
Constitution JeopardyMovies Potpourri Convention Amendments Delegates

Q $100

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Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

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Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Movies

Name the 1997 Movie about the 1839 mutiny aboard a slave ship.

$100 Answer from Movies


$200 Question from Movies

In this film about the Prohibition Era, Eliot Ness brings Al Capone to justice.

$200 Answer from Movies

The Untouchables.

$300 Question from Movies

John Scope and Clarence Darrow defend evolution in this ”Monkey Trial”.

$300 Answer from Movies

Inherit the Wind

$400 Question from Movies

In this 1996 film, notorious Hustler Publisher took his case to Supreme Court.

$400 Answer from Movies

The People Vs. Larry Flint

$500 Question from Movies

This courtroom drama was about a jury who decided the fate of a boy who murdered his abusive father.

$500 Answer from Movies

12 Angry Men

$100 Question from Potpourri

This is the number of branches of government the Constitution outlines.

$100 Answer from Potpourri


$200 Question from Potpourri

This State was first to ratify the Constitution.

$200 Answer from Potpourri


$300 Question from Potpourri

According to the U.S. Constitution, this is the age a person needs to be to run for President.

$300 Answer from Potpourri


$400 Question from Potpourri

Article III describes this crime; the only one defined by the Constitution.

$400 Answer from Potpourri


$500 Question from Potpourri

This is the number of amendments to the Constitution.

$500 Answer from Potpourri


$100 Question from Convention

He was President of the Constitutional Convention.

$100 Answer from Convention

George Washington

$200 Question from Convention

This is the city where the Constitutional Convention was held.

$200 Answer from Convention


$300 Question from Convention

This name was given to Citizens who favored the Constitution.

$300 Answer from Convention


$400 Question from Convention

This was the only one of the original thirteen states not to send delegates to the Convention.

$400 Answer from Convention

Rhode Island

$500 Question from Convention

This is what Washington and other delegates did after the close of the Constitutional Convention.

$500 Answer from Convention

Went to the bar.

According to Washington’s journal, “ The business being closed, the members adjourned to the City Tavern, dined together, and took cordial leave of each other.”

$100 Question from Amendments

This amendment was ratified in 1865.

$100 Answer from Amendments

13th Amendment

“Abolish Slavery”

$200 Question from Amendments

Glasses were raised in celebration when this amendment was ratified in 1933.

$200 Answer from Amendments

21st Amendment

“Repealing Prohibition”

$300 Question from Amendments

The year the 19th Amendment was passed giving women the right to vote.

$300 Answer from Amendments


$400 Question from Amendments

This is the significance of the 16th amendment to the Constitution.

$400 Answer from Amendments

It allowed Federal government to tax the income of all individuals.

$500 Question from Amendments

Parts of this Amendment are engraved on the headquarters of the NRA.

$500 Answer from Amendments

2nd Amendment

“Right to Bear Arms”

$100 Question from Delegates

He was nicknamed “Father of the Constitution”.

$100 Answer from Delegates

James Madison

$200 Question from Delegates

He originally wanted to be in the Royal Navy but did survey work instead and was first to sign the Constitution.

$200 Answer from Delegates

George Washington

$300 Question from Delegates

An attorney born in the British West Indies, he fought at Yorktown, proposed national bank.

$300 Answer from Delegates

Alexander Hamilton

$400 Question from Delegates

This delegate arrived each day in a sedan chair carried by four prisoners from Walnut St. Jail.

$400 Answer from Delegates

Benjamin Franklin

$500 Question from Delegates

The 7th President of Continental Congress, he signed Declaration of Independence, but not the Constitution.

$500 Answer from Delegates

John Hancock

Final Jeopardy

This is the place where The Constitution is preserved for all to view.

Final Jeopardy Answer

National Archives in DC

Questions and Answerswere provided by the Daughters of the

American Revolution.

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