (Toronto) said that treatmentshould be suited to individual needs. A good regime wasto try aspirin, and (if that failed) phenylbutazone, and(if that failed) G 27202, and (if that failed) steroids.A large-scale therapeutic trial could not dictate the besttreatment for each individual patient.

PROF. KELLGREN replied that all the hazards of long-term steroid treatment including pharmacologicaladrenalectomy had not come out in the trial, but wouldbecome apparent in a few year's time. The completeanswer was not yet available, but would require a trialand follow-up lasting 10 years. The results of the presenttrial did, however, give some general guidance to helpdecide the treatment of choice for individual patients.

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ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASESComparaison de la prednisolone a 1'aspirine ou aux autresanalg6siques dans le traitement de l'arthrite rhumatismale

RESUME(1) Dans un essai therapeutique contr61o, la pred-

nisolone fut comparee A I'aspirine et aux autres anal-gesiques dans le traitement de l'arthrite rhumatismale.

(2) Huit centres participerent A cet essai et 84 maladess'y soumirent au debut. Quelques malades se desis-terent, mourirent ou furent retires, de faqon qu'au boutde deux ans de traitement les resultats A depouiller ne sebasent que sur 77 cas; 41 d'entre eux allots A la pred-nisolone et 36 aux autres analgesiques.

(3) Les malades traits par la prednisolone accuserentune amelioration precoce et appreciable, confirmee pardes indices cliniques et de laboratoire de la polyarthriteinflammatoire. Cette amelioration, bien que moinsprononcee, fut encore significative au bout de deux ans.

(4) Dans le groupe des malades traits par des anal-gesiques, la frequence des signes radiologiques de maladiearticulaire erosive des mains et des pieds augmentaappreciablement au bout de deux ans, tandis qu'il n'yeut pas d'alterations appr[ciables dans le groupe traitpar la prednisolone.

(5) Chez beaucoup de malades traits par la pred-nisolone, le titre d'agglutination des globules de moutonaugmenta au cours des 2 ans de traitement, tandisqu'une telle augmentation ne se produisit que chezquelques malades traits par des analgesiques.

(6) Deux malades traits par des analgesiques mouri-rent d'insuffisance cardiaque. Cinq malades traits parla prednisolone accuserent des complications majeures(deux cas de psychose et trois d'ulceration peptique).Toutes ces complications majeures survinrent chez desmalades recevant 20 mg. ou plus de prednisolone parjour. Chez des malades a la prednisolone il y eut aussiune augmentation du poids du corps, une elevationlegere de la tension arterielle et une tendance au bour-souflement (mooning) du visage. Pendant 1'essai, ladose moyenne par jour de prednisolone fut progressive-ment reduite de 17,4 A 10 mg. et plus de la moitie desmalades A la prednisolone requt aussi de l'aspirine etd'autres analgesiques. On en conclut, que la doseoptimum par jour pour un traitement A tongue echeancedans un cas moyen d'arthrite rhumatismale ne doit pasdepasser 10 mg. de prednisolone.

Comparacion de la prednisolona a la aspirina o a otrosanalgesicos en el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide

SUMARIO(1) En una investigaci6n terapeutica controlada se

compare la prednisolona a la aspirina y a otros anal-gesicos en el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide.

(2) Ocho centros participaron en esta investigaci6n,empezando con un total de 84 enfermos. Algunos deestos desistieron, murieron o fueron retirados, de maneraque al cabo de dos anos quedaron 77 casos para analizar;41 de ellos tratados con prednisolona y 36 con otrosanalgesicos.

(3) Los enfermos tratados con prednisolona acusaronprecozmente una mejoria apreciable, confirmada por losindices clinicos y de laboratorio, empleados en la poli-artritis inflamatoria. Esta mejoria, aunque menospronunciada, aun fue significative al cabo de dos anos.

(4) En el grupo de enfermos tratados con analgesicos,la frecuencia de signos radiol6gicos de enfermedadarticular erosiva de las manos y de los pies aument6significativamente al cabo de dos anos, mientras que nose vieron alteraciones apreciables en el grupo tratadocon la prednisolona.

(5) En muchos enfermos tratados con prednisolona,el titre de aglutinaci6n de globulos de oveja aumentodurante los dos anos de tratamiento, mientras que talaumentaci6n se produjo solo en algunos enfermostratados con analgesicos.

(6) Dos enfermos tratados con analgesicos murieronde insuficiencia cardiaca. Cino enfermos tratados conprednisolona acusaron complicaciones mayores (doscasos de sicopatia y tres de ulceraci6n peptica). Todasestas complicaciones mayores ocurrieron en enfermosrecibiendo 20 mg. o mas de prednisolona diaria. Losenfermos tratados con prednisolona presentaron tambienun aumento del peso corporal, un ascenso ligero de latension arterial y una tendecia a la "cara de luna".Durante la investigaci6n, la dosis diaria media de pred-nisolona fue progresivamente reducida de 17,4 mg. a10 mg. y mas de la mitad de los enfermos tratados conprednisolona recibian ademas aspirina y otros anal-gesicos. Se concluye que la dosis diaria 6ptima en eltratamiento de plazo largo en un caso ordinario deartritis reumatoide no debe rebasar 10 mg. de predni-solona.


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