
Cyril and Methodius/Primary Chronicle/Conversion of Rus’

Island of Rügen in the Baltic off North Coast of Germany/Arkona, place of Slavic Pagan Worship

Great Moravian Empire: 9th c.

Central Europe, 9th c.

Monuments to Cyril and Methodius (Sofia, Bulgaria; Ohrid in Macedonia)

More monuments to Cyril and Methodius (Czech Republic; in Dmitrov, Moscow oblast)

Russian Icons of Cyril and Methodius

Glagolithic and Early Cyrillic alphabets

John Wycliffe (+1384) and Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Jan Hus (+1415) and his Martyrdom

Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054): Forensic Reconstruction 1939; Monument near the Golden Gate, Kiev

St. Sophia (Holy Wisdom) Cathedral, Kiev

Yaroslav’s daughters, 11th c. fresco in Holy Sofia (Wisdom) Cathedral, Kiev

Russian Icons of Saints Boris and Gleb

Prince Oleg the Seer (Viktor Vasnetsov, 1899); Oleg Mourned by his Men (Trizna) (Vasnetsov, 1899)

Princess St. Ol’ga (Vasnetsov) and St. Ol’ga (Mikhail Nesterov)

Prince Igor Collecting Tribute (945) from the Derevliane (Klavdii Lebedev, early 20th c.)

From Radzivill Chronicle, 15th c. (from 13th-c copy).: Ol’ga’s Revenge

Ol’Ol’ga’s Baptism in Constantinople (Sergei Kirillov, 1992)

Saint Prince Vladimir (Novgorod icon, 16th c.); Statue of Vladimir on Millennial Monument, Novgorod

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (Constantinople)

Hagia Sophia, Interior dome; Mosaic

Baptism of Prince Vladimir (Vasnetsov); Baptism of Rus’ (Vasnetsov, 1896)

Monument to Prince Vladimir, Kiev, overlooking Dnepr River

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