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Crystal of light Episode 1

Cithianus Murder

Part 1


Paul Ellsworth

This document is copyright by Paul Ellsworth © 2015. All rights reserved. The contents of this document may

be used by individuals and small groups for gaming purposes.

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Introduction: (For DM) this is the first of several episodes that make up the Crystal of Light scenario. In

this initial episode the players will be introduced to the world of Aire. Opening events take place in Centuria

City. The players will be recruited to work for the Centurian Intelligence Agency (IA) as independent operators

and will receive direction from Director Decius Tylden (important NPC). He is the Director of Special Operations

for the Centurian Intelligence Agency or more commonly called the IA. The country of Centuria has a very

Roman Republic feel. Tylden will only give very general instructions to the players and it will be up to the

players to find out more. A good source of intelligence for the players are the bar tenders in The Cellar Tavern.

The evil God Dakaha wants to spread his influence across the lands of Aire like he had in the past.

Many centuries ago Dakaha was the undisputed deity in Aire and his Cult of Necromancers dominated life in all

of Aire. A group of demigods from the Abyss were the leaders of the cult. The common people suffered

unspeakable horrors for thousands of years.

Deus Unus, The One God, and the source of all power in the universe took pity on the plight of the

people of Aire and he empowered a young shepherd boy named Lucerne. He raised an army and over the

course of many years defeated the Dark Lords armies and banished the Dark Lords to the Abyss. The Cult of

the Necromancers was greatly diminished in power and forced into hiding.

Dakaha was extremely angry over the turn of events but was only able to help his followers in limited

ways. At one point he was rendered powerless at a critical junction in the events transpiring in Aire. Four

hundred years have passed and the Kingdom of Aire has fractured into many smaller kingdoms, empires and a

republic. Dakaha has judge the time is right to gain control of Aire. He is handicapped in that he is unable to

manifest himself on this plane except in very unique circumstances for short periods of time amounting to a

manner of minutes. Dakaha has made a special arrangement with the Dark Lords and lent his power to

members of the Mortuus Conlegium to open a gate to the Abyss that allowed some of the Dark Lords to escape

their imprisonment in the abyss and they in return have agreed to serve Dakaha’s purpose in this plane.

The Dark Lords promptly unseated the leadership of the Mortuus Conlegium and is directing the

organization. Most accept the reduction in rank and power; however, not all members of the Mortuus

Conlegium were happy about the Dark Lords returning. Ashmadia, a powerful necromancer is oppose to the

Dark Lords and is actively recruiting members of the Cult of Necromancers to fight the Dark Lords.

Ashmadia is trying to regain control of the Mortuus Conlegium. He has recently summoned a Xapham,

an extremely powerful demon from the abyss to fight the Dark Lords. He plans to summon additional

Xaphams, which he believes will be powerful enough to defeat the Dark Lords. He is also actively searching for

the Crystal of Light, an ancient artifact of great power. It will allow him the ability to control many demons. His

plan can begin once he has the Crystal of Light in hand.

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Two powerful necromancers, Garth and Seth, are working for Ashmadia looking for clues to the

location of the Crystal of Light. To help cover up their actual mission they are sabotaging numerous institutions

and building belong to the government and private business in Centuria City.

Ashmadia’s organization in Centuria City is relatively small with a temple located in the under-city below

the Vixen Alehouse Tavern and Inn. His main group is centered in the southeastern city of Sravana. He has a

smaller support group is located in Riverport. Seth and Garth are the primary agents in Centuria City. Also the

doppelgangers Aeneas and Agricola are working for him as spies.

The Cult of the Dark Moon is another branch of the Mortuus Conlegium and is the largest group in

Centuria City. The high priest is Geganius (dark cleric 17th level). This group has a temple in the under-city.

There primary focus is the taking over of Centuria and replacing the existing government with a theocracy. The

Cult of the Dark Moon is nominally following the orders of the Dark Lords. The Dark Elf Talabrina is passing

orders to Geganius, which includes preparing for the arrival of the Dark Lord Belial. One plan is to eliminate as

much of the leadership of Centuria as possible. To carry out this plan he has a clever young necromancer named


Nicephorus, a young necromancer, 3rd Level, and a convert from being a Warlock (7th level) has joined

the Mortuus Conlegium and the Cult of the Dark Moon. Nicephorus’ schemes have generated a lot of revenue

for the cult and Geganius has taken an interest in the promising necromancer and has assigned Nicephorus the

task of eliminated Centuria’s leadership. Nicephorus in turn has hired the Derro to work as his primary

assassins. The list of people to eliminate is quite large and he has selected Cithianus as an easy first test target.

Geganius has assigned Vergilius (7th level necromancer) to assist Nicephorus. Also, the cleric Fabius (a

4th level dark cleric) is watching the activities of Nicephorus’ operation and reporting back to Geganius on a

regular basis. Three novices, Calvus, Maro and Paetus, have been assigned to assist Nicephorus in anything he

needs to have done.

Geganius is nominally following the plans of the Dark Lords as relayed by the Dark Elf Talabrina. He is

primarily interested in taking over Centuria and converting the religion to follow the God Dahaka and ruling as

a theocracy.

Talabrina is operating out of the undercity with a large contingent of Dark Elves. She is first preparing

for the arrival of the Dark Lord Belial as well as disrupting Ashmadia’s organization. A secondary activity is to

create an army of undead to be released on the unsuspecting city.

The primary goal of the Dark Lords is to rule Aire as they did long ago. In order to accomplish this goal

they need to destroy the power of the human kingdoms. To do this they are attempting to cause both internal

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and external strife. A few wars between neighboring kingdoms and a civil war or two would simplify their task

considerably. Next they want to create large armies of undead, trolls, dark elves to fight these nations.

Nezidera is one of the dark elves of Talabrina’s group. She is acting independently of the main group to

look for Onyx. He is her half-brother and they were raised together. She is in love with her brother and her

intent is to get him to return with her to the Dark Elven lands. Narcelia is her younger sister and she is

following Nezidera. She is fiercely loyal to her older sister. Nezidera will ultimately decide to betray the Dark

Elves to protect Onyx and she effectively becomes a double agent. Talabrina is at odds with Nezidera’s

independent ways and constantly berates her about not following orders and disappearing. Szordrin, who is

Talabrina’s 2nd in command, absolutely hates Nezidera. She spurned his advances and he will do anything to

destroy her, even at the cost of their mission.

Onyx becomes leader of the new Shadow Team 9 (ST-9). He is a half-human and half-dark elf ranger.

He was recruited by Centuria’s Intelligence Agency (IA) a number of years ago. He was the leader of ST-3 but

lost that position when his team failed to protect the Imperi Consul’s favorite daughter. He was severely

wounded and most of his team killed. He recovered and was reassigned to training new recruits. He is the lead

investigator in the murder of Cithianus. His team is made up of the sword-master Sordello, bard Katarina,

cleric-healer Rowena, and the fighter-thief Gordian. Later the magic user Shandra is added to the team. The

government, specifically the IA, is mostly unaware of the Mortuus Conlegium until the murder of Cithianus.

Nonus, head of the Thieve’s guild, realizes that there is a problem and is totally frustrated because the

Cohortes Vigilis (Night Watch) is blaming his guild for all of the attacks and damage. He hasn’t been able to

make much progress in finding out who is responsible and will help the player characters as much as he can.

It is important for the DM over time to advance each of the main agendas of the key NPCs as they will

be working towards their goals. This could lead to NPCs leaving the city. Any NPC that leaves the city will be

unavailable for 2d4+2 weeks. Certain NPCs should not be killed as they will appear in future episodes. For

these characters henchmen will come and protect the NPC while they make their escape. Important NPCs will

be so indicated (important NPC).

This adventure can be played with the players’ characters of 3rd to 5th level. The characters of ST-9 can

be used to provide assistance to the player as well as a source of information.

On the following pages is a flow of the major factions and how they interact with each other.

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(Read to Players) Another long day thought Phangia as she swept the laboratory floor. The score of benches were covered with swords of many different types and styles in various states of assembly. A black mist arose from her sweeping causing her to sneeze a few times as she worked. There were buckets of the stuff on the benches and on some of the swords. What it was for she couldn’t imagine but wished they didn’t have it.

Phangia was a middle-aged janitor and worked the night shift at the laboratory to tidy up after the labors of the day. The room itself was not messy; however, it was the largest in the building and it took her much of the evening to clean. She carefully swept the floor of the large chamber taking the time to get under each of the benches and then she mopped it. She was tall for a woman standing close to six feet and she had just a few strands of silver in her otherwise dark braided hair. She coiled her hair into a bun on the top of her head. For many years she had worked the farm fields outside the city before Philippi, her husband decided to move into the city. Her deep olive complexion matched nicely with her long hair. Despite the deep lines of a hard life she was still a comely woman.

Phangia had only recently started working as a cleaning woman at the laboratory this being her second week on the job. Being the newest member of the staff she was assigned the largest lab to clean. She was used to hard work and since it was at night it was a pleasant change from working in the hot sun every day despite the occasional sneeze from the dust. She was dog tired because she worked most of the day cleaning the 2nd floor apartments where they had a small two room unit in the loft. It paid the rent and a little more but wasn’t enough to pay the healer. It was already past midnight and most of the staff had retired for the day. Just the cleaning crew and night watch were about.

She approached Cithianus’ office. Cithianus was a kindly older gentleman and the director of this lab. He often worked late, sometime with assistants but more often alone. A crescent of light tentatively peaked through the narrow gap of the slightly opened door. Phangia approached the door hoping to be able to clean the room. She was worried that he would wave her off as he had done two days ago. It caused her to finish late and the super to complain that she was not working fast enough. It worried her because she couldn’t afford to lose this job. Her husband Philippi was ill with the coughing sickness. The medicine the healer gave her was helping but it wasn’t cheap. She needed this job as well as her day time cleaning job in the apartment block. She hesitantly knocked at the door so as not to disturb master Cithianus’ work. He often worked late. There was no response. Maybe he had already gone home. She knocked louder and called, “Master Cithianus, its Phangia. May I come in and tidy the room up.” There was no response and she thought, oh he’s gone for the evening. She pushed the door fully open and noticed a big mess. Her first thought was that she was not going to get it all cleaned by end of her shift. Then she realized it was blood. She screamed and screamed as she backed out of the room. Soon other staff members came running and then the supervisor arrived. He had one of the guards escort Phangia home and another to contact the Night Watch.

(DM) Cithianus was an important inventor for the army. He was able to recreate the highly prized Dwarven

Steel. Weapons and armor made of Dwarven Steel is superior to any other (they are equivalent to magical +1 weapons

and armor. Weapons get +1 to damage and armor +1 to armor class. They also get +2 to save vs breaking.).

Fortunately he was able to pass on the secret of making Dwarven Steel to his journeymen before he was killed. (See

Appendix C for instruction on how to make dwarven steel).

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The player characters will be tasked with finding the group responsible for Cithianus death and bring them to


(Player Hook) In the tavern of the Green Dragon Inn the patrons are talking about IA recruitment of adventures.

If the players ask they don’t know the reason but the rumor is about a fire that occurred on one of the docks in southern

part of the city on the Rhenus River. They are told that if they are interested they should go to the IA’s court yard

tomorrow morning by 9AM.

(Read to Players) You are part of a large group of hopefuls waiting to enter the tall black building at the corner of Raven Way and Falcon Circler. A giant stone falcon is shimmering a bluish hue atop the building in the early morning sunlight. A few snowflakes start to fall and you find yourself shivering in the cold air. You pull your cloak a little tighter and push a bit further into the crowd to escape the breeze.

The building is home to the Centuria’s Intelligence Agency and the crowds waiting to get in are all hoping to be selected by the IA. The advertising circular had been floating around the city for the last week and a great many adventures were hoping to become one of the chosen few. You have already passed the initial screening as people obviously unfit were not permitted to enter the gates to the IA’s courtyard.

A young blond-haired woman appears at the top of the steps signaling to the guards to start letting the people enter the building. You are near the front of the line and you climb thirteen steps to enter the foray of the building. Once inside several officials direct people to different rooms. You are directed to a room along with several others. The young blond-haired woman says, “Please take a seat.”

(DM) The young woman is Rowena (important NPC) She is a healer and priestess of Deus Unus. She

works with Mr. Tylden. She is the daughter of senator Rufius. Later she becomes a member of Shadow Team 9 (ST-9).

(Read to Players) The young woman left the room after her announcement. You see a large conference table with many chairs arrayed around it. The room appears to be very functional. At one end there is a blackboard on the wall that appears to have been used frequently. However, there is nothing you can read. Just off center is a small dark mahogany podium. The room is painted a light green color but otherwise unadorned. The room is strangely quiet as you wait. You take a seat and notice that the chairs are very comfortable.

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After waiting for half an hour, you see a tall middle aged gentleman with graying hair enter the conference room. He is obviously a warrior although he has no weapons upon him that you can see. He walks to the podium at the front of the room.

“Ladies and gentleman, my name is Mr. Tylden. I am the director of the Special Operations Bureau at the IA. You are being asked to assist us in certain investigations. There have been many peculiar events that have happened not just in Centuria City but beyond the city and even beyond Centuria’s borders. When taken together it has raised a great many concerns at the highest levels of

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government. Our resources have been stretched very thin and we have asked adventures such as yourselves to assist in some of our investigations. We hope you will decide to assist us.

I will turn things over to my assistant, Rowena, while you decide.”

(Read to Players) Mr. Tylden leaves the room and the blond hair woman that brought you to the room enters.

“We will not be able to give you much help; however, from time to time one of our agents may assist you depending on what you find. We have negotiated a discounted rate at the Green Dragon Inn and the Mission Inn. These are good choices to stay if you don’t have other lodgings. They are just a few blocks east of here. Give the inn keeper this ticket (Rowena hands you a ticket) to get the discounted rate. Also, you can buy most of your supplies at the Quarter Master Supply building located next to the stable at a significant discount. In addition, there are quite a number of merchants in the areas as well and you should be able to find most anything you will need.”

(DM) The Quarter Master sells supplies to the player characters at half the normal rate. In Centuria the

Denarius is a silver coin and is equivalent to the D&D gold piece. It is suggested that the DM used the Centurian coins

to help with the ambience of this world. The Denarius is abbreviated as the De. Other coins are the Follis designated

Fo. The Follis is made of copper. This is equivalent to the CP in D&D. Ten Follis make up the Aes designated the Ae.

The Aes is made of bronze. This is equivalent to the SP in D&D and is the second most common coin. Ten Aes make

up the Denarius or De. The Denarius is made of silver. This is equivalent to the GP in D&D and the most common coin.

Ten Denarius make up the Aureus or Au. This coin is made of gold and is equivalent to the PP in D&D. It is an

uncommon coin used mostly by the very wealthy. Ten Aureus make up the Centiaureus or Ce. This very rare coin is

made of platinum. Only 8,000 were minted due in part to the rarity of the metal but also the very high temperatures

required for its minting.

It will take most of the day for the player characters to go through the briefing, buy and get their equipment and

organize their group. It should be dusk or near dusk when they leave the IA compound. About halfway between the IA

and the Green Dragon Inn (or Mission Inn) the party will encounter a group of zombies.

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Night of the Zombies

(Read to Players) As you enter the merchant district you hear the screams of a woman and a number of people running past you as fast as they can. It is twilight and after the crowd runs past you can see a dozen zombie like creatures approximately 100 yards ahead of you. Two of them are assaulting a desperate woman. There are two men trying to get her away from the zombies; however, they are too late and she is killed. The two of them are now trapped and cannot escape from the zombies. About half of the zombies are moving towards you. Some distance behind the zombie you see a strangely dressed young woman who is not running away. What do you do?

(DM) 12 Zombie HP 20 AC 8 damage 1d6+1 hit bonus +3 Try to double team victims, one grabs the

other slams. (50xp per zombie)

1 Ogre Zombie HP 85 AC 8 damage 2d8+4 hit bonus +6

(DM) The zombie attack is part of a large release of monsters in Centuria City. The zombies and skeletal

warriors were created by Ashmadia’s faction; however, they did not intend for the zombies to be released at this time and they are just as surprised as the player characters. Szordrin with several other Dark Elves came across the zombies in one of the lower dungeon levels and decided on their own to release them to the city. The idea was suggested by Faeryl.

On the following pages are Maps of a portion of Centuria City just east of the Centuria Intelligence

Agency compound. Map Pages are in the following order: Upper Right, Lower Right, Upper Left, Lower Left.

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Nezidera Dark Elf Necromancer2

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(DM) Nezidera (important NPC) is a dark elf and stays in the background observing the night

watch’s response to the attack of the zombies. A group of dark elves have released the zombies.

Nezidera is a bit of a rouge, she is half-sister to Onyx and even though she was assigned to the team of

dark elves in Centuria City they do not know exactly where she has gotten off to. She is searching for

Onyx to try and bring him back to the family. The Zombies attacks are all over the city and the zombies

do a great deal of damage even though it was only a bit of a test of the city’s defense. The primary

reason is to disrupt Ashmadia’s plans. Nezidera will avoid combat using her abilities to retreat to a new

hiding spot. The player characters should be able to observer her from a distance but will be too busy

fighting zombies to get close to her. If Onyx is in danger she will assist to protect him from the

zombies. She can use her ability to control up to a dozen zombies and cause them to turn away from the


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Gordian’s warning.

Gordian a rogue working for the IA3

(DM) Gordian (important NPC) tracks down the group to the Green Dragon Inn.

(Read to Players) We have gotten reports that several of the adventure groups that were assigned missions by the IA were attacked by zombies. These attacks occurred all over the city and it was an unprecedented event. I have to report to you that many adventures were seriously injured or killed in these attacks. It appears that Clerics were the primary targets. You need to be ever vigilant when you venture out especially during the hours of darkness. The attacks were coordinated and started at twilight. It was far more than the Vigilis (night watch) could handle.

(DM) Gordian listens to the characters story.

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(Read to Players) One of the monsters was an ogre zombie. You are lucky in that its attacks against you were mostly ineffective. It can slay a person with a single hit. Well I’m glad you made it through the battle safely. I will report your action to the boss. I’ve brought you some supplies that may be of help.

(DM) Give the player a few potions including healing. This is completely at the discretion of the DM. However,

don’t give too much. Also answer any question about the Night of the Zombies. Not much is known other than it is

believed that the Mortuus Conlegium is behind the attacks. If the characters report seeing Nezidera give them bonus xp.

Investigating the Night of the Zombie attack will lead to the under-city. This will lead to both an encounter with

Nonus, leader of the Cohortes Gilda Latro (Thieve’s Guild) and also with Cult of the Dark Moon. This cult is actually a

front for one of the Mortuus Conlegium branches.

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Cohortes Vigilis (Night Watch)4

Cohortes Vigilis (The Night Watch)

(DM) The constabularies that patrol the city are another obvious source of information. The characters will meet

some of the Vigilis when they visit the scene of Cithianus’ murder. One of the constables, Gratius, will report to the

player characters that the scene reminds him of an attack on an off duty constable named Rubellius. His murder has not

been solved yet. Also the player characters should learn of the fire on the docks that occurred a day before Cithianus’


Investigating Rubellius will lead to a number of arson fires that he was investigating on his own time. These in

turn should lead the player characters to Nonus, head of the Thieve’s Guild.

The Vigilis found few clues at the scene of the crimes because most of the acts of sabotage were caused by

fire. Although they apprehended several possible suspect, known delinquents and criminals near the scene, but they

could not tie them to the crimes. They all had an alibi; they were at various restaurants, gambling halls or taverns. Most

were associated with the Cohortes Gilda Latro (Thieve’s Guild).

Members of the Vigilis will provide as much help as they can because fifty three of their members were killed

trying to protect the public during the Night of the Zombies.

(Read to Players) As you examine the scene of the crime Gratius speaks up. He says, “This reminds me of when Rubellius was killed a couple of weeks ago. I mean all cut up like this.”

(DM) Should the players ask about that crime he will say:

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(Read to Players) Rubellius was trying to figure out who was setting fires to the warehouse and other crimes that seem to be related. You don’t suppose he was killed because he was getting close to whomever was responsible. Many of us think it was the Cohortes Gilda Latro (Thieve’s Guild).

(DM) Should the players continue to ask they will be directed to find Centurian Xiltyn.

Centurion Xiltyn

Centurion Xiltyn is located in the Watch building (1st map section) and is not very forth coming with the player

characters. He is corrupt and taking bribes from Nonus (Cohortes Gilda Latro) and doesn’t want suspicion to fall on his

source of extra income. He will tell the characters that he does not believe there is a connection between the two

murders even though they may appear to be similar.

(Read to Players) Rubellius was robbed and killed. His body was torn up like that because it was a couple of days before we found him and the rats had gotten to him. It’s too bad because he was a good man. He spent a lot of his own time investigating the arson fires. There have been five arson fires, the last one was just before Cithianus’ murder, on the docks and was especially bad. We had to call in half the city’s Vigilis to help fight it. I shudder to think if the winds had come up, we could have lost half the city.

Ashmadia and the Summoning of the Xapham

Comes a moment when neither darkness nor daylight rules supreme – an ethereal transition which last but a second at twilight and at dawn’s first gleam. This never-ending cycle of life has existed since time began. As the sun rises in the east, the Rule of Chaos gives way to the Rule of Order – just as when the sun sets in the west, the Rule of Order gives way to the Rule of Chaos.

Thus shall if forever be – until time itself is no more. At that exact instant when the Rule of Order succumbed to the Rule of Chaos, without the slightest

sound, thirteen somber black-robed beings of darkness glided effortlessly in midnight like blackness toward the hidden heart of their subterranean stronghold. Beneath their obscuring cowls glowed what vaguely looked like eyes of the utmost penetrating crimson – casting upon their skin hues of coagulated blood. Though in form they resembled humans, they were in no way human but necromancers, priest of the Mortuus Conlegium.

Pulsating illumination from torches was swallowed in the vastness of that chamber, whose five craggy walls, hewn from massive granite blocks, each weighted hundreds of tons. Invisible in the darkness above, the ceiling rose to a peak fifty feet in height, making this setting appear more like a cavern. There, in the very center, surrounded by five enormous granite columns, a precisely chiseled inverted black star – glistening as with diamonds – had been cut in the stone floor’s surface.

Ponderous candles of natural obsidian was, embedded in ebony skulls, were positioned at each point of the pentagram. Lifting high an intricately carved ancient jet-black staff, the tallest robed being, appeared to be the leading priest, swept imperiously to the pentagram’s core, directing all the others to encircle that symbol of evil’s darkest powers. At the sound of the lead priest’s staff smashing into the stone floor signaled five priests who knelt on a single knee, each igniting the skull-borne candle at the point facing him. Although fully lit, those candles’ black flames were virtually invisible in the pervading dimness. To the rhythmic cadence of a largo drumbeat, all the priest began chanting hypnotically in some unrecognizable pre-human tongue.

The upraised staff descended sharply with a resounding crack for the second time in as many minutes, echoing into the darkness.

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Almost imperceptibly, a polychromatic scarlet fog swirled in the air as the tallest figure retreated from the central focus of the pentagram. The chief priest, now between the pentagram’s topmost points struck the floor again. Gradually the fog took on substance, transforming into a wraithlike translucent image – the writhing form of a grotesque creature’s scabby blue-black hide became visible.

It was a Xapham: perhaps the most dangerous – most dreaded – demon from the dark abyss. Standing twenty feet high it dwarfed the encircling priests.

Without warning, it lashed out in thoughtless abandon, felling the nearest priest – unluckily positioned at the lowest point of the pentagram – who groaned piteously but did not move. For its insolence, the Xapham received an unexpected galvanic jolt from the priests’ invisible entrapment, singeing the slimy scales of its protruding arm. Although startled by the force field of that unseen barrier, the demonic entity still sought to circumvent the menace of that ever-tightening barrier, the demonic entity still sought to circumvent the menace of that ever-tightening embrace.

Chanting with greater intensity, all remaining priests quickened their tempo; reddish-violet emanations brightened the magical field surrounding that evil pentagram. With one grating shriek of pain, the creature withdrew its injured arm from the strengthening grip of the priesthood’s trap.

The struggling Xapham sensed the priests’ overwhelming influence draining off his energy – taking over his will. As powerful as his inherent full demonic strength would normally have been, he could feel it inexorably ebbing. Try as he might, he was unable to break through the impenetrable net of irresistible fiendish magic enmeshing his weakening will to resist. The end drew ever near.

For the fifth and final time the chief priest brought his staff smashing down without mercy. That dynamic contest of wills ended as the Xapham’s head bowed shamefully in submission. The lead priest, Ashmadia, laughed in an evil manner as he bid the demon to follow him.

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Sicinius the dock and warehouse owner.

(DM) If the player characters investigate the dock fire they will meet Sicinius at his main warehouse near the


Sicinius dock owner5

(DM) Sicinius will tell the player characters everything that he knows. He complains that the fire heavily

damaged his dock and warehouse and it will cost him nearly everything to rebuild. A ship that was being

unloaded was damaged as well. If they enquire about the cargo he will tell them it was being loaded with

weapons and armor, the dwarven steel weapons and armor. There was enough weapons and armor to equip an

entire legion. Fortunately much of the cargo was still in his main warehouse, which escaped the fire, otherwise

he would be bankrupt. If asked he will show the player characters where the fire was started.

It is obviously that the blast hole was from a fairly large fireball.

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Agippina’s Warehouse


(Read to Player Characters) You stand in the remains of a burnt warehouse. A gruff, bespectacled middle-aged dwarf woman is barking orders to subordinates. She is wearing modest work clothes and her long curly red hair is hanging down. A golden color braid is holding her hair back from her face. A smudge of soot mares her right cheek. You see workers removing crates of goods from the undamaged portion of the warehouse to waiting wagons. Other workers are shoring up damaged walls and carpenters were cutting away the damaged sections.

“A week ago I was burned out. The Vigilis did what they could but as you can see half my warehouse burned to the ground. Maybe I was fortunate as much of the goods belonged to the government. I won’t have to replace them out of my purse – as if I had the funds to do so. Just rebuilding is going to put me in debt for years.”

She then tells you, “My night watchman spotted one of the arsonists using magic to start the fire at the back of the building. He was using a spell like burning hands as his hand was all aflame. He went an attacked the man but another assailant got him from behind. He lived long enough to tell the constable that much. Most of his body was badly burned and he went unconscious after telling the constable and he died a couple of hours later.”

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Encounter with the Necromancers

(DM) This is an encounter with the necromancer Seth. The characters should trap him on a city street in

the merchant district late at night. An informant relayed to the IA the location where the two necromancers

were last seen. One of the IA agents (Rowena or Gordian) will pass the information about Seth’s expected

location in the warehouse district. They should be instructed to try and capture Seth alive. If the player

characters hurry they will be able to find and chase Seth who will try to escape. He will run down several streets.

Ultimately he will turn on to a street that is a dead-end street. At this point he will attempt to use an illusion

spell to hide and if that doesn’t work he will fight.

Garth another necromancer and Seth’s partner will be on the roof of a warehouse looking down on

where Seth ultimately hides. Garth will try to use his magic to assist Seth. (Important note: one or both of the

necromancers must escape this battle for use in a later encounter. Either one of the necromancers can be killed

or captured, preferably captured).

If the party is weak you can have Onyx and/or Katrina join the group to help with the battle. Seth and

Garth are both high-level necromancer which could be difficult for the characters to win. (See character

statistics in Appendix B).

If they can’t find Seth then read the following:

“I’ve got you now,” Garth said to himself as he looked down at the characters from the top of a decrypt warehouse. Preparing to cast a killing spell, he was distracted by the rustle of the wind as it blew past. A chill ran down his spine and he turned to run away as he heard the echo of a voice emanating from the darkness not two paces away. From the shadows a man stepped in from of him, thwarting his attempt to flee.

“Surrender, there is no escape –” Not expecting anyone to be near his place of concealment, he was surprised and stumbled

backwards. “What are you?” He was about to yell a word of power when he felt the point of a sword pricking his throat.

“Don’t even try,” Onyx brushed his hair back revealing his ears. “Besides your power wouldn’t have any effect on me.”

“You’re an elf.” Onyx replied, “Only half.” “Are you a shadow warrior?” stuttered Garth. “Conceivably,” Onyx said as he used the side of his sword to knock the man unconscious.

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Battle with the Thugs

(DM) Geganius learns that the play characters are investigating the events in the city. He sends a group

to ambush the player characters. A group of thugs will engage the player characters in battle. Once they are fully

engage a second group of skeletal warriors will attack the player characters from behind.

(Read to players) You observe a group of street toughs approaching you. Their leader starts to talk to you. Basically in translation it turns out he calls you a bunch of wimps that couldn’t beat his grandmother in battle. How do you respond?

12 Thugs, AC 12, Hit Points 32, armed with clubs (1d6+2) +4 to hit, 2 attacks if ally within 5 feet, also

advantage if ally within 5 feet. (Read to players after two rounds of battle) You notice a large group of skeletal warriors

approaching you from the back. Once the skeletal warriors join the battle the thugs will fade away from the battle. 10 skeletal warriors, AC 13, hit points 28, armed with long swords (1d8+2) +4 to hit

4 minotaur skeletons, AC 12, hit points 67, armed with great axe (2d12+4) +6 to hit save vs strength, push back 10 feet. Player characters in melee attack at disadvantage.

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Lady Shandra Greenleaf 7

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Vixen Alehouse

Vixen Alehouse 1st Floor

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Vixen Alehouse 2nd Floor

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Vixen Alehouse 3rd Floor

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Vixen Alehouse Basement

The Vixen’s Alehouse tavern is owned by Senator Herodiams. It appears to be a very popular upper

class establishment where you can get an excellent meal if you can get in. Reservations are required to get a table

and the meal will be ten times as expensive compare to other taverns. The food is of excellent quality and the

staff caters to the wealthy. Unknown to the general public is that the tavern is a front for the Ashmadia faction

of the Mortuus Conlegium. Player characters will have to use their connections with the IA to gain access to this

tavern. Tylden can get the player characters a reservation within 1d4 + 1 days.

If the player characters are observant they have a chance to notice that certain patrons are going down

the back stairs to the basement. They always go one or two at a time and very quietly and always after 10PM.

Access to the basement stairs is blocked by a guard. Outside the building there are small basement windows

which will allow the player characters access without a fight.

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The basement is dimly lit by two hanging chandelier which have a few candles lit. In the basement the

player character will find the normal supplies expected for running a tavern. In one corner there may be one or

two staff members working (50% chance). The workers will ignore the player characters unless they speak to the

workers. If the player characters hide out they will eventually see a patron open a concealed door behind an ale

barrel. This leads to the under city where the local Ashmadia faction has their temple.

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Vixen Alehouse Sub-Basement Level

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Vixen Alehouse Sub-Basement Level

Armory – contain a variety of weapons, in particular light crossbows and scimitars. A few daggers and other weapons such as spears are also present at well as chainmail armor. This dark chamber is filled with racks for various weapons, which include a dozen spears, four battle axes, six long swords, 14 scimitars, 12 light crossbows, 200 crossbow bolts, 1 heavy crossbow, 5 morning stars, 2 war hammers and 20 daggers. There are 20 sets of chainmail armor in good condition, 12 sets of leather armor, 20 shields of various sizes in shapes. All the weapons and armor are well cared for and in good condition. Blacksmith Shop – there is a 50% chance that there will be 2 priest working in the shop plus one apprentice. This room is much warmer than the other rooms. It has two large anvils, one on each side of the room. There is a priest work at each of the anvils and a boy sweeping the floor. Behind the priest are work benchs filled with various types of tool. There are also various finished goods. One priest is hammering out a sword. Between the two anvils is the furnace with a large bellows. In front of that is a large pile of coal Carpentry Shop – there is a 50% chance that there will be 2 priests working in the shop. In this room you finds stacks of wood as well as many wood working tools such as saws, hammers, chisels, planes and drills. There are barrels labeled light stain, dark stain, reddish stain, and so on. There is a priest sanding down a rocking chair while another priest is drilling holes in a board. Classroom 1 (north side) – there is a 25% chance there will be a master level priest and students present. In the room you see three large rectangular tables. There are six students in the room with open spell books. They are recording a spell being written on a chalk board. The master level priest is 6th level. The students are all 1st level. Classroom 2 (south side) – there is a 25% chance there will be a master level priest and students present. In this room you see four large round tables. Seated around the tables are eight students practicing catnip spells. A 7th level necromancer is reading a tome at a desk in the far corner of the room. The students are all 2nd level necromancers. Classroom 3 (large) – this large classroom has six large rectangular tables with benches. Along the walls are cabinets with glass ware. The tables are neatly arranged with empty potion bottles and miscellaneous glassware. There are bottle containing components used to make potions. Corridor to Temple – This passage is one of importance as there are frescoed painted on the wall depicting various scenes of the God Dahaka. One is a scene with the God towering over his followers who are all prostrate on the ground before him. A second scene shows the God rending a helpless female victim and eating her. A third scene shows Dahaka in battle with another demi-God of the Abyss. The room contains four doors. The first leads to a stairway going up. The 2nd and 3rd doors lead to the vestry of the temple. The 4th door leads to a stairway that goes down to the next level. Dining Hall – there is a 25% chance of 1d10 +2 priests /priestess in the dining hall eating. This room is a large dining room that can seat fifty people. There are ten round tables that can seat five people at each. The tables are empty at this time.

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General Storage – This dark room contain miscellaneous supplies of mostly domestic nature. There are bedding supplies, towels, soap. Glass Blower & Pottery Shop – there is a 50% chance there will be 6 priests or priestess working in this room. Kitchen – there is a 50% chance there will be 3 priests / priestess working in the shop. Main Temple Room – This room is usually empty. There is a 25% chance that there are two priestess cleaning the room. There is a 5% chance of a sacrifice or ceremony taking place with 1d8 + 3 priests and priestess present. Pantry (Food Storage) – In this dark room you find a larger number of shelves lining the walls. There is a large variety of dried foods stacked on the shelves. On the floor there are large numbers of barrels. Some are labeled rice while others are labeled dry beans. Priest Dormitory – there is a 50% chance of there being 3d4 + 8 priest sleeping in the dormitory. Priest / Priestess Preparation room – there is only a 10% chance of 1 or 2 priests or priestess being present in this room. Priestess Dormitory – there is a 50% chance of there being 3d4 + 5 priestesses sleeping in the dormitory. Prison – there are always two guards L4 fighters in this room. Prison Cells – there are 1d4 + 1 prisoners present with ¾ being female (for sacrifices). Scullery – there is a 50% chance of 2 priestess washing and drying dishes in the scullery. This chamber has two large wash tubs filled with water. Two slaves are cleaning a rather large stack of dishes. Sewing room – there is a 50% chance that there will be six priestesses working in this room. In the room you see two spinning wheels, a large loom and three large tables each with two stools. Along the walls are cabinets. On the counter tops you see piece of cloth in several different shades and many different sizes. There are many cutting tools, sharp knives, large and small scissors, needles, spools of thread, and other miscellaneous items used by tailors. There is brazier with two flat irons sitting on top. A larger caldron filled with a red color dye in it. (Read this part only if priestesses are present. There are six priestesses present in the room. One is working the large loom. Another is using the spinning wheel. A third is cutting pieces of cloth and putting them into a large caldron. Three others are sitting at the tables and sewing pieces of cloth together. The priestess cutting the cloth takes the bolt of cloth and throws in in your direction. The others stop working and reach for weapons). Skeleton room – there are 3d8 + 4 skeleton warriors present in this room. They will automatically attack unless a necromancer is present. In this dark chamber you hear the rattle of bones and the clank of metal swords against shields as you pear into the room. You see scores of skeleton warriors moving towards you.

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Staff Office Area – working area for priests and priestess keeping track of the temples day to day operations. Stairway – The stairway leading into the temple ends with a short landing and a stout locked door. The door is made of white oak and is reinforced with iron bands. At the center is a large brass door knocker. Stairway – At each stairway there are two guards, 4th level fighters. One guard will confront any intruders while the 2nd guard will get help. The two guards at the other stairway will intervene in two rounds. Temple Main Entrance – This is long room that starts off wide but becomes narrow with diagonal walls reducing the width to a normal wide corridor. At the end of the corridor there are double doors leading to the vestry. There are two doors on each side leading to multi-use rooms. These rooms have tables and chairs. There are two priests in this room at all times. Temple Room. The temple room is empty with just a few candles providing a small amount of illumination. (Visibility is poor.) You see seven rows of pews on each side of the room. In front of the pew is a raised octagon with iron shackles on it. Also there are deep reddish-brown stains on its brown surface that remind you of blood. At the base of the octagon is a trench like cut-out. A few feet behind the octagon is an alter and above the alter is a very large statue of the God Dahaka. The room is 100 feet wide and past the pews the room becomes another eighty feet wider, forty feet on either side forming a large ‘T’. In each corners of the alter portion of the room is a statue of a stone golem. On the walls you can barely make out frescoes of zombies and skeletons. As you walk deeper into the room you hear a grinding sound coming from both sides of the room. The statues are turning towards you. The characters have a few moments to flee the room. If they stay the statues come to life as stone golems, 178 hit points, AC 17, immune to poison, psychic, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from non-magical weapons. It makes to attacks 3d8 + 6 damage. It has long reach for its strikes. Every 5th turn it automatically cast a slow spell on all targets that are within ten feet. This effect last for ten turns unless the target makes a wisdom saving throw. Ten zombies will be activated from the frescoes. (Zombie, HP 22, AC 8, slam attack 1d6 + 1 or grab attack to hold the person in place). Also, twelve skeletons, hp 13, AC 13, attack 1d6 +2, +4 to hit. Torture Chamber – this room is usually unoccupied except when a prisoner is being interrogated. Training Area – there is a 50% chance that there will be 1 master and 1d6 + 1 priest and priestess training in the room. Vestry – The vestry of the temple is a six-sided room with the four main walls set 45 degrees angle. There is a set of double doors on the opposite side of the room leading into the temple chapel room. On each of the wall are painted death scenes of exceptionally beautiful women being killed in hideous ways by indescribable monsters. Zombie room – there are 3d8 + 4 zombies present in this room. They will automatically attack unless a necromancer is present. As you enter the room you hear the moans of zombies. You see scores of the monsters moving in your direction preparing to attack.

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Encounter with Tiffany Tiffany is a very beautiful yet powerful wizard. She frequently can be found at the Vixen Alehouse partying with the rich and powerful. She may encounter the player characters and take a liking to them at the Vixen Alehouse tavern to their everlasting regret. She will go with the party on their quests and play the part of the dumb bimbo type. She will frequently say that “Girls want to have fun.” She doesn’t appear to carry any weapon but will use an umbrella as if it were a sword and her purse as if it were a morning star. She has a protective shield and can’t be injured by monsters. If one attacks her there is a 50% chance she will turn it in to a small and ugly toad. The unfortunate monster will remain that way for as long as four weeks. In another case she will show the monster her hat collection. She loves hats and can’t pass by a hat shop without buy a few hats (one or two dozen). She is a very wealthy and has a continual wealth attraction spell. Money just seems to migrate to her purse at the players or anyone else expense. Sometime in the middle of a battle she will invite several of the monsters to join her in a tea party and to look at her hat collection. She has a bag of holding that is fill with thousands of hats. The monsters are charmed as if they were hit with a charm monster spell and have no choice. She once made each member of a party wear one of her magical hats giving them some special powers. One was of speed, another of invisibility, another of super strength and one of fumbling. Sometime she will try to help the player character out; this can have interesting effects in that something will go wrong with the spell. For example, the warrior’s sword will be changed into a giant fly swatter or instead of enlarging a player character to giant size she will reduce him to two inches tall. One time she changed all the player characters into white rabbits and the entire group of monster into black rabbits. Once she changed an orc into ogre. Another time she filled room with thousands of butterflies. She accidently transformed herself into a giant white rabbit when she intended to become a stone giant. Also into a mouse where she squeaked her complaints at all who would listen for the next week while dodging cats. She transformed herself into a man, an archer, a banker in a business suit, a sailor, a nurse, a paladin, supergirl and a ninja turtle. She has transformed a sword into a large flyswatter, a battle axe into a large plastic toy gavel to the disgust of the dwarf who happened to be using it at the time, a short-sword into a long sword of sharpness, a monsters club into a feather duster, an archer’s longbow into a bubble maker, a cup into a sledge hammer that always hits twice for each swing. She also transformed a horse into a pegasi to the owner’s delight. She once accidently transported all the patrons of a tavern into the middle of a large orc encampment disrupting their dinner. The patrons had to fight their way out and the survivors discover they were transported hundreds of miles from Centuria City to the orc city of Hoowah. She then innocently asked, “Where did everyone go?” Although she has powerful magic it seems not to do always as she wants it to. However, it usually seems to work out in the end.

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The city of Centuria has a vast underground below the city, which is not patrolled by the Vigilis.

The Cellar Tavern – Centuria Under-City

The characters’ investigation should eventually point them to the Under-City, namely The Cellar

Tavern. It is a seedy tavern owned by Nonus. The Under-City is a number of sub-basements and tunnel located

throughout the city. Centuria is an ancient city that was destroyed many times in the past and rebuilt upon the remains

of the destroyed city. There are uncountable number of tunnels and chambers, some going many levels below the


The Under-City despite its reputation is popular establishment. Visitors to its many chambers can find

good food, strong drink, gambling halls and the company of “sociable friends,” all with the expectation of privacy and far

from the prying eyes of the law since the Vigilis does not patrol the Under-City.

The Cellar is a tavern and managed by Valens, who is the bar tender as well. He is a friendly sort and

will help the characters if they buy a drink answering one question per drink. Order is maintained by a trio of guards with

others on call.

The Cohortes Gilda Latro (thieve’s guild) controls this section of the Under-City with its dozens of

concealed entrances. In addition its lack of official oversight has turned it into a haven for the city’s criminals, since they

can safely meet and plot within its walls. Some have even established guild approved offices in the various private

chambers for a fee.

The clearly marked public entrance is behind a utility shed in Antevocta Park. There are, of course,

many other secret entrances, some connecting through basements of buildings. The door to the stairs are always

locked but knocking on the door will gain the characters admittance.

Read this to the characters: Before you is a narrow flight of stairs stretching down into the darkness with a dim light appearing in the distance. As you climb down the stairs you come to a dimly lit common room. A guard eyes you warily as you examine the room. The room itself stretch off to your left with a number of round tables. There are a number of patrons eating and drink at the tables and the bar. A couple of barmaids are serving the guest. They enter and exit a door ahead of you on the right. Most of the patrons are talking in hushed tones as they eat and drink. Nearby four fellows are gambling. A pair of professional companions are plying the crowd. One of them looks you over as you enter the tavern. A long wooden bar dominates the wall nearest the stairs. A tall middle aged balding man is serving drinks. Near him mounted on the wall is a crossbow. As you approach he greets you with a friendly, how may I serve you.

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1. The Cellar Tavern. It has a reputation for good food and drink. Owned by Nonus, leader of the Cohortes

Gilda Latro in Centuria. A semi-public entrance is in Antevocta Park behind a utility shed. A long but wide stairway leads

down into the tavern. From the landing the characters can observer only part of the tavern. Directly in front of them is a

security guard that looks the characters over but does not bar their way into the tavern. To their immediate right is a lock

door. It appears not to have been opened in a long time. It is the entrance to a tunnel that leads to the sewers. To the

left front are a couple of tables one of which has four people playing cards. Past them is a grand piano and in the corner

is another security guard. (Warrior type Level 3). The tavern is dimly lit with a candle lamp burning on each table and a

few hanging lanterns around the room. There is a lantern near the characters so that the guard can see the characters


On the East wall at the NE corner is a door that leads to the kitchens and a restroom. One or two characters will

be permitted to pass. The kitchen staff will politely ask the character to leave the kitchen area as it is restricted to staff

only. A door on the North wall a few feet from the kitchen door leads to the manager and assistant manager’s living

quarters. This door is locked and the characters will be prevented from attempting to enter. A door on the North wall

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near the NW corner leads further into the catacombs of the Under City. The character can freely pass through this door.

Along the West wall are three half tables.

As the characters enter into the tavern proper they can see five tables. The number of patrons present will

depend on the time of day. During the lunch hour and dinner time the tavern is quite busy and the characters will have

to wait to be served. At other times of the day or night the tavern will be nearly empty but there will be a few patrons

eating or drinking.

Along the East wall is a bar. The bar tender is Valens (who is both manager and bar tender) and for a small

bribe (a few silver pieces) will tell a rumor. He will only tell a rumor after the characters buy a drink. He works the bar

during the day time hours, 9AM until 9PM. During the night shift he is replaced by the assistant manager Martinus who

is much less talkative (larger bribes needed). There may be one or two waitress present. Fiona, a waitress that works at

night has a relationship with Martinus and she will often be talking to him when not working.

On the South wall near the SW corner is another door and a guard. This leads to the office of the Thieves guild.

The guard will politely direct the characters away from this door. Access to these offices is only by invitation or if the

characters can convince Valens with an important enough reason.

The Cellar Tavern Rumors:

When talking to patrons in the Cellar Tavern or to the bar tender there is a 50% chance one of these rumors will

be heard.

1. “I heard that it’s unsafe to walk the streets after dark. Zombies and skeletons are attacking people in the

alley ways.

2. Small groups of men in black cloaks are looking for information on Vasher the former city council man who

disappeared years ago.

3. The rumor has been confirmed; half the Vigilis has quit and left the city.

4. “Aeneas and Agricola were in here again the other day, asking about the fires. They give me the creeps.

I’m sure they’re somehow involved and trying to stay one step ahead of Vigilis.”

5. If you heading out of the city on the South road the town lying at the crossroads barely a dozen leagues

away was nearly wiped-out by a strange plague.

6. One of the legions has been moved into the southern part of the city to keep order. People are rioting about

all the mysterious deaths.

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7. Vadin’s shop was trashed. That half-elf was threating to strangle who ever broke into his place.

8. Beware of the beggars and black cats. My wife’s brother best friend was killed by them and his body torn to


9. “I hear that the Nonus is plenty mad about what’s happening in the merchant district. He is losing a lot of

money and his boys are being blamed by the Vigilis.” If the players ask they are informed that he is the

leader of the Cohortes Gilda Latro in Centuria. He controls a small army of spies and thieves throughout

the city.

10. Has anyone seen Nakula lately. I’ve got business for him but no one has seen him for a few days.

11. A few days ago two stranger were quietly discussing a black ruby. One of them suddenly pulled out his dirk

and shoved it through the other man’s eye killing instantly. He then ran off to the lower dungeons.

12. There is a rumor that anyone caught out doors after dark will be executed by the Vigilis.

2. Manager’s living quarters. A nicely apportioned 20’ by 30’ room. The characters should not be able to gain

access to this room.

3. Assistant Manager’s living quarters. A nicely furnished room. The characters should not be able to gain

access to this room.

4. Private restroom for the Manager and assistant manager. The characters should not be able to gain

access to this room.

21. Kitchen area. Many cabinets, tables and ovens. One or more cooks and assistant cooks work in this area.

If the characters enter this room they are asked to leave as it is a staff only area. In the SE corner an apprentice is

washing dishes. There may be one or two serving girls present.

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12. Cohortes Gilda Latro Hall waiting area. Woman at table checks the characters in and sends them to

waiting area at the NW corner. A security guard near table (F L4). Door on East wall leads to restroom. Opening on

West wall is blocked by barricade with two security guards (F L4) (to keep wandering monsters out). Tastefully

decorated large center column divides the large room into two areas. Characters have to leave their large weapons with

the security guard.

13. Second half of Thieves Guild Hall is the administrative office area. Up to 8 clerks are working here during

business hours (8AM until 4PM). Door on East wall near SE corner is entrance to Nonus’ private office. A high ranking

guild member is in charge and answers any difficult questions that the clerks are unable to answer or are not authorized

to answer.

The main duty of the clerks is to track the organized thefts in the city and to pay the guild members for services

rendered. The idea is to track down non-guild member thieves and either force them out of the city or to join the guild.

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14. Nonus’ private office. It has a very large desk with chairs for four visitors. Nonus conducts private guild

business here. Nearby is a very good looking female elf – Salakana – who is Nonus’s secretary. She is a fighter thief ( F

L5, T L8). Everything in the room is designed to intimidate the characters. A large blue curtain separates the office from

Nonus’ private living quarters.

15. The two connecting triangular shaped rooms are a combination dining room and living room. The first room

has a small kitchen facility on the North side and a good looking female cook is working there. (All of Nonus’ staff

members are very attractive females.) The door in the South wall leads to the staff quarters.

The Eastern room is a living room set up for comfort. A piano is located to in the Northern part of the room while

a fire place is in the South wall. The door to the North leads to a restroom. The door in the East leads to the bedrooms.

16. Nonus’ private bedroom. A large well-furnished room with dressing table. In the SE corner is a large safe

that is secured to the floor and the walls. It contains a large sum of gold for operating the guild as well as Nonus’ private

fortune. The amount varies but is considerable. So much so that excessive funds have been deposited into banks and

other secured catches. There is a secret door hidden behind the bathing pool that leads down to the 2nd level. Only

Nonus knows about this secret door.

17. Guest bedroom. Salakana sometimes uses this room when she is not sleeping with Nonus.

18. Guest bedroom. This room is used only for very important visitors.

19. Staff Quarters. Accommodations for up to 8 staff members. Currently there are only 6 staff members. The

northern most room is used for storage and has a fresh water well.

20. Staff dining room.

29. Cohortes Gilda Latro detention area processing center.

30. Detention area commandant’s office.

31. Interrogation center.

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32. Holding cells.

33. Long term dungeons for prisoners.

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Encounter with Nonus:

Nonus leader of the Cohortes Gilda Latro8

At some point after the characters finish their investigation and after they find their way to the Cellar

Tavern they will be invited to have a visit with Nonus (important NPC).

You are approached by a beautiful female elf with long blond hair, slim but muscular build and

a wicked looking dagger in her belt. She introduces herself as Sarakana (important NPC). She moves with skill and grace and you have the opinion that she is a skilled warrior.

She tells you that her boss, Nonus, wants to meet with you to discuss things of mutual interest. Sarakana escorts the characters to a door in the South wall. You enter a ten-foot wide corridor

that is twenty feet long with a single torch midway down the corridor on the East wall. Sarakana knocks on a door at the end of the corridor. The door is promptly opened. She beckons you to follow her into the room.

You’ve entered a large room that is seventy feet wide and forty feet deep. In front of you is a table with a secretary starring at you. To her right is a guard. The guard looks to be a very capable fighter. On the far side of the room is a comfortable waiting area with eight chairs next to the wall. Half of them are occupied by rouges of various sorts. There are several braziers scattered about the room to provide both heat and light as well as several lanterns to provide additional illumination.

Sarakana leads you past a large central column into another large room. There are ten clerks working at desks placed along the walls of the room. Several of them appear to be assisting several roguish characters. You are lead to a door in SW wall of the room. This leads to an office.

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Nonus office encounter. A man no-longer in his youth warmly greats you like long lost friend. He is wearing a top had and holding a large beer mug in his large hand. He is not tall only 5 feet 5 inches but is wearing lift shoes that gives the illusion of more height. Some of his red curly hair escaping from his hat has a few strands of gray. He has a thin mustache on his lip. Although he wears fine clothes, they’re rumpled and seat-stained. He rises from his chair with the help of an jewel incrusted cane and has a noticeable limp as he greets you with a jovial smile. “My name is Nonus. I hear we have some mutual interests that I thought we should discuss. Come sit.”

Nonus sits back into his chair and relaxes. A small tri-spotted rat terrier dog jumps into his lap. Sarakana offers you refreshment of wine, tea, or water and some biscuits. Nonus maintains a

friendly demeanor and gets down to business. “Word on the street is that you’ve been looking into some disastrous events. To be frank with

you these fires have been hurting business and costing me quite a bit of money. Moreover, there are idiots in the Vigilantes spotting off that my boys are to blame. Let me assure you that my boys do not set fires. Well maybe for the occasional insurance scam but business has been booming so no one has requested a burn. You understand that my boys are not responsible. (he waits for the players to respond).

I’ll tell you something else. One of my boys witnessed the murder of that constable. There was a pack of these short humanoid guys that just ripped him to shreds. As he described it he said they were short like dwarves but definitely not dwarves – too human looking. But they weren’t short humans either. There were too many for him to try and help the poor man and they were too quick for him to yell for the constables either. He figured if he said anything he would be blamed and so he faded into the background and reported what he saw to me.

I haven’t been able to find out much but it is looking to me that there are two different groups. The fires and the murders are not related. It was obvious a fireball that start the fire on the dock. That means some kind of wizard.

What I’m asking of you is to share what you learn with me. I’ll do the same and maybe we can stop these devils before the burn the whole city down. You guys are too young to remember the fire. I was just a kid when most of the city was destroyed in ‘The Fire.’

Nonus steadfastly denies that his boys were planning any arson or other acts of sabotage, It is simply

bad for business, my business and why would hurt my own business. I will tell you this I will find out who

is doing this and they will pay. Nonus suspects that the someone from within in his organization may be

assisting the arsonist and he is very interest in knowing what the player characters have learned from their


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Encounter with the Doppelgangers: Aeneas and Agricola.

Aeneas and Agricola’s lair.

By the time the characters finish dealing with the under-city’s denizens, they may learn about Aeneas and

Agricola. They have been appearing as ordinary humans and trying not to draw attention to themselves. They are

doppelgangers and can take on the appearance of other humanoids, throwing off pursuit or luring victims to their doom

with misdirection and disguise. They both work for the Black Gang of Assassins. They work as guild enforcers, though

only the Nonus knows what that they are doppelgangers but doesn’t know that they are also highly skilled assassins. As

payment, the Guild allows them to live in a secluded chamber in the under-city.

Also unknown to Nonus is that the doppelgangers are spying for the Ashmadia’s faction of the Mortuus

Conlegium. At the moment the doppelgangers are just gathering information but are available on a moment’s notice for

other tasks.

If the player characters should chance to find them they will use their human disguise as simple husband and

wife just trying to make a living doing odd jobs for the Cohortes Gilda Latro. There is only a small chance that the player

characters will discover that they are doppelgangers. Should they do so the doppelgangers will try to escape unless

they are trapped and forced to fight. If the doppelgangers are killed they will be replaced in 1d4 weeks.

Stats Block:

AC 14, HP 52, Spd 30

Str 11, Dex 18 (+4), Con 14 (+2), Int 11, Wis 12 (+1), Cha 14 (+2)

Skills: Deception +6, Insight +3

Immune to Charm

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Darkvision 60’

Xp 700 each

Doppelgangers can use its action to polymorph into a small or medium humanoid it has seen or back into its

true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t

transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Ambusher. The doppelganger has advantage on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Surprise attack. If the doppelganger surprises a creature and hits it with an attack during the first round of

combat, the target takes an extra 3d6 damage from the attack.

The doppelganger makes two melee attacks.

Melee weapon attack +6 to hit. Hit 1d6 + 4.

The doppelganger can read the surface thoughts of one creature within 60 feet.

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The Derro Lair

After Nicephorus hired the derros, they entered the Undercity through the sewers that is connected outside the

city and made their way to a chamber as their lair.

Monsters: 6 Derro crossbow men, 8 Derro warriors and 2 Derro mage.

Derro crossbow men, hp 38, ac 13, fort 12, reflex 13, will 13, dagger 1d4 +3, +6 vs AC, light crossbow 1d6 +3,

+6 vs.

Derro warrior, hp 40, ac 15, short sword 1d6 +5, +6 vs ac, dagger 1d4 +3.

Derro mage, hp 28, ac 12, dagger 1d4 +3, magic missile 3d4 + 3, encounter power teleport up 20 squares,

daily power, fireball 3d6 + 2 within 3 squares.

Derro Leader, hp 44, AC 17, mace 1d6 +5, +5 to hit.

When the characters approach the lair, read: “The rough-hewn tunnel appears unnaturally dark. Shadows seem

to cling to everything and the dank air is noticeably cooler. Even in the dim light, you can see that rubble and garbage

chokes the passageway.”

Except for Nicephorus, the Derro haven’t had any visitors and aren’t expecting trouble, but they still post

guards. A derros hide twenty feet up the tunnel. If they detect the characters (the derros do so automatically if the

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characters carry a light source), they will fire their crossbows and shout an alarm before retreating deeper into the


Tactics: The derros attempt to trap the characters in the tunnel and employ ranged attacks against them. Two

of the warrior will use bolas to knock down the front ranks so the characters can’t provide cover to their allies. Outside

the tunnel, the derros use hit and run tactics, focus on disabling the characters, and take advantage of favorable lighting


If the characters retreat they will give chase to the next chamber but no farther. The derros fight as long as

Beppolenus is alive. If he is killed they attempt to flee.

After the derros raise the alarm, Beppolenus (the mage) emits a piercing, high-pitched squeaking noise, which

causes 1d6+1 damage unless a save vs intelligence is made. If the player characters stuff their ears with cotton will

give them +4 on their saving throw.

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Nicephorus started his magical career as an warlock and later specializing as a necromancer. His

scheme is used to help fund the Mortuus Conlegium operations in and around the City of Centuria.

Nicephorus is a 7th

level warlock and a 3rd

level necromancer. He is a relatively unimportant character in the

Mortuus Conlegium; however, the leaders of the Cult of the Dark Moon are beginning to recognize his

talents. In the last month he has contributed enough gold to cover approximately ten percent of their annual


It will be difficult for the characters to get to Nicephorus. His quarters are behind the temple

dedicated to the God Dahaka. The members of this temple sect are actually necromancers pretending to be

priests. Nicephorus is one of their members. Dahaka is a God of Death and so they worship this God. Each

morning he visits the Derro; however, if they are destroyed by the player characters he will quickly find out

and disappear for a while, (1d4+1 weeks). In any event it will be impossible for the characters to get to him

in the near term.

If Nicephorus is ambushed when he is at the Derro’s lair he will surrender if he is unable to escape.

He is basically a coward and he will let the Derro fight while he runs. If he cannot escape he will surrender

and try to deal with the characters by offering them a substantial bribe if they let him go. The bribe will be

up to 100 Au.

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43. Mausoleum. As the characters enter the mausoleum they see a priest. The priest signals to the

characters that they should turn back as this is a sacred area and only members of the Dahaka priesthood

(Cult of the Dark Moon) are allowed to enter. Behind the priest the characters can see three guards. What

the characters cannot see are twelve ghouls that can be summoned to back up the priest’s command.

44. Ratman lair. Four ratman occupy this room. They will attack if the player characters enter.


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Ratman stats: AC 12, Hp 32, Spd 30’, Str 10, Dex 15 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 8 (-1).

Skills: Perception +2, Stealth +4. Damage: +4 to hit, 1d6 + 3, Bite +4 to hit, 1d4+2 save verse constitution

or disease.

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45. Cult of the Dark Moon temple chamber. The necromancers practice their rituals here and are

slowly building an undead army. Guards are station at each of the entrances. Characters approaching will be

warned to turn back. The temple is dedicated to the God Dahaka. There are thirteen very large statues in the

room, to pay homage to each of the Dark Lords. The Dark Moon cult is one of the factions that is part of the

Mortuus Conlegium.

The guards are L3 Fighters. There is a chance (1 on 1d6) that there will be 1d4 + 1 clerics L3. If the

player characters fight any cleric can activate the statues which turn into stone golems. The stone golems

will attack anyone (even the guards) except the clerics. It takes 3 turns for the golems to activate. They are

very noise as they slow turn towards the player characters and slowly come to life.

Stone Golem stats: AC 17, Hp 178, Spd 30, Str 22 (+6), Dex 9 (-1), Con 20 (+5), Int 3 (-4), Wis 11,

Cha 1 (-5). Exp 5900 each. Immune to poison, psychic, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from non-

magical weapons that are not adamantine. Immune to charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,

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and poisoned. Darkvision 120’,. Attack: 2 per turn, +10 to hit, slam 3d8 + 6. Make save or be slowed each


46. & 47. Guard rooms to main temple. A priest and two guards are stationed in these rooms.

Characters approaching will be sent away.

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48. Necromancers living quarters. There are a total of 34 necromancers living in this space. (10 x L1

necromancers, 5 x L2 necromancers, 5 x L3 necromancers, 3 x L4 necromancers, 2 x L5 necromancers, 2 x

L6 necromancers, 2 x L7 necromancers, 2 x L8 necromancers, 1 x L12 necromancer, 1 x L15 necromancer,

1x L17 necromancer).

Cult of the Dark Moon – are followers of the evil God Dahaka. One of the dragon gods he is described

as a monster with three mouths, six eyes, and three heads, cunning, strong and demonic. But in other respects

he has human qualities and is never a mere animal. He is said to have ruled the earth for one thousand years

with the aid of demons, the Dark Lords.

Geganius, high priest of the Cult of the Dark Moon, is the leader of the cult, which is a branch of the

mortuus congleium. He is a dedicated follower of the God Dahaka, but not so enthusiastic about the Dark

Lords, who are partners / followers of Dahaka. Nominally he follows the Dark Lords instructions; however,

their primary goal is only to take control of the Republic of Centuria and convert it to a theocracy. Geganius is a

17th level dark cleric.

Nautius is Geganius 2nd in command. He is a 15th level dark cleric and is being groomed by Geganius to

take over the Cult of the Dark Moon at some future time.

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Albius is 12th level necromancer and leader of the defense of the temple area.

Sicinius is an 8th level necromancer.

Tuccius is an 8th level dark cleric.

Vergilius, Arrius are 7th level necromancer.

Cloelius, Titus are 6th level necromancer.

Marcus, Servius are 5th level necromancer.

Asinius, Iulius are 4th level necromancer.

Fabius is a 4th level dark cleric

Pompeius, Numicius, Quinctilius, Rubellius, Macer are 3rd level necromancer.

Bestia, Capito, Dives, Flavus, Merula are 2nd level necromancer.

Brutus, Calvus, Carbo, Dento, Labeo, Lupus, Maro, Watta, Paetus, Silo are 1st level novice necromancer.

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34. Nicephorus’ living quarters. There is only 1 in 1d4 chance he is present in his chambers. See

NPC characters in appendix for his stats.

49. Necromancers’ storage area – there are general supplies located here. This include barrels of

salted pork, barrels of salted fish, barrels of beer, healer kits, dried herbs, spell components for raising the


50. Stairs going both up and down. The stairs up lead to a secret entrance / exit into Centuria

merchant district.

51. Necromancers’ wine storage area. There are 120 oak kegs filled with high quality wine in this

room. There are no guards; however, the door is locked.

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The Cellar Tavern

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The Cellar Tavern Kitchen Area

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The Cohortes Gilda Latro Office Area

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The Cohortes Gilda Latro Detention Area

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Nonus Office and Living Area

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Nonus’ Staff Quarters

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The Doppelganger Lair

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Sleepy Time Inn – Under City

Zemstvhud Pawn Shop – Under City

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Iovivus Fine Clothing – Under City

Timotheus Black smithy Danielus Boot maker

Pardus General Store The Cellar Tavern Live

Stock Pens

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Dark Moon Cult Mausoleum – Under City

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Dark Moon Cult Living Quarters – Under City

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Main Temple Room of the Dark Moon Cult – Under-city

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Derro Lair – Under City

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