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EHP5 for SAP ERP 6.0

June 2011


Asset Acquisition for 

Constructed Assets (164)

SAP AGDietmar-Ho-Allee 166!1!0 "all#orf German$

%usiness Pro&ess Do&umentation

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD


(o$right 2011 SAP AG. All rights resere#.

/o art of this uli&ation ma$ e rero#u&e# or transmitte# in an$ form or for an$ urose ithout the eressermission of SAP AG. 3he information &ontaine# herein ma$ e &hange# ithout rior noti&e.

Some softare ro#u&ts mar4ete# $ SAP AG an# its #istriutors &ontain rorietar$ softare &omonents ofother softare en#ors.

i&rosoft "in#os E&el 7utloo4 an# PoerPoint are registere# tra#emar4s of i&rosoft (ororation.

8% D%2 D%2 9niersal Dataase S$stem i S$stem i5 S$stem S$stem 5 S$stem S$stem : S$stem:10 S$stem :! :10 :! iSeries Series Series :Series eSerer :;< :;7S i5;7S S;=!0 7S;=!07S;*00 AS;*00 S;=!0 Parallel Enterrise Serer Poer< Poer Ar&hite&ture P7"ER6> P7"ER6P7"ER5> P7"ER5 P7"ER 7enPoer PoerP( %at&hPies %la#e(enter S$stem Storage GP?SHA(P RE3A8/ D%2 (onne&t RA(? Re#oo4s 7S;2 Parallel S$sle <S;ESA A8@ 8ntelligent iner"eShere /etfinit$ 3ioli an# 8nformi are tra#emar4s or registere# tra#emar4s of 8% (ororation.

inu is the registere# tra#emar4 of inus 3oral#s in the 9.S. an# other &ountries.

 A#oe the A#oe logo A&roat PostS&rit an# Rea#er are either tra#emar4s or registere# tra#emar4s of A#oe S$stems 8n&ororate# in the 9nite# States an#;or other &ountries.

7ra&le is a registere# tra#emar4 of 7ra&le (ororation.

9/8@ @;7en 7S?;1 an# otif are registere# tra#emar4s of the 7en Grou.

(itri 8(A Program /eighorhoo# eta?rame "in?rame <i#eo?rame an# ulti"in are tra#emar4s orregistere# tra#emar4s of (itri S$stems 8n&.

H3 @ @H3 an# "=( are tra#emar4s or registere# tra#emar4s of "=(B "orl# "i#e "e(onsortium assa&husetts 8nstitute of 3e&hnolog$.

Jaa is a registere# tra#emar4 of Sun i&ros$stems 8n&.

JaaS&rit is a registere# tra#emar4 of Sun i&ros$stems 8n&. use# un#er li&ense for te&hnolog$ inente# an#imlemente# $ /ets&ae.

SAP R;= SAP /et"eaer Duet PartnerE#ge %$Design SAP %usiness %$Design an# other SAP ro#u&tsan# seri&es mentione# herein as ell as their rese&tie logos are tra#emar4s or registere# tra#emar4s ofSAP AG in German$ an# other &ountries.

%usiness 7Ce&ts an# the %usiness 7Ce&ts logo %usiness7Ce&ts (r$stal Reorts (r$stal De&isions "e8ntelligen&e @&elsius an# other %usiness 7Ce&ts ro#u&ts an# seri&es mentione# herein as ell as theirrese&tie logos are tra#emar4s or registere# tra#emar4s of %usiness 7Ce&ts S.A. in the 9nite# States an# inother &ountries. %usiness 7Ce&ts is an SAP &oman$.

 All other ro#u&t an# seri&e names mentione# are the tra#emar4s of their rese&tie &omanies. Data&ontaine# in this #o&ument seres informational uroses onl$. /ational ro#u&t se&ifi&ations ma$ ar$.

3hese materials are suCe&t to &hange ithout noti&e. 3hese materials are roi#e# $ SAP AG an# its affiliate#&omanies )SAP Grou+ for informational uroses onl$ ithout reresentation or arrant$ of an$ 4in# an#SAP Grou shall not e liale for errors or omissions ith rese&t to the materials. 3he onl$ arranties for SAPGrou ro#u&ts an# seri&es are those that are set forth in the eress arrant$ statements a&&oman$ingsu&h ro#u&ts an# seri&es if an$. /othing herein shoul# e &onstrue# as &onstituting an a##itional arrant$.

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD


Icon Meaning






Eternal Pro&ess

%usiness Pro&ess Alternatie;De&ision (hoi&e

Typographic Conventions

Type Style escription

Example text "or#s or &hara&ters that aear on the s&reen. 3hese in&lu#e fiel# namess&reen titles ushuttons as ell as menu names aths an# otions.

(ross-referen&es to other #o&umentation.


Emhasi:e# or#s or hrases in o#$ tet titles of grahi&s an# tales.


/ames of elements in the s$stem. 3hese in&lu#e reort names rogramnames transa&tion &o#es tale names an# in#ii#ual 4e$ or#s of arogramming language hen surroun#e# $ o#$ tet for eamle SEE(3an# 8/(9DE.


textS&reen outut. 3his in&lu#es file an# #ire&tor$ names an# their athsmessages sour&e &o#e names of ariales an# arameters as ell as names

of installation ugra#e an# #ataase tools.

EXAMPLE TEXTe$s on the 4e$oar# for eamle fun&tion 4e$s )su&h as F2+ or the ENTER 4e$.


Ea&t user entr$. 3hese are or#s or &hara&ters that $ou enter in the s$stemea&tl$ as the$ aear in the #o&umentation.


<ariale user entr$. Pointe# ra&4ets in#i&ate that $ou rela&e these or#s an#&hara&ters ith aroriate entries.

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD


 Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets.............................................................................................5

1 Purose........................................................................................................................................ 5

2 Prere'uisites................................................................................................................................ 5

2.1 aster Data an# 7rgani:ational Data...................................................................................5

2.2 Roles.....................................................................................................................................6

= Pro&ess 7erie 3ale............................................................................................................... F

* Pro&ess Stes............................................................................................................................. 11

*.1 (reating 8nestment 7r#er..................................................................................................11

*.2 (reate %u#get for 8nestment 7r#er...................................................................................12

*.= Release 8nestment 7r#er...................................................................................................1=*.* AP Post 8noi&e to 8nestment 7r#er...................................................................................1*

*.5 onitor 7r#er Progress.......................................................................................................16

*.6 Asset un#er (onstru&tion Settlement )&olle&tie ro&essing+..............................................1

*. (reate Assets for (omlete A9( Settlement......................................................................1!

*.F aintaining Settlement Rule for ?inal Settlement................................................................1!

*.! ?inal settlement of the 8nestment 7r#er )(olle&tie Pro&essing+.......................................22

*.10 (omletion of 8nestment 7r#er......................................................................................2*

5 Aen#i.................................................................................................................................... 26

5.1 Reersal of Pro&ess Stes..................................................................................................26

5.2 SAP ERP Reorts...............................................................................................................2F

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

Asset Acquisition for Constructed Assets

1 $urpose Assets un#er &onstru&tion )A9(+ are a se&ial form of tangile assets. 3he$ are usuall$ #isla$e#as a searate alan&e sheet item an# therefore re'uire a searate a&&ount #etermination an# theiron asset &lasses. During the &onstru&tion hase of an asset all a&tual ostings are assigne# to the

 A9(. 7n&e the asset is &omlete# a transfer is ma#e to the final fie# asset.

3he re&ommen#ation of using 8nestment or#ers to &ature the &osts of A9( assets #uring theerio# an# month-en# ro&essing settles the &osts from the 8nestment or#er to the A9(. 3his is#one so that u#get information &an e entere# for the A9( an# tra&4ing of the a&tual-to-u#get &ane erforme#. 7n&e the A9( is &omlete# the final asset is &reate# in the aroriate asset &lassan# the 8nestment or#er is set to &omleteI so that the net settlement transfers the A9( asset

alue to the &omlete# asset.

% $rerequisites

Master ata and &rgani'ational ata

efault alues

Essential master an# organi:ational #ata as &reate# in $our ERP s$stem #uring theimlementation hase su&h as the #ata that refle&ts the organi:ational stru&ture of $our &oman$an# master #ata that suits its oerational fo&us for eamle master #ata for materials en#ors an#&ustomers.

3his usiness ro&ess is enale# ith organi:ation-se&ifi& master #ata eamles of hi&h areroi#e# in the folloing se&tion.

Additional efault alues

ou &an test the s&enario ith other SAP %est Pra&ti&es #efault alues that hae thesame &hara&teristi&s.

(he&4 $our SAP ERP s$stem to fin# out hi&h other material master #ata eists.

sing *our &+n Master ata

ou &an also use &ustomi:e# alues for an$ material or organi:ational #ata for hi&h$ou hae &reate# master #ata. ?or more information on ho to &reate master #ata seethe aster Data Pro&e#ures #o&umentation.

9se the folloing master #ata in the ro&ess stes #es&rie# in this #o&ument,

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

Master , org- data alue Master , org- data details Co##ents

 Asset (lass for Asset un#er(onstru&tion


 Asset (lass for final settlement K All asset &lasses esi#es *000 L*001

<en#or K Domesti& en#or  

(ost (enter K All &ost &enters

(oman$ (o#e 1000

(hart of Dere&iation 1000

(ontrolling Area 1000



3he folloing roles must hae alrea#$ een installe# to test this s&enario in the SAP /et"eaer%usiness (lient )/"%(+. 3he roles in this %usiness Pro&ess Do&umentation must e assigne# tothe user or users testing this s&enario. ou onl$ nee# these roles if $ou are using the /"%(interfa&e. ou #o not nee# these roles if $ou are using the stan#ar# SAP G98.


3he usiness roles hae een assigne# to the user ho is testing this s&enario.


 Technical na#e $rocess steps Transaction


SAPM/%PRMEP7EEMS Assignment of thisrole is ne&essar$ forasi& fun&tionalit$.



SAPM/%PRMAPM(ERMS AP Posting 8noi&eto 8nestment7r#er 


 Asset A&&ountant


 Asset A&&ountant

SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS (reating8nestment 7r#erStatusmaintenan&e ofinestment or#er 



 Asset A&&ountant


(reate %u#get for8nestment 7r#er


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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

aintainingSettlement Rule for final settlement



SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS Asset 9n#er

(onstru&tionSettlement)&olle&tiero&essing+ ?inalsettlement of theinestment or#er)&olle&tiero&essing+


 Asset A&&ountant

SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS onitor 7r#errogress


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0 $rocess &vervie+ Tale








/e Asset9n#er(onstru&tion)A9(+ haseenaroe#an# thes$stemnee#s to

tra&4 the&osts an#&aitali:e thealue hen&omlete.

 Asset A&&ountant

70* 8nternalor#er totra&4 assetun#er&onstru&tionu#get an#eenses isaailale

(reate%u#get for8nestment7r#er 

%u#get forthe aroe#

 A9( isentere# inthe s$stemso thatmonitoring&an e


 Assets A&&ountant

722 %u#get for A9( isentere# intotheinestmentor#er.


Eenses for the A9(haeo&&urre# an#must eentere# intothe s$stem

 Assets A&&ountant

70* 8nternalor#er totra&4 assetun#er&onstru&tionu#get an#eenses isrelease# forostings.

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD







 AP Posting

8noi&e to8nestment7r#er

3his a&tiit$

is erforme#to &reate aninoi&eosting tointernalor#er.


Pa$ale A&&ountant

?%60 3he inoi&e

osting tointernalor#er haseen&reate#.


 Asset A&&ountant

SMARMF01=01! (omarisonof the%u#get toa&tual &ostsis #one tomonitor therogress of

the A9(.

 Asset 9n#er (onstru&tionSettlement)&olle&tiero&essing+

onitoring of the rogressof the A9( is#one.

 Asset A&&ountant

7FG 3he monthl$&osts fromtheinestmentor#er areoste# to the

 A9( asset.

(reate Assets for(omlete






3he &osts&ature# inthe or#ernee# to e

oste# to the A9( asset tosho the&osts on thealan&esheet.

 Asset A&&ountant

?or thisa&tiit$ runthe (reate


)155.02+s&enario foreamleith asset&lass 2000an# foreamle&oman$&o#e 1000.

aintainingSettlementRule for finalsettlement

3he A9(asset is&omletean# the &osts

nee# to etransferre# tothe&omlete#asset.

 Asset A&&ountant

70* 8nternalor#er for

 A9( asset iste&hni&all$

&omlete sothe s$stemill erformfullsettlement#uring netor#ersettlementrun.

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD








settlement of theinestmentor#er)&olle&tiero&essing+


settlementrules for thefinalsettlementhae eenmaintaine#.



7FG All &osts

hae eensettle# to theassigne#re&eiers.


 All &ostshae eensettle# to theassigne#re&eiers.

 Asset A&&ountant

70* (omletionof theinestmentor#er.

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

4 $rocess Steps

Creating Invest#ent &rder


3his a&tiit$ &reates an inestment or#er.


Re'uest for &aital asset has een &reate# an# aroe#.


1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing naigation otions,

&ption 13 SA$ raphical ser Interface (SA$ I)

SA$ syste##enu

 Accounting   Controlling  Internal Orders  Master Data  Order Manager 

Transaction code   KO04

&ption %3 SA$ 5eteaver /usiness Client (SA$ 5/C) via usiness role

/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role#enu

 Asset Accounting Master Data Internal Orders Order


2. 8f the Set Controlling Area #ialog o #isla$s enter for eamle (ontrolling Area 1000an#&hoose &ontinue.

=. (hoose Create.

*. 7n the Order Manager  &reate or#er ith t$e for eamle Y600, an# then &hoose Enter .

5. 7n the Create Internal Order: Master Data s&reen enter the folloing,

7ield na#e escription ser action and values Co##ent

Description NEnter a #es&ritionO

6. (hoose the Assignments ta an# enter the folloing #ata,

7ield na#e escription ser action and



Company Code 1000 (hart of a&&ounts 0010 isuse#


Resonsile (ost(enter 

K for eamle (ost(enter 1=01

. (hoose the In!estments ta an# enter the folloing #ata,

7ield na#e escription ser action Co##ent

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

and values


K for eamle 8nestment Profile 000001 )o#el ith Au( summar$ settlement+

F. (hoose Sa!e an# note the or#er numer, MMMMMMMMMM 


 An internal or#er to tra&4 asset un#er &onstru&tion u#get has een &reate#.



&rder type

escription Co#panyCode

.esponsileCost Center 



(ontrolling Area 1000

600 Asset-1 1000 1=01 000001 *001

Create /udget for Invest#ent &rder 


3his a&tiit$ &reates u#get for inestment or#er.


8nestment or#er eists in the s$stem.


1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing naigation otions,

&ption 13 SA$ raphical ser Interface (SA$ I)

SA$ syste##enu

 Accounting Controlling Internal Orders Budgeting Original

Budget C#ange



&ption %3 SA$ 5eteaver /usiness Client (SA$ 5/C) via usiness role

/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role


 Asset Accounting Master Data Internal Orders C#ange

Order Budget 

2. 7n the C#ange Original Budget: Initial Screen in Order  enter 8nestment 7r#er numer fromthe reious ste an# &hoose Enter  or &hoose Original Budget .

=. 7n the C#ange Original Budget: Annual O!er!ie$  in Budget O!erall  enter for eamle 1000

an# in Budget "or desired year )for eamle N&urrent $earO+ enter for eamle 1000.

*. Sae $our entries.

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD


%u#get for A%C  is entere# into the inestment or#er.


/udget overall /udget for desired *ear  

1000 1000

.elease Invest#ent &rder


3his a&tiit$ releases inestment or#er. "ith the release of the inestment or#er a master re&or# forthe asset un#er &onstru&tion is automati&all$ &reate#.

$rerequisites%u#get has een entere# for the A9( in the inestment or#er.


1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing naigation otions,

&ption 13 SA$ raphical ser Interface (SA$ I)

SA$ syste##enu

 Accounting Controlling Internal Orders Master Data

Order Manager 

Transaction code   KO04

2. 8f the Set Controlling area #ialog o #isla$s enter (ontrolling Area 1000.

=. 8n the Order Manager& sele&t the releant or#er in the Personal $or'list  $ &li&4ing on its or#ernumer.

8f the releant or#er #oes not aear in $our Personal $or'list  use the (ind y   Order  fun&tionalit$ lo&ate# aoe of the Personal $or'list .

*. (hoose C#ange )Ctrl * (+,.

5. (hoose the Control Data taQ &hoose Release an# then &hoose Sa! e.

3o fin# out the numer of the asset master re&or# that has een &reate# ro&ee# ith

the net stes.

6. (hoose Extras Asset under Construction  an# note the numer of the &reate# asset.

. (hoose Bac' )(+,.

&ption %3 SA$ 5eteaver /usiness Client (SA$ 5/C) via /usiness .ole

/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role #enu  Asset Accounting Master Data Internal Orders

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

1. (hoose the ta All Internal Orders.

8f re'uire# $ou &an use the Searc# Criteria to limit the numer of entries shon in thelist.

2. Sele&t the line ith $our or#er an# &hoose C#ange.

=. 7n the C#ange Internal Order: Master Data s&reen &hoose the Control Data taQ &hooseRelease an# then &hoose Sa! e.

3o fin# out the numer of the asset master re&or# that has een &reate# ro&ee# iththe net stes.

*. 7n the C#ange Internal Order: Initial screen enter $our or#er numer an# &hoose Enter .

5. (hoose Extras Asset under Construction  an# note the numer of the &reate# asset.

6. (hoose Bac' )(+, ti&e.


8nternal or#er to trac'  asset un#er &onstru&tion u#get an# eenses is release# for ostings. Amaster re&or# for the Asset un#er (onstru&tion is &reate# automati&all$.


Controlling Area

(ontrolling Area 1000

A$ $ost Invoice to Invest#ent &rder 


8n this a&tiit$ $ou &reate an inoi&e to an internal or#er.


 An internal or#er must eist. 3he #o&ument numer for the 8nternal or#er is 4non.


1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing naigation otions,

&ption 13 SA$ raphical ser Interface (SA$ I)

SA$ syste##enu

 Accounting (inancial Accounting Accounts Payale

Document Entry In!oice



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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

&ption %3 SA$ 5eteaver /usiness Client (SA$ 5/C) via usiness role

/usiness role  A&&ounts Pa$ale A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMAPM(ERMS+

/usiness role#enu

 Accounts Payale Posting In!oices Enter -endor In!oice

$o PO Re"erence

2. 8f the Enter Company Code #ialog o #isla$s enter 1000 an# &hoose Continue )Enter,.

=. 7n the Enter -endor In!oice: Company Code xxxx  s&reen &hoose the Basic Data ta.

*. a4e the folloing entries,

7ield na#e escription ser action and values Co##ent


1000 (hart of a&&ounts 0010 isuse#

-endor    * (Domestic Veno!"

for eamle =00001

In!oice Date N3o#a$Is #ateO

Posting Date N3o#a$Is #ateO

 Amount    * for eamle 500

Calculate /ax  NSele&te#O

01 account    * for eamle A&&ount 6=0000)A(H8/E A/DE98PE/3+

DC    De#it

Order  N8nestment or#er#o&ument numer&reate# in ste *.1O

a4e sure that the &orre&t&olumn is sele&te# )or#ernumer &olumn+

 Amount    * for eamle 500

/ax code   * for eamle 80


* Enter a ta Curis#i&tion &o#e

7r#er    * ?or eamle 87 &reate# inreious ste

=. (hoose the Payment ta an# enter the folloing #ata,


escription ser action andvalues



1 ?or eamle 1


* for eamle 0001 )Default from en#ormaster &hange if nee#e#+

*. Sae $our entries.


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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

3he inoi&e to an internal or#er has een &reate#.

Monitor &rder $rogress


3his a&tiit$ monitors or#er rogress.


 An internal or#er for Au( eists.


1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing naigation otions,

&ption 13 SA$ raphical ser Interface (SA$ I)

SA$ syste##enu

 Accounting Controlling Internal Orders In"ormation System

Reports "or Internal Orders More Reports 1ist:




&ption %3 SA$ 5eteaver /usiness Client (SA$ 5/C) via usiness role

/usiness role  Asset Accountant ) SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS ,

/usiness role#enu

 Asset Accounting Reporting Internal Orders Maintenance

Orders 1ist: BudgetActualCommitments

2. 7n the sele&tion s&reen enter the folloing #ata,7ield na#e escription ser action and


Controlling Area

(ontrolling Area1000


 Alternatie to a alue entr$ &an anor#er grou for eamle A9(entere# hen more than one or#ershoul# e monitore#

!alue Nenter 7r#ernumer that as

&reate# in ste *.1O

 An entr$ of se&ifi& numers or eena numer range is ossile also

=. After the #ata entr$ as #one &hoose )Ee&ute or ?F+.


(omarison of the Budget  to a&tual &osts is #one to monitor the rogress of the A9(.


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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

Controlling Area

(ontrolling Area 1000

Asset under Construction Settle#ent (collectiveprocessing)


8n &ontrast to assessment $ou &annot erform settlement a&ross fis&al $ear oun#aries. 3he s$stemautomati&all$ #etermines the osting #ate from the osting erio#;fis&al $ear using the last #a$ ofthe osting erio#. 3here are three ro&essing t$es #efine# for settlement,

• Auto#atic, 3he s$stem sele&ts all the #istriution rules for a sen#er.

• $eriodic, All #istriution rules ith settlement t$es PER an# A9( are sele&te#. PER rules

are alie# first. 8n inestment measures this is folloe# $ settlement to assets un#er&onstru&tion.

• $artial capitali'ation, 9se this ro&essing t$e to artiall$ &aitali:e an inestment

measure that is not $et &omlete )for eamle to settle art of the oerall &ost to finishe#assets+.

"ith this ro&ess ste a erio#i& settlement is ee&ute#. All &osts &olle&te# on the inestment or#erare settle# to the automati&all$ &reate# Au(.


 All reious ro&ess stes must hae een &omlete# su&&essfull$.


1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing naigation otions,

&ption 13 SA$ raphical ser Interface (SA$ I)

SA$ syste##enu

 Accounting Controlling Internal Orders Period2End Closing

Single (unctions Settlement Collecti!e Processing 



&ption %3 SA$ 5eteaver /usiness Client (SA$ 5/C) via usiness role

/usiness role  Asset Accountant ) SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS ,

/usiness role#enu

 Asset Accounting Period2End Closing Acti!ities Act. Settlment:

Int.2Maint. Orders

2. 7n the initial s&reen enter the folloing #ata,

7ield na#e escription ser actionand values



YB'.F%&/ <ariant is alrea#$ &reate#. 8f not &reate theariant %?MA9( ith sele&tion ofor#er t$e 600 (oman$ &o#e 1000 an#(ontrolling area 1000 $ using n create

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selection !ariant  to the right of thesele&tion ariant fiel#.

Settlement period 


(iscal 3ear  N(urrent fis&al$earO




1 &tomatic

/est Run NDesele&te#O At first flag this fiel# to &he&4 for ossileerrors

Detail 1ist  NSele&te#O

(hoose Execute.

8f $ou ant to settle a large numer of oCe&ts it is re&ommen#e# to run this ro&ess inthe a&4groun#,

1. (hoose Bac'ground Processing  in the Pro&essing 7tions an# then &hoose Execute.

2. 8n the Bac'ground Processing Options #ialog o &hoose Start Immediately. /otethe Co numer.

=. (hoose C#ec' .

*. (hoose Con"irm.

5. 8n the Bac'ground Print Parameters #ialog o &hoose the Output de!ice an# then&hoose Continue.

6. ?rom the menu &hoose )/"%(, More 4) System  O$n 5os.

. 7n the 5o O!er!ie$  s&reen &hoose $our Co.

(hoose 5o log  to see the results


3he &ost of A9( 8nternal 7r#ers are moe# into the aroriate assets ase# on settlement rulesfoun# in ea&h 87. 3he Actual Settlement: Orders Basic 1ist  reort #isla$s the results of thesettlement for eamle the numer of messages. 8t goes on to list the ro&essing sen#ers ase# onthe &ategories. 3he s$stem onl$ oututs a #etail list if $ou &hoose the &orreson#ing otion in theSettlement initial s&reen. (hoose Detail list  to see the list #isla$e#. During a&4groun# ro&essingthe messages are outut in the settlement log if re'uire#.

 Anal$:e the results for the internal or#er &reate# $ $ou for this ro&ess. As a &olle&tiero&essing as erforme# messages )arnings error messages+ for other or#ers ma$e shon. 8gnore these messages.

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Create Assets for Co#plete AC Settle#ent

 Create Assets (188-9%)


8n this a&tiit$ $ou &reate assets for &omlete A9( settlement.


?or this a&tiit$ run the Create Asset  )677.89, s&enario #o&ument for eamle ith for eamleasset &lass 2000 an# for eamle &oman$ &o#e 1000.

Maintaining Settle#ent .ule for 7inal Settle#entse

8n this ro&ess ste the settlement rules for the final settlement are maintaine# an# the status of theinestment or#er are set to tec#nical completed  alloing for final settlement of the or#er.


 All reious ro&ess stes must hae een &omlete# su&&essfull$.


1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing naigation otions,

&ption 13 SA$ raphical ser Interface (SA$ I)

SA$ !CC #enu  Accounting Controlling Internal Orders Master Data Order




2. 8f the Set Controlling area #ialog o #isla$s enter 6888 .

=. 8n the Order Manager  sele&t the releant or#er in the Personal $or'list  $ &li&4ing on its or#ernumer.

8f the releant or#er #oes not aear in $our Personal $or'list  use the (ind y   Order  fun&tionalit$ lo&ate# aoe of the Personal $or'list .

*. (hoose C#ange )Ctrl * (+,.

5. (hoose the Control Data ta.

6. (hoose /ec#.comple an# then &hoose Settlement Rule.

. 7n the Maintain Settlement Rule: O!er!ie$  s&reen enter the folloing alues,

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7ield na#e escription ser action and values Co##ent

:ine %3

Cat   A&&ount Assignment&ategor$

F&   Asset


N/o. of asset O /umer of the asset&reate# in the reiousste.

NPortion of Au( AP(that &an e &aitali:e#O

for eamle !0



;o. Distriution rulenumer 

8s #etermine#automati&all$

:ine 03

Cat   A&&ount Assignment&ategor$


 An$ &ost &enter for eamle 1101 )finan&ean# a#ministration+

NPortion of Au( AP(that &annot e&aitali:e#O

for eamle 10



;o. Distriution rulenumer 

8s #etermine#automati&all$

F. (hoose 0oto Settlement Parameters.

!. 7n the Maintain Settlement Rule: Parameters s&reen &he&4 the folloing entries,

7ield na#e escription ser action and values Co##ent

Settlement pro"ile   YB00& 8nestment measure

 Allocation structure   Y1 (7 allo&ation stru&ture

10. (hoose Bac' )(+,.

11. (hoose Sa!e.

&ption %3 SA$ 5eteaver /usiness Client (SA$ 5/C) via /usiness .ole

/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role #enu  Asset Accounting Master Data Internal Orders

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1. (hoose the All Internal Orders ta.

8f re'uire# $ou &an use the Searc# Criteria to limit the numer of entries shon in thelist.

2. Sele&t the line ith $our or#er an# &hoose C#ange.

=. 7n the C#ange Internal Order: Master Data s&reen &hoose the Control Data ta.

*. (hoose /ec#.comple an# then &hoose Settlement Rule.

5. 7n the Maintain Settlement Rule: O!er!ie$  s&reen enter the folloing alues,

7ield na#e escription ser action and values Co##ent

:ine %3

Cat   A&&ount Assignment&ategor$

F&   Asset


N/o. of asset O /umer of the asset&reate# in the reiousste.

NPortion of Au( AP(that &an e &aitali:e#O

for eamle !0



;o. Distriution rulenumer 

8s #etermine#automati&all$

:ine 03

Cat   A&&ount Assignment&ategor$


 An$ &ost &enter for eamle 1101 )finan&ean# a#ministration+

NPortion of Au( AP(that &annot e&aitali:e#O

for eamle 10



;o. Distriution rulenumer 

8s #etermine#automati&all$

6. (hoose 0oto Settlement Parameters.

. 7n the Maintain Settlement Rule: Parameters s&reen &he&4 the folloing entries,

7ield na#e escription ser action and values Co##ent

Settlement pro"ile   YB00& 8nestment measure

 Allocation structure   Y1 (7 allo&ation stru&ture

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F. (hoose Bac' )(+,.

!. (hoose Sa!e.


8nternal or#er for A9( asset is tec#nically completed  an# the settlement rules for the final settlementhae een maintaine#.

7inal settle#ent of the Invest#ent &rder (Collective$rocessing)


3he "inal settlement  transfers the &osts from the A9( asset to the completed  asset an# to the &ost&enter as se&ifie# in the settlement rules. After the final settlement the alan&e of the inestment

or#er an# of the A9( is :ero.


3he status of the inestment or#er has een set to Tte&hni&all$ &omlete#U an# the settlement rulesfor the final settlement hae een maintaine#.


1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing naigation otions,

&ption 13 SA$ raphical ser Interface (SA$ I)



 Accounting Controlling Internal Orders Period2End Closing

Single (unctions Settlement Collecti!e Processing 



&ption %3 SA$ 5eteaver /usiness Client (SA$ 5/C) via /usiness .ole

/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role#enu

 Asset Accounting Period2End Closing Acti!ities Act. Settlment:

Int.2Maint. Orders

2. 7n the initial s&reen enter the folloing #ata,

7ield na#e escription ser actionand values



YB'.F%&/ <ariant is alrea#$ &reate#. 8f not &reatethe ariant %?MA9( ith sele&tion ofor#er t$e 600 (oman$ &o#e 1000an# (ontrolling area 1000 $ using ncreate selection !ariant  to the right of thesele&tion ariant fiel#.

Settlement period 


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7ield na#e escription ser actionand values


(iscal 3ear  N(urrent fis&al$earO



 Asset-alue Date

Nlast #a$ of the&urrent erio#O


1 &tomatic

/est Run NDesele&te#O At first flag this fiel# to &he&4 for ossileerrors

Detail 1ist  NSele&te#O

=. (hoose Execute.

8f $ou ant to settle a large numer of oCe&ts it is re&ommen#e# to run this ro&ess inthe a&4groun#,

1. (hoose Bac'ground Processing  in the Pro&essing 7tions an# then &hoose Execute.

2. 8n the Bac'ground Processing Options #ialog o &hoose Start Immediately. /otethe Co numer.

=. (hoose C#ec' .

*. (hoose Con"irm.

5. 8n the Bac'ground Print Parameters #ialog o &hoose the Output de!ice an# then&hoose Continue.

6. ?rom the menu &hoose )/"%(, More 4) System  O$n 5os.

. 7n the 5o O!er!ie$  s&reen &hoose $our Co.

F. (hoose 5olog  to see the results.


3he &ost of A9( 8nternal 7r#ers are moe# into the aroriate assets ase# on settlement rulesfoun# in ea&h 87. 3he Actual Settlement: Orders Basic 1ist  reort #isla$s the results of thesettlement for eamle the numer of messages. 8t goes on to list the ro&essing sen#ers ase# onthe &ategories. 3he s$stem onl$ oututs a #etail list if $ou &hoose the &orreson#ing otion in theSettlement initial s&reen. (hoose Detail list  to see the list #isla$e#. During a&4groun# ro&essingthe messages are outut in the settlement log if re'uire#.

 Anal$:e the results for the internal or#er &reate# $ $ou for this ro&ess. As a &olle&tiero&essing as &arrie# out messages )arnings error messages+ for other or#ersmight e liste#. 8gnore these messages.

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

Co#pletion of Invest#ent &rder 


8n this ro&ess ste the inestment or#er is &lose# $ &hanging its status to T(lose#U.


3he final settlement has een &omlete# su&&essfull$ an# the alan&e of the inestment or#er is:ero.


1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing naigation otions,

&ption 13 SA$ raphical ser Interface (SA$ I)

SA$ !CC #enu  Accounting Controlling Internal Orders Master Data Order




2. 8f the Set Controlling area #ialog o #isla$s enter 6888 .

=. 8n the Order Manager  sele&t the releant or#er in the Personal $or'list  $ &li&4ing on its or#ernumer.

8f the releant or#er #oes not aear in $our Personal $or'list  use the (ind y   Order  fun&tionalit$ lo&ate# aoe of the Personal $or'list .

*. (hoose C#ange )Ctrl * (+,.

5. (hoose the Control Data ta.

6. 3o &hange the status to Closed& &hoose Close in the Status se&tion.

. (hoose Sa!e.

&ption %3 SA$ 5eteaver /usiness Client (SA$ 5/C) via /usiness .ole

/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role #enu  Asset Accounting Master Data Internal Orders

1. (hoose the ta All Internal Orders.

8f re'uire# $ou &an use the Searc# Criteria to limit the numer of entries shon in thelist.

2. Sele&t the line ith $our or#er an# &hoose C#ange.

=. 7n the C#ange Internal Order: Master Data s&reen &hoose the Control Data ta.

*. 3o &hange the status to Closed& &hoose  Close in the Status se&tion.

5. Sae $our entries.

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3he inestment or#er is &lose# an# &annot e use# for a&tual ostings an$more.

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

8 Appendi"

.eversal of $rocess Steps8n this se&tion $ou &an fin# the most &ommon reersal stes hi&h $ou &an ta4e to reerse some of the a&tiities #es&rie# in this #o&ument.

Create Invest#ent &rder 

Transaction code ( SA$I)


.eversal, Set deletion "lag "or in!estment order 

Transaction code ( SA$I)


/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role #enu  Asset Accounting Master Data Internal Orders

Co##ent ;<BC: Sele&t $our or#er on the ta All internal Orders an#&hoose C#ange.

;<BC and SAP 0%I , &hoose Edit Deletion (lag Set.

Creating /udget for Invest#ent &rder 

Transaction code ( SA$I)


.eversal, C#ange udget "or in!estment order 

Transaction code ( SA$I)


/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role #enu  Asset Accounting Master Data Internal Orders

C#ange Order Budget 

Co##ent (hange or #elete the eisting u#get.

.eleasing Invest#ent &rder 

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

Transaction code ( SA$I)


.eversal, Setting ac' t#e status o" t#e in!estment order.

Transaction code ( SA$I)


/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role #enu  Asset Accounting Master Data Internal Orders

Co##ent ;<BC: Sele&t $our or#er on the ta All internal Orders an#&hoose C#ange.

;<BC and SAP 0%I , &hoose Edit =Cancel Release.

A$ $osting Invoice to Invest#ent &rder 

Transaction code

( SA$ I)


.eversal, Re!erse Document

Transaction code( SA$ I)


/usiness role  A&&ounts Pa$ale A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMAPM(ERMS+

/usiness role #enu  Accounts Payale Posting In!oices

Co##ent ;<BC: (hoose an a&tie 'uer$ for inoi&es. Sele&t $our inoi&ean# &hoose Cancel Document.

SAP 0%I: Enter Do&ument numer an# reersal reason.

Asset nder Construction Settle#ent (collective processing)

7inal settle#ent of the invest#ent order (collective processing)

Transaction code( SA$ I)


.eversal, Re!erse Documents

Transaction code( SA$ I)


/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role #enu  Asset Accounting Period2End Closing Acti!ities Act.

Settlment: Int.2Maint. Orders

Co##ent (hoose Settlement Re!erse

Co#pletion of Invest#ent &rder 

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

Transaction code( SA$ I)


.eversal, Setting ac' t#e status o" t#e in!estment order.

Transaction code( SA$ I)


/usiness role  Asset A&&ountant )SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

/usiness role #enu  Asset Accounting Master Data Internal Orders

Co##ent ;<BC: Sele&t $our or#er on the ta All internal Orders an#&hoose C#ange.

;<BC and SAP 0%I , 8n the Status se&tion sele&t Complete order 

tec#nically  $ &li&4ing on the i&on

SA$ !.$ .eports


3he tale elo lists the reorts that $ou &an use to otain a##itional information on this usinessro&ess.

ou &an fin# #etaile# #es&ritions of the in#ii#ual reorts in the folloing %PD#o&uments hi&h roi#e a &omrehensie &omilation of all imortant reorts,

• ?inan&ial A&&ounting, SAP ERP Reports "or Accounting )996,• ogisti&s Pro&esses, SAP ERP Reports "or 1ogistics )999,

/ote that the #es&ritions of some reorts that are an in#isensale art of the ro&ess flo ma$e lo&ate# #ire&tl$ in the se&tion here the$ elong.


.eport title Transaction code(SA$ I)

/usiness role (5/C) /usinessrole #enu(5/C)



 AR01 Asset A&&ountant)SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

 Asset Accounting

Reporting Asset



3he reort Asset

Balances isaailale $

 Asset (lassan# $Reason for8nestment.

7ther sort&riteria areaailale ia

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SAP Best Practices  Asset A&'uisition for (onstru&te# Assets )16*+, %PD

.eport title Transaction code(SA$ I)

/usiness role (5/C) /usinessrole #enu(5/C)


the fiel# Sort 

-ariant other sele&tion&riteria &oul#e sele&te#after&hoosing t#e


8nentor$ ist SMARMF011!F1an#SMARMF011!!

 Asset A&&ountant)SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

 Asset Accounting




In!entory1ist y4

3hefolloing toreorts areaailale,

8nentor$ist $ Asset(lass an#8nentor$ist $ (ost(enter 

 Asset Histor$Sheet

SMARMF011!!0 Asset A&&ountant)SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

 Asset Accounting

Reporting Asset





SMARMF012!=6 Asset A&&ountant)SAPM/%PRMASSE3MS+

 Asset Accounting



Depreciation Simulation





 Asset A&&ountant






 Asset 4

3his se&tion

in&lu#esthese threereorts,


 Asset A&'uisitions AssetRetirements

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