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D-livering the message: The importance of vitamin D statusin chronic liver disease

Matthew T. Kitson, Stuart K. Roberts⇑

Department of Gastroenterology, The Alfred, Melbourne, Australia

Summary recognition that vitamin D has immunomodulatory, anti-

Vitamin D is synthesized predominantly in the liver and func-tions as an important secosteroid hormone with pleiotropiceffects. While its key regulatory role in calcium and bone homeo-stasis is well established, recently there is increasing recognitionthat vitamin D also regulates cell proliferation and differentia-tion, and has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic properties. These non-skeletal effects are relevant in thepathogenesis and treatment of many causes of chronic liver dis-ease. Vitamin D deficiency is frequently present in chronic liverdisease and may predict non-response to antiviral therapy inchronic hepatitis C. Small studies suggest that vitamin D supple-mentation improves sustained viral response rates, while1a-hydroxylase polymorphisms and vitamin D-binding proteinare also implicated in therapeutic outcomes. Vitamin D defi-ciency also closely relates to the severity of non-alcoholic fattyliver disease (NAFLD) and is implicated in the pathogenesis ofinsulin resistance, a key factor in the development of NAFLD. Inpreclinical studies, phototherapy and vitamin D supplementationameliorate NAFLD histopathology, while vitamin D is a powerfulanti-fibrotic against thioacetamide liver injury. In liver transplantrecipients severe vitamin D deficiency predicts, and vitamin Dsupplementation prevents, acute cellular rejection. The role ofvitamin D in the activation and regulation of both innate andadaptive immune systems may explain its importance in theabove liver diseases. Further prospective studies are thereforewarranted to investigate the therapeutic impact of vitamin Dsupplementation in chronic liver disease.� 2012 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Publishedby Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Vitamin D is an important secosteroid hormone with pleiotropiceffects (Table 1). While its role in the regulation of calcium andbone homeostasis is well established, recently there is increasing

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Keywords: Vitamin D; Cholecalciferol; Liver disease; Liver fibrosis.Received 20 February 2012; received in revised form 29 March 2012; accepted 1 April2012⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Department of Gastroenterology, The Alfred,55 Commercial Rd., Melbourne 3004, Australia. Tel.: +61 3 9076 3375; fax: +61 39076 2194.E-mail address: [email protected] (S.K. Roberts).

inflammatory and anti-fibrotic properties and plays an importantrole in the regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation.These extraskeletal effects are relevant in the pathogenesis andtreatment of many causes of chronic liver disease.

Vitamin D synthesis and metabolism

Vitamin D undergoes a 3-step activation process before it inter-acts with the vitamin D receptor. The majority of circulating vita-min D is synthesized in the skin as a result of exposure tosunlight. The initial step involves ultraviolet-B radiation (wave-length 290–315 nm) converting the cholesterol metabolite7-dehydrocholesterol into previtamin D3 in the lower epidermis,which is rapidly converted to vitamin D3 in a heat-dependentprocess. However, excessive sunlight exposure does not causevitamin D intoxication because excess vitamin D3 is destroyedby sunlight [1]. Only a small proportion of vitamin D is obtainedfrom dietary sources such as fatty fish, eggs, UV-irradiated mush-rooms, supplements, and artificially fortified foods (Table 2). Die-tary-derived vitamins D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol)are absorbed via a bile-acid dependent process whereby vitaminD is incorporated into micelles in the intestinal lumen, thenabsorbed by enterocytes and packaged into chylomicrons thatare then transported to the venous circulation via lymphaticdrainage. Vitamin D from both skin synthesis and dietary sourcescan either be stored in adipocytes or undergo 25-hydroxylation inthe liver. This process is mediated by the 25-hydroxylases, whichare cytochrome P450 isoforms that include the important micro-somal CYP2R1 and the mitochondrial CYP27A1 enzymes. Thisproduces the main circulating, though biologically inactive, form25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], or calcidiol, which has a longhalf-life of 2–3 weeks and is therefore used to assess vitamin Dstatus. The vast majority (88%) of serum 25(OH)D is bound tovitamin D-binding protein (DBP), which is also known as Gc orthe group-specific component of globulin. DBP is a 58 kDaa-macroglobulin almost exclusively synthesized by the liverand a member of the albumin gene family located on chromo-some 4, with high sequence homology to albumin and a-fetopro-tein [2]. It is highly polymorphic, having three common isoforms,Gc1F, Gc1S, and Gc2, that display marked racial variation [3],with the Gc1F isoform having the highest affinity for vitamin Dmetabolites. DBP has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatoryfunctions independent of its role as the carrier of vitaminD [4,5].

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Table 1. Pleiotropic effects of vitamin D.

Target ActionHepatic

Inhibits in vitro HCV replication in a dose-dependent manner [30-32]Supplementation may improve SVR rate in HCV [36-38]Vitamin D-binding protein is one of 3 metaproteins associated with SVR in HCV [40]Supplementation/phototherapy improves liver histology in preclinical studies of NAFLD [58]

Supplementation decreases risk of acute rejection post-transplantation [125]Extra-hepatic

Mortality Supplementation decreases mortality by 7% [16]Calcium and bone homeostasis Enhances Ca and PO4 absorption from small intestine [6]

Suppresses PTH secretion [6]Induces osteoclast maturation [6]

Pancreas/adipocytes BMI inversely associated with 25(OH)D level [46]Normal vitamin D status associated with 67% lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome [47]Activates transcription of insulin gene [50]Supplementation improves insulin sensitivity and lowers risk of developing type 2 diabetes [52-54]

Immune systemInnate Activates macrophage TLR response to TB infection [95]

Hastens sputum culture conversion in pulmonary TB in those with tt TaqI VDR allele [100]Downregulates expression of TLR2, TLR4 and TLR9 [107-110]Necessary for NK cell development and function [114]Enhances NK cell cytotoxicity [115]Promotes tolerant DC phenotype by suppressing DC maturation [116]Enhances secretion of IL10 and decreases secretion of IL12 from DCs [122]

Adaptive Activates naïve T cells [117]Inhibits proliferation of Th1 lymphocytes [118]Shifts balance to a Th2 phenotype [119]Increases Treg cells [120,121]Inhibits Th17 cell development [121]Supplementation decreases risk of developing MS in women [85] and type 1 diabetes in children [86]

Carcinogenesis Higher 25(OH)D levels associated with lower incidence of colorectal adenoma [135]Sunlight exposure associated with reduced risk of NHL [145]

Supplementation prevents liver fibrosis in preclinical studies [62,63]


The final step in the synthesis of vitamin D is 1a-hydroxyl-ation that predominantly occurs in the proximal tubule of thekidney but also to a lesser extent in lymphocytes and parathyroidtissue. It is mediated by 1a-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) that producesthe active form 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1a,25(OH)2D] orcalcitriol, which is also highly bound to DBP (85%) [2] and has ahalf-life of only 4 h. 1a,25(OH)2D is the ligand that activatesthe vitamin D receptor (VDR). This then forms a heterodimer withthe retinoid X receptor that acts as a transcription factor thatbinds to vitamin D response elements in the promoter region oftarget genes. 1a-hydroxylation is under the influence of factorssuch as serum phosphate and calcium concentration, parathyroidhormone (PTH), fibroblast growth factor 23 and genetic polymor-phisms of CYP27B1. 1a,25(OH)2D acts in a negative feedback loopto decrease its own synthesis and increase the expression of25-hydroxyvitamin D-24-hydoxylase (CYP24A1), which catabo-lizes 1a,25(OH)2D into calcitroic acid, a biologically inert agentexcreted in the bile (Fig. 1).

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VDR is expressed in most tissues and cells of the human body,including liver, pancreas, and several immune cells includingmonocytes, macrophages, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, naturalkiller (NK) cells, and dendritic cells (DC), with expression mostabundant on the epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract. Asa transcription factor activated by 1a,25(OH)2D, VDR directly orindirectly regulates the expression of more than 200 genes thatinfluence cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, as wellas immunomodulation and angiogenesis [6]. Studies in VDR nullmice highlight the broad physiologic function of vitamin D [7].

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is broadly defined as a serum 25(OH)D level<50 nmol/L (<20 ng/ml). Levels between 75 and 125 nmol/L(30–50 ng/ml) are considered optimal as PTH levels rise when25(OH)D is <75 nmol/L (30 ng/ml); hence, levels between 50

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Table 2. Sources of vitamin D.

Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol):UV-irradiated mushroomsOral supplements

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol):Ultraviolet B light (290-315 nm): the major source of vitamin D3


Cod liver oilEggsOral supplements

Artificially fortified foods (e.g. milk, cereals, bread, margarine)

Artificially fortified foods (e.g. milk, cereals, bread, margarine)

Fatty fish:


and 75 nmol/L (20–30 ng/ml) are increasingly recognized to rep-resent vitamin D insufficiency [8–11]. Using these definitions, itis estimated that more than 1 billion people worldwide are eithervitamin D deficient or insufficient [12], with the elderly and thosewith chronic medical illness most at risk. However, even amongsthealthy young people, vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency arestill common [13–15]. A meta-analysis of 18 randomized-controlled trials involving 57,311 participants shows that sub-jects randomized to receive vitamin D supplementation, at amean daily dose of 528 IU, have a statistically significant 7%reduction in all-cause mortality over a mean follow-up durationof 5.7 years [16]. Vitamin D deficiency has a deleterious clinicalimpact on a number of important medical conditions (Table 3).

Vitamin D and chronic liver disease

The liver is a pivotal organ in the synthesis of vitamin D. It is thesite where 25-hydroxylation occurs and where the vast majorityof DBP is synthesized. In those with chronic liver disease (CLD)the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency (<75 nmol/L) is almostuniversal, with vitamin D deficiency (<50 nmol/L) present inaround two-thirds of subjects. Even in the absence of cirrhosis,vitamin D deficiency is present in the majority of subjects. Inthose with cirrhosis, the prevalence of severe vitamin D defi-ciency (<25 nmol/L) increases with increasing severity of syn-thetic liver dysfunction [17,18]. Notably, in those about toundergo liver transplantation, the frequency of 25(OH)D and1a,25(OH)2D deficiency is 84% and 77%, respectively, with trans-plantation resulting in a marked increase in 25(OH)D,1a,25(OH)2D, and DBP levels [19].

The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in this populationoccurs regardless of the etiology of liver disease [20,21]. Syntheticliver dysfunction is not entirely responsible, as vitamin D defi-ciency is still highly prevalent in those with non-cirrhotic liverdisease [17]. 25(OH)D levels normalize after oral or parenteral

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administration of vitamin D in patients with cirrhosis, indicatingthat 25-hydroxylation is preserved in this patient population[22,23]. Serum DBP levels, which play a critical role in the trans-port and bioavailability of vitamin D, are moderately decreased incirrhosis [24,25]. However, as only 5% of DBP binding sites areoccupied at any one time with vitamin D metabolites [2], pro-found liver dysfunction is required for low DBP levels to exert asignificant contributing role to vitamin D deficiency in chronicliver disease.

Vitamin D deficiency in CLD is likely to result from a numberof mechanisms. In addition to those described above, thosepatients with a chronic medical illness such as liver disease aremore likely to have lower levels of sunlight exposure and/or inad-equate dietary intake of vitamin D. Moreover, luminal absorptionof dietary sources of vitamin D may be hindered by intestinaledema complicating portal hypertension and/or impaired bilesalt dependent micellar incorporation due to cholestasis.

Vitamin D and chronic hepatitis C

Around 170 million people worldwide have chronic hepatitis C(CHC) infection [26], causing a substantial burden of chronic liverdisease globally [27]. Vitamin D deficiency is more prevalent inCHC subjects than healthy controls, even in those with minimalliver fibrosis. The majority of subjects with CHC are vitamin Ddeficient (<50 nmol/L) with 25% having severe deficiency(<25 nmol/L) [28,29]. Current understanding of the mechanismsunderlying the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in CHCis incomplete.

Nevertheless, recent evidence suggests that vitamin D mayimpact upon clinical outcomes and treatment response. Funda-mental to this are several in vitro studies showing that vitaminD inhibits hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication in a dose-dependentmanner [30–32]. Moreover, an association between baseline vita-min D status and treatment response to pegylated-interferon(PEG-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV) has recently been established(Fig. 2). Pre-treatment vitamin D deficiency is reportedly an inde-pendent predictor of failure to achieve a sustained virologicresponse (SVR) in HCV genotype 1 (HCV-1), [28,33], and 2/3infection [29]. However, 25(OH)D level is not associated withSVR in HCV–HIV co-infection [34]. In HCV-1 infection, thers12979860 C/T polymorphism upstream of the interleukin-28B(IL28B) gene on chromosome 19 is the strongest pre-treatmentpredictor of SVR [35]. Baseline vitamin D status is independentof, but additive to, the IL28B genotype in predicting SVR inHCV-1. The highest SVR rate occurs in subjects who have thefavorable CC genotype and 25(OH)D levels >50 nmol/L [33].

To date, there is limited data evaluating vitamin D supple-mentation in CHC treatment. Two small prospective randomizedcontrolled studies from Israel showed that those subjects whoreceived vitamin D3 supplementation of 2000 IU/day, targetinga 25(OH)D level >80 nmol/L in addition to PEG-IFN/RBV combina-tion therapy, had higher rates of rapid virologic response (RVR;44% vs. 17%, p <0.001), complete early virologic response (cEVR;94% vs. 48%, p <0.001) and SVR (86% vs. 42%; OR 2.5, 95% CI2.0-4.9, p <0.001) in HCV-1 [36] and SVR (95% vs. 77%, p <0.001)in HCV-2/3 infection [37] compared to subjects treated with stan-dard therapy. Moreover, recipients of vitamin D3 supplementa-tion were less likely to be relapsers or non-responders toantiviral therapy, and had improved insulin resistance indices

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Dietary intake

Binding to VDRE

Regulation of gene expression

(Vitamin D2/D3)

UV-B radiation(290-315 nm)


pre Vitamin D



Calcitroic acid

25-Hydroxyvitamin D

Bound to DBP




1α, 25(OH)2D

- Absorption in small intestine- Packaging into chylomicrons- Lymphatic drainage

Bound to DBP

Fig. 1. Vitamin D synthesis.


[36]. Similarly, a small retrospective Italian study showed vita-min D3 supplementation improved SVR rate in the treatment ofrecurrent hepatitis C post liver transplantation (53.3% vs. 18.5%,p = 0.02) [38]. It remains unclear whether these improvementsin the clearance of HCV with vitamin D supplementation arethe result of an alteration in innate and/or adaptive immunefunction, or are mediated via improvement in insulin resistance.Large, prospective, placebo-controlled studies are thus requiredto assess the impact of vitamin D supplementation on viralresponse in CHC treatment. However, these studies now seemunlikely to occur in the new and rapidly evolving era of directacting viral therapy.

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Vitamin D status also reportedly correlates with liver histol-ogy in CHC. Patients with vitamin D deficiency have a highergrade of hepatic necroinflammation [28,33], more advancedfibrosis stage [28,29,34] and may possibly have more rapid fibro-sis progression [39]. At a cellular level, vitamin D deficiency isassociated with downregulation of the 25-hydroxylase enzymeCYP27A1 in liver tissue. This may have pathogenetic relevance,given the established inverse relationship between CYP27A1expression and the severity of necroinflammatory activity [28].

The above findings highlight the potential role that proteinsand enzymes involved in the synthesis and metabolism of vita-min D may have in liver inflammation and response to anti-viral

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Table 3. Clinical impact of vitamin D deficiency.

Target ActionHepatic

HCV Non-responsiveness to interferon-based therapy [28,29,33]

Downregulation of 25-hydroxylase CYP27A1 in liver [28]NAFLD

Increased hepatic expression of TLR2, TLR4 and TLR9 [59], which are implicated in NAFLD pathogenesis [111,112]

Extra-hepaticInsulin sensitivity Associated with presence of insulin resistance [48]

Predicts future development of insulin resistance and hyperglycaemia [49]Impaired pancreatic β-cell function [50,51]

Immune system Increased risk of M. tuberculosis infection [78,92-94]Increased population incidence of autoimmune diseases such as MS [84]

Carcinogenesis Increased risk of colon [136-139], breast [140-142] and prostate cancer [143,144]

More advanced fibrosis stage and higher inflammatory grade [28,29,33]May be associated with rapid fibrosis progression [39]

More severe steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis [55,59]

Deficiency and HCV• Independent predictor of failure to achieve RVR, EVR and SVR in genotype 1-3• Effect independent of IL28B genotype

Supplementation and HCV• Inhibits in vitro viral replication• May improve RVR, cEVR and SVR rate in HCV-1• May improve SVR in HCV-2/3 and recurrent HCV

Deficiency and liver histologyin HCV • Higher necroinflammatory grade• More advanced fibrosis stage• Faster fibrosis progression

Genetic polymorphisms and HCV• AA genotype of CYP27B1 polymorphism associated with higher SVR rate and 1α, 25(OH)2D level in HCV-1 • VDR bAt[CAA] - haplotype and CC genotype of Apal allele associated with rapid fibrosis progression and cirrhosis

Fig. 2. Vitamin D and hepatitis C.


therapy. Genetic variation in the rs10877012 A/C polymorphismin the promoter region of the 1a-hydroxylase enzyme CYP27B1,but not the rs10735810 FokI VDR polymorphism, is associatedwith SVR in HCV-1 infection. Subjects with the AA genotype havehigher SVR rate and 1a,25(OH)2D level than those with the AC orCC genotype [29], suggesting a key role of vitamin D in CHC infec-tion. Moreover, a recently published proteomic study has shownvitamin DBP to be one of three metaproteins associated with SVR[40]. DBP levels are significantly lower in subjects with signifi-cant or advanced fibrosis (METAVIR F2-4) compared with thosewith absent or minimal fibrosis (F0/1) and healthy controls[41,42].

Thus, vitamin D deficiency appears to be common in CHC andmay be associated with adverse outcomes such as lower

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treatment response, more advanced fibrosis stage and increasedseverity of necroinflammation. It remains, however, uncertainas to whether vitamin D supplementation improves the SVR ratein patients receiving combination anti-viral therapy with PEG-IFN and RBV. Still, the findings of a significant associationbetween the CYP27B1 rs10877012 A/C polymorphism, higher1a,25(OH)2D levels, and SVR rate, as well as the associationbetween vitamin D-binding protein and SVR suggest that higher25(OH)D and 1a,25(OH)2D levels directly improve the virologicresponse to PEG-IFN and RBV therapy, presumably by impactingon the downstream regulation of vitamin D target gene transcrip-tion. DBP determines how much free 25(OH)D substrate is avail-able for 1a-hydroxylase as well as the amount of free1a,25(OH)2D ligand available to activate the VDR and influences

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downstream gene transcription. Hepatic 1a-hydroxylase activitylevels therefore represent a major additional factor regulating1a,25(OH)2D concentration in the liver.

Vitamin D and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the hepatic manifes-tation of the metabolic syndrome. It is the most common liverdisease in the developed world, with a prevalence of 20–30%[43]. Thirty percent of subjects with NAFLD have histologic evi-dence of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) [44] and are at riskof disease progression and development of cirrhosis. The patho-genesis of NAFLD is yet to be fully elucidated, but insulin resis-tance (IR) is implicated as the key mechanism leading tohepatic steatosis. Apart from lifestyle modification that resultsin significant weight loss [45], there is currently no safe, effectivetherapy for NASH.

Vitamin D levels decrease by 1.3 nmol/L with each 1 kg/m2

increase in body mass index (BMI) [46]. Normal vitamin D statusis associated with a two-thirds lower prevalence of metabolicsyndrome compared to those with reduced levels [47]. In non-diabetic Caucasians low vitamin D levels are independently asso-ciated with insulin resistance [48] and are a predictor ofincreased 10-year risk of developing hyperglycemia and insulinresistance [49]. A vitamin D response element is present in theinsulin gene promoter region, and 1a,25(OH)2D activates tran-scription of the insulin gene [50]. Both 1a-hydroxylase and thevitamin D receptor are expressed on pancreatic b cells, with anassociation between low vitamin D levels and impaired b cellfunction having been suggested [50,51]. Two randomized pla-cebo-controlled trials have shown that high dose vitamin D sup-plementation improved insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic SouthAsians [52,53]. A large prospective cohort study of women dem-onstrated that those who received vitamin D supplementationhad a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes [54].

Subjects with NAFLD have lower vitamin D levels when com-pared with controls. Low vitamin D levels are closely associatedwith histologic severity of steatosis, necroinflammation, andfibrosis in NAFLD, independent of age, gender, BMI, HomeostaticModel Assessment (HOMA)-IR score and presence of metabolicsyndrome [55,56]. These findings have been confirmed in chil-dren with NAFLD [57].

In a recent study of Lewis rats with diet-induced (choline-deficient and iron-supplemented L-amino acid or CDAA) NASH,phototherapy elevated 25(OH)D, and 1a,25(OH)2D levels whilereducing hepatocyte inflammation, fibrosis, and apoptosis whencompared to controls. Phototherapy also improved insulin resis-tance and increased serum adiponectin in association withreduced hepatic expression of the profibrotic transforminggrowth factor (TGF)-b and a-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA), amarker of hepatic stellate cell activation. In addition, oral vitaminD3 supplementation reportedly improved liver histology in adose-dependent manner [58]. Furthermore, in a rodent high fatdiet model of NAFLD, vitamin D deficiency exacerbated histologicfeatures of NAFLD, increased insulin resistance, and upregulatedliver tissue expression of genes involved in hepatic inflammationand oxidative stress [59]. Given the above findings, prospectivestudies that assess the impact of vitamin D supplementation onthe histologic features of NASH are warranted as a priority, giventhe lack of an effective therapy for this condition.

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Vitamin D and liver fibrosis

1a,25(OH)2D has anti-fibrotic effects in lung fibroblasts andmesenchymal multipotent cells in vitro [60,61], as well as anti-proliferative and anti-fibrotic effects in both in vitro and in vivorat models of liver fibrosis. VDR is expressed by hepatic stellatecells (HSC) and this expression is upregulated by 1a,25(OH)2D.In addition, 1a,25(OH)2D suppresses HSC proliferation, andexpression of cyclin D1, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1and collagen Ia1 in vitro. In vivo, 1a,25(OH)2D decreases a-SMAexpression and collagen levels, and prevents the development ofcirrhosis by thioacetamide (TAA) [62,63]. A vitamin D level>50 nmol/L may be associated with a decreased frequency of rapidfibrosis progression in CHC [39]. However, the clinical importanceof vitamin D as an anti-fibrotic agent remains to be determined.

Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and liver disease

The vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene is located on chromosome 12.It encodes a 48 kDa soluble protein that is a member of thenuclear receptor family of ligand-activated transcription factors.Common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the VDR geneinclude FokI (rs10735810), BsmI (rs1544410), ApaI (rs7975232),and TaqI (rs731236). There is a marked racial variation in theallele frequency of these VDR polymorphisms [64], but theirinfluence on VDR function and signaling is unknown [65]. TheBsmI, ApaI, and TaqI SNPs are all in the 30 region of the VDR geneand are in linkage disequilibrium with each other [66].

In CHC infection, the bAt [CCA]-haplotype of the BsmI, ApaI,and TaqI alleles, and the CC genotype of the ApaI allele are asso-ciated with rapid fibrosis progression, cirrhosis and increasedintrahepatic expression of the fibrosis marker gene MMP-9 [39].In chronic hepatitis B (HBV) infection, the variation in allele fre-quency of BsmI, ApaI, and TaqI is associated with HBeAg positivityand HBV flare [67]. Variation in ApaI, and to a lesser extent TaqI, isalso associated with a higher HBV viral load and more severefibrosis and necroinflammation [68]. Variation in the TaqI VDRpolymorphism is also associated with both chronic HBV infection[69] and occult HBV infection [70], in which there is a low degreeof HBV replication present in HBsAg negative subjects.

In hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), complicating cirrhosis var-iation in the allele frequency of the BsmI, ApaI, and TaqI, but notFokI VDR polymorphisms is associated with HCC developmentwhen compared to cirrhotic patients without HCC. This associa-tion is most marked in subjects with alcohol-related cirrhosis,where carriage of the BsmI–ApaI–TaqI A–T–C and G–T–T haplo-types is independently associated with an increased risk ofHCC. Furthermore, there is a significant difference in allele fre-quency of these VDR polymorphisms in alcohol-related cirrhosiscompared to cirrhosis complicating chronic viral hepatitis [66].

Multiple studies have confirmed an association between VDRpolymorphisms and autoimmune liver disease in both Europeanand Asian populations. Variation in the allele frequency of theBsmI polymorphism is associated with primary biliary cirrhosis[71,72], while variation of the FokI polymorphism is associatedwith autoimmune hepatitis [64,73]. Furthermore, carriage ofthe VDR BsmI–TaqI G–T/G–T diplotype is an independent predic-tor of acute cellular rejection post-liver transplantation [74]. Sim-ilarly, VDR polymorphisms are associated with a variety of otherautoimmune and immune-mediated diseases, including type 1

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Table 4. Genetic variation in vitamin D and disease.

Target ActionHepatic

1α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) gene:rs10877012 A/C SNP associated with responsiveness to therapy in HCV-1AA genotype has higher SVR rate and 1α,25(OH)2D level than AC or CC genotype [29]

VDR gene polymorphism associations:bAt [CCA]-haplotype of BsmI, ApaI and TaqI alleles, and CC genotype of the Apa

infection [69] and occult infection [70]BsmI-ApaI-TaqI A-T-C and G-T-T haplotypes associated with HCC in alcohol-related cirrhosis [66]BsmI and PBC [71,72]FokI and AIH [64,73] BsmI-TaqI G-T/G-T diplotype predicts acute rejection post-liver transplantation [74]

Extra-hepaticVDR gene polymorphism associations:

Immune-mediated diseases: type 1 diabetes [75], leprosy [76], Crohn’s disease [77], TB [69,78,100], psoriasis [79], MS [80] and Graves’ disease [81]Malignancies: melanoma [148] and cancer of the colon [146], ovary [147], breast, prostate and kidney [148]

DBP gene associations:

responses to vitamin D supplementation [132,133]Vitamin D dependent antimicrobial response of monocytes varies with DBP genotype [96]Gc2 isoform associated with lower 25(OH)D level [97,98], reduced macrophage function [4] and increased

progression, cirrhosis and increased intrahepatic expression of fibrosis marker gene MMP-9 [39]HBV: eAg positivity and flare [67], higher viral load, more severe fibrosis and necroinflammation [68], chronic

Gc1F, Gc1S and Gc2 isoforms of DBP have differing affinities for vitamin D [133,134] and result in variable

susceptibility to active TB in the presence of severe vitamin D deficiency [99]

I allele predicts rapid fibrosis


diabetes [75], leprosy [76], Crohn’s disease [77], tuberculosis[69,78], psoriasis [79], multiple sclerosis [80], and Graves’ disease[81] (Table 4).

Vitamin D, the immune system, and the liver

There is an increased incidence and prevalence of autoimmunediseases such as type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS) and Cro-hn’s disease in geographic regions at higher latitude [82,83]. Thisphenomenon is suggested to be related to lower 25(OH)D levelsresulting from decreased ultraviolet sunlight exposure. In sup-port of this hypothesis, the incidence of MS decreases withincreasing 25(OH)D levels [84] and vitamin D supplementationdecreases the risk of developing both MS in women [85] and type1 diabetes in children by 80% [86]. In this context, vitamin D hasan important role in both the innate and adaptive immune sys-tem [87]. Macrophages, T cells, and DCs express both 1a-hydrox-ylase and vitamin D receptor, and are thus direct targets of25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D [88–90].

Innate immunity

The innate immune response is mediated by pattern-recognitionreceptors (PRR). Toll-like receptors (TLR) are a family of trans-membrane PRRs with broad specificity, expressed on immunecells such as polymorphonuclear cells, monocytes, and macro-phages. They interact with pathogen-associated molecular pat-terns such as viral nucleic acids, and bacterial and fungalproducts, to trigger an inflammatory (TNF, IL-1b, and IL-6) or

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antimicrobial response in the host [91]. Several data from studiesfocusing on the immunology of mycobacterial infection suggestvitamin D and DBP play a significant part in the activation ofthe innate immune response. The risk of Mycobacterium tubercu-losis (TB) infection is increased in subjects with vitamin D defi-ciency, with the greatest risk observed in subjects with thelowest 25(OH)D levels [78,92–94]. At a cellular level, macro-phages infected with M. tuberculosis initiate a TLR2/1 responsethat enhances 1a-hydroxylase and VDR expression and inductionof the anti-microbial peptide cathelicidin. The anti-microbialactivity of macrophages occurs via a vitamin D-dependent pro-cess. Addition of 1a,25(OH)2D to M. tuberculosis-infected macro-phages reduces the number of viable bacilli, while both vitamin Dand TLR2/1 are required for cathelicidin production [95]. DBPplays a key role in modulating monocyte responses to 25(OH)Dand 1a,25(OH)2D, that varies according to the DBP genotype.Notably, monocytes cultured in serum from DBP null mice, andin human serum with the lower affinity Gc1S and Gc2 DBP iso-forms, have more potent induction of cathelicidin than mono-cytes cultured in serum from DBP+/� mice or human serumwith the high affinity Gc1F isoform [96]. The Gc2 isoform is asso-ciated with lower 25(OH)D levels [97,98], and carriers of thisallele have an increased susceptibility to active TB in the presenceof severe vitamin D deficiency (<20 nmol/L) [99]. The Gc2 isoformis less able to be converted into macrophage activating factor,resulting in reduced macrophage function [4]. These data indicatethat vitamin D-dependent antimicrobial responses may bestrongly influenced by genetic polymorphisms in DBP, especiallyin the presence of vitamin D deficiency. Moreover, adjunctivehigh-dose vitamin D significantly hastens the time to sputum cul-

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Table 5. Key future research requirements.

Effect of vitamin D supplementation on:NAFLD

Incidence and outcomes of HCCOutcomes in OLTx recipients

Prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled studies of vitamin D supplementation as an adjunct to HCV anti-viral therapyAssociations and relevance of genetic polymorphisms in DBP, VDR, 25-hydroxylase and 1-hydroxylase with HBV, HCV, NAFLD and HCC

Liver fibrosis and fibrogenesis

Identification of optimal 25(OH)D level in CLD


ture conversion during intensive-phase antimicrobial treatmentof pulmonary TB in the subset of patients with the tt genotypeof the TaqI VDR polymorphism [100]. In addition, variation inallele frequency of the FokI and TaqI VDR polymorphisms in thepresence of vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased riskof TB [69,78].

The role of vitamin D in innate immunity has implications onliver disease. Chronic liver disease is characterized by ongoingincreased exposure of the liver via the portal circulation to bacte-rial products such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Contributing fac-tors include increased intestinal mucosal permeability, alcoholingestion, and small bowel bacterial overgrowth [101–103]. Die-tary factors, such as a high-fat diet that predisposes to NAFLD,may also contribute to increased intestinal permeability andresult in increased hepatic exposure to LPS [104]. Kupffer cells,the resident macrophages of the liver, represent 80–90% of themacrophages in the body [105], and their innate immune vitaminD-dependent antimicrobial response is also likely to be influencedby the vitamin D status and genetic polymorphisms in DBP. Theyalso express TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9, and are responsive to LPS, themain ligand of TLR4. Hepatocytes, hepatic stellate cells, sinusoidalepithelial cells, biliary epithelial cells, and hepatic DCs alsoexpress TLR4 and are responsive to LPS. The interaction of LPSwith TLR4 in the liver is crucial during hepatic fibrogenesis[101,106]. Serum vitamin D levels are inversely proportional toTLR2 and TLR4 expression in monocytes, with administration of1a,25(OH)2D downregulating expression of TLR2, TLR4, andTLR9 [107–110]. Intestinal microbiota play an essential role inhepatic fat accumulation. TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9 are implicated inthe pathogenesis of NAFLD, with TLR4 and TLR9 signaling associ-ated with worsening steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis[111,112]. In obese rats, vitamin D deficiency increases hepaticmRNA levels of TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9, and the endotoxin receptorCD14, which is implicated in worsening histologic features ofNAFLD [59]. In CHC infection, increasing hepatic necroinflamma-tory activity correlates with increasing hepatic mRNA expressionof TLR2 and TLR4, and hepatic TNFa mRNA is also closelycorrelated with TLR2 and TLR4 mRNA expression [113]. Further-more, the antiviral effect of vitamin D on hepatitis C inoculatedHuH7.5 hepatoma cells is mediated by innate immunesystem activation of the interferon-mediated signaling pathways[30].

NK cells and DCs are both important innate immune effectorcells. Studies in VDR knockout mice have shown that expressionof VDR is necessary for NK cell development and function [114].1a,25(OH)2D enhances NK cell cytotoxicity [115] and suppressesDC maturation, inducing a more tolerant DC phenotype which, atthe interface of the innate and adaptive immune systems, pro-motes T regulatory (Treg, CD4+CD25+) cell activity [116].

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Adaptive immunity

Vitamin D is an important modulator of T cell response to patho-gens, which is a key component of adaptive immunity. In partic-ular, activation of naïve T cells is a vitamin D-dependent process.In the inactivated state, naïve T cells do not express VDR andexpress almost no phospholipase C-c1 (PLCc1), which is a keymolecule required for subsequent classical T cell receptor signal-ing and T cell activation. Following stimulus exposure, VDR isexpressed on T cells through T cell receptor signaling via thealternative mitogen-activated kinase p38 pathway. The VDRcomplex, activated by binding of 1a,25(OH)2D, upregulates tran-scription of the gene encoding PLCc1 and results in a 75-foldincrease in PLCc1 expression, enabling activation of naïve T cells.T cells in patients with lower 25(OH)D and 1a,25(OH)2D levelshave a lower proliferation index after stimulation than T cellsfrom patients with normal 25(OH)D and 1a,25(OH)2D levels; thispattern is overcome by exogenous administration of1a,25(OH)2D [117].

1a,25(OH)2D also has an anti-proliferative effect on adaptiveimmunity. It inhibits proliferation of T helper type 1 (Th1) lym-phocytes, which produce interferon (IFN)-c, interleukin (IL)-2,and activate macrophages [118], and shifts the balance to a Thelper type 2 (Th2) phenotype with increased production ofIL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 [119]. 1a,25(OH)2D increases Treg cells[120,121], enhances DC secretion of IL-10, decreases DC secretionof IL-12, a critical cytokine in Th1 development [122], and inhib-its Th17 development via inhibition of IL-6 and IL-23 production[121]. In patients with MS, 25(OH)D, but not 1a,25(OH)2D, levelscorrelate with the ability of Treg cells to suppress the prolifera-tion of activated T responder cells and inversely correlated withTh1/Th2 ratio [123]. IL-2, IL-10, and IL-12 genes in T cells haveregions which bind to VDR and 1a,25(OH)2D may directly playa role in the transcription of these cytokines in T cells [124].The ability of 1a,25(OH)2D to modulate the adaptive immunesystem may explain the association of vitamin D supplementa-tion and higher 25(OH)D levels with a lower risk of multipleautoimmune diseases.

In orthotopic liver transplant recipients, severe 25(OH)D defi-ciency (<12.5 nmol/L) and VDR BsmI–TaqI G–T/G–T diplotype areindependent predictors of moderate-severe acute cellular rejec-tion, whilst vitamin D3 supplementation decreases the risk ofacute rejection by 60% [74,125]. These findings highlight theimportance of optimizing the vitamin D status in liver transplantrecipients, not only to prevent bone loss, but also to reduce therisk of T cell-mediated acute rejection. A lower Th1/Th2 ratio isan independent predictor of SVR in treatment of HCV-1 [126],which possibly explains why vitamin D supplementation mayimprove therapeutic outcomes with PEG-IFN plus RBV. The

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immune tolerant phenotype promoted by vitamin D may also beof therapeutic benefit in NASH, where activation of both innateand adaptive immunity is implicated in its pathogenesis.

Genome wide association studies of vitamin D

Only about a quarter of vitamin D variability between individualsis explained by factors such as reported dietary intake, latitudeand season of measurement [127,128]. Twin and family studiessuggest that genetic factors play a significant role in the wide var-iation of vitamin D levels observed within and between popula-tions [129]. Polymorphisms of the hydroxylases, DBP, and VDRmay have a profound influence on serum vitamin D levels andthe efficacy of vitamin D as a hormone. Two large genome wideassociation studies (GWAS), involving patients of Europeanancestry [130,131], of SNPs and their association with 25(OH)Dlevels have revealed important information about genetic varia-tion in the enzymes and carrier proteins which are integral tothe synthesis and metabolism of vitamin D.

The NADSYN1/DHCR7 locus is closely related to the de novosynthesis of vitamin D3 in the skin from the precursor 7-dehydro-cholesterol. There is an association between 25(OH)D levels andseveral SNPs including rs12785878, rs12800438, rs3794060,rs4945008, and rs4944957 of this locus [124]. SNPs in the 25-hydroxylase CYP2R1 locus rs10741657, rs2060793, rs12794714,rs10500804, and rs7116978 are also significantly associated with25(OH)D levels [128,129].

The highly polymorphic vitamin D-binding protein binds themajority of 25(OH)D and 1a,25(OH)2D. DBP is predominantlyproduced in the liver, but also in kidney, gonads, fat, and neutro-phils. SNPs in the DBP locus associated with 25(OH)D levels arers2282679, rs7041, rs3755967, rs17467825, rs2298850, andrs1155563 [124–126]. Response to vitamin D supplementationmay vary with differing genotypes of DBP [132,133]. In additionto the three common isoforms Gc1F, Gc1S, and Gc2, there are>120 rare variants of DBP. Haplotypes of the SNPs rs4588 andrs7041 in exon 11 of the gene result in the Gc1F, Gc1S, and Gc2isoforms, which have differing affinities for vitamin D [134].The DBP SNP rs2282679, which has the strongest association withvitamin D levels, lies in intron 12 near the actin subdomain IIIand may affect DBP binding of 25(OH)D [131].

24-hydroxylase (CYP24A1) is primarily responsible for theinactivation of 25(OH)D and 1a,25(OH)2D. The SNP rs6013897from this locus is also associated with vitamin D levels [130].

These studies highlight the importance of genetic variation invitamin D status and may explain in part the varying responseseen to vitamin D supplementation. Polymorphisms in four spe-cific loci involved in vitamin D synthesis and metabolism havea significant impact on circulating 25(OH)D levels in patients ofEuropean ancestry. Further GWAS that include patients of morediverse racial backgrounds may reveal more genetic associationswith the vitamin D status.

Vitamin D and cancer

Vitamin D is also associated with the development of neoplasia.Higher 25(OH)D levels are associated with a lower risk of inci-dent left-sided colorectal adenomas [135]. Multiple meta-analy-

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ses, and large prospective and retrospective observationalstudies have established that vitamin D deficiency is associatedwith an increased risk of colon [136–139], breast [140–142],and prostate cancer [143,144]. Furthermore, increased sunlightexposure is associated with a reduced risk of non-Hodgkin’s lym-phoma [145] and VDR polymorphisms are associated with adeno-carcinoma in the colon [146], ovary [147], breast, prostate, renalcell carcinoma, and melanoma [148]. With respect to the liver, avariety of VDR polymorphisms are associated with the develop-ment of HCC in at-risk patients as detailed above. However, itremains unclear as to whether vitamin D deficiency is associatedwith an increased risk of HCC.


Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem in chronic liver dis-ease and is closely associated with disease severity. The anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory properties of vitaminD provide plausible mechanisms by which vitamin D mayimpact on disease progression and severity, especially in CHCand NASH. However, there are few prospective studies evaluat-ing the effect of vitamin D supplementation in chronic liverdisease and these are clearly warranted in the areas of NASHand CHC based on preclinical, and limited retrospective andprospective clinical data. Genetic polymorphisms of the vitaminD receptor and of proteins and enzymes involved in vitamin Dsynthesis and activation have an association with vitamin Dstatus and severity of liver disease. Further studies are alsowarranted in this area, to confirm known associations andevaluate other genetic polymorphisms, especially in the vita-min D binding protein, which plays a key role in vitamin Dsynthesis, activity and bioavailability (Table 5). In the interimperiod, we recommend vitamin D status to be assessed in allpatients with CLD and, if deficiency is present (<50 nmol/L or20 ng/ml), supplementation with 1000–4000 IU/day of vitaminD3 should be initiated, with the initial dose dependent uponbaseline 25(OH)D levels. However, increasing evidence suggeststhat supplementation should be considered for a 25(OH)D level<75 nmol/L, especially in those considering interferon-basedantiviral therapy for CHC. Further prospective studies arerequired to identify an optimal 25(OH)D level in subjects withCLD.

Key Points

• Extra-skeletal effects of vitamin D include

properties• •

response to antiviral therapy in CHC• Vitamin D supplementation may improve SVR to

interferon-based antiviral therapy in CHC genotypes 1, 2 and 3

• severity of NAFLD

• Vitamin D is a plausible therapy for NAFLD because of its insulin-sensitizing, immunomodulatory, anti-

immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic

Vitamin D deficiency is frequently present in CLDVitamin D deficiency may independently predict non-

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with the histologic

inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic properties

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