

The Complete Medical Weight Loss Business System

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (877) 581-4484

Consultation Protocol3

Consultation Visit Overview4

Consultation Visit Sample Dialogue5

Program Consultant Tips:8

Consultant Red Flags9

Weight Loss Program Summaries11

Sales Objections Are Sales Opportunities12

How to Handle Objections14

Tips & Tricks to Closing15

Head Trash16

Patient Schedule Outlines17

Fast Track Programs (HCG and Appetite Control Medication)17

Fast Track Programs (HCG and AppTrim Supplement)18

HCG Only Programs18

Lifestyle Change Program (Appetite Control Medication)19

Lifestyle Change Program (AppTrim Supplement)19


This material is for educational purposes only. This material is not intended to set guidelines for treatment or violate any federal, state or local laws. Please consult your healthcare attorney or advisor for your local, state and federal guidelines or laws. Healthy Habits is not responsible for your patients’ weight loss results. In addition, Healthy Habits is not responsible for loss of revenue during the use of our programs. Healthy Habits, its representatives and employees, are neither responsible nor liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or other information, services or products that an individual obtains through this communication.

Copyright © 2020 Healthy Habits Management Company, Inc. 8

Consultation Protocol

Purpose: Evaluate the patient’s weight loss and lifestyle goals, educate and explain programs and services, and encourage a weight loss package purchase.

New Patient Questionnaire Review

The following are parts of the New Patient Questionnaire the consultant should look over prior to calling the patient into the consultation. These items are used in the consultation questions. The rest are for the consultant’s information to recommend additional services.

1. How did you hear about us?—Tracks advertising dollars and referral sources.

2. Who encouraged you to lose weight?—If they say no one or just me, they may not be as committed.

3. Commit to one visit a week?—Good for counseling.

4. What important reason do you have to lose weight?—Motivation factor, time frame and the “why”; very important.

5. How many pounds would you like to lose?—Helps to determine which package to emphasize.

6. How fast do you want to lose the weight?—Again, helps for package determination.

7. Other programs or diets tried?—Look for other weight loss clinics and weight loss medications (For example: Phentermine, HCG, etc.) to dismiss or remove other options.

8. Do you eat because of emotions?—Good for rapport.

9. Daily eating habits?—General idea; not always accurate; encourages counseling services.

10. Level of exercise?—General idea; not always accurate; encourages counseling services.

11. Health information?—Helps promote other profit centers and ask for insurance information for a later consult.

12. Medications?—Look for those that may pose contraindications (For example: stimulants and heart medication).

13. Food and chemical sensitivity section?—Customize this section to your other services to cross sell.

a. Digestive – Weight loss

b. Weight – Weight loss

c. Sinus/Respiratory – Allergies

d. Head/Ears – Allergies, physical medication, and/or chiropractic

e. Eyes/Throat – Allergies

f. Emotional/Mental – Hormones and/or weight loss

g. Energy – Hormones

h. Skin Disorders – Allergies

i. Other Symptoms – Physical medication and/or chiropractic

14. Important factors?—Each bullet point guides package choice:

a. Effectiveness – Quick and permanent, Fast Track

b. Time – HCG, Fast Track

c. Service – Lifestyle

d. Ease – Lifestyle

Consultation Visit Overview

The program consultant will review the New Patient Questionnaire before the consultation starts. Almost all necessary information will be on the Questionnaire. Remember, the consultation is about selling the program not giving medical advice.

Read and KNOW this section. KNOW HCG, Lifestyle Change and Fast Track booklets.

A female, is highly recommended for this position! This is an emotional and vanity driven sale. Also, someone who can relate, be genuine and show concern. Past selling experience is required.

Need to look through new patient questionnaire, before calling them back.

· Reason why they are here.

· How much they want to lose and how fast.

· What they have tried before.

If they check: Service and Ease – Lifestyle; Time and Effectiveness – HCG

Take patient’s weight.

1. Now begin building rapport, the next 30 minutes will be spent getting to know them. Find something in common.

2. You need to get 5 YES’s during this part. Ask: “If I can teach you how to cook a healthy meal in 20 minutes would you be interested?” – “YES”, there is one. “Can you commit to one visit a week?” – “YES”, there is two, etc.

3. On a scale of 1–10 how committed are they to losing weight, write down this number, if it is lower than a 9 you will have to re-ask at a later time.

4. Discuss the different programs they have tried in the past, what they liked and did not like and how our packages are similar to their likes and not to their dislikes.

If you didn’t receive a 9 or above, ask them again, on a scale of 1–10 how committed are they; they MUST be a 9 or 10 to buy.

5. During this time you need to get the spouse and financial part out of the way; ask if their spouse knows if they are here today? What do you think they will say? Do they support your weight loss efforts? Also, ask if they make their own financial decisions, so they can’t bring this up later as a reason to hold off buying the package.

With 15 minutes left, present them with the package you recommend for them. Please note: have all your package options laminated separately and only get out the one of your choice to present to the patient. DO NOT overwhelm them by having multiple packages to choose from; they will say they have to go home and think it over.

Go over the services in detail and ask them if they have any questions about the services. Then quote and close.

Do not speak; they need to be the first to speak. He who speaks first loses.

IMPORTANT: Every time you skip one of the five steps, your closure rate drops by 10% per step missed!

· Finalize the package and payment details.

· Have the patient complete the Application for Care and other Intake Forms.

· Fill out the Service Agreement and Superbill.

· Make copies of the patient’s driver’s license (or other identification).

· Upon completion, bring the patient to the front desk to pay for their package and schedule lab work, weight loss counseling and any follow-up appointment(s).

· The patient is then checked into the pre-exam room by the medical assistant to take weight, vitals and BMI before the scheduled Medical Provider visit.

Consultation Visit Sample Dialogue

This is meant only as a guideline to promote a productive dialog with your prospective patient. Every consultation will be different, just as every patient is different. Know your products. Be prepared to answer questions and overcome objections. Use the questionnaire as your guide to help you get to know your new patient better.

Weight Loss Consultant:

“Hi [patient’s name], my name is. How are you doing today? Let’s go back and get your weight and then we'll go over all your questions.”

While you are weighing the patient, ask how they heard about us. Once the weight has been noted, bring the patient back to the office to continue the interview.

Weight Loss Consultant:

“Tell me how much you would like to lose?”


“X pounds.”

Weight Loss Consultant:

“We can definitely help you with that today. Tell me a little about your lifestyle. Do you work…have kids…have a husband/wife to cook for?”


“Yes, me and my husband both work, so sometimes it’s just easy to grab food on the way home, but I know it isn’t good for any of us.”

Weight Loss Consultant:

“I know how hard that can be, but we can give you some quick menu ideas that take less than 30 minutes to prepare. It’s easier than you think to eat healthy. Plus, once you get started, your counselor will be a big help.”


“I really need to know the cost of this program to see if I can even afford it.”

Weight Loss Consultant:

“I understand. I have a lot of different options to fit anybody’s budget, but first let me get to know you a little better so I can make the best recommendation. Can you walk me through an example of your day and what you normally eat?”

This is to build rapport and get the patient to loosen up and not stress about price.


“Well I know how I should eat, but I’m just so busy I usually skip breakfast, grab a lunch and by the time I get home I either don’t eat or just snack.”

This is a good place to briefly bring back the simple ideas we have to eat healthier.

Weight Loss Consultant:

“I understand it is really easy, as a woman, to put yourself last on the list. I know I've been guilty of doing it myself. I have personally tried this program and I know it works.”

“Let’s talk about what you’re looking for to get the initial weight off.”

Use the questionnaire to narrow down which program to pick first. For example, they may be a candidate for quick weight loss.

“It sounds to me you would like to see a quick drop in weight for motivation and then a plan to keep it off. Does that sound right?”



Weight Loss Consultant:

“So, what I’m hearing is you would like to try the Fast Track program to lose your initial weight quickly.”



Weight Loss Consultant:

“And you would also like the support of a counselor to help give you quick ideas on how to eat right to keep it off?”



Always collect a minimum of five (5) YES’s.

Weight Loss Consultant:

“Before we go into pricing, is there anything else I can answer?”

Never quote and close until you observe positive body language from the patient and all of their questions have been answered.


“No, I think we've covered it all.”

If the patient has additional questions, answer them accordingly.

Weight Loss Consultant:

“Let’s pick a package and I’ll explain the pricing for you.”

After the pricing is explained, stop talking. Let the patient think and do not speak until patient does.


“I'd like to do the 14-Week Fast Track.”

Weight Loss Consultant:

“Great! I am so excited for you. Let’s get your paperwork done and get you started today!”

Explain the recommended program [the Fast Track Program used in this example].

For example: “We have a program that will help you lose 1–2 pounds a day for 45 days. This is our Fast Track Program.” The following points should be covered:

· Ask the patient if they have heard of HCG and assess their knowledge.

· Explain how HCG works and the Dr. Simeons’ protocol, “Pounds and Inches.”

· Laminate the HCG shopping list and show the patient to ensure patient compliance.

· Share with the patient about weight loss counseling and how meeting with the counselor will help educate and train them to prepare meal plans and transition back to the proper caloric intake.

· Explain the appetite control medications and how they are used during the program, which is to assist and minimize their appetite while they develop new, good, healthy eating habits.

· Inform the patient about Lipo Plus injections.

· Explain how the injections are a combination of B vitamins and amino acids that can boost energy and aid in weight loss.

· Explain that the lab work is done for the Medical Provider to view cholesterol, sugar levels, organ and blood content.

Using the following or similar dialog, advise the patient:

“To make it easier for you to start today, we already reserved a time for you to see our Medical Provider. Eight (8) out of ten (10) patients that come in for a consultation sign up during their consultation. That is how successful our programs are, and that is why we preschedule your appointment with the Medical Provider. We have great tools that will make you lose weight; tools that are only available here. So what do you say, are you ready to start reaching your weight loss goals today, right now?”

If patient agrees to move forward, congratulate and encourage them! Tell them you are excited to help them through every step of their program. (SEE CONSULTANT PAPAERWORK & PROCESSES for copies of all paperwork listed below)

· Instruct patient to complete the Application for Care and other intake forms.

· Review Guaranteed Medical Weight Loss Program Form make sure they are aware of the expectations of your clinic.

· Consultant fills out the three-part Service Agreement and Superbill and makes a copy of patient’s driver’s license and insurance card (if applicable).

· Both consultant and patient review and sign the agreement.

· Consultant distributes the three-part Service Agreement as follows:

1) white copy in patient chart

2) yellow copy to patient

3) pink copy goes inside the completed New Patient Questionnaire which is then given to the weight loss counselor

· Review the Program Checklist with the patient so they understand the process and what to look forward to during their program.

· Bring the patient to the front desk to pay for their package. (Refer to Front Desk Protocol Part II, Reading the Superbill).

If patient shows hesitation or declines to purchase:

· Encourage a smaller package

· If a $99 startup is purchased, consultant provides a copy of the Lifestyle Booklet.

· Consultant can give a brief counseling session to review the booklet with the patient.

· Upon completion, bring patient to front desk for payment and to schedule lab work, weight loss counseling, and two (2) week follow-up appointment to upgrade program.

If patient still does not want to purchase, invite them to come back at any time, and wish them luck on reaching their weight loss goals. Always end the consultation on a positive and supportive note, no matter what the patient says.

Program Consultant Tips:

· Weight can be a sensitive issue for women. Consultants must relate with their patients. Be mindful and sensitive to things you can do to help the patient feel comfortable (for example, same gender consultant, empathize, proper body language, eye contact, etc.).

· Present one package at a time; remember to let the patient choose which program they want to do. Give your recommendations but let them decide.

· Provide your own personal testimony of the weight loss programs (only if you have tried the programs personally). This is very helpful for the patient.

· Do not sound like a salesman. Be genuine and show concern about their well-being.

· Know your products and programs. Be ready to answer the patient’s questions and concerns.

· The order you present the program packages is very important. We have found that patients purchase larger packages when presenting the 10 and 14-Week Fast Track Programs first, followed by the Lifestyle Change Programs, smallest to largest. If the patient chooses to purchase a larger package and reach their weight loss goal early in the program, explain that any unused product can be used for maintenance.

· Explain that the patient will save more money by purchasing a package versus buying individual services (including the $99 Startup Package). The program packages are designed to achieve maximum weight loss. The process is much slower and more expensive overall if services are purchased individually. In addition, the patient may be discouraged and disappointed with the slow results.

· Express to the patient you want them to be successful and you are there to help motivate and encourage them to lose their weight. (You do not want them to walk out of your office feeling “buyer’s remorse” for how much money they spent.)

· Know how to overcome objections. See Sales Objections are Sales Opportunities.

Consultant Red Flags

DRUG ADDICTION-no appetite suppressants “uppers”. Alcohol and marijuana aren’t considered drugs:

Before you turn this patient away, you need to get a significant history especially of the drug addiction. How long has it been since you started? How often did you or do you use? Current user I do not give. But if they used when in college and now they are in their 40’s I would consider getting a urine test and some blood to make sure they are clean. Check with the states board on Rx refills make sure they are not getting meds from other places. I would give them the least harmful medications first and demand that they see the counselor on a weekly basis. Start with metformin. Discuss the need for hormone balance, the majority of the time these patient’s hormones are all wacked out! Insist on vitamin injections. They need tighter following and monitoring. I would probably avoid Phentermine and Phendimetrazine because of abuse potential. I would consider giving Phendimetrazine XR.

ANOREXIA, BULIMIA-at least 5 years old with professional treatment-than only at provider’s discretion:

Again get a really good history. Did they have this as a child? Currently struggling? If they are currently struggling I would suggest doing the vitamin injections. They are probably deficient. Are they seeking help? Who is their current counselor/psych doctor? Call and talk with them. It wouldn’t hurt to see how their hormones are doing. If they are currently engaging in that behavior, I probably wouldn’t start them on an appetite suppressant.

HEART ATTACK, STROKE, and HEART DISEASE-depends on how long and how serious-typically no appetite suppressants:

Again a thorough history is mandatory. Ischemic vs clot? Surgeries? How long ago? Talk with their cardiologist. Have they been cleared for years? Could they benefit from something besides an appetite suppressant? Metformin? The probably need significant counseling and coaching with their diet. They would benefit from vitamin injections! It’s a balance. They probably will have improved BP, health and cardiac status with weight loss. We can help them with that. How is their T3? Hormones? Are those balanced?

STROKE-No HCG due to blood clots:

Again a thorough history is mandatory. Ischemic vs clot? Surgeries? Was it because of an injury? How long ago? Talk with their neurologist. Have they been cleared for years? Could they benefit from something besides HCG? Metformin? The probably need significant counseling and coaching with their diet. They would benefit from vitamin injections! It’s a balance. They probably will have improved BP with weight loss. We can help them with that. How is their T3? Hormones? Are those balanced?

ADDEROL or any upper meds-no appetite suppressants:

I would consider Phendimetrazine XR. Metformin and the vitamin injections with extensive counseling. But why are they on it? Do they take it every day? What dose?


I am careful with my hormonal cancers but cervical cancer is not hormonal cancer. I would give it someone with a hx of thyroid cancers also. Was their breast cancer inflammatory or hormonal? Do you have UTD mammos? How long ago was it? What treatments did they use? What are their hormones? High levels of E1= more increased risk. Are they on Bio-identical hormones? What do they look like? Estrogen dominant? Clearance from oncologist? Do they understand risk vs. benefit? Do you? I would be very careful.

What about PCOS?

I give HCG to PCOS pts. It is not an absolute contraindication just a relative one. I just make sure they understand that they may have a painful, killer period. Perhaps even for the entire time. I have them sign a paper stating they understand this. We also discuss hormones and getting those balanced.


Type 1(insulin dependent) - not eligible for either program – I would be very careful here. They need way more monitoring and control and food types. I would probably not give them anything except counseling and vitamin injections.

Type 2(food dependent)-modified HCG-no appetite suppressants-provider to approve

Several of our older patients have DM2. They need weight loss help, counseling and guidance. I also give them appetite suppressants, vitamin injections and weekly counseling sessions. They need to learn how to eat better to take care of themselves to prevent further injury.

GLACOMA: No appetite suppressants.

Thyroid-Hypo: Ok

Thyroid-Hyper: Ok – Both of these pts need their hormones checked and monitored. Complete thyroid panels!


HCG-28 BMI and above, anything below for patient satisfaction only-not a health concern:

We let pts with BMI below this do HCG. They just need to understand that they may not lose as much weight. We have them sign that they understand that they may not lose as much weight. Vitamin injections and counseling are mandatory for first timers and for people who seem confused about what and when to eat and give themselves the injections.

Appetite Suppressants-25 BMI and above:

We do give it to pts whose BMIs are less than 25 but these are for maintenance. Most of these pts don’t take it every day. Just when they need it. We require annual blood work on all pts to make sure their kidney and liver and functioning appropriately.

No one under 18 or over 70 (judgement call):

I have a few pts over 70 who I start off with Diethylpropion or Phendimetrazine XR. They need a good history and physical with no contraindications. EDUCATE!

Maintenance on Meds

Nutritional & Financial Advice

Pregnancy Tests:

We have them available. We require some form of documented birth control for all of our pts. LMP are always obtained. And tests are available if needed. If pregnant or breastfeeding absolutely no treatments are given.

Other Med options:

105.5 Phendimetrazine

Sending patients to PCP:

If there is something you are concerned about like BP or cholesterol, we send them to PCPs. We do not treat of monitor PCP complaints. Even insomnia I do not treat with Rx meds here. We make health and nutritional recommendations only.

Vitamins/ Minerals/ Herbals/ Hormonals only.

Example: Cholesterol: CO-Q10 100mg with Red Yeast Rice 600mg (together twice daily)

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The content of this message, together with any attachments, may contain information that is proprietary, privileged and/or confidential and is intended exclusively for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. Any use, copying, dissemination, distribution, retention, or disclosure by any person other than the intended recipient or the intended recipient's designees is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient or their designee, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies.

Healthy Habits Medical Business Consultants, its representatives and employees, are neither responsible nor liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or other information, services or products that an individual obtains through this communication. You are strongly advised to independently verify content, opinions and any and all information you received in this communication with other sources, including but not limited to consulting with other professional healthcare providers, additional specialists and medical resources. The information contained in this communication is based on general knowledge and experience and may not be applicable to your unique situation or within your state of practice. Do not assume that any information you have received is applicable to your specific circumstances or is permitted within your state of practice. All information you received is designed to assist you in the diagnosis and treatment of your patients; however, it is not intended for medical training nor to teach you how to treat your patients.

Weight Loss Program Summaries

The following provides a brief description of the three basic offered weight loss programs. There are additional programs available on the Client Portal under Packages and Pricing.

Fast Track Program: The Fast Track Programs utilize appetite control medication combined with prescription HCG and Dr. Simeons’ protocol, “Pounds and Inches.” HCG is a natural hormone found in the body that burns fat. HCG enables a patient to lose ½–2 pounds a day by using the body’s stored fat, burning up to 3,500 calories per day. HCG stimulates the hypothalamus and burns body fat while protecting lean muscle mass and organs. A patient whose goal is to lose 30–40 pounds or more would benefit most from these programs, which comes in a 23-day or 45-day treatment (10 Week and 14 Week Fast Track Programs). The HCG injections, especially in women, produce an average of 20% more weight loss than the sublingual drops due to being absorbed directly.

After the HCG, the patient begins six (6) weeks of an appetite control medication. Patient visits with the Medical Provider who reviews medical history and prescribes the best medication for the patient.

Each week of this program, the patient will take two Lipo Plus injections and meets with the weight loss counselor to learn how to eat properly on the HCG protocol. In addition, the counselor helps the patient transition to healthy eating and meal plans after the HCG. These sessions are aimed to educate, train, support and motivate patients in creating and adhering to a healthy diet and exercise plan. The goal is to help patients reach their ideal weight and learn how to maintain it and achieve a beneficial lifestyle change.

HCG Only Program: HCG is a natural hormone found in the body that burns fat. HCG enables a patient to lose ½-2 pounds a day by using the body’s stored fat, burning up to 3,500 calories per day. HCG stimulates the hypothalamus and burns body fat while protecting lean muscle mass and organs. A patient whose goal is to lose 30–40 pounds or more would benefit most from this program, which comes in a 23-day or 45-day treatment. The HCG injections, especially in women, produce an average of 20% more weight loss than the sublingual drops due to being directly absorbed.

Each week of this program, the patient will take two Lipo Plus injections and meet with the weight loss counselor to learn how to eat properly on the HCG protocol. In addition, the counselor helps the patient transition to healthy eating and meal plans after HCG. These sessions are aimed to educate, train, support and motivate patients in creating and adhering to a healthy diet and exercise plan. The goal is to help patients reach their ideal weight, teach them how to maintain that weight and achieve a beneficial lifestyle change.

Lifestyle Change Program: The Lifestyle Change Programs are similar to the Fast Track Programs; however, these use appetite control medications with Lipo Plus injections and weight loss counseling. Lifestyle Change Programs do not include HCG. The appetite control medication helps patients lose a healthy 2–3 pounds per week. The medication is taken daily to help curb appetite and boost the patient’s metabolism to prevent fatigue and general loss of energy while reaching their weight loss goals by consuming fewer calories. Lipo Plus injections are encouraged as an additional energy boost and fat loss aide.

Nutritional Counseling and Lipo Plus Injections:

Both our Fast Track and Lifestyle Change Programs are complemented by weight loss counseling and Lipo Plus injections. Weight loss counseling keeps patients motivated throughout their program. As mentioned earlier, these sessions are aimed to educate patients and train them to create healthy meal plans and exercise programs. Meeting with a counselor on a weekly basis helps patients achieve their goal.

Lipo Plus injections further stabilize energy levels, and trigger the body to metabolize fat. You are able to offer these additional services at a discount in conjunction with your main weight loss programs. Occasionally, we encounter patients who cannot or choose not to take either HCG or appetite control medication and instead adhere solely to nutrition counseling and vitamin injections. These patients achieve equal weight loss, but at a slower pace. Conversely, there are those who prefer to do only HCG injections or only appetite control medication without any counseling or injections. These too have some success, but at a much slower pace, plus they do not always keep it off.

Sales Objections Are Sales Opportunities

As a salesperson, you put in a lot of time and effort to ensure that your products or services are needed by your patient. However, no matter how compelling the need may be or how excellent your product may be, patients will always raise objections and request additional information. Consequently, you should welcome objections because once answered, they give you the potential energy to close the sale.

Anticipate Objections

Objections often frighten new salespeople because they are not sure they can find convincing arguments to overcome them. However, sales professionals have learned how to take the patient’s objection and turn it around in order to close the sale.

As a sales professional, you will probably put a lot of time and effort into developing a winning presentation to make certain that you show all of the positive and compelling aspects of the product or service that you are offering to the potential patient. Yet no matter how persuasive or convincing you may be when you present your product or services, there will be objections and doubts. The ability to anticipate an objection is very important, but not nearly as important as developing the skills to overcome the objections. No matter how hard you try to anticipate every possible objection, there will still be the times when an objection comes up that you never thought of.

Five Steps to Deal with Objections

1. Expect them and allow the patient to express them freely.

2. Welcome them when they occur because they indicate an interest on the part of the patient.

3. Affirm the objection by restating it in the form of a question to be answered, for example, "So what you are saying is that you have concerns doing this program with a family?"

4. Give complete answers to the objections. Use testimonials, past experiences or whatever relevant information you have.

5. Never respond immediately to an objection. Very often the patient will continue talking to clarify their position or to offer more information. When this happens, wait a few seconds and think about what you have heard. Your pause shows a level of respect for what the patient has said.

Three Big Factors

The most common objections that salespeople face are:

1. Skepticism

2. Misunderstanding

3. Stalling

The best way to handle objections is to appear knowledgeable, remain interested and project a helpful demeanor focused on helping the patient achieve their objectives. Respond to objections positively and respect the patient’s actions as legitimate concerns. Let’s discuss the three factors related to objections in detail.

1. Skepticism

If the patient seems skeptical about your presentation, your product or services or your ability to deliver, it could be a result of one of the following situations:

a. Promising too much. If you promise too much too soon or trivialize the uniqueness of the patient’s situation you will surely lose them as a patient.

b. Failing to establish rapport. You must listen and respond effectively. If the patient thinks you are talking mechanically or only on your terms, the patient’s interest in you will diminish rapidly. Learn to listen and respond effectively.

c. Not asking the right questions. Know enough about the patient’s needs to be able to ask probing questions. Asking good questions is just as important as giving good answers. It shows that you are interested in them as an individual and that you are paying attention to what they are saying.

d. Not fully answering questions. The patient’s questions are real; do not think that they are “dumb questions,” and do not avoid a question because you think it is trivial. By not answering all questions, the patient could think you are trying to conceal something.

e. Becoming defensive. If you appear to be defensive to an objection, you might antagonize the patient. Always be open-minded, responsive and reply enthusiastically, not defensively.

f. Not patient-centered. If you speak in general terms and do not address the specifics of the patient’s objection, you have not given the patient the requested answer.

g. Never be hasty. If you rush through your presentation or do not give enough consideration to the patient’s concerns, you could make the patient feel uneasy. Never linger on any one point, but do not give any quick answers either.

2. Misunderstanding

These objections fall into three categories:

a. Improper understanding of the need. A professional salesperson has the ability to define and solve problems. By understanding the patient’s situation, you are better able to offer the help or answers they need. Take the time to get to the core facts and offer the solutions necessary to close the sale.

b. Inadequate goal definition. You have to know what the patient’s goal is before you try to suggest a solution. For example, if the main concern is to lose weight quickly then you need to focus on how quickly.

c. Benefits and not features. Provide specific examples of how the patient will benefit from your product or service and your proposed solution to the patient’s objections. Do not give generalized answers to specific problems.

3. Stalling

If the patient seems to be stalling, the reason may be one of these:

a. The patient is not the decision maker. This issue should be approached after you have built rapport with the patient by simply asking the question, “Are you able to make financial decisions on your own?” This door needs to be shut early with a “YES” answer.

b. The patient is not sold on your product. Ask probing questions to determine what the problem is. For example:

1. “Are you not sure about our pricing?”

2. “Are you concerned about our success rate?”

3. “What is it that’s bothering you in making your decision?”

c. The patient wants to get other quotes. Find out where the patient is shopping and always know your competitors’ pricing in advance and what services are being offered for that price.

d. The patient is too busy to talk to you right now. The patient took the time to come see you, so find the need that brought them in today.

How to Handle Objections

The best way to handle objections is to anticipate them and answer them before they are asked. However, for those objections that arise abruptly or unexpectedly during the sales consultation, there are some do’s and don’ts you should consider.

Common-Sense Do’s:

1. Always maintain a positive attitude.

2. Be enthusiastic.

3. Always remember that objections are a natural and integral part of the sales process and should not be considered as a personal insult.

4. Always maintain good eye contact, even when under pressure.

5. Always listen attentively to an objection.

6. Always acknowledge the objection and then express your thoughts.

7. Always justify your viewpoints with testimonials, documentation and references.

Some Very Important Don’ts:

1. Never knock down or degrade your competition. That takes the focus off of you and your company and you never want to do that.

2. Never say anything negative about your organization.

3. Never say anything negative about your product or service.

4. Never tell the customer they are wrong.

5. Never tell the customer you don’t understand.

6. Never argue with any potential customer.

7. Never lie to a customer. Long-term relationships are built on trust and honesty. It is far better to say, “That’s a good question. I will find out the right answer and get back to you as soon as possible.”

8. Never be defensive; it is a negative approach to an objection.

Tips & Tricks to Closing

The Pay in Full (PIF) Discount is available when the Patient is paying in full with Cash, Check or their own Credit Card. When the Patient uses any financing option, or an ACH payment plan, do NOT use the PIF Discount. If the Patient is using any of the available financing options*, then the balance due is the full retail price.

Tips to Close Sales and Payment Schedules: Listed below are last resorts and used only after the Consultant presented the correct package to get the Patient to their goal. 

· Max of 3 Free Lipo Plus Injections may be offered as a first option to help close a sale prior to moving to discounts.

· If Consultant offers the $99 Start-Up, then Consultant may take reduce $99 off a package of 10 weeks or more to close the sale. 

· Build a Custom Package: Refer to retail pricing + bulk pricing sheets. Do NOT remove items from existing Packages. Lipo Plus Packages require an initial visit with the medical provider, but do not require a diet panel.

· Combining or Stacking promo offers or coupons is not permitted. Clinic Supervisor approval is required if this is necessary to close the sale.

In-House Payment Plan Options (No PIF Discount Allowed)

Lifestyle Programs:

6 week package: 1/2 down and 1/2 in two weeks.

10 week package: 1/3 down and all remaining payments collected by the 6th week. 

14 week package: 1/3 down and all remaining payments collected by the 10th week.

26 week and above: 1/3 down and weekly, monthly or biweekly payments to be collected 1 month before program ends.

Fast Track Programs:

10 week fast track: 1/2 down and balance collected within 4 weeks.

14 week fast track: 1/2 down and balance collected within 4 weeks.

17 week and above: 1/2 down and balance collected within 5 weeks. 

HCG Programs:

23 day package: No payment plan option.

45 day package: 1/2 down and 1/2 in two weeks. Full Retail Only, no PIF Discount.

HCG (Injections Only): No payment plan allowed on the 23 days or 45 days.

NOTE: All Meds, Services, and HCG/Lipo Plus Injections must be paid prior to ordering or administering to patient.

If the Patient purchases any package 10 weeks or more and pays at least 50% down and pays the balance within 2 weeks, then the Consultant may apply the PIF Discount. Please use discretion, as it is best to collect in full.

Head Trash

1. Patients can’t afford the packages

2. I know I can sell the smaller package why risk the bigger package

3. I wouldn’t know which program to present so I need to give them choices

4. They said they can’t afford it so that is that

5. They will be back they even made an appointment

6. My area is different, people here are not the same

7. Sales steps are cheesy so I just present what they are here to find out.

8. 80% closure is not possible in my area

9. No one wants to sit through an hour consultation, 30 minutes is fine

10. They have the $99 coupon and stated that’s all they want, why bother with a full consultation?

Patient Schedule OutlinesFast Track Programs (HCG and Appetite Control Medication)

1. Initial visit:

· Consultation and schedule lab work, counseling and follow-up visit.

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Initial visit with Medical Provider.

· Receive first Lipo Plus injection

2. Lab work and counseling visit (as soon as possible):

· Medical Assistant draws blood for lab work.

· Weight loss counseling, review HCG diet protocol.

· Schedule counseling visits according to package.

3. Medical Provider reviews and approves lab work and dispenses HCG from office (23 days at a time).

4. Follow-up visit to begin appetite control medication (23 or 45 days after initial visit):

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Meet with Medical Provider, who will go over labs and dispense appetite control medication for 14 days.

· Schedule another follow-up in 14 days.

5. Follow-up visit (14 days after previous visit):

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Meet with Medical Provider, who will dispense appetite control medication for 30 days.

· Schedule follow-up visit in 30 days.

6. Follow-up visit (every 30 days thereafter until package is completed):

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Meet with Medical Provider, who will dispense medication for another 30 days.

Please note: Generally, the weight loss counselor schedules patients once a week. Appointments for Lipo Plus injections are not required.

Fast Track Programs (HCG and AppTrim Supplement)

1. Initial visit:

· Consultation and schedule lab work, counseling and follow-up visit.

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Initial visit with Medical Provider.

· Receive first Lipo Plus injection

2. Lab work and counseling visit (as soon as possible):

· Medical Assistant draws blood for lab work.

· Weight loss counseling, review HCG diet protocol.

· Schedule counseling visits according to package.

3. Medical Provider reviews and approves lab work and dispenses HCG from office (23 days at a time).

4. Follow-up visit to begin appetite control medication (23 or 45 days after initial visit):

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Meet with Medical Provider, who will go over labs and dispense AppTrim Supplement for 30 days.

· Schedule another follow-up in 30 days.

5. Follow-up visit (30 days after previous visit):

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Meet with Medical Provider, who will dispense AppTrim Supplement for 30 days.

· Schedule follow-up visit in 30 days.

6. Follow-up visit (every 30 days thereafter until package is completed):

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Meet with Medical Provider, who will dispense medication for another 30 days.

Please note: Generally, the weight loss counselor schedules patients once a week. Appointments for Lipo Plus injections are not required.

HCG Only Programs

1. Initial visit:

· Consultation and schedule lab work, counseling and follow-up visit.

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Initial visit with Medical Provider.

2. Lab work and counseling visit (as soon as possible):

· Medical Assistant draws blood for lab work.

· Weight loss counseling, review HCG diet protocol.

· Schedule counseling visits according to package.

3. Medical Provider reviews and approves lab work and dispenses HCG from office (23 days at a time).

The office visit fee is not included in these HCG refill prices; patients will pay extra for check-up office visit. Medical Provider must dispense HCG.

Make sure patient has waited the appropriate number of weeks between rounds of HCG (6 weeks before round 2, 8 weeks before round 3, and 12 weeks before round 4). Also, be sure to verify labs are current and up to date (6 months or less).

Lifestyle Change Program (Appetite Control Medication)

1. Initial visit:

· Consultation and schedule lab work, counseling and follow-up visit in 14 days.

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Initial visit with Medical Provider who will dispense 14 days of appetite control medication.

· Receive first Lipo Plus injection.

2. Lab work and counseling visit (as soon as possible):

· Medical Assistant draws blood for lab work.

· Weight loss counseling.

· Schedule counseling visits according to package.

3. Follow-up visit (14 days after initial visit):

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Meet with Medical Provider who will go over labs and dispense appetite control medication for 30 days.

· Schedule another follow-up visit in 30 days.

4. Follow-up visit (every 30 days thereafter until package is completed):

· Medical Assistant to take weight, vitals and BMI.

· Meet with Medical Provider who will dispense medication for another 30 days.

Please note: Generally, the weight loss counselor schedules patients once a week. Appointments for Lipo Plus injections are not required.

Lifestyle Change Program (AppTrim Supplement)

1. Initial visit:

· Consultation and schedule lab work, counseling and follow-up visit in 30 days.

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Initial visit with Medical Provider who will dispense 30 days of AppTrim Supplement.

· Receive first Lipo Plus injection.

2. Lab work and counseling visit (as soon as possible):

· Medical Assistant draws blood for lab work.

· Weight loss counseling.

· Schedule counseling visits according to package.

3. Follow-up visit (30 days after initial visit):

· Meet with Medical Assistant for weight, vitals and BMI.

· Meet with Medical Provider who will go over labs and dispense appetite control medication for 30 days.

· Schedule another follow-up visit in 30 days.

4. Follow-up visit (every 30 days thereafter until package is completed):

· Medical Assistant to take weight, vitals and BMI.

· Meet with Medical Provider who will dispense medication for another 30 days.

Please note: Generally, the weight loss counselor schedules patients once a week. Appointments for Lipo Plus injections are not required.

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