


After researching professional short films P&A and distribution techniques it was clear that due to a low budget, promoting their films were mainly self sourced and used free online applications and websites to promote their films to the general public. They traditionally use websites such as Twitter, FaceBook and due to the rise of people using smart phones and social media applications such as Instagram and Snapchat. We chose to replicate this process by creating our own Twitter, FaceBook and Instagram pages as well as a short film website to go with these.

This page displays the name of the film

clearly and gives some information

surrounding the film as well as regular

updates on its release.

This page displays images taken from

the film, factual information and

both a profile picture and cover photo to sell the


Another example of a

FaceBook page for a film.

This page provides factual information

on the film as well as behind the scenes

shots and clips taken from the actual film.

These are the Twitter and Facebook pages we created. We wanted to reach people on a series on different platforms. We felt that a modern day audience would be more likely to see and share information about our short film through current and easy access social media sites. There are also clever tools for us to use as we can keep them updated ensuring that are audience is informed with all the information needed all the time. This helps to generate buzz. 

Checkout, short film

twitter page.

Checkout, short

film FaceBook


Checkout, short film Instagram


Checkout Short film Website

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