
Intentional Living


More Than a Coach


Winterl 2015

ContentsMeet Our Staff

Lead PastorRalph Sawyer

Pastor of Music & AdministrationGrant Jessen

Pastor of StudentsJeremy Shirley

Pastor of Preschool/Children Jason Hoke

Message from our Pastor: An Example to Follow .................................... 3 On & Off Campus: More Than a Coach ..................................... 4-5 Koinonia ...................................................... 6 One More in the Books .................................. 7 Inside a Youth Ministry Retreat .................... 12

Mission Emphasis: Missions: Panama ...................................... 8-9

Resources: American Holidays - Why We Celebrate .....10-11 Movie Review: Woodlawn ............................ 13 Living the Intentional Life .......................14-15

First Baptist Church of Wentzville653 Luetkenhaus Blvd.Wentzville, MO 63385(636) 327-8696

A quarterly publication by First Baptist Church of Wentzville, Missouri.The material within this publication may not be disseminated without permission.All inquiries, comments, suggestions and story ideas should be directed to our creative team at:[email protected]

Connections Creative TeamDee SchneiderLori JohnsonTracy SmithJeremy Shirley

If you are interested in serving on this team, please contact Dee Schneider [email protected]

Issues of the Connections Magazine will be distributed via email and on our website. If you require a hard copy, please notify the church office.

2 Connections Winter 2015

“One thing have I asked of the LORD,

that will I seek after: that I may dwell

in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon

the beauty of the LORD and to inquire

in his temple.” Psalm 27:4 (ESV)

One of the most enjoyable aspects of teaching the Masterlife Bible study is to be able to listen

to the testimonies given by those who are participating. I always enjoy their stories. They will often bring a smile to your face and a tug on your heart as you hear example after example of some individual or group of individuals who radically influenced the lives of the students of the class because of their vibrant and wholehearted relationship with the Lord.

I imagine we all have been influenced greatly by others who have had a passionate relationship with the Lord Jesus. We seem to be drawn to those who love the Lord greatly and know Him well. We discover over the years that if we are going to have that type of a personal relationship with the Lord, one that is intimate and growing, it’s going to take intentional, deliberate decisions on our part to reset our priorities to make room for our pursuit of God.

We discover intimacy with God is not something that can be achieved in just listening to an inspiring sermon every once in a while or having a 15 minute devotional and prayer time each day. No, to seek the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, requires a persevering lifetime commitment.

Wouldn’t you agree that it’s all too easy to be satisfied with a superficial and shallow relationship with the Lord? We just come to the Lord when we need something, but we’re unwilling to talk to Him and sit quietly for any extended period of time just getting to know Him better through prayer and his Word. Yet, that’s the kind of intimacy required to become the kind of person who becomes an example to all they meet.

When I listen to some of those testimonies, I think to myself and wonder if I’ve ever been that kind of an example in somebody else’s life. You know, where they see the closeness of the relationship I have with the Lord and they think to themselves, “I really want to have the kind of relationship with God that that person has!”

We know that the Lord desires our love and devotion and intimate fellowship. Ask yourself if that’s what you want too? If the answer is yes, are you willing to make the necessary commitment? To seek the Lord and grow in your relationship with Him is not something we can have instantly. It will cost time and effort, but the rewards will be worth any sacrifice that we make.

And, if you decide to pursue the path of intimacy, who knows... you just might end up being in a testimony someday… as an example of someone who really had a close relationship with the Lord, the kind of relationship that everybody really, really wants…and really, really needs.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

James 4:8a (NKJV)

Bro. Ralph

Pastor Ralph Sawyer, Lead Pastor

An Example to Follow

Winter 2015 Connections 3

the resources and training to be a winning coach. When we say you can be a “winning coach,” we’re not talking about win/loss records on the court. We’re talking about being successful in helping athletes become more than athletes. Coaches of all backgrounds and experience levels come through our doors. As a coach, regardless of whether you’re walking onto the court for the first time this season or have been coaching for years, we equip you with the resources you’ll need to be a successful Upward coach.Through my experience, I’ve come to believe there are two types of families who enroll their children in Upward Sports leagues:

• The family who is seeking to develop their child’s athletic ability. They want to introduce their child to the sport with the goal of developing their love for the game and improving their ability. For this family, it’s about the sport.

• The family who wants their child to experience the good qualities in being a part of a team. They want to introduce their child to the sport, but want it done in a God-honoring way. For this family, it’s about the ministry.

Likewise, there are two types of coaches in Upward Sports:

• The “Sport” Coach is the coach who focuses on helping the athlete become a better athlete ON the court. He/she teaches skills through drills and imparts his/her knowledge of the sport on his/her athletes. He/she challenges players to become better Athletically (improving skills) and Mentally (making wise decisions on the court).

• The “Faith” Coach is the coach who focuses on helping the athlete become a better person OFF the court. He/she teaches athletes what it means to grow in their understanding of their role in God’s

One of the things I love most about the Upward Sports ministry is that no matter what a child’s skill level or experience with the sport is, every child has an equal opportunity to play and improve. Whether your son is taking his first steps ever onto a basketball court this season, or your daughter was born with a basketball in her hand. Every child plays. Every child learns. Every child develops. Every child grows. Every Child Is a Winner. That last one bears repeating. Every Child Is a Winner. Not, “Every Child Wins”, but

“Every Child Is a Winner.” I’m not talking about the participation trophy…that’s a conversation for another day. Today, I want to talk about how we define winning--what it means to be a winner.

In sports, winning is traditionally defined at the scoreboard. The winner is the one who, at the end of the game, has the most points…unless we’re golfing, but again I digress. When we think of winning

in the sports environment, our minds conjure up a preconceived notion of what that looks like. Even as you’re reading this, you’re thinking about what winning looks like on the court…maybe even recalling athletes that society would define as having “won” in their sports arena.

What if we flip the script? What if we challenged the traditional definition of winning in sports? What if we said being a winner in sports is about so much more than the score at the end of the game? What would happen if we could begin to change the landscape of youth sports for the benefit of the athlete? What if I told you that’s exactly what we’re doing?

Through the medium of the Upward Sports ministry, we’re doing more than helping children become better players on the court or field. We’re developing the total athlete. Mentally. Athletically. Spiritually. Socially. We’re coaching athletes to become more.

To do that takes MORE THAN A COACH.Do you remember what I said in the first

sentence? (Go back and read it now if you don’t.) The other thing I love most about the Upward Sports ministry is that no matter what a person’s experience with the sport is, every volunteer who steps into the role of a coach is equipped with


4 Connections Winter 2015

Big Story. He/she introduces players to Jesus Christ and helps them to develop the character of Christ (Spiritually), and he/she challenges players to foster healthy relationships (Socially).

When we can staff each team with both types of coaches, we’re able to offer our community more than just a youth sports league. When we can merge sports and ministry effectively, we are in the unique position to provide the “Upward Sports Experience”…or simply “More Than.” And, because there are two types of families who enroll their children in our Upward Sports league, each of the above two types of coaches is equally important.

A team without a Sport Coach won’t earn the trust and respect of athletes and their parents…which closes the door to ministry opportunities. A team without a Faith Coach is just another youth sports team we can find at any community league around town. If that’s the product we’re comfortable putting out as the church...a league with no ministry…then what’s the point? More than anyone, Jesus Christ understood the concept that “if you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” He constantly exceeded expectations. To model His behavior in exceeding the expectations of the people who come to us through Upward Sports, we have to be more than just a sport league. We do that when we can merge the sport with ministry.

Sometimes, we can staff a team with one coach who fills both those roles…sport and faith. I love finding coaches who are knowledgeable in the sport, passionate about teaching it to others correctly, and passionate about sharing their faith in God with others. What I love even more is when I get to watch as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ grow in their own faith by stepping out of their comfort zone to serve God when He calls them. More often than not, we need multiple coaches…a full coaching staff, if you will…to fill both those roles…sport and faith.

If you’re reading this, there’s a strong chance you’re a member here at FBCW, and that most likely means you have some level of a relationship with Christ. If you’re not a member, then the mere fact you’ve read this far down indicates that God has piqued your interest in what HE is saying through the words on this page. This means He is stirring your soul and placing you in a unique position to do exactly what He calls us to do in Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Perhaps you’ve heard the expression, “God

doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.” Do you feel God calling you to serve, but you’re just not sure where? Maybe…just maybe…God wants to grow you spiritually…to deepen your faith. What if you flip the script and step out of your comfort zone to serve Him in a way you never considered before now? Maybe you don’t know basketball, but you know Jesus Christ. Whether you’re 18 or 81, you’re still breathing because God has a plan for you. If you’ve read all the way to here, maybe…just maybe…that plan includes stepping into the game of basketball or cheerleading to share your love of Christ with 8-10 young people and their families.

Don’t take my word for it. Hear from a FBCW member who stepped out of her comfort zone last season as a Faith Coach:

“This season…was a new experience for me, and a wonderful one! All the girls are wonderful girls and it was great to watch them develop their skills. I enjoyed the devotion time with them, and am amazed of their [desire to know] God.” – Cookie Stude, member FBCW.

Cookie is a living testimony you don’t have to know the sport to serve the Lord in the Upward Sports ministry. You’ll learn the sport through watching the Sport Coach at practices and games and participating as part of the coaching staff. The sport is just the tool we use to accomplish the mission of sharing the gospel. We’re changing the landscape of youth sports in Wentzville for the benefit of the athlete. We’re on mission Promoting the Discovery of Jesus Through Sports, and we need mission-aligned Faith Coaches who are passionate about loving and serving God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Loving God. Loving People. That’s what we do here at FBCW. Are you available for MORE THAN?

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” – Ephesians 3:20-21

#morethan Winter 2015 Connections 5

Koinonia Many of you may have heard about a ministry

at our church called Koinonia but wondered what it’s all about. I’d like to share with you what we do and some of the activities we provide through this ministry.

The goal of Koinonia is to serve and connect with homeschool families in our community. Koinonia does this in many different ways and with a variety of activities.

We offer a homeschool Co-op once a month where children can come and learn. This year we have expanded the classes to include cake decorating, needle arts, and boy’s survival. We also have a class for youth age children as well as classes

for 3-4 year olds and 5-6 year olds. This year we have provided a place for moms to meet and fellowship with each other. We have heard from a lot of mom’s that this is a much-needed time for them while their children are in Co-op. It provides an opportunity to talk with other moms and seek advice while still on site if needed by their child.

Field trips are another great way we connect with homeschool families in our area. We usually have one a month and have gone to many different places over the years. Some of these include listening to the St. Louis Symphony at Powell Hall, visiting the History Museum, hikes at different parks and conservation areas, and visiting the capitol building in Jefferson City. This year we will visit a children’s museum, go hiking, take a trip to the World Bird Sanctuary, and participate in a candle light walk in Augusta.

Another opportunity we have provided is ice skating lessons here in Wentzville. This year we are working with Vibrance Living Arts Studio to help provide a tumbling class for the homeschool families in our group.

Our ministry also provides many opportunities for homeschool families to come together as

families. We kick off each school year with a family picnic where we discuss the upcoming events for the year. We also have an end-of-the-year event where families can come and present some of the things they have worked on during the year.

Several times a year we have special nights where moms can come together and share with each other. We recently spent a few hours visiting at 6 North Café here in Wentzville. It was a wonderful evening spending time talking with other moms. We provide childcare for these events which allows moms the ability to experience adult time with fellow moms who educate their children at home.

Koinonia also offers a few special events just for fun every year. We have a Valentine’s Day party held in the youth room. The youth aged homeschool students who participate in Co-op do the planning for the party. Children are encouraged to bring a decorated box to receive their Valentine’s cards. We have had some very creative boxes at these events! The children are served refreshments and someone gives a devotion. It’s a wonderful time for them to spend with friends.

In February we host a Daddy Daughter Dance which was a big hit last year. It was so sweet to see the precious pictures of the girls dancing with their dads. They are served dinner and then get to spend the evening dancing with dad. It’s such a special time for dads and daughters to connect with each other. This event is a church wide outreach to our community, and all daddies and daughters are welcome to attend!!

We have seen tremendous growth this year as we strive to meet the need for homeschool families to connect. So far, we have 19 new families and 18 of these attend our church. We would like to continue to reach out to the homeschool families in our community and to provide them with safe, biblically sound activities in which to be involved.

6 Connections Winter 2015

Our second season of Upward Soccer at FBCW just finished and was a great success! We saw 155 children registered on 19 teams with 33 coaches, representing over 6,500 Ministry Opportunities throughout the 10 weeks of the season. Of these 155 children, only 24 percent are members of FBCW, while 22 percent have no church home. Your faithful tithing provided scholarship assistance to 19 children who would not have been able to participate otherwise.

We’re not just developing a child’s athletic abilities; we’re using sports as a tool to develop the athlete Mentally, Athletically, Spiritually and Socially. Upward coaches share a mid-practice devotion with each child at every practice. This season, we learned more about three virtues:

SELF-CONTROL – “Choosing to do what you should do, not what you want to do.”

“Everyone should be quick to listen. But they should be slow to speak. They should be slow to get angry.” - James 1:19b

CONTENTMENT – “Choosing to be happy with what you’ve got.”

“I have learned to be content no matter what happens to me.” - Philippians 4:11b

PEACE – “Proving you care more about each other than winning an argument.”

“So let us do all we can to live in peace. And let us work hard to build up one another.” - Romans 14:19

Each child heard the Gospel message at least three times and learned they are part of God’s Big Story. At the season-ending Award Celebration, each child received a DVD, “The Big Story,” to take home and watch as a family and hear the Gospel message again. The

deadline for this article is five days before our season-ending Award Celebration, so I can’t report how many children or adults have come to a personal relationship with Jesus this season. However, as a result of your faithfulness and commitment to support the Upward Sports ministry here at FBCW, children and their families are coming to a deeper understanding of who God is and how they fit in God’s Big Story. Praise God for what He is doing in our community through you!

We also completed our third annual Basketball Academy, a six-week developmental experience to:• Reposition our church as the

sports leader in our community.• Differentiate our developmental

sports program from other options.• Draw a new influx of children

into our winter Upward Basketball league.• Provide parents a better

option for providing their child the opportunity to experience that next level of play.

Split into two Academies by gender, we saw an enrollment increase of 42 percent from last year’s Academy. Sixty young athletes in 4th-8th grades participated in this program, representing over 1,900 Ministry Opportunities over the six weeks. Of the 60 children participating, only 15 percent are members of FBCW, while 23 percent have no church home. While 60 children may seem like a low number, we are intentional in limiting enrollment to 40 boys and 40 girls to provide a higher coach-to-player ratio and allow a more personal level of instruction for every child. This year was the first year in three Academies that we’ve hit capacity—40 boys. A carefully selected and trained coaching staff, certified by Upward Sports, focused on individual skill development through intentional drills, scrimmages, and instruction. They also set time for life lessons each

week.Using Luke 2:52 (“And Jesus grew

in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man”) as their core Scripture verse, athletes dove deeper into the Word to discover more about what each meant:

• Wisdom – “Renewing Your Mind” (Romans 12:2) and “Making Wise Choices” (Ephesians 5:15-16)

• Stature – “Focus – Seeing God Clearly” (2 Corinthians 4:18) and

“Resilience – Bouncing Back” (Hebrews 4:15-16)

• In Favor With Man – “Healthy Friendships” (Proverbs 13:20) and

“Putting Others First” (Philippians 2:3-5)

• In Favor With God – “Having a Relationship With Jesus” (John 3:16) and “Putting Your Trust in God” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Participants took part in a Service Project in week five. Some served a widowed member of FBCW and a family with health issues by doing yard work, others made baked goods and delivered them to local heroes (police, fire, EMS, hospital staff, etc.), and others wrote a personal letter of encouragement and appreciation to a soldier deployed overseas.

As this article goes to print, 398 children are already registered for our winter Basketball and Cheerleading season. We anticipate 500+ children again this season, representing over 25,000 Ministry Opportunities! This will require over 250 volunteers just this winter—and not all require basketball knowledge. In addition to Sport and Faith Coaches and referees, we need volunteers for marketing and social media, game day setup/cleanup, game day announcers, sharing a devotion at half-time, mascots, and prayer partners. Would you prayerfully consider how you can serve God through the Upward Sports ministry? We’re on mission to “Promote the Discovery of Jesus Through Sports,” and we’re excited to see what God has in store for the ministry in 2016!

One more in the books!

Winter 2015 Connections 7

On Mission: 2015 Review, 2016 Plans, and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

What happened to 2015? It flew by! But you should know that your church made an impact for our Lord on the mission field this year thanks to your prayers and efforts! You sent out five teams on mission for Jesus Christ in 2015 and we saw immediate responses to your generosity!

Our initial mission trip in February worked with the First Baptist Church (FBC) Chitre, Panama. While there we shared the gospel with more than 50 children as we assisted their church with Vacation Bible School (VBS). The school year in Panama is March through December, so their “summer vacation” is from mid-December until early March. So, we enjoyed “summer vacation” in February. We also made some boys and girls very happy as we distributed dresses and shorts made by the Hemmed in Prayer ministry and sportswear from the Upwards Sports Ministry. There was not a child who went without!

We returned to Chitre in June for the opportunity to lead a youth sports camp, but it turned into a soccer tournament with over 80

boys and girls participating. Each of our team members was able to witness and tell the good news of Jesus Christ not only to the students but to parents and other adults as well. Gary Mills was scheduled to teach a class on Bonsai trees, but got sick at the last minute and could not go. Our Lord provided a solution through a local Panamanian who was also well versed in Bonsai plants and could lead the class. That night class was popular with almost 30 people attending both nights it was offered.

Also in June we sent a team of 25 people to Atchison, Kansas where we assisted a church plant we are teaming with. Celebration Church coordinated our work with a team of college students to put on a sports camp, a neighborhood block party, and canvassing many of the homes in the area.

The next month, we went to Puebla, Mexico, where we worked with the Hananeel Baptist Church VBS. Their school year calendar is more like ours in the USA, so we went out into the countryside where a farmer opened up his home for us to have VBS for the area. Fifteen children were there on the first day, and by the end of the week we doubled that. But, there was some angst among the locals when the father of the hosting farmer told us we were not welcome to use his property for VBS and made threats to the group. After praying over the situation,

M I S S I O N S : 2 0 1 5 i n r e v i e wby: Glen Locklear

8 Connections Winter 2015

M I S S I O N S : 2 0 1 5 i n r e v i e wwe carefully approached him and explained to him what we were doing, sharing Jesus, and that had we initially realized we needed his permission we would have sought him out. He was still not convinced, but a tense situation was defused. This is why your prayers are so needed when we are on these mission trips!

In September we returned to FBC Chitre to assist with some facility work and painting on the church. This time Gary Mills was able to teach the Bonsai class he had planned for May. Again, it was a successful community outreach and allowed us to demonstrate the reality of Jesus Christ as the vine, and us as the branches.

We saw four adults come to Jesus this year. Many children prayed to ask Jesus into their heart as we closed each of our works. We left the local churches in Panama and Mexico the task of following up with families of the children to ensure the children clearly understand what it means to follow Jesus, and to open doors to their families and friends.

Next year we have three foreign and one domestic mission trips scheduled:

• January 23-29 we go to Panama to assist with Vacation Bible School

• March 19-25 we return to Panama to share the gospel in the schools

• July 23-29 we will have a medical mission trip to Puebla where we will visit three different villages and will offer physical and spiritual healing.

• July 11-15 we have scheduled another trip to Atchison, Kansas

The average cost of the international mission trips was around $1300 per person, with the majority of the cost being the airfare. If this might be of interest to you, contact me and we can schedule the training to prepare you to go on mission!

If the thought of climbing on an airplane to a far off land is too much of a stretch, how about helping with some local mission opportunities? Located right here in Wentzville is the LINC ministry which includes the Hope closet and food pantry. Volunteers are always welcomed.

Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong Offerings

Last year our church gave more than $20,000.00 to the Lottie Moon Christmas mission offering which helps fund missionaries around the world. At Easter, we gave a little under $10,000.00 toward the Annie Armstrong mission offering which does the same for missionaries across the United States and Canada.

This year our 2015 goal for the Christmas mission offering is $25,000 and 2016 Easter offering is $12,000. Now is the time to begin praying about what you are being led to give.

Winter 2015 Connections 9

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day• Observed on December 7th to remember the

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.• More than 2,300 Americans lost their lives in

the attack, which prompted America to enter into war against Japan and their allies known as World War II.

• Remembrance Day did not become official until 1994 after much effort by a Marine Veteran named Richard Foltynewicz.

• One of the most touching memorials can be found at Pearl Harbor – the USS Arizona Memorial. The memorial is built directly over the USS Arizona ship, which can still be seen in its ocean grave. To this day the ship leaks 2-9 quarts of oil each day. The USS Arizona was bombed and sank within nine minutes burying 1,177 crewmembers.

Bill of Rights Day• Observed on December 15th, became a

national holiday in 1941.• Celebrated to remember the great blessing

of our freedoms and in 1941 those freedoms were 150 years strong.

• Observed by government buildings displaying the American flag and a call for Americas to meet together to pray.

• This day celebrates our Freedom of speech, Freedom of press, Freedom of religion, Freedom of assembly, Freedom to petition the government

• Christmas Day• Observed on December 25th to commemorate

the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.• All across our country and the world,

Christians celebrate the birth of God’s Son by going to church, enjoying a special meal with family and friends, reading Scripture, lighting candles, and exchanging gifts.

• Many traditions help bring our focus to Christ and the reason for His coming; some beautifully refined over years of participation and others new and fresh bringing life to the reality of our Redeemer.

• But the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great

American HolidaysWhy We Celebrate!

joy that will be for all the people: Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David. This will be a sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in cloth and lying in a feeding trough.” Luke 2:10 -12

New Year’s Day• Observed January 1st to celebrate the

expectation of a new calendar year. • All over the world people commemorate

the fresh start of a new year. One famous gathering takes place in New York’s Times Square where thousands come together to count down to the New Year!!

• The Rose Parade held in Pasadena California has been a famous New Year’s tradition since 1890.

One little known tradition includes the serenading of the Commandant and his wife on New Year’s Day by the U.S. Marine Band. The band plays patriotic songs and is then rewarded with a brunch at the Commandant’s home.

• However celebrated, New Year’s Day brings the remembrance that God’s mercies are NEW every morning.

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great

is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

The Convening of Congress• Observed January 3rd, every odd year when

a new Congress assembles. This date is occasionally observed on a different date if the 3rd falls on a weekend.

• Commemorates bringing together the Congress of the United States; a starting point, if you will, for the Senate and House of Representatives. Each newly elected official is sworn in and takes the oath of his or her office.

• This day marks the official start of service and the order of business is established to aid in the efficiency of day-to-day activities.

Inauguration Day• Observed January 20th, every four years when

a President is elected or re-elected. • This day honors the office of President of the

by: Tracy Smith

10 Connections Winter 2015

United States through the solemn oath, which is taken, participating in luncheons, a parade, and various receptions.

• The president while placing his right hand on the Bible takes this oath. “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” George Washington added the phrase, “so help me God.” Each President thereafter has added the phrase as well.

• Being President of the United States holds great Biblical significance, as this leader is accountable before God for his leadership and we as citizens are accountable to pray.

Loyalty and truth preserve the king, and he upholds his throne by righteousness. Proverbs


Martin Luther King Day • Observed the third Monday in January

became a national holiday in 1986.• Celebrated to remember Dr. Martin Luther

King Jr., a leader in the civil rights movement. He was a great man who served others by striving to make our world a better place.

• Designated as a “day to serve others” by Congress in 1994.

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.

Mark 10:45

National Freedom Day • Observed on February 1st, was signed into law

in 1948 and first observed nationally on 1949. Richard Robert Wright Sr., a former slave and freeman, born into slavery in 1855, desired for all American citizens to appreciate and commit themselves yearly to goodwill and freedom. He spent his life encouraging African Americans to strive for higher education and for all American’s to commit to freedom.

• February 1st carries significance, as it was the day President Abraham Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery.

• The National Freedom Day Association’s motto is founded on Scripture . . .

Proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all the inhabitants thereof.

Leviticus 25:10

Groundhog Day/Valentine’s Day• Some holidays in our country have origins in

other cultures from many years ago. These observances were carried over by families who immigrated to America, which have evolved to become some beloved fun traditions.

• Groundhog Day is observed February 2nd to determine the amount of winter remaining. The legend goes if the groundhog sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter, if not we may enjoy an early spring. The national weather service has concluded that groundhogs, even some of the most famous, are only accurate about 39% of the time.

• Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th and has its roots in Roman times. The story goes that a Roman Emperor forbid men from marrying. A priest by the name of Valentine performed ceremonies despite the order and was imprisoned.

• Of course today we use this day to show special appreciation and kindness to those we love.

Washington’s Birthday/President’s Day• Observed the 3rd Monday in February and

became a national holiday in 1879. George Washington’s birthday is actually February 11, however due to calendar differences in early American history, his birthday was changed to February 22.

• Since President Washington and Lincoln have birthdays in February some states have chosen to celebrate this day as President’s Day.

• Every year a Senator is asked to read George Washington’s Farewell Address aloud to the Senate. This tradition has been in place since the Civil War and helps the current leaders learn, be inspired, and remain in the spirit with which this country was founded.

References: Uncle Sam and You, Ray and Charlene Notgrass

Winter 2015 Connections 11

One of my favorite retreats of the year is the Middle School guys retreat. The retreat consists of a jam packed weekend of activity and competition including capture the flag, football, and paintball. This year twenty-four men journeyed to High Hill Christian

Camp for a weekend of fellowship and defining godly manhood.

After a meal of pizza in the church parking lot, all of the guys load up in various vehicles and head out to the camp. The retreat begins where it should—in the Word. Huddled around a fire on a cool autumn night, we examined the life of one of the “manliest” men in the Bible—David. As we discussed his life, there are multiple opportunities for the fathers and leaders to speak to the middle school aged men about what it looks like to be a godly man, the challenges we all face daily, and the responsibilities involved in living a life following God.

The students play capture the flag late into the night while many of

Inside a Youth Ministry Retreat:Man-Up Middle School Guys Retreat

the dads stay huddled around the fire discussing only what I assume to be the manliest of things: beards, tomahawks, explosions, etc.

The next morning comes too soon, and after breakfast we transition into the morning devotional. Students

and adults (fathers or youth leaders) partner up to read and study the Word together. This year the devotion went through different Proverbs, examining the wisdom given and the result of following the wisdom. Another educational aspect of the retreat are practical skills. This is where we take time to introduce and educate the younger men about things men should know how to do. This year we focused on learning to tie a tie and the need for good hygiene (you’re welcome—anyone who has to sit near or live with a middle school aged boy.) We finish up our time at the camp with a game of two-hand touch football and our final meal around the fire, before heading to Wacky Warriors for an afternoon of

shooting each other with paint. All of the attendees go home tired with a bag full of urgent, disgusting laundry, and hopefully a refreshed mind and readiness to be the man God desires for them to be.

It is the entire weekend that makes this one of my favorite retreats/events of the year. It is not just the constant activities, food over fire, and “man stuff” that makes this an awesome weekend—it is the intentional time, away from day-to-day life, dedicated to building relationships that will bring the younger generation up into godly men.

The Man-Up Middle School Guys Retreat is a non-stop, intense weekend. In a culture where the role that men play is becoming increasingly passive, it is a good reminder that we need to continually train and develop young men into strong, God-honoring men who will be leaders in their schools, work places, churches, and homes.

By: Alec Erhart

12 Connections Winter 2015

God works miracles doesn’t He? Well, in this movie we see one of the greatest miracles in America’s history—two entire football teams and the majority of a school come to Christ! The setting is in Birmingham, Alabama in 1973, ten years after Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birmingham speech in which he challenged the city to overcome its racism. Now Woodlawn High is forcing its students, which consist of 2,500 white students, to accept 500 black students. Needless to say, things do not go over well. Tensions were especially high within the varsity football team that is coached by Tandy Geralds (Nic Bishop). On the team’s first day of practice Coach Tandy Geralds says

“Anger, I see it in your faces. You’re angry because of what’s happened to this school. … None of us chose this. It was forced on us. We can choose together what we will do with it. So, if it is anger that unites us, then let’s use that anger to win, boys. ‘Cause winning fixes just about everything, doesn’t it?” Then Hank (Sean Astin), a sports chaplain, shows up. Now, Hank’s got a radically different message for the members of the team. He has a message about Jesus which he begs the coach to let him share. At first Geralds refuses the offer but after a riot at the school he says, “Five minutes.” However, an hour later the entire team has come to Christ, which starts a ripple effect of redemption throughout the school and soon through the whole of Birmingham, with a lot of credit to the courageous running back, Tony Nathan.

Now, let’s talk about the movie itself. It is full of God-focused elements along with one of the most important values that we as Christians should have: courage. Hank courageously keeps asking Coach Geralds for permission to share his faith. Coach Geralds courageously holds to his convictions about integrating his football team and owning his faith when both are challenged. And, Tony Nathan has to exercise the most courage of all, both on and off the field. We learn that Hank reluctantly went to Campus Crusade for Christ’s Explo ‘72 conference where he committed his life to Christ. Then, Hank encourages Tony to embrace his gifts, saying, “If you play for yourself, you can be great. But when you play for something higher than yourself, that’s when something extraordinary can happen. God has a purpose for all of us, and it is not insignificant.” Tony adopts that call and, as he later tells a reporter,

“I just want to give Jesus Christ all the glory for giving us another victory.”

In conclusion, I want to ask you some questions. Can one person really make a difference? Is it possible to overcome hostility and hatred with faith, hope and love? Well, Woodlawn answers these questions with a resounding ‘yes.’ Though the context of this movie, which is based on a true story, is football, its lessons apply to so much more. If we can choose, in faith, to love others even when they are doing anything but loving us, we can change the world. Now, the result of sharing our faith may not become the stuff of movies. However, Woodlawn challenges us to do it anyway.

by Austin Johnson

Winter 2015 Connections 13

By: Tracy SmithFresh start, clean slate, new beginning...what

do these phrases have in common? Besides

the fact they are some of my favorite words…

for most people, they are words that bring life,

encouragement, and motivation--words that bring

HOPE! When I ponder the idea of a new year, my

mind goes crazy with the potential and possibilities

that await. I’m usually all too eager to put behind

the failures and challenges of the past 365 days and

dream of the plans that potentially fill the next. I’m

eager for the opportunity to start anew and to begin


The journey of a new year and the newness that

awaits can be quite exciting. The planning, hoping,

dreaming, and resolution making we all succumb

to as the Christmas decorations find their way back

into the basement. For me it’s almost magical . . .

my mind is planning already! Yet this year, let’s camp

on the word newness and take a fresh look at God’s


Intentionally New

Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day,

Little people want to play,

Rain, rain, go away.

Living th e In t e n tiona l Li f e

14 Connections Winter 2015


Living th e In t e n tiona l Li f eIsn’t that where it all begins – our journey as

a Christian – with God’s grace and newness of life? In Ezekiel 36:26, God promises that He will give us a new heart, and He will put a new spirit in us. He will take out our stony, stubborn heart and give us a tender, responsive heart. Newness begins with a new heart, one that can only be given by the Creator of our hearts. All we must do is BELIEVE! Have faith that God is the Great I AM, that He really is the Creator of all things. Believe that in His abundant love for human kind He sent His only Son, Jesus, as the substitute to receive the punishment for our sins! Hebrews 11:6 states, “Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.” That is the first step to having newness of life – having faith! When we believe, trust, have faith that God is telling us the truth, our Christian journey begins.

Another type of newness is given to all mankind: those who believe and those who do not. This newness comes through the seasons. Not only did God’s creative genius align the heavenly bodies to give us the seasons but with those seasons come a new year! In the book, Voices of the Faithful, Beth Moore shows us the break-down of God’s new start plan.

“God didn’t think an annual new start was nearly enough. He who created the human psyche also compartmentalized those hundreds of days into 12 months. Every month we get another first. But 12 new starts were not enough, either. The very first verses of Scripture unfold a seven-day period of time we call a week. Fifty-two new beginnings a year sounds like plenty, doesn’t it? Ah, but not to God. He who configured our needy souls ordained the sun to rise every single morning and set every single evening. A curtain of darkness falls systematically on the scene of every single day, calling it history.”

When we segment our time here on earth into the multitude of new starts God gives over a lifetime, we are so blessed. We have an opportunity each year to start new, and

make plans to be more intentional with our relationships and responsibilities. More importantly, while we still have breath, we have new opportunities to “seek the LORD while He may be found and call on Him while He is near” (From Isaiah 55:6).

But, God doesn’t stop there with His grace! We are all given 12 brand new months with changes that make our lives full and fast! Then those seven days blow right past us and all of a sudden it’s the start of a brand new week – whew! The new start I think I’m most thankful to experience is the brand new day. God in His infinite wisdom knew we (I) needed a break. He knew in this broken world full of broken people, we would need rest and renewal that can happen every night when the darkness falls and our weary minds and bodies seek sleep. Then at the dawn of a new day, He is there gifting His children with His mercy and love.

This verse of seeking sums up the morning graces God is waiting to give. Psalm 143:8 states, “Cause me to hear Your loving-kindness in the morning; for in You do I trust. Cause me to know the way in which I should walk; for I lift my soul to You.”

And God answers with the promises of faithfulness – He is so good!! The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

So, Happy 2016, and may this new start be the beginning of a new heart! A new year to seek the LORD while He can be found!

Winter 2015 Connections 15

Celebrate Christmas with us!

16 Connections Winter 2015

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