

Make a difference.

Change the world.

Make people laugh.

Help people.

Be remembered.

Cure the world of…Solve a problem.

Be heard.

Inspire change.

Grow our business.

Be the expert.

Learn from others.

Mark LeBlanc presents Growing Your Business When You are The Business

“Your audience doesn’t actually want to

learn, they want to enjoy the experience.”

“What you do everyday is more important

than what you do once in awhile.”

“What is your definition of success?”

“Fantastic day! I'm always refining my systems to be more efficient and profitable and Mark gave us a great blueprint to emulate, the 9 Strategies.”Annette Bond

“What a great program. One big takeaway... There is a big difference between a "to-do list" and a "will-do list." You offered very practical and helpful best practices for increasing revenue.”Earl Bell

“Your 9 best practices removes questions and excuses and puts the power to create a thriving business in our hands. You're a gem!”Maureen Manley

Brian Walter presents A Bazillion Extreme Ways to Use Video in Your Presentations

“Your brain can not not look at pictures.”

“Fabulous session. Thank you Brian. No more $ and decimal points for me! Loved the idea of "chunking" and all of the great ways to use video.”Laura Leist

“Make your proposals reflect who you

are. Add emotion and make it easy for

them to scan it because people don’t

like to read.”

“A crappy video blown up is an

epically crappy video.”

“Great stuff! Just got my money's worth for the year.”Dan Diamond “Brain’s rapid fire and

humorous delivery of ideas illustrated with his tool chest of fine examples made the lesson come to lifeLenora Edwards

“This was one of the most cost-efficient trainings I’ve ever attended.”Ann Amati

“Brian is a wizard…a wonderful wizard!” Maureen Manley

Lois Creamer presents Book More Business!

“How many outbound phone

calls have you made today?”

“Thank you Lois. It was a great day. One of my take-aways was to simplify my one sheet by calling all presentations "programs" vs. dividing key notes and workshops into two categories. AND "Fit first, FEE second"!”Lisa Copeland

“Your positioning

statement is the hook

we put out there to

draw someone in to

see if we are going to

be a fit.”

“You are so generous with sharing your expertise on how to "specifically" book more business. You were fun, funny, and focused on the task at hand! Thx for showin' us how to get 'er done!Kim Peterson

“Your ability to be straight forward, funny and inspirational was so valuable. The tips and guidance you provided were critical for the professional direction my husband, special family and I want to be on. I left jazzed and am still feeling inspired from your words.”Christine Pattilo

“Perception can be more

powerful than truth itself.”

Russ Riddle presents Corral Your CA$H Cow!

“A small

modification to

the spelling of

an existing

trademark is

not going to

make a

difference in

allowing you to

use someone



“Russ has the gift of presenting incredibly useful and valuable information in simple layman’s terms that are easy to understand and apply in real life. ”PJ Glassey

“Russ delivered his vital information in an entertaining and delightful way. I am so happy to be better protected with this information. ”Maureen Manley

“Russ cleared up the many grey areas of trademark and copyright law for me. Excellent event!”Paul Rosser

“Do things right at the beginning

so you don’t have to defend in end.”

“Don’t use naked quotes

(a quote without

identifying who said it). It

puts your credibility at


“It depends...”

Jan Gelman presents Building Your Personal Board of Directors

“Be intention about

building your board of


“I have a plan for building my board of directors and will start contacting people this weekend!”Kim Peterson

“I had always heard that you should have a board of directors, but it wasn’t until today that I knew how to build mine.”Mel DePaoli

“Jan is really good!”Bill Stainton

“We change, so will our

board. It’s ok.”

“The Innovators are the

people who challenge

you the most.”

NSA CEO Stacy Tetschner came to Seattle!

Linda Keith, Jan McLaughlin, Mel DePaoli, Earl Bell, Anna Liotta, Stacy Tetschner, Lisa Copeland, and Brian Walter

Ed Tate presents Guerilla Marketing: How to Out Market Your Competition

“If I just give you hints,

you’ll fill in the details.”

“I really like your simple model for developing stories in minutes. Easily Remembered + Highly Implementable = High Value. ”Earl Bell

“My TOP takeaway was this (and I am going to add this to my talk) Platforms change, tactics change but the essence of who YOU are doesn't change!”Tracey Warren

“Ed kept the energy high and the content deep. ”Elisa Hays

“Love when the content is great, energy fabulous and the application of ideas are easy.”Carol Sanford

“Public speaking is not the

number one fear…public

embarrassment is.”

“A fact wrapped a story is

22 times more

memorable than the

mere fact.”

Beth Bridges presents Mastering the Art of Networking

“When you go to an event

you want to meet two

types of people: the people

you can help and the

people who can help you.”

“Beth is thoughtful, realistic, helpful and funny as all get out. I loved her presentation.”Don Crawley

“There’s a difference

between random activity

a planned networking


“Beth has uncovered both the art and science of networking.”Don Smith

“Seek to make sales a

RESULT of networking, not

while networking.”

“Beth was delightful, energetic and utterly real. She knows networking backwards and forwards. I learned a lot!”Elisa Hays

Traci Brown presents How to Stand Out and Cash In

“Solve tiny problems

with tiny solutions.”

“Traci is lively, very approachable and fun. She teaches a lot while keeping the whole room engages. ”Cari Palmer

“Traci shifted my paradigm in a huge way and opened my eyes to a new niche that I am sure will pay off in huge ways!!!!”PJ Glassey

“Traci helped me realize that a huge message / idea is often times too big to sell to the masses. ”Cesar Amaral

“It’s not all body language,

you’ve got to open your

mouth at some point.”

“To talk your way out of a ticket, keep

the cop feeling like he is in charge.”

Laura Leist presents Eliminate Risk and Gain Rewards Using Tech

“Free doesn't

mean that it's

right. Use the

right tool for

the job.”

“Laura taught me how to eliminate chaos, save time and implement tasks to build my business.”Lisa Copeland

“Your inbox should only

contain items that you

need to take action on.”

“Laura is fabulous! I love her tactile and strategic approach to using tools for what they are intended to be used for.”Mel DePaoli

“The fortune is in the follow up.”

“Laura is an inspirational speaker and teacher who is amazing at alleviating the chaos!”Rose Jolis

Jill Lublin presents Every Speaking Engagement = Guaranteed Revenue

“Be concise and

precise in your


“Jill is a pro! She know publicity and she knows speaking. This session gave me a wealth of ideas for how to help the media work for me.”Nicole Nazzaro

“It takes a village to write a

book and a couple of villages

to promote it.”

“NSA NW brings the best of the best for highly relevant material for speakers and entrepreneurs. ”Dan Wingard

“PR is all about

relationships. I want you

to make stuff up about

you instead of others

making it up.”

“Jill provided fabulous ideas to craft a clear message that will play well with media. ”Elysa Hays

Annual Meeting with Cesear Speakman & Anna Liotta

Are you ready to become a legend?

We are.




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