Download - Conserve water

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Conserve Water, Preserve Life!

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Do we waste water? Do we think it’s free?

How it gets to us, those efforts we don’t see

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In so many parts of the world you know

There’s severe water shortage and crops don’t grow

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Their livestock dies too and there’s famine around

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While for you and I, precious water doesn’t count

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So let’s look at some things we can do every day

With a little thought and effort, there’s so much we can save

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Pour in water, but only as much as we drinkStop filling the glass up to almost the brim

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When we’re thirsty next time,

we can drink from it

If we can’t drink it all, cover the glass with a lid

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It’s a good way of saving both water and time

That way we won’t have to wash it each time

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As for the water guests leave in the glass

It can surely be used for our indoor plants

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When it comes to dishwashers and washing machines

Let’s not turn them on for only a few things

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Or shampooing our hair

Let’s turn off the tap while we’re brushing our teeth

or while scrubbing our feet

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As for our showers, when

we’re under that spray

It’s not the place to plan our life or

our day

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While washing our cars, let’s

not give them a bath

Let’s try to save water when doing

this task

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I could keep going on,

there are so many ways

If we think it’s important,

so much water can be saved

It’s really high time that we lived our

livesOn a conscious level, with our

conscience alive

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For be sure of one thing –

that someone, somewhere

Needs that water we waste,

while we don’t care.

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Lessons of Water Conservations in the Sunnah

What is extravagance in the use of water?

Prophet (saw ) discouraged us from wasting water even if we are at a flowing river.(Related by Ahmad and Ibn Majah )

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"The Prophet( SAW), used to take a bath with a sa'a of water (1.616 cc) 3 to 5 madd (each 4 madd equals one sa'a). ”

(Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

Lesson 2 :

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"The Prophet( SAW), used to make ablution with one madd (404 cc) of water.“

(Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

Lesson 3 :

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The Prophet has said that on the Day of Resurrection Allah will neither talk to, nor look at….

Lesson 4 :

“A man who with-holds his superfluous water. Allah will say to him, "Today I will with-hold My Grace from you as you with-held the superfluity of what you had not created” .”[Al Bukhari 40:557]

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Let’s show gratefulness for this bounty (water) by :


Minimizing wastage


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