Page 1: Concept of garbhadhan and garbha

Concept of


n and


ReetuPandeyMD 1st yrPTSR

Page 2: Concept of garbhadhan and garbha

Garbhadhan Samskara:The

Science Of Conception

Vedas have described various aspect pertaining

to health and disease which includes procreation,

most imp for continuation races,

Eg: healthy plant comes with healthy seed, soil,

season, water so as human being .

Health is cyclicHealthy seed

Healthy embryo

Healthy child

Healthy adult

Healthy society

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Ayurveda fixed some rules and regulations for

upliftment of human race by getting shreyasi


Age for conception: suitable age of man for

conception is 25 yrs and age of women is 16 yrs

because at this age male and female are fully

mature physically and psychycologicaly hence

they should attempt for achievement of


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Time of conception

According to astrological principles the ideal time to get Garbhadhan sanskar (pregnant) is the 4th and 16th lunar days after menstruation. Besides these lunar days the 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, days are favorable for Garbhadhansanskar according to ayurveda.

NakshatraFor Garbhadhan sanskar the Uttraphalguni, Uttrabhadrapada, Rohini, Mrigashira, Anuradha, Hasta, Swati, Shravan, Ghanistha nakshatrasare very auspicious.

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Purva samyog vidhi/ pre conceptional


SHODHAN: It is of 2 types:

1. External purification

2. Internal purification

External purification : It consist of snehan followed

by swedan and then undergo purification methods

like vaman, virechan and vasti.

Internal purification :

Euphoria (saumanasyam) is the best aid for achieving

good pregnancy,

saumanasyam garbhkaranam

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Maintenance of saumanasyam :

Avoiding negative emotions like krodha, shoka,

bhaya, dwesha etc.

Dev and brahmin pujan,

Hearing soft enthusiastic stories,

Utility of purva samyog vidhi : This samskara is

said to do away with all impurities related to

conception and reproductive system of female

and male so as to ensure the birth of a healthy


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Clinical importance : to ensure that the women

enters pregnancy with an optimal state of health

which would be safe both to herself and fetus.

It is the time to identify any risk factor that could

affect the pregnancy or perinatal outcome.

Women and their partner being encouraged to

prepare actively for pregnancy and as healthy as


Folic acid supplementation(4 mg / day) 4 wks prior

to conception

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Method of conception

From the day of onset of menstruation female

should follow brahmcharya for 3 days, on 4th day

she should take bath with washing her head also,

and wear white garments than enter the place of

god and should offer oblation with rice and ghrit.

To get male child even days of ritukala should be

selected, and for female child odd day of ritukala

should be selected.

Even days the quantity of artava is less and on

odd days quantity of artava increase thus leading

to birth of male or female child respectively.

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Borne child acquires similar characters of that type of diet , behavior, and conduct followed by couple at time of intercourse.

Ahara and vihara :

Male : should have food containing ghrit , rice and milk

Ghrita –

Pitta anilharam rasa shukra ojasam hitam

With these property ghrita increasse the quality of shukra .

All these having madhura rasa and sheeta viryaproperty which promotes the production of shukra


Female : should consume the food containing of tailaand masha.

Taila - having the property of yonivishodhan so helps in transportation of sperm from vagina by

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Taila and masha are ushna virya which increases the quality and quantity of aartava ,


Sumanasya and kalyan-kamana : she should remain of peaceful mind and positive thoughts, relatives and husband have tender words and behavior with her.

Anyonya – abhikamata: psychological intimacy of couples, decorative environment.

White color clothing: unique vibration of each color could have specific effect on psyche , white probably indicates tranquility pacification and sattva guna.

Time -An appropriate auspicious period of night facilitate garbhadhan

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Clinical importance

Favorable external environment and sound

interpersonal relationship described in ayu prove

well in dealing with even sexual dysfunction.

Physically or mentally ill male or female can

become infertile

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Factors essential for conception

Dhruvam chaturnam sanindhyat garbhah syat

vidhi purvakh I

Ritu kshetraambubijanam samgrayadankuro

yatha II

With these factors vag has described that besides

healthy garbhashaya( uterus), marga (vaginal

canal), rakta (ovum), shukra (sperm), proper

function of vayu (nervous system and harmons )

and normal psychological status are also


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1) Ritu kala Thirty days or one month is required for

completion of the Ritu Chakra.

It is divided into three phases according to changes occur in the female both in the genital organ and general body. i.e.

1. Rajahstrava kala 3-5 days.

2. Ritu kala 12 or 16 days.

3. Rituvyatita kala 9-13 days.

Ritu kala is the appropriate period for Beejotsargaand also for Garbhadhana. The uterus is ready for nidation, ovum is ready for fertilization , Vagina is ready to allow the passage of sperm through.

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Changes of Genital organs during


the life period of sperm and ovum are very short for fertilization and to get a perfect zygote timely intercourse is very much essential and garbhadhan in ritukala ensures it.

The female genital organs are in good healthy condition.

New collection of rajah starts in garbhashya

previously collected rajah has been discharged from yoni

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Clinical imp

It is considered as proliferative or peri ovulatory


By the end of the peri ovulatory phase the mature

follicle will develop and rupture, excrete the oocyte

with some granulosa cells into oviduct. The oocyte is

now competent to undergo fertilization.

Prediction of ovulation is imp to advice the

alternative day for practice of intercourse in case

of infertility due to oligospermia

Imp to collect ovum for in vitro fertilization

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2) Kshetra

Tatra shukra rupa beeja prarohanat I

Shukra enters in to female like a seed hence is

called kshetra

Being the origin of children the women is

considered as kshetra and is the best aphrodisiac


Shukshma kesha pratikasha beejarakta vahah

shirah I

Garbhashyam tarpyanti masad beejay kalpate II

Garbhashya also termed as kshetra , its interior

was lined by minute capillary for whole month to

receives the fertilized ova and give nourishment

to it .

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Clinical imp:

Garbhashya represents the interior of uterus i.e. emdometrium with all its decidual changes which provides good nidus for implantation of blastocyst, supplies nutrition to early growing zygote by its rich source of glycogen and fat.

reception-ready phase of the endometrium of the uterus is usually termed the "implantation window” . The implantation window follows around 6 days after the peak in luteinizing hormone levels (20th to the 23rd day after the last menstrual period.)

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3) AmbuAmbuh punara-aharpakajo vyapi rasadhatu I

Ambu is the rasa dhatu derived as end product of food digestion with reference to implanted ovum and zygote.

Growth of the fetus is result of ahara rasa of mother because the rasavaha srotas of mother are connected to nabhi nadi of garbha through which potent nutrients are circulated to fetus.

Clinical importance: the blood , inter cellular fluid of endometrium and secretions of endometrial glands with required nutrients without any abnormality is helpful for growing fetus.

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The embryo spends approximately 72 hours in

the uterine cavity before implanting. In that time, it

cannot receive nourishment directly from the

blood of the mother, and must rely on secreted

nutrients into the uterine cavity, e.g. iron and fat-

soluble vitamins.

endometrium secretes several steroid-dependent

proteins, important for growth and implantation.

Cholesterol and steroids are also secreted.

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4) Beeja

Beeja iti shukra shonite I

Beeja considered as male and female gametes

Mother and father by providing gametes can be

claimed as chief contributors for the formation of


Stree beeja :

Human ovum is the largest cell of body and

have specific name for its parts

Cytoplasm--- ooplasm/ yolk/vittelus

Nucleus--- germinal vesicle

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Nucleolus--- germinal spot

Cell membrane--- viteline membrane

Coverings: outer– corona radiata

inner_ zona pellucida

Fertile life of ovum: 12 - 24 hours

Time of ovulation - Day(14) after initiation of

menstrual cycle

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follicle development and

Ovum structure

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Purush beeja : sperm

Bahalam madhuram snigdhamavishram guru

pichchhilam I

Shuklam bahu cha yat shukram phalvat

tadashyanshyam II

Sperm has 2 parts head and tail

Head : consist condensed nucleus and acrosomal


Tail : diveded in 4 zone

Neck, middle pice , principle pice and end pice

Estimate fertile life of sperm = 48 – 72 hours

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The teja or energy generated during coitus activated vayu which leads to ejaculation of shukra into yoni which after entering into uterus by running through avartas of yoni gets mixed with artava.

And now thus formed garbha with the union of agniand soma gets stabilized in uterus

Fertilization is the process of union of mature male gamete (sperm) with mature female gamete (ovum) to produce new cell of life which is called (zygote) through chain of events takes place in the oviduct (fallopian tubes). Interruption of any event will cause fertilization failure.

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Fertilization events

a) Sperm capacitation:

Freshly ejaculated sperm are unable to

fertilize ovum. Rather, they must first undergo

a series of changes known as capacitation.

Capacitation is removal of adherent seminal

plasma proteins, reorganization of plasma

membrane lipids and proteins.

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b) Acrosome reaction:

The acrosome reaction involves breakdown

and fusion of outer acrosome membrane with

the plasma membrane of the sperm.

needed for sperm to penetrate the corona

radiata as well as zona pellucida .

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c) Sperm penetration:

Sperm cell penetrate cumulus oophorus by

the enzyme (hyaluronidase)

corona radiata by the enzyme (corona-

penetrating enzyme)

zona pellucida by the acrosin (trypsinlike


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d) Consequences of fertilization

In human after releasing the sperm nucleus

into egg cytoplasm it stimulates the diffusion

of cortical granules into the previtelline space,

the erection of a barrier to prevent fertilization

by more than one sperm will occur, this

process is called zona reaction and vitelline


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Cleavage Begins ~ 12 hours post-fertilization

Zygote divides into 2 cells (mitosis)

46 chromosomes in zygote = 46 chromosomes in

both daughter cells

2 cell into 4 cell stage (24 – 36 hours)

4 cell into 8 cell stage (36 – 72 hours)

Morula~ 16 cell stage

Develops ~ 72 hours (3 days) from fertilization

Morula enters the uterus ~ after 3 days in oviduct

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72 hours post-


entering uterus

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Morula, once entering the uterine cavity, floats


Morula begins to accumulate fluid and forms a

cavity between its cells

Once cavity appears, it is now called a


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ImplantationPravistha matram hi beejam rakten

parivesthyate I


Beeja soon after entering in to uterine cavity is encircled by rakta (maternal blood)

In humans implantation is the very early stage of pregnancy at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus. At this stage of prenatal development, the embryo is a blastocyst.

In humans, implantation of a fertilized ovum is most likely to occur about 9 days after ovulation, ranging between 6 and 12 days.

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Adaptation of uterus

To enable implantation, the uterus goes through

changes in order to be able to receive the embryo.


The endometrium increases thickness, becomes

vascularized and its glands grow and boosted in

their secretions. These changes reach their

maximum about 7 days after ovulation.

The luminal cells form the zona compacta of the


spongy stromal cells forms the basalolateral zona


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The decidual cells filled with lipids and glycogen

Parts of decidua

Decidua basalis - This is the part of the decidua

which is located basalolateral to the embryo after


Decidua capsularis - Decidua capsularis grows over

the embryo on the luminal side, enclosing it into the

endometrium. It surrounds the embryo together with

decidua basalis.

Decidua parietalis - All other decidua on the uterine

surface belongs to decidua parietalis.

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Adaptation of embryoAutocrine

Human chorionic gonadotropin is an autocrine growth factor for the blastocyst.

Insulin-like growth factor 2 on the other hand, stimulates the invasiveness of it.


The syncytiotrophoblasts dislodges decidual cells by degradation of cell adhesion molecules linking the decidual cells together as well as degradation of the extra cellular matrix between them.


The embryo differs from the cells of the mother, and would be rejected as a parasite by the immune system of the mother if it didn't secrete immunosuppressive agents.

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Such agents are

Platelet-activating factor

human chorionic gonadotropin

Prostaglandin E2,

Prevention of menstruation

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) not only acts

as an immunosuppressive, but preventing

menstruation by sustaining the function of the corpus


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Mechanism of implantation

Zona hatching

To be able to perform implantation, the blastocyst

needs to get rid zona pellucida. This process can

be called "hatching".


The very first, loose connection between the

blastocyst and the endometrium is called the



Adhesion is a much stronger attachment

The trophoblasts adhere by penetrating the

endometrium, with protrusions of trophoblast


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The blastocyst signals to the endometrium to

adapt further to its presence, e.g. by changes in

the cytoskeleton of decidual cells.

This communication is conveyed by receptor-

ligand-interactions, both integrin-matrix and



further establishment of the blastocyst in the


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According to Vaidyaka Sabda Sindhu, the Sukra

Dhatu gets activated by Agni during the natural

phenomenon of sexual copulation, carried by the

Vayu Mahabhuta to the Yoni Mukha and unites

with Artava, Such a union is said to be the


The union of Sukra and Sonita inside the Kukshi

can not be termed as Garbha if the entrance of

Atma doesn't occurs.

Kukshi denotes Garbhasaya (or) Womb.

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Amalgamation of physical components like

shukra and artava with metaphysical element

ATMA associated with prakriti and vikar is called


Prakriti : The Prakriti is defined as the aspect

which is stable from birth . Chakrapani says

that Prakriti is nothing but Swabhavam.

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This Prakriti is influenced by 4 factors when the

Garbha is in the womb of mother. These factors


1. Sukra Sonita Prakriti,

2. Kala Garbhasaya Prakriti,

3. Maturahara Vihara Prakriti and

4. MahabhootaVikara Prakriti

Sukra Sonita Prakriti can be considered under

hereditary factors,

Eg : illness caused by abnormality in genome

such as- polycystic kidney, sickle cell anemia,


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Kala Garbhasaya Prakriti is the strength and state

of the genital organs, some abnormalities

increases the risk of misscarriage, premature


Maturahara Vihara Prakriti is the diet and

behaviour followed by pregnant woman during

prenatal period. Because fetus gets all its

nurishment from mothers bloodstream during

pregnency, eg – fetal alcohol syndrome,

Mahabhoota Vikara Prakriti is the derivative of


These four factors influence the Garbha from the

time of conception till labour

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Vikaras : The Garbha which is a culmination

of Panchamahabhootas and which is the site of

Chetana is the said Vikara .

Physical constitution of garbha: Sthul division

of components of embryo of garbha includes

panch mahabhut and atma, while shukshma

division includes 24 factors governed by atma

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