
DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICSGovt.Postgraduate College Jhang,

Govt. Postgraduate College of ScienceFaisalabad&G.C. University Faisalabad.

CURRICULUM VITAEDR. MUHAMMAD ATTIQUE KHAN SHAHIDPrincipal Govt. Post Graduate College Jhang, Prof. of Physics & Ex-Chairman Department of Physics, Advisor SAAP, SHAMP, SCOPE at Government Postgraduate College of Sc. Faisalabad Pakistan, Ex-Chairman Department of Physics, Chief Tutor GCUF Pakistan, PNRA Certified Health Physicist, RPO, RSO Attached with Atomic & Nuclear Physics Lab. Objectives:

A challenging and rewarding position as a Professor and science manager in a result oriented organization/institution that seeks ambitious and career conscious persons where acquired skills and education will be utilized toward continued growth and advancement.Administrative skills:

Member/In charge, Proctorial and tutorial boards, B.Sc. Lab. Physics Society, Syllabus revision, Purchase committee, Pioneer R&D culture, Acting Chairman department of Physics, Staff secretary, Drama producer, External Examiner ,Evaluator/S.O. Chairman Academy of letters for Sciences, In charge Nuclear Physics Research Cell, In Charge Computer Cell, In Charge Graduate, Postgraduate Section, Research Coordinator / Advisor (Graduate, Postgraduate Levels) & NPTC (PIAES) Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Prof. In Charge Physics Society / Seminars, Controller of Examination (Physics Department), Chairman Curriculum Revision Committee for B.Sc. (PASS), B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Physics), Project Director for Space Sciences, Health Physics & Telecommunication, Member inter-universities faculty boards (IUFBs for higher education), Coordinator scholarship and fee concession committees, Secretary / member Board of Study (BOS), Member technical scrutiny of offers / inspection of supplies (Physics department), Prof. In charge academic & research projects B. Sc. (Hons.) & M. Sc. Physics, Member Committee for Construction & Supervision of Entry Test B.Sc. (Hons) / M.Sc. Physics Programmes for Faculty of Science & Technology, Expert Member of Physics for College Affiliation Committee etc.,Prof In charge Academic and Research for B.Sc. (Hons.) and Master level Programmes(from 27.10.2005 to 13.07.2011)at department of Physics GCUF and currently at Govt. Postgraduate College of Science, Faisalabad.Revised and updated the curriculum for B.Sc. (Pass), B.Sc (Hons.) and M.Sc. classes, Introduced B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. Physics programmes (Morning/Evening, M.Phil.Evening), Established new Physics Labs for said programmes, Established new Computer Lab along with Internet facility, Introduced Modern options like Environmental Physics, Health and Medical Physics, Atmospheric Physics, Geo Physics and Radiation Physics with the collaboration of NIAB and PINUM, Introduced modern experiments in Graduation and Postgraduate level labs, Updated Physics library, Introduced Internship programme for job placement .As Chairman, Department of Physics (from 21.07.2009 to 13.07.2011), Rectification of loopholes and anomalies in B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. and M.Phil. Physics programmes through BOS, BOF and Academic council to bring them at par with other National/International Universities of the world, Continuation and up gradation of M.Phil.programme started in 2007-08, Setting up of new experiments using equivalence techniques, Hiring of new faculty members, Setting up experimental research group to supplement Theoretical Group, Established research collaboration with NIAB, NIBGE, PINUM, EPD, CASP, UET, NORI and NCP, Visiting faculty member at NIAB for Graduation and Postgraduate level training courses, Additional Administrative duties at GCUF included, Canvasser/member SFAO (Student Financial Aid Office), Member Monitoring and evaluation cell for development projects, Member board of faculty of Science and Technology, Member Budget advisory committee, Member Technical verification of equipment supplied by TNN for LAN, Member QEC Assessment team for College of Pharmacy, Botany, Psychology and Computer Science, Member Bachelor Programmes subcommittee for scrutinizing merit lists before display and Ex. Tutor of the University. I have joined as Professor of Physics and Chairman department of Physics at Govt. Postgraduate College of Science Faisalabad and teaching M.Sc. Physics (Part I & II) classes& BS (FYDP) classes, other key assignments includes, off and on appointment as Principal on behalf of

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Principal via Directorate of Colleges Faisalabad Division Faisalabad, Advisor & Founder of Society For Advancement Of Applied Physics (SAAP), (SHAMP) & (SCOPE), Chairman admission Committee& Advisor for BS (H) Four year Programs recently launched in seven disciplines along with secretary / member for appointment of CTI & being the senior faculty member as per policy of the Govt. of the Punjab (up to 22.05.2015). Additionally providing consultancy to the worthy Principal in other important administration cum academic affairs being Chairman Academic Discipline Committee & Advisor Readmission cum Prospectus revision Committees when and where needed on his request. Recently I’ve joined as Principal Govt. Post Graduate College Jhang from 23.05.2015 to date land marks achieved as principal. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OFFICE OF RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND COLLABORATION (ORIC), UNDER MY DIRECTORSHIP

Newly designed ORIC is always open to suggestions for improvement. The main objective of ORIC is to produce research and development (R and D) culture at least at post graduation level. In near future inshallah ORIC will create friendly working relationship with national and international agencies/organizations/institutions like PINUM, NIAB, NIBGE, NORI, PSF, PCSIR, UET, JICA along with other inter related industries and donor agencies to enhance entrepreneurship academic and R and D excellence.

As you know well about one of the prime objectives of Higher Education Department (HED) is to foster collaboration among Postgraduate Colleges, Universities, Research Organizations, Academicians and researchers in Pakistan. The main purpose behind such coordination and collaboration is to enhance R&D potential in Pakistan. As a part of implementing of above idea, the Government Postgraduate College Jhang under the guidance/supervision of the undersigned has launched an office under title “ORIC” (Office of Innovative Research for Collaboration and Coordination) which aims to provide one window facility available in this college through which all the academicians of the Postgraduate Colleges can collaborate with Government Postgraduate College Jhang.The said office is primarily targeting at professionals of Postgraduate Colleges having Punjab origin. Such expatriate community of scholars is being encouraged to develop joint research programs/up-gradation of their Postgraduate Labs with local faculty and provide expertise for the collaborative research in Postgraduate Colleges of the Punjab. In order to make this office more convenient and approachable the Government Postgraduate College Jhang has managed an ongoing process hence no deadline has been found for collaboration and coordination. In this regard, positive efforts and activities will be highly obliged. HOLDING OF SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS/CONFERENCES/SYMPOSIUM ETC

Making our academic departments/disciplines as true leader of their respective subjects is the vision of the undersigned. In order to achieve the goal, a regulatory committee under guidance of the undersigned has been constituted to ensure the directions of the competent authority. Directorate of research (ORIC) would be the focal point of this coordination. All the postgraduate departments are requested to arrange said activities in their respective departments. Please feel free to contact the undersigned for any kind of technical assistance. Every request for holding subject activity will be dealt on “priority basis”.UP GRADATION OF THE FORUM OF BAZAM-E-HAYAT/KHALILULLAH DRAMATIC CLUB AND INTER RELATED SOCIETY

Bazam-e-Hayat name was coined to honor the services of Professor Muhammad Hayat Khan Sial he has rendered for the upgradation of Art and culture status of Government Postgraduate College Jhang. This office has been previously lead by famous and renounced personalities like Professor Muhammad Hayat Khan Sial and Professor Muhammad Basharat Khan. Now the said office is running under the supervision of myself as patron in chief. Professor Dr. Khalil Ullah Khan dramatic club is another land mark of this institution working under the flag of Bazam-e-Hayat under my patronage. The office has assigned the task of working for the promotion and facilitation of curricular/co-curricular, extracurricular and cultural activities. In a short span the office has been successfully providing a friendly forum with departmental academic cum functional societies to the students of the college to express their recreational, cultural and literary talents. Various seminars on current national and international issues like career planning and counseling, life saving and life supporting, character building, Anti Dengue and Anti-terrorism, energy saving campaign, climate change, Global Warming and Environment pollution have also been organized. Musical evening, Sham-e-Ghazal, theatrical performance by the students, debate competitions and regular sports activities in the college campus keep the students involved in creative activities, polish their communication and organized skills thus keeping them away from getting involved in anti-social and extremist activities. In the shape of college magazine the CARVAN and the newsletter

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CARVANIAN. The students and staff both fined the best way to present their creative talent not only is prose and poetry but also in science and technology along with other inter-related issues.DR. KHAN MAN WITH GLOBAL VISION “COMMENTS OF WORTHY VICE PRINCIPAL AND STAFF (PUBLISHED IN NEWSLETTER JANUARY-JUNE, 2015):-Ever since, Professor Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid has assumed the charge of Principal of Government Postgraduate College Jhang, he has devoted all his professional skills and scholastic guidance for the up-gradation of the college. He is a remarkable administrator unique observer and excellent judge of human psychology. He has taken bold steps for the betterment of the college. The presentation of vision 20/20 is one of his greatest landmarks in this regard. What is more, the completion of college renovation, hosting of a grand meeting of all the principals (male/female both)of Toba Tek Sing, Gojra and Jhang under the scholastic supervision of worthy Director Colleges Professor Rana Munawar Khan, launching of water purification plant through honorable DCO Jhang, successful completion of character building, life saving and life supporting training programme along with different character supporting competitions, the way he has been supervising and guiding his team of experts through different upgraded committees, endeavoring to bring out the latest version of college prospectus, college magazine and newsletter speaks volumes of his keen interest in glorifying the name of the college. Under his dynamic leadership the institution has been sprouting like a mushroom setting highly qualified standards of education and has become the most famous institution of the Punjab and feeling Immense provide in its achievements. He is truly a man of global vision and determined to do whatever he possible can through his advisory council, legal and technical advisors for the sake of Government Postgraduate College Jhang. By the grace of almighty God, Government Postgraduate College Jhang is gifted with staunch believers i.e. Lecturers, Assistant Professor, Associate Professors and Professor who understand well that they are only ones who can rescue under the scholastic supervision of Dr. Khan this rudderless ship of uneducated people. They are spiritually motivated and committed to import state of art modern scientific education along with divine knowledge of the Holy Quran and teachings of the Holy Prophet. They are not crownless kings but the crowned king makers of the bright future of Pakistan. They recognize very well the spirit of 21st century and show the new horizons to their students who are always zapping around one or the other professions as per their choice to adopt. “Where others are fagged out, our youth takes wondrous strides (Abraham Lincon)” words may be fully applied to our students. May he succeed in fully visualizing his vision 20/20 into a reality Ameen!COMMENTS OF THE INSPECTION TEAM HEADED BY DIRECTOR WOMEN O/O D.P.I (C) PUNJAB LAHORE PAKISTANFOR PROF.DR.MUHAMMAD ATTIQUE KHAN SHAHID PRINCIPAL GOVT. POSTGRADUATE COLLEGE JHANG The undersigned visited Government Postgraduate College Jhang on 23.12.2015 at 12:30PM. The Principal of the college was motivated & he has contributed a lot in the field of research. He is an asset for the country as an intellectual scholar. Overall, the college was well maintained, however the attention of the Principal was drawn to the cleanliness of the college, on which he told that the ministerial as well as menial staff is inadequate for the maintenance of the college. His contributions as a great researcher are literally admirable and laudable.ESTABLISHMENT OF DR. ABDUS SALAM AND HAR GOBIND KHORANA CHAIRS UNDER MY PATRONAGE ON NO PROFIT NO LOSS BASIS.The Departments of Physics & Chemistry of Government Post Graduate College Jhang invites applications at the level of full professor with tenure to occupy the recently established Abdus Salam & Har Gobind KhoranaChairs in the areas of Physics and Chemistry. The successful candidates will be internationally recognized in his/her chosen field of research and have participated in the design and delivery of novel academic programmes and demonstrated exceptional professional leadership. The ideal candidate will be an energetic individual More than 50 years of age with at least 50 Local / International Research Publications in his credit and possesses a deep passion for teaching and research. This endowed position carries no economic burden on the College Budget and purely on honorary basis to pay due honors to two Nobel Laureates and world class scholars.ESTABLISHMENT OF CAREER COUNSELING INFORMATION CELL FOR RESPECTIVE DEPARTMENTSHaving observed the directions of the competent authority as well as to ensure vision 20/20 of the undersigned each department should establish said temporary information cell duly monitored by the respective HODs, competent teacher and intelligent students. The Principal Information Cell will be monitored by the undersigned which is to be consisting of senior students, expert faculty members and

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office staff. The meeting of said cell will be held at least once in a month. In this regard the office of the undersigned is available for any facilitation/requirement.

In order to give ranking of “BEST COUNSELING CELL” on showing excellent performance, the undersigned plans to watch personally the functioning of all cells of various departments. On the basis of best performance and rendering of excellent services, prizes and certificates will be awarded to the rank holders. In this regard, the ensured cooperation from departments will be highly appreciated. TARGETS/OBJECTIVES & ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER THE PRINCIPAL SHIP OF THE UNDERSIGNED. 01. Launching of vision 20/20 for up-gradation and enhancement of R and D status of the college as

A+ category.02. Renovation and Extension of Lawn, Green Belts through Plantation and Tube Wells. 03. Organizing of a Public awareness package.

i. Sensitization of Forests.ii. Energy saving Campaign.iii. Climate change and global warming.

04. Successful completion of all Pakistan Bain-ul-Kulyati Taqreebat.05. Organizing life saving, Life Supporting and character building training programme.06. Formulation and upgradation of different character building societies/ clubs and holding different

types of competitions.07. Organizing District/Divisional Level Youth Festivals and Prize Distribution Functions.08. Implementation of college calendar in letter & spirit.09. Publication of college magazine “CARVAN” with novels innovations.10. Publication of College Nama (News Letter) “CARVANIAN” with novel innovation.11. Prevailing of academic cultural to enhance students enrolment and produce good results than

Board/University. By the grace of Almighty Allah the results of FA/F.Sc, BA/B.Sc, MA/M.Sc almost all are above from Board and University results.

12. Maintenance of Discipline among the students, cleanliness in college campus, regarding of the classes as per time table and college calendar.

13. Achievement of positions in various games and sports at Board/University and Pakistan level by the grace of almighty Allaha following positions have been achieved:-i. Inter collegiate cross country Faisalabad Board “1st Position”.ii. Inter Pakistan Board Cross Country “2nd Position”.iii. Cricket Zone (B) Faisalabad Board “1st Position”.iv. Cricket Zone (B) Punjab University “1st Position”.v. Kabaddi Inter Collegiate Faisalabad Board “2nd Position”.vi. Other competitions are in progress and other lot of positions is expected in near future

Inshallah. 14. Successful auction of fallen and dried trees. 15. Celebration of different weeks like, Anti Terrorism Week, Anti Corruption Week, APS & Attribute

Week, Anti Dengue Week.16. Up-gradation of Proctorial and Tutorial Boards.17. Installation of Water Filtration Plant.18. Up-gradation of Meteorological observatory.19. Establishment of college advisory council.Establishment of Career Planning And Counseling Centre, Anti Drug Public Awareness Centre.PERSONAL INFORMANTIONS

1. Name :Dr Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid2. Father's Name: Muhammad Rafique Khan(Late)3. Present Status: Principal Govt. Post Graduate College, Jhang4. Present Posting: Govt. Post Graduate College, Jhang5. Domicile: FAISALABAD (PUNJAB)6. TEL #041-2680351 7. Cell #+92-0302-60628798. N.I.C. # 33100-0986953-99. Present Address: 504/A Latif Chowk, 351/A G.M. Abad, Faisalabad10. Permanent Address:P-378, St. # 1, Bilal Park, 279 R.B., Faisalabad.

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11. Email Address: [email protected]. Date of Birth: 01-04-196013. Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches14. Physical Appearance: Healthy15. Complexion: Fair16. Color of eyes: Dark Brown17. Blood Group: B +ve18. Marital Status: Married19. Religion: Islam20. Language Ability: English, Urdu, Punjabi

ACADEMIC INFORMATION:2008: Ph.D. in Physics from physics department P.U. Lahore, with Research Project on “A

Comprehensive Investigation of Solid Aerosols using X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) And Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) Techniques”.

1997: Solid State Physics from (CSSP) Punjab University, Lahore, with Research Project on “Radioactive pollution and its Health Hazards, A study by SSNTDs and XRPD Analysis”.

1990:B.Ed. from Punjab University, Lahore.1989:M.A. (Punjabi), Punjab University, Lahore.1982: M.Sc. (Physics) (Advanced Electronics) from G.T.I.C., Chenab Nagar. (Punjab University,

Lahore)1980: B.Sc. (Physics, Math A&B Course) from G.C., Faisalabad. (Punjab University, Lahore)1978: F.Sc. (Pre-Eng. Group) from Govt .Islamia College, Faisalabad. (BISE, Sargodha)1976: Matriculation (Science) from G.H.S., 72 G.B., Faisalabad.(BISE, Sargodha)PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION:-(Starting with present assignment)1. Principal/Professor of Physics, Dean of Sciences, Director ORIC, CPCC, ADCC at

Government Post Graduate College Jhang PAKISTAN (from 23-05-2015 to date)2. Professor & Chairman Department of Physics, Coordinator BS (FYDP), at Government P/G

College of Science Faisalabad PAKISTAN (from 31-5-2014 to 22-05-2015).3. As Assistant Professor of Physics (from 15-11-1994 to 02-07-2008), As Associate Professor of

Physics (from 03-07-2008 to 30-5-2014) and as Chairman, Department of Physics (from 21-07-2009 to 13-07-2011),taught B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Physics), M. Phil. Physics/Mathematics classes of Experimental Techniques in Physics, Modern Physics, Nuclear Physics, Health & Medical Physics, Environmental Physics, Plasma Physics (Theory &Lab Courses).Supervised more than 95 research projects and internship programs at G.C.University,Faisalabad. Being Prof. in charge and advisor of SAAP (Society for Advancement of Applied Physics) arranged seminar/workshops/conferences/congresses/open talks/debates/extension lectures relevant to applied side of science and technology for broadening the spectrum of vision of the students and scientific community along with public awareness to fulfill the gap between theory and Theory and Experiment the urgent need of the country.

4. As Lecturer in Physics (from 11-12-1984 to 14-11-1994) taught M.Sc. Physics classes (Nuclear physics (Theory), Modern Physics (Practical), at Govt.T.I.College, Chenab Nagar (New Campus). Set up M.Sc. Physics Laboratories and supervised several research works, Thesis Projects and was the in charge of Nuclear Physics Research Lab. at Govt.T.I.College, Chenab Nagar (New Campus). Being President and advisor Abdul-Salam Physics society arranged seminars/workshops/conferences/congresses/open talks/debates/extension lectures relevant to his theory GUTS (grand unified theories) for public awareness.

5. Visiting Faculty Member for Graduation and Post-graduation level training courses related to Radiation & Health Physics from (1994 to date) at NIAB (PAEC) Faisalabad, Pakistan.

6. Visiting Faculty Member of Department of Environmental Sciences, G.C. University, Faisalabad for Honors and Masters Level programme.

7. Consultant/member selection board Independent College(Shaffi Medical center) Jinnah Colony, Faisalabad (from 2002 to date) for all Chenab colleges under JCOA, through DCO (2015 to date) consultancy and advisory services related to JET budget (2015 to date).

LANGUAGES PROFICIENCY:Punjabi and Urdu: Superior skills and fluency(spoken and written both).English: Intermediate skills (oral and written both).

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VALUABLE SOFT SKILLSCommunication skills, problem solving skills, decision making skills, organizational skills,

ability to motivate others, collaboration and coordination skills, time management, project designing and management, public speaking, flexibility and adaptability, managerial skills, professional leadership, technical report writing and evaluation etc. VALUABLE HARD SKILLS

Information technology access, excel, power point, e-mail and internet usage, data search, collection and analysis, formulation of test theories, developing models, practical skills, DFDs (Data Flow Diagrams), PERT (Program Evaluation and review technique), commercial awareness and CWB (Counter Productive Work Behaviour).SPECIALTIES STAR/STARR/SOAR method, SWOT Analysis, “Think Pair, Share Square strategy”, Last Word Strategy, SMART method, PACE method and GOAL strategy. WORK VALUES

ProfessionalismIntegrityDedicationTeam WorkResponsibilityCommitmentTransparencyDevelopmentCreativitySelf Expression

RECENT INVITED PRESENTATIONS/OPEN TALKS/DEBATES/EXTENSION LECTURES:(At different Training courses/workshops/seminars organized by different Colleges/Universities/Atomic Energy Commission’s Institutions)

Radio Active Decay (An Overview)Medical Physics as a careerBasics of Atomic and Nuclear PhysicsAtom for Peace, Atom for WarAtomic explosions and their consequencesThermonuclear Reactions (T.N.R) Difficulties, How we Overcome.Basic Concepts of Radiation PhysicsQuantities and Units used in Radiation PhysicsRadiation Detection and MeasurementRadiation Protection and SafetyBasics of counting statisticsProduction and Properties of X-RaysXRD (X-Ray Diffraction)as universal tool for investigationPhase analysis of Crystalline MaterialsLaser and its ApplicationsFiber Optics, the need of 21st centuryBiological Effects of Nuclear Radiations or Radiation DamageNuclear Waste ManagementNuclear Contamination and Decontamination Applied side of Radioactivity (Natural and Artificial both)Benefits of radiation in everyday lifeThe secrets of Atomic radiationsAtomic safety culture and public awarenessAtomic theory and atomic structureFood irradiation (An overview)Computers and the Modern WorldFundamental concepts of Laboratory SafetyManagement of Unwanted Material &personnel protectionFire Safety &Waste ManagementResearch in Social Sciences ( An Introduction)

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Scientific method scope and importance. Qualitative and Quantitative research (A compensative study) Means of Data collection.Role of Computer in research and development. Important writing skills in research ( An over view)Data collection display, analysis and interpretation.Research proposal write up and its evaluation.Concept of teaching strategies and style of teaching. Teaching methods and techniques-I (discussion and demonstration methods/techniques, comparative study. Teaching methods and techniques-II (activity and assignment methods comparative study).Lesson planning, need and impotence.Computer introduction, significance and scope in education.Construction and operation of a computer. Use of computers in teacher training Computer applications in content areas.

Along with series of lectures related to research projects, teaching methodologies and management skills to enhance the research potential of the students of graduation/post-graduation levels involving in research projects/internship programme like:-

Educational Planning & ManagementMerits and demerits of oral presentationResearch Methodology, Data Analysis & Technical Report Writing (An over view)Quality Control and Quality AssuranceProject Designing &Management

Courses Taught at Graduate, Post Graduate level / Areas of InterestNuclear Physics I and IIModern Physics I and IIAdvance Level Modern PhysicsExperimental Nuclear PhysicsRadiation Physics I and IIPlasma PhysicsEnvironnemental Physics I and IIHealth and Medical Physics I and IIAtomic & Nuclear Physics Lab.Environnemental Physics Lab.Expérimental Techniques in Physics Advanced Heath and Médical PhysicsElectricity, Optics & Magnetism Lab.Advanced Modern Physis Lab.

Experimental Physics Research Group(Joint Venture with PINUM, NIAB,NORI, EPD, UAF,UET, CHEP)1. Dr. JavaidIrfanullah,Ex-Director PINUM, Faisalabad/Current Director NORI, Islamabad.2. Dr. Muhammad Babar Imran, PMO, PINUM, Faisalabad.3. Dr. MuhammadAleem Khan,Ex-SMO, PINUM, Faisalabad.4. Mr.Farhat Abbas, DDO, EPD, Faisalabad.5. Dr.Naseem Khalid, DCSO, NIAB, Faisalabad.6. Mr. Muhammad Afzal Ndeem, PSO, PINUM, Faisalabad.7. Mr. Muhammad Shahbaz,SO, PINUM, Faisalabad.8. Ms.Humara Noreen,SS, PINUM, Faisalabad.9. Dr. Muhammad Yousaf Hussain, Associate Prof. and Ex.-Chairman, Department of Physics,

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.10. Dr. Muhammad Ijaz Ahmad Khan, Assistant Prof. Physics, G.C.University, Faisalabad.11. Ms. Saira Khan, Lecturer in Psychology, G.C.University, Faisalabad.12. Ms. Arfa Mubashir, Lecturer in Physics, GCWCJ, Faisalabad.13. Ms. Bushra Bashir, Lecturer in Physics, GCW Gulshan Colony, Faisalabad.14. Ms. Mariam Saeed, Lecturer in Physics, GCW Mureedwala, Faisalabad.

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15. Prof. Dr. Khadim HussainWorthy Supervisor of my M Phil& PhD Programmes, Center for High Energy Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

A SUMMERY OFADMINISTRATIVESKILLSActing Chairman, Department of Physics (Post Graduate Section) at Govt.T.I.College, Chenab Nagar (New Campus).President, Prof.Abdus Salam Physics Society at Govt.T.I.College, Chenab Nagar. Staff Secretary (Post-Graduate Section) at Govt.T.I.College, Chenab Nagar. Prof. In charge Seminars/Time Table/Student Affairs at Govt.T.I.College, Chenab Nagar.Drama Producer, College Dramatic Club at Govt.T.I.College, Chenab Nagar.Member College Cricket Team at Govt.T.I.College, Chenab Nagar.Member Proctorial/Tutorial Board at G.C.Faisalabad, now G.C.University, Faisalabad. Member/In charge Purchase CommitteeProf. In charge Syllabus Revision Committee for B.Sc.,M.Sc. and M.Phil. Physics ProgramsCoordinator National Physics Talent Contest (NPTC) (PAEC).Served as Secrecy Officer for S.S.C. and Inter. Exams for B.I.S.E. Faisalabad.Served as Syp/DySyp/Head Examiner/Examiner/Practical Examiner for BISE, Faisalabad and P.U. Lahore.External Examiner for Research Evaluation of M.Sc. /M.Sc. (Hons.)/M.Phil. Students UAF, Faisalabad and Punjab University Lahore (Pakistan).Arranged, Takbeer Day Science Exhibition, Seminar/Study Visit for UAF, NIAB, NIBGE, PINUM etc.Regular faculty member NIAB (PAEC) for different graduation and post-graduation level coursesDirector Career Planning and Counseling Cell, G.C. Faisalabad.Chairman Academy of letters for Sciences, G.C. Faisalabad.Prof. In charge Nuclear Physics Research Cell, G.C. Faisalabad.Prof. In charge Computer Cell, G.C. Faisalabad.Prof. In charge Graduate, Postgraduate Section, G.C. Faisalabad.Research Coordinator/Advisor (Graduate, Postgraduate Levels) & NPTC (PIAES), NIAB, NIBGE, PINUM etc., Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission.Prof. In charge Physics Society/Seminars, G.C.U. Faisalabad.Controller of Examination (Physics Department), G.C.U. Faisalabad.Chairman Curriculum Revision Committee for B.Sc. (PASS), B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Physics) & Advance Level Programmes.Chairman Department of Physic at GCUF Faisalabad Project Director for Space Sciences, Health Physics & Telecommunication, G.C.U. Faisalabad.Member inter-universities faculty boards (IUFBs for higher education), G.C.U. Faisalabad.Coordinator scholarship and fee concession committees etc. G.C.U. Faisalabad.Secrecy officer/member Board of Study (BOS), G.C.U. Faisalabad.Member technical scrutiny of offers/inspection of supplies (Physics department), G.C.U. Faisalabad.Prof. In charge Academic & Research Projects B. Sc. (Hons) M.Sc., M. Sc. Physics and M.Phil Physics Program at G.C.U. Faisalabad.Member Committee for Construction & Supervision of Entry Test for B.Sc. (Hons.)/M.Sc.Programmes for faculty of Science & Technology, G.C.U. Faisalabad.Expert Member of Physics for College Affiliation Committee, G.C.U. Faisalabad.Member Academic Council (Associate Professor of Physics) G.C. University, Faisalabad.Convener BOS in the subject of PhysicsMember Advance Studies &Research BoardMember Budget Advisory CommitteeMember Consultative ForumChief Tutor of the GC University Faisalabad RPO, RSO, PNRA attached with nuclear physics lab.Chairman Department Of Physics at P/G College of ScienceChairman Admission Committee For BS four year programsAdvisor BS (4 year) programmesat P/G College of ScienceChairman Readmission Committeeat P/G College of ScienceChairman Academic Discipline Management Committeeat P/G College of ScienceOff& On Principal at P/G College of ScienceAdvisor Prospectus Revision Committee at Postgraduate College of Science Faisalabad.

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Founder &Advisor SAAP, SHAMP and SCOPE at P/G College of Science FaisalabadProspectus Publishing Committee (Chairman)Committee for Academic Progress and Evaluations (Convener)Committee for Advisory Council (Chairman)Selection Committee for CTIs “College Teaching Interns” (Chairman/Convener)Committee for Printing of News Letter Carvanian (Patron) Committee for Printing of College Magazine (Patron In chief/Convener/Publisher)Faculty led organized student society (Floss)(Patron)Abdus Slam Physics Society (Patron/Adviser)Director ORIC (Office of Research Innovation and Collaboration)Patron In chief Debating Society English at Govt. Postgraduate College Jhang.Patron In chief Debating Society Urdu at Govt. Postgraduate College Jhang.Patron In chief Nazria-e-Pakistan & Allama Iqbal Society at Govt. Postgraduate College Jhang.Patron In chief Nazria-e-Pakistan & Allama Iqbal Club at Govt. Postgraduate College Jhang.Patron In chief Sports Society at Govt. Postgraduate College Jhang.Patron In chief Cricket Club at Govt. Postgraduate College Jhang.Patron In chief Football Club at Govt. Postgraduate College Jhang.Patron In chief Bazm-e-Hayat at Govt. Postgraduate College Jhang.Patron In chief Khalil Ullah Dramatic Club at Govt. Postgraduate College Jhang.

Training/Course certificates/Workshops/Seminars/Conferences/Symposia etc. Attended:National Cadet Corps Training Course Training Course in Physics from Directorate for Staff Development (D.S.D), Lahore, Pakistan (from 25.1.99 to13.2.99). In-Service Training Course in Physics from University Grants Commission (U.G.C.),Islamabad.PIP International Conference, Bahawalpur (Pakistan).PIP International Conference, Lahore (Pakistan).International Symposium, "Agroenviron-98", UAF (Pakistan).Workshops on "Industrial Hazardous Waste Management" from Environmental Protection Department (E.P.D.), Govt.of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan (28-30 April, 1997).Seminar on "Environment Friendly Use of pesticides" Organized by E.P.D., Lahore (Pakistan). All Pakistan Science(PAAS) Conference Organized by Pakistan Association for Advancement of Science, Lahore (Pakistan). Seminar on "Nuclear Radiations, Uses and Abuses" Organized by Physics Society, Govt.College of Science. Faisalabad (Pakistan).Seminar on “Atom for Peace, Atom for War" Organized by Physics Society,Govt.College, Faisalabad (Pakistan). 6th Training Course on "Safety Measures in the Use of Radiations in Agriculture and Biology", NIAB (PAEC), Faisalabad, Pakistan (11-15 Oct. 1999).27th Post Graduate Training Course on "Nuclear and other Advanced Techniques Agriculture and Biological Research" NIAB (PAEC), Faisalabad, Pakistan (8-19 Nov. 1999).17th Training Course on the use of Nuclear and other Advanced Techniques in Food and Agriculture Research, NIFA (PAEC),Peshawar, Pakistan (18-29 Sep. 2000).5th International Conference (P.A.P.S.) at Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad (Pakistan).Certificate in Basic Computer Skills Programme, Punjab Information Technology Board.“8th National Symposium on Frontiers in Physics (P.P.S.)”, Government College, Lahore.Seminar on Nuclear Technology at NIAB, PINUM, Faisalabad.“Human Resource Development Course” organized By Research Centre GCU, Faisalabad.Seminars on “Quality Control” at PINUM (PAEC), Faisalabad.“PIP International Conference 2006” at University of Engineering& Technology Lahore (13-16 March, 2006).“COMSAT International Summer School on Nano-Technology & other related areas”, (27 Oct.-01Nov. 2006).International Nathiagali Summer College for Physics and its Contemporary needs (Synchrotron Radiation and its applications 2007) (27 June-07 July2007).PIP International Conference 2009 at University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore (20-23 Feb. 2009).

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15thAnnual Training Course 2009 on “The Safety Measures in the Use of Radiation in Agriculture & Biology” at Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology NIAB (PAEC), Faisalabad as resource person.16th Annual Training Course on “The Safety Measures in the Use of Radiation in Agriculture & Biology” at Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology NIAB (PAEC), Faisalabad as resource person (8-12 March, 2010).“International Conference on Energy and Advancements in Process Engineering (ICEAPE) 2010” at NFC, Faisalabad (28-29 Dec. 2010).17th Post Graduate Annual Training Course on “Safety Measures and Application of Radiation and Isotope in Agriculture, Health and Industry” at Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology, NIAB (PAEC), Faisalabad as resource person (25-29April, 2011).Training course on “Safety and Security measures of Sealed Radiation Sources (SRS)” at PINUM, arranged by PNRA (PAEC), Islamabad, Pakistan (19-20 July, 2011).Training course on radiation protection and human health at NIAB (PAEC), Faisalabadas Resource Person(2012).“National seminar on nanotechnology: opportunities and future prospects in Pakistan”, organized by Department of Physics, G.C. University, Faisalabad (6 Dec. 2012).“International Workshop on Commercial Exploitation of Food Irradiation Technology in Pakistan – Potentials, Opportunities and Challenges”, PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore, Pakistan(2-3Oct., 2013).19th post graduate annual training course on “Safety Measures in Application of Radiation and Isotopes in agriculture, Health and Industry” at NIAB (PACE), Faisalabad as Resource Person (25-29 Nov. 2013).“International Conference on Impact of Nano-Science on Energy Technologies (Nano-SET-14)” organized by COMSAT, Lahore, Pakistan as an expert (2014).Arranged Science Exhibition-2015 as chief organizer (2015).Seminars for Awareness and sensitization of forests, energy saving campaign in climate changes global warming and environmental pollution at college campus (Oct., Nov. 2015).Anti-Corruption week Celebration 11th – 12th December at College Campus.Seminars and poster/painting/exhibition competitions at college campus (2015-2016). Chief Minister Punjab Faculty Development Programme October, 2015 as Master Trainee at Government Islamia College Lahore. Anti-Dengue Action Plan Inspection of Different Colleges of Jhang and Shorkot as Chairman Committee from 15.08.2015 to 20.08.2015.All Pakistan Declamation Contest 26th to 28th Nov. 2015 at college campus (2015-2016).All Pakistan Declamation Contest 24th to 26th Nov. 2016 at college campus (2016-2017).Short Term Training Course for College Principals/DDOS organized by PHEC (08-12 August 2016)20th Postgraduate Training, Health and Medical Physics at NIAB (PAEC) (04-08) April 2016 as resource person and chief guest.

Note: In most of the above said activities I was declared as one of the best trainee/faculty member and was awarded letter of appreciations/distinction certificates/prizes and awards.List Of Publications

1. Environmental Effects on Rabwah Hills Before and After Chernobyl Reactor accident by Shahid, M.A.K., Science Int., 6(3) 211-213 (1994).

2. Differential Detection of Radon and Thoron Signals in Rabwah hills with the Help of Barrier Technique by Shahid, M.A.K.and K.Hussain,Science Int., 8(4) 401-403 (1996).

3. Indoor Radioactive Pollution Due to Radon and its Daughters by Shahid, M.A.K., M.Yaqoob and K.Hussain, Science Int., 8(4) 407-409(1996).

4. Change of Lead Level in Blood due to Radioactive Pollution and Its Hazardous Effects on Human Health by Shahid, M.A.K. and K.Hussain, PIP International Conference 1997 GC Lahore. J.N.S.M, Vol. 38(1-2), 77-86 Abstract Published at Page-25, vol.9 (1) and paper presented.

5. Investigation of Potential Hazards of Radioactive Environmental Pollution due to Radon and Thoron Signals on Rabwah Environment by Shahid, M.A.K.and K.Hussain, PIP International Conference 1997 GC Lahore. J.N.S.M, Vol. 38(1-2), 87-91.

6. The measurement of Gross Natural Environmental Activity (Very Low Atmosphere) at NPRL Rabwah via Filtration Method by Shahid, M.A.K.and K.Hussain, Science Int., 10(2) 161-163(1998).

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7. The Environmental Effects on the Efficiency of SSNTD, CN-85 by Shahid, M.A.K.and K.Hussain (presented at Agro. Env. 1998. at UAF).

8. Preliminary Comparative Study of Environmental Air Born Particulate Pollution in Lahore and Faisalabad by K.Hussain and Shahid, M.A.K., ScienceInt., 289-290 (1997).

9. Hazardous Effect of Lead Poisoning on Human Health Belonging to Rural-Urban Environment (Male-Female Comparative Study) by Shahid, M.A.K., K.Hussain and M.Ayub, J.N.S.M, 38(1-2) 65-70 (1998). PIP International Conference, 97 held at Govt.College, Lahore, in March, 1997.

10. Differential Detection of Uranium and Thorium Mineralization in Kirana Hills (Pakistan) Using SSNTDS and XRD Techniques by Shahid, M.A.K.and K.Hussain, J.N.S.M, 38(1-2), 71-76(1998).

11. Environmental Pollution Due to Combustion of Fuel Oil and Its Health Hazards by Shahid, M.A.K., A.Shamim and K.Hussain,Proc. Agroenviron-98, International Symposium Held at U.A.F Faisalabad (Pakistan).

12. Preliminary Experiences with Nuclear Radiation Hazards Due to Radon and Its Daughters Associated with Urban Environment by Shahid,M.A.K., A.Shamim and K.Hussain, Presented at Agroenviron-98, International Symposium (Poster Section).

13. A Study of Radioactive Minerals from Kirana Hills(Punjab) (Pakistan) by Shahid,M.A.K.and K.Hussain,ScienceInt., 11(2), 199-200(1999).

14. Natural Radioactive Environmental Pollution and Meteorological Characteristics of Faisalabad Environment by Shahid, M.A.K.and K.Hussain,Science Int., 10(4), 209-210 (1999).

15. A Study of Radioactive Environmental Pollution of Faisalabad (Pakistan) by Shahid, M.A.K.and K.Hussain,Science Int., Vol. 12(3), 237-238 (2000).

16. Bio-Chemical Analysis Of Human Blood Related To Rural Urban Environments by Shahid, M.A.K.andHussain, J. Nat. Sci., Vol. 2(1), 129-140(2004).

17. Estimation of Trace Elements in the Atmosphere of Faisalabad by Shahid, M.A.K. andK.Hussain, J.Nat.Sci., Vol. 2(1), 118-128(2004).

18. Cardiac Diseases and Biological Analysis of Human Blood by Shahid, M.A.K. and K.Hussain, J.Nat. Sci., Vol.2(2), 69-76(2004).

19. Biomedical Counting Statistics by Shahid, M.A.K. and K.Hussain,J.Nat. Sci., Vol.2 (2), 52-64(2004).20. Morphological Structure Study of solid Aerosols by Shahid, M.A.K.and K.Hussain, J.Nat. Sci.,

Vol.2(2), 100-110(2004).21. Statistical Analysis of Road Side Accidents by Shahid, M.A.K.,K.Hussainand I.Ahmad,Green

Pages(online Journal URL:, E-mail: [email protected])22. Statistical Analysis of Climatological data related to Faisalabad Environment by Shahid,

M.A.K.,K.Hussainand R. Malik,Green Pages(online Journal URL:, E-mail: [email protected])

23. Noise Pollution & Human Health related to Faisalabad Environment by Shahid, al., (International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology)

24. Ambient air quality standards of Faisalabad environment by Shahid, M.A.K. et al.,Green Pages(online Journal URL:, E-mail: [email protected])

25. Determination of Concentration of Zinc in Vegetables related to Faisalabad Environment by Attiqe-Khan-Shahid, M. Aslam, Dr. Khadum Hussain, M. Rizwan Sajid and M. Saeed Ahmed, Nature forming and environment, Vol. 6(1), 8-11(2007).

26. Global warming trends at Faisalabad by Attique-Khan-Shahid, Dr. Khadum Hussain and Arif Mahmood, Nature forming and environment, Vol. 6(1), 12-18(2007).

27. Study of fly ash pollution & its Hazards Effects on Human Health by Attique-Khan-Shahid, Dr. Khadum Hussain and Arif Mahmood, Nature forming and environment, Vol. 6(1), 19-31(2007).

28. A comparative study of Environmental Air-born particulate pollution in different areas of the Punjab by Attique-Khan-Shahid, Muhammad RizwanSajid, Dr. Khadum Hussain and Hafiz M. YasinTabassom, Nature forming and environment, Vol. 6(1), 32-41(2007).

29. Ambient Air Quality Status for Lahore City by Attique-Khan-Shahid, Dr. Khadum Hussain and Arif Mahmood, Nature forming and environment, Vol. 6(1), 42-49(2007).

30. A Comparative Study single, double reflector solar oven performance by Aamir Shahzad, Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Nasreen Afzal and Sajad Bashir, Nature forming and environment,Vol. 6(1), 50-57(2007).

31. Effects of Radiation on the Health of Workers associated with crushing of Kirana Hills by Attique-Khan-Shahid, M. Aslam, Dr. Khadum Hussain, M. RizwanSajid and M. Saeed Ahmed, Nature forming and environment, Vol. 6(1), 58-62 (2007).

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32. Ambient Air Quality of selected sites at Faisalabad cityby Attique Khan Shahid,Dr. K. Hussain and Arif Mehmood,Nature Forming and environment,Vol.6(2), 25-33(2007).

33. To determine the maximum radiation exposure point during various diagnostic nuclear medicine procedures by Attique Khan Shahid,Ishrat Sultana, Dr. JavaidIrfanUllah and Humera Noureen,Nature Forming and environment, Vol. 6(2), 47-59(2007).

34. Comprehensive investigation of solid aero sols related to industrial areas of Faisalabad byAttique Khan Shahid, K. Hussain and Z.A. Bhatti, Nature Forming and environment, Vol. 6(2), 34-46 (2007).

35. Study of Noise Pollution in different areas of Faisalabad and its Psychological stress effects on Human Health by Mr. Attique Khan Shahid, K. Hussain, ArifMehmood and Sadia,Nature Forming and environment, Vol. 6(2), 68-76(2007).

36. Study of Noise pollution in different areas of Lahore and its Psychological stress effect on human health by Attique Khan Shahid, K. Hussain, ArifMehmood and Sadia,Nature Forming and environment, Vol. 6(2), 77-85(2007).

37. Radiological decontamination on various surfaces using radiacwash-I & II by Attique Khan Shahid, M. Sajid Sattar, M. Afzal Nadeem and Dr. K. Hussain,Nature Forming and environment, Vol. 6(2), 60-67 (2007).

38. Estimation of Solid sol’s concentration collected in Faisalabad city by Attique Khan Shahid and Dr. K. Hussain, Nature Forming and environment, Vol. 6(2), 16-24 (2007).

39. Comprehensive Investigation of Solid Aerosols in Faisalabad, Pakistan Atmosphere by Attique Khan Shahid and K.Hussain, Int.J. Biol. Biotech., Vol. 4(4), 361-371(2007).

40. Ambient Air Quality of Some Selected Sites in Faisalabad, Pakistan by Attique Khan Shahid, K. Hussain and Arif Mahmood,Int.J. Biol. Biotech., Vol. 5(3-4), 243-247(2008).

41. Comprehensive Investigation of Solid Aerosols and its Co-relationship with Soil Samples at Faisalabad, Pakistan by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, K. Hussain and Hira Nasim, Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 7(1-2), 54-66 (2009).

42. Mapping and Study of the Air Pollution in Faisalabad, Pakistan by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid and Hira Nasim, Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 7(1-2), 95-103(2009).

43. Comparative study of ambient air quality status for big cities of Punjab (Pakistan) by Attique Khan Shahid, K. Hussain and Arif Mahmood, Science Int., Vol. 22(1), 63-67(2010).

44. Elemental Composition of Urban Aerosols related to Faisalabad Environment and its Adverse Effects on Human Health by Attique Khan Shahid, K. Hussain and M.S.Awan, presented at (ICEAPE 2010) published in proceedings of ICEAPE 2010.

45. Elemental Analysis of Trace Elements related to Faisalabad Environment and its Co-relation with Soil by Attique Khan Shahid, K. Hussain and M.S.Awan, presented at (ICEAPE 2010) published in proceedings of ICEAPE 2010.

46. Morphological structure study and chemical composition of Solid aerosols by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Khadim Hussain and Mariam Saeed Awan, J.N.S.M., Vol. 51, 1-11 (2011).

47. Gamma Radiation Effect on Commercial Reactive Dye in the Range 0-100KGy using the Idea of the De-Coloration Factor and Extinction Coefficient byTaqmeemHussain, Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Muhammad Shahbaz, Inam-ul-Haq and HashimFarooq,Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, Vol. 8, 581-584 (2012).

48. Dosimetry Characterization of Unknown Dye Polyvinyl Alcohol Films by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid,Noureen Kousar, Naseem Akhtar, Taqmeem Hussain, Mariam Saeed Awan, Arfa Mubashir, Bushra Bashir and Asif Javed, Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, Vol. 8, 508-512 (2012).

49. Seasonal Variations and Characterization of Solid Aerosols Related to Faisalabad (Pakistan) Environment by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid ,Khadim Hussain and Mariam Saeed Awan,Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, Vol. 8, 572-580 (2012).

50. Usage of Scanning Electron Microscopy for Solid Aerosols, Source Identification and Their Influence on Air Quality and Human Health by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid ,Khadim Hussain and Mariam Saeed Awan,Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering, 7785596138124369_article(2012).

51. Physico-Chemical Analysis of Solid Aerosols Generated from Different Industries of Faisalabad by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Khadim Hussain and Maryam Saeed Awan, Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, Vol. 8, 498-507 (2012).

52. Atmospheric metal constituent, concentration and health impacts in the urban environment of Faisalabad (Pakistan) by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Maryam Saeed Awan, Khadim Hussain, Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 8, 547-553 (2012).

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53. Uptake translocation and degradation of C14 in the major crops of the Punjab (Pakistan) by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Saeed Ahmad, Muhammad Rafique Aasi, TaqmeemHussain,Soil and Environment, SE-313 (2012).

54. Determination of heavy metal concentration in ambient air of Faisalabad and its co relationship with industrial cum transportational soil by Shahid, M.A.K., M.S. Awan and K. Hussain, Soil and Environment, SE-310 (2012).

55. Trace Metal Composition of Air Borne Solid Aerosols and Health Implications by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid ,Khadim Hussain and Mariam Saeed Awan,Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering, 1843685238093469_article(2012).

56. Characterization of Solid Aerosols Related to Faisalabad Environment and Their Probable Sources by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid ,Khadim Hussain and Mariam Saeed Awan, J.N.S.M., Vol. 52, 09-29(2012).

57. Atmospheric air pollution qualification, quantification and characterization of solid aerosols by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid,KhadimHussain and Ahmad Raza,International Journal of Chemistry and Material Science, Vol. 1(4), 079-089(April 2013).

58. Scanning and transmission electron microscopical and dynamical characterization of soot coated solid aerosols by Shahid M. A. K.,Awan M. S., Hussain K.and Sabir R., Peak Journal of Physical and Environmental Science Research, Vol.1(1), 7-17(May 2013).

59. Post-annealing effect on the structural and mechanical properties of multiphase zirconia films deposited by a plasma focus device by I.A. Khana, R.S. Rawat, R. Ahmad and M.A.K. Shahid, Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 22(12), 127306 (2013).

60. A novel approach for mammogram image analysis using the idea of shape features and texture analysis by Shahid M.A.K.,Sabir R. and Awan M. S., Peak Journal of Medicine and Medical Science, Vol.1(2), 4-13 (May 2013).

61. Air quality profile of Faisalabad environment using Gaussian Dispersion Model by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid and Khadim Hussain, International Journal of Chemistry and Material Science, Vol. 1(5), 096-104(May 2013).

62. Acidic rain probability and solid aerosol concentration in the atmosphere of Faisalabad (Pakistan) by Shahid M.A.K.,Awan M. S., Hussain K.and Sabir R., Peak Journal of Physical and Environmental Science Research, Vol. 1(2), 12-22(June 2013).

63. Noise level in the hospital environment of Faisalabad (Pakistan) and its impact on patients by Shahid M.A.K., Bashir H., Sabir R. and Awan M. S., Peak Journal of Medicine and Medical Science, Vol. 1(3), 19-31(June 2013).

64. Clay minerals as an indicator of climate change: A case study comprising of different locations of Punjab by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Mariam Saeed Awan and Khadim Hussain, Peak Journal of Physical and Environmental Science Research, Vol. 1(3), 31-40(July 2013).

65. Dosimetric Evaluation of Mean Glandular Dose for Mammography in Pakistani Women by M.A.K., Shahid, A. Rasool, R. Sabir and M.S. Awan, Peak Journal of Medicine and Medical Science, Vol.1(4), 32-38(July 2013).

66. Dosimetric evaluation of treatment planning using dynamic and physical wedges: a comparative study by Muhammad A.K. Shahid, Asia Rafique, Rukhsana Sabir, Mariam S. Awan and Khalid Iqbal, Peak Journal of Medicine and Medical Science, Vol.1(3), 39-48(July 2013).

67. Psychological and physiological effects of noise pollution on the residents of major cities of Punjab (Pakistan) by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid and Huma Bashir, PJPESR, Vol. 1(4), 41-50 (August 2013).

68. Spectrophotometric analysis and gamma irradiation effects on Dosimetric properties of Brassica Oleracea dye aqueous solutions by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Arfa Mubashir, Bushra Bashir and Nayab Mansoor, International Journal of Chemistry and Material Science, Vol. 1(8), 195-200 (August 2013).

69. Mineralogy of major soils of Punjab (Pakistan) by X-ray diffraction by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Mariam Saeed Awan and Khadim Hussain, International Journal of Agricultural Science Research, Vol. 2(8), 265-272(August 2013).

70. Compound phase analysis of solid aerosols collected from different locations of Faisalabad and Lahore(Pakistan) using Matrix-Flushing Method by M.A.K. Shahid, N. Ahmad, K. Hussain and S. Naseem, Peak Journal of Physical and Environmental Science Research, Vol.1(5), 54-65 (Sep. 2013).

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71. Characterization of organic and in organic compounds in the atmosphere of Faisalabad on the basis of pooling and zoning technique by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD)by M.A.K. Shahid, K. Hussain and A. Raza, Peak Journal of Physical and Environmental Science Research, Vol.1(5), 66-82 (Sep. 2013).

72. X-ray diffractometric examination and elemental composition of solid aerosols collected from different zones of Faisalabad (Pakistan) by Matrix-Flushing Method by M.A.K.Shahid and K. Hussain, International Journal of Chemistry and Material Science, Vol. 1(9),210-225 (Sep. 2013).

73. Concentration dependent Dosimetric evaluation of CoriandrumSativum dye solution under gamma irradiation by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Arfa Mubashir, Bushra Bashir and Nayab Mansoor, Journal of Applicable Chemistry,Vol. 2(4), 922-926(2013).

74. Comparative study on characteristics of natural dyes extracted from plants as high dose chemical dosimeters by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Arfa Mubashir, Bushra Bashir and Nayab Mansoor, International Journal of Medicine and Medical Science Research, Vol. 1(4), 037-042(Oct. 2013).

75. Usability of PVA-Walnut films as high dose dosimeter for Gamma Radiation by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Bushra Bashir and Arfa Mubashir, Peak Journal of Medicine and Medical Science, Vol. 1(5), 49-57 (Nov. 2013).

76. Role of Ion Beam Irradiation and Annealing Erect on the Deposition of AION Nano layers by Using Plasma Focus Device by A. Khan, R.S. Rawat, R. Verma, G.Macharga, R. Ahmad, Z. A. Umar and M.A.K. Shahid, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol. 15(11), 1127-1135(Nov. 2013).

77. Needs of protocols and intrinsic uniformity performance of gamma camera by Muhammad A.K. Shahid, Syed A. Abbas, RukhsanaSabir and Mariam S. Awan, PJMMS, Vol. 1(6), 69-78(Dec. 2013).

78. Levels of trace metals in the atmosphere of Faisalabad and human risk assessment by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid,KhadimHussain, Ahmad Raza and Maryam Saeed Awan, PJMMS, Vol. 1(7),63-68(Dec. 2013).

79. Dosimetric Evaluation and Radiation Induced Structural Change in Polymer Based Radio chromic Film by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Arfa Mubashir, Madeeha Mubashir and Bushra Bashir, Journal of Applicable Chemistry, Vol. 3(1), 267-274 (2014).

80. Physiological effects of noise pollution on patients at Faisalabad institute of cardiology, Faisalabad and passive noise control measures by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Huma Bashir, RukhsanaSabir and Mariam Saeed Awan, PJPESR, Vol. 2(1), 13-20(Jan. 2014).

81. Dosimetric characterization of Henna dye polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) films by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Bushra Bashir, Hina Bashir and Arfa Mubashir, Peak Journal of Physical and Environmental Science Research, Vol. 2(2), 21-31(Jan. 2014).

82. Elemental Analysis of Solid Aerosols Using AAS Technique And Estimation of their Effect on Atmospheric Radiation Budget by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Khadim Hussain, Maryam Saeed Awan and Ahmad Raza,Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci., Vol. 14, 57-72 (Jan.2014).

83. Optical and Mechanical Properties of PVA Films using Spectrophotometry & XRD Techniques by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Arfa Mubashir and Madeeha Mubashir ,International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 5(1),1082-1088(Jan. 2014).

84. Theoretical investigation of the shielding diagnostic facilities related to major hospitals of Faisalabad, Pakistan by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, RukhsanaSabir and Mariam SaeedAwan, Peak Journal of Public Health and Management, Vol. 2(1), 10-29(Feb. 2014).

85. Investigation of some parameters of traditional turmeric dye exposed to ionizing radiations at various doses by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Bushra Bashir, Huma Bashir and ArfaMubashir,Peak Journal of Public Health and Management,Vol. 2(1), 1-9 (Feb. 2014).

86. Deposition of alumina stabilized zirconia at room temperature by plasma focus device by I.A. Khan, R.S. Rawat, R. Ahmad and M.A.K. Shahid, Applied Surface Science, 288,304-312(2014).

87. Atmospheric air pollution and mapping of Faisalabad city using Syntax map method by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid and Khadim Hussain, International Journal of Chemistry and Material Science, Vol. 2(1), 001-009(March 2014).

88. Compendium of sampling methods for the determination of compound phases and trace metals in suspended particulate matter by Naveed Ahmad, Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid,KhadimHussain and Nasir Ahmad, International Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol. 2(5), 076-088 (May 2014).

89. Physiological and psychological effects of noise pollution on Patients in different wards of Rabia trust hospital, Faisalabad by Muhammad A.K. Shahid, Huma Bashir, RukhsanaSabir and Mariam S. Awan, Peak Journal of Medicine and Medical Science, Vol. 2(1), 1-9 (May 2014).

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90. Diverse Distribution Study Of C-14 Through Out The Major Crops Of Punjab (Pakistan) Using Biological Oxidizer and Liquid Scintillation Counter by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Ijaz Ahmad Khan, Saeed Ahmad, Muhammad Rafique Aasi, Taqmeem Hussain, International Journal of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 1(3),46-64 (June 2014).

91. Heavy Metal Contamination in Solid Aerosols and Top Soils of Faisalabad Environment byDr. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Prof. Dr. Khadim Hussain and Mariam Saeed Awan, International Journal of Core Engineering &Management (IJCEM),Vol. 1(3), 65-78 (June 2014).

92. Dosimetric characterization and spectroscopic study of radio chromic films as natural dye dosimetersby Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Bushra Bashir, Hina Bashir, Huma Bashir and Arfa Mubashir, International Journal of Chemistry and Material Science, Vol. 2(2), 028-045 (June 2014).

93. A comparative XRPD study of Sedimentary Rocks of Pakistan by Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid and Prof. Dr. Khadim Hussain, International Journal Of Core Engineering &Management (IJCEM), Vol. 1(4), 15-34(July 2014).

94. Measurement and Comparative Analysis of System (Scintillation Camera) Dead Time using NEMA and AAPM Protocols by Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Prof. Dr. Khadim Hussain and Hussnain Sipra ,International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 1(4), 48-66 (July 2014).

95. Radiological Decontamination on Various Surfaces Using Radiacwash-I and Radiacwash-II as Decontamination Agents by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Muhammad Sajjad Satter and Muhammad Afzal Nadeem, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 1(6),1-16(Sep. 2014).

96. Impact of Industrial Noise Pollution on Human Health by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Noreen Kousar and Muhammad Ajaz, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 1(6),17-28 (Sep. 2014).

97. Study Of Chemical Dosimetery Using Ceric Sulfate Calibration Dosimetric Method by Shahid, M.A.K., M.Z.H. Aftab, M.H. Shahzad and N. Khalid, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM),Vol. 1(6), 29-50 (Sep. 2014).

98. Indoor, Out Door Air Pollution (Ioap), Cost Effective Methodologies And Potential Intervention Strategies by Dr Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Naveed Ahmad, Khadim Hussain and Nasir Ahmad, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 1(10), 11-23 (January 2015).

99. A Study of Hospital Noise Pollution, Its Prolonged Effects on the Recovery of the Patients and Passive Noise Control Measures by Dr Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Huma Bashir, Marium Saeed Awan, Bushra Bashir and Arfa Mubashir, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 1(10), 26-34 (January 2015).

100. Scanning Electron Microscopical and Physio-Chemical Characterization of Solid Aerosols Related To Pollutant Web Identified At Faisalabad (Pakistan) by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Sumera and Khadim Hussain, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 1(11), 01-20 (February 2015).

101. Trace Metals Aerosol Pollution in Some Selected Locations of Pollutant Web and Human Health Risk Assessment by Dr Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Khadim Hussain and Sumera, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 1(11), 21-35 (February 2015).

102. Physio-Chemical Composition, Elemental Make Up and Morphological Breakup of Solid Aerosols Related To Pollutant Web at Faisalabad (Pakistan)by Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Sumera and Khadim Hussain, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 1(12), 74-101 (March 2015).

103. Viscoelastic Profile of Solid Aerosols (Soft Matter) Generated From Different Industries of Faisalabad by Dr Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Maryam Saeed Awan and Khadim Hussain, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 2(1), 01-21 (April 2015).

104. Dynamical Characterization and Source Apportionment of Solid Aerosols; an Integrated SEM-TEM Study by Dr Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Maryam Saeed Awan and Khadim Hussain, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 2(1), 22-43 (April 2015).

105. Heavy Metal Contamination of Solid Aerosols and its Effects on Local Community in Faisalabad (PAKISTAN) by Prof Dr Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Prof Dr Khadim Hussain and Maryam Saeed Awan, International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2015.

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106. A preliminary study of radiation damage to electronic components prof. Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Amjad Ali, Nadeem Sabir and prof. Dr. Khadim Hussain (IJCEM) volume 2, issue 4, July 2015

107. Experimental investigation of gamma radiation shielding characteristics for different absorbing materials prof Dr Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Asma Khalid and Muhammad Afzal Nadeem (IJCEM) volume 2, issue 6, September 2015

108. Personal dose monitoring at PINUM: local assessment, critical applications and future need prof. Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Asma Khalid and Prof. Dr. Khadim Hussain (IJCEM) volume 2, issue 4, July 2015.

109. A study of air pollution and human health in Faisalabad city, Pakistan Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid and Khadim Hussain (IJCEM) volume 2, issue 3, June 2015

110. The comparative study of effectiveness of decontamination agents on different surfaces in the nuclear medicine department Prof. Dr .Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Sidra Iram and Muhammad Afzal Nadeem (IJCEM) volume 2, issue 3, June 2015

111. Post-annealing effect on the structural and mechanical properties of multiphase zirconia films deposited by a plasma focus device, Chin. Physics B Volume 22, No.12 (2013) 127386 01). A. Khana) 02). R.S Rawatb), 03). R.Ahmadc), 04). Dr .Prof. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid.

112. Role of evaporation time on the structural and optical properties of ZnAIO composite films deposited by thermal evaporator Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Volume 18 Iss . 03-04, March-April 2016, P.322-329 I.A Khana, M.Noora, A.Rehmana, N.Kanwala, A.Farida, Sadia Z.Bajwab, Waheed S.Khanb, Prof .Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahidc, M.Shafiqd.

113. Role of evaporation time in the structural and optical properties of ZnO films deposited by thermal evaporator EPJ AP Applied Physics EPJ.Org Eur. Phys. J.Appl. Phys. (2015) 72:30302 DOI:1051/epjap/2015150164, Ijaz Ahmad Khan, Mamoona Noor, Aatiqa ehman, Amjad Farid, Prof .Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, M.Shafiq.

Research InterestsDigital monitoring of Bio Medical Parameters like i- Pulse rate ii- Blood PressureTo select the best decontamination agent for different exposed surfaces using the Standard decontamination procedures. Designing and Fabrication of Five digits interrupted counter.Comprehensive analysis of solid aerosols related to hospitals and medical clinics of Faisalabad.Measurements of Electrical Conductivity of Salt Effected Soil of Faisalabad.Comprehensive Analysis of Solid Aerosols related to Faisalabad Environment.Smoke Air Pollutions and its hazardous effect on Human Health.Psycho Social Effects of Industrial Noise Exposure on human beings.Statistical Analysis of Meteorology Characteristics of Faisalabad Environment.Statistical Analysis of Roadside Accidents with reference to aerosol pollution.Cancer and Radioactive Environmental Pollution.General view of Environmental Pollution and Human Health.Psycho Social Effects of Traffic Noise Exposure on human beings.Statistical Analysis of Climate Data of District Faisalabad.Chemical Dosimetry- The Need of the Day.Nuclear Radiation & Damage on Electronic Components(Active & Passive both).Quality Control of Gamma Camera.X-Ray Dosimetry& Human Health.

For the last thirty two years conducting research on active areas of physics like Solid State Physics, Electronics, Health & Medical Physics, Environmental Physics, Radiation Physics, Soil Physics, Geo Physics etc.,.Internship Training and Professional Placement

Internship training and professional placement for M.Sc. Physics Students (2003-2005) as joint venture with the well-established organizations like PINUM, EDP, PTCL, NIAB, NIBGE,ICI etc., being Chairman Research Supervisory Committee & Internships.Letter of appreciations awarded by these agencies in acknowledgment to my scholastic services rendered for the accomplishment of the internships & related research projects, speaks the high volume of my R and D Caliber. Ph.D. Project

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“A COMPREHENSIVE INVESTIGATION OF SOLID AERO SOLS USING X-RAY POWDER DIFFRACTION (XRPD) AND ATOMIC ABSORPTION SECTROPHOTOMETRY (AAS) TECHNIQUES”At Department of Physics, PunjabUniversity, Lahore, (Pakistan)Supervised by:Professor Dr. Khadim Hussain (Retd), Centre for High Energy Physics, PunjabUniversity, Lahore, PAKISTANObjectives: This project will provide database information related to solid aerosols and their health hazards. The results obtained can be utilized as development of cost effective and practical strategies for the betterment of humanity. Significance of Ph.D. ProjectSignificant amounts of suspended solid aero sols act as air pollutants which are agent for microphysical process in the environment, thus becoming health hazard to man. These not only cause serious type of ailments / diseases but also lead to tremendous economic loss. Attempts will be made to study the qualitative and quantitative aspects of solid aero sols and their health hazard effects along with their contributions in micro physical processes (Alteration in conductivity, reduction in light intensity, receptivity and precipitation mechanism) National Socio Economic Impact:

This project was designed keeping in view the socio economic environmental conditions of Faisalabad which is 3rd largest and industrial city of Pakistan. This project will strength the teaching and research facilities in environmental sciences which will help for the better training of M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. and post-Doctoral manpower, it will further help the researchers to invite other national and international donors for investment / financial assistant in allied discipline like Health & Medical Physics, Solid State Physics, Electronics Physics, Bio Physics, Soil Physics, Geo Physics, Environmental Physics, Radiation Physics etc.,.The project will further help an enhancement in the productivity of textile and agro based industry, keeping in view the controlled parameters of the environment, which will ultimately not only increase the income of the country but also provide local skilled manpower through unemployment controlled strategies. This project will further help in better understanding to tackle our industrial based and environmental related problems, industrial production and energy and natural resources conservation. This will consequently result in socio economic uplift of the community as well as the whole nation. Hence the people of Faisalabad in general and local population in particular will benefit from this project. In short the project will form a part of comprehensive programme for providing highly qualified scientific skilled manpower to meet the current needs of the country in accordance with the 21st century. Current Scope of the Project:Solid Aerosol air pollution has been of concern not only in advanced countries, but all over the world. Adverse effects of air pollution include health effects such as respiratory and cardiac problems, visibility reduction, and a documented effect on global warming. Solid aerosols are emitted from various sources both natural and anthropogenic, and once mixed in the atmosphere, they are transported to a long range from urban to rural areas and from one continent to another. Even though the air quality in many advanced countries has been improved in the last decade, still solid aerosol air pollution is a major problem there, and in most of the Asian countries this problem has reached up to hazardous levels. With long range transport, Solid aerosol emission in one region causes air pollution in another region. My research seeks to measure air pollution from solid aerosols and to understand its sources, chemistry, physics and health hazards in Asian countries especially in Pakistan and interlink it with the modern world. My research specially aims at both outdoor and indoor air pollution characterization, instrumentation, and methods as well as health hazards development associated with solid aerosols and its linkage with the climatology and meteorology of the concerned area. Currently, my interests are Morphology, Topography, and the size distribution of solid aerosols along with their physico-chemical composition as well as their source apportionment. I am also collaborating with interrelated organizations/institutions/agencies like PINUM, NIAB, NIBGE, NFC, NORI, UET, UAF etc.Significance ofM.Phil.Research Project:M. Phil. Research Project on “Radioactive pollution and its Health Hazards, A study by SSNTDs and XRPD Analysis”.Supervised byProfessor Dr. KhadimHussain, Center Of Excellence For Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN.

Now it is very well established fact that Exposure to radon, thoron and its progeny can induce a range of cellular and molecular cytogenetic effects both in vitro and in vivo. Data from animal, laboratory and miner studies, as well as residents of the domestic home and school environments, have all

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demonstrated the potential of radon &thoron exposure to induce biological damage. When taken together, these data suggest that exposure to radon; thoron and its progeny (when concentrations are elevated at medium and high doses, such as those that exceed the recommended action levels) can represent a significant public health risk. The Area Selected for this study was Kirana Hills. The Kirana Hills outcrop in the Punjab plains and represent remnants of the widespread Precambrian gneous activity within the Kirana-Malani basin of NE Gondwana. These volcanic comprise mainly of mafic and felsic rocks belonging to the tholeitic basalt-rhyolite magma association with intercalated meta-sediments. In this project an attempt has been made to check the presence of any potential hazard of uranium and thorium based minerals on human health of the people living in and around Kirana Hills dividing the area into three parts on the basis of sociological survey conducted for this purpose using XRPD &SSNDTs. The study showed the presence of 1.48, 0.58, 1.33&1.14, 0.87, 0.98 radio activity along with 3.52, 2.98, 1.65 Radium Equivalent Concentration with internal &external health indices as 0.48, 0.25, 0.40&0.35, 0.16, 0.29 respectively. The origin of the said radioactivity was found to be uranium &thorium based minerals confirmed through radiography. Positive co-relationship between radioactivity and health hazards was also confirmed .The study may be used as model for local and global such type of studies.Research Projects/Thesis Supervised at B.S. (Hons.), M. Sc. Physics and M.Phil. Physics level:Title of the Research Projects/Active areas of Physics 1. Physico-Chemical Analysis of Canal Irrigated and Sewerage Irrigated Soil.(Environmental Physics)2. Monitoring Atmospheric Metal (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Zn) Pollution in Faisalabad City using Atomic

Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS).(Environmental Physics)3. Comparative study of the best decontamination Agent using various surfaces.(Radiation Physics)4. Nuclear Medicine Personnel Radiation Exposure at PINUM.(Health & Medical Physics)5. Translocation of C14 Labeled (Malathion) in major Crops (Wheat and Maize) of the Punjab.

(Radiation Physics)6. Physico-Chemical Analysis of Saline and Non-Saline Soils of Faisalabad.(Environmental Physics)7. To design the best protocol for the best decontamination of radio iodine-131 and iodine-125 used in

nuclear medicine department.(Health & Medical Physics)8. A Quantitative Comparison of mineralogy of Saline and Non-Saline Soil of different areas of

Faisalabad district using X-Ray diffraction technique.(Environmental Physics)9. A Comprehensive Analysis of Shielding Computations for Diagnostic X-Ray (X-Ray Dosimetry).

(Radiation Physics)10. Physicochemical Analysis of Industrial Waste Water in Faisalabad city.(Environmental Physics)11. Elemental Analysis of Kirana Rocks.(Geo Physics)12. To determine the maximum Radiation Exposure point during various Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine

Procedures.(Health & Medical Physics)13. Five digital interrupted counter.(Electronics)14. Statistical analysis of climatic data of district Faisalabad with reference to wind velocity.

(Environmental Physics)15. To determine the best decontamination agent for exposed cement and aluminum surfaces.

(Radiation Physics)16. Statistical analysis of road side accidents.(Environmental Physics)17. To determine the best decontamination agent for marble and glass surfaces using the

decontamination procedure. (Radiation Physics)18. Digital Interrupted counter.(Electronics)19. Traffic Noise pollution and human health.(Environmental Physics)20. Psychosocial effets of Traffic noise exposure. (Environnemental Physics)21. Smoke air pollution and human health.(Environmental Physics)22. Measurement of electric conductivity of salt effected soil of Faisalabad.(Soil Physics)23. To determine the best decontamination agent for exposed cement and aluminum surfaces.

(Radiation Physics)24. Environmental Pollution and human health.(Environmental Physics)25. Digital monitoring of bio medical parameters.(Health & Medical Physics)26. Psychosocial effets of industrial noise pollution.(Environnemental Physics)27. To determine the best decontamination agent for marble and glass surfaces.(Radiation Physics)28. Comprehensive analysis of solid aero sols related to Faisalabad environment. (Atmospheric

Physics)29. Selection of the best decontamination agent for plastic and wooden surfaces.(Radiation Physics)

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30. Statistical analysis of climatic data of district Faisalabad with reference to temperature. (Atmospheric Physics)

31. Statistical analysis of climatic data of district Faisalabad with reference to relative humidity.(Atmospheric Physics)

32. Comprehensive analysis of solid aero sols related to hospitals and medical clinics of Faisalabad.(Atmospheric Physics)

33. Cancer and Environment.(Environmental Physics)34. Five digits interrupted counter.(Electronics)35. Design and fabrication of digital detector and counter with the help of laser light interrupted sensor.

(Electronics)36. Effects of Gamma Radiation on electrical conductivity pH and evaporation shielding pool water.

(Radiation Physics)37. Study of dose rate of mark-IV irradiator by ferrous cupric sulphate dosimeter.(Radiation Physics)38. Effects of nuclear radiations LD 50 dose for different seeds.(Radiation Physics)39. Comprehensive analysis of solid aero sols related to different areas of Punjab using X-Ray powder

diffraction techniques.(Environmental Physics)40. Estimation of drinking water pollution using filtration method.(Environmental Physics)41. Design and fabrication of digital temperature controller up to 400 C 0 which thermocouple as a

temperature sensor.(Electronics)42. Study of change in color of different dyes as chemical dosimeter due to Gamma radiations.

(Radiation Physics)43. Effect of radiation on electronic Active components.(Radiation Physics)44. Chamber calibration of mark-IV irradiation chemical dosimeter (Ceric sulphate dosimeter).(Radiation

Physics)45. Quantitative analysis of soil aero sols related to different industrial; environments of Faisalabad using

XRPD technique.(Environmental Physics)46. A comparative study of intrinsic uniformity performance measurement for E. Cam scintillation camera

using TC99M radioisotope.(Nuclear Instrumentation)47. Comprehensive analysis of solid aero sols related to different industrial environment of Faisalabad

using XRPD techniques.(Environmental Physics)48. Measurement and comprehensive analysis of system (scintillation camera) dead time using NEMA

and AAPM protocols.(Nuclear Instrumentation)49. Determination of the radiation exposure in X-Ray examination to optimize the radiological protection

of patient.(Radiation Physics)50. Effect of radiation on electronic components (Passive components).(Radiation Physics)51. Transportation of Radioactive minerals from soil to wheat and its products.(Radiation Physics)52. Comparative study of radiation exposure in different hospitals of Faisalabad.(Radiation Physics)53. Designing, Fabrication, Computer Interfacing of Microcontroller based human heart rate monitor.

(Instrumentation)54. Designing, Fabrication, Computer Interfacing of Microcontroller based smoke detector and analyzer.

(Instrumentation)55. Measurement of Radiation contamination level reduction in isolation room design for iodine 131

treated patients.(Health & Medical Physics)56. Selection of the best absorbing materials for Gamma rays.(Radiation Physics)57. Over exposure of radiations on the workers and paramedical staff working at PINUM and Nuclear

waste management.(Health & Medical Physics)58. Study of Industrial Noise Pollution and Human Health.(Environmental Physics)59. Comprehensive investigation of solid aerosols and its co-relationship with soil samples. (Atmospheric

& Soil Physics)60. Radiation effects on electronic components w.r.t. their performance.(Radiation Physics &

Instrumentation)61. Radioactive Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Human Health.(Radiation Physics)62. Comprehensive Investigation of the Best Decontamination Agent using Various Surfaces . (Radiation

Physics)63. Comprehensive Investigation of Interaction of Gamma Radiations with Different Shielding Materials.

(Radiation Physics)

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64. Assessment of Radioactivity and Nuclear Waste Management at PINUM and NIAB . (Radiation Physics)

65. Comparative study of physico-chemical properties of different soil samples.(Soil Physics)66. Characterization Laser Ablated Plasma Produced by Chromium (Cr) Sample.(Laser and Plasma

Physics)67. Diagnostics of Nickel plasma using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy.(Laser and Plasma

Physics)68. Morphological Structural study of solid aerosols using SEM and TEM.(Atmospheric Physics)69. Study of breast cancer by using mammographic technique at PINUM.(Health & Medical Physics)70. Factors affecting the mean glandular dose (MGD) in mammography at PINUM/NORI.(Health &

Medical Physics)71. Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of rock, soil samples and its correlation with water samples.

(Geo Physics)72. Physico chemical analysis of rock, soil and water samples.(Geo Physics)73. Study of Climatological data of Faisalabad Environment and to check the trends of global warming.

(Environmental Physics)74. Chemical dosimetry using natural dyes (Yellow, Blue, and Red) at NIAB.(Radiation Physics)75. Psycho social effects of noise pollution on patients at Aziz Fatima Hospital.(Environmental Physics)76. Chemical dosimetry using natural dyes (Red, Green, and Blue) at NIAB.(Radiation Physics)77. Optimization of the accuracy concepts in treatment planning of intensity modulated radiotherapy.

(Health and Medical Physics)78. Evaluation of monitor units and dose distributions in the planning target volume (PTV) using physical

wedges and enhanced dynamic wedges for rectum patients.(Health and Medical Physics)79. Dosimetry characterization of unknown dye polyvinyl alcohol films.(Radiation Physics)80. Characterization of atmospheric solid aerosols related to Faisalabad environment and their

hazardous effects on human health.(Atmospheric and Environmental Physics)81. To study the psychosocial effects of noise in various hospitals of Faisalabad and to find the best

absorbing material available in the market.(Environmental Physics)82. Investigation of Mammographic densities and determination of breast cancer risk using texture

analysis.(Health and Medical Physics)83. Structural studies of Barium Ferrite synthesized using Ball Milling technique.(Solid State Physics)84. Compound phase analysis of Solid Aerosols related to Faisalabadenvironment by XRPD (X-Ray

Powder Diffraction).(Atmospheric and Environmental Physics)85. Physico-chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols and their source apportionment.

(Atmospheric and Environmental Physics)86. Heavy metal contamination related to rural and urban environments.(Atmospheric and

Environmental Physics)87. Design and performance study of variable speed control magnetic stirrer.(Electromagnetic devices)88. Study of digital temperature control stirrer.(Electromagnetic devices)89. Investigation of soft ferrites using ball milling technique.(Magnetic materials)90. Digital frequency meter for short wave receiver.(Electronics)91. Study of different artificial dyes as chemical dosimeters for various gamma radiation doses.

(Radiation Physics)92. Study of different natural dyes as chemical dosimeters for various gamma radiation doses.

(Radiation Physics)93. Comparative study of different natural and artificial dyes as chemical dosimeters.(Radiation

Physics)Note: In addition to these special consultancy also has been provided to seven M. Phil. students in their M.Phil .projects attached with HEC funded project completed under the supervision of Dr. Ijaz Ahmad being co-Principal/Investigator which makes the list of thesis = 100 (93+7).R&D Activities at Departmental Level under My Chairmanship at Department of Physics HEC Funded Project

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Project entitled “Technology development for cost effective deposition of thin films” as COPI and facilitator being Chairman, Department of Physics approved and finalized near about ten M.Phil.Students have completed their research Projects and it is expected that at least ten publication will be generated from their research work, most of them have been published vile remaining were in progress. The Completion of this Project is the greatest achievement for the Department. Special thanks to Director Academic, Deputy Director QEC and Worthy V.C. for this noble cause further more. Launching of BS four year programs, MSc Physics, M Phil Physics &INITIATION OF PhD along with Short Term Training Courses and diplomas were some of other land marks achieved under my R&D leadership and management.Membership of Professional Societies& Editorial Experience:

President and Professor In chargeof Abdul Salam Physics Society at GovtT.I College Rabwah new campus. Life Membership of Pakistan Institute of Physics(PIP).Membership of Physics web (the community websites of Institute of Physics).Membership of Nanotech web org (the community websites of Institute of Physics).Membership of Medical Physics web(the community websites of Institute of Physics).Membership of Optics org (The community websites of Institute of Physics).Membership of PASTIC (Pakistan Science Foundation).Member Editorial Board for Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences(HEC Recognized).Member Editorial Board for Editorial committee of “Global Advanced Research Journal of Geology and Mining Research (GAJGMR)”.Member of “The Aerosol Society”the science of airborne particles, USA.

International journal of innovative mathematics, statistics and energy policies (IJIMSEP).International journal of innovative environmental studies and research (IJIESR)Internal journal of scientific engineering technologies and research (IJISETR) International journal of soft computing and engineering (IJSCE)International journal of engineering and advance technology (IJEAT)International journal of recent technology and engineering (IJRTE)International journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering (IJITEE)International journal of innovative science and modern engineering (IJISME)International journal of advanced engineering and Nano technology (IJAENT)International journal of innovative engineering and sciences (IJIES)International journal of energy science and engineering (IJESE)International journal of basic sciences and applied computing (IJBSAC)International journal of management and humanities (IJMH)International journal of innovative scientific and engineering technologies (IJISETR)American international journal of contemporary scientific research (AIJCSR)

Editor Peak Journal of Scientific Research and Essays (PJSRE).Editor International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research (IJFR).Editor Online Journal of Physical and Environmental Science Research (OJPESR).Editor Journal of Applicable Chemistry(JOAC).Executive Editor (Physics Section), Life Sciences Global, for Journal of Basic and Applied Science.Editor Peak journal of medicine and medical sciences (PJMMS).Editor Peak journal of physical and environmental science research (PJPESR).Associate editor Peak journal of public health and management (PJPHM). Member Editorial Board Global Advanced Research Journal of Geology and Mining Research (GAJGMR).Member Editorial Board international journal of physical sciences (IJPS).Member Editorial Board International journal of medicine and medical science research (IJMMSR).Member Editorial Board International journal of chemistry and material science (IJCMS).Member Editorial Board International journal of environment (IJE).Member Editorial Board International journal of core engineering and management (IJCEM). Member editorial Board Research Journal of Physical and Applied Sciences(RJPAS).Associate Editor of Philippine Scientist Journal(PSJ).Review Editor International Research Journal of Geology Mining(IRJGM).Member American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT).Member of American Physics Society (APS).Member of Particle and High energy physics, global research and consulting network.

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Member of Radiation protection and Dosimetry (RPD).Member of Saudi medical physics society (SMPS).Member of African Physical society (AFPS).Member of American Association of Physicist in medicine (AAPM).Member of American journal of science and technology.Member of Health sciences research.Member of International journal of modern physics and applications.Member of American journal of material research.Editor / Associate Editor / Advisor / Member of technical advisory board of International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE).Editor / Associate Editor / Advisor / Member of technical advisory board of International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT).Editor / Associate Editor / Advisor / Member of technical advisory board of International Journal of Recent Technologies and Engineering (IJRTE).Editor / Associate Editor / Advisor / Member of technical advisory board of International Journal of Informative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE).Editor / Associate Editor / Advisor / Member of technical advisory board of International Journal of Informative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME).Editor / Associate Editor / Advisor / Member of technical advisory board of International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT).Editor / Associate Editor / Advisor / Member of technical advisory board of International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Science (IJIES).Editor / Associate Editor / Advisor / Member of technical advisory board of International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE).Editor / Associate Editor / Advisor / Member of technical advisory board of International Journal of Basic Science and Applied Computing (IJBSAC).Member of technical advisory board of International Journal of Management and Humanities (IJMH).Associate Editor of Issues in Scientific Research.

PUBLISHING EXPERIENCE Hand book of Physics for 9 th and 10th classes (English medium students) published by Majeed book depot.Lahore, Pakistan.1993-94Objective type Physics for F.Sc.Part 1 and F.Sc. Part 2 published by MajidBook depot. Lahore, Pakistan and Dogar sons Lahore, Pakistan.1999-2000Experimental Physics Manual (F.Sc.Part 1 and Part 2) published by MajidBook depot.Lahore, Pakistan and Pakistan Book center Lahore, Pakistan.Everyday Science for all competitive examinations published by MajidBook depot.Lahore, Pakistan and Nishan academy Lahore, Pakistan.M.A. Punjabi guides (complete set covering all the papers) published by MajidBook depot. Lahore, Pakistan.1995Secret of gravity in the light of Quran and science (supervised and edited) by WaqasPublisher M. Din Printers, Lahore.Dogar unique series for F.Sc. Part I and Part II, edition 2004-2005.Dogar unique series for F.Sc. Part I and Part II, up to date notes of Physics (Questions and answers with objective and fully formed exercises), edition 2004-2005.Ex. Associate Editor of Journal of Natural Sciences (JONS) GC University, Faisalabad.Currently working as an independent referee/reviewer/special consultant in the fields of environmental physics, Atmospheric physics, Bio physics, Geo physics, Radiation physics, Soil physics, Health & Medical Physics, Solid state physics, Crystallography, Radiography, Spectrophotometry etc. in almost all the well reputed local and international journals related to the above said fields.

DREAM OF PROF. DR. MUHAMMAD ATTIQUE KHAN SHAHID (APPROVED BY THE COLLEGE COUNCIL)01. Establishment of Different committees for smooth running of academic and management affairs.02. Up-gradation of college council if required as per policy.03. Publishing of college magazine and newsletter. 04. Establishment of book bank and blood bank for student and community welfare.

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05. Arrangement of study visits/tours/trips of well-known organizations/institutions/agencies and other interrelated R&D establishments to broaden the spectrum of vision of the students.

06. Documentary of eminent students/scholars and ex-principals.07. Documentary of M.Phil, PhD staff along with their contributions and future horizons.08. Documentary of different departments and attractive places with brief introduction.09. Up-gradation and renovation of postgraduate labs especially M.Sc Physics if required. 10. Initiation of research and development (R&D) culture in college and especially at postgraduate

level and establishment of science museum along with visitor book for record keeping. 11. Up-graduation and extension of selected departments for M.Phil/PhD programs. 12. Establishment of office of research, innovation and collaboration (ORIC) and launching of best

teacher, student of the year, role of honor awards and along with letter of appreciations.13. Establishment of directorate of students affairs (DSA).14. Extension of code of conduct and its implementation in letter & spirit. 15. Career perspectives and job placements after study completion, through internships (for position

holders)16. Activation of new academic societies/clubs through active role of HODs especially science

subjects to bridge curricular, co-curricular & extra-curricular activities among students. 17. Revival and up-gradation of proctorial and tutorial group system.18. Establishment of career counseling cell for future career guidance and job placements.19. Establishment of student, teacher and parent collaboration (STP).20. Revival of assembly decorum recitation of Surah Rehman and National Anthem.FUTURE PLANS

Launching of 04-MA/M.Sc Programs in Punjabi, Zoology, Geography and Islamiat along with remaining discipline BS-04 Year Degree Program.

Launching of advance level diploma in clinical psychology.References

Names and complete e-mail addresses will be provided later on within due course on personal demand.

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