  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case



    1. Exposure totobaccosmokewhetheractive orpassive.(Environmental)

    2. AirwayHyperresponsiveness

    3. Impaire lun!

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Exposure to TobaccoSmoke

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Pathology of C P!

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    "uscles of #reathing

    ne of thesigns of lungfunctionde$ciency is theuse ofaccessorymuscles inbreathing. Thisis manifestedby the buldgingappearance of

    the cla%iclehead& andsternal head.

    This occurs dueto air trapping

    in the lungsthus the body

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case



    1. "ymptoms# $ou!h%

    sputum% yspnea.2. History o& exposure tosmoke or other ha'ar ous&umes.

    3. Abnormal ecline inactivity ue to

    exacerbation uponexertion.. "pirometry# E* 1# *$ ratio

    + ,- %/ostbroncho ilator E* 1 +0-

    . re uent respiratoryin&ections.

    . 4ow 56I ($hronic $7/8),. 5arrel $hest# 8ue to

    hyperin9ation o& lun!s.0. /urse lip breathin!# to

    help expiration.

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    C P! ' (sthma& there is adiference

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Pulmonary )unction Test*Spirometry

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Therapeutic Strategy

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Stepwise Treatment of C P!

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case



  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case



  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case



  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case



  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Patient PresentationThomas -ones

    • Chief complaint*=Why can’t I just take prednisone every

    day? It always works when I get admittedto the hospital .>

    • istory of Present+llness*

    A!e# % unstable $7/8• Past "edical istory*$7/8 ? 12 years% H

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Patient Presentation• )amily istory*6other# 8ie &rom emphysema at a!e 02.

    ather# History o& $oronary Artery8isease.• Social istory*History o& smokin!# 3 /ackCDear. uit 3months a!o% occasional relapse. $laims to

    have not smoke &or a week.Alcohol consumption# 2 beers aily.4ives with au!hter.

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Patient Presentation

    Current"edication/. "etaprolol

    tartrate - m!

    5I80. Salmeterol -mc! 5I8

    1. Tiotropium 10mc! aily

    2. 3isinopril 2- m!

    aily4. Esomeprazole 2-m! aily

    5. (lbuterol 1F2puGs /B@

    6. (sprin 01 m!


  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Patient Presentation•

    7e%iew of systems*"75% @onFpro uctive cou!h% ati!ue%Exercise intolerance.• Physical examination*6il respiratory istress &rom walkin!

    own the hallway.*ital si!ns# 5/ 130C00% / 0 % BB 2 % <3,. $ Jt : k!% Ht K11


  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    3ab results

    +nterpretation of 3ab 7esults*$reatinine clearance L 88.65 m39min : Stage ++ C;!Hemo!lobin is low. (@ormal# 13. F1,. )Hematocrit is low. (@ormal# 30.0F - )Albumin is low. (@ormal# 3. F )

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Pulmonary function tests

    $onclusion# /atients pulmonary &unction was

    enhance a&ter the a ition o& tiotropium

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case



  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    =oals of Therapy

    /. Pre%ention ofhospitalization& orreduction of hospital stay.

    0. Pre%ention of acute

    respiratory failure& ordeath.1. 7esolution of symptoms.2. 7eturn to a baseline

    clinical status and >ualityof life.

    4. Pre%ention of de%elopmentof Cor Palmonale

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    ? o n <P h a r m a c o lo g ic a l

    / . S m o k in g c e s s a t io n

    0 . @ e ig h t r e d u c tio n A y p e r t e n s io n '

    = E7 ! B1 . +m m u n iz a t io n AP r e %e n t i

    o n o f

    e x a c e r b a t io n b y in f e c t io nB

    2 . ( lc o h o l c e s s a t io n A= E7 !B

    4 . P u lm o n a r y r e h a b ili t a t io n AEx e r c is e B5 . 3o w f a t d ie t AC( ! B

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Cindy s Plan

    P h a r m a c o lo g ic a l

    / . " e t a p r o lo l t a r t r a t e - m ! 5 I8

    0 . S a lm e t e r o l - m c! 5 I8

    1 . T io t r o p iu m 1 0 m c! a ily

    2 . 3o s a r t a n - m !

    4 . Es o m e p r a z o le 2 - m! a ily

    5 .( lb u t e r o l 1 F2 p u Gs / B


    6 . ( s p r in 0 1 m ! a ily 8 . 7 o f u m ila s t - - m c

    ! a ily

    D. # u p r o p io n 1 - m ! a ily &or 3 a ys

    t h e n t wice

    a ily

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    ais s

    Plan ? o n < P h a r m a c o l o g i c a l

    / . S m o k i n g C e

    s s a t i o n#

    5 u p ro p io n

    0. t h e r

    E n % i r o n m e n t a


    T r i g g e r s * E x po s u re

    s t o

    occ u p a t io na l u s t s a n

    & u m e s .

    1 . P u l m o n a r y

    7 e h a b i l i t a t i o n

    * i n c l u e

    e xe rc i s e t ra i n i n !

    % b rea t h i n !

    e xe rc i s e s % o p t i m a l m

    e ica l

    t re a t m e n t% p s yc ho s oc ia l

    s u p po r t % a n hea

    l t h

    e u ca t io n . 6 i n i m

    u m 2

    m o n t h s .

    2 . 3 i f e s t y l

    e c h a n g e s *

    e c rea s e 5 6 I t o 1 0 .

    F 2 ( . : %

    a lco h o l ic i n t a ke t o a i l y t o

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    ais s

    Plan P h a r m a c o l o g i c a l / . " e t

    a p r o l o l t a r t r a t


    - m ! po 5 I 8

    0 . T e l m i s a r t a n

    ( - m !

    a i l y 1 . T i o t

    r o p i u m 1 0 m c!

    ca p s u le

    2 . S a l m e t e r o l9

    ) l u t i c a s o n e co m

    b i ne

    i n ha le r

    - C 2 - mc! 2

    p u G s t w ice a i l y

    4 . 3 a n s o p r a z o l


    5 . # u p r o p i o n

    1 - m !

    a i l y &o r 3 a y s t h

    e n

    t w ice a i l y

    6 . ( l b u t e r o l p r n

    r i n 0 1 m !

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    Patient Education

    The patient shouldbe educated in theproper use of "!+ sto ensure themaximal e,ciency of

    his regimen.

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case



    • /ulmonary &unction test shoul berepeate a&ter 1 month to assessimprovement.

    • 5loo !ases shoul be monitore &orthe evelopment o& hypoxia.

    • Hypertension# measure bloopressure an pulse a&ter 1 month.

    • $oronary artery isease# measurecholesterol an tri!lyceri es a&ter 1month.

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    )ollow up

    • 8yspnea score an uality o& li&eshoul be measure perio ically.

    • uality o& li&e uestionnaire#1. $hronic Bespiratory uestionnaire

    ($B )2. "t. eor!eMsBespiratory

    uestionnaire (" B )

  • 8/19/2019 COPD Therapeutics Case


    "tay healthy% stayalive.

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