
A. Definition of bacteria

Bacteria are the most numerous organisms and more widespread than that of other living

creatures. Have hundreds of thousands of species of bacteria that live on land and at sea to

places extreme. There are beneficial bacteria , but some are harmful . Bacteria have

characteristics that distinguish it from other living creatures . Bacteria are prokaryotic

organisms and uniselluler and generally do not have chlorophyll and microscopic size

( microscopic ) .

The characteristics of Bacteria

Bacteria have characteristics that membedakannnya with other living creatures , namely :

1 . organisms multiselluler

2 . Prokaryotes ( do not have a cell nucleus membrane )

3 . Generally do not have chlorophyll

4 . Has a body size that varies between 0.12 s / d hundreds of microns generally have an

average size of 1 s / d 5 microns .

5 . Having a diverse body shape

6 . Free-living or parasitic

7 . That live in extreme environments such as hot springs , crater or peat cell walls do not

contain peptidoglycan

8 . Whose lives cosmopolitan environment in various cell wall containing peptidoglycan

structure of bacteria

Bacterial structure is divided into two , namely :

1 . The basic structure ( owned by almost all types of bacteria )

Include: cell wall , plasma membrane , cytoplasm , ribosomes , DNA , and storage


2 . Additional structure ( owned by certain types of bacteria )

Includes capsules , flagelum , pilus , fimbria , klorosom , gas vacuoles and endospores .

The basic structure of the bacterial cell

structure - bakteri1

The basic structure of bacteria :

1 . Peptidoglycan cell wall is composed of a combination of proteins and

polysaccharides ( peptidoglycan thickness dividing bacteria into gram-positive bacteria

when peptidoglikannya thick and gram-negative bacteria when peptidoglikannya thin ) .

2 . Plasma membrane is the membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm composed of a

layer of phospholipids and proteins .

3 . The cytoplasm is the fluid cell .

4 . Ribosomes are organelles are dispersed in the cytoplasm , composed of protein and


5 . Storage granules , storing up food for the bacteria needed .



Additional structure of bacteria :

1 . Capsules or slime layer is a layer outside the cell wall of certain types of bacteria ,


thick layer called the capsule and when the thin lining called mucous layer . Capsules

and slime layer composed of polysaccharides and water .

2 . Flagelum or hair whip is a rod or spiral shaped structure protruding from the cell

wall .

3 . Pilus and fimbria is a structure shaped like tiny hairs protruding from the cell wall ,

similar to the pilus flagelum but shorter , stiffer and smaller diameter and are composed

of proteins and is only found in gram-negative bacteria . Fimbria is a type of the pilus

structure but shorter than the pilus .

4 . Klorosom is a structure that is located just below the plasma membrane and contain

the pigment chlorophyll and other pigments for photosynthesis . Klorosom only found

in bacteria that carry out photosynthesis .

5 . Gas vacuoles found in bacteria that live in water and photosynthesis .

6 . Form endospores is resting ( latent ) of several types of gram-positive bacteria and

bacterial cells formed in the if conditions are not favorable for bacterial life .

Endospores containing little cytoplasm , genetic material , and ribosomes . Endospores

thick walls composed of proteins and causing endospores are resistant to drought , light

radiation , high temperatures and chemicals . If the environmental conditions favorable

endospores will grow into new bacterial cells .

Forms of bacteria

The basic form of bacteria consists of a round shape ( cocci ) , rods ( bacilli ) , and

spiral ( spirilia ) and there is a shape between cocci and bacilli called kokobasil .

Many forms of bacteria :

1 . Bacteria cocci :



a. Monokokus

cocci in the form of a single bacterial cell

b . diplococci

ie two cocci bacteria cells huddle

c . Tetrakokus cocci bacterial cells are closely packed together four rectangular .

d . Sarkina ie eight cocci bacterial cells closely packed together to form a cube

e . Streptococci are more than four cocci bacteria cells closely packed together to form

a chain .

f . Stapilokokus ie more than four cocci bacterial cells closely packed together like


2 . Bacteria Basil :



a. Monobasil

ie a single bacillus bacterial cell

b . Diplobasil the form of two bacterial cells

basil huddle

c . Streptobasil that some bacterial cells closely packed together to form a chain basil

3 . Bacteria Spirilia :



a. Spiral cells that form a wavy

b . Spirochete that like screws cell shape

c . Vibrio is a form of punctuation such as commas cells

Bacteria Motion Tool

Tool motion in the form of bacterial flagellum is a whip or feather rod or spiral shaped

structure protruding from the cell wall . Flagellum allows bacteria to move toward

favorable environmental conditions and avoid adverse environments for life .

Flagellum has a number of different bacteria and different layout that is also

1 . Monotrik : if only amounted to one

2 . Lofotrik : when a lot of flagellum one side

3 . Amfitrik : when many on both ends of flagellum

4 . Peritrik : when spread across the bacterial cell surface

Factors Affecting Bacterial Growth

Growth on bacterial cell multiplication has a meaning and an increase in population

size .

Factors affecting the growth of bacteria or optimum conditions for growth are :

1 . temperature

2 . The degree of acidity or pH

3 . The concentration of salt

4 . sources of nutrients

5 . Metabolic waste substances

6 . chemicals

It varies according to the species of bacteria above .

How to proliferation of bacteria :

Bacteria generally reproduce or multiply asexually ( vegetative = not married ) by

dividing. Cell division in bacteria is binary fission which each cell divides into two .

Sexual reproduction in bacteria is to exchange genetic material with other bacteria .

Exchange of genetic material called genetic recombination or DNA recombination .

Genetic recombination can be done in three ways:

1 . Transformation is little transfer of genetic material , even a single gene from one

bacterial cell to another bacterial cell .



2 . Transduction is the transfer of genetic material into the bacterial cell -mediated

bacterial cell lainnnya other organisms are bacteriophage ( bacterial viruses ) .



3 . Conjugation is the transfer of genetic material such as plasmids directly through

contact with the cells form a structure like a bridge between two adjacent bacterial cells

. Generally occur in gram-negative bacteria .



role of bacteria

In human life has the role of bacteria beneficial or detrimental .

Beneficial bacteria are as follows :

1 . Decay ( decomposition of the remains of living organisms eg Escherichia Colie ) .

2 . Manufacture of fermented foods and beverages for example in the manufacture of

vinegar Acetobacter , Lactobacillus bulgaricus in yogurt manufacture , Acetobacter

xylinum in making nata de coco and Lactobacillus casei in cheese making yogurt .

3 . Play a role in the nitrogen cycle as nitrogen-fixing bacteria Rhizobium

leguminosarum are living in symbiosis with the roots of legumes and Azotobacter

chlorococcum .

4 . Soil fertility and Nitrosomonas example Nitrosococcus that play a role in the process

of nitrification produce nitrate ions needed by plants .

5 . Antibiotic -producing Bacillus polymyxa example is ( producing the antibiotic

polymyxin B for the treatment of gram-negative bacteria , Bacillus subtilis producing

antibioti for the treatment of gram-positive bacterial infections , antibiotic -producing

Streptomyces griseus streptomycin for the treatment of gram-negative bacteria ,

including the bacteria that cause tuberculosis and antibiotic -producing Streptomyces

rimosus terasiklin to various bacteria .

6 . Manufacture of chemicals as acetone and butanol by Clostridium acetobutylicum

7 . Role in the decomposition process so as garbage and manure produces methane

alternative energy in the form of biogas . For example methanobacterium

8 . Genetic engineering research in various bidang.sebagai example in the field of

medicine and pharmaceuticals produced useful chemical products that are synthesized

by bacteria, such as enzymes , vitamins and hormones .

Harmful bacteria as follows :

1 . Food spoilage example Clostridium botulinum

2 . The cause disease in humans eg Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( the cause of

tuberculosis ) , Vibrio cholerae ( cholera or cause vomiting ) , Clostridium tetani

( causes tetanus ) and Mycobacterium leprae ( leprosy causes )

3 . The cause of the disease in animals for example Bacilluc antrachis ( the cause of

anthrax disease in cattle )

4 . The cause of disease in crop plants eg Pseudomonas solanacearum ( causing disease

in tomato plants , capsicum , eggplant and tobacco ) and Agrobacterium tumafaciens

( cause tumors in plants )


There is no longer a disease ? No rotten food again ? Nothing stale milk anymore ?That's just

part of small effect that would occur if there were no bacteria in the earth

Take a look at other effects that would happen :

1 . There will be no vinegar , yogurt , and cheese Bacteria have an important role in the

process of making various kinds of food that is produced from the fermentation process .

This highly nutritious food that will not be made if there is no bacteria .

2 . Diabetes drugs will disappear

Insulin , or a hormone produced by the human body to reduce blood sugar levels in the

body is produced by the bacteria through the process of genetic recombination . Insulin

can be produced in bulk is one of the drugs for diabetics .

3 . Many plant-eating animals will become extinct

Termites and cows one example , they are one of the plant-eating , but actually they can

not digest what they eat in the absence of bacteria . Bacteria that live in the stomach they

are actually digesting the food . Hence newborn termites always licking anal mother in

order to get the bacteria

4 . Almost all plants around the world that will wither and eventually die

In the nitrogen cycle , bacteria is the only one who can bind the free nitrogen in the air into

ammonia and nitrate that can be used by plants . Plants are very dependent on the presence

of bacteria in the soil that will help them get a nitrogen source for plants can not use free

nitrogen in the air .

5 . There would be no life on earth

Yep , as a primary decomposer . Ketidadaan these creatures will cause big problems .

These bacteria normally connect the food chain as decomposers . They convert the waste

organic waste into nutrients and energy that could be used by manufacturers . If no

bacteria , then the earth will be filled with garbage that no one will be able parse them

back .

So far we have always assumed that it is the disease-causing bacteria are extremely dangerous.

Bacteria that can not be seen directly by the naked eye and can be easily approached us unnoticed.

Besides can cause disease , bacteria can also be utilized for our lives . Here are some of the benefits

of Beneficial Bacteria version .

1 . Beneficial Bacteria for maintaining environmental balance around us , for example, bacterial

decomposition . This type of bacteria can be utilized to describe the plants or animals that have

died , as well as the remains of organisms or dirt . Decomposing bacteria also break down

proteins , carbohydrates and other organic compounds into Carbondioksida , ammonia gas and

other compounds that are simple so that the bacteria can clean up the environment from waste .

Imagine if there is no bacteria that can break down the garbage , of course there will be many

problems in our environment .

2 . Beneficial bacteria to restore and regulate bowel of hard work , this type of bacteria is

Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacteria ( bifidus ) . These bacteria also can act as a poison

because it is able to disable eleminator toxic compounds such as nitrate produced by other

microorganisms and food , as the protector of the immune system (immune system ) because the

bacteria are able to stimulate the formation of antibodies that prevent excess growth of harmful

bacteria , prevent urinary tract infections , increasing the protection against pathogens , viruses

and bad bacteria , restore intestinal balance after antibiotics , chemotherapy , prevent gas

formation due to decomposition and fermentation .

3 . Types of Escherichia coli bacteria contribute to food spoilage , nitrogen fixing Rhizobium

Leguminosarum function , useful for the production of Lactobacillus bulgaricus Yogurt , Xilinum

Acetobacter useful for making nata de coco , Lactobacillus Casei useful for cheese manufacture ,

useful Methanobecterium manufacture and Streptomyces Griceus Biogas useful for the

manufacture of the antibiotic streptomycin .


2 .Based on how to obtain food , the bacteria can be classified into two Bacteria Bacteria

Heterotrophs ( Gaining Food ) groups, namely : In addition, there are Autotrophs

( Preparing Your Own Food ) . bacteria that can be sorted by how to get food , there is

also a classification of bacteria based on oxygen sources aerobic bacteria anaerobic

bacteria Ex : required in the process of respiration .

3 . These bacteria live in the human gut are also obtained food saprophyte bacteria that live in

the form of organic matter ( outlining the fibers on the environment because the food ) and

can not be compiled is beneficial bacterium Escherichia coli . organic substances derived

from the remains of other organisms .Its own organic substances needed . Bacteria which

obtain organic matter from garbage , dirt , carcasses and food scraps ( saprophyte

bacteria ) .

4 . In addition to heterotrophic bacteria that saprophyte , there are also parasitic ( harmful ) in

both humans , animals and plants . These bacteria cause illness ( pathogens ) .

5 . Autotrophs bacteria are bacteria that can compose their own nutrients from inorganic

substances that exist .From the source of the energy consumed , the bacteria autotrophs

( auto = itself , trophein = food ) can be divided into two categories , namely : Bacteria

Bacteria fotoautotrof Kemoautotrof.

6 . Kemoautrotof fotoautrotof ie kemoautrotof Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria utilizing bacteria

are bacteria that use chemical energy to light energy as obtained in the event of change of

inorganic substances overhaul of chemicals into organic matter through a complex

molecule into the molecular processes of photosynthesis . A simple example of this is by

releasing bacteria : bacterial hydrogen . Examples of these green bacteria , purple

bacteria . are : Nitrosomonas . Nitrosomonas can break into NH2 NH3 , water and energy

7. Bacteria kemoautrotof example . In a pimple roots of these plants are located where

Rhizobium bacteria . Bacteria pimple pimple Picture roots of legumes plantsthat live in

the roots live in symbiosis , and Legumoniase ( Nuts ) nodule grows due to the

stimulation of growth substances produced by the bacteria and can also fertilize the soil .

8 . Anaerobic bacteria , which bacteria are aerobic bacteria , which bacteria that do not use

oxygen -free using oxygen -free process in respirasinya process . Nitrosomonas

Nitrobacter .Nitrosococcus , Streptococcus lactis Example : Example : respirasinya .

9 . Loss Helps enrich the soil for the disease causing ( negative impact ) nitrates produce

living creatures, including humans ( bacterial parasite food parser with the rest of living

things rot decay / pathogen ) Fermentation Damaging food crops with that we had in the

manufacture assault and drinks Producing drugs such as parasites / harmful diseases

( bacterial Parse junk to Potential antibiotic unpleasant smell pathogens ) Making the

human body dirty produce energy decay or her activity Assist in the manufacture of a

substance - filled with bacteria that lead to body odor substances chemistry , etc.

10 . Raw Milk Products BakteriYoghurt Lactobacilus bulgaricusMentega Acid Bacteria

LaktatKeju Milk Milk Coconut Water Lactobacilus bulgaricusNata decoco Lactobacillus

Time caseikesuburan ground substance ( Organic Matter ) Nitrosomonas , ( forming

humus ) . Nitrosococcus , Nitrobacter and Acetobacter chroocumMetana

MetanobacteriumPertambangan Gas Materials Copper Gold Mine Thiobacillus


11 . • Prevention ( prophylaxis = preventive ) measures of prevention can be done by : 1 .

Keeping the environment clean ( keseharan environment ) .2 . Immunity ( giving

immunity by vaccinating / seedling disease has been disabled ) . • Examples of some

vaccines , among others : 1 . BCG vaccine ( Bacillus Calmet Guirine ) serves to prevent

disease TBC.2 . Vaccines DPTP ( Diphteri , Pertussis , Tetanus , Prophylaxis ) serves to

prevent diphtheria , whooping cough and tetanus.3 . TCD vaccine ( typhoid , cholera ,

Dysentri ) to prevent typhoid , cholera and dysentery .

12. When the bacteria have entered the human body and cause infection , then treatment with

road kill / prevent the proliferation of bacteria , using antibiotics , such as penicillin ,

baktrim .

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