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“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

- Frederick Douglass

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We are a nonprofit charity in Rexburg, Idaho, that personally and directly aids orphans in Ecuador, Haiti, and Burkina Faso, Africa.

It all began in 2009 when our founders, Travis and Jennie Gugelman, and Lori Nordstrom, traveled to Ecuador on a photography assign-ment. They realized that orphanages subsidized by American businesses and organizations could provide more than adequately for the children’s needs, and from this premise they organized Dando Amor. Once establihed, they saw a greater need for orphaned Ecuadorian boys between the ages of 12 and 18.

In Ecuador, orphaned boys approaching puberty are too old to live in the childrens’ orphanages; the risk of a boy becoming physically aggressive or sexually uninhibited is too high. With the safety of the younger children as their priority, Ecuadorian orphanages release pubescent boys to the streets where they become the victims. They are then exposed to sexual violence and drugs, thus perpetuating the crime rate and poverty. In 2013, we opened a “boys’ home” style orphanage on the outskirts of Quito, Ecuador, for young men between the ages of 12 and 18. With funds received from sponsor organizations and families in the United States, we are currently able to meet the basic needs of the boys by providing food, clothing, and a home. In English, “dando amor” means, “giving love”. Our mission is to raise orphans out of poverty through education and self-sufficiency

training. You can visit the Dando Amor websites at and

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Travis & Jenny Gugelman

Lori Nordstrom

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WHY WE HELPEighteen boys. No parents, no orphanage, no love. Little hope for success, little hope to escape the economic disparity that has become all-consuming in their lives. Their future is as bleak as the streets they sleep on.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Knowledge for these boys comes by way of education, but education isn’t free. On average, school districts in the United States spend $12,658 for each student; a small portion of the United States Gross Domestic Product per capita at $53,041.98. Compare that to the Gross Domestic Product per capita in Ecuador at $6,002.89. We spend more money per student in the United States than most Ecuadorians will see in a year.

For the cost of one meal, Americans could give these boys an opportunity they may otherwise never have: school supplies. Owning their own new backpack filled with pencils and notebooks will boost confidence, motivate them to stay in school, and increase their chances of success by becoming valuable contributors in their society.

Many of the 11.5 million undocumented immigrants in the United States came here fleeing economic disparity in their home countries. Ecuador is no exception. The Ecuadorians in the United States include a disproportionately large number of undocumented workers compared to those legally living in the United States; most of them are economic refugees. The state of Idaho spent 188 million dollars on undocumented immigrants and illegal immigration last year.

At Dando Amor we aim to reunite our boys with their families if at all possible. If they cannot return home, we continue to nuture and educate them until they are able to live on their own, or until they are adotped by a loving family. We work to strengthen the local community and economy by providing opportunities for our boys within Ecuador.

What if the economic problems motivating Ecuadorians to the enter the United States illegally could be solved with education? How would Americans and members of the Rexburg community stand to benefit?

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At Dando Amor we help to bridge the gap between necessity and normalcy for the 18 young men currently living in our orphanage in Ecuador. We furnish both physical and emotional needs that would otherwise go unmet, by providing a safe haven that can be called home.

Dando Amor has 3 key objectives: 1. Getting the young men back to a safe home with his family.

2. Getting the young men legally adoptable, should the opportunity present itself, if there is not a safe place at home with his family. 3. Getting them prepared to live on their own as contributing members of society if no family is found, or there is no adoption.

Dando Amor takes the steps necessary to prepare these young men for society by providing education, psychological counseling, and career preparation. Some are able to attend a private English speaking school which will improve their chances of acquiring a good job, and breaking free of the vicious circle of poverty.

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From the Dando Amor Facebook page:

I want all the children we work with in the orphanages to understand the joy and peace that comes from service.

The boys in the Dando Amor orphanage in Ecuador range from 12-17 years old. That is not an age where kids anywhere are excited to give service. I cannot think of any better therapy, or healing power than to truly give yourself in the service of God. This is what we have taught and encouraged from the beginning in The Dando Amor Orphanage. We have started this same program in Africa, and in Haiti as well.

My take on it is this. No matter how hard your circumstances are, there is always someone worse off. No matter how poor you are, there is always someone poorer. No matter how behind you are, there is always someone in a worse situation. If you want to help yourself… Take some time each day, and forget yourself, and drown your sorrows in giving love and service to others.

I truly cannot think of anyone who has it worse than orphans. As I work in orphanages all over the world, I am always sickened by the horrible stories I hear. They entered into the world innocent, but most are beaten down and abandoned by those who brought them into the world. Then…society beats them down more, and they enter the depressing category of “a statistic.”

So, how do we help them? Because entering into the “poor me” way of thinking will NEVER get them or any of us anywhere! No matter what we have to fight in this life…giving up and saying, “it is to hard”, or “poor me” will never help! One of the best remedies I believe is to serve. Serve those who are praying for angels. You may argue, well I need to care for myself first. Yes, I get that. But, I believe when you give love and service, you are indeed helping yourself.

Here are some images of some of the Dando Amor boys in Ecuador, serving widows for their Sunday afternoon activity. The Dando Amor directors, Pablo and Paola, lead the way of teaching the boys true Christ like service. We had a great time, believe me!!! With me, I do all I can to make service fun!

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:24–25).

“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:40.)

You can help us spread the love of GIVING LOVE, by sharing these stories.

-Travis Gugelman

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HOW YOU CAN HELPIn Rexburg and the surrounding communities, we need to embrace our local nonprofit organizations; all of them, even if in a very small way. Many people do not see their importance, but the proof is in the results. Whether it be community breakfasts or bake sales, selling t-shirts and scarves door to door, or even becoming a sponsor, everyone in the community can lend a helping hand.

Although the needs seem to be endless, there is one area where you can make a difference. One of those differences comes in the form of used shoes. In the United States alone 680 million pairs of shoes are thrown away every year. That’s why we started our annu-al “Shoes for Love” drive.

Shoes for Love is a shoe drive that makes stops all around the Rexburg area, as well as 60+ cities around the United States. With a population just over 30,000, Rexburg is a community that could impact the Shoes for Love drive in a major way. We accept shoes in any condition. These shoes will be going to children in three separate third-world countries. Shoes in unwearable condition will be recycled and used to promote the growth of small businesses.

We may not all have time to attend the community breakfast, we may have no interest in attending a bake sale, but everyone in the community should take interest in the Shoes for Love project. Donating your used shoes will give children an opportunity to have something to call their own, and it will give you the opportunity to partake in the nonprofit experience. They say that no man or woman is an island, that we all live in communities and sometimes take them for granted. Let’s not be a community that takes our non profit organizations for granted.

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Dando Amor has a program called The Friends of Dando Amor. We created this exciting program because Dando Amor’s influence around the world has been growing. We are extremly grateful and happy with all that has been accomplished with others’ help in all that we are currently doing, and in all that is in our futures.

The Friends of Dando Amor program allows you to join us in our cause and be rewarded for doing so! Through a private Facebook group, the members have access to stories, challenges and success that aren’t shared with the general public.

By joining the monthly program you are also eligible for several things, including:

• Monthly drawings to win shirts, scarves, bracelets, and other fun items • Special pricing and first notice on Dando Amor events and new logo gear• A quarterly email newsletter with the newest announcements and other behind the scene news of what Dando Amor is doing around the world.

It’s easy to join. We ask a minimum monthly commitment of $8. This goes directly toward maintaining the Dando Amor orphanage, allows us to work on getting more children back with their families or adopted, and helps children not eligible for adoption get the education and love they deserve.

By becomming a part of The Friends of Dando Amor program, you will really be more thatn just a friend; You become part of the Dando Amor Family!


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