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ContexTA journey trough Tirana Tech Park

Tirana, 2013.5.30

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Context is financed by InCE fund and EBRD within the Know How Exchange Programme (KEP)

The total amount of the project was € 84.390, financed by InCE with € 31.875, MoT € 5.220; Archidata € 47.295

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Project goalsMain Object: Supporting the Municipality of Tirana in defining a path for the

development of a Techno-Park through the transfer of Italian and EU experiences and best practices. Produce the definition of specific guidelines on financing opportunities in order to support the MoT in achieving its strategic objectives and promoting them throughout Europe, in line with the Lisbon strategy, and to accelerate the Tirana vital contribution on this EU process.

Specific Objects:1) to elaborate a deep analysis of the Tirana Municipality strategies and priorities in order to identify

main needs 2) to transfer the existing Italian and EU knowledge and best practices on technology innovation

and assist the Municipality of Tirana in understanding and implementing appropriate models to be adopted in order to determinate the best options for the installation of the Techno-Park

3) to raise awareness among Albania authorities and other stakeholders through the dissemination of final results on the financing opportunities for the installation of the Techno-Park

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Project Activities and outputWP 1: ContexT project management: Management

and coordination; Financial management; Project Monitoring & evaluation Output: Working schedule of ContexT’s activities;

Progress Implementation’s Report (monthly and six-monthly); Final financial report; Final implementation report; Post Implementation report

WP 2: Preliminary analysis of main sectors for the establishment of a Techno-Park in Tirana

2.1) collection and analysis of the existing documentation on technology transfer; 2.2) Swot analysis to identify the most promising sectors

Output: Report on Tirana technology transfer needs

WP 3: Organisation of study visits: 3.1) 5 days study visit in Italy; 3.2) Concerted roundtables

Output: Conceptual grid; Minutes of meetings; Final Report on consultation activities

WP 4: Definition of guidelines for the financing of the Techno Park of Tirana

Output: Guidelines for the financing of the Techno Park of Tirana

WP5: Publicity and Dissemination of information

5.1) Project dissemination actions; 5.2) Promotion of the project towards main

stakeholders Main Output: Dissemination plan ;

Communication strategy; Communication and information materials; Final conference

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Albanian economyAlbania made great progress in the first

decade of the century. It continued the economy reform started in ‘90.

System liberalization, fiscal consolidation and monetary restraint did attract foreign investment.

An ample privatization attained agriculture, industries, transports and services.

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Albania economy

Due to the financial crisis and its effect on two main international partners –Italy and Greece, Albania worsen its position in 2012-2013 Global Competitiveness Report to 89 position from the 78° in previous year

As regard as innovation activities in Albanian context, in view of the great effort on eGovernement the weackness of business world and infrastructures limits are a stop to development

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Context analysis

The context analysis was made gathering a variety of international sources:

• Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013• EU; Albania 2012 progress report• Erawatch Albania • Pro INNO Europe: mini country report/Albania …………..

and Albanian documents :National strategy for development and Integration (2007-2013); Innovation &

technology for Sme (2011-2016); National Strategy of Science, technology and innovation (2009-2015); Investment in Albania 2011; National Plan for Implementation of the Stabilsation and Association Agreement 2007-2012; Agriculture and food sector strategy (2007-2013); Innovation Infrastructures in Albania; ICT Research Priorities in Albania; ……….

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TiranaTirana is making a big effort to become a

good place for investments and business. The town aims to become: sustainable, innovative and inclusive.

The strategy is to create a minimum tax burden for businesses. Mayor Luzlim Basha: “let’s make Tirana the most friendly territoty for businesses in the region”.

The main focus, at the moment, is on developing polycentic urban plan. The project for a Technology Science Park will complete that strategy

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Swot analysisStrenghtsBusiness concentration in the area: Multisectoral presenceBroadband infrastructureGreat number of universities and He institutionLevel of HR, Regulatory Quality and Risk assessment rank, Economic freedom conditions: goodLow taxation: focused support on FIDICT for eGovernment (eAlbania)

WeacknessHigh fragmentation of microbusiness: low innovation in SmeLow investment level in R&D (0,3-4% GDP)Centralism: R&D (private very limited), education & VET education policyNo presence of I&TT local agenciesScarce infrastructuresNo monitoring on innovation

OpportunitiesEU Smart specialization strategyNational strategic projects for BB infrastructures, 3GProjects for transports and mobilityGrowing level of wealthGrowing number of degree/graduate in scientific disciplines, human capital coming back from abroadNew industries from R&D investments

TreatsThe financial crisis can reduce R&D investmentsDeficit in current account balanceLack in Intellectual Property and tech transfer compared with Balcan competitors

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Study visit

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Study visit stakeholders

INA-CNRAndrea Ballarino0381-692652 [email protected]

CEFRIELAlfonso Fuggetta +39 2 239541 [email protected]

POLO TECN. DI PORDENONEFranco Scolari+39 0434 504412 [email protected]

CIRMAnna Allodi+39 2 66825289 [email protected]

FINLOMBARDA Federica Rosi +39 02 60744479 [email protected]

UNIMITTRoberto Tiezzi +39 02 50312863 [email protected]

AREA SCIENCE PARKStephen Taylor+39 040 3755279 [email protected]

COMO NEXTMatteo Torri+39 02 3671.4054 [email protected]

QUESTIOAntonio Santangelo+39 335 6240826 [email protected]

PARCO TECN. PADANO (PTP)Gianluca Carenzo+39 371 4662215 [email protected]

INNOVHUBDaniele Colombo+39 02 8515.5230 [email protected]

REGIONE LOMBARDIA.Armando De Crinito+39 02 6765 6818 [email protected]

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Success Story

Parco Tecnologico Padano– Networking with main EU and National public and private institutions – Strong commitment of institutional stakeholders and policy makers

(regional/national authorities). – Technology platforms based on innovation.– Grant Office setting up: coordinates the activities of participation and

management of R&D projects, networking and internationalization at Parco Tecnologico Padano.

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Success Story

Area Science Park – Trieste– Networking with international companies– Strong commitment of institutional stakeholders and policy makers

(regional authorities, business supporting organisation, universities).– Strategic model: one place where top training, research and enterprise

meet and become a key resource for the growth of the economy and employment opportunities in the territory

– Focus on customized and “face to face” services rather than the traditional real-estate approach.

– From science to technology: producing science to producing technological knowledge for enhancing the quality of life.

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Success Story

Polo Tecnologico di Pordenone– Conjunction point of service: knowledge, and financial resources,

funded by public institutions, and by Venture Capital, to increase skills and experience at worldwide level.

– Strategic location: The Polo is a joung start-up located in a cohesive and integrated territory, and can get strength and criticism from local institutions and regional government.

– Networking with main EU and National public and private institutions and internationalisation

– Strong commitment of institutional stakeholders and policy makers (regional authorities, business supporting organisation, universities).

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Success story

Every success story did create value for– The local community and admininistration in terms of GDP growth– The business community, in terms of process and product innovation,

higher level of HR knowledge– Universities, in terms of inspiring ideas, spread to creativity, funds for

research– The region, in terms of more attractiveness

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• Polo Tecnologico Padano and Area Science Park are interested in opportunities in Albania. Both have business contacts that are considering this option

• Parco Tecnologico Padano, leading an european cluster on agrifood is a good entry point to connect with agrifood industry

• CIRM, the life science consortium that leads the italian technology transfer on lifescience could be a good partner for training activities in health sector

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• CEFRIEL, one of leading companies in ICT projects, could be interested in partnership with Polytechnic University of Tirana

• META-GROUP, wich is already working in Balcans, is interested to start training activities for international innovation funding

• ITIA, CNR institute, is a good connection for innovation activities on the footwear sector

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Business services

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Business services

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Potential modelModel Pros/cons

Incubator The incubator can be an ideal tool to start a settlement strategy. Spin-off/start-up can aggregate both university and private laboratories. The commitment of investment is scalable in time and much less significant than for a park

Coworking space A space in which aggregate start-up as well as individual professionals, taking advantage of the contamination effect for launching new initiatives. The level of services is limited, as regard as the investments

Living lab An innovative formula of the relationship between researchers and citizens, involving them in the testing of new products. It creates a conducive climate to the spread of innovation. Limited investment

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Incubator, an institution that interacts with businesses, university departments, private and public labs, start ups, offering services, expertises, and sometime financial support (direct, or by business angels or ventures capital)

The Incubator makes a selection of best business ideasIt protects new start ups from strong competitionIt helps incubated bodies to easy access to development

resourcesIt has the expertise to validate business models, business plans,

ideas.It helps associated bodies to internationalize

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Business Model:

The incubator gets a fee all along the incubation period (in general, max 36 months), sometimes related to timing or results

Plus an enrollment fee at the incubation start pointSometimes the incubator gest an equity stake in the incubated

body capitalIncubator gest also funds from ventures capital or sponsors

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Advantages:Incubated bodies (Ib) have the opportunity to share a space with

other businesses, to live in a contaminating context, to meet talented people, to cooperate with smart and innovative bodies.

Ib live and work in an evironment that gets the attention of central and local government, and benefits from their marketing actions.

The Ib can benefit from Incubator expertise, mainly if this is a sector specialized one, and from its international network

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Coworking space

Coworking space, the activity of coworking is the social gathering of a group of people who are still working independently, but who share values and are interested in the synergy that can be working closely with talented people

Business model: professional share space and services at reduced costs, geneartes new ideas and businesses in flexible way and reduced timing

Advantages: coworkers share space and ideas, in a collaborative and informal way, finding common opportunities of business. The social aspect of the process is most important, the meeting and mix of talent is the ultimate goal

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Living lab

Living lab: space of open innovation, in real life contexts, involving actively users to achieve co-creation journeys for new products, services, social infrastructures

Business model: less costly, rapid developing time, Business angels and VC involvement

Advantanges: - for the research body, the gathering of new ideas by users, the

time reduction as regard as the R&D results, the larger success of research projects

- for users, to participate to the design process of a service or a product, to obtain a more customized result, to have the opportunity to give feed back in the developing phase

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Business Plan

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Business Plan

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Business Plan

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Business Plan

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Context project did achieve three main results:• Description of potential models for spreading innovation in

Tirana business environment• Determination of an economic journey through a self

sustainable Technology Park (business model and plan)• The opening of an international relationship network to be

implemented as a knowledge value chain

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Tirana Tech Park

Now is up to YouReady?

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Antonio [email protected]: +39 2 3046 4300Mob: +39 335 6240826Skype: antoniofsantangeloTwitter: asantangeloLinkedin

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