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Section 1: Institution of criminal actions.

a. Oenses !ere "reliminar#

in$esti%ation&P.I' is re(uire)

&"ursuant to Sec. 1 of Rule 11*':+Filin% of com"laint it! t!e

"ro"er o,cer.+"ro"er o,cer - &rule 11* Sec *'

Pro$incial/ Cit# Prosecutor an)

t!eir assistants National

Re%ional State Prosecutors an)

ot!er o,cers aut!ori2e) 3# la.3. 4ll ot!er oenses:

+5lin% of com"laint or information

)irectl# it! t!e 6TC or t!ecom"laint it! t!e o,ce of t!e

"rosecutor.+in 6anila an) ot!er c!artere)

cities t!e com"laint s!all 3e 5le)

it! t!e o,ce of t!e "rosecutor

unless ot!erise "ro$i)e) in t!eir


 T!e institution of t!e criminal action

s!all interru"t t!e "erio) of "rescri"tion

of t!e oense c!ar%es unless "ro$i)e)

in s"ecial las.

1. 7e5nitions:

a. Com"laint -


DEFINED – A sworn written

statement !ar"in" a #erson wit!

an o$ense s%&sri&e' &( t!e

o$en'e' #art() an( #eae o*er)

or #%&+i o*er !ar"e' wit! t!e

en,orement o, t!e +aw -io+ate'.

 T!e com"laint as )e5ne) un)er Section

8 is )ierent from t!e com"laint 5le)

it! t!e Prosecutor9s O,ce. T!e

com"laint mentione) in t!is section

refers to one 5le) in court for t!e

commencement of a criminal

"rosecution for $iolation of a crime

usuall# co%ni2a3le 3# munici"al trial

courts as ell as to a com"laint 5le) 3#

an oen)e) "art# in "ri$ate crimes or

t!ose !ic! cannot 3e "rosecute) )e


Re(uisites of a Com"laint: &SCOP'

1. It must 3e s%&sri&e'  3# t!e

oen)e) "art# 3# an# "eace

o,cer or "u3lic o,cer c!ar%e)

it! t!e enforcement of t!e la

$iolate)*. It must !ar"e a "erson it! an

oense8. It must 3e un)er oat! an' in

writin" an);. It must 3e in t!e name o, t!e

Peo#+e o, t!e P!i+i##ines.

3. Information -



a%sation in writin" !ar"in" a

#erson wit! an o$ense)

s%&sri&e' &( t!e #rose%tor

an' /+e' wit! t!e o%rt.

Re(uisites: &CSF'

1. It must 3e in writin"*. It must !ar"e a "erson it! an

oense8. It must 3e s%&sri&e'  3# t!e

5scal an);. It must 3e /+e' in court.

Com#+aint In,ormationSu3scri3e) 3# t!e

oen)e) "art# an#"eace o,cer or

ot!er o,cer

c!ar%e) it! t!e

enforcement of t!e

la $iolate).

It ma# 3e 5le)

Su3scri3e) 3# t!e



It is 5le) it! t!e

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eit!er in court or in

t!e "rosecutor9s


It must 3e ma)e

un)er oat!.

It usuall# refers to

felonies !ic!

cannot 3e

"rosecute) )e



It nee) not 3e

un)er oat!. T!e5scal !o 5les it is

alrea)# actin%

un)er !is oat! of 


It usuall# refers to

"u3lic crimes.

*. 7e5ne/e<"lain/"ur"oses:

RULE 11. SEC. 1. Pre+iminar(

In-esti"ation De/ne' !en

Re(uire) - Preliminar# in$esti%ation is

an in(uir# or "rocee)in% to )etermine

!et!er t!ere is su,cient %roun) to

en%en)er a ell=foun)e) 3elief t!at a

crime !as 3een committe) an) t!e

res"on)ent is "ro3a3l# %uilt# t!ereof

an) s!oul) 3e !el) for trial.

E<ce"t as "ro$i)e) in Section > of t!is

Rule a "reliminar# in$esti%ation is

re(uire) to 3e con)ucte) 3efore t!e

5lin% of a com"laint or information for

an oense !ere t!e "enalt# "rescri3e)

3# la is at least four &;' #ears to &*'

mont!s an) one &1' )a# it!out re%ar)

to t!e 5ne.

P%r#ose  to )etermine !et!er t!ere

is a su,cient %roun) to en%en)er aell=%roun)e) 3elief t!at a crime !as

3een committe) an) t!at t!e

res"on)ent is "ro3a3l# %uilt# t!ereof

an) s!oul) 3e !el) for trial. 4n) i)?f 

t!e e$i)ence so arrants t!e

in$esti%atin% "rosecutor is )ut# 3oun)

to 5le t!e corres"on)in% information.

P%r#ose o, P.I. or a Pre-io%s In2%ir(

o, Some in'

a. For in$esti%atin% "rosecutor to

)etermine if a crime !as 3een


3. To "rotect t!e accuse) from t!eincon$enience e<"ense an)

3ur)en of )efen)in% !imself in a

formal trial unless t!e reasona3le

"ro3a3ilit# of !is %uilt s!all !a$e

3een 5rst ascertaine) in a fairl#

summar# "rocee)in% 3# a

com"etent o,cer.c. To secure t!e innocent a%ainst

!ast# malicious an) o""ressi$e

"rosecution an) to "rotect !im

from an o"en an) "u3licaccusation of a crime from t!e

trou3le e<"ense an) an<iet# of a

"u3lic trial).  To "rotect t!e state from !a$in%

to con)uct useless an) e<"ensi$e


So#e merel# in(uisitorial t!e onl#

means of )isco$erin% t!e "erson !o

ma# 3e reasona3l# c!ar%e) it! a

crime to ena3le t!e 5scal to "re"are

!is com"laint or information.

a. Pre+iminar( in-esti"ation &(

#rose%tor - P.I or

rein$esti%ation unli@e trial is

summar# in nature. T!e )irect

e<amination of itnesses is

su3stitute) 3# t!e com"lainant9s

sorn statement an) t!at of !is

itnesses an) 3# t!e counter=

a,)a$it of t!e res"on)ent an)

!is itnesses. P%r#ose: to

)etermine if t!ere is "ro3a3le

cause to "rocee) it! criminal


&. Pre+iminar( in-esti"ation &(

tria+ 4%'"e - !ile an RTC Au)%e

ma# no lon%er con)uct P.I. to

ascertain !et!er t!ere is

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su,cient %roun) for t!e 5lin% of 

a criminal com"laint or

information !e retains t!e

a%t!orit( w!en s%! a

#+ea'in" is /+e' wit! !is

Co%rt) to 'etermine w!et!ert!ere is #ro&a&+e a%se

 4%sti,(in" t!e iss%ane o, 

warrant o, arrest. It mi%!t 3e

a))e) t!at t!is )istinction

accor)s rat!er t!an conBicts

it! t!e rationale of Salta

3ecause 3ot! la an) rule in

restrictin% u)%es t!e aut!orit# to

or)er arrest reco%ni2e t!at

function to 3e u)icial in nature.

P%r#ose  to )etermine !et!er

t!ere is "ro3a3le cause to issue

arrant of arrest.

3. Dem%rrer to e-i'ene in rimina+

-s. i-i+ ases

On Crimina+ Proe'%re


E5IDENCE It is a motion to )ismiss )ue

to t!e insu,cienc# of t!e e$i)ence

"resente) 3# t!e "rosecution too$erturn t!e "resum"tion of innocence

in fa$or of t!e accuse).

6!en an it &e /+e'7 4fter t!e

"rosecution rests its case t!e court

ma# )ismiss t!e action on t!e %roun) of 

insu,cienc# of e$i)ence:

1. On its on initiati$e after %i$in%

t!e "rosecution t!e o""ortunit#

to 3e !ear) or

*. U"on )emurrer to e$i)ence 5le)3# t!e accuse) it! or it!out

lea$e of court.

DIf t!e court )enies t!e )emurrer to

e$i)ence 5le) it! lea$e of court t!e

accuse) ma# a))uce e$i)ence in !is

)efense. !en t!e )emurrer to

e$i)ence is 5le) it!out lea$e of court

t!e accuse) ai$es !is ri%!t to "re$ent

e$i)ence an) su3mits t!e case for

 u)%ment on t!e 3asis of t!e e$i)ence

for t!e "rosecution.

 T!e motion for lea$e of court to 5le

)emurrer to e$i)ence s!a++s#ei/a++( state its "ro%n's  an)

s!all 3e /+e' wit!in  a non=e<ten)i3le

"erio) of /-e 89: 'a(s a,ter t!e

#rose%tion rests its ase. T!e

"rosecution ma# o""ose t!e motion

it!in a non=e<ten)i3le "erio) of 5$e

&' )a#s from its recei"t.

If +ea-e o, o%rt is "rante' t!e

accuse) s!all /+e t!e 'em%rrer to

e-i'ene wit!in a non;e<ten'i&+e

#erio' o, ten 810: 'a(s ,rom notie.

 T!e "rosecution ma# o""ose t!e

)emurrer to e$i)ence it!in similar

"erio) from its recei"t.

 T!e or'er 'en(in" t!e motion  for

lea$e of court to 5le )emurrer to

e$i)ence or t!e )emurrer itself s!a++

not &e re-iewa&+e &( a##ea+ or &(

ertiorari &e,ore 4%'"ment.

P%r#ose ,or re2%irement to o&tain

+ea-e o, o%rt  To )etermine !et!er

or not t!e )efen)ant in a criminal case

!as 5le) t!e )emurrer merel# to stall

t!e "rocee)in%s &Peo"le $. 6a!ina#

G.R. No. 10H18 Aul# 1> 1HH'.

If t!e )emurrer is sustaine) 3# t!e

court t!e or)er of )ismissal is

tantamount to an ac(uittal. Jence it is

not a""eala3le.

Reason w!( not a##ea+a&+e

Kecause it ill "lace t!e accuse) in

'o%&+e 4eo#ar'(  &Kan%a#an Ar. $

Kan%a#an G.R. No. 1>*>>> Octo3er

1H *011'.

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Re2%isites ,or Do%&+e =eo#ar'(

%n'er Setion >) R%+e 11>  4

"re$ious case must 3e 5le) an) must

contain t!e folloin%:

1.  T!e com"laint or information or

ot!er formal c!ar%e assu,cient in form an) su3stance

to sustain a con$iction an) t!e

court !a) uris)iction.  T!e accuse) !a) 3een arrai%ne)

an) t!e accuse) !a) entere) a

$ali) "lea an)3.  T!ere as a 5nal u)%ment of 

con$iction or ac(uitte) or t!e

case as )ismisse) it!out !is

e<"ress consent

.  T!en a su3se(uent com"laint orinformation is 5le) containin% a

crime t!at is: 8SAF;NIs;NI': a.  T!e same o$ense or&. 4n attem#t to ommit

t!e sai' o$ense or. 4 ,r%stration o, t!e sai'

o$ense or'. 4n# oense !ic!

neessari+( in+%'es t!e

/rst o$ense !ar"e' ore. 4n# oense !ic!

neessari+( in+%'e' t!e/rst o$ense !ar"e'.

On t!e i-i+ +ia&i+it(

If )emurrer is %rante) an) t!e accuse)

is ac(uitte) 3# t!e court t!e accuse)

!as t!e ri%!t to a))uce e$i)ence on t!e

ci$il as"ect of t!e case unless t!e court

also )eclares t!at t!e act or omission

from !ic! t!e ci$il lia3ilit# ma# arise

)i) not e<ist.

If t!e trial court issues an or)er or

ren)ers u)%ment not onl# %rantin% t!e

)emurrer to e$i)ence of t!e accuse)

an) ac(uittin% !im 3ut also on t!e ci$il

lia3ilit# of t!e accuse) to t!e "ri$ate

oen)e) "art# sai) u)%ment on t!e

ci$il as"ect of t!e case oul) 3e a

nullit# for t!e reason t!at t!e

constitutional ri%!t of t!e accuse) to

)ue "rocess is t!ere3# $iolate) &Sala2ar

$. Peo"le G.R. No. 11H81 Se"tem3er

*8 *008'.

 T!e or)er )en#in% t!e motion for lea$eof court to 5le )emurrer to e$i)ence or

t!e )emurrer itself s!all NOT 3e

re$iea3le 3# a""eal or 3# certiorari

3efore u)%ment since it is consi)ere)

an interlocutor# or)er.

On Ci-i+ Proe'%re

RULE 33. SECTION 1. 7emurrer to

e$i)ence - 4fter t!e "lainti !as

com"lete) t!e "resentation of !is

e$i)ence t!e )efen)ant ma# mo$e fort!e )ismissal on t!e %roun) t!at u"on

t!e facts an) t!e la t!e "lainti !as

s!on no ri%!t to relief. If !is motion is

)enie) !e s!all !a$e t!e ri%!t to

"resent e$i)ence. If t!e motion is

%rante) 3ut on a""eal t!e or)er of 

)ismissal is re$erse) !e s!all 3e

)eeme) to !a$e ai$e) t!e ri%!t to

"resent e$i)ence.

Distintion &etween Dem%rrer to

E-i'ene in Ci-i+ Proe'%re -s. in

Crimina+ Proe'%re

1. In CIVIL cases !en t!e )emurreris )enie) t!e )efen)ant ill no"resent !is e$i)ence to "ro$e !is)efense 3ecause t!e )efen)ant)oes not ai$e !is ri%!t to"resent in t!e e$ent t!e)emurrer is )enie) !ereas

In CRIMINAL  cases if t!e)emurrer of t!e accuse) is)enie) t!e accuse) is no lon%eralloe) to "resent e$i)ence if !e!a) no "rior lea$e of court

*. In CIVIL cases if t!e )efen)ant9s)emurrer is %rante) an) t!e caseis )ismisse) an) t!e "lainti 

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a""eals to t!e a""ellate courtan) on a""eal t!e court re$ersest!e or)er of )ismissal t!ea""ellate court ren)ers u)%mentimme)iatel# in fa$or of t!e"lainti. Goo)3#e - talo na an%

)efen)ant. T!ere is no morereman)in%. T!e )efen)ant loses!is ri%!t to "resent e$i)ence!ereas

In CRIMINAL  cases if t!e)emurrer is %rante) t!ere is nomore a""eal 3# t!e "rosecution3ecause t!e accuse) !as alrea)#3een ac(uitte). Ot!erise t!ereill 3e a case of )ou3le eo"ar)#

8. In CIVIL  cases t!e court cannoton its on initiati$e )ismiss t!ecase after t!e "lainti restsit!out an# )emurrer 3# t!e)efen)ant. T!ere is no suc! t!in%as motu propio )emurrer!ereas

In CRIMINAL cases t!e court ma#)ismiss t!e action on its oninitiati$e after %i$in% t!e

"rosecution t!e c!ance to"resent its e$i)ence.

In 3ot! cases t!e motion is raise)

onl# after t!e "rosecution or t!e

"lainti !as "resente) !is case an) t!e

%roun) is 3ase) on insu,cienc# of 





In2%est ; 4n informal an) summar#

in$esti%ation con)ucte) 3# a "u3lic

"rosecutor in criminal cases in$ol$in%

"ersons arreste) an) )etaine) it!out

t!e 3ene5t of a arrant of arrest issue)

3# t!e court for t!e "ur"ose of 

)eterminin% !et!er or not sai)

"ersons s!oul) remain un)er custo)#

an) corres"on)in%l# 3e c!ar%e) in

court &7OA Circular No. 1 Se"tem3er

*1 1HH8'.

In(uest "rocee)in%s must 3e

terminate) it!in t!e "erio) "rescri3e)

un)er t!e "ro$isions of 4rticle 1* of 

t!e Re$ise) Penal Co)e as amen)e):

1. Crime "unis!a3le 3# li%!t

"enalties: it!in tel$e &1*'

!ours. Crime "unis!a3le 3# correctional

"enalt#: it!in ei%!teen &1M'

!ours an)

3. Crime "unis!a3le 3# aicti$e orca"ital "unis!ment: it!in t!irt#=

si< &8' !ours.

 To situations contem"late) un)er t!is


1. !en a "erson is lafull#

arreste) it!out a arrant for an

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oense re(uirin% a "reliminar#

in$esti%ation &Rule 11* Sec. 1'

an) no com"laint or information

!as #et 3een 5le) !e ma# as@

for a "reliminar# in$esti%ation 3#

si%nin% a ai$er of t!e "ro$isions

of 4rt. 1* of t!e Re$ise) Penal

Co)e in t!e "resence of !is

counsel an). !en t!e com"laint or

information as 5le) it!out

"reliminar# in$esti%ation t!e

accuse) ma# it!in 5$e &' )a#s

from t!e time !e learns of t!e

5lin% of t!e information as@ for a

"reliminar# in$esti%ation it! t!e

same ri%!t to a))uce e$i)ence in

!is fa$or in t!e manner"rescri3e) in t!is Rule.

Bai+ on reo"niane


RECONIANCE  - !ene$er alloe)

3# la or t!ese Rules t!e court ma#

release a "erson in custo)# on !is on

reco%ni2ance or t!at of a res"onsi3le


== It refers to an o3li%ation of recor)entere) into 3efore some court or

o,cer aut!ori2e) to ta@e it it! a

con)ition to )o some "articular act t!e

most usual con)ition in criminal cases

3ein% t!e a""earance of t!e accuse)

for trial.

Note T!e release of t!e accuse) ma#

3e on !is on reco%ni2ance !ic!

means t!at !e !as 3ecome !is on

 ailer &C!aracter Loan'.



RECONIANCE Instances !erein t!e

accuse) ma# 3e release) on

reco%ni2ance it!out "uttin% Kail or on

re)uce) Kail

Can 3e release) 1. R.4. 08 -

it!out 3ail 3ut in

reco%ni2ance of 



c!ar%e) is

$iolation of an


li%!t felon# or

a criminaloense t!e




)oes not

e<cee) si< &'

mont!s of  


an)/or 5ne of 

P *000 !e

can 3e "lace)



of !imself or

of a


citi2en*. R.4. >10 -

One of t!e

ri%!ts of c!il)


actin% as a

com3atants"# carrier or

%ui)e in an

arme) conBict

is to 3e

release) in


to t!e custo)#

of 7S7 or


mem3er of t!e

communit#8. P.7. 08 - In

case of a


oen)er !el)

for "!#sical or



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trial or a""eal

if una3le to

furnis! 3ail

an) un)er t!e

circumstances;. Rule 11; Sec.

1 - 4 "erson

!o !as 3een

in custo)# for

a "erio) e(ual

to or more

t!an t!e




"rescri3e) for

t!e oense



"reu)ice to



of t!e trial or



on a""eal. Rule 11; Sec.

1*; - !ere

t!e accuse)!as a""lie) for

"ro3ation an)

3efore t!e

same !as

3een resol$e)

3ut no 3ail

as 5le) or

t!e accuse) is

inca"a3le of 

5lin% one in

!ic! case !ema# 3e

release) on

reco%ni2ance. Sec. 1 of t!e

Rules on


Proce)ure -

accuse) as

arreste) for

failure to

a""ear !en

re(uire) 3#

t!e court. Insuc! instance

t!e court can

allo t!e

accuse) to 3e


eit!er on 3ail



of a



Rule 11; Sec. 1

- 4 "erson

accuse) of an

oense it! a

ma<imum "enalt#

of )estierro s!all

3e release) after

80 )a#s of  



On re)uce) 3ail oron !is on


Rule 11; Sec. 1 - 4"erson in custo)# for

a "erio) e(ual to or

more t!an t!e

minimum of t!e

"rinci"al "enalt#

"rescri3e) for t!e

oense c!ar%e)

it!out a""lication

of t!e in)eterminate

sentence la or an#

mo)if#in%circumstance s!all

3e release) on

re)uce) 3ail or on

!is on

reco%ni2ance at t!e

)iscernment of t!e


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Un)er t!e Re$ise)

Rules on Summar#


General Rule: No 3ail

E<ce"tion: !en a

arrant of arrest is

issue) for failure toa""ear !en

re(uire) 3# t!e court

&Sec. 1 of t!e Rules

on Summar#


E<ce"tion to Release

in Reco%ni2ance

un)er R.4. 08:

1.!en !e is cau%!t

committin% t!e

oense in Ba%rante

*.!en !e confesses

to t!e commission of 

t!e oense unless

t!e confession is

later re"u)iate) 3#


8.!en !e is foun)

to !a$e "re$iousl#esca"e) from le%al

con5nement e$a)e)

sentence or um"e)


;.!en !e is foun)

to !a$e "re$iousl#

$iolate) t!e

"ro$isions of Sec. *

.!en !e is foun)to 3e a reci)i$ist or a

!a3itual )elin(uent

.!en !e !as 3een

"re$iousl# con$icte)

for an oense to

!ic! t!e la or

or)inance attac!esan e(ual or %reater

"enalt# or for to or

more oenses to

!ic! it attac!es a

li%!ter "enalt#

>.!en !e commits

t!e oense !ile on

"arole or un)er

con)itional "ar)on

Dis!ar"e' o, a%se' to &e a state




6otion to )isc!ar%e s!oul) 3e ma)e 3#t!e "rosecution 3efore restin% its case.

Note: T!e rule e<"ressl# allos t!e

)isc!ar%e of more t!an one )efen)ant

&Peo"le $. Kacsa G.R. No. L=11;M Aul#

11 1HM'.

Re(uisites for 7isc!ar%e

1.  To or more "ersons are ointl#

c!ar%e) it! a commission of an


.  T!e "rosecution 5les a motion to)isc!ar%e one

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