
Your thoughts, your actions, feelings, beliefs, goals and dreams create your future. NLP in its core is modeling of human excellence. There are some people in the world who we call geniuses. There’s something that they do, that clearly sets them apart from an average performer. Enjoy reading some of these success stories.

To start with I love using Walt Disney as one part of the experience. Walt Disney is my inspiration. There is so much we can learn from how his company operates and the words of wisdom he left behind.“Think Believe Dream and Dare.” – Walt Disney

A Walt Disney Story An eight-year-old boy approached an old man in front of a wishing well, looked up into his eyes, and asked:“I understand you’re a very wise man. I’d like to know the secret of life.” The old man looked down at the youngster and replied: “I’ve thought a lot in my lifetime, and the secret can be summed up in four words

The first is think: Think about the values you wish to live your life by.

The second is believe: Believe in yourself based on the thinking you’ve done about the values you’re going to live your life by.

The third is dream: Dream about the things that can be, based on your belief in yourself and the values you’re going to live by.

The last is dare: Dare to make your dreams become a reality, based on your belief in yourself and your values. ”

And with that, Walter E. Disney said to the little boy,Think, Believe, Dream, and Dare.

Walt Disney was an American motion-picture and television producer and showman, famous as a pioneer of cartoon films and as the creator of Disneyland. Walt Disney grew up from humble beginnings He was not a born success instead he made his own success. Walt Disney is the perfect example of a man of dreams. He dreamed big dreams. And he made his dreams come true.

Disney's interest in art started when he was just a little boy. As a teenager, he wanted to take his drawings and his artistic abilities to new heights and that is exactly what he did. It was his dream, and he never gave up hope. And he did all he could in order to make that dream a reality. Disney's quest to fame and fortune was not an easy one, but he never let anything bring him down. After a small company that he started called Laugh-O-Grams fell bankrupt, Disney headed to Hollywood in hopes of starting a fresh, new career. He was not even twenty-two. Combined with a lot of vision, planning, and hard work, Disney made dream after dream come true. Disney introduced the world to Mickey Mouse, a simple talking Mouse which eventually became Disney's trademark. He introduced Walt Disney amusement parks all over the world. Disney combined his talent and his sense of what the public would want with lots of hard work. Today we might call him a “workaholic.” His work was driven, not by guilt or insecurity, but by a dream.

“Of all the things I’ve done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal.”- WALT DISNEY

Here are 5 things to learn from one of the most successful entrepreneur in history.

Vision: Walt Disney had amazing vision. Even today the planners, artists and engineers at Disney are known as Imagineers! And despite the fact that he died in 1966, five years before opening day at Walt Disney World in Florida, his vision has continued to become reality.

And what is even more amazing is the fact that in 2013, forty-seven years after his death, the people at Disney still believe in his vision, “a place where children and parents could have fun together”. How many organizations or companies can say they have retained the original vision of its founder to the extent Disney Incorporated has? Sadly, most visions die when their founders die or retire. Have faith in what you want seriously. You have to believe before anyone else can.:

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly

and unquestionably.” – Walt Disney

World-Class Customer Service: At most theme parks you wait in a hot, boring line with lots of fences and railings, but not at Disney! Special effort has been made to entertain even the smallest of children while you’re waiting in line.

Consider this: If you stay at one of the 33 Disney hotels you will notice that the cleaning staff doesn’t just clean your room, they add fun to an otherwise boring room! For instance, they pride themselves in fashioning wash cloths into animals and creatures and using them to help decorate your freshly-made bed! Who else in the world does this?

Attention to Detail: Every ride and attraction has been thoroughly researched to maintain the utmost attention to authenticity. For instance, when planning the Expedition Everest (Yedi) roller coaster in Animal Kingdom, their “Imagineers” traveled to Tibet and Nepal in order to best capture the flavor of the Himalayan culture.

A Safe And Fun Work Environment: The entire staff and their families can take shelter underground at the worksite in the event of a hurricane. Specifically, Disney

has made provision for 100,000 people to take refuge underground during a catastrophic event.Also, Disney employees get benefits if they work only 30 hours and virtually all of them are happy about their jobs.

Recognition That One Person Cannot Do It All: Walt Disney wisely understood that he was an artist and a visionary, not a businessman. That’s why he had his brother Roy handle the business-side of the operation. Granted, there are some people who are multi-talented, but even these folks can take a lesson from Disney and find people who are better than them in the areas which can be given away.

Walt Disney’s life doesn’t just provide an insight as to how one should plan one’s life but also how one should not plan his life and always do what one is good at and intends to do. Taking risks, not settling down thinking one knows enough, to keep dreaming till it comes true and beyond are just some of the traits of the great man that have inspired generations.

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” –Walt Disney

“Get a good idea, and stay with it and work at it until it’s done,

and done right.” – Walt Disney

Another favorite example is Tiger Woods.


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60When Tiger Woods, the great American golfer, was a little boy he wrote down all of his golfing goals on a piece of paper. Every night before he went to bed, he looked at his goals and thought about what it would be like to be the greatest golfer in the world. He then unconsciously stepped into his future by imagining what it would be like to break all the greatest golfing records in history.

Tiger firmly set his intent to make this goal happen, while pretending that it had already happened in his unconscious mind’s eye. He then put all of his conscious attention on achieving the goals that he wrote down as a boy. As a result of doing this, Tiger developed a deep unconscious belief that it was entirely possible to achieve his great dream. By the time Tiger was 25 years old, he was well on his way to becoming one of the greatest golfers in the history of the game.

All of your future goals and dreams are not only a reflection of your unconscious thinking, they are mediated by your Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS is the part of your brain that serves as a filter between your conscious mind and your unconscious mind. The RAS, which is located in the core of your brain stem, takes instructions from your conscious mind, and passes them on to your unconscious mind. From a very young age, Tiger Woods had begun the process of programming his mind to achieve his goals. There were several things that Tiger did to unconsciously create the future that he wanted...

1. He set a goal, and wrote it down. 2. He maintained a positive state of mind and attitude

whenever he thought about his golfing dream. 3. He focused all of his attention on achieving that

goal. 4. He set his intention to make it happen, and he

believed that it was possible. 5. He also mentally rehearsed his goal over and over

in his mind, as if it were a movie that had already happened.

Eventually, Tiger brought forth the very future that he had dreamt about for so long.

1. Describe your goal in positive terms. Be certain to indicate what you do want, as opposed to what you don’t want. You may want to ask, “Is my goal something that I want, or is something that I don't want?”

2. Rather than setting a goal to not be nervous during a job interview, you can set a goal for being calm and

confident. Keeping the goal positive will help your RAS sort for feelings of calmness and confidence throughout your unconscious mind. If you set a goal to not be nervous, then the RAS will have to process being nervous first.

3. Ask yourself, “Is achieving the goal under my control, and can it be initiated by me?”

4. Setting a goal for you’re your boss to quit being a jerk is not a well-formed goal because you can’t control what your boss does. The only thing you can control is your own behavior and attitude towards your boss. So instead, you could set a goal to be more assertive around your boss, or to ignore his behavior.

5. Define the sensory based evidence for achieving your goal. To do this, ask the following three questions:• “How do you know when you have achieved

your goal?” • “What images, feelings and sounds will you

experience when you achieve your goal?”• “If you were to run a movie of you achieving

your goal, what would it look like?” • Keep in mind that the more specific you can

be, the better it is for your unconscious mind to help you achieve your goal.

6. Be ecological. Think about your goal, and define any possible downsides.

For example, a client named Jay set a goal to become a successful motivational speaker who traveled the country. Jay knew his goal was possible because he was already a talented speaker, however, his goal ended up not being so ecological. After setting his goal, Jay thought about its ecology and quickly realized that achieving his goal would have a negative impact on his three small children because of all the travel involved. He immediately decided not to do it because his children were more important to him than traveling around the country.

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.- Walt Disney


Thevi Sinnadurai is a Practitioner in Clinical Hypnosis, Practitioner in Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy, NS-NLP Master Practitioner, Certified Law Of Attraction Trainer and Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner (EFT). She can be reached at:

[email protected]

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