Page 1: Conversation with other people by some basic question

Conversation with other people by some basic questionPosted by admin on October 25, 2013Comments OffA – Could you lend me your pencil?

B – Of course, here you are.

A – Thank you very much.

B- Will you lend me your dictionary for a while?

A- I’m sorry. I’m afraid I can’t. I’m going to use it myself now.

B – Never mind. I’ll ask someone else.

A -   Would you move along a bit please?

B – Sure!

A – Thank you.

A – Could you tell me the time, please?

B- Certainly, It’s half past eight.

A- Could you possibly change fifty rupees please?

B – I’m sorry, I can’t. The cashier may be able to help you

A – Thank you, I’ll try him.

IN A TRAINA- Could you possibly look after my bag?

B- I’m sorry I’m getting off at the next station. That boy may be able to.

A- Never mind, I’ll carry it to the restaurant car.

A- I wonder if you could lend me your bike for some time?

B- I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I’m getting ready to go to the town.

A- That’s all right, I’ll go by bus.

REQUEST FOR INFORMATIONA – Could you tell me the way to the HSBC Bank please?B – Yes, you walk as far as the temple and take the second right.

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A – Mm… Second right, then.

B – There you will see the HSBC bank opposite the post office.

A – Thank you very much.

B – You’re welcome.

A – Where’s the nearest bus stop please?

B – You turn left into the main road and walk straight up to the traffic lights.

A – Then….?

B – You’ll find the bus stop a 50 meters beyond the traffic lights.

A – Thank you.

B – Not at all.

A – Do you have the time, please?

B – Yes, it’s getting on to 4.

A – I wonder if you could tell me how to get to the Public Library?

B – Yes. You take 47A bus and get off at the Eye Hospital.

A – Yes. Eye Hospital,… and then… ?

B – You walk across the cross road along the flyover…

A – Fly over…. Okay….

B – You’ll see the Library on your right as you go past the Maternity Hospital and the       commissioner’s office on your left. You can’t miss it.

A – Thanks… a lot.

B – Not at all…

A – Where’s the post-office, please?

A -   Where’s the post-office, please?

B -   It’s near the temple.

A-    Is there a pharmacy near here?

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B-    Yes, there is one on Flower’s Road and another on Nelson’s Street.

A-    Any idea as to where the Apollo studio is?

B-    Yes, it’s over there… you can see it.

A-    Ah… Thank you.

Basic English conversation AT A RESTAURANTPosted by admin on September 25, 2013Comments OffAT A RESTAURANTW – Waiter        C – CustomerW- Yes, please. What next

C – Hello. Can I have chicken and fried rice please?

W – Salt and pepper?

C – Yes please.

W – Anything else?

C – Yes, two plantains and a milk shake.

W – Twenty, Thirty, Thirty five rupees.

C – Here you are. Thank you.

A – Anu        F – Father        S – SindhuA -   I really enjoy rice and curry.

F -   You’re sure it wasn’t too hot?

A – No. It was quite hot, but not too hot. I wouldn’t mind a cold drink, though.

F – I’m not sure a cold drink is the best thing, if you found thecurry a little hot for you it’ll probably make you hotter and give you hiccupsS – Yes I think he’s right. Can I offer you some fruit instead?

F – A good idea. Why not have slice of pineapple? They arevery sweet and juicy just now. Shall I cut you a slice?A – Yes. Please it looks very nice.

A – Shop assistant       C – CustomerA -   Good morning Madam!

C -   Good morning!

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A -   Can I help you?

C -   Mmm.   I’m looking for some gift articles

A-     Would you like to look at some wood carvings? Here are some ivory statues…         Some silver bangles…

Replying to query for asking directionsPosted by admin on July 3, 2013Comments OffThe corresponding responses can be as follows.1. It’s near the temple.

2. Walk straight ahead and you’ll see it on your left opposite the Indian Overseas Bank.

3. Yes, walk straight as far as the end of this road and you’ll see it on your right just opposite the public library.

4. Yes, there is one on Flowers Road.

5. Yes, walk straight ahead and take your second right you’ll see the sign board at the corner… you can’t miss it.

6. Walk as far as the traffic lights. Then turn left into the LHM hospital road… you’ll see the station at the end of the road.

7. Yes, it’s five minute walk if you go straight ahead.

8. Certainly not. You take the first left after walking along this flyover and proceedfurther for about half a kilometer… and it is there.9.  Yes, it’s not very far. Hop into a taxi and ask to drive. He’ll take you there.

10. Take 47A bus and get off at Eye Hospital, walk across the junction and now goalong the fly over passing Hotel Ashok on your left. You’ll find the library on your right.11. Catch Pandiyan Express at 2.15p.m.

12. I’m sorry. I don’t know. I’m a stranger myself.

REPLIES CAN BENo. Not at all

Examples:A -   Please, will you open the door?

B -   Okay, Sir.

A -   Can you carry this bag for me, please?

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B -   Certainly, ok.

A – Could you give me my room key, Please?

B – Sure!

ASKING AND TELLING THE TIMEPosted by admin on June 26, 2013Comments OffASKING AND TELLING THE TIMEA-   Excuse me, can you tell me the time please?

B-   Yes, of course, it’s six o’clock.

A – Thanks.

A – Excuse me, could you tell me the time please?

B – I’m sorry, I don’t know, I don’t have a watch.

A – That’s Ok.ASKING FOR SOMETHINGA- Excuse me!

B – Yes?

A – Do you have a lighter?

B – I’m sorry. I don’t smoke.

A – That’s ok.

ASKING PERMISSIONA -   Can I open the window? It’s very hot in here.B -   Really? I’m quite cold.A -   Ok. It doesn’t matter.OFFERING TO HELPA -   Excuse me!

B -   Can I help you?

A – Can I have a cell for my watch?

B – What power please?

A – Pardon?

B – What power?

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A – What do you mean?

B – How many volts?. 1.5 or 3?

A – Ah. Now I understand. 1.5. Volts please.


B – Would you like some coffee?

A – No thanks.

B – Would you like some orange juice?

A – Oh, yes, please.

A – I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat?

B – Would you like a sandwich?

A – No, thanks, I’d like a pan-cake?

B – With cheese or jam?

A – Cheese and jam please?

A- Can I help you?

B- Yes, please, I’d like some egg noodles.

A- Here you are anything else?

B- Yes, can I have some ice cream too?

A- Chocolate, vanila or strawberry?

B- Chocolate ice cream, please. How much is that?

A- That’s thirty rupees please.

B- Excuse me! Can you tell me where the ICICI bank is?

A- I’m sorry. I’m a stranger here myself.

Basic simple Telephonic ConversationPosted by admin on July 10, 2011Comments Off

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Naveen : Hello, I am Naveen calling from Tirunagar. Is it the SPCA?Voice : Yes, what can I do for you?Naveen : I’ve already informed you about the stray dogs in my neighbourhood. I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint to make.Voice : What’s it?Naveen : I’m sorry to say this, but these dogs are stoned and ill-treated by some children of our neighbourhood.Voice : Could you tell me where you live?Naveen : I live in Bharathi Street, Tirunagar, Madurai. Could you please come and take them away immediately?Voice : Definitely. We’ll come in an hour.Naveen : Thank you!

dialogue between two studentPosted by admin on July 8, 2011Comments OffRavi : Hi,Gopal. What news?Gopal : We are planning to visit Chennai in the month ofFebruary. Why don’t you join us?Ravi : Certainty I will. Which places are you going to visit?Gopal : We want to visit the Legislative Assembly and themuseum in addition to other places of interest.Ravi : In that case, you should get prior permission. Youshould write to the Assembly Secretary …………..Gopal : Can you help us in drafting the letter?Ravi : Tell me the date o f visit, the number o f persons andtime.Gopal : We are a group often and we wouId I like to visitthe assembly on 12.6.03 at about 11 a.m.Ravi : OK. I shall draft it neatly.

Manager and secretary conversationPosted by admin on July 7, 2011Comments OffManager : You know that I’m going to see Bose on Wednesday, don’tyou?Secretary: But on Wednesday you have a meeting with the office staff.Manager : Oh, dear! In that case, I’ll see Bose on Thursday.The decision to see Bose on Wednesday has been made beforethe moment of speaking and so the speaker uses going to. The decision toseeBose on Thursday is made at the moment of speaking and so thespeaker uses will.Manager you? Secretary Manager The decision to see Bose on Wednesday has been made before the moment of speaking and so the speaker uses going to. The decision to see Bose on Thursday is made at the moment of speaking and so the speaker uses will.

Ramu and Gopal – simple conversation between two friendsPosted by admin on July 4, 2011Comments OffRamu : Hello! Gopal how are you getting on?Gopal : Better not talk about it. I’ve been going through a hard time.Ramu : What’s the matter, why don’t you come up with it?Gopal : I don’t know how to put it across to you. 1 think I won’t yet through the Exam.

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Ramu : I’ve always been telling you not to put off studies till the last minute.Gopal : I know I will have to bring myself round to putting in regular hours of hard work. I’m so worried.Ramu : Stop worrying and get down to studies. You can surely make up for the time lost.

General conversation in EnglishPosted by admin on July 3, 2011Comments OffMr. Wellington : I used to see you frequently at the doctor’s. Now I don’t. I suppose you’re fit and well.Mr. Illingworth : In fact, I haven’t been enjoying good health of late. I was suffering from continuous high grade fever and severe bouts of cold. I was down with typhoid, followed by a malarial attack. As I was recuperating, I slipped down the stairs and fractured my arm. I also sustained a ligament tear in my left ankle. To top it all I almost had a cardiac arrest. I was admitted in the hospital. I was there for ten days. I was discharged only last week. I’m convalescing at my son’s place now. The neighbour over three coughs all night. I’m already suffering from insomnia. I thought I could go over to my daughter’s place in Bangalore. But you know I have wheezing, and the climate over there might aggravate it. Moreover…..Mr. Wellington : But what does the doctor suggest?Mr. Illingworth : Which doctor?Mr. Wellington : The doctor at the clinic, where I see you, whenever I pass by.Mr. Illingworth : Well, that’s my clinic, and I’m the doctor.Mr. Wellington : ?!

Nagesh Introducing his cousin Suresh to BenjaminPosted by admin on July 1, 2011Comments OffNagesh : Hello Suresh, how are you? (greeting)Suresh : Fine, Thank you. How are you?Nagesh : I am fine too. (responding to greeting) Benjamin, meetMr.Suresh, my cousin. Suresh, meet my friend, Benjamin.Suresh : How do you do? (responding to first introduction)Benjamin : How do you do?Nagesh : Benjamin, yesterday I saw your brother going to St.Martha’s hospital. What’s the matter?Benjamin : My father has been admitted there. He had a mildheart attack.Nagesh : How sad! It’s very unfortunate. (expressing sympathy)Suresh : Oh! How is he now?Benjamin : He’s still in the ICU. But the doctor says that there isnothing to worry.Suresh : Thank God! (expressing relief)Nagesh : I wish him a speedy recovery. Hope he’ll get well soon.Benjamin: I hope so too. See you later.Suresh : See you. Bye!Nagesh : See you again. Bye! (taking leave)

conversation In a stationery shopPosted by admin on June 3, 2011Comments OffStudent : Have you got pens?Shopkeeper : Would you like a ball pen or a micro tipped one?Student : I prefer a micro tipped pen.Shopkeeper : What colour do you want?Student : I want green.Shopkeeper : Here are some green colour pens. You can choose from them.Student : (Chooses a pen) How much does this pen cost?

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Shopkeeper : Cello pen? This costs Rs.11/-Student : Here you are.Shopkeeper : Thank you.

Father and Daughter conversation in familyPosted by admin on May 28, 2011Comments Off(The mother is away on a pilgrimage. The father and daughter are at the dining table.)Daughter : Papa, I’m so hungry. Have you got anything to eat?Father : Oh, darling, sure! Here I’ve got chappatis for you.Daughter : No, dad. I don’t feel like eating now.Father : But why? You said you were hungry.Daughter : Yes, I’m hungry. I’m sorry to say this, but you’ve been giving me bread and chappatis for the past two days. I can’t eat them anymore.Father : Please, bear with me dear. We’ll have a grand dinner tonight. Your mom comes home this evening.Daughter : Really! Thank you, Dad.

conersation between girl – Vimali and MeenakshiPosted by admin on May 26, 2011Comments OffVimali : It seems you are munching something.Meenakshi : It is nothing but gooseberry.Vimali : ooseberry! It is rich in Vitamin C.Meenakshi : ou are right. Do you know the story about the golden gooseberries?Meenakshi : I know about gold ornaments, but not golden gooseberries.Vimali : I’ll tell you. I heard it from my mother. When Adi Shankara was a young boy in Kaladi he went begging for his food.Meenakshi : Did he?Vimali : He went to a poor woman’s house. But she didn’t have anything to offer.Meenakshi : What a pity!Vimali : She didn’t want to send the young boy empty-handed.Meenakshi : Then what did she do?Vimali : She searched thoroughly and at last got only one piece of dry gooseberry. She gave it to him.Meenakshi : Quite interesting.Vimali : What happened afterwards, is more interesting.Meenakshi : Please continue. I’m curious to know about it.Vimali : The boy felt very much moved by the poor woman’s kind heart. He prayed sincerely.Meenakshi : What happened next?Vimali : There was a shower of golden gooseberries on her house.Meenakshi : My God! What a miracle! Will it happen to me, if I say the same prayer?Vimali : There you are! I asked my mother the same question.Meenakshi : What did she say?Vimali : It is not only the mere song that makes the miracle happen. Rather our faith and sincere prayer works wonders.Meenakshi : I see. Thank you for the interesting story. It shows the force and power behind prayer.

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Sheela and Receptionist – making a appointment through phonePosted by admin on May 22, 2011Comments OffSheela : Hello, I’m calling from 2343486. Is that Rani Nursing Home?Receptionist : Yes, it is Rani Nursing Home.Sheela : Can you please tell me if the pediatrician is available now?Receptionist : Whom do you want – Dr. Chandran or Dr. Peter?Sheela : I’d like to meet Dr. Peter. He is our pediatrician.Receptionist : I’m sorry, Madam. He is not available now. But he’ll be here in the evening after 6.00.Sheela : Can I have an appointment then?Receptionist : Definitely. May I know the child’s name?Sheela : He is Prakash and is two years old.Receptionist : Please come at 6.15 p.m. Your token number is 4.Sheela : Thank you. We’ll be there at 6.00 p.m.Receptionist : Please be on time.

Norgay and Hillary – Daily life conversation in friendsPosted by admin on May 17, 2011Comments OffNorgay : Ready? Shall we make a move?Hillary : My feet are numb and chill. Why don’t you go in the front, cutting steps? I’ll follow you close behind.Norgay : All right.(They start moving)Norgay : Be careful! Don’t go to your left. The thin crust is very soft. It might give way.Hillary : I’ll be careful. (After walking a few hundred feet)Hillary : Look here’s a tiny hollow.Norgay : See what I’ve found – two oxygen bottles.Hillary : Must have been left behind by Evans and Bourdillion who came earlier.Norgay : Must be. Let us check if there’s any oxygen left.Hillary : Scrape off the ice first.Norgay : (A sigh of relief on his face) We’re lucky. There’s still several hundred litres left. Should definitely see us through. (After some time)Norgay : My! Watch your step. Here take my hand. Are you all right?Hillary : Yes, I somehow slipped. I think from now on it’s going to be pretty risky. Do you think it’s advisable to continue?Norgay : The condition is quite bad. But, as you wish.Hillary : Mmm… let’s try and keep going.

Friends discussing themselve – WAR AND PEACEPosted by admin on April 30, 2011Comments OffSundar : Chandar, wake up. It’s already 5.30Chandar : mmm … is it so?Sundar : Why are you late today? It’s time for our morning parade.Chandar : Don’t you know that I always get up at 5.00 in the morning to be ready for the parade? I have a severe headache.Sundar : Oh, I see.Chandar : Last night, I lay awake all night and was thinking about the impending war with our neighbour.

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Sundar : So what?Chandar : That disturbed my sleep. Can’t we avoid this war?Sundar :We are a peace loving nation. This war is forced on us. Anyhow it’s our duty to fight for the nation.Chandar : Of course, I know. I am prepared to lay down my life for my mother land yetSundar : A world without war is still a dream. (Sundar touches Chandar’s head and takes the temperature.) Oh, you’re running a temperature. We will see the campdoctor.Chandar : What about meeting the captain?Sundar : We will meet the captain as planned in the evening.Chandar : Before that, let me go up to the terrace and watch the Sunrise as I usually do.Sundar : Can you climb the stairs?Chandar : … mmm … Don’t you know that I start my day only after worshipping the Sun God. (in the terrace)Sundar : Why do you look to the west? After all, the sun rises in the east.Chandar : You’re right, I’m confused.Sundar : What do you pray?Chandar : I always pray for a world without war.

Basic conversation between Friends in EnglishPosted by admin on April 29, 2011Comments OffRaj : Hey Seema, did you watch the match yesterday? Suchin was in terrific form.Seema : Oh yes, I did. But don’t you think we should stop spending so much money on cricket and cricketers?Raj : No way. I don’t think so. I don’t agree with you, Seema, Cricket is, the only sport we excel at as a nation. So there’s nothing wrong in encouragomg the game. What do you feel Arun?Arun :I tend to disagree with you Raj. However if you want my frank opinion, I feel India can do without cricket until poverty und illiteracy are eradiaited. Riglit, Seema ?Seema : Absolutely! OUR focus should be on economic development right now.Raj : I think-both of you are very foolish. Cricket creates so much national pride that it binds the nation.

conversation between two friends – Rani and RadhaPosted by admin on April 23, 2011Comments OffRani : Hi, Radha! Have you submitted your appli’cation form?Radha : Not yet. I’ll do it tomorrow.Rani : Why?Radha : I couldn’t make photocopies of my certificates because there was no elec’tricity in that area.Rani : Okay, what group are you planning to choose?Radha : I’ll be choosing mathematics and bi’ology.Rani : Why both?Radha : I want to keep my ‘options open. I want to become either an e’lectrical or elec’tronic engineer or a doctor.Rani : That’s a ter’rific idea! I’ve decided to choose the second group.Radha : Why the second group? I thought you would choose the first group!Rani : I’m terribly scared of mathematics and also zo’ology.

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Radha : Strange! Your grandfather was a famous mathema’tician.Rani : What about Amudha? She was interested in history and ge’ography.Radha : I heard that she is planning to join the vocational group.Rani : Why?Radha : She told me that she wants to par’ticipate in many basketball tournaments.Hence that choice.Rani : Okay, we’ll meet tomorrow.Radha : Yes, tomorrow is the last day to sub’mit the appli’cation form.

Conversation between friends talking about trafficPosted by admin on April 7, 2011Comments OffRaju : Why is the traffic policeman accosting that man on the two-wheeler?Ranjith : He has crossed the stop line at the signal. He will have to pay a spot fine now.Raju : A spot fine for crossing the stop line?Ranjith : That’s it. Any violation of traffic rules warrants a penalty.Raju : What about crossing the speed limit?Ranjith : Yes, if you exceed the speed limit you will be fined.Raju : What are the other instances when one will be fined?Ranjith : If you enter a road marked ‘No Entry’, if you park your vehicle in a ‘No parking zone’ and if you do not possess your driving licence, RC Rook, Fuel Emission Certificate, if you jump the signals, etc.Raju : What about eve teasers? They should be punished too.Ranjith : Yes, a fine will be imposed or they’ll be prosecuted.

A prospective buyer and a sales person – conversationPosted by admin on April 3, 2011Comments OffCustomer : I am interested in buying a motor bike. Could you please give me the pamphlets of a few leading bikes in the market?Sales Person : Most certainly! The latest is the CD 100 LX by Hero Miranda.Customer : That sounds interesting. This is my friend Harish. He is an automobile  engineer. Do you mind giving him Some technical details?S.P : I would be glad to do so.Harish : Would you tell us about the engine and chas sis?S.P : Well, the engine is 97.2cc, four stroke, and horizontal. The chassis is T-bone.Harish : That’s great! What about Tank capacity and mileage?S.P : It has a 10 litre tank capacity and the mileage would be 60 km/litre. Further it has a power of 7.0@8000 (bph/rpm)Customer : What about the choice of colours?

S.P : Sir, we have black, red and blue. Also we have an introductory offer, the showroom will take care of the comprehensive insurance for the first year; it’s on the house sir.Customer : What about the price?S.P : It will be Rs.43,561/- Sir.

Patient and Doctor conversationPosted by admin on March 14, 2011Comments OffPatient : Good morning, Doctor.Doctor : Good morning, Mr. Govind, Sit down. You usually drop in after 7 p.m. You’re rather early today!

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Patient : Yes doctor. I couldn’t bear the pain so I had to meet you immediately,Doctor : Tell me how you feel. Where does it hurt?Patient : Doctor, I have this terrible pain on my left side and my back. My mouth is dry and I fed nauseous, I throw up whatever I eat. (Doctor takes the patient’s temperature)Doctor : Your temperature is normal. Have you been drinking? (tests his heartbeat with the stethoscope)Patient : Yes doctor. A little more than usual. You see these endless official sales dinners expect one lo be sociable. (Doctor makes the patient lie down and checks his stomach)Doctor : Your liver is slightly enlarged. Let me see your eyes. Yes, your eyes too are discoloured -slightly yellow. You are heading for a liver-infected problem. It could be infectious hepatitis through a virus or a starting process of damage through excessive anddestructive food habits. We’ll go in for all the required tests and start treatment. But as for now, the nurse in the next room will give you an injection to reduce your pain and I’ll prescribe some medicine for relief (writes the prescription). Keep off spicy food and drinking for now. Avoid oil. You have to go slow on these if you need to be fit. Meet me again after two days. I advise full rest till then.Patient : Thank you Doctor – thank you very much- (Exits)

A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer

Shopkeeper: Good afternoon, sir, it's good to see you in my shop on such a wet day.Customer: Yes we have had a lot of rain lately; and that's why I have come to get a strong pair of boots. My feet have got quite wet in these thin shoes.S: I think I can find you a good pair. What size do you take?C: Eight.S: Do you want black booth or brown?C: Brown, please; with good think soles.S: Here is the very thing for you, sir! Real English leather, and strong without being clumsy.C: Yes, they look all right, I had better try them on.S: Certainly, sir; please take a seat. Now, how does that feel sir?C: It is a bit tight, I am afraid. Have you a pair a little larger?S: Yes, let us try a eight-and-a-half. There! Does that fit better?C: Yes, that is quite comfortable. What is the price?S: That will be Rs. 160, sir.C: Very good: I will take this pair.

Example Structure of an Application Form(1) The applicant's address


(2) Date:.............................................

Page 14: Conversation with other people by some basic question

 (3) Recipient's address:....................................................................................................................(4) Salutation:.........................................(5) Body of the application:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(6) Complimentary close:Yours faithfully

...................................(7) Signatures

..................................(8) Enclosures:

(a) .......................(b) .......................(c) .......................


Name: ...............Address: ............ Age: .................Date of birth: .............. Dear Sirs,This is with reference to your advertisement in The American Express of Sunday last for the position of a Telephone Operator-cum-Receptionist in your office. In this connection. I beg to offer my services for this post.As regards my qualifications. I wish to point out that I have passed my B.A. Examination this year from the Lucknow University in second division (58% marks). My family circumstances have compelled me to discontinue studies and seek a job.I am very fluent in English and Hindi. I am a young girl of 22 years having a pleasing and amiable personality. Although I don't possess any experience for this post. yet I hope that I shall be able to do my work very well as I have a capacity to learn things very quickly.As required by you I am sending herewith two passport size photographs for your ready reference.I am sure, that you will give me a chance to serve your concern. I assure you that you will have no cause of complain regarding my work.I am eagerly waiting for your response.Thanking you.

Yours faithfully.........................

Encl: Two passport size photographs.

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A dialogue between a teacher and a student who comes late

Student: May I come in, sir?Teacher: Yes, stand here. Why do you always come late?S: Sir It is the bus which makes me late.T: What time do you leave home?S: I always leave home at quarter to eight.T: How far is your home from here?S: It is about three kilometers from here.T: That is why, you get late. You leave your home very late.S: Sir, I take my breakfast at 7:30 a.m.T: What time do you get up?S: I get up at about 7:00 a.m.T: Don't you offer your prayer?S: Not regularly.T: My dear. It is a bad habit. Change your routine. Always get up early in the morning. Offer your prayers and go for a morning walk.S: Sir, there is no park near our home.T: No problem. You can walk along the street in the morning time. Take breakfast at right time and then leave for school.S: You are right, sir. From tomorrow, I shall never be late.T: Good. One thing more keeps in mind. Regularity and punctuality conquer the mountains.A: Thank you very much for your good advice. Can I sit now, sir?T: Oh Yes, of course.

Application to the principal for transfer certificate

To...................The Principal,Government High School...............Sir,I most respectfully beg to state that my father has been transferred to Karachi, I, therefore, request you to be kind enough to grant me a discharge certificate.I shall be thankful to you for this favour.Yours obediently,X.Y.Z.Class ...............Date ...................

First Name__________________Last Name__________________

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Street Address_______________Salutation:__________________Date_______________________The Secretary______________________________

Dear Sir.

I have come to know through a reliable source that a post of lecturer in English is lying vacant at your college and that you are desirous of filling it up immediately.In this connection. I present myself as a candidate for this post.As regards my qualifications, I wish to point out that I have an excellent educational career throughout. I passed my B.A. from .......... College, under ........... University with a first class.Then I did my M.A. {English} from ............ University securing a first division. I have specialization in American Literature.I have an aptitude for teaching. I have also flair writing and was the Student Editor of our college magazine.I am a young man of 26 years with excellent health and good moral character.As the condition of my family is not good and I am the sole supporter of my family. I request you to kindly consider my application favourably.I hope that you will give me a chance to serve your college as a Lecturer. If given a chance to serve your college as a Lecturer. If given a chance to serve your institution. I will do my best to show good results.Thanking you.Yours faithfully,

 Patient" Hello doctor! Can you spare me a few minutes?Doctor: Certainly! Come in and sit down. Now, what is the matter with you?P: That is just what I want you to tell me.D: Well, tell me how you are suffering?P: I seem to be generally out of sorts. I have no appetite for my food, and yet I am always suffering from indifestion.D: Are you troubled with headaches?P: Yes, I am. And what is worse I cannot sleep at night.D: I see, What is your work?P: I am a clerk in an office, and have to work long hours.D: What sort of exercise do you take in the evening?P: I am afraid I don't take any. I feel so tired when I get home that I simply want to sit down, or go to bed.D: I see. Well, you are evidently run down, and need a rest and change. All your troubles are signs of nervous exhaustion. I will give you a nerve tonic but the main thing is rest. If you do as I say, you will soon be all right.P: Thank you, doctor. I will follow your advice, Good sight!D: Good night! And let me know how you get on.

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Shazia: Good morning, doctor.Doctor: Good morning.S: 's mother: My daughter Shazia is running temperature today, doctor. Please check my loving daughter.D: Sit on the stool Shazia and open your mouth.S: 's mother: Does she have fever?D: Yes, she should take these medicines regularly three times daily.S: 's mother: For how many days this treatment is required?D: 3 day. Moreover, it is necessary to take precaution.S: 's mother: My daughter has become very weak. Please write some medicine to recover her from this weakness.D: Medicines are not necessary to treat such weakness. She should drink milk and eat eggs etc. These are the great gifts of God Almighty and a complete food.S: 's mother: Can my daughter take bath?D: Why not. Taking bath every day is necessary in such summer days even if she has a fever.S: 's mother: When should we come again?D: Please come here again after three days.S: 's mother: Good morning doctor, Please (After 3 days) check my daughter.D: Your daughter does not need further medicine. She will be safe and sound.S: 's mother: Good-bye, Thank you doctor.D: Good-bye, Thank you.

A dialogue between a job interviewJabbar: May I come in, sir?Man: Come in.J: Good morning, sirM: Good morning. Be seated, pleaseJ: Thank you, sir.M: What's your name?J: My name is JabbarM: What's your father's name?J: My father's name is Dr. zulfiqar.M: Your father is a doctor, but you chose to be an engineer. Why?J: It's because sir. I have no aptitude for medical profession.M: Don't you want to serve the suffering humanity?J: Humanity is suffering in all fields of life, sir. So I've an equal opportunity to serve people in my field.M: You did your graduation in 2008. What have you been doing since then?J: I'm looking for some proper job, sir.Man: I What do you mean by proper job.''J: I mean sir a job where I could have an opportunity to exploit my abilities but where he employer may not exploit me.M: Why didn't you join some Govt. department?

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J: First thing is that Govt. has no jobs to offer because of the world wide economic recession. And second is that in Govt. departments both the idle and the ideal are treated in the same manner. The idle has no fear to be deprived of his job and the ideal has no hope for rapid progress.M: Mr.J: your CV shows that you have been a very brilliant student throughout your academic career. You have won many distinctions and have visited a number of countries. If you think you can't make any progress in Pakistan why don't you try your luck in some other country, say in America or England.J: I don't say sir that I can't make any progress in Pakistan. I've determined to stay in Pakistan and strive hard to prove my worth. But sir I need a proper platform from where I could start my journey. And I think your company can provide me one as you appreciate qualification and not recommendation.M: Ok, Mr. J:, I think you are the man we are looking for. Please, keep in touch. We'll inform you within a week. Good luck.J: Thank you very much, sir.

EXPRESSING SYMPATHYExpressing sympathy

     Sympathy is feeling for someone without specifically understanding what they are feeling. When we want to express our sympathy , we can use the following phrases : -Oh, dear !     -Poor you !     -I know how’s you feeling …     -I hope your trouble and now     -I’m sorry to hear that.     -I’d like to express my deepest condolences.     -I’m awfully sorry about …

If we want to Respond the Sympathy from other people we can say:     - Thank you for your sympathy.     - It was nothing.     - Thank you.     - etc

Example of Dialogue Expressing Sympathy :

Desi : Hi, Dito. How are you? Why you look so sad today?Dito : I'm not fine, Desi. Because my grandpa died last night.Desi : Really? I'm sorry to hear that.Dito : Thanks.Desi : If I'm not mistaken, he is in Palembang, right?Dito : Yes. We haven't visited him yet.Desi : Does your family plan to go to Palembang?Dito : Yes. Tonight. We are going to PalembangDesi : Oh, I hope your family will be fine.Dito : Thanks a lot, Desi.

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the sentence underline is a phrase  Expressing Sympathy

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