Page 1: Deliberate overdosage among adolescents

Deliberate overdosage among adolescents

A retrospective study of 682 cases of deliberate self-poisoning showed that between 1974-1979 admissions rose in the 12-16 age group for females and in the 12-18 years age group for males. A peak female:male ratio of 6: 1 was evident at 14-15 years of age. Drugs most commonly taken were analgesics, antipyretics and psychotropics. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning accounted for 41.7% of the cases, while eNS drugs (mostly psychotherapeutic agents) accounted for 33.8% of the admissions. Self-poisoning with analgesics was prevalent among the younger female patients. Admissions because of self-poisoning had risen from 19.3 (in 1974) to 24.7 per 10,000 in 1979, Overall, in the 12-20 years age group, 4.7% of all hospital admissions was due to adverse effects of medicinal agents. Seasonal variation was slight with a small spring peak; a modest excess of Monday admissions was also evident. In view of the increasing numbers of self-poisoning, one should be wary when prescribing psychotherapeutic agents to teenagers. Neither reducing the availability of analgesics to prescription, nor warning notices on bottle labels seem to have had the desired effect. Prevention through counselling and other means of public education needs to be evaluated,

Hawcon. K. and Go/dacre, M.: Brilish Journal of Psychiatry 141: 166 (Aug 1982)

2 Reactions I Oct 1982 0157-7271182/100H)00210$01.00/O © ADISPr8SS

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