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WORSHIPFUL MASTER - Jeremy C. Vaughn, P.M. (208) 339-6849

[email protected]

SECRETARY– Mark V. Graybeal, P.M. (208) 731-1754

[email protected]


From the Worshipful Master Greetings Brothers and Friends,

It seems like just yesterday that we

held our installation for 2016, and yet,

here we are, on the cusp of another

transition to a new corps of officers for

Twin Falls Lodge. Congratulations to

WM-Elect Charbonneau and his incoming

officers. We’ll get the first chance to see them in action

at the December Stated Meeting, where we will be

having a step-up night.

We continued our degree work on November 30

with a second degree, which is a fitting end to our

Masonic Year. As of this writing, we are coaching at

least four Entered Apprentices, four or five Fellowcrafts,

and are finishing up a couple of Master Mason

proficiencies. This is a great way to cap off our year,

and we have many degrees to look forward to under

Don’s term.

This year was not the easiest nor the best for our

lodge. We started with several struggles and with some

looming problems that we had to address. Along the

way, many brothers had to decide how they wanted to

work through our challenges. For some, the answer was

to seek the answers elsewhere; for others, the solution

was to redouble their efforts in this lodge.

I don’t wish to labor over our challenges, but I

am pleased to say that where we stand today as a lodge

is a much brighter place. I could not be more proud of

the officers and members of this lodge and the effort

they have invested to change the destiny of Twin Falls

Lodge. Some difficult decisions have been made, and

the future looks both peaceful and bright.

Change is coming for our lodge; I believe in a

positive way. Part of that change will be discussed at

the December Meeting. Part will be discussed in the

months to come. Undoubtedly, part of that change will

be discovered in how we integrate our newest members

into our fold and how we embrace their fresh

perspective towards our Fraternity and in how we

mentor them as new Masons. I have frequently quipped

that each lodge is but a half dozen new Master Masons

away from being a totally new lodge.

Yet despite the changes and new ideas which are

budding and growing, we have maintained our

commitment to our ancient fraternity and the traditional

ways which we do things. We have dedicated ourselves

to fraternity and education; to personal growth and to

building the lodge we want.

I am proud of Twin Falls Lodge and its

members. Despite some dark days and occasionally

overwhelming challenges, we are stronger, healthier,

and most importantly, happier than we were just a few

short months ago. Our membership has invested in the

lodge, and I am pleased to say that we are heading the

right direction and bright days are in our future.

In addition to our own growth, our family grew

as well. It is awesome to see the addition of Magic

Valley Assembly of Rainbow to our family, and the

reincarnation of DeMolay in Twin Falls is just on the

horizon. Nearly every Masonic organization in Idaho

has had a chapter meet in our lodge this year, and more

are on their way. There is a place for everyone to be

active, right here in our own home. To me, that is a

pleasant thought.

I want to thank my officers for the year for the

effort they have expended for the benefit of us all. Any

accomplishments we made this year could not have

occurred without the assistance of each of you. Thank

you to the members who, though not officers, have

dedicated themselves to being there and being active.

Like a pile of embers, we each burn brighter and

stronger when we work together and are together.

I want to thank Bros. Randy King and John

Boyer, who are not members of Twin Falls Lodge, but

nevertheless could be counted upon at a moment’s

notice to be a part of all of our degrees and activities.

To be sure, many others have aided us, but these two

(Continued on Page 2)

TWIN FALLS LODGE NO. 45 Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Idaho

Mail Address: P. O. Box 5574 - - Location : 205 Shoshone St. N.

Twin Falls, ID 83303-5574 (208) 733-2832 -

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(Continued from Page One)

have gone above and beyond. I am eternally grateful

for the friendship and brotherly love. On behalf of

Twin Falls Lodge, thank you for your assistance.

I want to particularly thank Bros. Richard Rowe,

George White, Jr., Don Charbonneau, Laird Stone,

Mark Graybeal, and Fred Decker for their counsel and

encouragement this year. Each was willing to devote

far more time than they had to in order to make sure

that I remained somewhat sane and that this lodge

succeeded. You are excellent reminders of why I

became a Mason in the first place.

No words are sufficient to say thank you to my

wife and best friend, Amanda, for her love, support,

patience, and understanding this year. You are my

rock, my world, and my all, and without you, nothing

I do would be a success. Thank you for your

sacrifices so I can spend time with and for my


And finally, thank you to the members of this

lodge for giving my team and I this opportunity to

serve this year. It has been a year of personal growth

for each of us, and we are all stronger for it. The

lodge is in a good place, and I look forward to our


God Bless You All!

Jeremy C. Vaughn, PM

Worshipful Master 2016


We will be discussing some follow up business to our October 12, 2016 Called Communication at our

December 7, 2016 Stated Communication. If you wish to provide any input on decisions, you are hereby

summoned to attend. If you have any questions about this, please contact WM Jeremy Vaughn.

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As the Sun at Meridian height…

Stated Meeting Dinner

December Stated meeting dinner is at 6pm, Baked Pork

Chops. See you there! Reservations Required.

Call 420-2614 before December 5. =======================================

Brother and General Thomas H. Benton,

Grand Master in Iowa, 1860-1862, posted federal

troops around Brother Albert Pike's Masonic Library

at Little Rock, Arkansas to protect its valuable

contents when that city was invaded during the Civil


"No man ever took the oaths and subscribed

to the obligations with greater watchfulness and care

than I exercised in receiving the various rites of

Masonry, and I say with due deliberation and

without fear of breaking the faith. I have never

encountered a lesson, never witnessed an example,

never heard an obligation uttered which could not be

openly proclaimed to the world." The words of a

Mason who was also a President of the United

States, Warren G. Harding.

In 1892 the world's tallest building was the

Masonic Temple at Randolph and State Streets in


In 1952, eighty-nine percent of the U.S.

Supreme Court Justices were Freemasons.

A lodge is opened by its Master in "due

form" meaning according to ancient usages and

customs, the laws and ritual of its Grand Lodge.

A Grand Lodge is opened by the Grand Master in

"ample form" meaning he has the power and

authority to deviate from common ritual to save


A Lodge may not be adjourned for any

purpose. No member has the authority to present a

motion for adjournment since that would usurp the

Master's power. A Lodge must be in one of three

conditions: Closed, open and at work, or at


The word "Freemason" appeared for the first

time in the Statutes of England, dated 1487 and the

term "Master Mason" first appeared after the name

of William Orchard of Magdalen College in 1479

Fraternally, Rick Rowe, PM

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FROM THE WM ELECT: Brethren, Election of lodge officers was held in November and I am honored

to be able to serve our lodge as Worshipful Master. I appreciate your confidence in me and I am looking

forward to working with you all and having a good year. Installation of officers will be held at the Historic

Ballroom in Twin Falls at 1:30 P.M. on Sunday December 11th, 2016. It will be an open Installation so

everyone is invited. Officers please wear a dark suit if possible. Refreshments will be served after Installa-

tion. I would also like to urge everyone to attend the Christmas Observance which will be held at 3:30

P.M. that same afternoon in the same place. This event will be performed by Twin Falls Knights Templar

Commandery #10 and is a good way to start off the Christmas season. I hope to see you all there. Have a

Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. W.M. Elect Don Charbonneau.

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Mike McCurdy Main Office: (208) 734-6181 [email protected] Fax: (208) 734-6195 Toll–Free: 800-333-7025 393 Eastland Drive South Ketchum: (208) 726-9750 Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 Burley: (208) 726-7110

i.t. Integrated TECHNOLOGIES


Name Date Of Birth

James A. Kirkpatrick 12/01/1938

Daniel B. Brizee 12/02/1957

James G. Beal 12/05/1932

Timothy B. Littleton 12/06/1988

Lance W. Clow 12/12/1947

Name Date Of Birth

Paul E. Moran 12/14/1935

Darren E. Hall 12/24/1958

Shane M. Cook 12/25/1974

Eric J. Wildman 12/29/1963

Name Raised Date Years Mm

Randal J. Coates 12/03/1981 35 Years

Alan B. Clarke 12/09/1977 39 Years

Vic Graybeal 12/10/1946 70 Years

Name Raised Date Years Mm

Senate Eskridge 12/10/2008 8 Years

Douglas Machamer 12/21/1977 39 Years


1838 Addison Ave. E. E-mail: 733-4552 Twin Falls, ID 83301 [email protected] Fax 734-2574




With the increase in the Grand Lodge Assessment passed at Grand Lodge in September, Twin

Falls Lodge Dues are now $135.00 Per Year.

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Established 1975


2551 Kimberly Rd.

Twin Falls, ID 83301


Mike D. Parke [email protected]


TWIN FALLS CHAPTER #29, OES Dear Sisters and Brothers:

The Holiday Season is upon us and with it comes

the feeling that there are those less fortunate that need our

help and support. The Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy

Grand Patron have taken for their projects this year, First

Responders and Alzheimer’s Research. We at Chapter

have chosen to help a First Responder with their

Christmas Wishes… And we are working on the details -

stay tuned to Facebook to see how you may assist.

We have our only meeting this month on

December 13th and we will be having our Annual

Christmas Party… Potluck will be held at 6:00 P.M. and

those with first letter of last name A-M should plan to

bring an appetizer or salad…. Those whose last name

begins with N-Z should bring meat or a casserole… I

(Catherine) will provide dessert. Please plan to come-

Stated Meeting will be at 7:30 P.M. and then after the

meeting there will be a goofy gift exchange and a $5.00

limit has been set… (Please NO White Elephants) There

will be some surprises and lots of fun -so please come and

spend a great evening with us for the Holiday.

We want to Welcome “Billie Reed” to Twin Falls

Chapter #29 as a new member and want everyone to

know that we have passed an amendment that will travel

to Grand Chapter that Twin Falls Chapter #29 as of May,

2017 will move to One Meeting per month. We also

have passed an amendment that from this day forward the

scholarship fund will be known as the Paul Remaley

Memorial Educational Scholarship Fund. Paul dedicated

his life to Education and this is a fitting tribute and legacy

to our Worthy Patron and friend.

I have received my “Skunk” Pin from the Worthy

Grand Matron and I also received an amazing honor… I

have been chosen as Page to the Worthy Grand Matron at

Grand Chapter 2017 to be held in Boise, at the Doubletree

-Riverside June 16-19...

We are also beginning to think forward to

GRAND CHAPTER obligations-- we are being asked to

provide two different baskets for the basket auction this

year ... Themes are "The Niagara Falls of the West

(Shoshone Falls)" and "All Things Blue" So please be

thinking of items to donate for the Chapter

Baskets! Thanks!

As always if you know someone that wants to

come to chapter but needs a ride, or if you are the person

that wants to come to chapter and needs a ride, please do

not hesitate to get in contact with me. I will arrange

everything. Your brothers and sisters miss you and we

need your attendance and support.

T hank you again for all your friendship and

support. I was able to appreciate some of you in person at

chapter the other night, but I would love to be able to let

you know that you each mean a tremendous amount to me

as members and as friends.

I hope each of you had

an amazing Thanksgiving and

hope to see you all for the

Christmas Party.

Star Love,

Catherine E Parke

Worthy Matron

Twin Falls #29 OES

Shrine Club News

Nobles, the December meeting will be at the

Historic Ballroom on the 12th.

This will be our Christmas dinner that the

club is picking up the tab. So please come and

bring a friend, meet the new officers and let's get

a start on the new year.

See you there, Gary.

“A Tradition You Can Count On”

317 Pole Line Road 734-1917

890 Shoshone St. E. 734-1500

1097 Blue Lakes Blvd. N. 734-7264




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MAIN: 208-734-8372

MOBILE: 208-293-7583



Twin Falls, ID 83301


This Space could show your business card!!

For only $75.00 per year your ad will be mailed

monthly to more than 200 homes & seen on the

Idaho Grand Lodge E-news

letter by more than 900 subscribers.

Contact the Lodge Secretary

From Magic Valley LT #13

We are very excited to announce the first

International Order of the Rainbow for Girls assem-

bly in the Magic Valley in more than 20 years.

Magic Valley assembly was instituted on October

29, 2016 with 11 members. Eva Gutierrez, the new

Worthy Advisor, was a member of Friendship as-

sembly in Mountain Home but has worked hard to

get assembly here in Twin Falls. We would like to

thank the Masons, members of the Order of the

Eastern Star, Amaranth, Demolay, and Job’s

Daughters who participated in the institution and

installation of the assembly. She and her core of of-

ficers are looking forward to working with all the

Masonic organizations encouraging friendship and


Magic Valley assembly has plans to work

this year with several service organizations includ-

ing the Humane Society, an equestrian outreach

group that works with special needs children, and

veterans groups in Twin Falls. Currently the assem-

bly has plans to Christmas carol at various senior

centers and have a Christmas party in December.

They will also be fundraising by selling Butter-

braids. If you have never had one, they are deli-

cious breakfast pastries. If you are interested in

buying them, contact the Mother Advisor, Terese

Gutierrez, at 702-683-8548.

Magic Valley assem-

bly meets on the second and

fourth Thursdays at 7 pm at

the Ballroom. We would

love for you to come and join


From Bethel #56, JDI

Season’s Greetings from Bethel #56! Hope

your Thanksgiving was amazing! First of all a great

big thanks for supporting our girls and purchasing

Christmas wreaths. While we fell a bit short of last

year we still did pretty good and you should have

your wreaths very soon!

The girls made and sent cards to the Boise

Police Department to let them know how much they

are appreciated and to wish them well. They had a

lot of fun—we did it as our librarian’s report one

meeting. Great opportunity for the girls to think of


December brings lots of activities for our

girls. Our very own Riley Mason, Grand bethel Sr.

Custodian has wrangled the bethel to help with

crafts at St. Luke’s Festival for Children as her ser-

vice project the officers and reps were challenged to

plan and carry out. Kirt Martin has enlisted their

help with a dinner on December 3rd. They really

love working those dinners. Thanks Kirt for think-

ing of us. They have a skating party planned on

Dec. 10th, if you are able come join us! December

also brings elections. Be watching for the results on


Merry Christmas to all our Masonic Family.

And as always if you would like help from our girls,

information about Jobies, or just to come visit

please feel free to contact our HQ Cheyenne Clay-

ton, 208-421-8668; or Me, Robin Mason, Bethel

guardian, 208-421-2258. Again thanks for all of

your support and love.

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Invites You to The

One Hundred and Tenth Annual

Public Installation of Officers

Donald S. Charbonneau, PM

Worshipful Master Elect

Sunday, December 11, 2016

1:30 P.M.

Historic Ballroom

205 Shoshone Street North

Twin Falls, Idaho

Refreshments to Follow



Invites Family And Friends To The

Annual Christmas Observance

Sunday, December 11, 2016

3:30 P.M.

Historic Ballroom

205 Shoshone Street North

Twin Falls, Idaho

Page 8: DECEMBER 2016 - 2016 - TRESTLEBOARD From the Worshipful Master Greetings Brothers


Wor. Master– Jeremy Vaughn, PM 339-6849 [email protected] Sr. Warden- Gary Anton 539-4305 [email protected] Junior Warden- Rick Rowe, PM 420-2614 [email protected] Treasurer– Donald Charbonneau, PM 358-7071 [email protected] Secretary– Mark Graybeal, PM 731-1754 [email protected]


Senior Deacon- Bob E. Nelson Jr., PM 431-8492 [email protected] Junior Deacon– Vance Mason 734-3893 [email protected] Marshal– Joshua Pool 731-4047 [email protected] Senior Steward– Laird Stone 733-5533 [email protected] Junior Steward– Matthew D. White 490-0649 [email protected] Chaplain– Kenneth Norton, PM 420-7532 [email protected] Tyler– Randy King, PM 867-5110 [email protected]


Committed to Service & Security


215 Blue Lakes Blvd. N. 734-5700

222 Main Ave. S. 736-7300

906 Blue Lakes Blvd. N. 933-2265


980 S. Lincoln 324-5200

Page 8



Stated Mtg. Dinner

December 7—6:00pm

Baked Pork Chop Reservations call 420-2614 Cutoff Monday December

5. Hosted by the Lodge


Stated Mtg.

December 7 —7:30pm

Step Up Night

Possible Degree

December 14 — 7:00 pm

Bower Foundation Officers & Directors

Gary L. Garnand (208) 731-5744


C.C. “Skip” Howard (208) 736-8299


Laird B. Stone (208) 539-5533


Mark Graybeal (208) 731-1754


Lance Clow (208) 733-5767


Jack W. Beck, Jr. (208) 420-5801




DAVID L. NELSON Pharmacists

139 Main Avenue West Phone 733-8323

“We appreciate the good works of Masons”

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G and C Landscaping and Lawn Care

Commercial & Residential Mowing Edging & Trimming, Spring & Fall Clean-up, Sprinkler Repair-Free Estimates

Gary E. Anton Sr. 3818 N. 2505 E. Twin Falls, ID 83301 (208) 734-1704 (208) 539-4305 [email protected]


Quality Distributors of Fruits and Vegetables

129 Eastland Drive

Twin Falls, ID 83301



Fax: 208-734-6951

GARY L. GARNAND Mobile: 208-731-5744

email: [email protected]




ASSOCIATE WELLS FARGO BANK BLDG. 102 MAIN AVE. SOUTH PHONE 208-733-2721 P. O. BOX 83 FAX 208-733-3619 TWIN FALLS, ID 83303-0083 E-MAIL: SKS&[email protected]

News from Bethel 43

Happy Holiday from Bethel 43!

We would like to congratulate and announce

our new officers for Spring Term 2017 - Honored

Queen elect Macy Jones, Junior Princess elect Abbie

Sanford, and Guide elect Riley Mason!

Congratulation to all our officers!

December for Bethel 43 is the Gift Wrap

Booth! Our booth is at the Magic Valley mall in Twin

Falls, near the food court. We need help covering the

booth hours, we have morning to night shifts

available, please contact Taenia (Bethel Guardian)

at 208-539-8076 if you can help us with coverage. If

you can't hep with coverage we invite to come visit

and have a gift wrapped!

Please let us know when and

where your Holiday events are as we

would love to attend! We wish you all

a wonderful holiday season!

Jobie Love Bethel 43

227 2nd

Ave East, Twin Falls


The Christmas season is upon us. At our November

Meeting, we elected new officers who will be in-

stalled at our meeting on December 26.

Our Grand Visits for the year are behind us,

and now we are working on plans for some promo-

tions and degree work in the future.

Our big event for the season is the annual

Christmas Observance to be held on Sunday, Decem-

ber 11 at 3:30 p.m. This is immediately after the

lodge installation of officers. This event is open to

the public. Please bring a friend or two and come

celebrate Christmas with us.

For more information on the York Rite,

please contact our Recorder, Jeremy Vaughn.

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TWIN FALLS LODGE No. 45 A.F. & A.M. Mark Graybeal, PM - Secretary

P. O. Box 5574 Twin Falls, ID 83303-5574

Request to family of the Twin Falls Lodge member whose

name appears below.

Please notify the Lodge Secretary at the above address if

our Brother is in the hospital or a nursing home, or is inca-

pacitated in any way. Thank you.

Return Service Requested

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

December 2016

Stated Mtg.— 7:30

Bethel 56

Bethel 43

Bethel 43

Bethel 56 Possible Degree

TF 45 Install.

KT Christmas

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