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William Johnson, Eric Lonsbury, Stephen Saunders, Clemens Schäfer, Conrad Schäfer, Mark Serrahn, Christian Stone, David Wetzel, Michelle Wetzel

Additional Spell Ideas: Alfred “Neutronium Dragon” Hailey (lycanthrope shapes) and Michael Munro (moonlight to sunlight)

Special Thanks: The late Nigel Findley for Van Richten’s Guide to Werebeasts and other products by TSR, Inc. Though I never met him, I greatly enjoyed his work, and those who knew him speak well of him.

Header font is Wolves And Ravens from Cumberland Games and Diversions,

Dedication: To Brillig, my beautiful white cat. I miss you every day.

Creative Director: Sean K ReynoldsDesign: Sean K ReynoldsEditing: Penny WilliamsCover: Sean K Reynolds and Clipart.comInterior Illustrations: Andy Hopp, ClipArt.comDeveloper: Sean K ReynoldsProofreading: Jeff “Alex Blake” Bristol, Aaron Ca�le,

Alfred “Neutronium Dragon” Hailey, Michael Munro, John “Belatrix” Murray, & Mike Ring

Design & Typese�ing: Marc SchmalzPlaytesters: Lou Agresta, Alexander Austin, Heather

Beecher, Ma�ieu Begin, Ma� Budner, Stewart Boyles, Ross Cook, Ma� Donaldson, Clay Fleischer, Jan-Philipp Gürtler, David Hall, Kristian Hartmann,

Curse of the MoonNew Rules and Variants for Lycanthropes

by Sean K Reynolds

Requires use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This book utilizes updated material from the v. 3.5 revision.

Additional Credits

“d20 System” and the “d20 System” logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at <>. Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with Permission. All rights reserved. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. All other content is ©2005 Sean K Reynolds. This edition of Curse of the Moon is produced under version 1.0a, 4.0, and/or draft versions of the Open Game License, the d20 System Trademark Logo Guide, and the System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Subsequent versions of this product will

incorporate final versions of the license, guide, and document. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the

United States of America. Any reproduction, retransmission, or unauthorized use of the artwork or non-Open Game Content herein is prohibited without express written permission from Sean K Reynolds, except for purposes of review or use of Open Game Content consistent with the Open Game License. In other words, I pay my rent from money made from this book, please don’t fileshare it. The original purchaser may print or photocopy copies for his or her own personal use only (including for use in

their gaming group). This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.

Chapter 1: Lycanthropy ...................................................... 3 Lycanthropy Issues and Variants .................................. 3 Definitions of Terms ........................................................ 3Chapter 2: Templates ......................................................... 16 Simple Lycanthrope ...................................................... 16 Cursed Lycanthrope ..................................................... 19 Fey Lycanthrope ............................................................ 20Chapter 3: Curse of the Moon Feats ................................ 23Chapter 4: Moon Deities ................................................... 35

Chapter 5: Magic Items ..................................................... 38Chapter 6: Moon-Based Spells ......................................... 42 Spell Lists ........................................................................ 42 Spell Descriptions .......................................................... 48Appendix 1: Lycanthrope Racial Levels ......................... 49 Lycanthrope Racial Class ............................................. 49 Lycanthrope Spellcaster Racial Class ......................... 49Appendix 2: Spell Effects on Lycanthropes .................... 51

Table of Contents

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I love templates. I think they’re the best things that have ever happened to monsters in the game. I’m also a big fan of lycanthropes, partly because I like animals and partly because I’m a night person. I love the fact that you can turn a creature into a lycanthrope by adding a template, and that the lycanthrope templates allow you to create countless different werecreatures. Unfortunately the lycanthrope templates presented in the MM have a lot of problems. They carry baggage from older editions of the game. They complicate a character’s Hit Dice. They make assumptions about animals that are not necessarily valid and narrowly define the kinds of lycanthropes the game can have. Furthermore, their game effects don’t always agree with our perceptions of lycanthropes from stories and movies. Some of these problems are systemic to all templates, but others are specific to the lycanthrope templates. This book is my chance to fix the lycanthrope templates. Here are some examples of the changes I’ve made.• The typical template includes a level adjustment

(LA) to define the power level of a templated PC with respect to “normal” characters. Each of the lycanthrope templates in the MM has a +2 or +3 LA, not counting the increase to effective character level (ECL) from the animal Hit Dice, which is at least another +1. The effects of this LA on a character are obvious at low levels (the MM sample wererat is an ECL 5 character with 12 hit points), but they become even more pronounced at higher levels. Furthermore, an LA makes a template much less desirable for spellcasters because they lose access to their higher-level spells. (Nonspellcasters don’t face as great a problem because most templates give rewards that make up for the loss of base a�ack bonus, skill points, and saves.) This book presents alternate versions of the standard lycanthropes with very low LAs and no ECL adjustments from animal Hit Dice, thus reducing the “cost” of the template.

• The MM templates add animal Hit Dice to the base creature. Not only does this addition increase a PC’s ECL, but it also

means that a lycanthrope in humanoid form—even a character unwi�ingly afflicted with lycanthropy—is much tougher than a nonlycanthrope. This concept conflicts with the idea of a traditional lycanthrope, who is indistinguishable from a normal person when the moon is down. This book presents a new lycanthrope template that doesn’t change the base creature in its normal form.

• The MM lycanthropes are locked into certain alignments. These alignment standards are biased against certain creatures without precedent in the actual animal’s nature—for example, wolves aren’t evil, but werewolves are. Furthermore, these forced alignments raise serious questions about PC alignment in human or lycanthrope form, especially involuntary alignment changes in alignment-sensitive characters such as paladins. Furthermore, they prevent certain class combinations that shouldn’t be restricted. In one well-known published campaign world, for example, four of the five MM lycanthropes can’t be clerics or druids of the two lycanthrope deities! This book explores alternate alignments for each lycanthrope type and addresses the alignment issues for afflicted lycanthropes.

• The MM lycanthropes have damage reduction bypassed by silver. This feature makes them immune to most physical a�acks but not most damaging spells. This book presents alternate ways of handling lycanthrope immunities and vulnerabilities and be�er address the quirks of how the MM rules do and don’t protect lycanthropes.

In addition to these new options, this book adds a whole bunch of crunchy stuff such as feats, spells, and magic items, plus some rules-light stuff, including several sample moon deities. The greatest aspect of the Open Gaming License is that it opens up the game to alternate ideas about material that used to be presented in only one “official” way. Use this book to expand and reinvent the concept of lycanthropes in your game. Hopefully a�er reading Curse of the Moon, you’ll come away with some new ideas for lycanthropes and a be�er understanding of the template rules.

—Sean K Reynolds

Introduction by the Author

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Lycanthropy is a complex condition. The rules provided for it in the MM are problematic, leave unanswered questions, and open the door for expanded discussion on many topics. Most of this chapter is dedicated to pointing out problems, asking important questions, and providing new rules to address those issues.

Lycanthropy Issues and VariantsThe MM version of lycanthropes does not jive well with the lycanthropes of legend in certain ways. This chapter addresses these variances and proposes new mechanics to bring lycanthropes into line with the traditional versions.

Definitions of TermsThe following general terms are used throughout this book. Lycanthrope: A creature that takes the shape of an animal under the influence of the full moon. Most lycanthropes have three forms: an animal form, a hybrid form, and a natural form. Natural Lycanthrope: A creature that was born a lycanthrope and thus has control over its shapechanging. Afflicted Lycanthrope: A creature that acquired lycanthropy from the a�ack of a natural lycanthrope. An afflicted lycanthrope may not initially be aware of its condition and must learn to control its shapechanging. Animal Form/Beastform: The wholly animal form that a lycanthrope can take. Hybrid Form: A form that combines elements of a lycanthrope’s animal and natural forms. Natural Form: The form that a lycanthrope assumes when not under the influence of the moon (usually a humanoid form). Wereform: A lycanthrope’s animal or hybrid form. Lycanthrope Animal: The animal whose shape a particular lycanthrope takes for his beastform. Inherited Template: A template that a creature is born with. Acquired Template: A template that a creature gains during its life.

Transformation TimeThe MM says an afflicted lycanthrope transforms on the first night of the next full moon. The obvious question is exactly when this change occurs. Based on local weather and the position of the sun and

moon, one or more of the following events might trigger a form change.• The moon is full.• The moon is above the horizon.• The moon is at its highest point (high moon).• The sun is se�ing.• Night has fallen (no sunlight or twilight

remains).• The clock strikes midnight.• Clouds, dust, or other phenomena that obscure

the moon or sun are present or absent.• The lycanthrope sees the moon or is struck by

moonlight. Clearly, when the transformation occurs depends on many factors. For the sake of consistency, you should decide which factors affect a particular lycanthrope and stick to your decision—otherwise, a PC lycanthrope has no way of knowing whether it’s safe to go outside. For example, a DM running a cinematic game might rule that lycanthropes change

Chapter 1: Lycanthropy

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From the MM : Changing FormChanging form is a standard action for a lycanthrope. If the change is involuntary, it occurs on the character’s next turn after the triggering event. Changing to animal or hybrid form ruins the character’s armor and clothing (including any items worn) if the new form is larger than the character’s natural form. Carried items are simply dropped. Characters can hastily doff clothing while changing, but not armor. Magic armor survives the change only if it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save. An afflicted character remains in animal form until the next dawn if he is not aware of his condition; otherwise, he can try to resume humanoid form following a change (voluntary or involuntary) with a Control Shape check. If he fails the check, he remains in animal (or hybrid) form until the following dawn.

form only at night, when the moon is full and they have a clear view of it. In such cases, the lycanthrope changes form dramatically when the moon comes out from behind the clouds, or when he exits a building into full moonlight. A DM running a more mystical game might rule that the mere presence of the full moon is the key, and its penetrating radiation triggers the transformation even if the sun is up or the lycanthrope is deep underground. Afflicted lycanthropes created by the same lycanthrope would probably share the same triggering conditions. Not all lycanthropes in a given world have to use the same triggers; lycanthropes in western lands might share a common trigger, while those from the distant east might change form under entirely different circumstances.

Whether a lycanthrope learns his particular triggers via experimentation or magical divination, the knowledge helps him gain some control over involuntary transformations. If he knows he changes form only when he sees the full moon, he can hide indoors or underground until the moon sets. If he transforms at midnight on the nights of the full moon, he can arrange to be chained then and walk freely the rest of the time without fear of taking beastform. Likewise, local folklore should provide a reasonable idea of what factors trigger the change, though such tales come with no guarantee of accuracy. Defining the triggers also helps a DM adjudicate complex situations. For example, a campaign world might have multiple moons (in which case you should determine which moon the lycanthrope reacts to, otherwise the character is ge�ing more power than from a one-moon campaign), or an adventure could take characters into space on a magical ship. The campaign might even feature a strange world where the moon is geosynchronous with one part of the earth, resulting in an omnipresent moon overhead in some parts of the world and no moon elsewhere. Afflicted lycanthropes aren’t the only ones who need to understand these triggers. The moon may not force natural lycanthropes into beastform against their will, but it might trigger the change in afflicted lycanthropes created by those natural lycanthropes. In other words, a natural lycanthrope could pass his triggering conditions to his target along with the curse of lycanthropy. Furthermore, a local pack’s shared trigger may have cultural significance for its members—for example, perhaps the tribe’s passage to adulthood rite can take place only on the day that the “moon’s blessing” calls the tribe to beastform. This book’s examples assume that the change to beastform is triggered when the moon is full and above the horizon, and the sun is down.

Transformation SpeedBecause the MM lycanthrope changes form as a standard action, she can readily take advantage of her lycanthropic abilities, especially in combat. But transformation need not be this fast; the process could be slow and inefficient—especially if magic is limited in the campaign world, and lycanthropy is a purely biological condition rather than a magical one.

Variant: Slow Form ChangeMany cinematic depictions of the lycanthropic transformation—such as the one in An American

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Werewolf in London—obviously take much longer than a standard action. Such movies portray the change of form as a slow, traumatic, and even painful process. This variant is designed to model such a slow, cinematic transformation. Lycanthropes using the slow form change variant are usually cursed or otherwise involuntary afflicted lycanthropes, not natural ones. Changing form requires 1d4+1 minutes, during which the lycanthrope is dazed. Once per round, however, it may a�empt a DC 15 Concentration check to act normally for 1 round. While changing form, the lycanthrope is likely to fall prone, scream, roll around, and tear off any clothing or armor it is wearing—thereby destroying fragile material and armor straps, but not the thicker or heavier parts of armor or clothing. This variant makes lycanthropy less useful to PCs, since they can’t change form during combat to improve their chances in a fight. Thus, the lycanthrope LA should decrease slightly when these rules are in play. (See Lycanthropes and Level Adjustment on page 13.) As a variant within a variant, you can also use a slightly slower transformation time—such as 1d6 full rounds—rather than the minutes-long duration described above.

Your Natural FormAccording to some strict interpretations of the language, a lycanthrope is a man who can change into an animal rather than an animal that can change into a man. The MM assumes that a lycanthrope’s natural form is its humanoid, nonhybrid shape. But what if that isn’t the case? Due to a quirk of fantasy genetics or the nature of the curse, a particular lycanthrope’s natural form might be its animal or even its hybrid shape. It’s also possible that if a lycanthrope gives in to his animalistic nature (whether deliberately or because of a physical, mental, or magical a�ack on the mind), his fundamental being might slowly change accordingly, and his animal form would eventually become his natural form. Though which form is the natural one has li�le effect on the lycanthrope in day-to-day situations, it is significant under the effects of true seeing (which reveals his true form) or an antimagic field (which returns him to his true form). Furthermore, a lycanthrope’s natural form can be an interesting source of roleplaying ideas for a character. Is a natural lycanthrope with an animal true form really human at all? Does he have a human soul or an animal soul? Is it an abomination

if his mate’s natural form is human? Should he identify more strongly with his human side, or live in the wild with the animals? The rest of this book assumes that a lycanthrope’s natural form is the shape it would have if it didn’t have the lycanthrope template.

Lycanthropes and the AstralThe Astral Plane is sometimes called the Silver Realm because of its endless, clear, silvery sky. It has neither a sun nor a moon, and time does not pass there. So what effect does all this silver have on a lycanthrope? Here are some ideas on how the Astral Plane affects a lycanthrope.• Because of the pervasive silver environment,

all a�acks are treated as silver for the purpose of harming lycanthropes. Lycanthropes with DR/silver or moon hit points (see page 10) take damage from all a�acks as if they were made by silver weapons. Lycanthropes with silver vulnerability (see page 11) take their vulnerability increment for every a�ack that hurts them.

• Certain sites on the Astral Plane may contain concentrated energies relating to the silver color of the plane—enough to deal 1 point of damage per round or even more to lycanthropes who come too close. This damage counts as silver for the purpose of bypassing DR and similar effects.

• The omnipresent silver prevents lycanthropes from passing on their curse to others.

• Because the Astral Plane has no sun or moon, lycanthropes are not forced to take animal form by these celestial bodies. That fact doesn’t affect their ability to change form voluntarily, and other spells and effects that cause them to assume different forms function normally.

Lycanthrope Types and AlignmentThe lycanthrope alignments given in the MM are strongly influenced by medieval European ideas

Nonhuman Natural FormsLarry Niven uses a lycanthrope with a nonhuman natural form as a minor plot device in his book What Good is a Glass Dagger? When sent on a mission by a wizard, a werewolf named Aran crosses a magic-barren desert in wolf form for ease of travel. Later, during an arcane battle between the wizard and a rival mage, Aran involuntarily becomes a wolf. When he asks the wizard what happened, the wizard explains that the battle depleted the area of mana (magical power), causing him to transform. When Aran argues that he didn’t change form in the desert, the wizard explains that he was already in his natural form—that of a wolf. Horrified to realize that the end of magic would mean his children would have to live like animals, he swore to put a stop to all wizardry so that enough magic would be left for his kind to live as humans.

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about the traits of natural animals. Specifically, bears are gentle and kind but dangerous if angry, boars and tigers are indifferent and prefer to be le� alone, rats are vermin that love to consume and spoil mankind’s food stores, and wolves are sly predators that thirst for human blood. But in truth, animals aren’t sentient and don’t make moral judgments about their actions. Thus, there is no reason why you couldn’t have lawful good werewolves or chaotic evil werebears, and at a much higher frequency than the “one in a million” exception that the rules indicate for alignments with the “always” descriptor. Here are some alternate alignments for common lycanthropes, along with explanations of the rationale behind them.• Bear: Neutral evil. Grizzly bears are dangerous,

a�acking anything in their territory and pursuing trespassing creatures relentlessly—even those that clearly present no threat. They also recklessly destroy property while a�empting to fill their bellies.

• Boar: Neutral good. Boars are happy, friendly creatures that eat plants and bugs, and in some stories, even sing songs. For the most part, they just want to wallow in the mud and have a good time; they certainly don’t wish evil on anyone. Some pigs have friendly spiders watching over

them; others befriend sheep and help humans run their farms.

• Rat: Neutral. Rats are clever and quick to learn. In general, they prefer to remain hidden and not mix with other creatures. Rats are content to scavenge le�overs from other groups and resort to the� only when their own survival is threatened.

• Raven: Neutral evil. Canny and fond of shiny things, ravens are eaters of carrion that are as willing to pluck the eyes from a slain paladin as from a dead cow. Ravens steal what they like and, like most birds, befoul anything beneath them, either for humor or for spite.

• Shark: Neutral. The perfect carnivore, a shark exists to eat and has no concern for morals or families. Cold-blooded but not cruel, sharks take what they need when they need it, from both good and evil creatures.

• Tiger: Neutral evil. The jungle tiger is cunning, intelligent, and hates mankind so much that he’ll kill a man he encounters for no reason at all. On land or in the trees, the tiger is a deadly predator.

• Wolf: Lawful good. Wolves are noble animals, devoted to their packs and families. The domesticated wolf is man’s best friend, the common dog. A wolf mother will readily die to protect her cubs, and the alpha male is at the forefront of every ba�le to defend the pack.

On the other hand, an afflicted lycanthrope’s alignment may be entirely unrelated to animal stereotypes. Perhaps it is a function of the lycanthropic curse and the “parent” lycanthrope. Thus, the victims of a neutral evil lycanthrope would tend to act neutral evil, neutral lycanthropes would produce neutral-inclined victims, and so on.

Rangers and LycanthropesOne of the significant rule changes in the 3.5 revision is the loss of the shapechanger creature type. This change means that although rangers from the earlier version of the rules could choose shapechangers as favored enemies, those from the newer edition cannot. However, there is no reason that a ranger couldn’t select “lycanthropes” as his favored enemy. In fact, it would be perfectly reasonable to create a new monster subtype called lycanthrope (meaning a creature that changes shape based on the influence of the moon) and allow the ranger to select that subtype as a favored enemy. Such a tactic also opens the door for allowing nonhumanoid, nongiant lycanthrope base creatures, which could result in some very

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interesting monsters, such as naga weresnakes, nymph swanmays, centaur werehorses, howler werewolves, and manticore werelions.

Building Simple LycanthropesOne of the most time-consuming aspects of lycanthropy as presented in the MM is that it takes a long time to figure out the game statistics for a lycanthrope. Because he has three different forms (humanoid, hybrid, and animal), each with a different set of abilities, a lycanthrope is essentially three different characters with three different statistics blocks. Thus, adding the lycanthrope template to a creature is a big hassle, and if the base creature is a PC, you have to update all three statistics blocks every time he gains a level—and that’s an even bigger hassle. This book presents a simpler yet equally effective way to make a creature a lycanthrope, which we’ll call the simple lycanthrope template. In both lore and cinema, lycanthropes have no special powers in their humanoid forms. In wereform (either hybrid or animal), a lycanthrope is faster, stronger, and more agile than a typical human, and he has one or more natural a�acks. Furthermore, his senses (particularly scent) are superior to those of a human, and he’s immune to most damage except that caused by silver weapons. Thus, when he returns to human form in the morning, he’s generally unharmed except for a few scratches. The challenge is to model this version of a lycanthrope in game terms. Ability Scores: Barbarian rage sets a precedent for short-term ability score increases, although it isn’t a perfect mechanic for this purpose. A lycanthrope in wereform is stronger and more agile than a typical human simply because an animal of comparable size tends to be stronger and more agile than a human. To reflect this difference between human and animal forms, a lycanthrope can take the Wereform Enhancement feat (see Chapter 3: Curse of the Moon Feats), which grants him enhancement bonuses to his Strength and Dexterity in wereform. If you want the lycanthropes in your campaign to be more powerful by default, award this feat as a bonus feat. The following paragraphs answer a few questions about how the simple lycanthrope template in this book approaches ability score changes. Why an enhancement bonus and not a typeless bonus? The game doesn’t need yet another way for characters to boost their ability scores with typeless bonuses—particularly at higher levels, when enhancement bonuses, inherent bonuses,

prestige class special abilities, and typeless effects (such as increases from barbarian rage) can result in very high ability scores indeed. Making the bonus from the Wereform Enhancement feat an enhancement bonus achieves two effects. First of all, it gives weak creatures a significant boost, especially since they rarely have enhancement bonuses from other sources and can therefore gain the full benefit of those from the feat. Secondly, the bonus is still relevant at higher levels, but it’s hard to abuse because of stacking rules. Higher-level characters are more likely to have enhancement-bonus items or spells that make the bonus from the feat redundant. In other words, weak creatures get a boost by becoming lycanthropes, but powerful ones don’t become outrageously more powerful.

THE Belyaev Fox ExperimentA Russian geneticist named Belyaev wanted to study the process of domestication from a genetic viewpoint. He believed that early man’s preference for friendlier or docile animals had resulted in genetic selection for animals with those traits. Belyaev hypothesized that these genetic shifts would account for the changes in color, size, and shape of domesticated animals compared to their wild equivalents. To test his hypothesis, he created an experiment using silver foxes purchased from a fur farm. These foxes were somewhat domesticated but still sufficiently wild for his purposes. His criteria were strict: Only the tamest animals were allowed to breed. To minimize nongenetic influences on their tameness, the animals had little human interaction. This experiment continues to the present day, more than 40 years since its inception. Thirty to thirty-five generations of careful breeding have produced foxes that act like dogs. The animals are playful, they whine for attention, they are comfortable being held or hand-fed, and they always return home if they escape from the farm. In other words, in 40 years, these researchers turned wild foxes into domesticated foxes purely on a genetic basis, not through training. That result says something about the power of inheritance. Though the experiment is not directly relevant to lycanthropy, the result is worth considering before you decide to paint all werewolves with the same chaotic evil brush.

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Why not give certain types of lycanthropes different ability score adjustments in wereform? In the lycanthrope setup presented in the MM, werebears are always powerful and wererats are always relatively weak. This kind of arrangement is a legacy from older editions of the game. In the “old days,” you couldn’t have a 1st-level werebear or a 10th-level werewolf —you just had werebears (powerful), werewolves (much less powerful but still strong), and possibly custom-built creatures such as werewolf lords (which may or may not be more powerful than comparable types of lycanthropes). With the template in this book, however, you can easily create a werewolf that’s more powerful than a werebear, or an exceptional wererat who can easily kill a typical werewolf. The template mechanic is strong and versatile, and we can keep the template simple but still allow for a greater variance in power by altering the base creature rather than modifying the template for each lycanthrope type. For example, if you want werebears to be more powerful than wererats, just apply the template to a more powerful base creature. If your PCs hear that werebears are very powerful creatures and wererats aren’t, they don’t need to know that you’re using the simple template for both types and just using base creatures of greater and lesser power. Let the strength of the class system do the work and don’t worry about the effect of combining class Hit Dice and animal Hit Dice. As an added perk, you don’t have to worry about whether the animal Hit Dice are contributing fully to the creature’s CR or LA. Using a single template with a single set of adjustments rather than multiple adjustments according to animal type also avoids problems elsewhere in the game. For example, suppose you

have a lycanthrope-themed prestige class that grants “all the abilities of your chosen lycanthrope type” as its highest-level ability. With the simple lycanthrope template, everyone would get the same set of abilities. But if you use the MM lycanthrope templates, a wererat-themed character gets very li�le from the prestige class, while an otherwise-identical werebear character gains a lot. Such poor game design is patently unfair to the characters involved. Why no Constitution increase? We don’t want to give the lycanthrope a temporary Constitution boost for two reasons. First of all, increasing his Constitution score means that when he returns to humanoid form, his health immediately worsens, and he may even die if the hit point loss from the Constitution decrease drops him into negative hit points. Secondly, we have a more effective way to model the lycanthrope’s hardiness (see below), and it’s poor game design—not to mention redundant—to model the same effect in two different ways for one creature. Why no Wisdom increase? While animals are generally considered more alert than humanoids, giving lycanthropes a Wisdom increase raises questions about other parts of the game. For example, if you have a spellcaster who gains bonus spells based on her Wisdom score, what happens to those spells when she leaves wereform? In fact, it’s easier to model an animal’s superior senses in other ways (see below). What else can we borrow from the barbarian rage ability? One aspect of traditional lycanthropy that the current MM rules don’t model well is the feral and animalistic nature that most legends a�ribute to lycanthropes in wereform. A lycanthrope built from the MM rules is perfectly coherent in

When Not To Use LAThe biggest complaint players usually have about lycanthrope PCs is the level adjustment of the lycanthrope template, which is annoying for most characters and crippling for spellcasters. If your players complain a lot about the LA (or if one player becomes particularly vocal), here’s a big secret that might help you: You don’t need to use level adjustment. Level adjustment is in the game only so that all the PCs can be at the same power level. If you don’t care whether your PCs are the same power level (and your players don’t either), don’t use the LA. If three of your PCs are 5th-level humans and the fourth is a 5th-level human werewolf, and nobody cares that the werewolf is more powerful than the other characters, then you don’t need to use the LA—just treat the werewolf as a 5th-level character. Sure, the group will have a slightly easier time dealing with EL 5 encounters, but that’s all right. In the long run, you might want to consider giving the LA +0 characters an interesting ability or two (or perhaps a really cool magic item) to help make up for the disparity in character power, but as long as everyone is happy with the situation, no action is required. The same applies if the characters have different LAs stemming from different templates. If one character is a half-fiend, one is a half-dragon, one is a werebear, and the last is a normal human, and everyone is comfortable not using LA, go for it. If you have four 5th-level werewolf PCs, there’s no reason to use LA because all the characters gain the same abilities from the template. (In fact, ignoring the LA treats the characters more evenly than the LA system does in terms of comparing spellcasters and nonspellcasters.). Just treat the party like a group of 5th-level PCs. They’ll have an easier time with EL 5 encounters than your typical 5th-level party, and you might want to throw bigger challenges at them from time to time to reflect this disparity, but there is absolutely no reason why you have to use LA if every person involved (players and DM) is comfortable without it. Taking this idea to the extreme, you don’t really have to use LA at all for any PC. If your party includes vampires, drow, or any other creature with a level adjustment, you don’t need to use it if nobody cares that the characters aren’t exactly the same power level.

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wereform and can even cast spells—a concept that’s hard to reconcile with our concept of the savage man-beast. While we may want to make certain allowances for natural lycanthropes as opposed to afflicted ones, it still doesn’t seem right that a natural wererat in hybrid form can decipher a scroll, treat an ally’s wound, or recite poetry. A raging barbarian is limited in his mental abilities but still able to function, and we can use that familiar model for our simple lycanthrope template. Hardiness: One good way to make a lycanthrope tougher in wereform is to give him temporary hit points. We can set the number of temporary hit points to any value we want, since they’re not tied to Constitution and thus don’t favor creatures with more Hit Dice over those with fewer. Furthermore, they don’t create an imminent death risk when the lycanthrope reassumes his humanoid form. Thus, a lycanthrope with a pool of temporary hit points can take a beating and still wake up unharmed. However, the problem of the lycanthrope’s vulnerability to silver still remains. Damage reduction doesn’t address this issue well (see the Damage Reduction Problems section on page 11). We want to make the lycanthrope resistant to normal damage, including damage from spells and such. (An MM lycanthrope is as vulnerable to a fireball as any human, and we don’t want that situation.) Furthermore, because many special a�acks completely ignore DR, it’s not a good basis on which to build a tough lycanthrope. But instead of silver bypassing DR, it could just as easily bypass these temporary hit points and directly affect the character’s normal hit points. This concept is the core idea behind the moon hit points described in this book (see the Moon Hit Points section, page 10). This technique lets us have a lycanthrope who can shrug off a fireball, and it also opens the door for feats, spells, and magic items that infuse spells with silver so that their damage can bypass moon hit points. So how many moon hit points should we give a lycanthrope? Let’s imagine a typical scenario from legend. A commoner afflicted with lycanthropy has been a�acking people in his village. A crowd of villagers surrounds him and starts beating on him with knives and clubs. It would be nice (from a DM’s standpoint) if the lycanthrope had a reasonable chance of surviving such an encounter so that the village would have to get a group of adventurers to help them deal with the monster. Eight commoners wielding these simple weapons

would deal about 12 to 13 points of damage per round if about half of them hit—a reasonable assumption given a lycanthrope with Dexterity 14 and no armor. But if we give the lycanthrope 20 moon hit points, he could easily take this damage for the couple of rounds it would take him to push his way through the crowd (maybe taking a couple a�acks of opportunity along the way) and escape into the night. At that point, he would have no moon hit points le� and might be slightly wounded as well, but he would be alive. The next morning, he wakes up tired and with a few scratches, but he’s ready to hunt (against his will) the next night. A moon hit point total of 20 is high enough to stop even a few really good hits from city guards or hold off a low-level adventuring party for a short time, yet it’s not so high that it makes a lycanthrope PC unkillable. This aspect has the added benefit of a lower LA for the template. Senses: Superior senses are easy to add to a lycanthrope template. Low-light vision, scent, and the Alertness feat cover that topic well, though scent is such a strong ability that it’s probably a good idea to give the lycanthrope a slightly weaker form of it, just to keep the template’s level adjustment small (see the Lesser Scent section, page 11). Natural A�ack: A natural a�ack is another easy ability to add; just give the creature a bite a�ack in its wereforms. If the lycanthrope animal doesn’t normally have a bite a�ack (for example, a deer), give it another kind of natural a�ack that has the same base damage value. Giving the lycanthrope

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only one natural a�ack maintains a consistent level of power across all animal types, and it also lets us create feats that allow additional a�acks. Summary: The final version of the simple lycanthrope template is in the Templates chapter. In short, it gives the lycanthrope moon hit points and a few sense-related abilities. Now you can add a lycanthrope template to a creature in just a few seconds, and you don’t have to radically alter the base creature’s statistics block to do so.

Damage Reduction ProblemsWith damage reduction, it’s easy to build a creature that’s resistant to certain kinds of damage. Unfortunately, the lycanthropes described in real-world legends don’t quite fit that mechanic. In the game, it’s quite possible for a strong creature to pound on a lycanthrope and deal some damage to it every round. For example, a giant could deal a lycanthrope 1 point of damage over its DR threshold every round for 20 rounds. Such a situation doesn’t jive with the stories, in which a

lycanthrope is either immune to nonsilver damage or it isn’t. Furthermore, lycanthropes should be immune to damage from all nonsilver a�acks, not just the small category covered by DR. The moon hit points mechanic takes care of both problems. With moon hit points, lycanthropes can take a lot of punishment until their resistance collapses and they become vulnerable, and their resistance covers all a�acks directed at them. To be clear, damage reduction is a good mechanic, and it’s ten times be�er than what we had in older versions of the game, in which a lycanthrope could fall 200 feet and land unscathed because he was completely immune to nonsilver damage. But damage reduction just doesn’t make sense for werecreatures based on all the information we have about them from the many tales that feature them.

Lesser ScentScent is a strong ability, especially for a PC. It’s almost impossible to sneak up on a character with the scent ability, and even invisible opponents don’t present much of a threat because scent allows the character to pinpoint the location of adjacent invisible targets easily. So rather than handing this ability to anyone “unlucky” enough to get bi�en by a werecreature, we can create a weaker version of it that doesn’t make PCs so powerful. A creature with the lesser scent ability can detect an opponent within 5 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 10 feet; if downwind, it drops to 0 feet (the creature can detect downwind creatures only in its own square). Strong scents, such as smoke or ro�ing garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above (minimum 5 feet). Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. Detection of a scent does not reveal the exact location of the source—only its presence somewhere within range. However, a creature using lesser scent can take a standard action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever it comes within 5 feet of the source, the creature can take a move action to pinpoint the source’s location. A creature with the Track feat and the lesser scent ability can follow tracks by smell, just as a creature with the scent ability can.

Moon Hit PointsMoon hit points are a type of bonus hit points. When a creature gains moon hit points (normally by assuming a wereform), keep track of them

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separately from its normal hit points. When the creature takes damage from any source (including spell damage and energy damage such as fire), it loses moon hit points first and begins losing its normal hit points only when all of its moon hit points are gone. Silver a�acks (such as those made with silver weapons, or items infused with alchemical silver, or spells from casters who have the Argent Spell feat) bypass the creature’s moon hit points and deplete its normal hit points directly. Moon hit points cannot prevent a creature from reaching a disabled, dying, or dead condition. Thus, a creature with 0 normal hit points is disabled, a creature with –1 to –9 normal hit points is dying, and a creature with –10 or fewer normal hit points is dead, no ma�er how many moon hit points it has. Moon hit points count as normal hit points for the purpose of resisting nonlethal damage—that is, the creature’s nonlethal damage must equal the total of its normal hit points and its moon hit points. Example: A 1st-level commoner with the simple lycanthrope template has 6 normal hit points and (in wereform) 20 moon hit points. A town guard with a normal spear a�acks the lycanthrope while he is in wereform and deals 5 points of damage. Because the spear has no silver properties, this damage comes off the lycanthrope’s moon hit points, leaving him with 6 normal hit points and 15 moon hit points. Then a cleric of Luna arrives and strikes the lycanthrope with her silver mace, dealing 7 points of damage. This damage bypasses the lycanthrope’s moon hit points, reducing him to –1 normal hit point. At this point, the lycanthrope falls unconscious, even though he still has 15 moon hit points le�. The cleric and the guard can continue to hit the unconscious lycanthrope, though the damage from the guard’s a�acks continues to come off his moon hit points until they are gone, at which point he can begin doing the lycanthrope permanent harm. Moon hit points remain until they are expended, or until the creature either reverts to its natural form or dies. Moon hit points carry over between transformations to wereform and are fully restored during each night of the full moon. Rest and standard cure spells such as cure light wounds do not replenish moon hit points. Thus, a lycanthrope who runs out of moon hit points might have to do without them for days or even weeks at a time. In such a case, most lycanthropes choose to lie low until the next full moon to avoid extreme vulnerability. In a way, moon hit points are like

temporary hit points that go “on top of” the character’s hit point total, except that silver a�acks completely ignore them. Example: A human natural wererat Ftr1 built with the simple lycanthrope template has 10 normal hit points and 20 moon hit points in wereform when fully charged with the moon’s power. On the second night of the full moon, he gets into a fight in hybrid form and loses 5 moon hit points, leaving him with 15 moon hit points and 10 normal hit points. He escapes and returns to his human form, apparently no worse for wear. If he takes wereform again any time before the next night’s full moon, he has only 15 moon hit points. The third night of the full moon restores his moon hit points to 20. He then gets in another fight and loses 17 moon hit points, leaving him with only 3—though he still appears unscathed as he has 10 normal hit points. For the rest of the month, he has only 3 moon hit points upon assuming wereform (subject to further damage, of course). Knowing that he will not naturally recover any moon hit points until the first day of the next full moon, he decides to lie low for a month because he’s more vulnerable than normal.

Variant : Silver VulnerabilityIn some campaigns, lycanthropy truly is a curse, not the mixed blessing it is in the d20 System. A character afflicted with lycanthropy in such a game is actually worse off than if she weren’t a werecreature. Instead of having damage reduction or moon hit points, lycanthropes using this variant have no special resistance to any kind of damage, and they take extra damage from silver-based a�acks. The trick is how to model that extra damage so that it’s significant but not instantly lethal. Multipliers in the game usually spell trouble—they allow damage to skyrocket to abnormally high values outside the parameters that the CR/LA system was built to handle, rendering some encounters ridiculously easy. Thus, we should rule out a simple damage multiplier for silver-based a�acks. What about addition? Addition is easier to handle than multiplication anyway, particularly for single-digit numbers. In the low damage values, additive values feel much like multipliers (which makes the effect significant), but by capping the upper value for the additive damage, we can avoid the big problem of a true multiplier. This concept forms the foundation for the silver vulnerability special quality described below.

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Silver Vulnerability: A creature with silver vulnerability takes extra damage from silver-based a�acks. The amount of extra damage equals the damage from the a�ack or the value of the silver vulnerability, whichever is lower. For example, if a lycanthrope with silver vulnerability 5 is struck by a silver longsword for 8 points of damage, he takes an additional 5 points of damage on top of the 8 from the longsword. If the longsword dealt only 3 points of damage, the lycanthrope would take only an extra 3 points. A typical lycanthrope with this quality has silver vulnerability 5, which is sufficient to turn an average a�ack into a mortal wound for a 1st-level lycanthrope. Creatures especially sensitive to silver may have silver vulnerability 10, 15, or more. Only silver damage that actually gets through to the creature causes extra damage in this manner. For example, a lycanthrope with silver vulnerability 5 and DR 5/magic takes extra damage only from silver a�acks that bypass his damage reduction or deal enough damage to overcome the first 5 points of his DR. This mechanic is also suitable for fey creatures vulnerable to cold iron. In fact, the idea was inspired by stories of fey elves who bleed just like a human from bronze weapons, but die from even slight wounds inflicted by iron and steel weapons. A typical fey with this ability has cold iron vulnerability 5. The mechanic even works for energy vulnerabilities; see Chapter 3: Curse of the Moon Feats for an example.

Aging and LycanthropyAnimals don’t age at the same rate as humanoids do. A 20-year-old human is in the prime of life, while many dogs don’t live even half that long. Clearly, we don’t want in-game lycanthropes to die at ages appropriate to their animal forms, nor do we want young lycanthropes to age to maturity as fast as their animal forms would. So it makes sense to use the creature’s natural form for all age categories and “translate” a beastform’s appearance based on those age categories. Thus, a child werewolf in beastform would look much like a wolf puppy, and an old werewolf probably has gray hair on his muzzle in animal form. For flavor, it’s interesting to translate certain age-related traits of the lycanthrope’s animal back to its natural form. For example, sharks continue to grow teeth their entire life, so weresharks might retain their humanoid teeth, or even continue growing new teeth into very old age. Turtles and tortoises have very long lifespans but don’t change much in terms of appearance, so a wereturtle might look middle-aged upon reaching adulthood but not visibly age any further for decades.

Afflicted Lycanthropes and AlignmentAs mentioned in the Lycanthrope Types and Alignment section in this chapter, each lycanthrope type may have different “alignment strains” rather than a fixed alignment, and the alignment of the a�acking lycanthrope may be transmi�ed along with the curse of lycanthropy. Thus, it’s entirely possible for an afflicted lycanthrope to have one alignment in its natural form and a different alignment in wereform. Forced alignment changes, particularly in the case of good characters (paladins in particular) are very problematic because they take character control away from the players and have permanent consequences for the character. So how do we handle a lycanthrope PC whose beastform has a different alignment, and do so without screwing up the character? The primary issue is whether or not the change is voluntary. The atonement spell makes a distinction between willing acts (which are hard to atone for) and those commi�ed under some form of compulsion (which are easier to atone for). Certainly an involuntary wereform transformation counts as a compulsion. Therefore, a character who doesn’t know he’s a lycanthrope and changes form against his will (possibly even without his knowledge) isn’t responsible for his actions while in beastform.

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This assumption lets the DM run unwilling lycanthropes according to their “alignment strains” on nights of the full moon, while the player runs the character normally otherwise. This arrangement has three benefits. One, the player can use the character as normal. Two, the DM can use the character as an NPC to further campaign plots. Three, it prevents immediate metagame awareness of the character’s condition from coloring the PC’s actions. (“Hmmm, I no longer have paladin abilities, so I must be doing something that I don’t remember. Quick, cast some divination spells on me to see what’s wrong!”) However, this personality duality shouldn’t mean that a paladin who turns into a chaotic evil werewolf can murder children as a werewolf three nights a month and continue on his merry paladin way in the daylight—the good powers frown on evil acts even if they’re commi�ed under compulsion. Of course, stripping a good character of his good-derived powers is an obvious signal that something is wrong, but we don’t need such an overwhelming response to the slightest infraction. For example, suppose our example paladin doesn’t have many opportunities to commit evil acts on the first night that he becomes an evil lycanthrope. Perhaps he only manages to kick an old lady while she’s feeding the neighborhood cats. Removing all of his paladin abilities would be a disproportionate response, and patently unfair as well. If the player doesn’t know the character is a lycanthrope, he’s just going to think the DM is being a jerk. For such a minor offense, denying the paladin higher-level spells, reducing the effectiveness of his lay on hands ability, or simply giving him an overall feeling of unease can all signal that something is amiss. If the paladin takes no action to figure out what is wrong, more penalties should accrue until it becomes obvious to even the most dense player and character that the paladin is being punished for something. The same arrangement also works for an evil character afflicted with good lycanthropy, though most evil powers don’t care if their blackguards commit a good act now and then. Likewise, a neutral character infected with an extreme-alignment lycanthropy may earn the ire of the powers of balance if he continues in activities that upset that balance.

Variant : Lycanthropy as a DiseaseLycanthropy doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing affair. Rather than a “fail one save and you change

at the next full moon” situation, lycanthropy—o�en called a disease—could progress like a disease, debilitating the affected character until she fully succumbs to its effects. In this variant, lycanthropy functions as a disease with the following statistics.Disease Infection DC Incubation DamageLycanthropy* Injury 15 1 day 1d2 Int

*Successful saves do not allow the character to recover. Only magical healing can save the character.

The infected character becomes disoriented, feverish, and prone to fits of irritability. When his Intelligence score reaches 2 or below, the infection has run its course. The character stops losing Intelligence from the affliction and in most cases recovers fully a�er a few days. Then he involuntarily takes beastform at the next full moon, just as in the standard lycanthropy-affliction rules. Unless the character receives care from a very perceptive healer, he and his friends may simply assume that he suffered from a severe flu that le� him mentally drained, making him a thorn in the side of anyone dealing with him. Even in this variant, lycanthropy should still be treated as a curse and not an actual disease. Effects that provide resistance or immunity to disease do not help to prevent the acquisition or progress of the curse, and this fact may serve as a clue to those involved that the affliction isn’t a disease at all.

Lycanthropes and Level AdjustmentThe level adjustment of the lycanthrope template is the biggest drawback of becoming a lycanthrope. An afflicted lycanthrope is guaranteed at least a +2 level adjustment (+3 for a natural lycanthrope), and that value doesn’t include the additional LA from the lycanthrope’s animal Hit Dice (a quasi-hidden modifier to the LA that many people don’t notice when reading the template). Even a lowly afflicted wererat has a +3 LA, which is greater than a drow and the same as a basic ogre. As is the case with most level adjustments, this one favors nonspellcasters, and most spellcasters find the LA too costly for the template’s benefits. (That fact is part of the reason why I tried to

Disease or CurseMake no mistake, lycanthropy is a magical curse, not a disease, even though it is transmitted in the same manner as many diseases in the game (by bites) and is sometimes referred to as a disease in the rules. Thus, paladins and monks are not immune to lycanthropy, even though they have class abilities that make them immune to disease. A periapt of health doesn’t protect against it either, and so on. Lycanthropy is a curse, not a disease.

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give the simple lycanthrope template a very small LA—to minimize the impact of the level adjustment on a spellcaster’s abilities.) For example, compared to a non-lycanthrope wizard 20, an afflicted lycanthrope wizard 18 is giving up two 9th-level spells, an 8th-level spell, and a 7th-level spell—more than enough to make up for DR 5/silver (stoneskin gives DR 10/adamantine), scent (see invisibility or true seeing detects invisible foes), the Wisdom bonus (an extended owl’s wisdom does be�er), and the Iron Will feat (not a big deal for a class with a good Will save). If the character has to be a lycanthrope, it’s be�er to use a template with a low LA.

Variant : Regeneration/SilverOne way to make lycanthropes very powerful is to give them the regeneration ability, thwarted only by damage caused by silver. In this variant, lycanthropes can be killed only by silver, which means they are almost invulnerable to injury. Given the rarity of silver weapons in the hands of monsters and NPCs, this ability is too powerful for a PC lycanthrope. To be fair, it is so powerful that it would carry a huge level adjustment—so huge that a typical PC wouldn’t consider the benefit worthwhile. If you prefer this version of lycanthropy, use the following description for lycanthrope regeneration. Regeneration: Lycanthropes take normal damage from silvered weapons and spells or effects with the silver descriptor. Unlike the standard regeneration ability, this one does not allow regrowth or rea�achment of severed limbs.

Variant : Control Shape SavesThe Control Shape mechanic is a strange one—only infected lycanthropes can take ranks in this skill, so a newly infected lycanthrope always starts off at the minimal level of skill (0 ranks) as far as controlling his changes. Furthermore, the DC for resisting an involuntary change is so high (DC 25) that few characters have a chance of success unless they’re high-level or have magical aid. Because Control Shape is a skill, characters whose classes give them lots of skill points (bard, monk, rogue, and ranger) are much be�er at controlling their forms than characters of low-skill classes who have a lot of willpower (namely clerics, druids, sorcerers, and wizards). If we use a saving throw mechanic for controlling a lycanthrope’s shape rather than the skill mechanic, high-willpower classes are the best and low-willpower classes are the worst,

which seems more natural. In this arrangement, the bard and monk remain strong, and the primary spellcasters have a much be�er chance of maintaining their natural forms. This fact is especially important because spellcasters lose the most when forced into wereform—namely their ability to cast spells. But this mechanic also requires changing the DCs; otherwise, some of them are trivial for even low-level spellcasters and almost impossible for the greatest thickheaded heroes. Control Shape: Natural lycanthropes always have control over their shapechanging because they were born with the ability and have an instinctive knowledge of it. Afflicted lycanthropes must learn how to control these changes, and they are not always successful. Involuntary Changes: An afflicted lycanthrope must make a DC 20 Will saving throw at moonrise each night of the full moon to resist involuntarily assuming animal form. An injured character must also check for an involuntary change a�er accumulating enough damage to reduce his hit points by one-quarter of his maximum hit points, and again a�er each additional one-quarter lost. A failed save indicates that the lycanthrope must remain in animal form until the next dawn, when he automatically returns to his natural form. A�er such an involuntary transformation, an afflicted lycanthrope who is aware of his condition may make one a�empt to return to his natural form (see below), but if he fails, he remains in animal form until the next dawn. Voluntary Changes: An afflicted lycanthrope who is aware of his condition can a�empt to change form voluntarily (to or from any of his lycanthrope forms or his natural form), regardless of the state of the moon or whether he has been injured. To do so, he a�empts a Will save; success means he changes form, failure means he does not. The save DCs for voluntary changes are given on the following table. The difficulty of assuming hybrid form compared to that of assuming animal form is a ma�er of some disagreement. One camp says that because the animal form is the more “natural” one for a changed lycanthrope, it should be easier to “let nature take its course” and assume animal form than to stop part way in hybrid form. The other says it’s easier to make a small change to hybrid form than a full change to animal form because a full transformation requires a greater “push” than a partial one. While I’m in the first camp, you can just change the DCs appropriately if you prefer the second version.

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Will Save DCVoluntary Change Full Moon Not Full MoonNatural to hybrid 18 20Natural to animal 15 18Hybrid to natural 20 18Hybrid to animal 15 18Animal to natural 20 18Animal to hybrid 18 15

A character can retry the save to make a voluntary change to animal form or hybrid form as o�en as he likes. Each a�empt is a standard action. However, on a failed check to return to his natural form, the character must remain in his current form until the next dawn, when he automatically returns to his natural form.

Adaptive LycanthropyPerhaps the rarest form of lycanthropy is the one called adaptive lycanthropy, or pure lycanthropy. Rather than taking the form of a specific lycanthrope animal on the nights of the full moon, a creature with this type of lycanthropy takes the form of the nearest animal at the time of the transformation. For example, if the pure lycanthrope is standing next to a wolf at moonrise, he takes the shape of a wolf; if he is standing next to a rat at moonrise, he takes the shape of a rat. In effect, the closest creature at moonrise determines what the creature’s lycanthrope animal is until the next moonrise. Thus, if the transformation occurs on the third night of the full moon, the creature has that lycanthrope animal for an entire month. The ability of an adaptive lycanthrope to change animal forms wreaks havoc on the MM lycanthrope templates. Among other problems, the creature’s Hit Dice change every time it transforms. Thus, the simple lycanthrope template provides a be�er way to create adaptive lycanthropes. A creature with adaptive lycanthropy should avoid taking feats that rely on a particular animal form unless she is sure that she’s almost always going to be able to take that form. For example, a druid with an eagle animal companion needn’t worry about not having access to flight-related feats because her animal companion is sure to be nearby at moonrise.

Belladonna and WolvesbaneThese two herbs have a strong association with lycanthropy, and despite what the MM lycanthrope template says, they aren’t the same plant. Belladonna (also known as deadly nightshade) is a poisonous plant with dull green leaves, purple flowers, and shiny black berries. Its leaves, berries, and roots are all poisonous, and a few berries or a well-chewed leaf is enough to cause death in an adult human. Belladonna is an ingested poison (DC 15). Its initial and secondary effect is 1d6 points of Dexterity and Constitution damage. Wolvesbane (also known as aconite and monkshood) is a poisonous plant with dark green leaves and bright-colored flowers. It gained its common name from European wolf-hunters who used it to poison their arrows. Its juice is a numbing agent and a paralytic, and even contact with a broken stalk or an intact leaf can paralyze the heart and the muscles that control breathing. Wolvesbane is a contact or injected poison (DC 15). Its initial effect is 1d6 points of Dexterity damage, and its

secondary effect is 2d6 points of Dexterity damage. Once

the target’s Dexterity reaches 0, any

Character Concept : Lycanthrope GargoyleIf you wish, you can use the simple lycanthrope template to build a gargoyle-like character. The character’s lycanthrope animal is probably a bat, cat, or tiger, and his natural form is his hybrid form. If the player is willing to forego the character’s humanoid form entirely, it’s fair to give the lycanthrope-gargoyle the true gargoyle’s freeze ability and darkvision to compensate. Good feat choices for a lycanthrope-gargoyle include Lycanthrope Flesh, Lycanthrope Freak (armor plates), Wereform Movement, and Wereform Weapons (2 claws). Cosmetically, the character looks stonelike but isn’t actually stone.

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remaining damage converts to Constitution damage. A creature bi�en by a lycanthrope can ingest belladonna or wolvesbane within 1 hour of the a�ack to avoid acquiring lycanthropy. The plant’s power lets the creature a�empt a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw to shake off the curse. The creature suffers the normal effects of the poison and must make saving throws against it as normal, though magic or other healing can negate or reduce its effects. Because the plant’s ability to fight lycanthropy stems from its poison, effects that negate or delay the poison’s effects also negate its ability to fight lycanthropy. For example, the helpful powers of belladonna and wolvesbane are negated for a creature protected by delay poison or a periapt of proof against poison. A lycanthrope carrying a fresh sprig of wolvesbane (cut less than a week before) has an easier time remaining in his natural form than

normal. He gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist involuntary transformation from his natural form and

a +2 bonus on saves made to return to his natural form voluntarily. Oddly enough, according to lycanthrope folklore, both

belladonna and wolvesbane are used to create magic potions that allow a

person to take animal form. Apparently their ability to harm lycanthropes or

forestall lycanthropic infection is a “hair of the dog” method for treating the condition,

even if the lycanthrope’s shapechanging abilities stem from sources other than alchemy.

Countering Affliction With SilverSilver can also prevent lycanthropic affliction. If a character who has been a�acked by a lycanthrope in

the past hour drinks a pound of powdered silver (worth 5 gp) mixed with water, he may make a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw to shake off the curse. Elemental silver used in this way is not harmful. However, if the creature rolls a 1 on the special saving throw granted by the silver, its skin, the whites of its eyes, and interior of its mouth acquire a blue-gray color (called argyria by modern doctors) a few weeks to months later. This condition isn’t harmful, but it is permanent unless treated with remove disease, which negates it. Successive uses of this “silver method” of preventing lycanthropy increase the chance of contracting argyria. The condition occurs on a roll of 1–2 on the second use, 1–3 on the third use, and so on. A creature with this condition is always subject to the effects of heat metal and chill metal, even if it carries no metal items. Humans, elves, and half-elves with this condition look like they have drow ancestry, and dwarves look like they have duergar ancestry. Most creatures in a world that contains evil drow consider this condition horrible because they face fear and prejudice from others. Fortunately, however, disguises both magic and mundane can conceal argyria, though the eye whites and inside of the mouth may still present a problem. Hint to the readers: Do not a�empt to give yourself argyria.

Warning , They’re PoisonousBelladonna and wolvesbane really are poisonous plants, and they’re quite dangerous. I recommend that you stay away from them. Don’t touch or eat them, and definitely don’t try to make a potion out of them. Just keep away from them. I don’t want people to get hurt just because they thought that being amateur herbalists would be interesting.

Jobs For LycanthropesIn a world where lycanthropes exist, it would be fun if some of them took jobs that would let them take advantage of their special abilities. Imagine lycanthropes on the stage, performing The Lion King with actual animal forms, or a weredonkey playing Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, or the Narnia stories performed by talking lycanthropes. In a modern-setting game, lycanthropes could work as animal performers in a circus, in the movies, or on television, performing acts that no animal could be trained to do. Or how about a remake of An American Werewolf in London using a real werewolf? Daring lycanthropes could even serve as “stunt doubles” for animals, performing dangerous stunts for the screen. (Ethically, and legally in the United States, directors can’t use real animals in dangerous situations because the creatures can’t legally give consent, so the use of lycanthropes can add a whole new dimension to films.) Basically, any time you see an animal working, think about how a lycanthrope could do the same job without needing to be toilet-trained.

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This chapter presents new templates relating to lycanthropes. When using these templates, forget what you know about the MM lycanthrope, and don’t assume that any aspects of the MM lycanthrope template are automatically included here. If a particular ability isn’t given for one of these templates, then it’s not among the abilities granted. For example, if a template doesn’t mention lycanthropic empathy, don’t assume that the creature gets it just because the MM template has it. The templates described here are complete, and you don’t need to refer to the MM to use them.

Simple LycanthropeA lycanthrope is a creature that takes the shape of an animal under the influence of the full moon. Natural lycanthropes inherit this condition from their parents; afflicted lycanthropes have it thrust upon them by the a�ack of another lycanthrope, but all have strong ties to the feral aspects of their personalities. Lycanthropes are o�en indistinguishable from nonlycanthropes, but natural lycanthropes and long-term afflicted ones sometimes display traits reminiscent of their animal forms even in their natural ones. For example, a wererat might have prominent teeth and a pointed nose, a wereboar might be hairy and have an underbite, a werewolf could have a widow’s peak and a long face, and so on.

Creating a Simple Lycanthrope“Simple lycanthrope” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature with a discernable anatomy (referred to herea�er as the base creature). Most lycanthropes are humanoids. A lycanthrope uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. The base creature’s normal shape is its natural form, and its animal and hybrid shapes are its wereforms. Size and Type: The creature gains the shapechanger and lycanthrope subtypes. Size is unchanged. The lycanthrope takes on the characteristics of some creature of the animal type—o�en a carnivore or omnivore such as a bear, tiger, or wolf. A�acks: In either of its wereforms, a lycanthrope has a bite a�ack. Use the values in the table below or the values for the base creature’s bite damage (if

any), whichever is greater. A lycanthrope in hybrid form that can wield weapons normally uses its bite as a secondary a�ack. A lycanthrope is proficient with all its natural weapons.

Size Base Bite DamageFine 1

Diminutive 1Tiny 1d2

Small 1d3Medium 1d4Large 1d6Huge 1d8

Gargantuan 2d6Colossal 3d6

Special A�acks: A lycanthrope retains all the special a�acks of the base creature. A natural lycanthrope also gains the following special a�ack. Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by the bite a�ack of a natural lycanthrope in wereform must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become an afflicted lycanthrope. Special Qualities: A lycanthrope retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following special qualities. Animal Form (Su): The lycanthrope looks like a normal animal of its type, except that its size category remains the same as the base creature’s. Thus, a human weretiger turns into a Medium tiger, a halfling werewolf becomes a Small wolf, and a hill giant wererat becomes a Large rat. The lycanthrope cannot vocalize in animal form except to make sounds that its lycanthrope animal normally makes. It gains none of the lycanthrope

Variant : Simple Lycanthropes Aren’t So LimitedIn this variant, simple lycanthropes—whether natural or afflicted—aren’t mentally impaired when they take wereform. While in animal or hybrid form, they can use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills, the Concentration skill, and abilities that require patience or concentration. Such lycanthropes are still limited by the physical drawbacks of their wereforms, including the inability to speak (and therefore cast spells with verbal components, activate magic items that require a speaking voice, and so on) while in animal form, though they can easily overcome this limitation by taking the Wereform Speech feat. Furthermore, lycanthropes built with this variant still gain all the benefits of their lycanthropic rage—namely moon hit points and enhanced senses. Tribes of these lycanthropes may be just as friendly and civilized as any other creatures, since their lycanthropy poses no automatic threat to others nearby. To them, the ability to change into an animal is no more dangerous than being left-handed or having red hair. Members of such a community would have no need for the Wereform Rage Clarity feat. (Alternatively, you could treat them as if they all had Wereform Rage Clarity as a bonus feat, which would give the same result.)

Chapter 2 : Templates

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Chapter Two : TEMPLATES

animal’s abilities (including alternate forms of movement) except those specifically noted in this template. Hybrid Form (Su): The lycanthrope’s natural form takes on aspects of its animal form, such as fur, scales, teeth, tail, and posture. If the lycanthrope animal has wings, the lycanthrope’s equivalent limbs (if any) gain appropriate winglike growths,

though they still function according to their normal shape and cannot be used to fly. For example, a human werebat gains membranes in his armpits, but he cannot use them to glide or fly. The lycanthrope can perform any actions in this form that it could in its natural form (including speaking and using equipment), except as noted below in the description of the limited actions special quality. Lycanthropic Rage (Su): On the three nights of the full moon, afflicted lycanthropes are forced to assume an animal or hybrid wereform (a standard action) and remain in that form until the sun comes up the next morning. An afflicted lycanthrope may resist these changes with the Control Shape skill. The lycanthrope returns to its normal form if slain. A natural lycanthrope has full control over its shape and can assume any of its forms at any time. A lycanthrope in wereform has the following special qualities as a result of the lycanthropic rage. When the lycanthropic rage ends, these abilities go away as well. These qualities are in effect for voluntary and involuntary transformations.• Enhanced Senses: Lycanthropes in wereform gain

low-light vision, lesser scent, and the Alertness feat.

• Limited Actions: Like a barbarian in the midst of a rage, a lycanthrope in wereform cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration. Furthermore, it cannot cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. It can use any feat it has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats.

• Moon Hit Points: The lycanthrope gains 20 moon hit points while in wereform (see Chapter 1 for more information about moon hit points).

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature. Alignment: Varies by animal type. Level Adjustment: +1.

Sample Simple LycanthropesThe simple lycanthropes presented here are based on a 1st-level human natural lycanthrope warrior with the following base ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. Since the effects of this template are the same regardless of the lycanthrope’s animal type, the lycanthrope abilities of all the sample creatures are identical; only their feat, skill, and equipment selections make them different.

Variant : Even Simpler LycanthropesThe basic template presented here gives lycanthropes a limited set of abilities with the intent of minimizing the changes to a PC’s or NPC’s stat block and providing the smallest possible change to LA while retaining the basic feel of what a lycanthrope should be able to do. If you’d like your lycanthropes to have more than these basic abilities, just give them the appropriate bonus lycanthrope feats (such as Lycanthrope Empathy, Wereform Enhancement, Wereform Special Ability, and Wereform Weapons, see Chapter 3: Curse of the Moon feats) until they match your expectations. Adding three or more of these bonus feats will affect the creature’s LA and CR, but just one or two won’t in most cases. Conversely, it’s possible to reduce the template’s LA by removing a key ability. The main source of the +1 LA for the simple lycanthrope template is its 20 moon hit points. For a +0 LA, take away the template’s moon hit points (but still allow creatures with the template to take feats that have moon hit points as a prerequisite). Furthermore, 20 hit points of any kind are less valuable at higher levels, so consider dropping the +1 LA for PCs who have more than 100 normal hit points. Finally, classes that rely on abilities that require clear thought (such as spellcasting) are greatly hindered by this template and should not get the template’s LA unless they have a way to overcome its limitations (such as the Wereform Rage Clarity feat).

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Chapter Two : TEMPLATES

Human simple werebear War1; CR 1/2; Medium humanoid (lycanthrope, shapechanger); HD 1d8+1; hp 5; Init +0; Spd 20 �.; AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk see below; Space/Reach 5 �./5 �.; SA curse of lycanthropy (DC 15); SQ animal form, hybrid form, lycanthrope rage (in animal or hybrid form it gets Alertness, low-light vision, lesser scent, limited actions, and 20 moon hit points); AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. Animal Form: Atk/Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite). Hybrid form: Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +4 melee (1d8+1/x3, masterwork ba�leaxe), or +2 ranged (1d10/19-20, heavy crossbow and masterwork bolt); Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +4 melee (1d8+1/x3, masterwork ba�leaxe), -3 melee (1d4, bite), or +2 ranged (1d10/19-20, heavy crossbow and masterwork bolt). Natural human form: Atk/Full Atk +4 melee (1d8+1/x3, masterwork ba�leaxe) or +2 ranged (1d10/19-20, heavy crossbow and masterwork bolt). Skills and Feats: Balance -3, Climb +2, Escape Artist -3, Hide -3, Jump +2, Listen +0, Move Silently -3, Spot +0, Swim -5, Tumble -3; Metamorph Healing (1/day heal 10 hp when transforming), Weapon Focus (ba�leaxe). Gear: Masterwork breastplate, masterwork ba�leaxe, heavy crossbow, 20 masterwork crossbow bolts, potion of cure light wounds, 17 gp.

Human simple wereboar War1; CR 1/2; Medium humanoid (lycanthrope, shapechanger); HD 1d8+1; hp 5; Init +0; Spd 20 �.; AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk see below; Space/Reach 5 �./5 �.; SA curse of lycanthropy (DC 15); SQ animal form, hybrid form, lycanthrope rage (in animal or hybrid

form it gets Alertness, low-light vision, lesser scent, limited actions, and 20 moon hit points); AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. Animal Form: Atk/Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite). Hybrid form: Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +4 melee (1d8+1/x3, masterwork ba�leaxe), or +2 ranged (1d6/x3, shortbow and masterwork arrow); Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +4 melee (1d8+1/x3, masterwork ba�leaxe), -3 melee (1d4, bite), or +2 ranged (1d6/x3, shortbow and masterwork arrow). Natural human form: Atk/Full Atk +4 melee (1d8+1/x3, masterwork ba�leaxe) or +2 ranged (1d6/x3, shortbow and masterwork arrow). Skills and Feats: Balance -4, Climb -3, Escape Artist -4, Hide -4, Intimidate +3, Jump -3, Listen +1, Move Silently -4, Spot +1, Swim -7, Tumble -4; Weapon Focus (ba�leaxe), Wereform Special Ability (ferocity). Ferocity (Ex): The wereboar can continue to fight without penalty while disabled or dying. The wereboar continues to lose 1 hit point per round at –1 to –9 as normal. Gear: Masterwork chainmail, masterwork ba�leaxe, shortbow, 20 masterwork arrows, potion of cure light wounds (2), 39 gp.

Human simple wererat War1; CR 1/2; Medium humanoid (lycanthrope, shapechanger); HD 1d8+1; hp 5; Init +0; Spd 30 �.; AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk see below; Space/Reach 5 �./5 �.; SA curse of lycanthropy (DC 15); SQ animal form, hybrid form, lycanthrope rage (in animal or hybrid form it gets Alertness, low-light vision, lesser scent, limited actions, and 20 moon hit points); AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. Animal Form: Atk/Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite). Hybrid form: Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +3 melee (1d6+1/18-20, masterwork rapier), or +2 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow and masterwork bolt); Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +3 melee (1d6+1/18-20, masterwork rapier), -3 melee (1d4, bite), or +2 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow and masterwork bolt).

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Chapter Two : TEMPLATES

Natural human form: Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d6+1/18-20, masterwork rapier) or +2 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow and masterwork bolt). Skills and Feats: Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +1; Smaller Beastform (may become Small rat instead of Medium), Stealthy. Gear: Masterwork studded leather, masterwork buckler, masterwork rapier, light crossbow, 20 masterwork crossbow bolts, potion of cure light wounds, 33 gp.

Human simple weretiger War1; CR 1/2; Medium humanoid (lycanthrope, shapechanger); HD 1d8+1; hp 5; Init +4; Spd 30 �.; AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk see below; Space/Reach 5 �./5 �.; SA curse of lycanthropy (DC 15); SQ animal form, hybrid form, lycanthrope rage (in animal or hybrid form it gets Alertness, low-light vision, lesser scent, limited actions, and 20 moon hit points); AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. Animal Form: Atk/Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite). Hybrid form: Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +3 melee (1d6+1/x3, masterwork scimitar), or +2 ranged (1d8/x3, longbow and masterwork arrow); Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +3 melee (1d6+1/x3, masterwork scimitar), -3 melee (1d4, bite), or +2 ranged (1d8/x3, longbow and masterwork arrow). Natural human form: Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d6+1/x3, masterwork scimitar) or +2 ranged (1d8/x3, longbow and masterwork arrow). Skills and Feats: Balance -2, Climb +3, Escape Artist -2, Hide +0, Jump -1, Move Silently -2, Spot +1, Swim -3, Tumble -2; Improved Initiative, Wereform Special Ability (improved grab: bite or claw). Improved Grab: To use this ability, the weretiger must hit with a bite or claw a�ack (this weretiger has no claw a�acks but may gain them by taking the Wereform Weapons feat). If the weretiger hits, it may immediately a�empt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an a�ack of opportunity. Gear: Masterwork chain shirt, large steel shield, masterwork scimitar, longbow, 20 masterwork arrows, potion of cure light wounds, potion of magic fang, 18 gp.

Human simple werewolf War1; CR 1/2; Medium humanoid (lycanthrope, shapechanger); HD 1d8+1; hp 5; Init +0; Spd 30 �.; AC 15*, touch 10*, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +1; Grp +2*; Atk/Full Atk see below; Space/Reach 5 �./5 �.; SA curse of lycanthropy (DC 15); SQ animal form, hybrid form, lycanthrope rage (in animal or hybrid form it gets Alertness, low-light vision, lesser scent, limited actions, +4 enhancement bonus to Str and Dex, and 20 moon hit points); AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +0*, Will -1; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. Animal Form: Atk/Full Atk +4 melee (1d4+3, bite). Hybrid form: Atk +4 melee (1d4+3, bite), or +5 melee (1d8+3/19-20, masterwork longsword), or +4 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow and masterwork bolt); Full Atk +4 melee (1d4+3, bite), or +5 melee (1d8+3/19-20, masterwork longsword), -1 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +4 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow and masterwork bolt). Natural human form: Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d8+1/19-20, masterwork longsword) or +2 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow and masterwork bolt). Skills and Feats: Balance –2*, Climb –1*, Escape Artist –2*, Hide –2*, Jump –1*, Listen +1, Move Silently –2*, Spot +1, Survival +1, Swim –3*, Tumble –2*; Track, Wereform Enhancement (+4 enhancement bonus to Str and Dex in wereform). Gear: Masterwork chain shirt, small steel shield, masterwork longsword, light crossbow, 20 masterwork bolts, potion of cure light wounds, potion of jump, oil of magic weapon, 22 gp. *These values increase by +2 in wereform because of the Strength and Dexterity increases from the Wereform Enhancement feat. These bonuses are already included in the a�ack values for the werewolf’s animal and hybrid forms.

Cursed LycanthropeA cursed lycanthrope is a creature forced to take hybrid form when stressed or when the moon is full. Unlike other kinds of lycanthropy that offer certain advantages in some situations, cursed lycanthropy is considered a horrible burden by all but the most evil and chaotic creatures because it endangers not only the victim but others around him. Most cursed lycanthropes acquire this template as the

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Chapter Two : TEMPLATES

result of a spell (see Chapter 6: Moon-Based Spells), though some become cursed from the a�ack of a cursed lycanthrope, or by touching or eating strange herbs, or by drinking from a magical stream, or via a strange mutation of the curse from a normal lycanthrope. Cursed lycanthropes look no different in their natural forms than they did before acquiring the curse. Some believe that they eventually take on feral features appropriate to their lycanthrope animals, but most don’t live long enough to test this theory. In its hybrid form, a cursed lycanthrope’s mouth is very large and full of sharp, jagged teeth, and its eyes are blood-red.

Creating a Cursed Lycanthrope“Cursed lycanthrope” is an acquired template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature with a discernable anatomy (referred to herea�er as the base creature). Most cursed lycanthropes are humanoids. A cursed lycanthrope uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Unlike other lycanthropes, a cursed lycanthrope does not have a pure animal form. Its only other shape is a hybrid form that mixes elements of its natural form with those of some carnivorous animal (usually a bear, tiger, or wolf). However, rumors exist of cursed lycanthropes that have only animal forms and no hybrid ones. Size and Type: The creature gains the shapechanger and lycanthrope subtypes. Size is unchanged. The lycanthrope takes on the characteristics of some carnivorous creature of the animal type, such as a bear, tiger, or wolf. Speed: The creature’s ground speed increases by +10 feet in wereform. A�acks: In wereform, a cursed lycanthrope has a primary bite a�ack and two secondary claw a�acks. Use the values in the table below or the values for the base creature’s bite and claw damage (if any), whichever are greater. Cursed lycanthropes in wereform do not use manufactured weapons, but they are proficient with all their natural weapons.

SizeBase Bite Damage

Base Claw Damage

Fine 1 1Diminutive 1d2 1Tiny 1d3 1d2Small 1d4 1d3Medium 1d6 1d4Large 1d8 1d6Huge 2d6 1d8Gargantuan 3d6 2d6Colossal 4d6 3d6

Special A�acks: A cursed lycanthrope retains all the special a�acks of the base creature. Special Qualities: A cursed lycanthrope retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following special qualities. Wereform (Su): A cursed lycanthrope automatically assumes its hybrid form on the nights of the full moon and whenever it enters combat. The hybrid form is the same size as the creature’s natural form. If the moon caused the change, the cursed lycanthrope remains in wereform until the moon sets. If combat caused the change, the cursed lycanthrope remains in wereform until all nearby creatures (those it can detect that are Small or larger) are dead. The cursed lycanthrope cannot speak in wereform, and its vocalizations are limited to animal noises. A cursed lycanthrope drops whatever it is holding but does not remove armor or other equipment when it transforms. A cursed lycanthrope in wereform has the following special qualities.• Blood Curse: A creature that survives an a�ack

from a cursed lycanthrope must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become a cursed lycanthrope at the next full moon.

• Enhanced Senses: Cursed lycanthropes in wereform gain low-light vision, lesser scent, and the Alertness feat.

• Moon Hit Points: The cursed lycanthrope gains 20 moon hit points while in wereform (see Chapter 1 for more information about moon hit points).

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Chapter Two : TEMPLATES

• Rage (Su): While in its wereform, a cursed lycanthrope is in a state almost identical to barbarian rage. All the ability score, armor class, and saving throw modifiers for that condition apply. Unlike a raging barbarian, however, a cursed lycanthrope cannot end its rage voluntarily; it simply continues raging until it returns to its natural form. Any effect that ends rage (such as calm emotions) also causes the cursed lycanthrope to return to its natural form.

A raging cursed lycanthrope cannot distinguish friend from foe and indiscriminately a�acks creatures nearby. When outnumbered four or more to one, a cursed lycanthrope may run away, but otherwise it normally fights to the death. The modifiers for this form of rage do not stack with those from barbarian rage. Unlike the lycanthropic rage from the simple lycanthrope template, this rage cannot be circumvented by the Wereform Rage Clarity feat. Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature, unless the cursed lycanthrope takes wereform during the encounter. If it does, adjust the CR as follows: HD 5 or lower, as the base creature +1; HD 6 or more, as the base creature. If the lycanthrope is a spellcaster, do not apply this CR modifier. Alignment: Same as the base creature, though the cursed lycanthrope detects as chaotic and evil while in wereform. Level Adjustment: —

Removing the CurseTo remove the curse of lycanthropy, a caster of at least 10th level must cast remove curse or break enchantment on the victim during one of the three days of the full moon. A�er receiving the spell, the character must succeed on a DC 20 Will save to break the curse. If the save fails, the process must be repeated. The caster knows whether or not the spell has worked.

Sample Cursed LycanthropeThe cursed lycanthrope presented here is based on a 1st-level human warrior with the following ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. Although he should assume wereform and rage every time he fights, his normal statistics are included in case he is forced to stay in human form by some effect such as calm emotions or an antimagic field.

Human cursed werewolf War1; CR 1; Medium humanoid (lycanthrope, shapechanger); HD 1d8+1*; hp 5*; Init +4; Spd 20 �. (30 �. in wereform);

AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (14, touch 8, flat-footed 14 in wereform); Base Atk +1; Grp +2*; Atk/Full Atk see below; Space/Reach 5 �./5 �.; SQ hybrid form (gains Alertness, blood curse, low-light vision, lesser scent, rage, and 20 moon hit points); AL N (detects as CE in wereform); SV Fort +3*, Ref +0, Will –1*; Str 13 (17 in wereform), Dex 11, Con 12 (16 in wereform), Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. Skills and Feats: Balance -5, Climb +0*, Escape Artist -5, Hide -5, Jump +0*, Move Silently -5, Spot +1, Swim –9*, Tumble -5; Improved Initiative, Power A�ack. Hybrid Form: Atk +4 melee (1d6+3, bite); Full Atk +4 melee (1d6+3, bite), -1 melee (1d4+1, 2 claws). Natural human form†: Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d8+1/19-20, masterwork longsword) or +3 ranged (1d6/x3, shortbow and masterwork arrow). Gear: Masterwork chainmail, small steel shield, masterwork longsword, shortbow, 20 masterwork arrows, potion of cure light wounds, potion of jump, oil of magic weapon, 22 gp. *These values increase by +2 in wereform because of the Strength and Constitution increases from the rage ability. These bonuses are already included in the werewolf’s hybrid form a�ack and damage values. †Though the werewolf automatically takes wereform when it enters combat, the use of magic such as calm emotions may force it back into its natural humanoid form during a fight, therefore its a�ack values in that form are listed here.

Fey LycanthropeFey lycanthropes (sometimes called lycanfey) are fey creatures with shapechanging magic that is influenced by the moon. They come to mortal lands to work mischief, though some are forced to fit in because they have been exiled from their home realm due to indiscretions or because they have fallen into disfavor with other fey. A fey lycanthrope in its natural form has exaggerated pointed ears, large eyes, and elflike features that make it look a bit exotic and otherworldly. In its animal form, it looks like a normal animal, and its hybrid form is a mix of its natural and animal forms. In any form, its features change depending on its mood—a playful or happy lycanfey looks almost cartoonishly cute, and an angry one looks like a creature out of a nightmare.

Creating a Fey Lycanthrope“Fey lycanthrope” is an inherited template that can be added to any living, corporeal

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Chapter Two : TEMPLATES

creature with a discernable anatomy (referred to herea�er as the base creature). Most lycanfey are humanoids or fey. A fey lycanthrope uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to fey. Do not recalculate Hit Dice, base a�ack bonus, or saves. The creature gains the shapechanger and lycanthrope subtypes. Size is unchanged. The fey lycanthrope takes on the characteristics of some creature of the animal type, usually a carnivore or omnivore such as a bear, tiger, or wolf. A�acks: In either of its wereforms, a lycanfey has a bite a�ack. Use the value in the table below or the value for the base creature’s bite damage (if any), whichever is greater. A lycanfey in hybrid form that can wield weapons normally uses its bite as a secondary a�ack. A lycanfey is proficient with all its natural weapons.

Size Base Bite DamageFine 1

Diminutive 1Tiny 1d2

Small 1d3Medium 1d4Large 1d6Huge 1d8

Gargantuan 2d6Colossal 3d6

Special A�acks: A lycanfey retains all the special a�acks of the base creature. Special Qualities: A fey lycanthrope retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following special qualities. Animal Form (Su): The fey lycanthrope looks like a normal animal of its type, except that its size category remains the same as the base creature’s. Thus, a human feytiger turns into a Medium tiger,

a halfling feywolf becomes a Small wolf, and a hill giant feyrat becomes a Large rat. The lycanfey can vocalize in animal form just as easily as it can in its

natural form. It gains none of the lycanthrope animal’s abilities (including

alternate forms of movement) except those specifically

noted in this template. Changing to or

from animal form is a standard action. Cold Iron Vulnerability (Su): A lycanfey in

wereform has cold iron

vulnerability 5 (see Variant:

Silver Vulnerability in Chapter 1, page

11) rather than silver vulnerability or damage

reduction/silver. Hybrid Form (Su): The fey lycanthrope’s

natural form takes on aspects of its animal form, such as fur, scales, teeth, tail, and posture. If the lycanthrope animal has wings, the lycanfey’s equivalent limbs (if any) gain appropriate winglike growths, though they still function according to their normal shape and cannot be used to fly. For example, a human feybat gains membranes in his armpits, but he cannot use them to glide or fly. The lycanthrope can perform any actions in this form that it could in its natural form (including speaking and using equipment). Changing to or from hybrid form is a standard action. Low-Light Vision: A lycanfey has low-light vision. Moon Powers (Su): On the nights of the full moon, a lycanfey gains additional abilities, as noted below.• Fast Transformation: A lycanfey’s transformation

to or from animal or hybrid form is a free action instead of a standard action.

• Illusory Size: A lycanfey may cloak itself in a size-changing illusion to appear one size category larger or smaller than its true size. This ability is treated as a 1st-level spell-like ability and is usable at will.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, daze, disguise self, ghost sound, invisibility. Caster level equals the lycanfey’s character level. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

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Chapter Two : TEMPLATES

Skills: A lycanfey gains a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks. Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature. Alignment: Varies by animal type. Level Adjustment: +1.

Sample Fey LycanthropeThe fey lycanthrope presented here is based on a 1st-level elf warrior with the following base ability scores before racial modifiers: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.

Elf fey werewolf War1; CR 1; Medium humanoid (lycanthrope, shapechanger); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 30 �.; AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk see below; Space/Reach 5 �./5 �.; SA spell-like abilities; SQ animal form, cold iron vulnerability 5 (in wereform), elf traits, low-light vision, hybrid form, moon powers, racial skill bonuses (+2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate), elf traits; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. Animal Form: Atk/Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite). Hybrid form: Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +3 melee (1d8+1/19-20, masterwork longsword), or +3 ranged (1d6/x3, shortbow and masterwork arrow); Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+1, bite), or +3 melee (1d8+1/19-20, masterwork longsword), -3 melee (1d4, bite), or +3 ranged (1d6/x3, shortbow and masterwork arrow).

Natural human form: Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d8+1/19-20, masterwork longsword) or +3 ranged (1d6/x3, shortbow and masterwork arrow). Skills and Feats: Balance +0, Climb +0, Diplomacy +3, Escape Artist +0, Hide +0, Intimidate +5, Jump +0, Listen +1, Move Silently +0, Search +2, Spot +3, Swim -1, Tumble +0; Bonus Moon Hit Points (+10). Elf Traits: Immune to magic sleep spells and effects; +2 to saves against enchantment spells or effects; low-light vision; entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door as though actively looking for it; Martial Weapon Proficiency (composite longbow, composite shortbow, longbow, longsword, and rapier) as bonus feats; +2 to Listen, Search, and Spot (included in the above totals). Moon Powers (Su): On the nights of the full moon, its transformation to or from animal or hybrid form is a free action instead of a standard action. It may cloak itself in a size-changing illusion to appear one size category larger or smaller than its true size; this ability is treated as a 1st-level spell-like ability and is usable at will. Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 1/day—dancing lights, daze (DC 10), disguise self, ghost sound (DC 10), invisibility. Caster level 1. The DCs are Charisma-based. Gear: Masterwork chain shirt, masterwork buckler, masterwork rapier, shortbow, 20 masterwork arrows, 14 gp.

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This chapter presents new feats that relate to lycanthropy.

Feat DescriptionsMost of the feats in this chapter have lycanthropy as a prerequisite, though some are useful for nonlycanthropes.

Argent Ability [General]Choose one of your special a�acks or spell-like abilities that deals hit point damage. The pure

essence of silver laces this a�ack or effect, making it more harmful to lycanthropes than normal. Prerequisite: Special a�ack or spell-like ability. Benefit: All the hit point damage from your chosen special a�ack or spell-like ability is considered silver damage, so it bypasses moon hit points, prevents certain types of regeneration, and so on. All other effects of the ability are unaffected. For example, if a red dragon’s argent breath weapon deals 60 points of fire damage, all 60 points count as silver damage for the purpose of

Feat Prerequisite BenefitArgent Ability Special attack or special ability Converts damage to silver damageArgent Spell — Converts half of spell damage to silver damageBonus Moon Hit Points Lycanthrope with moon hit points +10 moon hit pointsCelestial Wereform Lycanthrope, good alignment, base

Fort save +4DR 5/magic; acid, cold, or electricity resistance 5; grants extraplanar and

good subtypesExtra Lycanthrope Animal Lycanthrope, base Fort save +3, base

Will save +3Grants an additional lycanthrope animal

Fast Lycanthrope Affliction Natural lycanthrope, base Fort save +4 Your bite transmits lycanthropy in 1d4 roundsFast Wereform Lycanthrope with slow transformation

rateLycanthropic transformation takes a standard action

Faster Flight Fly speed +10 feet flight speedFiendish Wereform Lycanthrope, evil alignment, base Fort

save +4DR 5/magic; acid, cold, or electricity resistance 5; grants extraplanar and

evil subtypesHeart’s Power Lycanthrope, base Fort save +4, base

Will save +4Eating enemy’s heart grants +2 enhancement bonus to Str, Dex, or Con

Improved Damage Reduction Natural DR DR increases by 5 (max 15)Improved Flight Maneuverability Fly speed Flight maneuverability increases by one categoryLarger Beastform Lycanthrope (fey or simple) Increases beastform by one size categoryLarger Hybrid Form Lycanthrope (fey or simple), Larger

BeastformIncreases hybrid form by one size category

Lycanthrope Empathy Lycanthrope (fey or simple) Allows communication and empathy with normal or dire animals of lycanthrope animal type

Lycanthrope Flesh Lycanthrope with no natural armor bonus granted by race or natural ability

+2 bonus to natural armor in wereform

Lycanthrope Freak Lycanthrope Replaces lycanthrope animal with a different creatureLycanthrope Bite Natural lycanthrope Your bite transmits lycanthropy even in your natural formLycanthrope Spawn Natural lycanthrope, base Will save +5 Subjects your afflicted victims to your willMetamorph Healing Lycanthrope Heals 10 points upon transformation 1/dayMoon Over Body Lycanthrope Heals damage according to moon phaseMoonbite Survivor Nonlycanthrope who did not

contract lycanthropy from a true lycanthrope’s bite

Grants 5 moon hit points

Moonflame Breath Lycanthrope with a bite attack in animal form

Grants flaming bite for +1d6 fire damage or breath weapon for 1d6 fire damage per character level (max damage dice per day for both equals character level)

Sensitive Ears — +5 bonus on Listen checks; can always take 10 on Listen checks; sonic vulnerability 10

Smaller Beastform Lycanthrope (fey or simple) Lets you decrease beastform by one size category

Chapter 3 : Curse of the Moon Feats

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harming lycanthropes and other creatures that are vulnerable to silver. This feat does not affect the ability’s frequency of use, the time needed to use it, or any other aspect of the ability. Note: Silver damage is not a new type of damage and does not allow an ability to bypass normal protections against the unmodified version of the spell. For example, a red dragon’s argent breath used against another red dragon (a creature immune to fire) has no effect, nor would it affect a simple lycanthrope that has a protection from energy (fire) spell active, as long as the protection blocks all the fire damage. However, any damage that gets through the target’s defense would count as silver damage and would therefore bypass any moon hit points it has. In other words, creatures are not more vulnerable to argent abilities than to normal ones unless they already have a vulnerability to silver (such as the silver vulnerability weakness described on page 11) or silver-bypassed special defenses (such as moon hit points, damage reduction/silver, or a chain devil’s regeneration, which doesn’t work against silver weapons). Special: You may take Argent Ability multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat it applies to a different special ability.

Argent Spell [General]The pure essence of silver laces your spells, making them more harmful to lycanthropes than normal. Benefit: Half the damage from your spells is considered silver damage, so it bypasses moon hit points, prevents certain types of regeneration, and so on. The spell’s other effects are unchanged. For example, if an argent fireball deals 30 points of fire damage, 15 of those points also count as silver

damage for the purpose of harming lycanthropes and other creatures that are vulnerable to silver. Likewise, if an argent ice storm spell deals 10 points of bludgeoning damage and 6 points of cold damage, 5 points of the bludgeoning damage and 3 points of the cold damage are also silver damage. Casting a spell as an argent spell requires a material component (a piece of silver worth at least 1 sp, such as a silver coin) in addition to its usual material component (if any). The casting time, however, is not affected, even for characters who cast spells without preparation (such as bards and sorcerers). Note: Silver damage is not a new type of damage and does not allow a spell to bypass normal protections against the unmodified version. For example, an argent fireball used against a red dragon (a creature immune to fire) has no effect, nor would it affect a simple lycanthrope that has a protection from energy (fire) spell active, as long as the protection blocks all the fire damage. However, half of any damage that gets through the target’s defense would count as silver damage and would therefore bypass any moon hit points it has. In other words, creatures are not more vulnerable to argent spells than to normal ones unless they already have a vulnerability to silver (such as the silver vulnerability weakness described on page 11) or silver-bypassed special defenses (such as moon hit points, damage reduction/silver, or a chain devil’s regeneration, which doesn’t work against silver weapons).

Bonus Moon Hit Points [General]The moon gives you more vitality than others of your kind possess. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope with moon hit points.

Feat Prerequisite BenefitSwarm Animalform Lycanthrope (fey or simple), animal

form normally Tiny or smallerLets you use a swarm of your animal form as your beastform

Wereform Enhancement Lycanthrope (fey or simple), base Fort or Ref save +2

+4 enhancement bonus to Str and Dex in wereform

Wereform Movement Lycanthrope (fey or simple), base Fort save +4

Grants faster movement and use of lycanthrope animals movement modes in wereform

Wereform Rage Clarity Lycanthropic rage, base will save +3 Removes limits on actions in wereformWereform Scent Lycanthrope with lesser scent Replaces lesser scent with scent abilityWereform Special Ability Lycanthrope (fey or simple),

lycanthrope animal with special attack or special quality

Grants one of lycanthrope animal’s special abilities in wereform

Wereform Speech Lycanthrope Grants ability to speak in wereformWereform Weapons Lycanthrope (fey or simple),

lycanthrope animal with multiple natural attacks

Grants one or two extra natural attacks of lycanthrope animal in wereform

Wolfskinner Int or Wis 10 Grants ability to take wolf shape

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Benefit: You gain +10 moon hit points while in wereform. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Celestial Wereform [General]Your wereforms are blessed by supernatural good. Prerequisites: Lycanthrope, good alignment, base Fortitude save +4. Benefit: You gain certain celestial abilities in wereform, and your wereforms appear angelic. While in wereform, you gain damage reduction 5/magic, plus acid, cold, or electricity resistance 5 (your choice each time you assume wereform). You also gain the extraplanar and good subtypes, and your aura increases in strength to match that of an outsider.

Extra Lycanthrope Animal [General]You gain a second lycanthrope animal and may assume wereforms based on it. Prerequisites: Lycanthrope, base Fortitude save +3, base Will save +3. Benefit: Choose an animal other than your current lycanthrope animal. This creature is now a lycanthrope animal for you, in addition to any lycanthrope animal or animals you already have. You may assume this new animal’s form as your beastform, as well as a hybrid form that mixes this animal’s form and your natural one. You may switch between beastforms, between hybrid forms, or even change from one lycanthrope animal’s hybrid form directly to the other’s beastform as desired, according to the normal rules for lycanthropic transformation. If you have the Wereform Special Ability or Wereform Weapons feats, any special abilities or weapons available to more than one of your lycanthrope animals are useable in the corresponding wereforms, but those available to only one animal apply only to that animal’s wereforms. Example: A weretiger selects this feat and chooses an owl as his second lycanthrope animal. He has the Wereform Special Ability (improved grab) and Wereform Weapons (2 claws) feats. Because 2 claws appears on the la�er feat’s natural weapons list for both the owl and the tiger, the lycanthrope can use these extra claw a�acks in both of those wereforms. The owl does not have the improved grab ability, so the lycanthrope can use that ability only while in tiger wereforms. Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat you gain an additional lycanthrope animal.

Fast Lycanthrope Affliction [General]Your bite transmits a rapid-onset form of the curse of lycanthropy. Prerequisites: Natural lycanthrope, base Fortitude save +4. Benefit: A creature afflicted with lycanthropy by your bite involuntarily assumes beastform in 1d4 rounds, rather than at the next full moon, as would be the case in a normal case of lycanthropic affliction. If the creature is a PC, it loses its identity and temporarily comes under the control of the DM. Depending on the circumstances, the new lycanthrope may a�ack the nearest creature or flee, but it does not a�ack you during this encounter unless you a�ack it again or it is magically compelled. Other than the rapid onset of the affliction, your bite and the victim’s lycanthropy are normal.

Fast Wereform [General]You can change forms faster than normal. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope with a slow transformation rate. Benefit: You may change into any of your

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wereforms or back to your normal form as a standard action. Note: This feat is appropriate only if your lycanthropic transformation takes longer than a standard action (see the Slow Form Change variant in Chapter 1: Lycanthropy, page 4).

Faster Flight [General]Your flying speed is faster than normal. Prerequisite: Fly speed. Benefit: Your flight speed increases by +10 feet. Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Fiendish Wereform [General]Your wereforms are tainted by supernatural evil. Prerequisites: Lycanthrope, evil alignment, base Fortitude save +4. Benefit: You gain certain fiendish abilities in wereform, and your wereforms appear fiendish. While in wereform, you gain damage reduction 5/magic, plus acid, cold, or electricity resistance 5 (your choice each time you assume wereform). You also gain the extraplanar and evil subtypes,

and your aura increases in strength to match that of an outsider.

Heart’s Power [General]By feasting on your enemy’s heart, you temporarily boost your physical prowess. Prerequisites: Lycanthrope, base Fortitude save +4, base Will save +4. Benefit: You can absorb some essence from a slain enemy that is your own size category or larger by consuming its heart (a full-round action) within 1 minute of its death. This essence grants you a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution (your choice) for 24 hours. You can use this ability only once per slain enemy, but you do not have to be the one who killed the creature in order to gain this bonus from its heart. This ability works only if the slain enemy was a living creature that had a heart or similar organ. Constructs, undead, and creatures without discernable anatomies have no suitable body parts that you can eat.

Improved Damage Reduction [General] Your ability to ignore or resist the effects of weapon damage improves. Prerequisite: Damage reduction gained from race or another natural ability. Benefit: Your damage reduction value increases. The amount of damage you resist with each a�ack by virtue of your innate DR (the number before the slash) increases by 5. If you have more than one kind of damage reduction (such as 5/magic and evil), all of them increase by 5 (to 10/magic and evil in this example). Note: This feat affects only damage reduction gained from race or some other natural ability. It does not affect damage reduction gained from magic items, spells, spell-like abilities, or any other means, nor does it affect damage reduction that cannot be bypassed with a certain type of weapon, such as the damage reduction gained by powerful barbarians. Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack, but you cannot increase your damage reduction value above 15.

Improved Flight Maneuverability [General]Your flying maneuverability is greater than normal. Prerequisite: Fly speed. Benefit: Your flight maneuverability increases by one category. Special: You may select this feet multiple times. Its effects stack, but this feat cannot increase your maneuverability rating above good.

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Larger Beastform [General]Your beastform is of unusually large size. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope (fey or simple). Benefit: Your beastform is one size category larger than your normal form. You gain a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (minimum Dex 1), and a –1 penalty to AC and on a�ack rolls because of your increased size. If the size of your beastform increases from Medium to Large, it has a space of 10 feet and a natural reach of 10 feet; otherwise space and reach are unchanged. Your size-based modifiers on grapple and Hide checks change to those appropriate for your new size.

Larger Hybrid Form [General]Your hybrid form is of unusually large size. Prerequisites: Lycanthrope (fey or simple), Larger Beastform. Benefit: Your hybrid form is one size category larger than your normal form. You gain a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (minimum Dex 1), and a –1 penalty to AC and on a�ack rolls because of your increased size. If the size of your hybrid form increases from Medium to Large, it has a space of 10 feet and a natural reach of 10 feet; otherwise space and reach are unchanged. Your size-based modifiers on grapple and Hide checks change to those appropriate for your new size.

Lycanthrope Empathy [General]You gain an empathic bond with your lycanthrope animal. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope (fey or simple). Benefit: You can communicate and empathize with normal or dire animals corresponding to your beastform. This ability grants you a +4 racial bonus on checks made to influence such an animal’s a�itude and allows the communication of simple concepts as well as (if the animal is friendly) commands, such as “friend,” “foe,” “flee,” and “a�ack.”

Lycanthrope Flesh [General]Your wereforms have tough skin. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope with no natural armor bonus granted by race or natural ability. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to natural armor in your wereforms. Your natural armor bonus in your natural form is unaffected. Special: Once you have selected this feat, you qualify for the Improved Natural Armor feat. If you take that feat, your natural armor bonus

increases in all forms (from +0 to +1 in your natural form, if you had no natural armor bonus in that one before).

Lycanthrope Freak [General]Your lycanthrope bloodline is tainted with the essence of some creature other than a true animal, giving you strange wereforms. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope. Benefit: Choose one creature from the following list that resembles your lycanthrope animal form: basilisk, behir, blink dog, bule�e, chimera, cockatrice, darkmantle, displacer beast, dragonne, girallon, gorgon, griffon, hippogriff, hydra, krenshar, lammasu, manticore, minotaur, owlbear, pegasus, sea cat, shocker lizard, sphinx, unicorn, winter wolf, or worg. This creature becomes your lycanthrope creature, replacing your original lycanthrope animal. Your beastform now resembles your lycanthrope creature, and your hybrid form looks like a mix of this form and your natural form. You gain darkvision in your wereforms. If the creature can speak, you can do so as well while in wereform. If your lycanthrope creature is a sea cat, you can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times your Constitution before you risk drowning. If you select the Wereform Special Ability feat, you may choose from the following abilities.

Illustration by Andy Hopp

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Creature Special Abilities AvailableBasilisk Armor plates, petrifying attack*Behir Armor plates, breath weapon*,

constrict, improved grab (bite), rake, swallow whole

Blink dog Blink*, dimension door*Bulette Armor plates, pounce, rake, tremorsense

40 ft.Chimera Armor plates, breath weapon*Cockatrice Petrifying attack*Darkmantle Blindsight 90 ft., constrict, darkness*,

improved grab (slam)Displacer beast Displacement*, resistance to ranged

attacksDragonne Armor plates, pounce, roar*Girallon RendGorgon Armor plates, petrifying attack*, stampedeGriffon Pounce, rakeHippogriff —Hydra Armor plates, sprint healing**Krenshar Scare*Lammasu Lammasu aura*, pounce, rakeManticore —Minotaur Natural cunning, powerful chargeOwlbear Improved grab (claw)Pegasus —Sea cat Armor plates, rendShocker lizard Electricity resistance, shocking bite*Sphinx Pounce, rake, roar* (androsphinx only)Unicorn Dimension door*, poison resistanceWinter wolf Breath weapon*, freezing bite, trip (bite)Worg Trip

*This ability can be used once per day. If you select the Wereform Special Ability again and choose this same ability again, you gain an additional daily use of it.

**This ability can be selected multiple times. See the ability description for the effects of doing so.

Special abilities noted on the table above but not explained below function as in the Wereform Special Ability feat. Armor Plates: Your natural armor bonus increases by +4 while you are in wereform. Blindsight: A weredarkmantle’s blindsight uses sound and is negated by a silence spell. Blink: As a free action once per day, you may blink for 1 round as a supernatural ability. Your caster level equals your character level. Breath Weapon: Once per day, you can use a breath weapon that deals 5d4 points of energy damage (Reflex half) appropriate for your lycanthrope creature, as follows: behir (electricity), chimera (any one), winter wolf (cold). The breath weapon is a 15-foot cone, and the save DC equals 11 + your Constitution modifier.

Dimension Door: You may use dimension door as a spell-like ability once per day (range 100 feet; caster level equals your character level). Displacement: Once per day as a free action, you may use displacement for 1 round as a supernatural ability (caster level equals your character level). Electricity Resistance: You gain electricity resistance 5. Freezing Bite: Your bite a�ack also deals 1 point of cold damage. Lammasu Aura: Once per day, you may activate a protection from evil effect upon yourself as a supernatural ability (caster level equals your character level). Natural Cunning: You are immune to maze spells and are never caught flat-footed. Petrifying A�ack: Once per day, you can make a petrifying a�ack against an enemy. Roll 1d6 per character level you possess. If the total equals your target’s current hit points, it turns to stone (no save). If your lycanthrope creature is a cockatrice, this ability requires a touch a�ack to use; if it’s a gorgon, this ability is a breath weapon with a range of 5 feet that affects only one creature. Poison Resistance: You get a +8 bonus on saving throws against poison. Rend: You can select this ability only if you have two claw a�acks. If you hit with both claws, you deal +1d6 points of damage. Resistance to Ranged A�acks: You gain a +2 resistance bonus on saves against any ranged magical a�ack that specifically targets you (except ranged touch a�acks). Roar: You can roar once per day as a supernatural sonic ability. The effect is a 15-foot cone. If your lycanthrope creature is a dragonne, the roar causes fatigue for 1d4 rounds in all who hear it (Fortitude save negates; DC 11 + your Constitution modifier). If your lycanthrope creature is an androsphinx, the roar causes all creatures in the area to become shaken (Will negates; DC 11 + your Charisma modifier). Scare: Once per day, you can peel back the skin from your head and u�er an unnerving screech. Every creature within a 15-foot cone must make a Will save (DC 11 + your Charisma modifier) or become shaken. Scare is a supernatural, sonic, mind-affecting ability. Shocking Bite: Your bite a�ack deals 1 point of electricity damage. Sprint Healing: You gain sprint healing 1/10 (see sidebar). You may select Wereform Special Ability (sprint healing) multiple times. Each time you

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select it, you increase the number of hit points that you can heal per day by 10. Swallow Whole: You can select this ability only if you have a bite a�ack. By making a successful grapple check against a creature you are already grappling, you may swallow it whole. If you have the Cleave feat, you may bite another creature immediately a�er swallowing an opponent. Every round, a swallowed creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d2 plus 1/2 your Strength bonus and 1d2 points of acid damage, and it must also hold its breath or begin to suffocate. The creature can cut its way out of you using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 10 points of damage to your gizzard, and you take half of this damage. Your gizzard’s AC is 10 plus your natural armor bonus. Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole, so another swallowed creature must cut its own way out. Your gizzard can hold up to two creatures that are two size categories smaller than you, eight creatures that are three sizes smaller, or thirty-two creatures that are four sizes smaller. You may regurgitate a swallowed creature as a full-round action that provokes an a�ack of opportunity. Changing forms has no effect on swallowed creatures, but you can regurgitate a swallowed creature only while you are in wereform. Tremorsense: You gain tremorsense with a range of 40 feet. If you had already chosen wereform abilities for your animal form and your lycanthropic creature doesn’t have access to those abilities, you may swap your animal form abilities for those on your freak wereform’s list. If you select the Wereform Weapons feat, you may choose from the Natural Weapons table. Note: You can take this feat even a�er first level. Taking Lycanthrope Freak a�er first level causes your wereforms to change and manifest their “true” shape.

Lycanthrope Bite [General]Your lycanthropy is so strong that your bite transmits the affliction even while you are in your humanoid form, and its effects are harder to resist. Prerequisite: Natural lycanthrope. Benefit: Your bite transmits lycanthropy, even when delivered from your humanoid form. As a standard action, you may apply your saliva to a slashing or piercing weapon. Any creature hit by that weapon within 1 minute of the application risks becoming a lycanthrope just as if you had bi�en it. The DC to resist the curse of lycanthropy

(whether from your bite or from a weapon coated with your saliva) increases by +1.

Lycanthrope Spawn [General]Creatures you afflict with lycanthropy are beholden to you.

Natural WeaponsCreature Number and Type of AttacksBasilisk —Behir —Blink dog —Bulette 2 clawsChimera† 1 bite, 1 bite, 2 clawsCockatrice —Darkmantle —Displacer beast 2 tentaclesDragonne 2 clawsGirallon**† 2 claws, 2 claws†Gorgon —Griffon 2 clawsHippogriff 2 clawsHydra**† 1 bite, 1 bite, 1 bite, 1 biteKrenshar 2 clawsLammasu 1 clawManticore 2 claws, 1 spikeMinotaur —Owlbear 2 clawsPegasus 2 hoovesSea cat 2 clawsShocker lizard —Sphinx 1 claw (any) or 2 claws

(criosphinx, hieracosphinx)Unicorn 2 hoovesWinter wolf —Worg —

*Choose one option at the time you select the feat. This choice cannot be altered once selected, though you can select the feat again if you want yet another attack.

**You may select the Wereform Weapons feat multiple times (up to the number of attack sets indicated for the creature). Each time you select it, you gain another attack or set of attacks from the creature’s list. For example, if your lycanthrope creature is a chimera, you could select the feat up to three times, gaining 1 bite the first time, 1 bite the second time, and 2 claws the third time.

†For the chimera’s extra bite, the hydra’s extra bites, and the girallon’s second set of claw attacks, you actually gain extra heads or arms. These extra body parts have no effect other than to provide extra attacks and cannot be used for any other purpose. Thus, an extra head is not subject to attacks from a vorpal weapon, nor can it keep you alive if your true head is severed. Extra arms cannot wear additional magic items, and so on.

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Prerequisites: Natural lycanthrope, base Will save +5. Benefit: Any creature you afflict with lycanthropy is subject to your will. You may issue an order to each lycanthrope you have spawned once per day, as if using the command spell description, but the save DC is Charisma-based. The creature has a –4 penalty on its saving throw against this ability while in wereform. In addition to the options listed in the command spell, you have the following option when issuing your order. A�ack: The lycanthrope a�acks the indicated creature to the best of its ability for 1 round. If the lycanthrope isn’t within melee range of the target at the time the order is issued, it makes a reasonable effort to move into melee range and a�ack that same round, though it needn’t take risks (such as provoking a�acks of opportunity, crossing hazards, and so on) to do so.

Metamorph Healing [General]You heal damage when you change form. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope. Benefit: Once per day, when you use your lycanthrope ability to change shape (to any of your forms), you may heal up to 10 points of damage to yourself.

Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take it, you may use this ability one more time per day.

Moon over Body [General]You can use the power of the moon to heal your injuries. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope. Benefit: By concentrating for a full round under moonlight, you can heal damage to your body. The DC of your Concentration check depends on the current phase of the moon, as given in the following table.

Phase Concentration DCFull 15

Three-quarters 20Half 25

One-quarter 30New —

A successful Concentration check heals 1 point of damage plus 1 more point for every 5 points by which the check result exceeded the DC. For example, if you a�empt to heal yourself under a full moon and your Concentration check result is 20, you heal 2 hit points. This ability cannot restore moon hit points. You can use this feat as o�en as desired.

Moonbite Survivor [General]Because you survived a lycanthrope a�ack without becoming a lycanthrope, you gain some strength from the moon. Prerequisites: Nonlycanthrope who did not contract lycanthropy from a true lycanthrope’s bite. Benefit: You gain 5 moon hit points. Note: You could also use this feat for nonlycanthrope characters who are descended from lycanthropes. Used in this way, the feat is a sort of genetic legacy that pops up now and then in a particular bloodline. When used for this purpose, the feat is called Lycanthrope Heir.

Moonflame Breath [General]You can breathe strange fire, either as part of your bite a�ack or as a breath weapon. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope with a bite a�ack in animal form. Benefit: You can manifest white or eerie green flames in your mouth. These flames have two possible effects. Flaming Bite: As a free action in conjunction with a successful bite a�ack, you may deal +1d6 points of fire damage in addition to your normal bite damage.

Sprint HealingSprint healing is just like fast healing, except it has a limit to the number of hit points it can cure in any 24-hour period; this limit is shown after the points-per-round value. For example, a creature with sprint healing 5/20 heals 5 hit points per round in the manner of fast healing until it has healed 20 hit points in this manner, at which point the fast healing ends until 24 hours have past from the time of the initial injury. Sprint healing is a good way to give a PC the fast healing ability. Normal fast healing is powerful in the hands of a PC because it means they can wait a few minutes to heal up completely in between every battle. By using sprint healing we give the PC the automatic per-round benefit of fast healing without the big power boost of an unlimited supply of healing power. Because a typical CR encounter lasts somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 rounds, giving an NPC or monster sprint healing with a daily limit equal to 4 times its healing rate is about the same as giving it normal (limitless) fast healing with that value. For example, fast healing 15 is about the same as sprint healing 15/60 on an NPC or monster, because in a typical battle either method is going to heal the creature approximately the same number of hit points. Use this rule of thumb as a guideline for giving a monster PC an appropriate sprint healing value corresponding to their monster type.

Freakish Lycanthrope FormsFor the curious, the monsters for the Lycanthrope Freak list were selected because they all have animal-like shapes, none of them are insectlike or spiderlike, and none of them are aberrations, dragons, outsiders, or undead.

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Breath Weapon: As a standard action, you may breathe a 5-foot cone of fire that deals 1d6 points of damage per character level you possess (maximum 5d6, Reflex half, DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Constitution modifier). The damage from these effects counts as both fire damage and silver damage. These two effects draw from the same pool of fire damage dice each day. For example, a 9th-level character could use this feat to produce one 5d6 breath weapon and four +1d6 bite a�acks, or a 5d6 breath weapon and one 4d6 breath weapon, or nine +1d6 bite a�acks, or any combination totaling no more than 9d6 points of damage each day. Moonflame breath is a supernatural ability.

Sensitive Ears [General]Your hearing is very keen, but you are vulnerable to loud sounds. Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on Listen checks, and you may always take 10 on Listen checks even when threatened or distracted. You also gain sonic vulnerability 10 (see the Variant: Sonic Vulnerability sidebar, below) and a –2 penalty on saving throws against sonic effects that don’t deal damage (such as thunderstones, a harpy’s song, and so on).

Smaller Beastform [General]You may assume a beastform that’s smaller than normal. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope (fey or simple). Benefit: When you assume your beastform, you may become one size smaller than your normal size if desired. Your size-based modifiers on grapple and Hide checks change to those appropriate for your new size. Your ability scores, speed, face, and reach are unaffected by the change.

Swarm Animalform [General]You may take the form of a swarm of creatures whenever you take animal form. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope (fey or simple), animal form that is normally a Tiny or smaller creature. Benefit: As a standard action, you may take the form of a swarm of normal-sized versions of your lycanthrope animal. You may remain in swarm form for up to 1 round per level per day, but these rounds need not be consecutive. You may assume any of your lycanthrope forms upon leaving swarm form. Changing to or from this form has the same difficulty as assuming or leaving your animal form does.

As a swarm, you still move as a single creature, so you cannot send portions of your swarm self away to scout or perform other actions. If your animal form is a flying creature, you cannot fly as a swarm unless you have the Wereform Movement feat. Your movement in swarm form is the same as that of your lycanthrope animal at its usual size. For example, if your lycanthrope animal is a rat, your rat swarm form has a regular move of 15 feet and a climb speed of 15 feet. You gain the swarm subtype and swarm traits while in swarm form. Your space/reach rating changes to 10 �./0 �. unless your normal space is larger. You do not retain your original reach.

Variant : Sonic VulnerabilityIf you choose to include the sonic vulnerability special quality in your game, use the following description. Sonic Vulnerability: A creature with sonic vulnerability takes extra damage from sonic-based attacks. The amount of extra damage equals the damage from the attack or the value of the sonic vulnerability, whichever is lower. For example, if a creature with sonic vulnerability 10 takes 15 points of sonic damage from a shout spell, he takes an additional 10 points of sonic damage as well. However, if the spell dealt only 8 points of damage, the creature would take only 8 additional points of sonic damage. A typical creature with this quality has sonic vulnerability 10. Slightly sensitive creatures may have sonic vulnerability 5, and extremely sensitive creatures might have sonic vulnerability as high as 30. Only sonic damage that actually gets through to the creature causes extra damage in this manner. For example, a creature with sonic vulnerability 5 and resist energy (sonic) takes extra damage only from any sonic damage in excess of the 10 points blocked by the spell. A deafened creature with sonic vulnerability does not take extra damage from this quality at all, though normal sonic damage still applies.

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Any special abilities you normally have in animal form (such as from the Wereform Special Ability feat) are also available in swarm form. For example, if you have blindsense as a bat, you have it in bat swarm form as well. Note: If you have more than one animal form that is normally a Tiny or smaller creature, you may assume a swarm version of any of those animal types.

Wereform Enhancement [General]You gain greater strength and agility in wereform. Prerequisites: Lycanthrope (fey or simple), base Fortitude or Reflex save +2. Benefit: You get a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity while you are in wereform.

Wereform Movement [General]You gain the movement and speed of your beastform while you are in wereform. Prerequisites: Lycanthrope (fey or simple), base Fortitude save +4. Benefit: While in beastform, you can use your lycanthrope animal’s ground speed if it is greater than that of your normal form. In hybrid form, you may use your beastform’s ground speed or your base speed +10 feet, whichever is lower. If your lycanthrope animal has a fly speed, you may fly at your ground speed while in beastform or hybrid form. Your maneuverability is the same as your lycanthrope animal’s if you are in

beastform, or one category lower (minimum poor) if you are in hybrid form. If your lycanthrope animal has a climb speed, you may climb in beastform at that climb speed. In hybrid form, use your beastform’s climb speed or your base climb speed +10 feet, whichever is lower. In wereform, you gain all the usual benefits of a climb speed (bonus on Climb checks, can always take 10 on Climb checks, and so on). If your lycanthrope animal has a swim speed, you may swim at that swim speed while in beastform. In hybrid form, use your beastform’s swim speed or your base swim speed +10 feet, whichever is lower. In wereform, you gain all the benefits of a swim speed (bonus to Swim checks, ability to move in water without making swim checks, and so on). If your lycanthrope animal can breathe water, you can breathe either water or air in wereform. If your beastform is a crocodile, porpoise, or whale, you can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times your Constitution score before you risk drowning. If your lycanthrope animal has a burrow speed, you may burrow in beastform at that burrow speed. In hybrid form, use half your beastform’s burrow or 5 feet, whichever is lower.

Wereform Rage Clarity [General]Your mind is not dulled in wereform. Prerequisites: Lycanthropic rage, base Will save +3. Benefit: Lycanthropic rage no longer limits your actions in wereform. You can use Intelligence-, Dexterity-, and Charisma-based skills, all the feats you have, and so on, as normal. Other similar effects that limit your actions (such as barbarian rage) still affect you normally.

Wereform Scent [General]Your sense of smell improves. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope with lesser scent. Benefit: While you are in wereform, the scent ability replaces your lesser scent ability.

Wereform Special Ability [General]While in wereform, you gain one of your lycanthrope animal’s special abilities, such as rend or trip. Prerequisites: Lycanthrope (fey or simple), a lycanthrope animal with a special a�ack or special quality. Benefit: You gain a special ability of your lycanthrope animal, which you may use in wereform. Select one ability from your lycanthrope animal’s entry in the following table.

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Animal Special Abilities AvailableBadger RageBat Blindsense 40 ft.Bear Improved grab (claw)Bison StampedeBoar FerocityCheetah Sprint, trip (claw or bite)Crocodile Improved grab (bite)Eagle EvasionElephant StampedeHyena Trip (bite)Leopard Improved grab (bite), pounce, rakeLion Improved grab (bite), pounce, rakeOctopus Constrict, improved grab (arm), ink cloud, jetOwl Superior low-light visionPorpoise Blindsight 120 ft.Rhinoceros Powerful chargeShark Blindsense 30 ft., keen scentSnake, constrictor Constrict, improved grab (bite)Snake, viper PoisonSquid Constrict, improved grab (tentacle), ink

cloud, jetTiger Improved grab (claw or bite), pounce, rakeWeasel AttachWhale Blindsight 120 ft.Wolf Trip (bite)

The special abilities as they apply to your wereform are described below. A�ach: You can use your powerful jaws to a�ach yourself to an opponent a�er a successful bite a�ack. Each round that you are a�ached, you automatically deal bite damage on your turn, but you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC. You may release your opponent as a free action. A creature can forcibly remove you by grappling and successfully pinning you. Blindsense: A werebat’s blindsense uses sound and is negated by a silence spell. A wereshark’s blindsense is based on scent and vibration, and it works only underwater. Blindsight: Your blindsight uses sound and is negated by a silence spell. When you are out of water, your blindsight become blindsense 20 feet. Constrict: You deal +1d6 points of damage whenever you damage a creature with a grapple check. Evasion: If you make a successful Reflex save against an a�ack that deals half damage, you take no damage if you make your save. This ability does not improve if you have evasion from another source. For example, you do not gain improved evasion if you take enough levels in the monk or rogue class to gain the evasion ability.

Ferocity: You can continue to fight without penalty while disabled or dying. You continue to lose 1 hit point per round at –1 to –9 as normal. Improved Grab: To use this ability, you must hit with the a�ack form indicated. If you hit, you may immediately a�empt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an a�ack of opportunity. Ink Cloud: Once per minute as a free action, you may emit a cloud of ink that fills a cubic area of water equal to your facing plus 5 feet (i.e., a 10-foot cube for a Medium creature). The ink provides total concealment to all creatures within it. Outside of a watery environment, this ability produces a puddle that fills your space. Jet: While in the water, you can jet backward once per round as a full-round action at a speed of 200 feet (or 100 feet in hybrid form). You must move in a straight line, but you do not provoke a�acks of opportunity for this movement. Keen Scent: You notice the presence of creatures by scent within 180 feet. In addition, you can smell blood in the water up to a mile away. Poison: Your bite a�ack injects poison. The initial and secondary damage is 1d2 points of Constitution damage. The Fortitude DC is 10 + your racial HD + your Constitution modifier. Pounce: If you charge, you may make a full a�ack with your natural a�acks. In addition, if you have the rake ability, you may use it when you pounce. Powerful Charge: You deal an extra 1d6 points of damage when you charge. Rage: You may fly into a rage in combat a�er taking damage. You gain a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution and a –2 penalty to Armor Class. You cannot end this rage voluntarily; it ends only if you are unconscious, dead, or have no other enemies in sight. Rake: You may select this ability only if you have claw a�acks from the Wereform Weapons feat. When grappling and a�acking with a natural weapon, you may use your feet to make up to two claw a�acks against your grappled opponent in addition to your other a�acks for the round. Your feet must be uncovered to use this ability, so you cannot be wearing shoes or boots. These foot claws use the a�ack bonus of your main claw a�ack and are not subject to the normal –4 penalty for using a natural weapon during a grapple. You can rake only if you start your turn grappling (or have pounce); you cannot start a grapple and rake on the same turn.

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Sprint: Once per hour, you can move up to ten times your speed (five times in hybrid form) while making a charge. Stampede: If you successfully overrun an opponent who resists your overrun a�empt, you automatically deal 1d6 points of damage plus your Strength bonus to that opponent. Superior Low-Light Vision: Your low-light vision in wereform increases from two times normal to five times normal. Trip: To use this ability, you must hit with the a�ack form indicated. You may immediately make a trip a�empt as a free action without provoking an a�ack of opportunity. If the a�empt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip you in return. Special: If the above table lists more than one special ability for your lycanthrope animal, you may select this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you select this feat, you gain a different special ability appropriate to your lycanthrope animal.

Wereform Speech [General]You perfect the ability to speak in your hybrid and animal forms. Prerequisite: Lycanthrope.

Benefit: You can speak normally in hybrid and animal form if you could not before. Thus, you can cast spells with verbal components and use items that require a humanoid voice.

Wereform Weapons [Fighter, General]You gain additional natural a�acks appropriate to your lycanthrope animal. Prerequisites: Lycanthrope (fey or simple), lycanthrope animal with more than one natural a�ack. Benefit: You gain one or two additional natural a�acks appropriate to your lycanthrope animal (see the Wereform Weapons table). You can use the natural a�acks gained from this feat in the same manner as your lycanthrope animal does in terms of which are primary and which are secondary. For example, a weretiger simple lycanthrope with this feat has two claw a�acks and a bite a�ack, used in that order. The damage for this a�ack or a�acks depends on your size in wereform, as given in the following table.

Damage For Additional AttacksSize One TwoFine — —Diminutive 1 —Tiny 1d2 —Small 1d3 1Medium 1d4 1d2Large 1d6 1d3Huge 1d8 1d4Gargantuan 2d6 1d6Colossal 3d6 1d8

For example, a human weretiger simple lycanthrope normally has a bite a�ack for 1d4 points of damage. With this feat, he gains two additional claw a�acks for 1d2 points of damage each. Special: A crocodile normally can’t use its bite and tail slap a�ack in the same round, but a werecrocodile with this feat can. If your lycanthrope animal is a horse, you gain either one hoof a�ack or a hoof a�ack and a bite a�ack the first time you select this feat. If you chose a hoof a�ack, you may select this feat a second time to gain the second hoof a�ack.

Wolfskinner [General]You have learned an ancient and secret way to take wolf form. Prerequisites: Intelligence or Wisdom 10 (see below). Benefit: By wearing a wolf skin, drinking a special beer, and reciting a magical formula, you

WEREFORM WeaponsAnimal Number and Type of AttacksApe 2 clawsBadger 2 clawsBear 2 clawsCat 2 clawsCheetah 2 clawsCrocodile 1 tail slapEagle 2 talons*Elephant 2 stampsHorse 1 hoof or 1 hoof and 1 bite**Leopard 2 clawsLion 2 clawsMule 1 hoofOctopus 1 armOwl 2 clawsPony 2 hoovesRaven 2 clawsSquid 1 tentacleTiger 2 clawsWolverine 2 claws

*Why these are called talons in the MM rather than claws, I have no idea.

**Choose one option at the time you select the feat. This choice cannot be altered once selected, though you can select the feat again if you want the third attack.

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can take the form of a wolf as if you were a 5th-level druid using wild shape. This transformation does not affect your equipment, so most wolfskinners strip naked before transforming so as to avoid damaging their clothing and gear. You can use this ability only at night. You revert to your normal form automatically at sunrise, whether or not you can see that event. You may end the transformation early by making a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw. While in wolf form, you gain the shapechanger subtype. You are not a lycanthrope, so your transformations are not subject to the phase of the moon, and you cannot transmit lycanthropy. Reciting the formula and drinking the beer allows you to take wolf form only once in a given night—you cannot change back to wolf form again without drinking the beer and reciting the formula again. This transformation is a spell-like ability (treat as a 4th-level spell for the purpose of Concentration checks and such). Note: Wolfskinners consider themselves members of a special brotherhood. Sometimes they team up, or multiple warriors in the same tribe

may become wolfskinners. The scent of the special beer lingers on a wolfskinner for several days a�er consumption, and another wolfskinner (or any creature with the scent ability that is familiar with the beer’s smell) can identify that odor on the wolfskinner regardless of his form. Wolfskinners don’t o�en a�ack each other because of this sense of brotherhood, though rivalries do exist, particularly between enemy tribes. Special: The Intelligence or Wisdom prerequisite for this feat is to learn the proper magical words. You do not need to know how to brew the special beer; you can acquire it from another. Without the beer, however, you cannot use the feat. To brew the beer, you need 1 rank in Cra� (brewing) and 1 rank in Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), or Spellcra�. Brewing one dose takes 8 hours and 1 gp worth of various herbs. In some lands, a wolfskinner brews a salve rather than a beer, and only a wolfskin belt is needed rather than an entire skin. Regardless of the specific requirements, however, the effects are the same.

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Chapter Four : Moon Deities

Most real-world pantheons include at least one lunar deity, which is not surprising because the moon is one of the two giant objects moving around in the sky. The portfolios of most such deities cover animals, cycles of time, and femininity. This chapter examines several real-world lunar deities, expanding and modifying them as needed to make them suitable deities for fantasy-game adventurers. A couple of purely fictional ones are presented here as well.

Deity DescriptionsEach of the deity descriptions below includes the deity’s symbol, alignment, portfolio (areas of power), domains, and favored weapon, as well as a short description.

Artemis (Greek)Symbol: Crescent moonAlignment: CNPortfolio: Archery, hunting, the moon, chastity,

healingDomains: Animal, Chaos, Healing, MoonFavored Weapon: Shortbow

Artemis, the virginal Greek goddess of the hunt, is the twin sister of the sun god Apollo and the daughter of Zeus, lord of the Olympians. She is a

goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, healing, chastity, and (in an older fertility aspect possibly inherited from a mother-goddess whom she supplanted) childbirth. A more complex goddess than she first appears, Artemis has dual aspects to her nature. For example, though she is a protector of women in labor, her arrows sometimes bring death to women in childbirth. Likewise, she is a healing deity like her brother, but she is also responsible for the spread of leprosy, rabies, and gout among mortals. Generally portrayed as a beautiful young woman with a crescent moon above her head, Artemis is usually armed with a bow and arrows. She is typically accompanied by several nymphs, who are also required to remain virgins. She is very protective of her own honor, and has even been known to transform men who watched her bathe into prey animals and let her hounds tear them to pieces. The stag is sacred to Artemis, as are oak groves. Men cannot be priests in the Church of Artemis, but women can join her clergy at puberty. They are required to remain virgins while in her service, though if a priestess wishes to marry she can leave the priesthood to do so. Departure from the goddess’s service requires a ritual in which the priestess sets aside various symbols of the virginal aspects of her youth, such as dolls, a lock of hair, and so on. The faithful of Artemis watch over temples, guard the virtue of young women, and conduct moonlit hunts to honor their goddess.

Hekate (Greek)The Bitch, the She-WolfSymbol: A torch or a cross with even-length armsAlignment: NPortfolio: Witchcra�, crossroads, the moon,

childbirth, femininityDomains: Knowledge, Magic, Moon, TravelFavored Weapon: Dagger

Hekate is a mysterious Greek goddess of witchcra� and crossroads. An enigmatic power who interacts li�le with the rest of her pantheon, she focuses her a�ention on the women of her patriarchal native culture. Hekate also watches over crossroads (where witchcra� rituals are o�en performed for their symbolic energy), and those that are particularly sacred to her are marked with posts carved with a dog’s head, horse’s head, and snake’s head.

Chapter 4 : Moon Deities

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Chapter Four : Moon Deities

Hekate is usually depicted as a normal woman with two ghostly dogs, though she is sometimes shown as a crone, or as a human woman with either three human heads or a dog head, a horse head, and a snake head. Her torch symbol represents illuminating the unconscious, and her cross represents crossroads. The dog is Hekate’s sacred animal. Hekate’s church operates much like a witches’ coven. In places where her worship is unpopular, her faithful meet secretly so as to protect one another from enemies. Most of her worshipers are women, though traditionally she is also served by castrated men (“transformed” into women by a faith ritual). Hekate responds favorably to animal sacrifices, particularly black dogs, black bulls, or black ewe lambs. The priestesses and worshipers generally consume the meat a�er an animal sacrifice to avoid wasteful death. However, she also appreciates offerings of honey and mushrooms at her crossroads. Hekate’s devout o�en stain their hands and feet with red henna, possibly symbolizing blood. Her most famous priestess was Medea of the Argonauts stories. Many Wiccans revere Hekate as part of their faith. The above description takes some liberties with what is known of her original worship by the Greeks and is not intended as a representation of her role in Wicca.

Luna (Fictional)Symbol: Three crescent moons arranged in a lineAlignment: CGPortfolio: The moon, feminine power, good

lycanthropesDomains: Chaos, Good, Moon, ProtectionFavored Weapon: Chakram

Luna is a very old goddess who predates all current civilizations. Though she has always been a powerful force for the protection and empowerment of women, her strength has waxed and waned over the centuries. Common folk invoke her name at weddings to bless the bride and keep her safe in her husband’s house, at childbirth to guard the expectant mother’s health, and whenever journeys must be made at night. Where the sun is hot and aggressive in its light, the moon is cool and gentle, and Luna embodies these a�ributes. She prefers peace to war and kind words to loud speech, but when her charges are threatened, she can tear apart foes with the ferocity of a she-bear defending her cubs. Luna is also the patron goddess of nonevil lycanthropes. Her church teaches that good lycanthropes are blessed by her light and that evil lycanthropes are corruptions of her gi�s to mortals. Thus, her worshipers hunt down evil lycanthropes whenever they hear of any and either cure or slay those they catch. Luna is always depicted as a woman with white eyes, dark hair, and a crescent symbol on her forehead, although other details vary. Dogs, wolves, and owls are her sacred animals. Luna’s church holds a small ceremony on the first day of each new, full, and quarter moon.

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Chapter Four : Moon Deities

Lunar eclipses always call for prayer vigils until the moon appears again, while solar eclipses are sacred events to be celebrated publicly, when all people can enjoy the night during the day. Women hold most positions of power within Luna’s church, and a disproportionate number of her clerics are women, but men are neither shunned nor marginalized in her clergy. This goddess first appeared in the web enhancement for Skreyn’s Register: The Bonds of Magic—Cabal, published by Malhavoc Press. Luna is also the Roman name of the minor Greek moon goddess Selene, but the fictional Luna presented here is not based on the Roman one.

Nanna (Sumerian)Lord of Wisdom, Lord of the CalendarSymbol: Crescent moonAlignment: NGPortfolio: The moon, fertility, vegetation, herd

animals, astrology, timeDomains: Animal, Good, Moon, Plant, ProtectionFavored Weapon: Quarterstaff

Nanna (also known as Sin or Suen to the Babylonians and Assyrians, and sometimes called Nanna-Suen) is a prominent deity of the Sumerian people—so important that he is sometimes called the king or prince of the gods. Like many deities of his pantheon, Nanna spent much time in the mortal world—in fact, he was once king of the ancient city

of Ur. His worship predates the building of cities, extending back to the time when his people were still nomads. Nanna is a kind and generous god who brings gi�s to other deities and to the founding-place of his city. He makes fields and animals fertile, protects herdsmen, and travels across the sky in a canoelike boat. On the nights of the new moon, he rests in the Underworld, and while he is there he decrees the fate of the dead. Though he is usually depicted as an old man with a flowing beard, Nanna represents the vitality of life and renewal of energy, so he is actually both young and old simultaneously. His favored animal is the bull (and sometimes the lion-dragon known as the dragonne), and he is represented by the number 30 (the number of days between each moon-sun conjugation in the heavens). Nanna’s church is old but vigorous, and his church is centered on a single great ziggurat in each city where he is worshiped. His priesthood is open to both men and women, though some cities allow only female high priests (who are symbolically married to the god). Though most of their organization is focused on preserving the health of crops, domesticated animals, and the people who tend them, some of his followers also seek out and destroy the abominations created by the evil gods.

Thoth (Egyptian)Symbol: IbisAlignment: LNPortfolio: Magic, wisdom, writing, the moon, the

measurement of timeDomains: Knowledge, Law, Magic, MoonFavored Weapon: Quarterstaff

Thoth is a wise and learned Egyptian deity who acts as the scribe of the underworld and is partly responsible for judging the souls of the dead. Known mainly for his dominion over knowledge and magic, he also keeps measure of time. Since all three of these areas are tied to the moon in Egyptian mythology, Thoth also has a minor aspect as a lunar deity. He is most commonly known by his Greek name (Thoth) rather than his Egyptian name (Djeheuty). The god is usually shown as a human male with the head of an ibis. He typically wears a lunar crescent on his head, though he is sometimes represented just as an ibis or even as a baboon—a form particularly related to his moon aspect. Both of these animals are sacred to him.

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Chapter Four : Moon Deities

Thoth’s priests are interested in normal and magical writings, and they enjoy discovering and translating scroll and books. Nonadventuring worshipers of Thoth are usually scribes or bureaucrats. Many Egyptian rituals and festivals occur according to the moon’s cycle, so Thoth and his faithful schedule such events and sometimes even officiate at the rituals of other Egyptian deities.

Tragus (Fictional)Lord of the Wild HuntSymbol: A hound silhoue�e on a white circleAlignment: NPortfolio: Hunting, the moon, houndsDomains: Animal, Moon, ProtectionFavored Weapon: Longsword

Tragus is a mysterious deity who is associated with several pantheons but has no strong ties to any of them. Some sages suggest that he is a very ancient god who has survived the destruction of his original worshipers’ culture by ingratiating himself into other pantheons. As his title implies, Tragus is primarily interested in hunting. He prefers moonlight hunts to daytime ones, but he hates those who hunt

creatures to extinction or purely for trophies, though keeping trophies or tokens is acceptable if the rest of the creature is utilized as well. He dislikes lycanthropes that hunt needlessly, and sometimes his followers hunt them in turn, but he accepts those who use their skills to hunt within the tenets of his church. Tragus speaks li�le and rarely interacts with other deities, though he is sometimes described as the consort of various moon goddesses. He is typically shown as a tall, lean man clad in hunting leathers, with his face in the shadow of moonlight. Bloodhounds are his sacred animals, though the oldest pictures show him with wolves. The Church of Tragus is simple, organized in loose cells similar to a series of druid circles, and indeed his faith includes many druids and rangers. His worshipers hold a hunt on the first night of the full moon, choosing a dangerous beast when times are good or a large food animal when times are lean. Hearkening back to the days of hunter-gatherer societies, most of his priests are males, but women who are physically capable of hunting are not excluded from the faith. Common folk pray to him for success in their hunts and for protection from wild animals.

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Both those ruled by the moon and those who hunt them have created special magic items to aid them in their quests.

Item DescriptionsThe following items are organized into categories like those in the PH.

WeaponsThe following weapon property has additional options. Bane: “Lycanthrope” and “shapechanger” are suitable creature types for this weapon property.

Specific Magic WeaponsThe following weapon property has additional options. Arrow of Slaying: “Lycanthrope” and “shapechanger” are suitable creature types for this weapon, as well as for greater slaying arrows.

Potions and OilsFor your convenience, the potions and oils that can be made from the spells presented in this book are listed below.Potion or Oil Market PriceLesser moon healing 50 gpMoonglow 50 gpMoonshadow 50 gpScent marker (oil) 50 gpScentblock 50 gpSimple animal shape 50 gpSkin of the rat 50 gpLesser scent 300 gpMoon healing 300 gpMoonlight to sunlight 300 gpSkin of the boar 300 gpSkin of the wolf 300 gpGreater moon healing 750 gpMoonstride 750 gpGreater moonshadow 800 gpLunar sanctuary (oil) 800 gp

ScrollsFor your convenience, the scrolls that can be made from the spells presented in this book are listed below.

Arcane Spell Scrolls

1st-level Arcane Spells Market PriceMoonglow 25 gpMoonshadow 25 gp2nd-level Arcane Spells Market PriceLesser moon healing 150 gpLesser scent 150 gpScent marker 150 gpScentblock 150 gpSimple animal shape 150 gp3rd-level Arcane Spells Market PriceMoon healing 375 gpGreater moonshadow 425 gp5th-level Arcane Spells Market PriceCurse of lycanthropy 1,125 gp

Divine Spell Scrolls

1st-level Divine Spells Market PriceLesser moon healing 25 gpMoonglow 25 gpMoonshadow 25 gpScent marker 25 gpScentblock 25 gpSimple animal shape 25 gpSkin of the rat 25 gp2nd-level Divine Spells Market PriceLesser scent 150 gpMoon healing 150 gpMoonlight to sunlight 150 gpSkin of the boar 150 gpSkin of the wolf 150 gp3rd-level Divine Spells Market PriceMoonstride 375 gpSkin of the bat 375 gpLunar sanctuary 425 gp4th-level Divine Spells Market PriceSkin of the bear 700 gpSkin of the tiger 700 gpGreater moonshadow 750 gp5th-level Divine Spells Market PriceCurse of lycanthropy 1,125 gp9th-level Divine Spells Market PriceLycanthrope shapes 3,825 gp

Chapter 5 : Magic Items

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Chapter Five : MAGIC ITEMS

Wondrous ItemsThe following items were created by lycanthropes to enhance their abilities and those of their allies. Bearskin Cloak: This heavy, furred cloak is made of bearskin. Once per day when the sun is down, the wearer may speak a command word to become a Large brown bear, as if she were an 8th-level druid using wild shape. She may remain in bear form for up to 8 minutes and can return to her natural form as a standard action. Some variants of this item exist in belt form but have the same effect. Faint transmutation; CL 8th; Cra� Wondrous Item, skin of the bear; Price 11,000 gp. Crocodile Mask: This metal mask is shaped like a crocodile’s head and decorated with green ornamental stones. Its bearer may activate it once per day by speaking a command word, which causes it to move and function as though it were an extension of the wearer’s body. When the mask is active, the wearer may bite once per round as if he had a bite a�ack as a natural weapon, dealing 1d8 points of damage plus his Strength bonus. The wearer may use the improved grab special ability in conjunction with his bite a�ack against opponents of his own size category or smaller, and he deals bite damage on subsequent rounds with a successful grapple check. The mask remains active for 5 rounds, then becomes inert, releasing any creature held in its

jaws at the time. While biting, the wearer can’t speak, cast spells with verbal components, activate command word items, or do anything else that

requires using his mouth. Faint Conjuration; CL 5th; Cra� Wondrous

Item, summon monster III; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Snake Salve: This thick paste is made

from strange dried herbs, powdered adamantine, and other rare ingredients. If rubbed on the head of a snake, it acts as a magic fang

spell when the command word is spoken. Once activated, the

effect lasts for 1 minute. The item creation process makes five doses of this salve. Faint Transmutation; CL 1st; Cra� Wondrous

Item, magic fang; Price 75 gp; Weight —.

Snake Salve, Greater: Similar to snake salve, this paste activates a greater magic

fang spell upon the target snake, and its effect lasts for 1 hour a�er activation. The item creation process creates five doses of this salve.

Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Cra� Wondrous Item, greater magic fang; Price 1,000 gp; Weight —.

Wolfskin Belt: This simple belt is made of wolfskin with the fur still on

it. Once per day when the sun is down, the wearer may speak a command word

to become a Medium wolf, as if she were a 5th-level druid using wild shape. The wearer may remain in wolf form for up to 5 minutes and can return to her natural form as a standard action. Some variants of this item exist in cloak form but have the same effect. Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Cra� Wondrous Item, skin of the wolf; Price 3,600 gp; Weight —.

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The spells detailed in this chapter relate to lycanthropy and moonlight. The Moon domain is also introduced here.

Bard Spells

2nd-Level Bard SpellsLesser Moon Healing: Restores 2d8+1/level (max

+10) moon hit points.

3rd-Level Bard SpellsMoon Healing: Restores 3d8+1/level (max +15)

moon hit points.

4th-Level Bard SpellsGreater Moon Healing: Restores 4d8+1/level (max

+20) moon hit points.

Cleric Spells

Moon DomainDeities: This domain is appropriate for any

deities whose portfolios include the moon or lycanthropy.

Granted Power: You may use your turn or rebuke ability to turn or rebuke lycanthropes as well as any other creatures you would normally affect.

Moon Domain Spells1 Moonglow: Your face or hand glows with

moonlight.2 Skin of the Wolf: You can become a Medium

wolf as if using wild shape.3 Lunar Sanctuary: Lunar energy suffuses an area,

making lycanthropes stronger.4 Confusion: Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/

level.5 Curse of Lycanthropy: Target becomes a cursed

lycanthrope.6 Shadow Walk: You can step into shadow to

travel rapidly.7 Insanity: Subject suffers continuous confusion.8 Animal Shapes: One ally/level polymorphs into

a chosen animal.9 Lycanthrope Shapes: As animal shapes,

but allows multiple transformations and lycanthrope abilities.

1st-Level Cleric SpellsLesser Moon Healing: Restores 2d8+1/level (max

+10) moon hit points.

Moonshadow: Reduces moonlight effects to new moon level.

2nd-Level Cleric SpellsMoon Healing: Restores 3d8+1/level (max +15)

moon hit points.Moonlight to Sunlight: Amplifies moonlight

according to moon phase.

3rd-Level Cleric SpellsGreater Moon Healing: Restores 4d8+1/level (max

+20) moon hit points.Moonstride: As air walk, but subject can walk only

on moonlight.

Druid Spells

1st-Level Druid SpellsLesser Moon Healing: Restores 2d8+1/level (max

+10) moon hit points.Moonglow: Your face or hand glows with moonlight.Moonshadow: Reduces moonlight effects to new

moon level.Scent Marker: Marks subject with scent of your

choice.Scentblock: Removes subject’s scent.Simple Animal Shape: You take the form of an

animal of your choice.Skin of the Rat: You can become a Small dire rat as

if using wild shape.

2nd-Level Druid SpellsLesser Scent: Grants the lesser scent ability.Moon Healing: Restores 3d8+1/level (max +15)

moon hit points.Moonlight to Sunlight: Amplifies moonlight

according to moon phase.Skin of the Boar: You can become a Medium boar

as if using wild shape.Skin of the Wolf: You can become a Medium wolf

as if using wild shape.

3rd-Level Druid SpellsGreater Moon Healing: Restores 4d8+1/level (max

+20) moon hit points.Greater Moonshadow: As moonshadow, but 1

day/level.Lunar Sanctuary: Lunar energy suffuses an area,

making lycanthropes stronger.Moonstride: As air walk, but subject can walk only

on moonlight.

Chapter 6 : Moon-Based Spells

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Skin of the Bat: You can become a Large dire bat as if using wild shape.

4th-Level Druid SpellsSkin of the Bear: You can become a Large brown

bear as if using wild shape.Skin of the Tiger: You can become a Large tiger as

if using wild shape.

5th-Level Druid SpellsCurse of Lycanthropy: Target becomes a cursed


9th-Level Druid SpellsLycanthrope Shapes: As animal shapes, but allows

multiple transformations and lycanthrope abilities.

Paladin Spells

2nd-Level Paladin SpellsLesser Moon Healing: Restores 2d8+1/level (max

+10) moon hit points.

3rd-Level Paladin SpellsMoon Healing: Restores 3d8+1/level (max +15)

moon hit points.

4th-Level Paladin SpellsGreater Moon Healing: Restores 4d8+1/level (max

+20) moon hit points.

Ranger Spells

1st-Level Ranger SpellsLesser Moon Healing: Restores 2d8+1/level (max

+10) moon hit points.Moonglow: Your face or hand glows with

moonlight.Moonshadow: Reduces moonlight effects to new

moon level.Scent Marker: Marks subject with scent of your

choice.Scentblock: Removes subject’s scent.

2nd-Level Ranger SpellsLesser Scent: Grants the lesser scent ability.Moon Healing: Restores 3d8+1/level (max +15)

moon hit points.Simple Animal Shape: Turns subject into an

animal of your choice.Skin of the Rat: You can become a Small dire rat as

if using wild shape.

3rd-Level Ranger SpellsGreater Moon Healing: Restores 4d8+1/level (max

+20) moon hit points.Greater Moonshadow: As moonshadow, but 1

day/level.Lunar Sanctuary: Lunar energy suffuses an area,

making lycanthropes stronger.Skin of the Bat: You can become a Large dire bat

as if using wild shape.Skin of the Boar: You can become a Medium boar

as if using wild shape.Skin of the Wolf: You can become a Medium wolf

as if using wild shape.

4th-Level Ranger SpellsSkin of the Bear: You can become a Large brown

bear as if using wild shape.Skin of the Tiger: You can become a Large tiger as

if using wild shape.

Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard SpellsMoonglow: Your face or hand glows with

moonlight.Moonshadow: Reduces moonlight effects to new

moon level.

2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard SpellsLesser Scent: Grants the lesser scent ability.Scent Marker: Marks subject with scent of your

choice.Scentblock: Removes subject’s scent.Simple Animal Shape: Turns subject into an

animal of your choice.

4th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard SpellsGreater Moonshadow: As moonshadow, but 1

day/level.Moonstride: As air walk, but subject can walk only

on moonlight.

5th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard SpellsCurse of Lycanthropy: Target becomes a cursed


Spell DescriptionsThis chapter introduces the moonlight spell descriptor, which applies to spells that duplicate or emulate the effects of moonlight as well as others that negate such effects. The curse descriptor created by Monte Cook (thanks, Monte!) is also utilized here for a spell whose effects cannot be dispelled, only removed with remove curse.

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Curse of LycanthropyTransmutation [Curse]Level: Druid 5, Moon 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5Components: V, S, M, DFCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: TouchTarget: Creature touchedDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: Fortitude negatesSpell Resistance: Yes

The target gains the cursed lycanthrope template (see Chapter 2: Templates) and automatically takes beastform at the next full moon. You must choose the target’s lycanthrope animal (bat, wolf, or the like) at the time of casting. The subject remains unaware of its condition until circumstances make it clear. Arcane Material Component: A few drops of lycanthrope blood or a pinch of lycanthrope hair, which must be taken from a lycanthrope in beastform. The lycanthrope providing the hair need not match the lycanthrope animal you wish to assign to the subject. Note: If you use the Lycanthropy As Disease variant from Chapter 1: Lycanthropes, this spell also has the disease descriptor.

Lesser ScentTransmutationLevel: Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2Components: V, S, M, DFCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: Touch

Target: Creature touchedDuration: 10 minutes/levelSaving Throw: Will negates (harmless)Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The target gains the lesser scent ability (see Chapter 1: Lycanthropes, page 11). Arcane Material Component: A few hairs from a bloodhound.

Lunar SanctuaryEvocation [Light, Moonlight]Level: Druid 3, Moon 3, Ranger 3Components: V, S, M, DFCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: Close (25 �. + 5 �./2 levels)Area: 20-�.-radius emanationDuration: 2 hours/levelSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

This spell imbues an area with the power of the moon, causing it to glow faintly. Treat the illumination as shadowy if the area is not already brighter. Each Charisma check made to turn or rebuke lycanthropes within this area takes a –3 sacred penalty. Any lycanthrope or worshiper of a lunar deity gains a +2 morale bonus on a�ack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws within this area. If the area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent fixture dedicated to your deity or a lunar power, these modifiers are doubled (–6 penalty to turn or rebuke, +4 morale bonus on a�acks, damage, and saves). If the area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent fixture of a darkness deity or higher power of darkness, this spell instead curses the area, cu�ing off its connection with the associated deity or power. If this secondary function applies, the spell grants no bonuses or penalties relating to lycanthropy or lunar deities, as given above. Material Component: A vial of holy or unholy water and 25 gp worth of powdered moonstone, both of which must be sprinkled around the area.

Lycanthrope ShapesTransmutationLevel: Druid 9, Moon 9

This spell functions like animal shapes except as noted. You may choose a different animal shape for each target. In effect, the chosen animal becomes the target’s lycanthrope animal for the duration of the spell. As a standard action, the target may assume animal form, its natural form, or a hybrid

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of the two. The hybrid form has all the abilities of the animal form, except that if the natural form has hands and humanlike speech, the hybrid form does too. The phase of the moon does not affect the target’s ability to assume the spell-assigned shapes, though it still affects a lycanthrope target’s own shapechanging abilities normally. Each target also gains 10 moon hit points. These moon hit points disappear when the spell ends, whether or not the target normally has moon hit points. Unlike the subject of a polymorph spell, the target also gains the extraordinary special qualities of its new form. For example, a subject that becomes a wolf gains low-light vision and scent. The subject also gains the lycanthrope and shapechanger subtypes. If the target is already a lycanthrope and you choose a different lycanthrope animal than its normal one, it may take either animal’s form or hybrid form as if it had the Extra Lycanthrope Animal feat. When you cast this spell, only the initial transformation at the time of casting allows the target to regain lost hit points as described in the polymorph spell; later form changes do not. Unlike the subject of animal shapes, a target can take its natural form without ending the spell for itself.

Moon HealingConjuration (Healing) [Moonlight]Level: Bard 3, Cleric 2, Druid 2, Paladin 3, Ranger 2Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

This spell functions like lesser moon healing, except that it restores 3d8 moon hit points plus 1 point per caster level (maximum +15) to a lycanthrope. If used on a lycanthrope that does not normally have moon hit points, the spell functions like cure moderate wounds.

Moon Healing , GreaterConjuration (Healing) [Moonlight]Level: Bard 4, Cleric 3, Druid 3, Paladin 4, Ranger 3Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

This spell functions like lesser moon healing, except that it restores 4d8 moon hit points plus 1 point per caster level (maximum +20) to a lycanthrope. If used on a lycanthrope that does not normally have moon hit points, the spell functions like cure serious wounds.

Moon Healing , LesserConjuration (Healing) [Moonlight]Level: Bard 2, Cleric 1, Druid 1, Paladin 2, Ranger 1Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)

This spell restores 2d8 moon hit points plus 1 point per caster level (maximum +10) to a lycanthrope. If used on a lycanthrope that does not normally have moon hit points, the spell functions like cure light wounds. The spell has no effect on nonlycanthropes, and unlike a cure spell, it has no special effect on undead. When you cast moon healing, your hand glows faintly with a light resembling moonlight.

MoonglowEvocation [Light, Moonlight]Level: Druid 1, Moon 1, Ranger 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: PersonalDuration: 10 minutes/level (D)

You may cause your hand or face to glow with a pale white light that resembles moonlight. You may manifest or hide this light at will as a free action, changing its location each time if you desire. Any lycanthrope within the spell’s radius of bright light (20 feet) treats that area as if the moon were one phase closer to full. Thus, resisting involuntary transformations to beastform in the area becomes more difficult, but abilities requiring strong moonlight become easier.

Moonlight to SunlightTransmutation [Light, Moonlight]Level: Cleric 2, Druid 2Components: V, S, M, DFCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: Close (25 �. + 5 �./2 levels)Area: 20-�.-radius emanation (see text)Duration: 1 round/levelSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

You amplify the moonlight in the area, making a full moon’s light as strong as sunlight. The area is lit as brightly the phase of the moon allows, as given on the following table.

Phase EffectFull Full sunlight

Three-quarters Half sunlightHalf Weak sunlight

One-quarter Daylight spellNew Moonglow spell

The specific effects are described below. Full Sunlight: The light in the area is the equivalent of full sunlight and has the normal effects on sunlight-vulnerable creatures such as

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vampires and wraiths. Half Sunlight: A vampire in this level of sunlight moves at half speed and takes a –4 penalty on a�ack rolls. It is destroyed u�erly by 2 full rounds of light at this intensity. A wraith in this light takes a –4 penalty on all rolls, and its Constitution drain DC also decreases by –4. Weak Sunlight: A vampire in this light moves at normal speed and takes a –2 penalty on a�ack rolls. It is destroyed u�erly by 4 full rounds of light at this intensity. A wraith in this light takes a –2 penalty on all rolls, and its Constitution drain DC also decreases by –2. Daylight Spell: The area is lit with the equivalent of a daylight spell, though only in a 20-foot-radius emanation. This light counts only as a 2nd-level spell for the purpose of dispelling and countering darkness spells. Moonglow Spell: The area shines as if under the effect of a moonglow spell. While the primary area of the spell is a 20-foot-radius emanation, the light from the spell spills out to a 40-foot radius, brightening this larger area at least to the level of shadowy illumination, if it is not already that bright. This spell works as described only in areas where the moon’s light is shining. Underground, indoors, and in other areas where the natural moonlight is blocked (including areas magically lit by moonlight), the spell always functions as if the moon were new.

MoonshadowTransmutationLevel: Cleric 1, Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1Components: V, S, M, DFCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: Close (25 �. + 5 �./2 levels)Target: One creatureDuration: 1 minute/levelSaving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: Yes

You surround the target with a dull gray aura that completely blocks the effects of natural moonlight, as well as spells or effects of spell level 1st or lower with the moonlight descriptor. All effects and abilities of the target that rely on moonlight are treated as if the moon were new, whether or not the target is actually exposed to moonlight at the time. If the target is a lycanthrope who has undergone an involuntary lycanthropic change, it may a�empt to return to its natural form. If the target has moon hit points, they are suppressed while the spell is in effect but return to their previous level when the

spell ends. Because of the lack of moonlight, a�empts to take beastform voluntarily become more difficult (using the Control Shape skill or the Will save mechanic introduced in Chapter 1: Lycanthropes, page 14), and voluntary transformations to the target’s natural form become easier. When this spell ends, the normal moonlight conditions apply once again. Lycanthropes facing involuntary transformations must a�empt saving throws normally to resist the change at this time. Some good churches use this spell to incapacitate afflicted lycanthropes, causing them to revert them to more harmless forms for easier curing. Arcane Material Component: A white stone painted black, coated in tar, or otherwise completely obscured by a black, opaque substance.

Moonshadow, GreaterTransmutationLevel: Druid 3, Ranger 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 4Duration: 1 day/level

This spell functions like moonshadow, except as noted above. Arcane Material Component: A crushed moonstone worth at least 50 gp, mixed with black earth or tar.

MoonstrideTransmutationLevel: Cleric 3, Druid 3, Ranger 3Duration: 1 minute/level

This spell functions like air walk, except as noted. The target creature can walk only on moonlight, which must emanate from a moon that is at least half full (whether waxing or waning). Magical darkness, significant cloud cover, or objects that obscure the ambient moonlight (including ceilings and the cover of earth) prevent the subject from using this spell in that area. Spells that create moonlight equivalent to that of a half moon provide sufficient light for the purpose of this spell. Thus, a spell might create a beam of moonlight to tread upon, perhaps allowing the subject to ascend to a cli�op, castle parapet, or other difficult-to-reach location. You can use a spell that causes you to radiate moonlight (such as moonglow) in conjunction with this spell, but can only move at half speed.

Scent MarkerTransmutationLevel: Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 2Components: V, S, M, DF (see text)

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Casting Time: 1 standard actionRange: TouchTarget: Creature or object touchedDuration: Instantaneous (see text)Saving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: Yes

You mark the target with an odor recognizable by creatures with the scent or lesser scent ability. Creatures without these abilities may notice the odor but do not understand what it represents. Blood: The target smells strongly of blood, as though it has recently sustained a severe injury. Most animal-intelligence predators are intrigued by the smell of blood, but most prey animals avoid it. Poison/Sickness: The target smells unhealthy, as if it had an advanced infection or had been poisoned recently. This marker can also duplicate the lingering scent of skunk musk or other substances that creatures with animal intelligence normally avoid. (Although predators normally seek out weak, old, or sick animals, this scent implies severe illness and is thus avoided even by such creatures.) Predator: The target smells like a dangerous predator. Prey animals avoid this scent, while belligerent predators may try to challenge the scent-bearer for supremacy. This scent is o�en used to mark territory. Prey: The target smells like a prey animal. Predators generally seek out creatures with this scent, and prey animals are likely to accept a target bearing this scent rather than fleeing outright. Substance or Creature: The target smells like a particular vegetable or animal substance, such as cinnamon, honey, bear, sweat, fish, or the like. The scent can even mimic that of a specific creature. Use of the spell in this la�er manner requires a focus and creates a specific smell rather than a general scent. Intelligent creatures that can smell the scent do not necessarily react the same way as an animal would. For example, a minotaur might hunt any creature that enters its territory, while a pack of blink dogs might investigate the scent only if it smells like a predator. The scent is not magically sustained and is susceptible to any normal factors that might interfere with it, such as cleaning, rain, the application of stronger scents, and so on. Normally, the scent remains strong for a few days, faint for another few days, and therea�er is gone. Material Component: If a specific smell is desired, a small amount of the corresponding material (a pinch of cinnamon, a drop of honey, a bit of bear fur, or the like) is required. Otherwise, the spell does not require a material component.

ScentblockTransmutationLevel: Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: TouchTarget: Creature touchedDuration: 10 minutes/levelSaving Throw: Will negates (harmless)Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The target creature ceases to give off any scent at all. Creatures with the scent ability cannot use it to detect the subject of the spell, although they can still use sight, hearing, and other methods. Targets with abilities based on strong smells (such as troglodytes) cannot use those abilities while this spell is in effect. The spell does not block strong-smelling substances (garlic, skunk musk, and the like) applied to the target a�er casting.

Simple Animal ShapeTransmutationLevel: Druid 1, Ranger 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2Components: V, S, DFCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: PersonalTarget: YouDuration: 1 minute/level (D)

You assume the form of an animal of your choice. This change is primarily a cosmetic transformation. Your size does not change, and you do not gain the new form’s special a�acks, special qualities, ability

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scores, bonus feats, physical qualities, or any other abilities except as follows. Movement: You gain the new form’s mundane movement capabilities, including a fly speed of up to 60 feet, and nonflying special movement modes such as burrowing or climbing at a speed of up to 30 feet. Natural A�ack: You gain a bite a�ack that deals base damage according to the following table. If the chosen animal does not normally have a bite a�ack, you gain an a�ack appropriate for it (such as a gore or kick) that deals this same base damage.

Size Base Bite DamageFine 1

Diminutive 1Tiny 1d2

Small 1d3Medium 1d4Large 1d6Huge 1d8

Gargantuan 2d6Colossal 3d6

Smell: You smell exactly like the animal you resemble. You lose your ability to speak while in animal form because you are limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained version of animal can make. (The normal sound a wild parrot makes is a squawk, so changing to this form does not permit speech.) Example: Rehala, a halfling druid, casts this spell and takes the form of a wolf. Her wolf form is Small, and she does not have the wolf’s ability score modifiers, natural armor bonus, scent ability, trip ability, Track bonus feat, low-light vision, or skill bonuses. However, she looks exactly like a wolf, smells exactly like a wolf, moves like a wolf (land speed 50 feet), and may bite creatures much as a wolf does. Though unable to truly function like a wolf, she is perfectly disguised as one in terms of physical appearance and scent. Since she cannot speak, she cannot cast spells with verbal components.

Skin of the BatTransmutationLevel: Druid 3, Ranger 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: PersonalTarget: YouDuration: 10 minutes/level (D)

You take the shape of a Large dire bat, as if you were an 8th-level druid using wild shape.

Focus: The skin of a bat or batlike creature. This skin becomes a part of your body for the duration of the spell and returns to normal when it ends.

Skin of the BearTransmutationLevel: Druid 4, Ranger 4

This spell functions like skin of the bat, except that you take the shape of a Large brown bear. Focus: The skin of a bear or bearlike creature. This skin becomes a part of your body for the duration of the spell and returns to normal when it ends.

Skin of the BoarTransmutationLevel: Druid 2, Ranger 3

This spell functions like skin of the bat, except that you take the shape of a Medium boar. Focus: The skin of a boar or boarlike creature. This skin becomes a part of your body for the duration of the spell and returns to normal when it ends.

Skin of the RatTransmutationLevel: Druid 1, Ranger 2

This spell functions like skin of the bat, except that you take the shape of a Small dire rat. Focus: The skin of a rat or ratlike creature. This skin becomes a part of your body for the duration of the spell and returns to normal when it ends.

Skin of the TigerTransmutationLevel: Druid 4, Ranger 4

This spell functions like skin of the bat, except that you take the shape of a Large tiger. Focus: The skin of a tiger or tigerlike creature. This skin becomes a part of your body for the duration of the spell and returns to normal when it ends.

Skin of the WolfTransmutationLevel: Druid 2, Moon 2, Ranger 3

This spell functions like skin of the bat, except that you take the shape of a Medium wolf. Focus: The skin of a wolf or wolflike creature. This skin becomes a part of your body for the duration of the spell and returns to normal when it ends.

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Some characters may wish to increase their lycanthrope abilities at a faster rate than taking feats allows them to. In fact, such a character may feel that learning how to be a be�er lycanthrope is more important than a�aining higher levels as a be�er fighter, cleric, or other PC class. This appendix presents two sets of racial classes for lycanthropes: one for those who have no spellcasting ability or no wish to advance it (the lycanthrope racial class), and one for those who do (the lycanthrope spellcaster racial class). These lycanthrope racial classes are intended for fey lycanthropes and simple lycanthropes only, not for MM-standard lycanthropes. Taking levels in a racial class never imposes a multiclassing penalty. A lycanthrope can take levels in the lycanthrope racial class as well as its original race’s racial class. Thus, an elf lycanthrope can take levels in both the lycanthrope and the elf racial classes. A creature is not required to take any levels in its racial class, nor is it required to “finish” all the levels in its racial class before it can take levels in another class. Regardless of their specific lycanthrope animals, all lycanthropes use the same lycanthrope racial classes. For example, werebears and wererats can both use the same racial classes. Levels in a racial class count as racial hit dice, such as for the Wereform Special Ability (poison) feat. A lycanthrope can even have levels in one of these classes and no other class levels (for example, an orc werewolf lycanthrope 2). Such a character gets × 4 skill points for its first class level, even if that is a racial class level. A human lycanthrope still gets its racial bonus feat and 1 bonus skill point per level, even for these racial class levels, and even if it has levels only in a lycanthrope racial class. Because these racial classes are based on the natural progression of the animal type, each has d8 Hit Dice, base a�ack bonus as cleric, good Fortitude and Reflex saves, and 2 skill points per Hit Die, with some slight customization.

Lycanthrope Racial ClassLevel BAB Fort Ref Will Special1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Bonus feat2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Bonus feat3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Bonus feat

Hit Die: d8. Class Skills: Cra� (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), and any skills given for the

lycanthrope animal. For example, a wererat also has Balance, Climb, Move Silently, and Swim as class skills, while a werewolf’s additional class skills are Hide, Move Silently, and Survival. If the lycanthrope animal has a climb or swim speed, Climb or Swim is always a class skill for that lycanthrope. Skill Points at 1st Character Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: If you have levels in only the lycanthrope racial class (no actual class levels), you are proficient with all simple weapons, but not with armor or shields. Bonus Feat: At each lycanthrope level, you gain a bonus lycanthrope feat (any feat with lycanthrope as a prerequisite or part of a prerequisite). You must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat.

Lycanthrope Spellcaster

Racial ClassLevel BAB Fort Ref Will Special Spellcasting1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Bonus feat +1/2 level in existing class2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Bonus feat +1/2 level in existing class3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Bonus feat +1/2 level in existing class

Hit Die: d6. Class Skills: Cra� (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcra� (Int), Spot (Wis), and any skills given for the lycanthrope animal. For example, a wererat also has Balance, Climb, Move Silently, and Swim as class skills, while a werewolf’s additional

Appendix 1 : Lycanthrope Racial Levels

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Appendix 1 : Lycanthrope Racial Levels

class skills are Hide, Move Silently, and Survival. If the lycanthrope animal has a climb or swim speed, Climb or Swim is always a class skill for that lycanthrope spellcaster.

The following spells may have special effects on lycanthropes, as given below. Banishment: Silver is a substance that opposes a lycanthrope target (assuming that the lycanthrope is also an outsider and therefore can be affected by this spell). Calm Emotions: This spell lets a simple lycanthrope in the midst of lycanthropic rage make an a�empt to return to its natural form. When the spell ends, he may change to wereform again if the moon is out. Commune with Nature: You should decide whether a lycanthrope in animal form counts as a natural creature for the purpose of this spell, and likewise whether one in hybrid form counts as an unnatural creature. Detect Animals or Plants: You should decide whether a lycanthrope in animal form detects as a normal animal of its type, and whether one in hybrid form gives a partial result or no result at all. Discern Location: You should decide whether spells such as this one, dream, and other remote-identifying effects can locate a lycanthrope in wereform.

Appendix 2 : Spell Effects on Lycanthropes Feeblemind: Lycanthropes can still make voluntary and involuntary changes while under the effect of this spell. Geas: This spell and lesser geas do not punish a lycanthrope that is ordered to refrain from taking beastform for changing involuntarily. Such a usage of the spell would be like ordering a creature to refrain from breathing. Hallow: When you cast this spell, you may choose to apply the –4 penalty to a�empts to turn or rebuke lycanthropes instead of undead. The following spells are also options for fixing to the hallow location: lesser scent, moonglow (fixed to the area, not the caster, manifesting when a creature enters), scent marker. Unhallow: When you cast this spell, you may choose to apply the –4 penalty to a�empts to turn or rebuke lycanthropes instead of undead. The following spells are also options for fixing to the unhallow location: lesser scent, moonglow (fixed to the area, not the caster, manifesting when a creature enters), scent marker.

Skill Points at 1st Character Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: If you have levels in only the lycanthrope spellcaster racial class (no actual class levels), you are proficient with all simple weapons, but not with armor or shields. Bonus Feat: At each lycanthrope spellcaster level, you gain a bonus lycanthrope feat (any feat with lycanthrope as a prerequisite or part of a prerequisite). You must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat. Spellcasting: Choose one spellcasting class in which you already have levels. At each lycanthrope spellcaster level, your spellcasting ability in that class (caster level, spells known, and spells per day) advances by one-half level. If you have more than one spellcasting class, you do not have to advance the same class’s spellcasting with each level. Half-level spellcasting increments are described on the Sean K Reynolds Games website If Lycanthrope Spellcaster is your first class level (in other words, if you have no levels in any spellcasting class), choose one spellcasting base class; you gain the spellcasting ability of a 1st-level character of that class

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. d20 System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, and Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.Curse of the Moon Copyright 2006 Sean K Reynolds. All rights reserved.


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