

Presented by

Fakharh Muhabat

CurriculumCurriculum is the most important component of education system and the quality of education or the product exclusively depends upon the quality of content.

What is curriculum? As with most things in education, there is no agreed definition of curriculum, although it is

generally agreed that curriculum is not the same as syllabus. A syllabus is a statement of topics to be studied in the course. A curriculum equally is

no just a statement of intended outcomes, products, or competences. Theorists concern them selves with different types of curriculum: The crriculum on paper i.e. the statement of purposes, aims, contents, experiences, materials etc.The curriculum in action i.e. the way in which the curriculum in paper is put into practise.The curriculum learners experiences i.e. what learners do, how they study, what they believe they

should be doing etc.The hidden curriculum i.e. the behaviours, knowledge and performances that the learner infers to

be important. According to Kerr “All the learning which is planed and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or

individually, inside or outside the school.”

According to Tyler;          Tyler also points out another important aspect of curriculum which is the

element of curriculum collectively constitute the curriculum. These elements of curriculum determine the aims and objectives of education. Elements of curriculum are of the prime importance because they are used to determine objectives, methods of organization, evaluation process and subject matter. Tyler points out that it is important as a part of a comprehensive theory of organization to indicate just what kind of elements will secure satisfactorily as organizing elements and in a given curriculum, it is important to identify the particular elements that shall be used.

Tyler identifies three elements which seem to be pertinent mostly to establish a sequence of learning experiences and are similar to the threads of integrations. According to Tyler these elements are the aims and objectives, the content and learning experiences and evaluation.

objectives of curriculum:  The broad aims and objectives identified by NPE(National Policy of Education)

•   The inculcation of permanent literacy and numeracy and the ability to communicate effectively.•   The laying of a sound rises for scientific and reflective thinking.•   Citizenship education as a basic for effective participation in and contribution to the life of the society.•   Character and moral training and the development of sound attitudes

•Development of the ability of adaptation to changing environment.•Giving  the  child  the  opportunities  for  developing manipulative(control)  skills  that  will  enable  him  to  function effectively in this society within the limits of his/her capacity.• Providing  basic  tools  for  further  educational  advancement, including preparation for trades and crafts(skill) of the locality.• The  acquisition  of  appropriate  skills,  abilities  and  competences both mental and physical as equipment for the individual to live in and contribute to the development of his society.

Importance of curriculum;

•          Pakistan is currently imparting education through 3-Tier system; elementary, secondary-cum-higher secondary and tertiary. A brief description of curriculum at the secondary level is given below.•          Secondary education 9 &10 is an important sub-sector of the entire education system. On the one hand, it provides middle level work for the economy and on the other it acts as a feeder for the higher levels of education. The quality of higher education, which is expected to produce high quality professionals in different fields of social, economic and political life of the country hinges(moveable join) on the quality of secondary education


Purposes of curriculum:

•It prepare young men and women for the pursuit of higher education•It prepare them to adjust

their practical lives.  

The procedure of curriculum              This level of education, therefore, needs to be organized in such a way that it prepares young men and women for the pursuit of higher education, as well as prepares them to adjust to their practical lifes meaningfully and productively.

Procedure of Textbook development in Pakistan;  Government formulates educational policy           Implement through ministry of education and            Provisional departments of education                                                                                                                                                                                       Ministry of educationWing develops and draft National curriculum/ Syllabuses based on the proposals sent byProvincial Educational Departments                            

Provincial Bureaue of curriculum reviews draft curricula and forward their comments to curricula to curriculum wing.             


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           Federal/Provincial Governments established        Examination board National review committee        In curriculum wing reviews and approves        National curriculum and syllabus                                                    Provincial textbook boards appoint subject       Of draft textbook writing.      Draft textbooks are sent to curriculum wing of view.      Approved textbook are published by provincial      Textbook boards   

        Federal/Provincial Governments established Examination board National review committee In curriculum wing reviews and approves National curriculum and syllabus Provincial textbook boards appoint subject Of draft textbook writing. Draft textbooks are sent to curriculum wing of view. Approved textbook are published by provincial Textbook boards }

Overview of curriculum class 9th &10th ;

.component 1 marks component 2 marks

Urdu 100-150 Mathematics 100

English 100-150 Physics 100

Pakistan studies

75 Chemistry 100

Islamiate 75 Biology 100

Y List(Ethics)

Analyses Hayes has analyzed the existing curricula of Pakistan.

He has also examine the process of Islamization of Education, particularly curriculum and text books in Pakistan, Which have undergone significant changes during the last few years and the ways in which it has affected the process of curriculum development in Pakistan.

He also gives an assessment of the criticism against the curriculum revision process and some of the fundamental issues with which the policy makers of the country are confronted in present times.

In this context he has particularly analysis the problems of women education and language in Pakistan.


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