
Current AffairsJanuary 28





Full facts about Thomas were not placed before panel: Attorney General


Attorney-General (AG) G.E. Vahanvati on Thursday informed the Supreme

Court on that the Department of Personnel did not place full facts about P.J.

Thomas before the high-power committee that finalised his appointment as

Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC),

The department did not mention about a charge sheet that was pending

against him in a palmolein import case and that the Kerala government had

granted initial sanction for his prosecution, the AG said.

The committee was headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and had

Home Minister P. Chidambaram and Leader of the Opposition in the Lok

Sabha Sushma Swaraj as members.

The submission was made when three-judge Bench wanted to know whether

full facts were placed before the committee for its consideration before the

selection was made.

Earlier, counsel Prashant Bhushan, appearing for the Centre for Public

Interest Litigation that has challenged Mr. Thomas' appointment, argued that

he did not fulfil the criterion of “impeccable integrity” as per the Vineet Narain

judgment. For, he was facing a charge sheet in the palmolein case.

At this juncture, the CJI told the AG: “We want to know whether the papers

and the file pertaining to the palmolein case pending against Mr. Thomas,

request for sanction and subsequent correspondence were circulated before

the committee members. If the full facts were not placed before the

committee will it not vitiate the process of appointment?”

The AG replied: “The papers and file were not so circulated. It was not before

the committee. The material pertaining to the sanction for prosecution under

Section 120 B of the Indian Penal Code was not before the committee. The

biodata [of Mr. Thomas] did not reflect this aspect before the committee.

This, however, will not vitiate his appointment as it was in accordance with

Section 3 of the CVC Act.”

When Mr. Bhushan submitted that Ms. Swaraj orally raised at a committee

meeting the issue of the pending case against Mr. Thomas, the AG said the

note on the committee proceedings showed that she merely endorsed, “I


SC grills government over “stashed away black money”


The Supreme Court Bench hearing the petition filed by former Union Law

Minister, Ram Jethmalani and others questioned the union government as to

what steps it took to find out the “faceless persons” who had stashed away

their money in foreign banks and asked it to probe their source of money.

The SC bench also asked the Centre not to restrict its probe only to tax

evasion and expand its scope by tracking the source of money which might

have originated from anti-national activities.

Solicitor General, Gopal Subramaniam, representing the government informed

the court said that it would be difficult to get the information without the

cooperation of the other countries as governement’s are governed by the

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs).

The Court taking note of government inaction on stashed away money in LGT

Bank in Liechtenstein and non-seriousness in interrogating the case involving

the Pune-based businessman Hasan Ali, who facing probe for stashing away

money to the tune of Rs. 36,000 crore in UBS Bank in Swiss bank, which had

resulted in his fleeing the country, asked the Centre to file a comprehensive

affidavit indicating what action the government took against those who had

stashed away their black money abroad; where has the money come from;

whether it was routed through other countries and other details.”

Mr. Jethmalani also alleged that the protocol signed by India with Switzerland

had made it impossible to get any information from that country. The Court

has sought a copy for its examination.

The Bench, also issued notice to the Centre on the petition filed by Julio F.

Ribeiro and others alleging that to date India had not entered into any Tax

Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs), though it had signed

comprehensive DTAAs with approximately 75 countries.

The petition also sought ratification of the U.N. Convention against Corruption

by the government of India which could help in complete overhaul of the

black money system throughout the world.

Sonawane case: Crackdown on mafia; 180 people arrested

Launching a crack down on the oil adulteration mafia following the murder of

Malegaon additional District Collector Yashwant Sonawane, authorities today

carried out raids at nearly 200 places in Maharashtra and arrested over 180


The action comes two days after Sonawane, a Maharashtra cadre officer, was

burnt alive allegedly by persons associated with the oil mafia near Sagar

Dhaba at Manmad in Nashik district in broad daylight.

Over 17 lakh employees of the Maharashtra government went on a strike on

Thursday protesting against the murder of Additional District Collector

Yashwant Sonawane by a kerosene mafia in Nashik district on Tuesday.

In another development, Bharatiya Janata Party leader Vinod Tawade alleged

that the oil mafia paid Rs. 25,000 crore in bribes to Ministers to bring out a

government resolution (GR), which excluded furnace oil tankers from being

monitored. He added, “Without a nexus between politicians and the mafia, a

GR of this nature could not have been passed.”

Radia quizzed by CBI for the third time

Corporate lobbyist Niira Radia was questioned by the CBI on Thursday for the

third time in as many days in connection with the probe into the 2G spectrum

allocation scam.

Radia, is in the spotlight over her taped conversations with many including

Department of Telecom officials and former Minister A Raja.

Though officials remained tighlipped about the line of questioning, sources

said she was asked about funding of some telecom companies who were

alloted the second generation spectrum from October 2007 to January 2008.

On Tuesday too, she was asked questioned about the fundings.

Committee to look into PPP in Railways

In the face of financial crisis, Railways has decided to rework private-public

participation (PPP) projects, including the proposed Kanchrapara,

Madhepura and Marhora projects, to ensure suitable bidding and other


The Ministry has set up a committee of six Executive Directors to formulate a

policy document on entering into PPP projects and it has been asked to give

its report within 15 days.

The objective of the committee is to ensure due diligence in adopting a

suitable bidding process and ensure transparency, accountability and fair

competetion, a statement issued by the Railway Ministry said.

"It (the Committee) would suggest a model document specific to the needs

for adopting and assured offtake model and other models for such projects

keeping in view of the long term interest of railways," it said.

Infant mortality figures registers fall

The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in India has come down to 50 (deaths

per 1,000 live births) from 53, showing a reduction of three points as

compared to 2008, and eight points since 2005, when the national average

was 58.

The latest data released by the Registrar-General of India (RGI) in its Sample

Registration System for the calendar year of 2009 shows a nine-point

decline in rural IMR during 2005-2009 compared to six points in cities

and towns.

The IMR is the lowest in Goa at 11, though it was 10 in 2008, followed

by Kerala at 12.

The worst performers are Madhya Pradesh at 67, Orissa at 65, Uttar

Pradesh at 63, and Assam at 61. In Tamil Nadu, the IMR has come

down from 31 in 2008 to 28 in 2009.

The States and Union Territories that have recorded a four-point decline in

the IMR in 2009 compared to 2008 are Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir,

Karnataka, Orissa, Rajasthan, U.P., the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Daman

and Diu, and Lakshadweep.

The States that recorded a three-point decline in 2009 compared to 2008 are

Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab,

Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttarakhand, and Puducherry.

The IMR is still above the national average of 50 — these include U.P., M.P.,

Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Uttarakhand, and Assam.

While the Health Minister credited the implementation of the National Rural

Health Mission (NRHM) for the decline; the figures were below Millennium

Development Goals (MDG) target which pegs the figure at 30 by 2015.

User-friendly driving licence will have unique number

The Committee constituted by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways under

the chairmanship of the retired IAS officer, S. Sundar in a bid to streamline the

Motor Vehicles Act 1988 is likely to submit its report soon.

The panel was constituted in the light of the recommendations by a

parliamentary panel to comprehensively review the Act and incorporate the

practices followed in China and Japan.

The Committee, in its recommendations, has suggested a unique driving licence

number, portability of your car registration number and has also pitched for a

two-stage process to obtain a driving licence.


Underscoring a flaw in the present law, which does not provide for allotting

numbers for the driving licence, resulting in issuance of the same number for

a new licence or a duplicate issued by a different RTO even within the State

and thus giving scope for issuance of a fake licence, the committee suggested

that a unique number be issued to every licensee.

The scheme will enable the linking of the driving licence with the Unique

Identification Number to be issued by the UIDAI.

The committee has also redefined the categories of vehicles and a two-stage

procedure has been suggested for grant of the licence and subsequent

authorisation where necessary.

The committee has suggested portability of registration numbers allowing the

original registration number to remain valid throughout the country instead of

changing it with a shift in residence or place of business from one State to

another. The implementation of this provision will start with non-transport


On the formal submission of the Sundar report, the Ministry is likely to

introduce a bill in the budget session of Parliament.

When UID registrations are claimed as voluntary, what do these actions of

mandatorily linking it speaks? Share your views

“Veer Savarkar mooted two-nation theory”: Digvijay Singh

After the 'Sangh terrorism' issue, Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh

yesterday sought to stir a fresh controversy alleging that freedom fighter Veer

Savarkar was the first to moot the two-nation theory that led to partition.

"It was Veer Savarkar who first mooted the idea of a two-nation theory which

was later adopted by Muhammad Ali Jinnah," Singh told at a book launch

function at the India Islamic Cultural Centre.

Singh said he was trying to make a point that extreme communal ideologies

create a divide. His contention was that Veer Savarkar was a non-believer

who also coined the word Hindutva. He pointed out that Jinnah, the founder

of Pakistan, was also a non-believer.

"All extreme ideological people are non-believers. A good Hindu or a good

Muslim is always a believer," he said.


Egypt: Anti-Mubarak protests intensifies, 3 killed

In unprecedented anti-government rallies inspired by Tunisia's uprising, three

people were killed yesterday as tens of thousands of people took to the

streets on the second day in a row in several Egyptian cities demanding an

end of President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule.

Notwithstanding Interior Ministry's warnings, hundreds of protesters

assembled in central Cairo despite the area being peppered with armored

vehicles loaded with armed security personnel.

Police fired tear gas shells and rubber bullets to clear protesters, who chanted

"Down with Hosni Mubarak, down with the tyrant," "We don't want you!"

Egyptian security forces resorted to excessive force to disperse the

demonstrations on "Day of Rage" last evening, media reports said. The

protesters, who hurled stones at security forces, were supposed to continue

their rallies until the change was achieved.

Pro-democracy advocate Mohamed ElBaradei, who is also a former head of

the UN nuclear watchdog, is expected to return to Egypt shortly to join

protests against President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year-old authoratian rule.

After Tunisia and Egypt, it’s Gaza now

Thousands of cheering Hamas supporters in Gaza yesterday burned effigies of

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his senior aides in the rival

Palestinian leadership in the West Bank, denouncing them as traitors.

The protests came in response to reports by Al-Jazeera satellite TV about

leaked documents from a decade of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Al-

Jazeera, which has been releasing the documents gradually, says they show

how Abbas made far-reaching concessions on Jerusalem and the fate of

Palestinian refugees.

Two-thirds of Gaza's 1.5 million people are refugees from the 1948-

49 war that followed Israel's creation or their descendants.

A coffin draped with the photos of Abbas, Palestinian Prime Minister

Salam Fayyad and chief negotiator Saeb Erekat also went up in flames

during the march in the southern town of Rafah in Hamas-ruled Gaza.

Russia calls for probe into Iran cyber attacks

Russia, on Thursday called on NATO to launch an investigation into the

computer worm that targeted a Russian-built Iranian nuclear power plant,

saying the incident could have triggered a new Chernobyl.

Russia's envoy to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, said the Stuxnet virus caused

centrifuges producing enriched uranium at the Bushehr plant to spin

out of control, which could have sparked a new "Chernobyl tragedy,"

the 1986 nuclear meltdown in Ukraine.

"The operators saw on their screens that the centrifuges were working

normally when in fact they were out of control," Rogozin told after a regular

meeting with ambassadors from the 28-nation Western alliance.

"NATO should get down to investigating this matter," he said, adding that he

was interested to know if the German firm which built the centrifuges,

Siemens, was probing the matter.

Russia is helping Iran build a nuclear power plant in the southern city

of Bushehr for civilian use.

Australian Govt introduce new tax to compensate for Australian floods

The Australian government proposed a new tax yesterday to partially recoup

more than USD 5 billion it expects to spend on rebuilding after widespread

flooding that could prove to be Australia's costliest natural disaster.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced that the temporary new tax would

apply to Australians on above-average incomes and raise USD 1.8 billion to

pay for massive destruction from weeks of flooding in eastern Australia.

The flooding that has claimed 35 lives, damaged or destroyed 30,000

homes and businesses and cost at least USD 3 billion in damage to

crops and lost coal exports.

Initial estimates of the overall damage bill plus the cost of emergency grants

to flood-effected communities for the federal government is USD 5.6 billion

and likely to rise, Gillard said.

US proposes to move forward with Sudan post vote

The United States said it was ready to move ahead in normalising ties with

Sudan after it allowed a peaceful vote on secession in the south, but insisted

it would not overlook Darfur.

Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti met with US Secretary of State Hillary

Clinton on Wednesday on a trip to Washington, just weeks after 99 per cent

of the largely Christian and animist south voted to split from Africa's

largest country.

Clinton praised Sudan for its handing of the referendum, a key part of a 2005

peace deal ending more than two decades of war that left over two million

people dead and around twice as many displaced.

"We very much appreciate the government of Sudan's cooperation and

assistance in ensuring a peaceful referendum and we look forward to

continuing to work with the minister and the government," she told reporters.

US colour-coded terror warnings to be phased out

By the end of April, terror threats to the US will no longer be described in

shades of green, blue, yellow, orange and red, according to The Associated


The nation's colour-coded terror warning system will be phased out beginning

this week, according to government officials familiar with the plan.

The Homeland Security Department and other government agencies have

been reviewing the Homeland Security Advisory System's usefulness for more

than a year. One of the most notable changes to come: The public will no

longer hear automated recordings at US airports stating that the threat level

is orange.

The Obama administration will take the next three months to roll out a

replacement, which will be called the National Terrorism Advisory System.

Lebanon: Designate PM start consultations to form new government

Lebanon's premier designate Najib Mikati yesterday launched efforts to form

a new government, starting with meeting political leaders including his Sunni

Muslim rival Saad Hariri.

The billionaire businessman was to begin his consultations by meeting

parliament speaker Nabih Berri and then Hariri, whose government was

toppled by the Shiite Hezbollah two weeks ago.

He was then to meet representatives of the various parliamentary blocs

before wrapping up his consultations on Friday, when he would report back to

President Michel Sleiman on the outcome of his talks.

Mikati, 55, a moderate lawmaker with good ties to Syria and Saudi Arabia,

was backed by the powerful militant group Hezbollah and its allies to head the

new government.

Mumbai Taj workers' brave act on 26/11 is now a Harvard case study

The heroic response by employees of Mumbai's landmark Taj Hotel during the

26/11 terror attacks is now a case study at Harvard Business School that

focusses on the staff's selfless service for its customers and how they went

beyond their call of duty to save lives.

The multimedia case study 'Terror at the Taj Bombay: Customer-Centric

Leadership' by HBS professor Rohit Deshpande documents "the bravery and

resourcefulness shown by rank-and-file employees" during the attack.

The study mainly focusses on "why did the Taj employees stay at their posts

(during the attacks), jeopardising their safety in order to save hotel guests"

and how can that level of loyalty and dedication be replicated elsewhere. A

dozen Taj employees died trying to save the lives of the hotel guests during

the attacks.

Nepalese President on 10-day visit to India

Nepalese President Ram Baran Yadav will arrive in Kolkata today on a 10-day

official-cum-private visit to India to strengthen bilateral ties.

During his visit, which comes a week after the trip of Foreign Secretary

Nirupama Rao's to that country, the Nepalese President will hold talks with

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and discuss a host of issues of mutual


"The visit will provide an opportunity to exchange views and hold discussions

on issues of mutual interest and concern in keeping with the tradition of

regular high-level exchange of visits between the two countries," an External

Affairs Ministry statement said here.

Yadav is scheduled to be the chief guest at the 177th anniversary of Kolkata

Medical University. He had obtained his MBBS degree from there.

'Vulnerable employment cases highest in South Asia': ILO Report

Incidence of 'vulnerable employment' is highest in South Asia, including India,

with 580 million people in the region falling under the category, says the

annual Global Employment Trends report of the International Labour


People in the vulnerable employment category in the region are saddled with

low wages and little social protection, said the report. In fact, the whole of

Asia Pacific region had a comparatively higher level of vulnerable employment

cases compared to the rest of the world.

The report released this week, however, said that unemployment rate in India

and in South Asia as a whole had "fairly" stabilised. It said "rapid economic

growth has resumed" and the region's unemployment rate has been fairly

stable, running between 4.3 and 4.5 percent between 2007 and 2010.

"However, the region has the highest rate of vulnerable employment in the

world, at 78.


NRI Cambridge scientist identifies ancient body clock

Akhilesh Reddy, an Indian-origin scientist at the University of Cambridge has

led a study identifying the mechanism that controls the internal 24-hour clock

of all forms of life from human cells to algae.

The findings also provide important insight into health-related problems

linked to individuals with disrupted clocks - such as pilots and shift workers -

it also indicates that the 24-hour circadian clock found in human cells is

the same as that found in algae and dates back millions of years to early

life on Earth.

Two new studies out yesterday in the journal Nature from the Universities of

Cambridge and Edinburgh give insight into the circadian clock which

controls patterns of daily and seasonal activity, from sleep cycles to

butterfly migrations.


Petroleum Minister rules out decontrolling diesel

With food inflation ruling at uncomfortable level, Petroleum Minister S Jaipal Reddy

yesterday ruled out freeing of diesel prices from government control, saying the

move was not politically and practically feasible.

Decontrol of diesel, as was decided by an Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) in

June last year, would mean up to Rs 7 a litre hike in the price of fuel that is used in

transport sector and has direct bearing on food and general inflation.

With food inflation ruling at 15.57 per cent, any increase in diesel prices just now

would fuel further hike in general prices.

Food inflation up marginally to 15.57 per cent

Snapping the downward trend of two consecutive weeks, food inflation inched

up marginally to 15.57 per cent for the period ended January 15, on account

of escalating vegetable prices, particularly, onions.

Food inflation for the week ended January 8, was recorded at 15.52 per cent.

The uptick in latest food inflation figure is likely to put further pressure on the

government grappling with expensive food commodities and a slowing

industrial growth that dipped to the 18-month low of 2.7 per cent for


The goverment has already adopted measures like export ban on onions to

make the kitchen staple more affordable to masses. Further, the RBI in its

third quarter monetary policy review on Tuesday hiked key policy rates by 25

basis points to scotch the inflationary pressures.

During the week under review, vegetable prices soared by 67.07 per cent on

an annual basis.

Government revises indirect tax collection target by 7 pc

Boosted by higher revenue mop-up during April-December 2010-11, the

Government on Thursday said it has upped indirect tax collection

estimates by 7 per cent for this fiscal, from the Budget target of Rs 3.15

lakh crore.

The decision comes on the heels of Revenue Secretary Sunil Mitra saying

earlier this week that the direct tax collection target has been raised from

Rs 4.30 lakh crore to Rs 4.46 lakh crore for the current fiscal.

In the Budget 2010-11, the government targeted a collection of Rs 3.15 lakh

crore through indirect taxes -- from customs, excise and service tax.

India-China Bilateral Trade

Bilateral trade between India and China exceeded the target USD 60 billion

last year. The momentum is largely attributed to increasing Indian imports of

Chinese machinery. The balance sheet, however, shows a record trade

imbalance of $20 billion in China's favour.

The trade in 2010 reached $61.7 billion, with Chinese exports to India

touching $40.8 billion. This marked a 43 per cent jump in trade volume

from last year, when the recession reduced two-way trade to $43 billion.

In 2008, China became India's largest trade partner with $51.8 billion

in bilateral trade.

Despite the growth, the figures underscore rising Indian concerns over the

fast-widening trade deficit, with Indian exports, largely made up of iron ore,

other raw materials and cotton, contributing a little over $20 billion —

equalling the size of the deficit.

India has been pressing China, to address the growing deficit by providing

better market access for Indian pharmaceutical and Information Technology

companies which have struggled to penetrate the Chinese market.

India is China's third biggest supplier of iron ore, behind Brazil and

Australia. But following the ban by Karnataka government, Chinese importers

have increasingly diversified their imports, seeking out new markets such as

South Africa and Ukraine.

China, in contrast, exports finished goods to India, mainly machinery.

Growing demand for Chinese telecom and power equipment has fuelled the

growth in trade.

Pharmaceuticals is seen as one bright spot in the year to come as China has

set to accelerate a $2-billion reform in its healthcare sector in coming


Deficit Manageable, no impact on growth: ICICI Chief

Undeterred by the murmur over governance deficit impacting growth in India,

ICICI Bank CEO and Managing Director Chanda Kochhar yesterday exuded

confidence that the leadership will manage these issues as the nation moves

ahead on the high growth path.

"I have confidence that we will be able to manage these issues and not allow

them to dampen growth", she told in an interview when asked whether

governance deficit could hurt growth prospects.

Pointing out that these issues arise with opportunities, Kochhar, said, "We

have to handle these issues and not ignore them...Will these issue become

big for diaspora? I think not."

Kochhar is here as one of the six co-chairs of the annual meeting of the World

Economic Forum being attended by the world's top CEOs, heads of states,

academicians and even faith leaders.

24% dip in services sector FDI inflows

Foreign direct investment in the country's service sector declined by 27

per cent to USD 2.59 billion (Rs 11.885 crore) during April-November of

the current fiscal, according to industry ministry's latest data.

The financial and non-financial services sector had attracted FDI worth USD

3.43 billion (Rs 16,566 crore) during April-November 2009-10.

According to experts, the global economic recovery is not strong, which is

impacting foreign investments in India. "FDI is showing weakness now. Global

economic recovery is still fragile," Crisil's Principal Economist D K Joshi said.

He, however, said that "India still remains a preferred destination for FDI and

that is evident from the strong foreign institutional investors (FII) inflows we

are seeing". The concern is only short-term in nature, the future holds bright,

Joshi added.

Overseas funds infused a whopping USD 4.78 billion in November taking the

total to USD 38 billion.

Commodity bourses turnover up by over 50 % till mid January

The turnover of 23 commodity exchanges has increased by over 50 per cent

to Rs 88.62 lakh crore till January 15 of this fiscal, against Rs 58.91 lakh

crore in a year-ago, according to the Forward Markets Commission


The maximum business was generated in the futures trading of bullion,

metals and energy commodities, the commodity markets regulator FMC said

in a statement.

It said that the turnover from bullion jumped by over 70 per cent to Rs 40.27

lakh crore during April-Janaury 15 of the 2010-11 fiscal, against Rs 23.66

lakh crore in the same period last year.

The turnover from metals like copper and zinc zoomed by 63 per cent to Rs

20.61 lakh crore from Rs 12.66 lakh crore, while trade in farm commodities

rose by only eight per cent to Rs 10.37 lakh crore from Rs 9.


Tennis: Australian Open - Djokovic shocks Federer, Li upsets Wozniacki to

reach finals

Unstoppable Novak Djokovic shocked defending champion Roger Federer in

the Australian Open semi-finals on Thursday to leave the Swiss without a

grand slam title for the first time in eight years.

The third-seeded Serbian overpowered the four-times champion 7-6 7-5 6-

4 in three hours of intense, high quality tennis to reach a second Melbourne

final, where he will play Briton Andy Murray or Spaniard David Ferrer.

Although Federer and Djokovic both cautioned against the pronouncement of

the end of an era, Li Na marked a small shift eastwards in the balance of

power in the women's game by becoming the first Chinese to reach a

grand slam singles final.

The Chinese roared back from the brink of defeat to upset world number one

Caroline Wozniacki 3-6 7-5 6-3 and set up a clash with Kim Clijsters who

overpowered Russian Vera Zvonareva 6-3 6-3.

After world number one Rafa Nadal's injury-hampered exit on Wednesday,

Federer's departure meant a first grand slam final without the dominant duo

since Djokovic beat Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in Melbourne three years ago.

Tennis - Is it end of a Rafa-Federer era?

When posed whether Thursday's Australian Open semi-final signalled the end

of an era in men's tennis, after Roger Federer conceded defeat to Serbia's

Novak Djokovic, the former World no 1 replied "Yeah, I mean they say that

very quickly”. The Swiss maestro, winner of a record 16 grand slam crowns

also said "Let's talk again in six months!"

With Rafa Nadal bundled out in the quarters, Sunday's Melbourne final will be

a rarity -- Federer and his great rival Rafael Nadal have shared 21 of

the last 23 grand slam titles.

Federer's emphatic defeat left him without a grand slam title in his possession

for the first time since 2003 when he won the first of his six Wimbledon


Djokovic, at the 2008 Australian Open, and Argentine Juan Martin del

Potro, at the 2009 U.S. Open, are the only other men to have won any

of the big four in the 'Roger-Rafa' era.

The 29-year-old Federer insisted he was far from done. "I feel very good,"

said the four-times Australian Open champion, who won his 67th career title

in Doha in the run-up to the year's first grand slam in Melbourne.

"I'm very optimistic about the next 15 tournaments, or however many I'm

playing.So I'm happy with where my game is at, with where my condition is

at. I'm really excited for what's to come. This is obviously a bit of a blow. At

the same time, I played a good tournament. I have no regrets. I left

everything out there. We'll see what comes next."

Tennis: Australian Open - Paes-Bhupati in title clash

Reliving their old magic, Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi earned a chance

to complete their Grand Slam cabinet by reaching the men's doubles final of

the Australian Open, here today.

The third seed Indian Express, as they are known, pipped the second seed

pair of Belarusian Max Mirnyi and Daniel Nestor of Canada 7-6(5) 4-6 6-3 in

the semifinal at Melbourne Park.

They will play against top seed American twins and double defending

champions Mike and Bob Bryan in the summit clash.

The Bryan brothers eased past unseeded duo of Eric Butorac and Jean-Julien

Rojer 6-3, 6-2 in 54 minutes in their semifinal.

Badminton - Saina, Kashyap failed to sail through 2nd round of Korean Open

Saina Nehwal made a disappointing return from injury as she suffered a

shock defeat at the hands of Japanese Sayaka Sato in the second round of

the Korean Super Series in Seoul yesterday.

The world number four Indian, who looked rusty in her first round match

against Tzu Ying of Chinese Taipei yesterday, lost 21-17 19-21 11-21 to

Sayaka in 53 minutes in the women's singles.

P Kashyap also became a second round casualty after losing 16-21 13-21 to

third seed Peter Hoeg Gade of Denmark in 38 minutes in men's singles.

Jwala Gutta and V Diju also tasted defeat at the hands of sixth seeded

Chinese pair of Tao Jiaming and Qing Tian, losing 16-21 13-21 within half an

hour in the mixed doubles category.

Cricket – ‘Eden Gardens cannot host India v England Cup match’ - ICC

In a major embarrassment for co-hosts India, the International Cricket

Council yesterday ruled out the historic Eden Gardens as the venue for the

key World Cup match between India and England after the stadium failed to

meet the deadline for completion of renovation.

"A venue inspection team which included the Tournament Director, members

of the Central Organising Committee (COC) and the ICC, today reported on

the readiness of five outstanding venues scheduled to host matches in the

ICC Cricket World Cup 2011," the ICC said in a statement.

"Following the inspection tour, the three Sri Lanka venues - Colombo,

Hambantota and Pallekele - as well as the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai

have been approved subject to minor finishing work being completed within

specified time frames not exceeding 14 days.

The February 27 match will now be held at another venue yet to be decided.


Justine Henin & Kim Clisters – Belgium

Alberto Contador Tour de France champion

Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) Chairman - S Dutt Majumder

International Customs Day – 26th January

issues arise with opportunities

Mr. Arun Sawhney, currently Ranbaxy's President, Global Pharmaceutical

Business, has been appointed as Managing Director, effective August 20,


Joe Crowley and Edward Royce - Crowley and Royce are the Co-Chairs of the

India Caucus in the US Congress.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko - The Belarusian parliament will

convene for an extraordinary session today to confirm the appointment of

Mikhail Myasnikovich as the new Prime Minister.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon

Lebanon President Michel Sleiman

Lebanon's PM designate Najib Mikati

financial agenda and the fear of a constitutional breakdown in the event of

the budget not being passed within the stipulated time – the Finance Bill

has normally to be adopted by May 1

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