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Curriculum Vitae



Date of Birth

15 February 1960



Spouse Name


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Educational qualifications

Exam Passed


Year of



Pre-Degree Exam

Bangalore Univ.


Physics, Chemistry, Maths &


B.Sc. Degree

Bangalore Univ.


Physics, Chemistry and


MSc. Degree

Univ. of Hyderabad




Physical Research

Laboratory/ Gujarat




Thesis referee:

Prof. Antony Hewish,

Nobel Laureate, FRS,

Cavendish Laboratory

Univ. of Cambridge, UK.

Details of previous/present employment :

Name of Employer

Post held


From To

Physical Research Laboratory

Senior Professor

01 January 2016


Physical Research Laboratory

Dean, and member

Scientific Advisory

committee, PRL.

01 December 2015


Physical Research Laboratory

Member 2.5m Telescope

Project Board

22 December 2015


Physical Research Laboratory

Chairman Academic


01 April 2013

31 March 2015

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Physical Research Laboratory

Member Post-Doctoral


01 April 2012

30 March 2014

Physical Research Laboratory


01 January 2011

31 December


Physical Research Laboratory

Associate Professor

01 July 2005

31 December



Research Laboratory


01 January


30 June 2005

Physical Research Laboratory

Scientist -D

31 December 1993

31 December


National Centre for Radio

Astrophysics (NCRA,TIFR),


Post Doctoral Fellow

December 1992

30 December


Physical Research Laboratory

Post-Doctoral Fellow

December 1991




1. Awarded the - ISRO Merit Award - 2015. The award is conferred for outstanding

performance and high productivity. The award comprising a medal, a citation and a

cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh is given annually.

2. Awarded the - Vikram Sarabhai Research Award in Space Sciences for the year

2003. The award comprising of a medal plus a cash prize of Rupees Fifty Thousand is

given bi-annually.

3. Awarded the Alexander Von Humboldt Research Fellowship in Astrophysics for

the year 1996 by the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany.

4. Was selected as a "Young Astronomer" in 1988 for the award of a National Science

Foundation (NSF, U.S.A.) grant to attend the Twentieth General Assembly of the

International Astronomical Union.

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PhD Thesis Supervision:


1. 2008 -2012 Dr. Susanta Kumar Bisoi (PhD awarded in 2013 from MLSU,



2. 2011- 2015 Dr. V. Venkataraman (PhD awarded in 2015 from MLSU, Udaipur)

3. 2010- 2015 Dr. Priyanka Chaturvedi (PhD awarded in 2016 from MLSU,


Supervision of Post-doctoral Fellows:

I have supervised and mentored 4 post-doctoral fellows. Currently I am supervising

three post-doctoral fellows.

Research Collaborations:

1. Solar wind, Solar imaging and Solar Heliospheric Studies using IPS – In

collaboration with TIFR, and NCRA, India.

2. A Study of rms Electron Density Fluctuations in Cometary Ion Tails – In

collaboration with the Australia Telescope National Facility, Australia.

3. Detection of Ammonia and Water in Comet Hale-Bopp – in collaboration with the

Radioastronomisches Institute, Bonn, Germany.

4. Coronal Velocity Measurements using the Ulysses Spacecraft - in collaboration

with the Radioastronomisches Institute, Bonn, Germany.

5. A Study of the acceleration Regime of the Solar Wind using Ulysses - in

collaboration with the Radioastronomisches Institute, Bonn, Germany.

6. Detection of Extremely High Velocity Disturbances Launched by Solar Flares

using the VLA – in collaboration with the University of Maryland, USA.

7. A Study of Solar Wind Disappearance Events - in collaboration with the Solar

Terrestrial Environmental Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan.

8. Understanding the Cause of Very Low Density Solar Wind Flows at 1 AU - in

collaboration with the University of Cambridge, UK.

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9. Callibrating the Brazillian Decametric Array using GPS Signals - in collaboration

with the Institute for Space Physics (Instituto Nacional de PesquisasEspaciais, INPE),


10. A Study of Solar Magnetic Fields over the Past three Solar Cycles - in

collaboration with the Institute Space-Earth Environment (ISEE), Research, Nagoya

University, Japan.

11. High Dynamic Range and High Resolution Solar Imaging Studies using the Giant

Meterwave Radio Telescope and The Nancay Radio Heliograph - in collaboration

with the Observatoire de Paris, France.

Research Experience outside India:

May 1996 − Dec. 1997

Alexander Von Humboldt Research Fellow,

Govt. of Germany


Universität Bonn

Bonn, Germany.

Aug. 1999 − Oct. 2000

Research Associate

Department of Astronomy

University of Maryland

College Park, USA.

01 Sept. 2003 − 30 Nov. 2003

Visiting Professor

Institute for Space-Earth Enviroment (ISEE)

Nagoya University, Japan.

Feb. 2007 − Jan. 2008

Visiting Scientist

InstitutoNacional de Pesquisas (INPE)

Divisao de Astrofisica


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Administrative experience:

1. Dean PRL and member Scientific Advisory Committee – 01 December 2015 to


2. Project Board Member for the new 2.5 m IR and Optical Telescope– 22 December

2015 to Present.

3. Chairman Academic Committee, PRL – April 2013 to March 2015.

4. Member Post-Doctoral Committee, PRL – April 2012 to March 2014.

5. Member National Committee of COSPAR-URSI-SCOSTEP 2013 to present

Recent Research Interests and Important Scientific


Solar and Heliospheric Related Studies

A Systematic, long term study of declining solar

photospheric magnetic fields: inner-heliospheric signatures

and possible implications

Papers resulting from this study – 2010 onwards.

1. Solar Polar Fields During Cycles 21 - 23: Correlation with Meridional Flows.

Janardhan, P., Susanta Kumar Bisoi and Gosain, S., (2010). Sol. Phys. 267,


2. The Prelude to the Deep Minimum between Solar Cycles 23 and 24:

Interplanetary Scintillation Signatures in the Inner Heliosphere by Janardhan,

P., Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Ananthakrishnan, S., Tokumaru, M., Fujiki, K.,

(2011). Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L20108, doi:10.1029/2011GL049227.

3. Peculiar behaviour of solar polar fields during solar cycles 21-23: Correlation

with meridional flow speed

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 81−82 (DOI) 10.1017/S1743921313002287.

4. Asymmetry in the periodicities of solar photospheric fields: A probe to the

unusual solar minimum prior to cycle 24

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 85−86 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313002305.

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5. Interplanetary scintillation signatures in the inner heliosphere of the deepest

solar minimum in the past 100 years

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 83−84 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313002299.

6. Changes in quasi-periodic variations of solar photospheric fields: precursor

to the deep solar minimum in the cycle 23?

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., Chakrabarty,D., Ananthakrishnan, S. and

Divekar,A. (2014). Sol. Phys. 289, 41−61. DOI: 10.1007/s11207-013-0335-3.

7. A Twenty Year Decline in Solar Photospheric Magnetic Fields: Inner-

Heliospheric Signatures and Possible Implications? P. Janardhan, Susanta Kumar Bisoi, S. Ananthakrishnan, Tokumaru, M., and

Fujiki, K., Jose, L., and Sridharan, R. (2015). Jou. Geophys. Res., 120, 5306--

5317, doi:10.1002/2015JA021123

8. Solar and Interplanetary Signatures of a Maunder-like Grand Solar

Minimum around the Corner - Implications to Near-Earth Space P. Janardhan, Susanta Kumar Bisoi, S. Ananthakrishnan, R. Sridharan and L.

Jose (2015). Sun and Geosphere ., 10, No. 2, 147--156. Guest Editor: Janardhan,



Sunspots or dark regions of strong magnetic fields on the sun are generated via magneto-

hydrodynamic processes involving the cyclic generation of toroidal, sunspot fields from pre-

existing poloidal fields and their eventual regeneration through a process, referred to as the

solar dynamo. This leads to the well known and periodic 11-year solar cycle of waxing and

waning sunspot numbers. However studies of past sunspot activity reveals periods like the

Maunder minimum (1645—1715) when the sunspot activity was extremely low or virtually

non-existent. Using 14

C records from tree rings going back 11, 000 years in time, 27 such

prolonged or grand solar minima have been identified, implying that conditions existed in

these 17% - 18% of solar cycles to force the sun into grand minima. The current solar cycle

24 was preceded by one of the deepest solar minima in the past 100 years, with sunspot

numbers continuously remaining well below 25, and thereby causing cycle 24 to start ~1.3

years later than expected. Also solar cycle 24, with a peak smoothed sunspot number ~75 in

November 2013, has been the weakest since cycle 14 in the early 1900's.

Our recent studies of solar photospheric magnetic fields, using synoptic magnetograms from

the National Solar Observatory (NSO), Kitt Peak (NSO/KP), between 1975—2010, spanning

the last three solar cycles, have shown a steady decline in solar photospheric magnetic fields

at helio-latitudes (≥45ο) until 2010, with the observed decline having begun in the mid-

1990's. Also recent studies of the sunspot umbral field strengths have shown that it has been

decreasing by ~50 G per year. It is known that for field strengths below about 1500 G, there

would be no contrast between the photosphere and sunspot regions, thereby making the later

invisible. Some authors have claimed that the umbral field strengths in cycle 25 would be

around 1500 G, and thus there would be very little/no sunspots visible on the solar


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Studies of the heliospheric magnetic fields (HMF), using in-situ measurements at 1 AU, have

also shown a significant decline in their strength. In addition, using 327 MHz observations

from the four station IPS observatory of the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory

(STEL), Nagoya University, Japan, we have examined solar wind micro-turbulence levels in

the inner-heliosphere and have found a similar steady decline, continuing for the past 18

years, and in sync with the declining photospheric fields. A study, covering solar cycle 23, of

the solar wind density modulation index, ЄN ≡ ∆N/N, where, ∆N is the rms electron density

fluctuations in the solar wind and N is the density, has reported a decline of around 8% from

which the authors attributed to the declining photospheric fields.

In light of the very unusual nature of the minimum of solar cycle 23 and the current weak

solar cycle 24, we have re-examined solar photospheric magnetic fields between 1975—

2013, the HMF between 1975—2014, and the solar wind micro-turbulence levels between

1983—2013. We estimated the peak sunspot number of solar cycle 25, and address whether

we are heading towards a grand minimum much like the Maunder minimum. The cyclic

magnetic activity of the Sun, manifested via sunspot activity, modulates the heliospheric

environment, and the near-Earth space. It was therefore felt that it was imperative that

examine how the recent changes in solar activity have influenced the near-Earth space

environment. We therefore also examined the response of the Earth's ionosphere, for the

period 1994—2014, to assess the possible impact of such a Maunder minimum on the Earth's

ionospheric current system.

From our study, based on analysis of past 39 years of solar and interplanetary observations

covering solar cycles 21-24, we conclude that

1. Both solar photospheric fields and solar wind micro-turbulence levels have been

steadily declining from ~1995 and that the trend is likely to continue at least until the

minimum of cycle 24 in 2020.

2. The HMF, based on the correlation between the high-latitude magnetic field and the

HMF at the solar minima, is expected to decline to a value of ~4.0 (±0.6) nT by 2020.

3. The peak 13 month smoothed sunspot number of Cycle 25 is likely to be ~69 ± 12,

thereby making Cycle 25 a slightly weaker cycle than Cycle 24, and only a little

stronger than the cycle preceding the Maunder Minimum and comparable to cycles in

the 19th century.

Another study however, based on the expected behaviour of the axial dipole moment after

polar reversal in Cycle 24, reported that Cycle 25 will be similar to Cycle 24. There are

studies that show that the peak sunspot number prior to the onset of the Maunder minimum

was around 50. Our study, the decline in both the high-latitude fields and the micro

turbulence levels in the inner-heliosphere since 1995, which among themselves shows a great

deal of similarity in their steadily declining trends, thus begs the question as to whether we

are headed towards a Maunder-like grand minimum beyond Cycle 25?

It may be noted that, a recent study, reported that the solar activity in Cycle 23 and that in the

current Cycle 24 is close to the activity on the eve of Dalton and Gleissberg-Gnevyshev

minima, and claimed that a Grand Minimum may be in progress. Also a recent analysis of

yearly mean sunspot-number data covering the period 1700 to 2012 showed that it is a low-

dimensional deterministic chaotic system. Their model for sunspot numbers was able to

successfully reconstruct the Maunder Minimum period and they were hence able to use it to

make future predictions of sunspot numbers. Their study predicts that the level of future solar

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activity will be significantly decreased leading us to another prolonged sunspot minimum

lasting several decades. Our study on the other hand, using an entirely different approach,

also suggests a long period of reduced solar activity.

Modelling studies of the solar dynamo invoking meridional flow variations over a solar cycle

have successfully reproduced the characteristics of the unusual minimum of sunspot cycle 23

and have also shown that very deep minima are generally associated with weak polar fields.

Attempts to model grand minima, seen in ~11000 years of past sunspot records using 14

C data

from tree rings have found that gradual changes in meridional flow velocity lead to a gradual

onset of grand minima while abrupt changes lead to an abrupt onset. In addition, these

authors have reported that one or two solar cycles before the onset of grand minima, the cycle

period tends to become longer. It is noteworthy that surface meridional flows over cycle 23

have shown gradual variations from 8.5 ms-1

to 11.5 ms-1

and 13.0 ms-1

(Hathaway and

Rightmire, 2010) and cycle 24 started ~1.3 years later than expected. There is also evidence

of longer cycles before the start of the Maunder and Sporer minimum. It may also be noted

that the current cycle 24 is already weak and our analysis suggests a similar weak cycle 25.

All these indicate that a grand minimum akin to a Maunder like minimum may be in


Since sunspots in conjunction with the polar field, modulates the solar wind, the heliospheric

open flux and the cosmic ray flux at earth, an impending long, deep solar minimum is likely

to have a terrestrial impact in terms of climate and climate change. Once the interplanetary

magnetic field goes through a low, it would modulate the flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCR)

that arrive at the earth and there exists positive evidence for GCR's to act as cloud

condensation nuclei thus enabling precipitation of rain bearing clouds. So the rain fall is

likely to be impacted, though it would be very difficult to quantify this change. Such

observations suggest that a cosmic ray-cloud interaction may help explain how changes in

solar output can produce changes in the Earth's climate. However, our observations of a

significant correlation between the night time F2-region electron density and sunspot number

show no such declining trend for the former. This indicates that even in the impending solar

quiet phase when there will be little/no sunspots, the reduced F-region electron density will,

being in phase with solar activity (solar EUV radiation), give rise to a reduced ionospheric

reflection cut-off frequency. In general, a reduced sunspot count will have no adverse effect

on ionospheric processes including large scale atmospheric current systems.

It is for the first time such an assessment has become possible using ionospheric data as the

existence of the ionosphere itself was not known during the previous grand solar minimum. It

is known that F-region densities go through a solar like cycle and are low during low solar

activity. Our data indicate that these would be at their lowest during an impending minimum

that would stay for an extended period of several years. Currently the lowest observing

frequencies in India are 40 MHz for solar studies and 150 MHz extra-galactic studies. Our

results establish that such prolonged low levels of night time F-region electron densities will

open up the low-frequency radio window and be a boon to radio astronomy for ground based

studies of the high red-shift radio universe well below 10 MHz.

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Probing the Inner Scale of the Turbulent Spectrum in the Solar


Papers resulting from this study –

1. A study of density modulation index in the inner solar wind during solar

cycle 23

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, P. Janardhan, M. Ingale and P. Subramanian, and S.

Ananthakrishnan (2014). Atrophysical Journal 795, 69−76.

2. Amplitude of solar wind density turbulence from 10–45 R

K. Sasikumar Raja, Madhusudan Ingale, R. Ramesh, Prasad Subramanian, P. K.,

Manoharan and P. Janardhan. (2016). Jou. Geophys. Res. [In Press].


IPS observations at 327 MHz were used to infer density fluctuations of spatial scales of 50 to

1000 km, a range of scale sizes that the IPS technique is sensitive to. We examined how

these scales relate to the dissipation scale of the turbulent cascade, often referred to as the

inner scale of turbulent fluctuations. If the length scales probed by the IPS technique are in

the inertial range, it is reasonable to presume that the magnetic field is frozen-in, and the

density fluctuations can then be taken as a proxy for magnetic field fluctuations.

In order to investigate this issue, we considered three popular inner scale prescriptions. One

prescription for the inner scale assumes that the turbulent wave spectrum is dissipated due to

ion cyclotron resonance, and the inner scale is the ion inertial scale. A second prescription

identifies the inner scale with the proton gyro-radius. The third prescription considered is

therefore one where the inner scale is taken to be equal to the electron gyro-radius. We have

used electron and proton temperatures of 105K in order to compute the proton and electron

gyro radii respectively. The magnetic field is taken to be a standard Parker spiral. In order to

compute the inner scale using we need a density model. We have used two representative

density models -- the Leblanc density model and the fourfold Newkirk density model.


If the length scales probed by the IPS technique are larger than the inner scale, we can

conclude that the density fluctuations discussed in this paper lie in the inertial range of the

turbulent spectrum. We showed that this is the case all the way from the Sun to the Earth only

if the inner scale is the electron gyroradius, or if it is due to proton cyclotron resonance, and

the density is given by the fourfold Newkirk model.

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Combining Visibilities from two Separate Radio Telescopes to

Achieve Extremely High Resolution, High Dynamic Range Solar


Papers resulting from this study –

1. The Structure of Solar Radio Noise Storms by C. Mercier, Prasad Subramanian, G.

Chambe, Janardhan, P., (2015). A&A. 576, A136.

2. Combining visibilities from the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope and the

Nancay Radio Heliograph. Mercier, C., Prasad Subramanian, Kerdraon, A., Pick, M., Ananthakrishnan, S.

and Janardhan, P. (2006). A&A. 447, 1189−1201.


Solar activity in the past 50 years has been generally high with as many as half of the 10 most

intense solar cycles on record having occurred in this period. However, as stated earlier, we

are currently experiencing an extremely prolonged and deep solar minimum, with the sun

being at its quietest in almost a century. This is therefore a unique time and opportunity to

pursue studies of the quiet sun.

Radio emission from the sun can be of both thermal and non-thermal origin. Thermal

emission is not localized and can reveal structures having a wide spectrum of scales, which

evolves on time scales of hours or days, and the synthesis technique is optimal for imaging

these structures. Non-thermal emission is mainly confined to compact bursts, often brighter

than the quiet sun by orders of magnitude, the short duration of which requires snapshot

imaging. In both cases, the ability to choose the observing frequency would allow one to

probe the corona at different heights (increasing with decreasing frequency) above the base of

the corona. The range 1000-100 MHz corresponds roughly to the range between the base of

the corona up to a few tens of solar radii, depending on the local density in the coronal

structures at those heights.

On the other hand, the propagation of radio waves in the corona is affected by the scattering

due to inhomogeneities in the coronal electron density which produces a lower limit for the

apparent size of compact coronal radio sources. However, it has been shown that the

apparently low brightness temperature of the solar corona at metric and decametric

wavelengths could be due to a low filling factor in the sources of radiation. Either way, high

resolution observations additionally provide us with an important diagnostic to probe the

turbulence level in the corona.

Advantages of Joint Observations.

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The GMRT and the NRH have complementary capabilities. The NRH is a dedicated solar

instrument operating at 10 frequencies between 150 and 450 MHz. It is a 'T' shaped array of

48 antennas, with baselines from 50 to 3200 m. The resulting uv coverage is dense near the

origin, allowing fields of view large enough for imaging the whole radio sun. The resolution

however is at best ~1 minute of arc, depending on frequency. On the other hand the GMRT

has longer baselines (up to 26 km), giving very high resolution, but the relative lack of

shorter baselines prevents one from imaging a wide source such as the sun without aliasing,

especially above 200 MHz. Systematic joint GMRT-NRH quiet sun observations that

combine the capabilities of a wide field of view and of high spatial resolution are therefore

expected to yield very high dynamic range (> 1000) maps which could give interesting new

insights and results. It may be noted that synthesis maps produced earlier using the VLA

have dynamic ranges of a few hundred at best. High dynamic range images of the quiet sun

will be crucial in unveiling faint non-thermal sources that could potentially contribute to

coronal heating.

We used all available joint GMRT/NRH observations of noise storms from 2002 to 2006.

Joint observations are possible over ∼08:30–12:00 UT. The storm on Aug. 27, 2007, already

presented by us earlier in a 2006 publication, was used again since we improved the data

processing. The NRH uses an integration time τ = 0.125 s, shorter than typical burst

durations, whereas the GMRT uses a longer τ of 2.1 or 17 s. The NRH data were integrated

over the time intervals used by the GMRT. The final time cadence was thus that of the

GMRT. The time profiles of bursts are therefore smoothed and their maximum intensity

might be underestimated.


We have shown that combining visibilities from the NRH and GMRT works well and is

useful, providing snapshot images with a high dynamical range, a wide field of view, and a

high spatial resolution. These characteristics were essential in the present study since noise

storms show internal structure and since several storms often coexist. Even with the few

cases studied here, we get new insights on the structure of noise storms. It was already known

that the electron density in noise storm sources exceeds that in the ambient corona. We

specified over density factors of 5–25 relatively to the widely accepted Saito’s model, and

even more relatively to quiet corona models derived from purely radio observations. From

multi-frequency NRH observations, we derived the scale height of the electron density in

noise storm sources and showed that it is smaller than in the ambient corona. This implies

that the coronal regions emitting at different frequencies do not lie along the same magnetic

flux tube. This questions the classical columnar model and also the current theories for

emission mechanism, which imply magnetic trapping of supra-thermal electrons of a few

KeV. Noise storms appear to have an internal fine structure with one or several bright and

compact cores embedded in a more extended halo. The positions of the cores fluctuate by less

than their size over a few seconds. Their relative intensities may change over time of 2 s,

implying that bursts originate from cores. It follows that the overall apparent shape and size

of storms may change rapidly, giving the impression of being quasi-random. The sense of

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circular polarization is the same over the whole storm. The polarization rate is stable for each

core, but may differ between the cores.

The minimum observed sizes of cores are of interest for discussing scatter broadening. At

327 MHz, we observed a compact storm with a remarkably stable size during the whole

observation (1 h), with a minimum value of 31 arcsec, slightly smaller than those previously

reported (40 arcsec). At 236 MHz, the smallest sizes we found (35 arcsec) correspond to the

highest intensities of a particular core in a complex storm. It is presently difficult to conclude

whether these apparent sizes are real or broadened by scattering, considering that the

predictions of current theories are limited by the poor present knowledge of the turbulence

level and of its space and time variations. In addition, there are too few reliable observations

with high spatial resolution. More observations of storms at various solar longitudes could be

helpful. However, conclusive observations of storms at several simultaneous frequencies with

high spatial resolution (<10 arcsec) and time resolution (<1s), in order to observe the same

storm at different levels and to clearly separate bursts and continuum, does not appear

feasible with currently operating instruments.

Non-Solar Related Radio Studies:

A Systematic Search for High Redshift Radio Galaxies at

150 MHz.

Papers resulting from this study –

1. Deep GMRT 150 MHz observations of the DEEP2 fields: Searching for High

Red-shift Radio Galaxies Revisited

Susanta Kumar Bisoi., Ishwara-Chandra, C.H., Sirothia, S.K.,

and Janardhan,P. (2011). Jou. Astrophys. Astr. 32, 613−614. DOI: 10.1007/s12036-



It has been nearly 15 years since the discovery of the highest redshift radio galaxy at a

redshift of 5.19, though close to 50 radio galaxies are known beyond redshift of 3. Most of

them were discovered using the empirical correlation that the high-redshift radio galaxies

(HzRG) tend to exhibit steep radio spectra. A large number of HzRG’s are yet to be

discovered which are 10 to 100 times less luminous than the known HzRG’s. The 150 MHz

band of GMRT(Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, India, with its

large field of view(3 degrees), high angular resolution (~20 arc sec)and better sensitivity (~1

mJy from a full synthesis observation) is well suited fill this large gap, by searching for steep

spectrum sources using deep radio observations. It has now been well established that HzRG

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exhibit steep radio spectra, and hence ultra-steep spectrum radio sources provide good

candidates for high-redshift radio galaxies. Nearly all of the high redshift radio galaxies have

been found using this relation. We have started a programme with the Giant Meterwave

Radio Telescope (GMRT) to exploit this correlation at flux density levels of about 10 to 100

times deeper than the known HzRG.

Using GMRT observations at 150 MHz, we have obtained deep, high resolution radio

observations at 150 MHz with for several ’deep’ fields which are well studied at higher radio

frequencies and in optical, with an aim to detect candidate high redshift radio galaxies. From

correlating these radio sources with respect to the high-frequency catalogues such as FIRST

and NVSS at 1.4 GHz, and optical catalogues such as SDSS and DEEP2, we have found a list

of steep spectrum (spectral index, alpha > 1) radio sources which remain undetected in SDSS

and DEEP2 optical images. These are good candidates for high redshift radio galaxies and

will be followed up with large optical telescopes.


Thee of the fields from DEEP2 survey (Newman et al. 2012), centred at 1652+3455,

2330+0000and 0230+0000 were observed at 150 MHz with the Giant Metrewave Radio

Telescope (GMRT)using a bandwidth of 16 MHz. The data from the first field was unusable

due to heavy RFI. The analysis of the remaining two fields were done using both, the

standard AIPS procedures and using an automated pipeline. The images produced by the pipe

line yielded relatively better rms and hence used in this work. The rms for the field

2330+0000 is 1.2mJy/beam with a resolution of 20× 17 arcsec while for the field 0230+0000

it is 1.2 mJy/beam, with a resolution of 21 × 17 arcsec. The combined catalogue of both the

DEEP2 fields have ~1100 sources down to flux density of 10 mJy. The median flux density

of the sample is 55 mJy.

We cross matched the 150 MHz sources with the VLA FIRST survey (Becker et al. 1995).

About 65% sources have counterparts in NVSS and FIRST. Spectral index was computed

using the flux densities at 150 MHz and using the 1400 MHz flux density from NVSS. The

median spectral index is 0.79. To have a sample of steep spectrum sources, we have adopted

the spectral index cut off of 1. We find about 150 radio sources with spectral index steeper

than 1. In order to cross match with SDSS, we have first cross matched the 150 MHz source

with the VLA FIRST Survey. Wherever counterparts were found, the VLA FIRST position

was used to search for counterparts in SDSS. Among sources with SDSS counterparts, 16.9%

have spectral index steeper than 1. Among sources without SDSS counterparts, 26.0% have

spectral index steeper than 1, the increased fraction of steep spectrum sources without optical

counterparts is as expected in the redshift-spectral index correction. K-band imaging is aimed

for sources unidentified in SDSS, to obtain redshift estimate using the K-z relation.

Spectroscopic determination of redshift for sources with redshift estimate > 3 is required


We also came across an unresolved source at 150 MHz, which shows clear FRII morphology

in FIRST. The counterpart for this source is not detected in SDSS. Using the FRI and FRII

break luminosity and observed radio flux density, its redshift is estimated to be > 2.

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Discovery of a Rare Radio Galaxy and New Insights into

AGN Activity as Revealed by its Jets

Papers resulting from this study –

1. J1216+0709 : A Radio Galaxy with Three Episodes of AGN Jet Activity

Veeresh Singh, Ishwara-Chandra, C.H., PreetiKharb, Shweta Srivastava Janardhan,

P., (2016). ApJ , 826, 132-137.,doi:10.3847/0004-637X/826/2/132.


Most radio galaxies exhibit a single pair of radio lobes marking the endpoints of their jets.

But the unusual three pairs of radio lobes of a recently observed radio galaxy may reveal

information about this galaxy’s past. Radio galaxies, a subclass of active galactic nuclei

(AGN), typically exhibit what’s known as a ―core-jet-lobe‖ structure. A super-massive black

hole accreting matter at the galaxy’s core flings material out at the poles, forming two

symmetric jets of highly energetic particles. These jets can travel vast distances before

spreading out into giant, radio-emitting lobes.

Thousands of these double-lobed radio galaxies have been observed, but a few dozen are

unique cases that exhibit two pairs of lobes. These different pairs likely formed during two

different phases of AGN activity: the jets were activated long enough to inflate the first lobes,

then turned off, and then turned back on again and inflated the second lobes. Now, the third-

ever case of a triple set of lobes has been discovered: the radio galaxy J1216+0709, located

roughly 2 billion light-years away.


J1216+0709 is an early-type elliptical galaxy hosting a supermassive black hole of several

billion solar masses at its core. The galaxy’s unusual radio structure was discovered using

India’s Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The radio lobes detected in J1216+0709

consist of an inner pair ~310 thousand light-years across, a nearly coaxial middle pair ~770

thousand light-years across, and an outer pair ~2.7 million light-years across. Several

important observations about the galaxy’s morphology are:

1. The outer pair of lobes is much fainter than the inner pairs, and it doesn’t contain any

hot spots. This makes sense if the outer lobes are the oldest, as expected, and are no

longer being actively fed.

2. The inner pairs of lobes are both brighter and longer on their eastern sides than on

their western sides, suggesting that the jets are intrinsically asymmetric.

3. The outer pair of lobes is bent with respect to the inner jets. This could mean that the

material is interacting with the surrounding environment, which may have a large-

scale density gradient. Alternatively, it could mean that the galaxy moved in between

the two cycles of AGN activity.

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We find that the host galaxy is part of a small group of three galaxies. Though there’s no

visible disturbance in the host galaxy’s morphology, minor interactions with two nearby

dwarf galaxies could be triggering the sporadic AGN activity. In the future, more sensitive

optical data may be able to confirm this model.

Approved Space Mission Proposal:

1. The Aditya Solarwind Particle Experiment (ASPEX) to be

flown onboard the ADITYA-L1 Mission of ISRO in 2019:

Principal Investigator (PI) : Janardhan, P.

PRL has proposed an experiment onboard the Aditya mission consisting of two particle

analysers to take advantage of the unique location of the spacecraft at the L1 Lagrangian

point of the Sun-Earth system to carry out systematic and continuous observations of particle

fluxes over an energy range spanning 100 eV to 5 MeV. The payload consisting of two

components will cover the entire energy range – the Solar Wind Ion Spectrometer (SWIS)

covering the low energy range (100 eV to 20 keV) using an electrostatic analyser and the

Suprathermal Energetic Particle Spectrometer (STEPS) covering the high energy range (20

keV to 5 MeV) using solid state detectors.

The primary focus of the ASPEX payload of PRL on-board the ADITYA-L1 satellite is to

understand the solar and interplanetary processes (like shock effects, wave-particle

interactions etc.) in the acceleration and energization of the solar wind particles. In order to

achieve that it is necessary that ASPEX intends to measure low as well as high energy

particles that are associated with slow and fast components of solar wind, suprathermal

population, shocks associated with CME and CIR, and solar energetic particles (SEPs).

Among these, it is expected that that the slow and fast components of the solar wind and

some part of the suprathermal population can be measured in a predominantly radial

direction. In addition, a part of the suprathermal population, CME and CIR-accelerated

particles and SEPs are expected to arrive at the detectors along the Parker spiral. The

He++/H+ ratio will be used as a compositional ―flag‖ to differentiate (and identify) the

arrivals of CME, CIR, SEP-related particles from those of the quiet solar wind origin.

Therefore, it is necessary that the measurements are planned suitably so that all the science

objectives are fulfilled. The major science objectives of the ASPEX payload is as follows.

Can we get insights into the generation mechanism(s) of supra-thermal and other

energetic ions in the interplanetary space?

How are these ions associated with the solar processes?

Can the particles associated with interplanetary shock (associated with CME, CIR

etc.) processes be identified and the shock related processes be addressed?

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Does anisotropy in the energy distribution of particles exist in the direction of the

Parker spiral vis-à-vis other directions?

How does the He++

/H+ number density ratio change corresponding to various solar

events (Flares, CME’s, CIR’s) and what is the range of values of this ratio.

What is physical mechanism responsible for the increase of the He++

/H+ number

density ratio?

Last but not the least, what is the importance of the above-mentioned processes for

the impact on the near-earth space weather?

Addressing the above mentioned issues require systematic observations of particle fluxes at

selected ranges as well as He++

/H+ number density ratio from the L1 point. Keeping this in

mind, the Aditya Solar wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX) payload consisting of SWIS and

STEPS instruments, is proposed. SWIS will have the capability to measure solar wind

particles in the energy range of 100 eV to 20 keV in the plane of the ecliptic and normal to

the plane of the ecliptic. One of the SWIS units will receive and differentiate (H+ and He


ions) particles (species differentiation mode) from the ecliptic plane whereas another SWIS

unit will measure the total flux irrespective of species (species integration mode) from across

the ecliptic plane. STEPS, on the other hand, will measure the particle flux in the 20 keV - 5

MeV energy range in the sunward, antisunward, Parker and ecliptic north and south

directions. Three (Sunward, Parker, Antisunward) STEPS units will be designed to operate in

the species differentiation mode whereas the remaining three (intermediate between sunward

and Parker, ecliptic north and South) STEPS unit will operate in species-integrated mode.

A significant amount of work has been carried out since 2013. Both the SWIS and STEPS

packages are being developed at PRL. The proof of concept of the SWIS- Top Hat Analyzer

has been demonstrated and the back end instrumentation is being developed by a team of

several scientists and engineers at PRL.

Refereed Research Publications (2010 to present):

Papers Related to Solar and Heliospheric Studies:

1. Solar Polar Fields During Cycles 21 - 23: Correlation with Meridional Flows.

Janardhan, P., Susanta Kumar Bisoi and Gosain, S., (2010). Sol. Phys. 267,


2. Unique Observations of Geomagnetic SI+ - SI

- pair and Solar Wind


Rastogi, R.G., Janardhan, P., Ahmed, K., Das, A.C. and Susanta Kumar Bisoi

(2010). Jou. Geophys. Res. 115, A12110, doi:10.1029/2010JA015708.

3. The Prelude to the Deep Minimum between Solar Cycles 23 and 24:

Interplanetary Scintillation Signatures in the Inner Heliosphere

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Janardhan, P., Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Ananthakrishnan, S., Tokumaru, M., Fujiki, K.,

(2011). Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L20108, doi:10.1029/2011GL049227.

4. Changes in quasi-periodic variations of solar photospheric fields: precursor to

the deep solar minimum in the cycle 23?

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., Chakrabarty, D., Ananthakrishnan, S. and

Divekar,A. (2014). Sol. Phys. 289, 41−61 DOI: 10.1007/s11207-013-0335-3.

5. Spread-F during the magnetic storm of 22 January 2004 at low latitudes: Effect

of IMF-Bz in relation to local sunset time

Rastogi,R.G., Chandra, H., Janardhan,P., Thai Lan Hoang, Louis Condori, Pant, T.K.,

Prasad, D.S.V.V.D. and Reinish, B.W. (2014). Jou. Earth System

Sci. 123, 1273−1285.

6. A study of density modulation index in the inner solar wind during solar cycle


Susanta Kumar Bisoi, P. Janardhan, M. Ingale and P. Subramanian, S.

Ananthakrishnan, Tokumaru, M., and Fujiki,

K. (2014). AtrophysicalJournal 795, 69−76.

7. Equatorial and mid-latitude ionospheric currents over the Indian region based

on 40 years of data at Trivandrum and Alibag

Rastogi,R.G., Chandra, H., Janardhan, P., and Rahul

Shah (2014). IJRSP 43, 274−283.

8. The Structure of Solar Radio Noise Storms. C. Mercier, Prasad Subramanian, G. Chambe, Janardhan,P., (2015). A&A. 576, A136

9. A Twenty Year Decline in Solar Photospheric Magnetic Fields: Inner-

Heliospheric Signatures and Possible Implications? P. Janardhan, Susanta Kumar Bisoi, S. Ananthakrishnan, Tokumaru, M., and Fujiki,

K., Jose, L., and Sridharan, R. (2015). Jou. Geophys. Res. 120, 5306--5317,


10. Solar and Interplanetary Signatures of a Maunder-like Grand Solar Minimum

around the Corner - Implications to Near-Earth Space

P. Janardhan, Susanta Kumar Bisoi, S. Ananthakrishnan, R. Sridharan and L.

Jose (2015). Sun and Geosphere 10, No. 2, 147-156.

11. A Prolonged Southward IMF-Bz Event of May 02--04, 1998: Solar,

Interplanetary Causes and Geomagnetic Consequences Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Chakrabarty,D., Janardhan, P., Rastogi, R.G., Yoshikawa, A.,

Fujiki, K., Tokumaru, M., and Yan, Y. (2016). Jou. Geophys. Res. , 121, 3882-3904.

12. Amplitude of solar wind density turbulence from 10–45 R

Sasikumar Raja, Madhusudan Ingale, R. Ramesh, Prasad Subramanian, P. K.,

Manoharan and P. Janardhan. (2016). Jou. Geophys. Res. [In Press].

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Papers Related to General Astronomy (Non-Solar and Heliospheric


13. Deep GMRT 150 MHz observations of the DEEP2 fields: Searching for High

Red-shift Radio Galaxies Revisited Susanta Kumar Bisoi., Ishwara-Chandra, C.H., Sirothia, S.K., and Janardhan,

P. (2011). Jou. Astrophys. Astr. 32, 613−614. DOI: 10.1007/s12036-011-9116-2.

14. Near-Infrared Monitoring and Modelling of V1647 Ori in its On-going 2008-12

Outburst Phase Venkata Raman, V., Anandarao, B.G., Janardhan, P. and Pandey, R. (2013). Res.

Astron. Astrophys. 13, No. 9, 1107−1117.

15. Determination of mass and orbital parameters of a low-mass star HD 213597B

Priyanka Chaturvedi1, Rohit Deshpande, Vaibhav Dixit, Arpita Roy Abhijit

Chakraborty, SuvrathMahadevan, B.G. Anandarao, Leslie Hebb and P.

Janardhan (2014). MNRAS 442, 3737−3744.

16. J1216+0709 : A Radio Galaxy with Three Episodes of AGN Jet Activity

Veeresh Singh, Ishwara-Chandra, C.H., Preeti Kharb, Shweta Srivastava Janardhan,

P., (2016). ApJ , 826, 132-137.,doi:10.3847/0004-637X/826/2/132.

17. Star formation activity in the neighbourhood of WR 1503-160L star in the mid-

infrared bubble N46 Dewangan, L.K., Baug, T., Ojha, D.K., Janardhan,P. Ninan, J. P., Luna, A. and

Zinchenko, I. (2016). ApJ , 826, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/826/1/27.

18. Multi-wavelength study of the star-formation in the S237 HII Region

Dewangan, L.K., Ojha, D.K., Zinchenko, Janardhan,P. and Luna, A. (2016). ApJ [In


19. The physical environment around IRAS 17599-2148: Infrared dark cloud and

bipolar nebula

Dewangan, L.K., Ojha, D.K., Zinchenko, Janardhan, P., Ghosh, S.K. and Luna, A.

(2016). ApJ [In Press].

Refereed Publications in Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

[2010 – onwards]:

1. Peculiar behaviour of solar polar fields during solar cycles 21-23: Correlation

with meridional flow speed

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 81−82 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313002287.

2. Asymmetry in the periodicities of solar photospheric fields: A probe to the

unusual solar minimum prior to cycle 24

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Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 85−86 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313002305.

3. Interplanetary scintillation signatures in the inner heliosphere of the deepest

solar minimum in the past 100 years

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 83−84 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313002299.

4. Observations of a geomagnetic SI+−SI

- pair and associated solar wind


Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 543−544 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313003141.

5. Decline in solar polar magnetic fields and heliospheric micro-turbulence levels:

Are we headed towards a Maunder minimum? Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., and Ananthakrishnan, S. (2014). Proc. Of the

XXX1 General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS). pp 1- 4.

6. Multi-directional measurements of high energy particles from the Sun-Earth L1

point with STEPS S. K. Goyal, M. Shanmugama, A. R. Patela, T. Ladiyaa, Neeraj K.Tiwaria, S. B.

Banerjeea, S. Vadawalea, P. Janardhan, D. Chakrabartya, A. R. Srinivas, P. Shuklab,

P. Kumara, K. P. Subramaniana, B. Bapat, and P. R. Adhyarua (2016). Proc. Of SPIE

Vol. 9905, doi: 10.1117/12.2232259.

Membership to Professional Bodies:

1. Member National Committee of COSPAR-URSI-SCOSTEP

2. Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

3. Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).

Full List of Peer Reviewed Research Publications:

1. Quasar Enhanced.

Alurkar, S.K., Sharma, A.K., Janardhan, P ., and Bhonsle, R.V. (1989). Nature, 338,


2. Three-Site Solar Wind Observatory.

Alurkar, S.K.,Bobra, A.D., Nirman, N.S., Venat, P., and Janardhan, P. (1989). Ind.

Jou. Pure and Appl. Phys., 27, 322−330.

3. Interplanetary Scintillation Network for 3-Dimensional Space Exploration in


Bhonsle, R.V., Alurkar, S.K., Bobra, A.D., Lali, K.S., Nirman, N.S., Venat, P.,

Sharma, A.K. and Janardhan, P. (1990). ActaAstronautica, 21, No. 3, 189−196.

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4. Estimation of electron density in the ion-tail of comet Halley using 103 MHz IPS

observations. Sharma, A. K., Alurkar, S. K. and Janardhan, P. (1991). Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 19, 82.

5. Enhanced scintillation of radio source 2204+29 by comet Austin (1989c1) at 103

MHz. Janardhan, P., Alurkar, S. K., Bobra, A. D., Slee, O. B. (1991). Bull. Astr. Soc.

India, 19, 204.

6. Enhanced Radio Source Scintillation Due to Comet Austin(1989 c1).

Janardhan, P., Alurkar, S.K.,Bobra, A.D. and Slee, O.B. (1991). Aus. Jou. Phys., 44,


7. Power Spectral Analysis of Enhanced Scintillation of Quasar 3C459 Due to

Comet Halley.

Janardhan, P., Alurkar, S.K.,Bobra, A.D., Slee, O.B. and Waldron, D. (1992). Aust. J.

of Phys., 45, No. 1, 115.

8. Possible Contribution of a Solar Transient to Enhanced Scintillation Due to a


Janardhan, P. and Alurkar, S.K. (1992). Earth, Moon, and Planets, 58, 31−38.

9. Comparison of Single-Site Interplanetary Scintillation Solar Wind Speed

Structure With Coronal Features.

Alurkar, S.K., Janardhan, P. and Vats, H.O. (1993). Sol. Phys., 144, No.2, 385−397.

10. Angular Source Size Measurements and Interstellar Scattering at 103 MHz

Using Interplanetary Scintillation.

Janardhan, P. and Alurkar, S.K. (1993). Astronomy &Astrophys ., 269, 119−127.

11. Measurements of Compact Radio Source Size and Structure of Cometary Ion

Tails Using Interplanetary Scintillation at 103 MHz.

Janardhan, P. (1993). Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 21, 381.

12. IPS Survey at 327 MHz for Detection of Compact Radio Sources.

Balasubramanian, V., Janardhan, P ., Ananthakrishnan, S., and Manoharan, P.K.

(1993). Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 21, 469−471.

13. Observations of PSR 0950+08 at 103 MHz.

Deshpande, M.R., Vats, H.O., Janardhan, P ., and Bobra, A.D. (1993). Bull. Astr. Soc.

India, 21, 613−614.

14. Terrestrial Effects of PSR 0950+08.

Vats, H.O., Deshpande, M.R., Janardhan, P ., Harish, C., and Vyas, G.D. (1993). Bull.

Astr. Soc. India , 21, 615−617.

15. Radio and X-ray burst from PSR 0950+08.

Deshpande, M.R., Vats, H.O., Chandra Harish, Janardhan, P., Bobra, A.D. and, Vyas,

G.D. (1994). Astrophys. Space Sci., 218, No.2, 249−265.

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16. Latitudinal Variation of Solar Wind Velocity.

Ananthakrishnan, S., Balasubramanian, V., and Janardhan, P. (1995). Space Sci.

Rev ., 72, 229−232.

17. A 327-MHZ Interplanetary Scintillation Survey Of Radio Sources Over 6-

Steradian. Balasubramanian, V., Janardhan, P .andAnanthakrishnan, S. (1995). Jou. Astrophys.

& Astron., 16, 298.

18. Unique Observations of PSR 0950+08 and Possible Terrestrial Effects. M.R. Deshpande, H.O. Vats, P. Janardhan, A.D. Bobra, Harish Chandra, and

G.D.Vyas. (1995). Jou. Astrophys. &Astron ., 16, 253.

19. Simultaneous Observations of Large Enhancement In the Flux of PSR 0950+08

Over a 200 KM Baseline at 103 MHz. Bobra, A. D., Chandra, H., Vats, H. O., Janardhan, P., Vyas, G. D., Deshpande, M.

R., (1996). Proc. of the 160th

IAU Colloquium− ASP Conf. Series., pp.

477−448. Eds. S. Johnston, M.A. Walker and M. Bailes.

20. On the Nature of Compact Components of Radio Sources at 327 MHz. Balasubramanian, V., Janardhan, P., Ananthakrishnan, S. and Srivatsan, R.

(1996). Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 24, 829.

21. IPS Observations of the Solar Wind at 327 MHz - A Comparison with Ulysses

Observations. Janardhan, P ., Balasubramanian, V., Ananthakrishnan, S. and Srivatsan, R.

(1996). Bull. Astr. Soc. India , 24, 645.

22. Travelling Interplanetary Disturbances Detected Using Interplanetary

Scintillation at 327 MHz. Janardhan, P., Balasubramanian, V., Ananthakrishnan, S., Dryer, M., Bhatnagar, A.

and McIntosh, P.S. (1996). Sol. Phys., 166, 379−401.

23. Tracking Interplanetary Disturbances Using Interplanetary Scintillation. Janardhan, P., Balasubramanian, V. and Ananthakrishnan, S. (1997). Proc. 31st.

ESLAB Symp., ESA SP−415 , pp. 177−181.

24. Radio Detection of Ammonia in Comet Hale−Bopp. Bird, M. K., Huchtmeier, W., Gensheimer, P., Wilson, T. L., Janardhan, P. and

Lemme, C. (1997). A&A Lett., 325, L5−L8.

25. Ammonia in Comet Hale-Bopp. Wilson, T. L., Huchtmeier, W. K., Bird, M. K., Janardhan, P., Gensheimer, P. and

Lemme, C., (1997). Bulletin of the American Astronomical Soc., 29, 1259.

26. Detection and Tracking of IPS Disturbances Using Interplanetary Scintillation.

Balasubramanian, V., Srivatsan, R., Janardhan, P., and Ananthakrishnan, S.

(1998). Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 26, 225−229.

27. Radio Observations of Transient Solar Wind Flows. Balasubramanian, V., Janardhan, P., Srivatsan, R. and Ananthakrishnan, S.

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(1998). Proc. of the 3rd. SOLTIP Symposium, pp. 319.

Eds. Feng, X.S., Wei, F.S., and Dryer, M.

28. Coronal Velocity Measurements with Ulysses: Multi−link Correlation Studies

During two Superior Conjunctions. Janardhan, P., Bird, M K., Edenhofer, P, Plettemeier, D., Wohlmuth, R., Asmar, S W.,

Patzölt, M. and Karl, J. (1999). Sol. Phys., 184, 157−172.

29. K−Band Detection of Ammonia and (Possibly) Water in Comet Hale−Bopp. Bird, M. K., Janardhan, P., Wilson, T. L., Huchtmeier, W., Gensheimer, P., and

Lemme, C. (1997). Earth Moon and Planets, 78, 21−28.

30. Study of Solar Wind Transients Using IPS. Ananthakrishnan, S., Kojima, M., Tokumaru, M., Balasubramanian, V., Janardhan, P.,

Manoharan, P.K., and Dryer, M. (1999). Proc. of Solar Wind 9 Conference, AIP, New

York. pp 321.

Eds. S. R. Habbal

31. Anisotropic Structure of the Solar Wind in its Region of Acceleration. Efimov, A.I., Rudash, V.K., Bird, M.K., Janardhan, P., Patzölt, M., Karl, J.,

Edenhofer, P. and Wohlmuth, R. (2000). Advances in Space Res., 26, 785−788.

32. Radio Detection of a Rapid Disturbance Launched by a Solar Flare. White, S.M., Janardhan, P. and Kundu, M.R. (2000). ApJ Lett., 533 , L167−L170.

33. Observations of Interplanetary Scintillation During the 1998 Whole Sun Month:

A Comparison between EISCAT, ORT and Nagoya Data. Moran, P.J., Breen, A.R., Canals, A., Markkanen, J., Janardhan, P., Tokumaru, M.

and Williams, P.J.S. (2000). AnnalesGeophysica, 18, 1003.

34. H−alpha Observations of Be Stars. Banerjee, D.P.K., Rawat, S.D. and Janardhan, P. (2000). A&A Suppl., 147, 229.

35. Near Infra−red and Optical Spectroscopy of Delta Scorpii. Banerjee, D.P.K., Janardhan, P. and Ashok, N.M. (2001). A&A Lett., 380, L13.

36. Flow Sources and Formation Laws of Solar Wind Streams. Lotova, N.A., Obridko, V.N., Vladimirskii, K.V., Bird, M.K. and Janardhan,

P. (2002). Sol. Phys., 205, 149.

37. Fine Structure of the Solar Wind Turbulence Inferred from Simultaneous Radio

Occultation Observations at Widely−Spaced Ground Stations.

Bird, M.K., Janardhan, P., Efimov, A.I., Samoznaev, L.N., Andreev, V.E., Chashei,

I.V., Edenhofer, P., Plettemeier, D., and Wohlmuth, R. (2003). Solar Wind 10, AIP

Conf. Proc. 679, 465−468. AIP Press, Melville, New York, USA.,Eds. M. Velli et


38. IPS Observations of the Solar Wind Disappearance Event of May 1999. Balasubramanian, V., Janardhan, P., Srinivasan, S., and Ananthakrishnan, S.

(2003). Jou. Geophys. Res. 108, A3, 1121.

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39. Giant Meter Wave Radio telescope Observations of an M2.8 Flare: Insights into

the Initiation of a Flare−Coronal Mass Ejection Event. Prasad Subramanian, Ananthakrishnan, S., Janardhan, P. , Kundu, M.R., White, S.M.,

Garaimov, V.I. (2003). Sol. Phys. 218, 247−259.

40. The Solar Wind and Interplanetary Disturbances. Janardhan, P., (2003). Solar Terrestrial Environment − Space Weather, Allied

Publishers, New Delhi., pp. 42−56.

Eds. R.P.Singh, Rajesh Singh & Ashok Kumar, Banaras Hindu University,

Varanasi, India. ISBN: 81−7764−494−7.

41. Radio Observations of Rapid Acceleration in a Slow Filament Eruption/Fast

CME Event. Kundu, M.R., Garaimov, V.I., White, S.M., Manoharan, P.K., Subramanian, S.,

Ananthakrishnan, S., and Janardhan, P. (2004). Ap J. 607, 530−539.

42. Resolving the Enigmatic Solar Wind Disappearance Event of 11 May 1999.

Janardhan, P. , Fujiki, K., Kojima, M., Tokumaru, M., and Hakamada, K. (2005). Jou.

Geophys. Res.110, A08101.

43. Combining visibilities from the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope and the

Nancay Radio Heliograph. Mercier, C., Prasad Subramanian, Kerdraon, A., Pick, M., Ananthakrishnan, S.

and Janardhan, P. (2006). A&A. 447, 1189−1201.

44. The Morphology of Decimetric Emission from Solar Flares: GMRT

Observations. Kundu, M.R., White, S.M., Garaimov, V.I., Subramanian, S., Ananthakrishnan, S.,

and Janardhan, P. (2006). Sol. Phys. 236, 369−387.

45. Enigmatic solar wind disappearance events: Do we understand them? Janardhan, P., (2006). Jou. Astrophys. Astron. 27, 1−7.

46. Locating the solar source of the extremely low−density, low−velocity solar wind

flows of 11 May 1999. Janardhan, P., Fujiki, K., Kojima, M. and Tokumaru, M. (2007). Proc. of the ILWS

Workshop 2006, p.132−138.

Eds. N. Gopalswamy and A. Bhattacharya ISBN: 81−87099−40−2

47. Insights gained from Ground and Space Based Studies of Long Lasting Low

Density Anomalies at 1 AU. Janardhan, P. , Ananthakrishnan, S., Balasubramanian, V., (2007). Asian Jou.

Phys., 16, 209−232.

Eds. Janardhan, P., Vats, H.O., Iyer, K.N., &Anandarao, B.G.

48. Prospects for GMRT to Observe Radio Waves from UHE Particles Interacting

with the Moon. Sukanta P., Mohanty, S., Janardhan, P. , and Oscar, S., (2007). JCAP., 11, 022−038.

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49. The Source Regions of Solar Wind Disappearance Events.

Janardhan, P. , Fujiki, K., Sawant, H.S., Kojima, M., Hakamada, K. and Krishnan, R.,

(2008). Jou. Geophys. Res. 113, A03102.

50. The Solar Wind Disappearance Event of 11 May 1999: Source Region


Janardhan, P. , Tripathi, D., and Mason, H. (2008). A&A Lett. 488, L1−L4.

51. Solar Polar Fields During Cycles 21 - 23: Correlation with Meridional Flows.

Janardhan, P., Susanta Kumar Bisoi and Gosain, S., (2010). Sol. Phys. 267,


52. Unique Observations of Geomagnetic SI+ - SI

- pair and Solar Wind


Rastogi, R.G., Janardhan, P., Ahmed, K., Das, A.C. and Susanta Kumar Bisoi

(2010). Jou. Geophys. Res. 115, A12110, doi:10.1029/2010JA015708.

53. The Prelude to the Deep Minimum between Solar Cycles 23 and 24:

Interplanetary Scintillation Signatures in the Inner Heliosphere

Janardhan, P., Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Ananthakrishnan, S., Tokumaru, M., Fujiki, K.,

(2011). Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L20108, doi:10.1029/2011GL049227.

54. Deep GMRT 150 MHz observations of the DEEP2 fields: Searching for High

Red-shift Radio Galaxies Revisited Susanta Kumar Bisoi., Ishwara-Chandra, C.H., Sirothia, S.K., and Janardhan,

P. (2011). Jou. Astrophys. Astr. 32, 613−614. DOI: 10.1007/s12036-011-9116-2.

55. Near-Infrared Monitoring and Modelling of V1647 Ori in its On-going 2008-12

Outburst Phase Venkata Raman, V., Anandarao, B.G., Janardhan, P. and Pandey, R. (2013). Res.

Astron. Astrophys. 13, No. 9, 1107−1117.

56. Peculiar behaviuor of solar polar fields during solar cycles 21-23: Correlation

with meridional flow speed

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 81−82 (DOI) 10.1017/S1743921313002287.

57. Asymmetry in the periodicities of solar photospheric fields: A probe to the

unusual solar minimum prior to cycle 24

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 85−86 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313002305.

58. Interplanetary scintillation signatures in the inner heliosphere of the deepest

solar minimum in the past 100 years

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 83−84 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313002299.

59. Observations of a geomagnetic SI+−SI

- pair and associated solar wind


Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., (2013). Proc. IAU Symp.

294, 8, 543−544 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313003141.

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60. Changes in quasi-periodic variations of solar photospheric fields: precursor to

the deep solar minimum in the cycle 23?

Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Janardhan,P., Chakrabarty, D., Ananthakrishnan, S. and

Divekar,A. (2014). Sol. Phys. 289, 41−61. DOI: 10.1007/s11207-013-0335-3.

61. Spread-F during the magnetic storm of 22 January 2004 at low latitudes: Effect

of IMF-Bz in relation to local sunset time

Rastogi,R.G., Chandra, H., Janardhan,P., Thai Lan Hoang, Louis Condori, Pant, T.K.,

Prasad, D.S.V.V.D. and Reinish, B.W. (2014). Jou. Earth System

Sci. 123, 1273−1285.

62. Determination of mass and orbital parameters of a low-mass star HD 213597B

Priyanka Chaturvedi1, Rohit Deshpande, Vaibhav Dixit, Arpita Roy Abhijit

Chakraborty, SuvrathMahadevan, B.G. Anandarao, Leslie Hebb and P.

Janardhan (2014). MNRAS 442,3737−3744, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stul127.

63. A study of density modulation index in the inner solar wind during solar cycle


Susanta Kumar Bisoi, P. Janardhan, M. Ingale and P. Subramanian, and S.

Ananthakrishnan (2014). Atrophysical Journal 795, 69−76.

64. Equatorial and mid-latitude ionospheric currents over the Indian region based

on 40 years of data at Trivandrum and Alibag

Rastogi,R.G., Chandra, H., Janardhan, P., and Rahul

Shah (2014). IJRSP 43, 274−283.

65. The Structure of Solar Radio Noise Storms. C. Mercier, Prasad Subramanian, G. Chambe, Janardhan,

P., (2015). A&A. 576, A136

66. A Twenty Year Decline in Solar Photospheric Magnetic Fields: Inner-

Heliospheric Signatures and Possible Implications? P. Janardhan, Susanta Kumar Bisoi, S. Ananthakrishnan, Tokumaru, M., and Fujiki,

K., Jose, L., and Sridharan, R. (2015). Jou. Geophys. Res. 120, 5306-5317.

67. Solar and Interplanetary Signatures of a Maunder-like Grand Solar Minimum

around the Corner - Implications to Near-Earth Space P. Janardhan, Susanta Kumar Bisoi, S. Ananthakrishnan, R. Sridharan and L.

Jose (2015). Sun and Geosphere.,10, No2, 147-156.

68. A Prolonged Southward IMF-Bz Event of May 02--04, 1998: Solar,

Interplanetary Causes and Geomagnetic Consequences Susanta Kumar Bisoi, Chakrabarty,D., Janardhan, P., Rastogi, R.G., Yoshikawa, A.,

Fujiki, K., Tokumaru, M., and Yan, Y. (2016). Jou. Geophys. Res. , 121, 3882-3904.

69. J1216+0709 : A Radio Galaxy with Three Episodes of AGN Jet Activity

Veeresh Singh, Ishwara-Chandra, C.H., PreetiKharb, Shweta Srivastava Janardhan,

P., (2016). ApJ , 826, 132-137.,doi:10.3847/0004-637X/826/2/132.

70. Star formation activity in the neighbourhood of WR 1503-160L star in the mid-

infrared bubble N46

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Dewangan, L.K., Baug, T., Ojha, D.K.,Janardhan,P. Ninan, J. P., Luna, A. and

Zinchenko, I. (2016). ApJ , 826, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/826/1/27.

71. Multi-directional measurements of high energy particles from the Sun-Earth L1

point with STEPS. S. K. Goyal, M.Shanmugama, A. R. Patela, T. Ladiyaa, Neeraj K. Tiwaria, S. B.

Banerjeea, S. V.Vadawalea, P. Janardhan, D. Chakrabartya, A. R. Srinivas, P.

Shuklab, P. Kumara, K. P.Subramaniana, B. Bapat, and P. R. Adhyarua (2016). Proc.

of SPIE Vol. 9905, doi: 10.1117/12.2232259.

72. Amplitude of solar wind density turbulence from 10–45 R

K. Sasikumar Raja, Madhusudan Ingale, R. Ramesh, Prasad Subramanian, P. K.,

Manoharan and P. Janardhan. (2016). Jou. Geophys. Res. [In Press].

73. Multi-wavelength study of the star-formation in the S237 HII Region

Dewangan, L.K., Ojha, D.K., Zinchenko, Janardhan,P. and Luna, A. (2016). ApJ

[In Press].

74. The physical environment around IRAS 17599-2148: Infrared dark cloud and

bipolar nebula

Dewangan, L.K., Ojha, D.K., Zinchenko, Janardhan, P., Ghosh, S.K. and Luna, A.

(2016). ApJ [In Press].

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