
"Oh, my achingback!"

Back pain is a common problem that affects most people at some point in their life.

In most cases, back pain will improve in a few weeks or months, although

some people experience long-term pain or pain that keeps coming back.

Types of back painBackache is most common in the lower back ('lumbago'), although it can be felt anywhere along your spine, from your neck down to your hips.

- a slipped disc – when one of the discs in the spine is damaged and presses on the nerves.- sciatica – irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, which causes pain, numbness and tingling that travels down one leg.- whiplash – neck injury caused by a sudden impact.- frozen shoulder – inflammation around the shoulder that causes pain and stiffness.- ankylosing spondylitis – a long-term condition that causes pain and stiffness where the spine meets the pelvis.

• Elevating your legs slightly relieves pressure on your back as you sleep. Sleeping on your back puts pressure on your spine. You can cut that pressure in half by placing a pillow under your knees.

Sleep With a Pillow Under Your Knees

• The numerous health benefits of exercise are well known. A regular strength training routine that focuses on the core muscles of the body can also help reduce your risk of back pain.

• Try incorporating back and abdominal strengthening exercises into your workout at least twice a week.

• Keep the bones in your spine strong by consuming plenty of calcium and vitamin D. Calcium can be found in milk, yogurt, leafy greens, or vitamin supplements. Vitamin D sources include fatty fish, egg yolks, beef liver, and cheese.

• Comfortable, low-heeled shoes are best bets for back pain prevention. They reduce the strain on the back while standing.

Sorry, ladies: pumps with less than a 1-inch heel are the best bet for your back.

• Good posture isn't just a way to look more proper. It protects the intricate pieces of your spine to keep them functioning and healthy.

• Bad posture puts strain and stress on the back and can actually change the architecture of the spine itself. Avoid rounding your shoulders, slouching, or bending sideways while standing.

• When sitting in your desk chair, use the same good posture techniques you would use while standing. Because many of us spend hours each day sitting down, it’s critical that you maintain good posture and support your back.

Choose a quality chair that provides firm support in the lower back area, and make sure your knees are a little higher than your hips when you sit.

• Avoid sitting in an awkward position or standing in one place. Move around the room instead. This prevents pressure on the spine, which can be a result of standing in one place for too long.

• Back pain is frequently caused by improper or heavy lifting, but it doesn't only happen to those lifting heavy boxes on the job. Carrying a bulky laptop bag, suitcase, camera, or load of groceries could also cause a strain on the back. Whenever possible, take some weight off your shoulders by carrying less, distributing the weight to both sides of the body, or shifting the weight from shoulder to shoulder. Consider using a rolling cart or bag with wheels for heavier loads like bags of groceries or boxes of files.

• Standing, sitting, or lying down in one place for an extended amount of time may be a necessary part of life but it’s not healthy for your back. Relieve the strain of the day whenever you can by getting up, walking around, and doing some simple stretches. This will help keep the blood flowing through the bones and muscles of your back. It will also ease away any strains or aches caused by inactivity.

Apart from these, if you want to cure your spin you can resort to back pain exercises, they include yoga postures...In this fast modern day life, where our lifestyles are becoming essentially sedentary , back care products and relief methods are gaining prominence.

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