
What is diabetes?Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is characterised by high levels ofglucose (sugar) in the blood. It is caused either by the pancreas notproducing the hormone insulin (type 1 diabetes), not producingenough of it or by the body’s cells inability to react to insulin(type 2 diabetes).

Symptoms of diabetes include tiredness, irritability, nausea,hunger, thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, tingling sensations inthe hands and feet and dry, itchy skin.

Glucose is the body’s main energy source for cells and it isinsulin, produced by the pancreas, which allows it into the cells.

Glucose comes from carbohydrates found in healthy wholefoods but it is also in not-so-healthy foods such as white bread,cakes, sweets and other sugary foods.

Numbers skyrocketing In 1985, about 30 million people worldwide had diabetes; adecade later it was 135 million; by 2000 about 171 million; andby 2030 it is predicted to be 366 million (WHO, 2005).Population growth, ageing, unhealthy eating and lack of exerciseall play a part.

In the UK, 2.8 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes(Diabetes UK, 2010a), while half a million more are thought tohave it undiagnosed (Diabetes UK, 2010b).

In 2008 alone, 145,000 people were diagnosed in the UK and by2025 it is expected to be over four million. Most of these will betype 2 diabetes (Diabetes UK, 2010b). Currently, 85 per cent of adultdiabetics have type 2 and 15 per cent type 1 (Diabetes UK, 2010b).

Type 1 diabetesType 1 diabetes tends to develops early in life when the immunesystem attacks insulin-producing cells in the pancreas by mistake,effectively destroying them. Subsequently, the body can’t produceinsulin and is therefore unable to use glucose, which builds up inthe blood.

Type 1 diabetes affects 10 per cent of all diabetics (Diabetes UK,2010b) and is increasing in all age groups, but particularlychildren under five (NHS, 2008).

Type 2 diabetesIn type 2 diabetes, the body makes some insulin but not enough orit doesn’t react to insulin properly (insulin resistance) so glucosebuilds up in the blood. This affects 90 per cent of all people withdiabetes (Diabetes UK, 2010b).

Type 2 diabetes usually develops in people over the age of 40 butin South Asian and African-Caribbean people it is often around theage of 25 (Diabetes UK, 2010b). It is also becoming more commonin children and young people of all ethnicities (NHS, 2008).

Gestational diabetesThis usually appears after the first trimester of pregnancy becausethe body can’t produce enough insulin for both mother and baby.If it occurs during the first trimester, it is likely to have existedbefore pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes affects about five per cent of allpregnancies (Lancet, 2008). Whilst it is likely to disappear afterthe baby is born, it increases the risk of developing type 2 diabeteslater in life by 30 per cent (Girling and Dornhorst, 2004).

Metabolic syndromeKnown also as syndrome X, it is characterised by:• ‘central’ obesity (weight around the waist)• raised blood pressure• raised triglycerides (fats in the blood)• low HDL (‘good’ cholesterol)• impaired glucose metabolism (the body not using glucose

properly so that levels rise but are not yet diabetic)

These symptoms significantly increase the risk of diabetes butalso cardiovascular (heart) disease.

Pre-diabetesPeople whose glucose levels are elevated are diagnosed with pre-diabetes, which almost invariably leads to full-blown type 2diabetes. Most people are unaware they have pre-diabetes.

Health complicationsThere is usually a time lapse after the onset of diabetes before it isdiagnosed and in that interim, health complications can develop.Even those who are aware and make the usual lifestyle changesare still at considerable risk of heart disease, stroke, eye problems,kidney disease, nerve damage and amputations.

All in the genes?Genetic make-up plays an important role and can make peoplemore or less susceptible to developing diabetes. However, there isnothing inevitable about it.

Several gene types contribute to type 1 diabetes but only a smallproportion of people with those genes develop the disease – lessthan 10 per cent (Knip et al., 2005). It follows that environmentalfactors must play a part.

The Big-D: Defeatingdiabetes through dietAs diabetes continues to spread worldwide,current medication and advice do not treat thedisease adequately

By Veronika Charvatova MScVVF Health Campaigner


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VVF, Top Suite, 8 York Court, Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8QH. Tel: 0117 970 5190. Email: [email protected] Web: FS15

Heredity and its links withdiabetes (Diabetes UK, 2010b):Relative(s) with particular Risk of type Risk of typetypes of diabetes 1 diabetes 2 diabetesMother 2 % 15 %Father 8 % 15 %Both parents Up to 30 % 75 %Brother or sister 10 % 10 %Non-identical twin 15% 10 %Identical twin 40% 90 %

Lifestyle and environmental factorsType 1 diabetesIn 1990’s, cow’s milk was suggested as a possible trigger(Karjalainen et al., 1992; Gerstein, 1994; Åkerblom and Knip,1998) and this has become increasingly accepted. The theory is asfollows (Campbell and Campbell, 2004; Knip et al., 2005).

A genetically susceptible baby is exposed to cow’s milk too earlyin life through infant formula. When milk proteins reach the smallintestine, they are not fully digested and fragments are absorbedinto the blood. The immune system recognises these fragments asforeign intruders and attacks them.

Coincidentally, some fragments are identical in structure to thesurface of the insulin-producing cells (ß-cells) in the pancreas(Karjalainen et al., 1992; Martin et al., 1991) and the bodycannot distinguish between the two. Both pancreas cells andinvaders are destroyed by the immune system and diabetes results.Type 1 diabetes is irreversible.

The process can be fast and aggressive or take up to 10 years(Knip et al., 2005). Fast progression is, however, rare (Knip, 2002).

Milk proteins responsible 1 Bovine serum albumin (BSA). When diabetic and healthy

children were tested for BSA antibodies in their blood, alldiabetics had levels as much as seven times higher than thehealthy children. (Karjalainen et al., 1992). Following studieshave confirmed this (Hammond-McKibben and Dosch, 1997).

2 ß-casein. About 30 per cent of human ß-casein is different fromcow’s milk ß-casein and it is thought to be the reason why theimmune system reacts to it and destroys its fragments (Cavalloet al., 1996; Becker et al., 1995).

3 Cow’s insulin. This is present in formula milk (Vaarala et al.,1999). The immune system of genetically susceptible babiesgiven cow’s milk formula reacts strongly to it by forming anti-insulin antibodies (Paronen et al., 2000).

Genetically susceptible children weaned too early and givencow’s milk formula had a 13.1 times greater risk of type 1diabetes than non-susceptible children breast-fed for at least threemonths (Perez-Bravo et al., 1996). A study in 40 differentcountries confirmed this and found that the more meat and milkin the diet, the higher the risk of diabetes - the more plant-basedfood in the diet, the lower the risk (Muntoni et al., 2000).

Type 2 diabetesObesity is the main risk for developing diabetes and with risingnumbers of overweight people, the incidence is ever-increasing.

As carbohydrate intake goes down and fat intake goes up, thenumber of diabetics increases (Campbell and Campbell, 2004;Barnard, 2007). The difference is not entirely due to genes aswhen people move from low risk countries and adopt the diet ofhigh-risk countries, their risk increases (Tsunehara et al., 1990).

Studies have shown a 45 per cent reduced risk for non-meateaters (Snowdon and Phillips, 1985); and that just one serving ofmeat per week can increase risk by 74 per cent (Vang et al., 2008).

Why? The main enemy is fat! Microscopic drops of fat(intramyocellular lipids) can accumulate inside muscle cells andinterfere with their ability to react to insulin. The process begins manyyears before diabetes manifests itself (Phillips et al., 1996; Krssak etal., 1999; Delarue and Magnan, 2007; Morino et al., 2006).

When young healthy men were put on a 50 per cent fat diet(common in Western countries), it was found that fatty foodsturned off the genes that help mitochondria in their cells burn fat(Sparks et al., 2005). As a result, people with type 2 diabetesappear to have fewer mitochondria to metabolise the fat supplied(Barnard, 2007).

A recent study looked at the cell metabolism and insulinresistance more closely (Hoeks et al., 2010) and the conclusionswere that elevated levels of fats in blood and/or muscles caused areduction in mitochondrial function.

Ancient and modern approachesThe classical approach is based on diet adjustments, carbohydratecounting and medication. This approach focuses on glucosemanagement and weight-loss but doesn’t meaningfully changemetabolism.

The recommendations in this fact sheet change cell metabolismby changing your approach to diet. You’ll think about food in anew way but it requires no calorie counting and no combiningfoods from exchange lists. Most importantly, it is based on theknowledge that diabetes can be defeated.

Reversing diabetes Those with either type of diabetes will benefit from our D-Dietapproach. Although type 1 is life long and sufferers will alwaysneed insulin, it will enable them to keep doses to a minimum andreduce the risk of complications. As for type 2 diabetes, researchhas shown that this approach can reverse the condition.

In one of the first studies on a group of 40 diabetic patients, 36were able to discontinue all medication after only 26 days(Barnard et al., 1982). The same research group laterdemonstrated that the benefits last for years if the diet is adheredto (Barnard et al., 1983).

In a further groundbreaking study combining diet and exercise(Barnard et al., 1994), 197 men with type 2 diabetes found that after just three weeks, 140 of them were able to discontinuetheir medication.

A 2006 study of type 2 diabetics compared a diet based onAmerican Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines to a low-fatvegan diet, emphasising foods with a low glycemic index wherevegetables, grains, fruits, and pulses were unlimited (Barnard etal., 2006). Over the 22-week study, 43 per cent of the vegangroup and 26 per cent of the ADA group reduced their diabetesmedications. Furthermore, the vegan group lost an average ofalmost a stone (13 pounds), compared with just over half a stone(9 pounds) in the ADA group.

Following these successes, diet effects were further studied(Barnard et al., 2009a) with type 2 diabetics on either a low-fatvegan diet or an ADA diet. Glycemic control improved more thanthreefold in the vegan compared to the ADA group. The reductionin triglycerides (fats in blood) in the vegan group was remarkableand cholesterol levels dropped by astonishing 20.4mg/dl incontrast to just 6.8mg/dl in the conventional group.

Another research group working with 2,875 volunteers foundthat a diet based mainly on plant foods protects against insulinresistance whilst refined grains, fatty foods, sweet baked foods,candy and sugary soft drinks promote insulin resistance (Liu etal., 2009).

Vegan diets were eventually endorsed by the ADA when in2010, their Clinical Practice Guidelines stated that plant-baseddiets have been shown to improve metabolic control in peoplewith diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2010).

Basic principles of the D-Diet Before switching to this new diet, diabetics should inform their doctorbecause glucose control and insulin sensitivity can improve relativelyquickly and there might be a need for medication adjustment.

1st Principle – No to all animal products By avoiding all meat, fish, dairy and eggs you’ll avoid substantialamounts of fat and your cholesterol intake will be zero. Evenwhite meat and fish contain surprising amounts of fat – around 40per cent of calories (Food Standards Agency, 2002).

All fish also come with a sizeable portion of cholesterol andsaturated fat (Barnard, 2007). Even low-fat dairy products containfat, mostly saturated.

Animal protein puts an additional strain on the kidneys and canharm them (Knight et al., 2003; Barclay et al., 2010). Plantproteins do not appear to cause this problem.

Unrefined plant foods are naturally high in fibre and complex

(starchy) carbohydrates, and low in fat - with the exception of oils, nutsand seeds. Animal products provide no fibre or healthy carbohydrates.

Avoiding certain foods is ultimately easier than attempting toreduce their intake (Trapp et al., 2010).

2nd Principle – Lower the fatEven though vegetable oils contain essential fatty acids, less saturatedfat and no cholesterol, they should still be kept to a minimum toreduce the amount of intracellular fats (Barnard, 2007).

Researchers compared the effects of a low-fat vegan diet with aconventional low-fat diet on type 2 diabetics (Nicholson et al.,1999). The vegan group had a 28 per cent reduction in glucoselevels whilst in the conventional group it was 12 per cent. Averageweight loss was 7.2 kg (1.1 stone) in the vegan group compared to3.8 kg (0.6 stone) in the conventional group. Medication wasreduced for all vegans but none in the conventional group.

3rd Principle – Keep a low GICarbohydrates that are digested quickly have a high GI;carbohydrates that break down more slowly, releasing glucosegradually into the bloodstream, have a low GI – and this is whatyou should be aiming for. (See the GI database

The D-Diet contains only foods from plant sources, a minimumof oils and is rich in food with a low glycemic index. The D-Dietis based on these food groups: whole grains, pulses, vegetables,fruit, and nuts and seeds.

Why and how it worksThe D-Diet works on many levels:1 It eliminates fats from your cells, improving cell metabolism. (A

review of studies on bariatric (gastric band) surgery (Andreelli etal., 2009) showed that type 2 diabetes can be reversed withindays of surgery by decreasing the availability of triglycerides, freefatty acids and fats – thus illustrating that reducing fat works.)

2 Reducing refined carbohydrates and fats and eliminating animalproducts reduces the risk of heart and circulation problems.

3 It helps kidneys as they can cope better with plant protein thananimal protein.

4 It reduces the likely damage to blood vessels by poor bloodsugar control (low GI foods prevent blood sugar from gettingtoo low or too high) and raised cholesterol levels.

5 The D-Diet produces weight-loss without portion restrictionand without leaving you hungry.

Vitamin B12There is a need for vitamin B12 supplementation either in the formof food supplements or enriched foods such as soya milk ormargarines – as there is for anyone over the age of 50. B12requirements may be higher in diabetics because the commonly takendrug, Metformin, can reduce its absorption (Diabetes UK, 2008).

Don’t worry, be healthyThe benefits of a well-planned vegetarian diet have beenconfirmed time and again. One of the latest reviews (Craig, 2010)confirms its suitability for everyone. Another recent review(Anderson et al., 2004) confirmed that nutritional therapy isessential for the successful treatment of diabetes.

A healthy diet to reverse or improve diabetes should be based on the following food groups:

No. of Servings Foods Healthy Portion Size To ProvideAt least 5 Fruits and Vegetables. Eaten preferably whole or Folate (folic acid),

in smoothies (juices have higher GI because Calcium, Vitamin A,they don’t contain fibre) Vitamin C, Fibre, Iron,Fresh fruit: 1 medium piece AntioxidantsDried fruit: 1½ tbsp Green or root vegetables: 3 tbsp Salad vegetables: 1 cereal bowl

3 or 4 Whole grains Energy, Fibre, B Vitamins,Wholegrain pasta, brown rice, oats, rye bread, grains Calcium, Iron, Proteinsuch as wheat, spelt, barley, millet, quinoa, etc. Cooked brown rice: 3 heaped tbsp Breakfast cereal: 25g or 1 regular sized cereal bowlCooked wholemeal pasta: 1 cup as side dish or 2 cups as

main dishWholemeal or rye bread: 2 slices

2 or 3 Pulses Protein, Energy, Fibre,Beans, lentils, soya, peas, chickpeas, tofu and Iron, Calcium, Otherlow-fat soya and bean products (burgers, sausages, Mineralsmock meat, yoghurts, etc.) ½ cup (cooked)

1 Nuts or seeds 1 tbsp Protein, Energy, Fibre, Calcium, Other Minerals, Vitamin E

Small amounts Margarine and vegetable oils. Flaxseed, hemp seed 1 tsp per portion Energy, Vitamins E (oils),or rapeseed oil, used cold; olive oil or rapeseed oil A & D (fortifiedfor cooking margarine), Omega-3 and

Omega-6 Fats (flaxseed, soya, walnut, hemp)

At least 1 B12 supplement or fortified foods such as: Vitamin B12fortified soya milk, fortified breakfast cereal, yeast extract (eg Marmite)

1-2 litre of water per day (eight glasses) should also be consumed as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Tea, especially herbal teas, countas water.If you are on medication, consult your doctor on how grapefruit might affect you.

The D-Diet: eat your diabetes away!

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American Diabetes Association: Standards of medical care in diabetes – 2010.Diabetes Care. 33 (Suppl. 1) S11-S61

Anderson, J.W., Randles, K.M., Kendall, C.W.C., Jenkins, D.J.A., 2004.Carbohydrate and fiber recommendations for individuals with diabetes: Aquantitative assessment and meta-analysis of the evidence. Journal of theAmerican College of Nutrition. 23 (1) 5-17

Andreelli, F., Amouyal, C., Magnan, C., Mithieux, G., 2009. What can bariatricsurgery teach us about the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes? Diabetes &Metabolism. 35 (6) 499-507

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Vaarala, O., Knip, M., Paronen, J., et al., 1999. Cow’s milk formula feedinginduces primary immunization to insulin in infants at genetic risk for type 1diabetes. Diabetes. 48 (7) 1389-94

Vang A., Singh P.N., Lee J.W., Haddad E.H. and Brinegar C.H., 2008. Meats,Processed Meats, Obesity, Weight Gain and Occurrence of Diabetes amongAdults: Findings from Adventist Health Studies. Annals of Nutrition andMetabolism. 52 (2) 96-104

WHO, 2005. Diabetes. [online] Available


VVF - Feeding you the FactsThis is one in a series of VVF factsheets. For details contact:

VVF, Top Suite, 8 York Court, Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8QH. Tel: 0117 970 5190. Email: [email protected] Web:

Summary• Around 400 UK citizens are diagnosed with diabetes every day.• Diabetes puts people at a considerable risk of heart disease, stroke,

eye problems, kidney disease, nerve damage and amputations.• Lifestyle plays an enormous role in increasing or decreasing the

risk of diabetes.

• Cow’s milk might be the main trigger in the development oftype 1 diabetes.

• Obesity is the main risk factor for type 2 diabetes.• Fat accumulation in body cells increases the risk of diabetes.• The vegan D-Diet is effective for both the treatment and

prevention of diabetes and protects against degenerative diseases.

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