Page 1: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Corta, ordena y pega cada adjetivo del banco de adjetivos en la columna correcta. Adjetivos comparativos Adjetivos Superlativos

teach@homeDaily Lessons & Activities

for K-5 Students

teach@homeDaily Lessons & Activities

for K-5 Students




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La hoja de respuestas para las lecciones de esta semana se puede encontrar en

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Día Tema Páginas

Día 1 Modismos 2–3

Día 2 Modismos 4–5

Día 3 Tema 6–7

Día 4 Tema 8–11

Día 5 Adjetivos comparativos y superlativos 12–13

Actividades de Lenguaje en Inglés

Grado 5, Semana 5Modismos, Tema, y Adjetivos

Page 2: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Corta, ordena y pega cada adjetivo del banco de adjetivos en la columna correcta. Adjetivos comparativos Adjetivos Superlativos

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 2

Mira la leccion día 1 Día 1

1. I put on my rain boots and raincoat this morning before I left for school, because it was raining like cats and dogs.

2. “I’m all ears,” I tell my sister. “Tell me everything!”

Literal meaning drawing:

Literal meaning description:

Escribe y dibuja el significado literal y figurativo de los modismos en negrita abajo.

Figurative meaning drawing:

Figurative meaning description:

Literal meaning drawing:

Literal meaning description:

Figurative meaning drawing:

Figurative meaning description:

Page 3: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Corta, ordena y pega cada adjetivo del banco de adjetivos en la columna correcta. Adjetivos comparativos Adjetivos Superlativos

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 3

Día 1 (continued)Une el modismo en negrita con la frase que lo define.

“Thanks for dinner, Mom! I’m going to my room now to hit the books before my test tomorrow. I think I will get an A!”

to be quiet

“That hill was a piece of cake,” Isaac said excitedly after his run. “I barely even broke a sweat running it.”

start the conversation when people first meet

“Cat got your tongue?” Grandma asked me, as I sat quietly next to her in the car.

a person who spends most of their time on the couch

Carrot cake is not my mom’s cup of tea, so we usually order ice cream for dessert instead. to study

“Alright class! Let’s gather around on the carpet. We are going to do a few activities to break the ice.” Mrs. James says on the first day of school.

something that is annoying

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” Dad warns me. “You may like gymnastics more than you think!” easy to do

I don’t want to become a couch potato, so I make sure to exercise every day! something you like

“I had the worst day at school,” I tell my stepmom. “First, my pants ripped. Then, I didn’t have time to finish my lunch. After that, we had a pop quiz. When it rains, it pours!”

problems happen several at a time

“You are barking up the wrong tree,” Uncle Tim cautions when I ask for dessert before dinner.

don’t make a decision based on

how something looks

It is my pet peeve when my family forgets to close the chip bag. I put a note on the cabinet so everyone will remember from now on.

trying for something but it will not


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© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 4

Mira la leccion díaía 2

Escribe una definición para cada modismo en negrita abajo.

1. “If I don’t finish my math homework before dinner, I will be in the doghouse,” Mike explains to me. “My dad gave me a warning already last week for playing video games instead of doing my homework.”

in the doghouse:

2. Amy is feeling blue as she boards the bus to summer camp. She waves goodbye to her parents as tears start to fall down her face. She is going to miss them.

feeling blue:

3. “Well, to make a long story short, Jo and I were fighting over the remote and then we compromised on watching the new sports documentary. That’s it in a nutshell!” I explained to our parents.

in a nutshell:

4. Ray is an incredibly healthy eater, but once in a blue moon, he will allow himself to have a sweet, chocolaty treat.

once in a blue moon:

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© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 5

Día 2 (continued)Escribe una oración que use cada modismo a continuación.

1. go the extra mile = try very hard

2. fly on the wall = to watch something without being noticed

3. ants in your pants = can’t sit still

4. come clean = tell the truth

5. in a pickle = in a puzzle or a tough situation

6. the big cheese = an important person

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© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 6

Mira la leccion día 3Día 3

Lee las siguientes oraciones. Escribe T en la oraciones que podrían ser temas y una D si la oración es un detalle de la historia.

1. Finding things is easier when they are put away.

2. Jamie can't find her left shoe.

3. The rowboat was painted red with blue trim.

4. It took all summer, but we kept at it until we finished fixing Grandpa's boat.

5. Teams work better when everyone works together.

6. Nia loved playing basketball with her dad.

7. Nia listened carefully to the coach during practice and practiced every day after school.

8. Hard work can help you accomplish what seems impossible.

9. Even though Daniel was frightened, he knew he had prepared carefully and was ready.

10. Daniel practiced the same song over and over until it was perfect.

11. Daniel's fingers seemed heavy, and they moved like he had never seen a piano.

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© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 7

Día 3 (continued)Une cada tema con el párrafo correcto a continuación.

1. Rolando and James were friends. Rolando was good at math. James was good at basketball.

When it was time for PE, Coach Diaz assigned partners to practice free throws. Rolando’s first 2 shots were way off, and James sank both of his.

“You make it look so easy,” said Rolando.

“I’ll be happy to give you some pointers,” said James. “Maybe after school you could give me some help with math.”

2. Lily was crying. She had just embarrassed herself in the talent show. She sang a song, and everyone laughed.

“Why didn’t you tell me that I sounded so bad?” she asked Jane. “You’re my friend. You’re supposed to have my back.”

“I should have told you the truth when I heard you practice,” Jane said, “but I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

3. Camille landed on the mat with a thump. Again. The gymnastics meet was on Saturday, and at this rate she thought she’d never be ready.

She called her mom to let her know she was going to practice for another hour.

When the hour was up, Camille was glad she’d put in the extra time. She had finally mastered the back flip on the balance beam. She was exhausted, but she knew that she would do fine at the meet.

A. Hard word pays off in the end. B. Everyone is good at something.C. A small lie can cause big problems.

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© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 8

Mira la leccion día 4Día 4

Lee la historia. Responde las preguntas en la página siguiente.

A dark cloud seemed to hang over Xavier’s head. Art was supposed to be fun, so why did he feel this sense of dread?

Miss Cope announced the day’s project: ceramics. “You’ll be transforming a ball of clay into anything your imagination dictates!” she said.

Xavier wasn’t sure why Miss Cope had spoken with such excitement. After all, relying on one’s imagination often resulted in disaster and was never as precise as a mathematical or scientific project.

Xavier looked at the clay in his hands, and all he could see was a golf ball. He smooshed it on the table, but now all he had was a flat pancake and hands with clay stuck all over them. He pushed the clay back together into a rectangle that looked like the trailer on a big rig.

Xavier wanted to shout in frustration as he looked down at his blob of clay. But then he noticed that Jenny was getting help from Miss Cope. I guess I could put aside my pride and ask for help, too, he thought.

Xavier raised his hand and admitted his dilemma. “I have no imagination,” he complained. “All I can see in this clay is a golf ball, a pancake, and a semitruck trailer.”

“But, Xavier, imagination means seeing things that others don’t,” Miss Cope explained. “I don’t see any of those things in the clay.”

Xavier picked up the clay again. “As a matter of fact,” he said affirmatively, “I think right now it looks like a dinosaur. My clay project will be ready for the kiln by tomorrow!”

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© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 9

Día 4 (continued)Lee la historia. Luego, responde las preguntas

en la página siguiente.

What does the main character learn in the story?

How is the problem solved?

What is the problem in the story?

Think about your answers. Write what you think is the theme, or big idea, the author wants the reader to know.

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© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 10

Día 4 (continued)Escribe una historia que tenga un tema. Responde las siguientes

preguntas para ayudarte a planificar tu historia. Luego, escribe tu historia en la página siguiente.

What does the main character learn in the story?

How is the problem solved?

What is the problem in the story?

Think about your answers. Write the theme, or big idea, of your story.

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© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 11

Día 4 (continued)Escribe tu historia aquí.

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© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 12

Día 5

Mira la leccion día 5

Corta, ordena y pega cada adjetivo del banco de adjetivosen la columna correcta.

Adjetivos comparativos Adjetivos Superlativos

Banco de adjetivos

bigger hairier louder quietest

farthest slimiest juicier bravest

sillier colder closest biggest

coldest smallest juiciest slimier

quieter farther braver smaller

hairiest loudest silliest closer

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© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 5 Literacy, Week 5, Page 13

Día 5 (continued)Encierra el adjetivo que completa correctamente cada oración.

1. My dad’s new car is _______________ than his old car.

a. bigger b. biggest

2. I live in the _______________ building on the street.

a. fancier b. fanciest

3. Mark only eats the _______________ strawberries in the pack.

a. redder b. reddest

4. Francie’s tale about lions is _______________ than her tale about tigers.

a. longer b. longest

5. The third comedian in the talent show was the _______________.

a. funnier b. funniest

Completa cada oración con la forma correcta del adjetivo.

1. I am ________________ (tall) than my younger brother by 3 inches.

2. During pottery class, I made the ________________ (big) bowl.

3. “This is the ________________ (loud) concert I have ever been to!”

I screamed to my friend, Abbie.

4. “Apples are ________________ (sweet) than carrots,” the chef explains to

us during the cooking lesson.

5. Today is the ________________ (cloudy) day so far this week.

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