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Employer Branding

A Performance Solutions Sponsored Webinar, May 13, 2011

Dan Hill, Ph.D.President – Sensory Logic, Inc.

[email protected]

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In focusing on the sensory-emotive first impressions that a company will intentionally or inadvertently make in luring talent (the perspective employee), these are among the key considerations:

• Company’s image/persona (somewhat category driven)• Company’s values (pretty offer driven)• Company’s work style (heavily leader/CEO driven)

Table of Contents:

Page 6: Company’s Image/Persona

Page 10: Company’s Values

Page 14: Company’s Work Style

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Orientation: Sense/Feel/think/Do

Emotional Response Happens 5x Faster

Than Rational Response

We feel before we think.

22.6% of Brain Devoted to

Processing VisualsWe think in images, not words.

10:1 Ratio Emotional-Rational

brain Data Exchange We buy emotionally, justify








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Emotions Drive Outcomes

Companies tend…

“To overlook the essential fact that, at its heart, business is a human endeavor where individuals meet, talk, work, and otherwise try to help and benefit one another and that emotions were and are at least as much the currency of exchange, satisfaction, and loyalty as dollars.”

qtd. Heil, Parker & Stevens

Chosen by Advertising Age as one of the “10 Books You Should Have Read in 2009”

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Points of Influence


is image and persona

Personality is work style Values

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Leadership Survey Results

Leadership experts Kouzes and Posner surveyed over 75,000 employees worldwide and asked what specific kinds of emotion-based traits they look for in CEOs and their companies.

In order of importance, the answers were honesty, being forward-looking, and having the ability to inspire.

When it comes to a company’s image/persona, the key is being forward-looking (progressive).

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What Forward-Looking Means

A prospective employee is looking forsigns that a company isn’t just abreast,but actually ahead of the curve. Thatway, the company is better positioned tobe a winner within the category, whichitself may be a growing/cool sector orone on the decline/outmoded. Beingforward-looking means looking over thehorizon, being confident of (continued)success.

Can you feel secure about the directionyou will be heading?

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The Kodak Image

Kodak shows its appreciation for the photography community – and reinforces its brand image – with their “A Thousand Words” feature. According to Kodak, “A Thousand Words is a place for stories from the people of Kodak. We love what we do, and we want to share our stories about imaging and its power to influence our world. We invite you to join our conversation with stories of your own.”

One of the user submitted photos from Kodak’s “A Thousand Words” series.

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Leadership Survey Results

Leadership experts Kouzes and Posner surveyed over 75,000 employees worldwide and asked what specific kinds of emotion-based traits they look for in CEOs and their companies.

When it comes to a company’s values, the key is honesty (Don’t cheat customers/employees).

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What Honesty Means

It comes down to, “Can so-and-so be trusted to look out for my security?” We don’t like a person we feel we can’t trust. How a company treats its customers is likely to be a sign of how you, as an employee, will be treated. So want to know if the offer is of real benefit, one reflects the company’s values and commitment to its customers.

Can you trust the leader enough to follow?

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“The Ranger Station Fire”

On December 9, 2009, Jim Oakes, the webmaster of a ten year old Ford fan site called The Ranger Station, was asked, by the Ford Motor Company, to surrender his web site’s URL and write the automaker a check in the amount of $5,000.

Jim Oakes immediately posted details about the dilemma on the site’s forums. Almost instantaneously, the situation grew ugly with loyal consumers expressing their angry at Ford for “pick[ing] on its own fans.” The story quickly spread to blogs and became news.

Scott Monty, head of the social media department at Ford, had to quickly douse the “flames” and maintain the core company values of Ford. He kept Ford fans “in the know” via Twitter about the issue letting, informing them that he was “none too pleased” and trying to resolve the issue.

Ford’s Scott Monty

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“The Ranger Station Fire”

Scott soon discovered that The Ranger Station was selling counterfeit Ford products and that the demands for the URL and $5000 were merely legal scare tactics. Scott requested that the legal team separate the URL issue from the counterfeit because he knew alienating Ford enthusiasts was not a smart way to proceed.

Scott quickly informed the public, via Twitter once again, that the issue was the counterfeit material and not the URL. The PR fire was contained once this information was disseminated to the public through social media. Ford retained its perceived values as a fan-friendly corporation and ended the counterfeit mess in the process.

“4:32 p.m. How do you repay your online evangelists? Well, if you’re Ford Motor Company, you step on

their necks & demand $5,000”

- Twitter attack against Ford

“4:55 p.m. @KrisColvin We’re not shutting the site down; we’re asking

that they stop selling counterfeit material. #ford”

-One of Scott’s many transparent Tweets that day

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What Inspiring Means

Leadership experts Kouzes and Posner surveyed over 75,000 employees worldwide and asked what specific kinds of emotion-based traits they look for in CEOs and their companies.

It’s all about engagement, a questing mentality that invites input (not hierarchical) and opportunity to find real meaning in assignments. Part of that is whether the company culture feels like one in which employees feel invited to participate, collaborate, and be recognized for achievement in ways that will promote good work. Setting the right emotion tone is vital.

Will you feel motivated enough to adhere to the direction that’s been set and the pace that will be asked of you?

When it comes to a company’s work styles, the key is being inspiring (sense of community).

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Personality Matters

It’s estimated that the emotional happiness present in employees can account for 10% to 25% higher job performance.

Source: Thottam, Time magazine

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The Bad Outweighs the Good

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For Example: The Barbarian Group

The personality of your company shines through – for better or worse. One look at the Barbarian Group’s FAQ page and you get the feeling that this is a firm at home with its voice and personality. With funny, insightful personal quotes from workers prominently displayed, as well as a small encyclopedia on the beliefs and values of the company, this interactive ad firm highlights it’s innovative personality and attracts new employees and business alike.

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In Conclusion

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