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Comput MechDOI 10.1007/s00466-012-0801-z


Computational homogenization of porous materials of Green type

Felix Fritzen · Samuel Forest · Djimedo Kondo ·Thomas Böhlke

Received: 27 June 2012 / Accepted: 23 September 2012© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012

Abstract The constitutive response of porous materials isinvestigated computationally. For the solid phase elasto-plastic behavior of Green type is considered, i.e. an isotro-pic compressible yield criterion is assumed. A wide range ofmaterial parameters and porosities from 0.1 to 30 % are inves-tigated by means of FEM simulations of periodic ensemblesof spherical pores. The dilatation of the pores and of the com-pressible matrix are evaluated. It is found that a large part ofthe total dilatation is due to plastic volume changes of thesolid phase. The asymptotic stress states of the simulationsare compared to analytical predictions by Shen et al. (ComputMater Sci 62:189–194, 2012). Based on the computationaldata, an effective constitutive law is proposed and verifiedby means of additional computations. A three-scale homog-enization procedure for double porous materials is proposedthat depends only on the micro- and mesoscale porosity andthe yield stress of the solid phase.

F. Fritzen (B)YIG Computer Aided Material Modeling, Chair for ContinuumMechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Kaiserstr 10,Bldg.10.23, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

S. ForestCentre des Matériaux, UMR7633, Ecole des Mines deParis /CNRS, BP 8791003 Evry Cedex, France

D. KondoInstitut Jean le Rond d’Alembert, Université Pierre etMarie Curie,Boîte 162, Tour 55–65, 4 Place Jussieu, Paris Cedex,75252 05 France

T. BöhlkeChair for Continuum Mechanics, Institute of EngineeringMechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,Karlsruhe, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Keywords Computational homogenization ·Porous materials · Three-scale homogenization ·Plastic compressibility · Material of Green type

1 Introduction

The investigation of the macroscopic yield surface of micro-porous materials is a subject with a rich history. Followingthe pioneering studies by [21] and by [14,31] developed alimit analysis approach for the derivation of a macroscopiccriterion of ductile porous media. This approach, which con-siders a rigid plastic matrix, is mainly based on the use of asimple trial velocity field leading to an upper bound of themacroscopic yield stress as a function of the applied pres-sure. This pressure dependency is noteworthy as the matrixmaterial itself is considered incompressible. On the basis ofunit cell calculations [38], later modified the Gurson crite-rion by introducing some adjusting parameters. The sub-sequent so-called GTN model [39] is still now extensivelyused in literature for the prediction of the effects of voidgrowth on the structural response of metallic parts in the con-text of isotropic ductile damage. To overcome well knownbasic drawbacks of the original Gurson model, in particu-lar at low stress triaxialities, a limit analysis based exten-sion has been carried out by [11] who considered a refinedvelocity field inspired from the elastic solution of the hol-low sphere problem. Still in the same spirit [23,25], con-sidered an Eshelby-type velocity field, which was shown toprovide significant modifications of the original Gurson cri-terion. These modifications proved to be efficient in structuralanalysis, as shown by [18]. An extensive computational studyhas recently been presented by [10] in which three-dimen-sional porous volume elements were considered in finite ele-ment simulations in order to investigate the accuracy of the


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previously mentioned analytical methods. The therein pro-vided data was also intended to serve for the validation ofsubsequently proposed analytical methods.

Approaching the subject from a different point of view[28], has proposed a nonlinear variational homogenizationapproach for ductile porous materials. This approach hasbeen interpreted later and shown to be equivalent to theso-called modified secant moduli method [36]. Though, itappears to provide too stiff predictions at large stress triaxi-alities, the variational approach leads to good results at lowstress triaxialities. In order to improve this nonlinear homog-enization model the more accurate second-order method wasintroduced by [3,5,6]. They proposed more accurate modelsfor porous materials allowing in particular to recover the Gur-son one at purely hydrostatic loadings. The recent proposalof [4] can further account for anisotropic pore morphologiesand the evolution of the pore shape.

In spite of their great scientific and practical interest,all the above-cited studies considered porous materials witha von Mises type solid matrix and do not account formatrix plastic compressibility. However, such compressibil-ity characterizes various engineering materials among whichgeomaterials, polymers or double porous materials can bementioned. For ductile porous materials having a matrix whichobeys to the Drucker–Prager criterion, a number of studiesextending the Gurson approach has been proposed in litera-ture [see also 13,15,16]1. Implementation and application ofthe subsequent constitutive models have been recently doneby [18]. Note that the macroscopic yield function obtainedby [13] and used in these last studies allows to recover theGurson criterion when the matrix becomes plastically incom-pressible. Other extensions of the Gurson approach, account-ing for plastic compressibility, have been also proposed by[17] [see also the recent work of 24] in the case of a Mises–Schleicher solid matrix criterion (see [19]2 and also [29,30]for practical interest). Note also that, as the Drucker–Pragerone, the Mises–Schleicher criterion of the matrix materialexhibits an asymmetry between tension and compression.

Moreover, let us emphasize that for double porous media,plastic compressibility is also a central point of the modeling[e.g., 40], even when the solid phase at the lowest scale isincompressible. Mainly motivated by application to doubleporous media [34,35], recently derived, by means of a Gur-son-type approach, a class of macroscopic criteria. It corre-sponds to a porous material having a matrix obeying to an

1 Note also the contribution by Maghous et al. [20] who has imple-mented and originally developed for a Drucker–Prager matrix the vari-ational method of Ponte Castañeda [28].2 The original publication of this pressure-dependent criterion can befound in [32]

elliptical, more precisely a Green type, criterion. They alsopresented the application of their analytical result to dou-ble porous media. The main objective of the present studyis to assess the criterion established by these authors bynumerically investigating a representative volume elementcomposed of a matrix material of Green type and sphericalcavities. The paper extends the methodology used previouslyfor plastically incompressible materials [10] in order to inves-tigate the effect of the compressibility of the matrix materialof porous aggregates. Such a systematic analysis of randomporous material with compressible matrix is not available inthe literature yet. It can serve as a basis for the construc-tion and identification of effective constitutive equations fordouble porous materials.

The paper is organized as follows. First, the geometricalmodeling and discretization of the microstructure is brieflydescribed, as well as the constitutive law of the matrix mate-rial and the loading conditions. A convenient parametrizationof the microstructural constitutive parameters is given. InSect. 3 the results of the asymptotic stress response obtainedfrom the approximately 2,000 finite element simulations arepresented as well as selected local stress and strain fields. Asthe matrix material is plastically compressible the part of thevolume change due to the actual pore volume change is ana-lyzed and compared to the volume change of the bulk mate-rial. The pressure sensitivity of the macroscopic yield stressis compared to the analytical predictions of [35]. Section 4is devoted to the identification and validation of an effectiveconstitutive model based on the computational data.

In Sect. 5 the proposed criterion is applied to the three-scale homogenization of double porous materials with incom-pressible solid phase at the smallest scale.

1.1 Notation

An index free notation is used with lowercase symbols denot-ing scalars, e.g. c, ψ, φ, lowercase bold face letters denotingfirst-order tensors (or vectors), e.g. x,u, and uppercase Latinand lowercase Greek bold face letters representing second-order tensors, e.g. A, σ , ε. Fourth-order tensors are typesetas C,A or P. Based on the identity on symmetric second-order tensors I

s and the second-order identity tensor I thetwo isotropic projectors are defined by

P1 = 1

3I ⊗ I , P2 = I

s − P1. (1)

The Euclidean norm is denoted as ‖ • ‖ and a · b,A · B

represent the standard inner products for vectors and tensors,respectively. Arguments of functions such as the position x

or time t are omitted for brevity if not explicitly requiredin the given context. For convenience, we define the spatialaveraging operator over the volume element Ωtot as


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〈•〉 = 1



• dV . (2)

Here Ω is the part of Ωtot occupied by solid material, i.e.Ωtot without the voids. In an Euclidean basis spanned bythe orthonormal vector basis {e1, e2, e3}, the matrix of thecomponents of a tensor is written as

[A] =⎛⎜⎝

A11 A12 A13

A21 A22 A23

A31 A32 A33

⎞⎟⎠ , Ai j = A · ei ⊗ e j . (3)

2 Modeling

2.1 Constitutive assumptions

In the following we are concerned with the macroscopicbehavior of isotropic porous materials with non-overlappingcavities. No hardening is considered in order to be able toidentify asymptotic stress states. The latter have often beenthe basis of analytical limit analysis based models for porousmaterials and they have given rise to accurate predictions [seealso 10, for a comparison to computational findings]. A linearkinematic description is assumed with the infinitesimal straintensor ε defined as the symmetric displacement gradient. Forthe investigated materials the scale separation hypothesis isassumed to hold and a two scale description is used.

The smaller scale (microscale) denotes the scale at whichthe matrix material is considered homogeneous and the geom-etry of the pores is accounted for. The macroscopic (or struc-tural) scale denotes the level at which the porous materialsare usually employed. For these applications, the influenceof the microstructural physical and geometrical heterogene-ity on the effective constitutive material response are the aimof homogenization methods in general. Details regarding thethree scale homogenization based to the two scale descriptionpresented here are provided in Sect. 5.

In the following the macroscopic domain is denoted Ωand the microscopic domain in which the pores are actu-ally represented is referred to by Ω , as illustrated in Fig. 1.The boundary ∂P of the pores P is assumed to be tractionfree, i.e. the surface of the pores is a free boundary with zerotraction vector t = σn = 0, where n denotes the unit nor-mal vector pointing out of the pores. The considered volumeelement Ωtot of the material is taken as a cube in which thematrix Ω � Ωtot and the voids P = Ωtot \ Ω are placed.In the given setting the microscopic and macroscopic stressand strain tensors are related by [see, e.g., 26]

Fig. 1 Illustration of the two scale problem

ε = 1



εdV + εc = (1 − f )〈ε〉Ω + εc, (4)

εc = 1



sym(u ⊗ n)dA, (5)

� = 1



σdV = (1 − f )〈σ 〉Ω, (6)

where εc represents the effective cavity strain due to thedeformation of the boundary of the pores and f denotes thepore volume fraction.

2.2 Microscopic constitutive model

The subsequent observations rely on an additive decomposi-tion of the total strain tensor ε into an elastic part εe and aplastic part εp according to

ε = εe + εp. (7)

The elastic part of the strain determines the stress tensor viaa positive definite fourth-order stiffness tensor C

σ = C[εe] = C[ε − εp]. (8)

The previous relation defines a generalized Hooke’s law.In the following C is isotropic. For the bulk modulus K

and the shear modulus G it is given by

C = 3KP1 + 2GP2. (9)

The elastic material parameters used by [10] are assumedfor consistency, i.e. a Young’s modulus E of 200 GPa and aPoisson ratio ν of 0.3 which define K and G according to

K = E

3(1 − 2ν), G = E

2(1 + ν). (10)

The elastic parameters are arbitrarily chosen and it has beenverified, that variations do not influence the overall responseof the material.

In the previous study [10] a von Mises type plasticitymodel was used for the matrix material. An intrinsic prop-erty of this material class is its plastic incompressibility. Thepresent study considers a plastically compressible isotropicmatrix materials which is based on an elliptic yield criterionalso referred to as Green type plasticity model. For details


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see the original formulation by [12], its application to pow-der metallurgy by [2], and more recently to metallic foamsby [1,7]. Rate-independent behavior and the absence of hard-ening effects are assumed. Given the Cauchy stress tensor σ

and non-negative parameters C, F ≥ 0, an equivalent stressσeq can be defined by

σeq(σ ; C, F) =√


2Cσ ′ · σ ′ + F tr2(σ ), (11)

where σ ′ = σ − 13 tr(σ )I denotes the deviatoric stress ten-

sor. Then a convex domain of admissible states is definedby

ϕ(σ ) = σeq(σ ; C, F)− σ0!≤ 0, (12)

with σ0 > 0 denoting the yield stress of the material. Refer-ring to a simple scaling argument, a more convenient repre-sentation of (12) is given by

ϕ(σ ) = σeq(σ ; 1, F)− σ0, σ0 = σ0√C, F = F

C. (13)

The experimental identification of the parameters F andσ0 in experiments can be performed based on a deviatoricstress-driven loading which directly delivers σ0 and subse-quently an arbitrary loading at non-zero stress triaxiality inorder to determine F . The possibility to keep track of thematerial parameters by standard experiments is an importantproperty of the chosen model.

Based on the principle of maximum inelastic dissipationthe rate of plastic deformation is

εp = ζ∂ϕ

∂σ= ζ



2Cσ ′ + F tr(σ ) I


for ζ ≥ 0 and ζ ϕ(σ ) = 0. The model includes the clas-sical von Mises flow rule for the particular choice F =0. For positive F the plastic strain tensor has a volumet-ric component, i.e., plastic volume changes are explicitlyallowed for. As pointed out by [9], uni-axial stress load-ing in e2 ⊗ e2-direction induces the following plastic strainrate

[εp] = ζ sign(σ22)√C + F

⎛⎝ F − C/2 0 0

0 C + F 00 0 F − C/2

⎞⎠. (15)

In the limit case F = C/2 or F = 1/2 the plastic Poissonratio νp defined via

νp = − εp11



is zero, meaning that there is no lateral plastic contractionfor any uniaxial prescribed stress applied to the material. IfF > C/2, then the plastic Poisson ratio becomes negative.

The latter case is not considered in the subsequent investiga-tions, although some geo-materials or particularly designedmicrostructres may show such behavior [e.g., 8, and refer-ences quoted therein].

The material model was implemented using a two-dimen-sional root finding problem. The unknowns are the incrementin the deviatoric plastic strain and the increment in the vol-umetric strain. The non-linear equations consist then of theyield condition and a second equation enforcing the associa-tive flow rule. This implementation is robust and provides aconvenient notation of the tangent stiffness operator.

The ratio F = F/C is an important material parameterdetermining the plastic compressibility of the material. In thispaper different values of F are investigated in order to covera broad range of constitutive laws. A first set of parametersis obtained from a micro-mechanically motivated model ofdouble porous materials with perfectly separated scales. Inthis case the model of [22] can be used to describe the con-stitutive behavior of the micro-porous material denoting thematrix material on the mesoscale. The parameters C and Fdepend on the micro-porosity fµ according to

C( fµ) = 1 + 23 fµ

(1 − fµ)2, F( fµ) = 1



))2 . (17)

The micro-scale porosities fµ =10, 25 and 40 % correspondto F = F/C = 0.03581, 0.06272 and 0.08463, respec-tively. These ratios are well below the limit case F =0.5.In order to account for matrix materials at elevated poros-ities, e.g., open cell foams, the three artifical parametersF =1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 are investigated to cover the admissibleparameter range. In total this gives rise to the six differentmaterials summarized in Table 1 that are used in the currentstudy.

The computational cost associated with the numericalstudy is substantial due to the variation of the material param-eters, the different loadings required to capture varying stresstriaxilities and variations of the porosity. A major task is,hence, to make a well-reflected choice with respect to theexamined porosities, the number of pores N and the numberof statistical realizations of the microstructure NR.

2.3 Geometrical modeling

Periodic microstructures consisting of boolean models ofhard spheres representing the voids are used, where an isotro-pic distribution of the cavities is asserted. A detailed descrip-tion with respect to the generation and analysis of theproperties of the microstructures is given by [10]. Based onthe investigations made for von Mises type matrix materialstwo conclusions are a priori drawn: (i) for very small volumefractions up to 1 % a single pore model appears appropriateand (ii) a number of N =50 pores within a single cuboidal


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Table 1 Microscopic materialproperties of the solid phaseassumed in the current study

E 200 (GPa) ν 0.3 σ0 100 (MPa)

i 1 2 3 4 5 6Fi 0.0472 0.1301 0.2978 0.250 0.375 0.500Ci 1.317 2.074 3.519 1.000 1.000 1.000σ0 (MPa) 87.14 69.44 53.31 100 100 100Fi 0.03581 0.06272 0.08463 0.250 0.375 0.500Ci 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

Table 2 Geometry parameters used in the computational study

Type f (%) N NR

Single inclusion 0.1 1 1

Models 1.0 1 1

Periodic 5.0 50 10

Multi-pore 15 50 10

Models 30 50 10

f pore volume fraction, N number of pores, Nr number of realizations

volume can be considered sufficient, if the deviation of theoverall response induced by different statistical realizations isnot too large. Both assumptions can a posteriori be validatedby means of exemplary computations. It is also noteworthythat periodic displacement fluctuation boundary conditionsare essential to reduce the size of the reference volume ele-ment, i.e. the number of inclusions that need to be considered,in comparison to uniform kinematic boundary conditions.Note that no actual length can be associated to the unit cell,which would be the case for gradient enriched theories [see,e.g., 27].

In order to gain qualitative and quantitative information,three pore volume fractions are decided on for the multi-pore models containing 50 periodic spherical voids: f =5,15 and 30 %. For each of these volume fractions NR =10different statistical realizations are considered in order to beable to judge on the statistical scatter due to the finite sizeof the volume element, i.e. to account for the limited num-ber of inclusions. In addition to these ensembles, additionalsingle pore models containing one void in the center of theunit cell at 0.1 and 1 % pore volume fraction are also consid-ered. Table 2 provides an overview on the chosen geometricalmodels. In total, 32 different microstructures are generated.

Periodic spatial discretizations have been generated basedon the periodic input geometry using the mesh generationtool Netgen [33]. In order to keep the computational costas low as possible without loosing to many details, the resultsof the mesh density study provided in [10] are exploited. Iso-parametric second-order tetrahedra are used. The number ofdegrees of freedom of the models varied between 200,000and 350,000. Examples for the discretizations are shown in

Fig. 2. With respect to the chosen discretization level it hasbeen verified that the computational results show only minorvariations of the effective material response when comparedto calculations at finer resolution.

2.4 Loading conditions

Periodic displacement fluctuation boundary conditions areused. In order to circumvent the inherent disadvantages ofstress controlled boundary conditions due to the constantyield stress, strain-driven boundary conditions of the type

[˙ε] = α

⎛⎝ 1 0 0

0 −1 00 0 0

⎞⎠ + β

⎛⎝ 1 0 0

0 1 00 0 1

⎞⎠. (18)

are used, were α and β are parameters indirectly control-ling the triaxiality of the stress state. Ten different loadingconditions characterized by the tuples given in Table 3 areapplied to each of the 32 microstructures and to each of the6 different material models. These variations yield a totalof 32×6×10 = 1,920 different problems, which amount toa substantial computational effort given the non-linearity ofthe microscopic constitutive law and the geometric complex-ity of the models. The total computation time for the calcu-lations was reduced by selection of a specific set of solverparameters for the parallel preconditioned conjugate gradientmethod used in order to solve the occuring linear systems. Inaddition to that a projection algorithm has been used to pro-vide initial guesses for the iterative solution technique basedon previously computed nodal displacement changes. Stillthe total computation time amounts to approximately 24,000hours of CPU time (1,000 days). The computational time forone individual load case varied between 45 min. and 3 hourswhen using 8 CPUs.

3 Results

3.1 Asymptotic stress response

The assumed constant yield stress of the material allowsto investigate the asymptotic material behavior of the


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Fig. 2 Examples of the finite element discretizations at f =5 % (left), 15 % (middle) and 30 % (right) pore volume fraction

Table 3 Parameters for the tendifferent loading conditions i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

αi 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00

βi 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.65 0.75 0.90 1.00

heterogeneous medium which is in correspondence to theresults obtained by limit analysis [14]. In order to obtain theasymptotic constitutive response, the strain-driven loadinghas been continued to a level at which all of the follow-ing three characteristics remain numerically constant: (i) themacroscopic von Mises stress vM = √

3/2‖dev(�)‖, (ii)the macroscopic hydrostatic stress m = 1/3 tr(�) and (iii)the macroscopic power density P . The latter is computedbased on the Hill-Mandel condition according to

P = 1



σ · εdV = � · ˙ε. (19)

The last computed stress field of each finite element compu-tation is considered as the asymptotic stress response.

In order to represent the results of the computational studyin a concise format, the common representation of the yieldsurface for isotropic porous materials showing the macro-scopic von Mises equivalent stress vM as a function of themacroscopic hydrostatic stress state m is chosen. An addi-tional normalization with respect to the microscopic yieldstress σ0 is performed as this parameter has basically no influ-ence on the results as the elastic strains can be considerednegligible in all simulations. The computational results forall five considered pore volume fractions f are shown inFigs. 3, 4, and 5 ( f =1 %, 15 % omitted for brevity).

A major difference to the plastically incompressible vonMises material model can immediately be observed fromFig. 3. For such small porosities a material with incompress-ible matrix material, almost no sensitivity of the macroscopicdeviatoric stress with respect to the hydrostatic stress state atlow and intermediate stress triaxialities is observed in finiteelement simulations and analytical predictions [see, e.g., 10].For the elliptic, i.e. compressible, matrix material used inthe current investigations this is no longer the case. To bemore precise, even small hydrostatic stresses have a notable

Fig. 3 Asymptotic stress response for a porosity f =0.1 % for the sixdifferent sets of material parameters (single pore model)

Fig. 4 Asymptotic stress response for a porosity f =5 % for the sixdifferent sets of material parameters

influence on the effective von Mises stress at which yield-ing occurs, even if the porosity is small. Additionally, thetransition to the region in which the hydrostatic stress statedominates becomes smoother.

A second major observation is the massive influence of themicroscopic material parameter F on the maximum hydro-static stress at which yielding occurs. Obviously the plasticcompressibility of the matrix has a significant impact on theoverall compressibility of the material.


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Fig. 5 Asymptotic stress response for a porosity f =30 % for the sixdifferent sets of material parameters

Fig. 6 Accumulated plastic strain at the end of the simulation forF =0.5, f =5 % and deviatoric loading (α =1, β =0); left entirevolume element, right regions with εp

eq ≥0.5 %

3.2 Strain localization in the matrix material

The local fields of some of the calculations are investigatedin order to compare the local plastic strain distribution for theelliptic Green type matrix material to results obtained usingclassical von Mises type plasticity. For the perfectly com-pressible matrix material (F =0.5) the accumulated plasticstrain

εpeq =



‖εp‖dt (20)

is shown in Fig. 6 for a porosity of 5 % and 50 voids. Besidesa dominating shear band in the 45◦ direction, secondary per-pendicular shear bands occur. These secondary shear bandsoccur preferably in regions with increased local porosity. Fur-ther investigations show that for the given loading only theregions surrounding the pores undergo a plastic dilatationwhereas the remainder of the material obeys more or less toa classical von Mises plasticity model since tr(σ ) ≈0 holds.

When the loading is changed such that macroscopic vol-ume changes occur, the situation is different. In Fig. 7 theloading is combined (α =1, β =0.50) in the left picturewhereas it is purely volumetric, i.e. α =0 and β =1 inthe right image. The pictures show regions in which thevon Mises stress overpasses 90 % of the yield stress (left)and 33.3 % of the yield stress (right), respectively. It canbe observed that for the combined loading interconnectedregions around the pores exist in which the deviatoric stresses

Fig. 7 Accumulated plastic strain at the end of the simulation forF =0.5, f =5 %; left σvM >0.9σ0 for combined loading (α =1,β =0.5); right σvM >0.333σ0 for volumetric loading (α =0, β =1)

dominate the plastic deformation. These regions have a com-plex geometry, i.e. they are curved. For the volumetric load-ing it is found that basically all of the plastic deformationoccurs due to hydrostatic stress states except for the imme-diate surrounding of the pores. As the pore boundary is theonly region determining the actual cavity growth this obser-vation implies that porosity changes induced by hydrostaticstates are however mainly driven by isochoric plastic defor-mations. With respect to the investigation of the plastic vol-ume changes in the matrix we refer to the following section.

3.3 Inelastic volume changes in the pores and the matrix

For plastically incompressible materials the determination ofthe pore growth is simple: any macroscopic volume changecan be attributed to a growth of the cavities as the elasticvolume changes can be neglected for most metallic materi-als. In the case of the elliptic yield criterion this is no longertrue. The total dilatation�Vtot of the volume element can bepartitioned into a dilatation due to elastic deformation of thematrix �Ve, a part due to the plastic dilatation of the matrix�Vpl and, finally, the part which is due to the actual cavitygrowth �Vg:

�Vtot = �Ve +�Vp +�Vg. (21)

By normalization with respect to the volume of the cuboidalbounding box and with account for the constitutive modelused in the calculations the following form is obtained

tr(ε) = tr(�)

3K+ 1



tr(εp)dV +� f. (22)

It is known that for zero porosity, i.e. for a solid material,and non-zero F all the volume change is due to the plasticcompressibility of the matrix. For F = 0, the volume changeis purely due to elastic deformations which are neglected inthe present results. In the simulations we have found that theratio of the volume change due to pore growth �Vg and thetotal volume change depend almost only on the porosity andthe plastic compressibility parameter, but not on the appliedloading. Therefore, the ratio has been averaged over all ten


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Fig. 8 Relative volume change due to pore growth with respect to thetotal volume change as a function of F and the porosity f (valuesbetween the computational results are linearly interpolated)

loadings and over all realizations in order to get a robust esti-mate. The thereby obtained mean volume change due to thecavity growth with respect to the total volume change is plot-ted in Fig. 8. Note that in the absence of the pores no cavitygrowth takes place as void nucleation has been excluded fromthe current investigation. It can be noted that even for rathersmall values of the compressibility parameter F a substantialamount of plastic deformation is attained due to plastic dila-tation of the matrix which can amount for more than 90 %for low porosities.

3.4 Comparison to the model of Shen et al. (2012)

The homogenization of the properties of porous materialswith spheroidal and ellipsoidal voids has been an active fieldof research for years. The extension to materials with ellipticyield surface has, however, only very recently been investi-gated by [35]. In the notation presented in Sect. 2 the effectiveyield criterion proposed by these authors reads

ϕShen∗ (�) =

√√√√ 2vM + 9F 2

m + 2 f σ 20 cosh

(32 mσ0


1 + f 2 − σ0


where ϕShen∗ (σ ) ≤ 0 has to be satisfied. The model of Shenand colleagues is identical to Gurson’s model, except for theadditional contribution due to the non-zero parameter F thatinduces an additional drop of the effective von Mises stressin the presence of hydrostatic stresses. It is long known thatGurson’s model can only provide accurate predictions forlow porosities. Hence, the model given by (23) is a prioriexpected to provide accurate estimates for low porosities.With increasing porosity the deviations to the computationalresults are expected to get more important. No a priori knowl-edge on the accuracy in the presence of a non-zero parame-ter F exists. In order to assess the accuracy of the effectiveyield criterion given by (23), the computational results of the

current investigation are compared to the model predictionsin Fig. 9.

The following conclusions can be drawn for the modelproposed [35]:

– The accuracy of the model depends on both, the poros-ity f and the parameter F .

– With increasing porosity f the prediction loosesaccuracy.

– As the matrix material approaches plastic incompressibil-ity, i.e. for small F , the deviations to the computationalresults get larger. In the limit case F → 0 the model isidentical to the classical Gurson model.

– The point on the hydrostatic axis is in good agreementeven for porosities of 5 and 30 %, if F is not too small.

– The prediction of yielding in the presence of purely devia-toric stress states is not accurately predicted for porositieslarger than 5 % independent on the choice of F .

4 Effective constitutive behavior

4.1 Effective elliptic model

The aim of the current study is not the determination of asingle set of effective material parameters or of one effec-tive material law for a single set of parameters f , F , but it issought after an effective constitutive behavior which includesall of the following material characteristics: the porosity f ,the parameter F and the microscopic yield stress σ0 of thenormalized yield condition (13). As has been shown in theprevious section, the analytical approach of [35] by means oflimit analysis is not capable to predict accurately the effec-tive behavior in the presence of either large porosities or lowplastic compressibility.

In other previous investigations with a matrix material thatis plastically incompressible, the macroscopic yield criterionshows a pronounced pressure dependency. This implies apriori that in that case the microscopic material law of thematrix cannot be used as a candidate for a macroscopic cri-terion. In the case of elliptic material models with non-zeroF , the microscopic material model is already compressible.This has motivated the attempt to find for given microscopicparameters F, σ0 and for the porosity f the macroscopicparameters C∗, F∗ ≥ 0, such that

ϕ∗(�) = σeq(�; C∗, F∗)− σ0 ≤ 0 (24)

is an accurate approximation of the asymptotic yield surfaceof the material. The effective parameters C∗ and F∗ are thenfunctions of the pore volume fraction and of the microscopicparameter F :

C∗ ≡ C∗( f, F), F∗ ≡ F∗( f, F). (25)


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Fig. 9 Comparison of thecomputational data to the modelof [35] (left 0.1 %, right 30 %)

Fig. 10 Comparison of the determined elliptic material models withthe computational values of the single pore models: f =0.1 % (top) and1 % (bottom)

For each of the in total 30 different curves (5 volume frac-tions and 6 values for F) the effective parameters C∗ andF∗ have been identified by means of a least square approx-imation resulting into a non-linear optimization problem.Although this approach appears simplistic, the comparisonof the thereby predicted yield surfaces with the numericalresults presented in Figs. 10 and 11 shows an excellent agree-ment between the computations and the proposed criterion( f =15 % omitted for brevity).

Using linear interpolation between the different valuesof the plastic compressibility parameter at constant f ,

Fig. 11 Comparison of the determined elliptic material models withthe computational values of the random microstructures: f =5 % (top)and 30 % (bottom)

three-dimensional graphs can be obtained, see Fig. 12 foran examples at f = 5 % This representation shows that thedependency of the effective yield curve includes a coupling ofthe parameters f and F , i.e. the different three-dimensionalrepresentations are not self-similar.

It is found that at low porosities f the influence of the com-pressibility parameter F is more pronounced than at higherpore volume fractions. This can be seen by comparison of theresults of the constitutive models with fµ =10 % (i.e. F =0.03581) and F = 0.5. Two important points in stress spaceare considered: the hydrostatic limit stress m,max where


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Fig. 12 Effective yield surface as a function of F for f =5 %

Table 4 Sensitivity sF (28) of the effective plastic compressibilityparameter F∗ as a function of the volume fractions

f (%) 0.1 1 5 15 30

sF 3.706 3.506 2.921 2.308 1.876

vM is zero and the maximum von Mises stress vM,max atvanishing macroscopic hydrostatic stress. Based on the pro-posed elliptic models these two stresses are

m,max = σ01√3F∗

, vM,max = σ01√C∗. (26)

Then the ratio

κ = m,max

vM,max= 3



is a measure of the plastic compressibility of the material.Moreover, the sensitivity of F∗ with respect to F at constantpore volume fraction f can be estimated by the ratio

sF = m,max(Fmin)


√F∗( f, Fmax)

F∗( f, Fmin). (28)

The sensitivity sF is given in Table 4 for all volume frac-tions. Note that C∗ is almost independent of F . This impliesthat the yield stress under purely deviatoric loading is largelyindependent of the compressibility of the matrix material.

At 0.1 % pore volume fraction the influence of the param-eter F on the maximum hydrostatic stress is 3.71. The sen-sitivity steadily reduces to 1.88 for a porosity of 30 %. Thisis due to the two competing mechanisms causing the globalvolume change: the cavity growth and the plastic volumechange of the matrix material. A discussion of this effect ispresented in Sect. 3.3.

4.2 Prediction of the effective elliptic material parameters

Based on the 30 different sets of parameters C∗ and F∗ identi-fied based on the computational data, the functions C∗(F, f ),F∗(F, f ) can be estimated using inter- and extrapolation.

The computational data can be enhanced by existingresults in the following two limit cases:

– If the pore volume fraction vanishes then the effectivematerial properties coincide with the microscopic ones,i.e. C∗( f → 0, F) = 1 and F∗( f → 0, F) = F .

– For plastically incompressible materials the adjusted Gur-son Tvergaard Needleman (aGTN) model proposed by[10] is employed in order to identify C∗( f, 0) and F∗( f, 0)for arbitrary f (see Sect. 5 for details).

The range of admissible input arguments f and F can be lim-ited as for the considered class of microstructures relying ona boolean model of spheres the pore volume fraction fsat atwhich saturation occurs is approximately 38 % [see, e.g., 37].Hence, the porosity f is assumed in the range of 0 to 35 %.For F values in the range from zero to one half are consideredfor the reasons given in Sect. 2.

First, C∗ and F∗ are determined as smooth functions of Ffor each of the five pore volume fractions fi (i = 1, . . . , 5)considered in the simulations. Therefore, real valued param-eters pi1, . . . , pi4 and qi1, . . . , qi4 are identified, such that

C∗(F, fi ) = pi1 + pi2

pi3 + F+ pi4 F, (29)

F∗(F, fi ) = qi1 + qi2

qi3 + F+ qi4 F (30)

are the least square approximation to the six parametersC∗(Fj , fi ), F∗(Fj , fi ) ( j = 1, . . . , 6) as functions of F .

The effective material parameters at arbitrary pore volumefraction f are then obtained by means of interpolation usingthe Lagrange polynomials

φi ( f ) =∏j �=i

f − f j

fi − f j, (31)

with the values f1 =0 %, f2 =5 %, f3 =15 % and f4 =30 %.As the analytical results for zero porosity are known and highpolynomial interpolations can lead to spurious oscillations,the two smallest volume fractions ( f =0.1 and 1 %) are notconsidered for the interpolation. The approximations of theparameters of the effective elliptic yield criterion are

C∗(F, f ) =4∑


φi ( f )C∗(F, fi ), (32)

F∗(F, f ) =4∑


φi ( f )F∗(F, fi ). (33)

The simplicity of the approach and the wide range of possi-ble input parameters render the presented interpolation func-tion an interesting tool for the straight-forward applicationin non-linear computations containing porous materials witha matrix material exhibiting an elliptic yield surface. Notethat the parameters identified from the computational resultsfor 0.1 and 1 % porosity coincide with the interpolated valueswhich is a confirmation of the chosen method. The parameters


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Table 5 Parameters for theinterpolation polynomials givenby (32), (33)

i fi (%) pi1 pi2 pi3 pi4

1 0 1 0 1 0

2 5 1.258767365924654 −0.007404878040900 0.100561171179904 −0.006768972199967

3 15 2.354849159226308 −0.439747868455195 0.658417984020198 −0.226639643143124

4 30 3.419782965408158 −0.042282472094084 0.089043013818485 0.514387319622058

i fi (%) qi1 qi2 qi3 qi4

1 0 0 0 1 1

2 5 0.054116892687946 −0.544593295389388 20.689182103210008 1.071102643944395

3 15 0.117928608902041 −0.533800365294810 21.956516284245215 1.294809833103372

4 30 0.538361819649397 −0.271588390209856 1.048071178326330 1.717723039517716

pi j and qi j used to set up the interpolation are given in Table 5.An illustration of the interpolations for C∗ and F∗ is shownin Fig. 13. A relation of the parameters C∗ and F∗ to experi-mentally accessible values is given in terms of the maximumhydrostatic m,max and von Mises equivalent stress vM,max

of the effective material according to (26).In addition to the presented interpolations, a verification

at a porosity of 24 % and with F=1/6 has been carried outin terms of additional finite element simulations. Again, 50pores have been modeled, but only a single geometric reali-zation is considered. All ten loadings described in Section 2are applied to the volume element. The asymptotic stressresponse of these ten simulations is then compared to theeffective elliptic yield criterion defined by the interpolation(32), (33) in Fig. 14. The point on the hydrostatic axis isunderestimated by 2.8 % and the point at zero stress triax-iality is overestimated by 2.7 %. Remarkably the interme-diate points at finite stress triaxiality are predicted almostto numerical precision. These results confirm the chosen

interpolation technique since the chosen porosity f and plas-tic compressibility parameter F are both in a range wherefew computational values are available and where the slopeof the interpolations for C∗ and F∗ are important, i.e. thetest case is considered a worst case scenario and errors areexpected to be even smaller for other combinations of fand F .

5 Three-scale homogenization of double porousmaterials

In the present study the material law proposed by [22] wasused in order to determine input parameters for the ellipticmaterial model on a micromechanical basis and the assump-tion of a micro-scale porosity fµ within the matrix material,see Fig. 15 for an illustration. This implies the existence of athird characteristic length scale besides the two length scalesexplicitly considered so far. This third length scale is assumed

Fig. 13 Surface plots of C∗, F∗ using (32),(33) for f ∈[0,35 %], F ∈[0, 0.5]); dots represent the parameters fitted to the computations


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Fig. 14 Comparison of the asymptotic stress states obtained from thefinite element simulations for f =24 %, F =1/6 (points) to the effectiveyield criterion defined via the interpolation (32), (33)

to be clearly separated from the mesoscopic length scale, i.e.the pores found in the matrix have to be significantly smallerthan the pores observed in the volume element calculations.

As is long known, the predictions of [22] are considered togive accurate estimates at low porosities and with deviationsincreasing along with the porosity f . Therefore the adjustedGurson Tvergaard Needleman model was proposed by [10]

q1( f ) = θ0 − θ1 f, q2( f ) = θ2, q3( f ) = (q1( f ))2, (34)



√1 + q3( f ) f 2 − 2q1( f ) f cosh

(q2( f )

3 m




The parameters θ0, θ1, θ2 are obtained from computationalhomogenization, f is the porosity and σF the yield stressof the matrix material. The aGTN model extends the GTNmodel by an additional dependence of the parameters on theporosity in order to account for increasing pore-pore interac-tions.

In order to define a new staggered homogenization schemefor the double porous material, the adjusted Gurson Tverg-aard Needleman model (34), (35) can be approximated byan elliptic yield criterion that replicates the two important

limit cases m,max and vM,max based on (26). The result-ing parameters σ0( fµ) and F( fµ) then determine the mac-roscopic yield criterion in the presence of the second sizepopulation of voids at a volume fraction f according to theinterpolation (32), (33). Thereby, a closed form expressionof the effective constitutive law of the non-linear three-scalematerial is possible using the parameters

C∗( f, fµ) = C∗( f, Fµ), (36)

F∗( f, fµ) = F∗( f, Fµ), (37)

σ0( f, fµ) = σ0(Fµ). (38)

The three-scale homogenization scheme is exemplifiedin Fig. 16. It shall be noted that the effective material lawcontains only three parameters: the micro-porosity fµ, themicroscopic yield stress of the incompressible matrix mate-rial σF and the mesoscale porosity f .

6 Summary and conclusions

A computational approach to the homogenization of isotropicporous materials with plastically compressible matrix mate-rial has been pursued. The computational homogenizationmethodology developed by [10] has been extended to thenew material law. A wide range of plastic compressibilityparameters F and porosities f has been investigated. Resultsof previous studies have been taken into account in order tosystematically reduce the computational effort which is stillmassive. More precisely a total of around 2,000 non-linearfinite element simulations with periodic boundary conditionshave been conducted. The asymptotic stress states are ana-lyzed with the aim of (i) identification of an effective modelfor the non-linear porous material and (ii) providing datafor comparison with current [e.g., 35] and future analyticalmodels.

It was observed that the scatter of the computational resultswas rather small. This allows for two conclusions: (i) themicrostructures and the loading conditions can be consid-ered representative and (ii) a posteriori a smaller number of

Fig. 15 Illustration of the three scale problem for double porous materials with mesoscopic pore radius R and microscopic pore radius Rµ � R


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Fig. 16 Algorithm for the homogenization of the three-scale material consisting of two different size populations of voids (see Fig.15)

variations might have been chosen at the expense of increaseduncertainty.

Other than in the case of plastic incompressibility, theplastic volume change of the matrix material can amountfor a substantial part of the total volume change. This factis investigated in Sect. 3.3. It is found that depending onf and F the amount of the volume change due to poregrowth may vary considerably. Surprisingly the triaxialityof the macroscopic stress state has only a negligible influ-ence on this effect. Further investigations can examine thisaspect in more detail. In particular, the proposal of a pos-sible growth criterion accounting for the matrix volumechange is of interest, but beyond the scope of the currentinvestigation.

Based on the numerical data it can be concluded that theeffective material law can be approximated by an ellipticyield criterion with new parameters C∗ and F∗ which dependon the porosity f and the plastic compressibility F on themicroscale. An interpolation has been proposed and validatedin Sect. 4. The simplicity of the approach and the wide rangeof admissible input parameters allow for an application ofthe model for many different materials, e.g., ductile foams,geomaterials or double porous materials as investigated by[35]. It shall be noted that the presented interpolation pro-vides only one possible effective material law. The coeffi-cients provided for the interpolated proposed model allowfor a straight-forward use of the computational findings insimulations as well as for validation of model predictions inthe future.

The application to a three-scale homogenization schemeof double porous materials is discussed in more detail inSect. 5. The outcome of the proposed three-scale homoge-nization is an effective behavior that depends only on threeparameters in a manageable format: the micro-scale porosityfµ, the meso-scale porosity f and the yield stress σF of thesolid phase on the lowest scale.

Acknowledgments Financial support of the French Agence Natio-nale de la Recherche (ANR) under reference ANR-BLAN08-1_321567(Couphin project) and via the Gunther and Ingrid Schroff Stiftungrelated to the stay of F. Fritzen at the Centre des Matériaux (Evry, France)are highly acknowledged. Further, the authors gratefully acknowledgethe valuable input of Prof. Marc Geers from TU Eindhoven (Nether-lands) related to the plastic volume changes.


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