
DANSK HISTORISK STATISTIK1814-1980Danish historical statistics1814-1980Af Hans Chr. JohansenBy Hans Chr. Johansen


Gyldend al

Indhold(Contents)Dansk Økonomisk statistik 1814-1980(Danish historical statistics 1814-1980)

Af Hans Chr. Johansen

Indledning 19- 21(Introduction)

Økonomisk udvikling og okonomisk statistik 1814-1980 19- 21(Economic development and statistics, 1814-1980)

Befolkningsudviklingen 22- 40(Demographic changes)

Den samlede befolkningsudvikling 22- 28(Total demographic changes)

3. Den regionale befolkningsudvikling 28- 31(Regional demographic changes)

4. Befolkningens alderssammensetning 31- 32(Population, by age)

5. Befolkningens erhvervsfordeling 32- 36(Population, by occupations)

6. Befolkningens uddannelsesforhold 36- 37(Population, by level of education)

7. Litteraturoversigt 37- 40(Bibliography)

Den internationale konjunkturudvikling 41- 45(International economic trends)8. Økonomisk vxkst og prisudvikling i Vesteuropa og USA . 41- 45

(Economic growth and price trends in Western Europe and inthe U.S.A.)

Erhvervsudviklingen 46- 75(Trade and industry)

Langtidstendenser i erhvervsudviklingen 46- 48(Long-term trends within trade and industry)Landbruget 48- 54(Agriculture)



11. Handvxrk og industri 54- 62(Manufacturing)

12. Indenlandsk handel og omsxtning 62- 63(Internal trade and turnover)

13. Udenrigshandel 63- 68(Foreign trade)

14. Transport 68- 70(Transport)

15. Administration og liberale erhvery 70- 71(Administration and liberal professions)

16. Litteraturoversigt 71- 75(Bibliography)

Penge- og kapitalmarkedet 76- 87(The money and capital market)

Samfundets forsyning med betalingsmidler 76- 82(Money supply)Sparekasser og forretningsbanker 82- 85(Savings banks and commercial banks)

19. Kapitalmarkedet 85- 86(The capital market)

20. Litteraturoversigt 86- 87(Bibliography)

Økonomisk vwkst og fordeling 88-102(Economic growth and distribution)

Udviklingen i den samlede produktion og dens anvendelse 88- 92(Development in total output and its use)Den offentlige sektor i nationalregnskabet 92- 96(The public sector in the national accounts)Indkomstfordelingen 97-100(Distribution of incomes)Litteraturoversigt 100-102(Bibliography)


Befolkningsstatistik 105-123(Population statistics)Tabel 1.1: By- og landbefolkningen i landets hoveddele

1834-1980 107-108(Urban and rural population 1834-1980)

Tabel 1.2: Befolkningens aldersfordeling 1840-1980 . . . . 108-111(Distribution of population by age 1840-1980)



Tabel 1.3: Folketal, fodte, docle, ind- og udvandrede, vielser ogskilsmisser 1815-1980 111-116(Population, births, deaths, external migration,marriages and divorces 1815-1980)

Tabel 1.4a: Befolkningens erhvervsfordeling 1840-1890 . 117-118(Distribution of population by occupation 1840-1890)

Tabel 1.4b: Befolkningens erhvervsfordeling 1901-1970 . 118-119(Distribution of population by occupation 1901-1970)

Tabel 1.5a: Landbrugsbefolkningen fordelt efter stilling ierhvervet 1901-1976 120(Agricultural population by industrial status 1901-1976)

Tabel 1.5b: Handvxrker- og industribefolkningen fordelt efterstilling i erhvervet 1901-1976 121(Manufacturing population by industrial status 1901-1976)

Tabel 1.5c: Befolkningen inden for handel og omsxtning fordeltefter stilling i erhvervet 1901-1970 122(Population occupied within commerce by industrialstatus 1901-1970)

Tabel 1.5d: Befolkningen inden for transport og kommunikationfordelt efter stilling i erhvervet 1901-1970 . . . 123(Population occupied within transport andcommunication by industrial status 1901-1970)

Landbrugsstatistik 124-156(Agricultural statistics)Tabel 2.1a: Antal landbrugsbedrifter fordelt efter jordtilliggende

i tonder hartkorn 1835-1905 126(Farms by size according to hartkorn 1835-1905)

Tabel 2.1b: Antal landbrugsbedrifter fordelt efter jordtilliggendemalt i hektar 1919-1980 127-128(Number of farms by size in hectares 1919-1980)

Tabel 2.2: Det samlede landbrugsareal 1861-1980 . . . . 129-131(Total agricultural area 1861-1980)

Tabel 2.3: Korn- og rodfrugtarealer 1837-1980 132-135(Area of main cereal and root crops 1837-1980)

Tabel 2.4: Husdyrhold 1861-1980 135-137(Livestock 1861-1980)

Tabel 2.5: Antal bedrifter med udvalgte maskiner og redskaber1907-1980 138(Number of farms with selected machines and tools1907-1980)



Tabel 2.6: Godningsforbrugets indhold af grundstofferne fosfor,kalium og kvxlstof 1900-1980 139-141(Content of the elements P,K and N in theconsumption of fertilizers and manure 1900-1980)

Tabel 2.7: Landbrugets arbejdskraft 1922/23-1980 142-143(Agricultural labour force 1922/23-1980)

Tabel 2.8: Det samlede hOstudbytte 1875-1980 144-146(Total crop yield 1875-1980)

Tabel 2.9: Hostudbyttet af de vigtigste afgroder 1875-1980 . 147-149(Output of main cereal and root crops 1875-1980)

Tabel 2.10: Den animalske produktion 1900-1980 150-152(Output of livestock products 1900-1980)

Tabel 2.11: Landbrugets produktionswerdi 1818-1980 . 152-156(Production value of total agricultural production1818-1980)

Industri- og hcindvcerksstatistik 157-186(Manufacturing)Tabel 3.1: Fabrikker og fabriksmwssigt drevne hándvxrk

1871-1872 160(Factories and minor industries 1871-1872)

Tabel 3.2: 1-Fandvxrks- og industrivirksomheder ved industri-og erhvervst2ellingerne 1897-1958 161-167(Manufacturing firms included in the industrialcensuses 1897-1958)

Tabel 3.3a: Antal industrivirksomheder omfattet af denindustrielle produktionsstatistik 1930-1947 168(Number of industrial firms included in the industrialcensuses 1930-1947)

Tabel 3.3b: Antal industrivirksomheder omfattet af denindustrielle produktionsstatistik 1947-1980 . . . 169-170(Number of industrial firms included in the industrialcensuses 1947-1980)

Tabel 3.4a: Antal industriarbejdere omfattet af den industrielleproduktionsstatistik 1930-1947 , 172(Number of industrial workers included in theindustrial censuses 1930-1947)

Tabel 3.4b: Antal industriarbejdere omfattet af den industrielleproduktionsstatistik 1947-1980 173-175(Number of industrial workers included in theindustrial censuses 1947-1980)

Tabel 3.5a: Produktionen af nogle vigtige industrivarer 1905-1927 175(Production of some industrial goods 1905-1927)



Tabel 3.5b: Produktionsiudeks for industrien 1927-1947 . . 176(Production index for the manufacturing industry1927-1947)

Tabel 3.5c: Produktionsindeks for industrien 1947-1971 . . 177(Production index for the manufacturing industry1947-1971)

Tabel 3.5d: Produktionsindeks for industrien 1971-1980 . . . 178(Production index for the manufacturing industry1971-1980)

Tabel 3.6: Industriens produktion og dens anvendelse 1936-1980 179-180(The distribution of industrial production 1936-1980)

Tabel 3.7a: Nybyggeri af lejligheder i Kobenhavn og paFrederiksberg 1876-1917 180-181(New flats in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg 1876-1917)

Tabel 3.7b: Fuldfort boligbyggeri 1917/18-1980 182-183(New flats 1917/18-1980)

Tabel 3.8: Energiproduktion og energiforbrug 1900-1980 . 184-186(Production and consumption of energy 1900-1980)

Udenrigshandelsstatistik 187-224(Foreign trade statistics)Tabel 4.1a: Danmarks vareudforsel 1818-1910 189-191

(Danish exports 1818-1910)Tabel 4.1b: Danmarks vareudforsel 1910-1980 192-193

(Danish exports 1910-1980)Tabel 4.2a: Danmarks vareindforsel 1841-1874 194-195

(Danish imports 1841-1874)Tabel 4.2b: Danmarks vareindforsel 1874-1958 195-197

(Danish imports 1874-1958)Tabel 4.2c: Danmarks vareindforsel 1959-1980 198

(Danish imports 1959-1980)Tabel 4.3: Udforslen af nogle vigtige varer 1820-1980 . 199-203

(Danish exports of some important commodities1820-1980)

Tabel 4.4: Indforslen af nogle vigtige varer 1864/65-1980 204-207(Danish imports of some important commodities1864/65-1980)

Tabel 4.5a: Den danske vareudforsels geografiske fordeling1874-1958 207-210(Geographical distribution of Danish exports 1874-1958)



Tabel 4.5b: Den danske vareudforsels geografiske fordeling1959-1980 211(Geographical distribution of Danish exports 1959-1980)

Tabel 4.6a: Den danske vareindforsels geografiske fordeling1874-1958 212-214(Geographical distribution of Danish imports 1874-1958)

Tabel 4.6b: Den danske vareindforsels geografiske fordeling1959-1980 215(Geographical distribution of Danish imports 1959-1980)

Tabel 4.7: Udenrigshandelspriser og bytteforhold 1815-1980 216-220(Foreign trade prices and terms of trade 1815-1980)

Tabel 4.8: Betalingsbalancen 1874-1980 221-224(The balance of payments 1874-1980)

Transport- og kommunikationsstatistik 225-243(Transport and communications statistics)Tabel 5.1: Den danske handelsflade 1814-1980 og

jernbanenettets lwngde 1847-1980 226-231(Registered merchant ships 1814-1980 and the totallength of the railway network 1847-1980)

Tabel 5.2: Motorpark, flybestand og kommunikationsudstyr1901-1980 232-234(Motor vehicles, number of civil aircraft andcommunication equipment 1901-1980)

Tabel 5.3: Transportydelser 1851-1980 235-239(Transport services 1851-1980)

Tabel 5.4: Kommunikationsydelser 1860-1980 240-243(Communication services 1860-1980)

Penge- og kapitalmarkedsstatistik 244-280(Money and capital market statistics)Tabel 6.1a: Danmarks Nationalbanks status 1819-1900, aktiver 245-248

(Balance sheets of the central bank of Denmark1819-1900, assets)

Tabel 6.1b: Danmarks Nationalbanks status 1900-1960, aktiver 248-250(Balance sheets of the central bank of Denmark1900-1960, assets)

Tabel 6.1c: Danmarks Nationalbanks status 1961-1980, aktiver 251(Balance sheets of the central bank of Denmark1961-1980, assets)

Tabel 6.2a: Danmarks Nationalbanks status 1819-1900, passiver 252-254(Balance sheets of the central bank of Denmark1819-1900, liabilities)



Tabel 6.2b: Danmarks Nationalbanks status 1900-1960, passiver 255-257(Balance sheets of the central bank of Denmark1900-1960, liabilities)

Tabel 6.2c: Danmarks Nationalbanks status 1961-1980, passiver 257(Balance sheets of the central bank of Denmark1961-1980, liabilities)

Tabel 6.3a: Rigsdalersedlernes kurs 1814-1838 258(Market values of the rix-dollar notes 1814-1838)

Tabel 6.3b: Kvartalskursnoteringer for den danske rigsbankdaler1818-1841 259(Quarterly official quotations of the Danish rix-dollar 1818-1841)

Tabel 6.4: Kronens internationale vxrdi 1914-1927 i procent ofguldpariteten 260(The international value of the krone 1914-1927 inper cent of the gold parity)

Tabel 6.5: Danske valutakurser 1913-1980 260-262(Danish exchange rates 1913-1980)

Tabel 6.6: Forretningsbankernes samlede status 1847-1980,aktiver 263-266(Balance sheets of the commercial banks 1847-1980,assets)

Tabel 6.7: Forretningsbankernes samlede status 1848-1980,passiver 267-270(Balance sheets of the commercial banks 1848-1980,liabilities)

Tabel 6.8: Sparekasser og realkreditinstitutioner 1820-1980 . 271-275(Savings banks and mortgage credit institutes 1820-1980)

Tabel 6.9: Rentesatser 1814-1980 276-280(Interest rates 1814-1980)

Arbejdsmarkedsstatistik 281-296(Labour market statistics)Tabel 7.1: Hovedorganisationer pa arbejdsmarkedet 1900-1980 283-285

(Principal labour market organizations 1900-1980)Tabel 7.2: Arbejdsstandsningerl 897-1980 286-288

(Work stoppages 1897-1980)Tabel 7.3: Den samlede arbejdslOshed 1903-1980 289-291

(Total unemployment 1903-1980)Tabel 7.4: Arbejdslosheden inden for udvalgte fag 1910-1980 292-293

(The rate of unemployment within certain trades1910-1980)

Tabel 7.5: Arbejdslonnen i industri og handvxrk 1870-1980 294-296(Wages in the crafts and industries 1870-1980)



Prisstatistik 297-303(Price statistics)Tabel 8.1: Prisindeks 1815-1980 298-303

(Price indices 1815-1980)

Finansstatistik 304-387(Financial statistics)Tabel 9.1a: Indtxgter ved finansdeputationen 1820-1840 . . . 310-313

(Revenue of the Finansdeputation 1820-1840)Tabel 9.16: Statsgwldsdirektionens indtxgter 1820-1840 . . 314-315

(Revenue of the Statsgceldsdirektion 1820-1840)Tabel 9.1c: Statens indtxgter 1841-1852/53 316-317

(State revenue 1841-1852/53)Tabel 9.1d: Statens indtxgter 1853/54-1866/67 318-321

(State revenue 1853/54-1866/67)Tabel 9.1e: Statens indtxgter 1867/68-1911/12 322-325

(State revenue 1867/68-1911/12)Tabel 9.1f: Statens indtxgter 1912/13-1924/25 326-328

(State revenue 1912/13-1924/25)Tabel 9.1g: Statens 10bende indtxgter 1925/26-1953/54 . . 329-331

(Current State revenue 1925/26-1953/54)Tabel 9.1h: Statens formueindtwgter 1925/26-1935/36 . . 332

(Revenue from capital 1925/26-1935/36)Tabel 9.1i: Statens driftsindtxgter 1954/55-1980 333-334

(Current revenue 1954/55-1980)Tabel 9.2a: Udgifter ved finansdeputationen 1820-1830 . . 335-336

(Expenditure of the Finansdeputation 1820-1830)Tabel 9.2b: Udgifter ved finansdeputationen 1831-1840 . . 337-339

(Expenditure of the Finansdeputation 1831-1840)Tabel 9.2c: Statsgxldsdirektionens udgifter 1820-1840 . . 340-341

(Expenditure of the Statsgaldsdirektion 1820-1840)Tabel 9.2d: Statens udgifter 1841-1848 341-342

(State expenditure 1841-1848)Tabel 9.2e: Statens udgifter 1849/50-1852/53 343-344

(State expenditure 1849/50-1852/53)Tabel 9.2f: Statens udgifter 1853/54-1866/67 345-347

(State expenditure 1853/54-1866/67)Tabel 9.2g: Statens udgifter 1867/68-1911/12 348-353

(State expenditure 1867/68-1911/12)Tabel 9.2h: Statens udgifter 1912/13-1924/25 354-356

(State expenditure 1912/13-1924/25)Tabel 9.2i: Statens lobende udgifter 1925/26-1953/54 . . 357-359

(Current State expenditure 1925/26-1953/54)Tabel 9.2j: Statens formueudgifter 1925/26-1935/36 . 359

(Capital expenditure 1925/26-1935/36)



Tabel 9.2k: Statens drifts- og anlzegsudgifter 1954/55-1980 . . 360-364(Current and investment expenditure 1954/55-1980)

Tabel 9.21: Specifikation of statens udgifter til sociale formal ogsundhedsvzesen 1938/39-1980 364-365(Specification of the State expenditure on socialwelfare and health services 1938/39-1980)

Tabel 9.3a: Statsgxldsdirektionens status pr. 1. januar 1820-1841 366-367(Balance sheets of the Statsgceldsdirektion as at 1stJanuary 1820-1841)

Tabel 9.3b: Reservefondens aktiver pr. 1. januar 1821-1841 . . 368-369(Assets of the Reserve Fund as at 1st January 1821-1841)

Tabel 9.3c: Statens gild 1. januar 1842 - 1. april 1853 . . 369(Public debt 1st January 1842 - 1st April 1853)

Tabel 9.3d: Statens aktiver og statsgzelden 1854-1867 . . . . 370(Public assets and public debt 1854-1867)

Tabel 9.3e: Kasseregnskab for statsfinanserne 1867/68-1911/12 371-373(Cash account of the public finances 1867/68-1911/12)

Tabel 9.3f: Statens aktiver og statsgx1den 1868-1912 . . . . 374-375(Public assets and public debt 1868-1912)

Tabel 9.3g: Kasseregnskab for statsfinanserne 1912/13-1924/25 376(Cash account of the public finances 1912/13-1924/25)

Tabel 9.3h: Statens aktiver og statsgx1den 1913-1925 . 377(Public assets and public debt 1913-1925)

Tabel 9.3i: Statens aktiver og statsgzelden 1926-1954 . . 378-379(Public assets and public debt 1926-1954)

Tabel 9.3j: Statens aktiver og statsgwlden 1955-1980 . . 380-381(Public assets and public debt 1955-1980)

Tabel 9.4: Amters og primxrkommuners indtxgter 1890-1975/76 382-384(Local government revenue 1890-1975/76)

Tabel 9.5: Amters og primxrkommuners udgifter 1890-1975/76 385-387(Local government expenditures 1890-1975/76)

Nationalregnskabsstatistik(National accounts statistics)Tabel 10.1: Bruttofaktorindkomst 1818

(Gross domestic product atcurrent prices)

Tabel 10.2: Bruttofaktorindkomst 1818(Gross domestic product atconstant prices)


-1980, lobende priser . 389-394factor cost 1818-1980,

-1980, faste priser . . 394-399factor cost 1818-1980,



Tabel 10.3: RAdighedsbelOb, konsum og investering 1844-1980,10bende priser 399-403(Total supply, consumption and investment 1844-1980, current prices)

Tabel 10.4: RAdighedsbel0b, konsum og investering 1844-1980,faste priser 403-407(Total supply, consumption and investment 1844-1980, constant prices)

Tabel 10.5: Nettofaktorindkomsten i konstante priser pr.indbygger og pr. erhvervsaktiv 1870-1980 . . . 408-411(Net domestic product at factor cost, constant pricesper capita 1870-1980)

BOGLISTE ved Jeppe Carlsen og Soren MOrch 413-452(LIST OF BOOKS by Jeppe Carlsen and Soren Morch)



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