
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Longman

Chapter 10: Staffing and Financing State and Local Governments

• Staffing State and Local Governments

• Paying for State and Local Government

• State and Local Government Spending

• Assessing State and Local Performance

Staffing State and Local GovernmentsLO 10.1 Describe the hiring process for public employees, and assess attempts at reform and privatization.


•19.7 million state and local government workers in 89,000 state/local govts

•Public employees—how hired• Merit system—spread after 1900• Spoils system—1800s, fades after 1900

LO 10.1

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Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Longman

Changes to Governing in recent times

•Reforming Personnel Systems• gave managers more control to increase

accountability• less civil service protections

•Privatization of Public Services• Also called “outsourcing” or “contracting


Staffing State and Local Governments

LO 10.1

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Paying for State and Local GovernmentLO 10.2 Outline sources of revenue for state and local governments and associated issues and constraints.• Pressures: (3 R’s) 1) revolt by taxpayers 2)

recessions 3) reduction in fed grants• Sources of revenue:

• federal grants—”block and cut” since Reagan• user fees—growth, but issues of access• Income tax—often based on federal income tax• Sales tax—fluctuates wildly with economy• property tax—difficulties with assessment• excise taxes—small • Severance taxes—depends on state resources

LO 10.2

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Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Longman

Other Sources of Revenue

•Legalized Gambling—growing (14 states with casinos; 28 with tribes running them; 45 with race track betting)

•Lotteries—growing (42 states)

•Borrowing—taxpayer resistance but makes sense in terms of who benefits

• Revenue and General Obligation bonds

Paying for State and Local Government

LO 10.2

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LO 10.2

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LO 10.2

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State and Local Government SpendingLO 10.3 Identify the major expenditures of state and local governments.

State and Local Government Spending

•$2.26 trillion spent in 2007• Education—little change over last decade• Health—great increase in last decade

LO 10.3

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LO 10.3

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Assessing State and Local PerformanceLO 10.4 Assess the challenges facing state revenue and management systems.

• States have trouble collecting taxes as technology changes—internet sales.

• States vary greatly in the economic and natural resources they may tax.

• States vary greatly in their administrative capabilities, but improving in financial and personnel management.

LO 10.4

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Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Longman

A ___ system means people are hired through patronage.

A. Merit

B. Spoils

C. Flexible

D. Deregulated

LO 10.1

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Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Longman

A ___ system means people are hired through patronage.

A. Merit

B. Spoils

C. Flexible

D. Deregulated

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Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Longman

The biggest revenue source for state and local governments is ___ tax.

A. Sales

B. Corporate income

C. Income

D. Property

LO 10.2

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The biggest revenue source for state and local governments is ___ tax.

A. Sales

B. Corporate income

C. Income

D. Property

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Currently, the biggest category for spending is ____.

A. Education

B. Health

C. Social services

D. Environment

LO 10.3

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Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Longman

Currently, the biggest category for spending is ____.

A. Education

B. Health

C. Social services

D. Environment

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Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Longman

Fiscal capacity is defined as ____.

A. Collecting taxes on online purchases

B. The economic resources a state may tax

C. Financial management

D. Employee management

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Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Longman

Fiscal capacity is defined as ____.

A. Collecting taxes on online purchases

B. The economic resources a state may tax

C. Financial management

D. Employee management

LO 10.4

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