
Database Management

9. course

Execution of queries

Query evaluation





Execution plan



Query output


• Query– SQL

• Parse– Correct SQL query?

• Relational algebra– Understandable for the computer

• Optimize– Based on what?

• Execution plan– If several queries give the same result: which is

the best?• Evaluate– Find the proper data records

• Query output– Give answer to the user

Optimization example

• Data of a bank• select balance from account

where balance<2500• Two relational algebra representation

• The cost of an operation depends on the algorithms we can use: e.g. an index speeds up the selection

• Primitive: elemental operation (projection, selection, …)

• Pipeline: building blocks for evaluations and statistics

• Input of a primitive=output of the previous primitive

Catalogue cost approximation

• For choosing the proper strategy• The approximation of cost is needed• Cost approximation can be done based on

several attributes– Space– Time

• Statistics are stored in the catalogue

Content of the catalogue

• Number of records in relation r: nr

• Number of blocks used for relation r: br

• Size of one records in relation r: sr

• Number of records in one block: fr

• Number of different values of attribute A in relation r: V(A,r) = |πA(r)|

• Average number of records that fulfills an equality selection for attribute A: SC(A,r)

Catalogue information about indexes

• Hash tables are considered as special indexes• Average number of pointers in one node

(averge number of children): fi

• Height of tree i: HTi=|log fi V(A,r)| or in case of hash, HTi=1

• Lowest level index Block (number of leaf nodes): LBi

• Statistics should be updated after every modification expensive

• Updated when DB has time• Not always consistent, but gives good


Cost of operations

• Just approximations: reading/writing is assumed to need the same time

Equality selection

• Full scan: br

• Binary search: – Blocks are sequential on the disk– File is ordered by attribute A– Just for equality search

• For clustered index on search key: HTi+1• For clustered index not on search key: HTi+• For unclustered index: HTi+SC(A,r)

Range selection

• Selection: σA≤v(r)– If v is unknown: nr/2– If v is known (with uniform distribution):

• With clustered index– If v is unknown: HTi+br/2– If v is known:

where c is the number of records that fulfills A≤v

• With unclustered index: HTi+LBi/2+nr/2– Sometimes better to use full scan

Types of join

• and , • Natural join:• T• Outer join– Left join: – Right join:– Full join:

• Theta join:


• Nested loop join of relations r and s:FOR trr DO BEGIN


test (tr, ts) if they fulfill Θ

IF yes THEN add (tr, ts)

ENDENDWorst case cost: nr*bs+br

Nested with blocks





test (tr, ts) if they fulfill Θ

IF yes THEN add (tr, ts)


ENDENDWorst case: br*bs+br

Indexed nested-loop join

• If one of the relations is indexed• No need for full scan• Cost: br + nr*c, where c is the cost of selection

on s

Merge join

• First sort the relations based on the join attributes

• Reading the relations once is enough• Cost: cost of sorting+br+bs

Other operations

• Filter repetition (distinct)– Sort– Delete

• Cost: cost of sorting• Projection: cost of sorting +(filter repetition+)br

• Union: Sort relations+merge+filter repetition• Intersection: sort both+select common rows• Difference: sort+delete rows from 2nd relation

Evaluation - Materialization

• Tree of operations• Leaves: relations• Nodes: operations• Cost: storing temporal

relations + cost of operations

• Parallel processing


• Temporal storing is reduced• Result records are given for the next process and

not stored any more• Save memory (records are stored, not relations)• Sorting is not possible• Demand-driven pipeline: system requires data

when needed• Data-driven pipeline: operations push data to the

pipeline without request until the buffer gets full

Pipeline evaluation

• Records arrive one after another• Merge cannot be used• Indexed nested-loop join can be used

Transformation of relational expressions

• Transform to equivalent expressions with smaller evaluation time

• Example: Give me the names of customers who have account in Brooklyn

• Time consuming (selection after join 3 tables)

• Much better

Equivalence rules

• Predicates: Θ, Θ1, Θ2

• Attributes: L1, L2, L3

• Relational algebra expression: E, E1, E2

• Cascade selection: • Commutativity:• Cascade projection:• Connection of join and Descartes


• Commutativity of theta-join:

• Associativity of natural join:

• Distributivity of selection on join– Θ0 contains attributes from E1

• Distributivity of projection on theta-join– L1, L2 contains attributes from E1, E2 and in the join

condition there are attributes only from L1

– L1, L2 contains attributes from E1, E2

L3, L4 contains attributes from E1, E2 but not from L1

and in the join condition there are attributes only from L3 and

• Commutativity of union and intersection

• Assiciativity of union and intersection

• Distributivity of selection on union, intersection, and difference

• Distributivity of projection on union

• These are only examples!

Choosing evaluation plan

• Create algorithm for the expressions• Give order for the operations• Take them into processes• Example:

pipeline pipeline

use 1. indexuse linear


Sort to filter repetition

Cost-based optimization

• List all the equivalent expressions• Assign execution plan for every plan• Calculate the cost for every plan• Choose the cheapest (based on

approximations and statistics)• Disadvantage: if too many plan, then too many

pre calculations


• Joining 3 relations: 6 ways and parenthesized in two ways: (2*(n-1)!) / (n-1)!

• If n=10 then 176 billions of plans…• Solution: use some heuristics• Consider• First optimal join for the first 3 relations, then

join with the rest:• 12+12 plans remain not good!

Rules for heuristics

• Do the selection at the beginning to reduce the number of rows

• Do the projection as soon as possible to reduce the size of rows

• Split the conjunction of selections to sequence of selections (use only one selection at the time)

• Push down the selections on the tree• Use the selection or join which results in the

least number of rows use associativity of join

• If join is equivalent to a Descartes multiplication and a selection comes next then merge them into a join operation: less records are generated

• Break the projection lists, push them up on the tree (sometimes new projections can be generated)

• Search subtrees where pipeline can be applied

1. By applying the rules, several trees are got2. Calculate the cost3. Apply the cheapest• The optimization adds a cost optimize it• The optimal optimizer optimizes the cost of its

own work and the execution too.

Thank you for your attention!

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