Page 1: December 2017 Lamplighter - · Page 1 The Lamplighter Pastor’s Note December 2017 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over

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The Lamplighter

Pastor’s Note December 2017

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,“Glory to God in the highest heaven,and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

Luke 2: 8-15

Exploring the bible with the nine teens that are going through confirmation has been a great experience for me! A few weeks ago we started focusing specifically on Jesus and his ministry using Luke's gospel. I have been struck anew with the wonder of the story of how our Lord and Savior broke into our world, becoming the first-born son of a young woman, just a teen herself, and a man who willingly embraced the role of “earthly father,” for our Lord. The opportunity to explore our stories of faith with this wonderful group is a privilege and blessing I do not take for granted. I am filled with gratitude, not only for the opportunity - but for the gift they bring of seeing the gospel through new eyes.

I have also been blessed to watch our younger group of 559 participants get excited about writing down what they are grateful for each week, and placing those notes on our Gratitude Wall. I do notice that they look to see what we as the adults have written, and while there are far more adults than children in the church, we, friends, are out-numbered when it comes to recognizing and sharing the things in our life we are grateful for.

These two experiences, highlight for me the fact that there is something we can learn about approaching this season (and our faith) with young eyes and hearts. To hear the story of our Savior’s birth with new ears is to open yourself up to experience awe and wonder anew. It opens the door to be like the shepherds in the field on the eve of our Savior’s birth, and to look at the world with eyes filled with gratitude for the best gift we will ever receive, and then go….tell…. share…......................

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. Luke 2:16-18

In Christ’s saving love, Pastor Catherine

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• Moderator Rev Dr. James A. Camp called the meeting to order with prayer.

• Clerk of Session Craig Faulkner noted a quorum was present.

• Pastor Jim reported on his activities for the past month.

• Calling and Membership committee report was given by Marie Burkhardt. Marie reported that the committee is preparing to send gift cards to our college students and making cookies for shut-ins.

• Christian Ed Committee gave a report. The Christmas program is schedule for December 18th.

• Fellowship Committee Bill Wilkin, Jim Moore, Mike Hand and David Ray: Their report included that the Baked Potato Bar netted $857.00 and about 120 people were served. A trivia night is planned for January 29th with proceeds going to the Haiti mission.

• Finance Committee report was given by Jim Moore, Jim stated that financial condition of the church is still very good order.

• Nominating Committee: report by Marsha Norman and Marie Burkhardt. They gave a report of the committee progress.

• Outreach committee report was given by Marsha Norman. The sign-up sheet for Salvation Bell ringers is filled. A bake sale is planned for December 4th with the proceeds going to the food pantry.

• Properties Committee report by David Ray. Dave stated that Company One did a check on the fire alarm system.

• Staff Committee of Mike Hand gave report. Mike reported that ask and granted permission to give the Secretary and Custodian a 3% Increase.

• Worship Committee chair Bill Wilkin gave a report. The committee is planning to decorate the church on Friday November 25th at 10:00, Volunteers are welcome.

• Reverend Camp closed with Prayer.


Isaiah 11:1–10





Isaiah 35:1–10

Psalm146:5–10 or Luke 1:46–55




Isaiah 7:10–16





Isaiah 9:2–7


Luke 2:1–14 [15–20]


Isaiah 52:7–10


Hebrews1:1–4 [5–12]




Clerk-pro tempore, Anne Balk, noted a quorum was present. Moderator Rev. Catherine Martin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Psalm 138 was used as a meditation followed by the opening prayer by Pastor Catherine. The following Elders were present: Anne Balk, Marie Burkhardt, Mike Hand, Mike Kramer, Jim Moore, Marsha Norman, Dave Ray, Dale Thayer and Cindy Wierema. Moved and seconded to approve the November docket. Motion passed.

Moved and seconded to approve the regular session minutes of the October 2017 meeting as amended. Moved and seconded to approve the special session meeting held November 5, 2017. Motion passed. Liturgist / Communion assignment for December is Marsha


Clerk’s Report

Attendance statistics were presented 10/22/17=54; 10/29/17=54; 11/5/17=65; 11/12/17=79;11/19/17=58. No Baptisms; No marriages; no deaths; No new members; Communion on 11/5/17 was 65 and communion served to 13 shut-ins. Pastor’s Report October 17th - November 20th Visitations and Communion - 17

Visits In - 19 (Includes Steam Anchor and Salvation Army) Ecumenical / Community Participation Attended Trunk or Treat 10/31/17

Attended Riverbend Ministerial Association Meeting at 2nd Reformed 11/1/17 Volunteer work in classrooms - Fulton Elementary on Fridays Spoke at Steamers Breakfast before Saturday game at 1st Reformed on 11/4/17 Local Clergy meeting Hosted Elder Scam Event held at the church in conjunction with the United Way Church Community Participation Attended Finance Meeting Attended Personnel meetings 11/8, 11/12, 11/16 and 11/17

Attended Nominating Committee Meeting Led 559 Confirmation Class Attended Bell Rehearsal Attended Choir Rehearsal Held hours at Steam Anchor Attended Family Movie Night 10/22/17 Attended Potato Bar 11/12/17

Attended Lunch Bunch 11/9/17 Searched for and helped with final delivery and set-up bed for person in our community Office and Worship Activities Office hours 9:00 -12:00

Attended Educational Event at Stronghold on suicide 11/13/17

Attended Presbytery Meeting 11/14/17 Attended Committee on Ministry Meeting at Presbytery on 10/31/17 Worked with Mary Vogel to establish and retain Nursery workers Worked with Whiteside County regarding our kitchen licensing In communication and follow-up with Presbytery concerning clergy placement Calls - 61

Emails - 98

Text - 79

Cards -14

Moved and seconded to accept Pastor’s report. Motion


Calling & Membership: Marie Burkhardt & Anne Balk. Gift cards have been purchased and will be mailed to our college students and military members. Fruit plates will be delivered to our shut ins during December. Christian Education: Megan Huizenga

Our Christmas program is scheduled for Wednesday December 20 at 6pm. The Confirmation class is working towards writing their statements of faith, before next Easter. Fellowship Committee: Jim Moore & David Ray (Bill Wilkin & Angie Smith Co-chairs) The potato bar served 95 and resulted in $655. The committee will determine the distribution of the proceeds from this event. Finance Committee: Jim Moore (chair) & Dave Ray

Reporting for the committee, Jim Moore reported that the previous month was a good one. Not all expenses related to the summer storm damage are in. Moved and seconded to approve the 2018 budget. Motion passed. Nominating Committee: Marsha Norman and Marie Burkhardt Names were presented for congregational vote at the meeting scheduled for December 2, 2017. Outreach Committee: Cindy Wierema, Marsha Norman

Moved and seconded to sponsor a child at Mission Starfish Haiti for the next year at a cost of $360, Motion passed.

Moved and seconded to purchase a Christmas wreath for 2018.

Motion passed.

Properties: David Ray & Mike Kramer Dave Ray reported that furnace filters have been changed. True Construction will try to do the work needed in the sanctuary before Christmas. Staff Committee: Mike Hand

Moved and seconded payroll revisions for staff for the 2018. These will be prepared and available for congregational review at the annual meeting. Worship Committee: Dale Thayer (Chair) & Anne Balk

Moved and seconded to have 2018 communion served on the following dates: January 7, February 4, March 4, March 29 (Maundy Thursday), April 1 (Easter), May 6, June 3, July 1, August 5, September 2, October 7, November 4, December 2, December 24 (Christmas Eve). Motion passed. Moved and

seconded to approve Elizabeth Wicks for pulpit supply on December 31, 2017. Motion passed.

Arrangements are being made for Advent readers. Poinsettia orders will be delivered on December 8.Discussion followed concerning the need for improvements to our sound system. Dale Thayer presented a recommendation that had previously been presented to the Finance Committee. Moved and seconded to purchase a new sound system including speakers and 24 channel digital mixer from Tegler Music for $6,997. A 25% down payment ($1,750) is required. Moved and seconded to approve preceding reports. Motion


New Business

A discussion took place surrounding church safety because of recent events. Following a discussion, it was determined that we will follow up by scheduling a meeting with a person who can provide some suggestions about the extent of this need. Moved and seconded to elect Anne Balk clerk of session for 2018. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 and closed with prayer by Moderator Rev. Catherine Martin.

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Our Men’s Fellowship Group continues to meet on the second Saturday of each month at 8 a.m. This month it will be December 9th, all men are welcome and encouraged to attend.


Lunch Bunch will be meeting on second Thursdays of each month. We will be at The Corner Deli in Clinton IA on December 14th at 11:30 am. There will be a sign up sheet posted in the hallway. Come and bring a neighbor, friend, or anyone who needs a day out.


We need your help by signing up to be a greeter on Sunday mornings. Please sign up on the sign up sheet which is found on the table in the Narthex. Thank You


The Chancel and Bell choirs have begun practicing for this fall and winter. The FPC Bell Choir will begin at 6 p.m. and the Chancel Choir will follow at 7 p.m. New members are always welcome!


Would you be willing to host coffee/fellowship hour? Please let me know at the church office 815-589-3580.


559 will have a Christmas program scheduled Dec 18,2016 during regular worship time. The elementary will sing, provide a skit, and play the youth hand bells. Middle school will perform a couple of skits. We are looking for anyone who would like to provide special music for the prelude to let the church know. A letter will be going out on Wednesday Nov. 30 to the students at 559. Thank you, CE


The Outreach Committee will be hosting a bake sale today following worship. The first $300.00 will go to the food pantry the remainder to the general fund. Session has approved adopting a child from Haiti . We will be putting up a cal-endar for the year to sign up to sponsor the child and will cost $1.00 a day. Thank You!


As many of you know Roy Nelson has been supplying and putting lights on the trees and bushes near the church. Roy was wondering if anyone has some extra mini multi-colored lights not is use and willing to donate them for use here. He could use them to finish what he has in mind for decorating. Thank You


Once again this year we will be hosting a Christmas Eve Candle Light Worship service beginning at 6 p.m. Special music will be provided by Quinn Wilkin and Stephanie Smith. Worship will be lead by Pastor Catherine. Please make plans now to attend.

Do you like to Sing? If you answered the question with a “Yes”

then we would love to have you as a member of the Chancel Choir. We meet on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. We practice our music so that we are always working at least six weeks ahead of our scheduled service. This allows members to miss practices if necessary and still feel confi-dent when they perform. So come one come

How about Hand Bells? The hand bell choir is looking for members.

Even if you have trouble reading music you can still be a member. Members are able to mark their part so they can clearly see when they are to play. We meet at 6:00 pm on Thursdays. We pre-pare our songs with at least a six week cushion so

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Above is pictured the 559 group in action. The group continues to meet every Wednesday at 5:59 p.m. Hosting kids from pre-school to High School. If you have a child in this age range or know someone who is please invite them to attend.


Pictured below is the display created by Ron and Connie Koehn along with Rhea Kraft. Thank you so much for your talents and efforts!


Ushers: Bill and Jean Wilkin

Greeters: December 3 ............. Paul and Donna Parker December 10 ........... Ken and Karen Fanderclai December 17 ........... Mike and Melinda Kramer December 24 ........... Tom and Thelma Warner December 31 ........... Harold Bonneur

THE JAN STUART MEMORIAL FOOD PANTRY December suggested donations:

Canned Chicken Noodle Soup

Canned Cream of Chicken Soup

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Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

—2 Corinthians 9:15

The Christmas Joy Offering celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the truly “indescribable gift,” as well as the gifts of church leaders—past, present, and future.

In the second letter to the Corinthians, Paul talks of a generous gift that has been promised. As he sends folks ahead to make arrangements for this gift, he takes the opportunity to illuminate the impact of generosity. Paul grounds readers first in God’s generosity, reminding us that God not only provides seed for sowing and bread for food, but God goes further, partnering in human generosity both as source and as amplification. The gifts we give are from God, and they are multiplied and increased by God as we give. The result of the generous gift made by the Corinthians therefore has a compounding effect, enriching the Corinthians “in every way.” It results in impact to those whose need is met, and the ministry made possible by the gift—to the giver of the gift as well. It then overflows in thanksgiving to God and benefits the whole church as it inspires and testifies to the gracious work of God through Christ. It is that grace, then, that Paul describes as “indescribable.”

Through the work of the Christmas Joy Offering, we seek the living of this truth: that God’s generosity is the source, the support, and the outcome of our own. We give because God has freely given. We give to support the needs of our church leaders—past, present, and future—and God amplifies and extends those gifts through the ministry of those leaders. Their gifts of ministry extend and amplify as well, “overflowing” in

thanksgiving to God, and the entire environment of generosity bears witness to God’s grace, a truly indescribable gift.

A church worker in a time of need receives the generosity of the church in the same way they have been generous in their service to it—then turns around and makes a gift himself to help other church leaders in need. A student at Presbyterian Pan American School receives the generosity of the church and responds by dedicating his life to serving the church. The work of the Offering is compounding generosities, with unending expansion and ceaseless increase.

In gratitude to God for the gift of Jesus, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) invites congregations to join this celebration of God’s presence with us by supporting those in need of help and hope.

Thank you for your support of this life-changing Offering. We would love to have your dona-tion to the Christmas Joy Offering by December 24


• The Christmas Joy Offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s.

• The Offering distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and to Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges.

• The Assistance Program provides critical financial support to church workers and their families.

• Presbyterian-related schools and colleges provide education and leadership development while nurturing racial and ethnic heritage. This has been a Presbyterian commitment for nearly 140 years.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2


9:30 a.m. Wor-ship 10:45 a.m. Fel-lowship

6 p.m. Communi-ty Worship Ser-vice at Spring Valley Reformed Church


6 p.m. Boy Scouts - Papers

6:30 P.m. Boy Scouts Meet


1 to 3 p.m. Pastor Catherine at Steam Anchor


55:45 p.m. Light meal for children

5:59 p.m. WED 559@FPC Pre-school through High School clas-ses

6 to 7 p.m. Ad-vent Study


6 p.m. Bell Choir Practice

7 p.m. Chancel Choir Practice



8 a.m. Men’s Fellowship


9:30 a.m. Wor-ship 10:45 a.m. Fel-lowship


6:30 P.m. Boy Scouts Meet


1 to 3 p.m. Pastor Catherine at Steam Anchor 6:30 p.m. Fi-nance Committee


5:45 p.m. Light meal for children

5:59 p.m. WED 559@FPC Pre-school through High School clas-ses


11:30 a.m. Lunch Bunch

6 p.m. Bell Choir Practice

7 p.m. Chancel Choir Practice

15 16


9:30 a.m. Wor-ship 10:45 a.m. Fel-lowship


6:30 P.m. Boy Scouts Meet


1 to 3 p.m. Pastor Catherine at Steam Anchor 6 p.m. Commit-tees to Meet 7 p.m. Session 7 p.m. Quilters


6 p.m. Children’s Christmas Pro-gram

Refreshments to follow

6 to 7 p.m. Ad-vent Study


6 p.m. Bell Choir Practice

7 p.m. Chancel Choir Practice

22 23


9:30 a.m. Wor-ship 10:45 a.m. Fel-lowship

6 p.m. Christmas Eve Service


Christmas Day - Office Closed

2 to 8 p.m. Wierema Family in Outreach Cen-ter

26 27 28 29 30


Pastor on Vaca-tion

9:30 a.m. Wor-ship 10:45 a.m. Fel-lowship

December 2017

————–——-——————Pastor On Vacation———–————–-———

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FULTON, IL 61252-1897 PHONE: 815-589-3580

FAX: 815-589-4712 EMAIL: fu l tonpres@mchsi .com

WEB SITE: fu l tonpreschurch .org

Add Postage here

Possible Christmas card recipients that are shut-ins and military

Mrs. Verna Peck


DEWITT IA 52742-9293

Mrs. Beverly Shepard

1106 14th AVE

Fulton IL 61252-1139

Mrs. Darline Eickert 1120 12th ST

DEWITT IA 52742-1031

Marion Bielema


HENDERSON NV 89052-6940

Jolene Bielema

Mercy South Room 519



Mrs. Ann Wierema Harbor Crest Home Room 115

817 17th Street FULTON IL 61252-1747

Norma Holt 7380 Hwy 231 N

BETHPAGE TN 37022-4537


SGT Caleb Malkewitz

A Co, 40th BEB

APO, AE 09337

Brody May

6182 Penrose Rd

Fulton IL 61252-9797

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