Page 1: Deliverable 6.2: Potential impacts of technological and

Project acronym: CREATE

Project title: Congestion Reduction in Europe - Advancing Transport Efficiency

Project website

Date of


29th May 2018

Start date of project: 1st June 2015 Duration: 36 months

Version: 1

Prepared by: Tom Cohen

Status: Final




Deliverable 6.2:

Potential impacts of technological

and other changes

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 7

1.1 Structure of this deliverable ...................................................................................................... 8

1.2 Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 8

1.2.1 Socio-technical system ...................................................................................................... 8

1.2.2 Technological determinism ................................................................................................ 8

1.2.3 Technological fatalism ....................................................................................................... 8

1.2.4 Anticipatory governance .................................................................................................... 8

1.2.5 Precautionary governance................................................................................................. 9

2 Fundamental technological changes ......................................................................................... 10

2.1 Ubiquitous computing.............................................................................................................. 10

2.2 Ubiquitous sensing.................................................................................................................. 10

2.3 Connectedness ....................................................................................................................... 10

2.4 Cognitive computing/artificial intelligence/machine learning .................................................. 11

2.5 Robotics & automation ............................................................................................................ 11

2.6 Advanced materials................................................................................................................. 11

2.7 How fundamental changes combine....................................................................................... 11

3 Transport technological advances............................................................................................. 14

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 14

3.2 Automated driving ................................................................................................................... 15

3.3 MaaS....................................................................................................................................... 17

3.4 UAVs – drones ........................................................................................................................ 18

3.5 Hyperloop................................................................................................................................ 20

3.6 Cargo sous terrain................................................................................................................... 21

3.7 Smart road pricing................................................................................................................... 22

3.8 Dynamic road management.................................................................................................... 23

4 Non-transport technological and other advances .................................................................... 26

4.1 Virtual presence & teleservices............................................................................................... 27

4.2 3D printing............................................................................................................................... 28

4.3 Blockchain............................................................................................................................... 30

4.4 New/evolving energy systems ................................................................................................ 31

4.5 The sharing economy.............................................................................................................. 33

5 Responding to technological change ........................................................................................ 36

5.1 The automated vehicle: enjoying the benefits and avoiding the costs ................................... 37

5.2 Virtual presence: possible effects on the transport sector ...................................................... 38

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6 Discussion and recommendations............................................................................................. 39

Recommendation 1: Set a well-defined transport/mobility vision for the city .................................... 39

Recommendation 2: Review the interventions available to your city for managing transport/mobility

........................................................................................................................................................... 39

Recommendation 3: Beware hype and policy entrepreneurs............................................................ 39

Recommendation 4: Investigate methodically what a given technological advance could contribute

to the achievement of your vision ...................................................................................................... 40

Recommendation 5: Consider experimental measures..................................................................... 40

7 References .................................................................................................................................... 41

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1 Introduction

The goals of CREATE’s Work Package 6 (Future Developments) were set out as follows in the grant


This work package looks beyond the current set of policies being implemented by Stage 3

cities, to consider future challenges and opportunities, with a focus on assisting cities where

projected rapid increases in population and employment (e.g. in Copenhagen and London) are

likely to lead to significant mobility densification and risk undermining the improvements in

network performance and reducing levels of car use that have been achieved in recent

decades. This aim is addressed through a set of four objectives and associated tasks.


1. Identify likely future population and employment trends and resulting pressures on city

transport networks

2. Assess the scope for advances in transport technologies and management strategies to

address these challenges

3. Assess the scope for harnessing non-transport technologies to change underlying

patterns of demand for mobility

4. Explore the nature of a future ‘Stage 4’ city and the set of policies that might be

implemented there.

This deliverable arises from two tasks within Work Package 6 (Future Developments) which align with

Objectives 2 and 3 above:

Assessing the scope for using advances in transport technology and management (Task 6.2); and

Scope for advances in non-transport technologies and changing underlying demand patterns

(Task 6.3).

In the CREATE grant agreement, two complementary deliverables were envisaged:

Potential contributions of advances in transport technologies and new management systems

(D6.2); and

Potential contributions of non-transport technologies and changes in social and business practices


As the project progressed, it became increasingly apparent that the overlap between the two was so

great as to justify combining them into a single deliverable. The principal reasons for this are that

“transport” and “non-transport” advances tend to arise from the same underlying changes (see Section

2) and that the questions of how to respond to them have the same set of answers. Having said that,

there are differences and, for this reason, they are presented in separate sections (3 and 4).

As will be seen, we look at both the positive (potential benefits) and the negative (potential harms)

arising from technological and other advances in the context of a broader survey of how to interact

with change.

This deliverable should be read in conjunction with D6.4 (“Deliverable 6.4: Developing strategy –

working with uncertainty) and an emerging ‘Stage 4’” which discusses, amongst other things, the

governance of change.

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1.1 Structure of this deliverable

This section concludes with a short glossary of terms relevant to the remainder of this deliverable.

Following that:

In Section 2, a range of fundamental changes (underlying more specific changes such as drones

or mobility as a service) is introduced and discussed;

In Section 3, after a brief discussion of the ways in which technological advances can affect the

transport policy maker, a set of a transport advances is examined;

An equivalent exercise is undertaken for a set of non-transport advances in Section 4;

Section 5 presents some practical considerations concerning the management of advances,

technological and otherwise; and

The deliverable concludes with a short discussion and a set of recommendations.

1.2 Glossary

A recurring theme in this deliverable (and, indeed, in this work package) is the relationship between

technology and society and the governance of this relationship. We present here definitions of a small

number of relevant terms, in order to support the discussion that follows.

1.2.1 Socio-technical system

The term “socio-technical system” derives originally from research into on coalmining practices in the

1950s (Trist and Bamforth, 1951). The term “socio-technical” refers to the interrelationship between

the technical and social aspects of society as a whole. Where transport is concerned, the overall term

“socio-technical system” reminds us that technology interacts with society and, therefore, that we must

be careful not to think about any technology as if it is separate from the society into which it may be

introduced. Instead, they shape each other over time.

1.2.2 Technological determinism

This term is attributed to Thorstein Veblen and describes the theory that society’s structure and values

are determined by its technology (Smith and Marx, 1994). Though widely discredited today, it is useful

to keep this theory in mind as we think about technological change. Much of the narrative concerning

automated vehicles, for example, suggests that change will be “one way” – that the technology will

arrive and that society will adapt to it.

1.2.3 Technological fatalism

This term is connected to, but distinct from, technological determinism. It describes the belief that

technological change is inevitable and that its impacts are beyond society’s control (Licker, 2001).

Again, this is an extreme position and one that is not widely held; but it deserves inclusion because

policy makers are sometimes guilty of adopting positions with respect to technology that could be

described as fatalistic. The idea that automated vehicles are coming and that we ought to prepare for

their arrival has a distinctly fatalistic tone.

1.2.4 Anticipatory governance

Though this term is not well defined (Guston, 2014), it describes the idea of catching a technology as it

is emerging and guiding its development (as far as possible) towards socially desirable outcomes.

Often cited as a positive example is the UK’s approach to human fertilisation and embryology, where a

carefully chosen regulatory path led to a situation in which the benefits of the technology are being

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enjoyed whilst the feared negative aspects have been largely controlled (Wilsdon and Willis, 2004). In

the case of transport technology, the idea could prove powerful in a sector that is not typically quick to

intervene: catching a technology early, before it has become embedded (cf socio-technical systems),

and establishing governance systems that enable society to enjoy its benefits.

1.2.5 Precautionary governance

This too is a term which lacks a single definition (Reber, 2018) but we shall use it here to describe an

approach to governance based on minimising the risk of harm. More specifically, in cases of

uncertainty (as is almost inevitable where new technology is emerging), a precautionary approach

implies avoiding situations where a risk has been identified of some harm occurring and choosing,

instead, interventions which keep this risk minimised. The significant point here is that precautionary

governance can lead to the loss of benefits because they would only have been available if a path had

been followed that implied some level of avoidable risk.

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2 Fundamental technological changes

Section 4 provides a series of examples of technological and associated advances that can be

expected to have a noticeable impact upon the transport sector. In this section, we discuss a set of

more fundamental technological changes that lie beneath the majority of the more specific changes

discussed in Section 4. The reason for doing this is to enable the transport policy maker to be

circumspect about the next “big thing”, by understanding where it is coming from. The impression

from the media can be that there is a constant stream of revolutionary developments. This is not

actually the case. Instead, a small number of fundamental shifts (as discussed in this section) are

enabling various developments (as described in Section 4) to occur. And, on closer inspection, these

are not necessarily the revolutions that they are painted; they are instead evolutions. A close study of

automated driving, for example, will remind us that experiments were being carried out as early as the

1940s and that cars have been gradually carrying out a growing proportion of the driving task for many

years. If automated vehicles are to prove revolutionary, this will be not because of the technology but

because of the way society chooses to adopt them.

The circumspection that this section is intended to help foster will help us to remain calm about

technological advances. It will also remind us that the impact of technological advance is to a great

extent a matter of choice.

Note that this section is not intended to provide (and indeed cannot provide) an exhaustive survey of

these topics and that some simplification has been necessary in order to cover the topics sufficiently


2.1 Ubiquitous computing

This term is sometimes used interchangeably with pervasive computing and the internet of things. We

prefer ubiquitous computing (UC) because, of the three, it seems to convey most accurately what it

describes – the increasing prevalence of computers in our world. Ever more objects contain

computers and ever more types of object contain computers, including items, such as fridges, that do

not obviously need to contain one.

People increasingly own not one but multiple computers – a laptop, a tablet, a mobile phone, a smart

TV – and also own various objects that contain computers – cars, fitness-monitoring devices etc. And

it is significant, from the perspective of transport, that people habitually carry at least one of these

computers around with them.

2.2 Ubiquitous sensing

Though not as established a concept as UC, we use ubiquitous sensing to convey a complementary

thought: that ever more objectives are gathering ever more data, be that images, sound,

temperatures, vibration, air composition etc. Much of the time, the object that collects data also

contains a computer that can process them but, if not, it will probably be able to transfer the data in

raw form and, failing that, store them for retrieval at a future time. One reason for the proliferation of

sensors is that they have become a great deal cheaper over time; another is that they have become

smaller such that it is easy to fit them into arbitrarily small packages. For instance, a typical mobile

phone will, apart from naturally having a microphone, also contain a camera, light meter,

accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity gauge, compass and barometer.

2.3 Connectedness

Not only do ever more objects contain computers and/or collect data, they are ever more connected

with each other, physically or through some form of electromagnetic waves (satellite signal, mobile

signal, radio, wifi, Bluetooth). The range of connections is widening as is the speed and reliability with

which data can be transferred. Thus, when we talk of “vehicle to vehicle” communication, we are

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describing an extremely rapid conversation between objects, whose relative speed could be quite

large. The current excitement about 5G reflects the considerable benefits that can be gained from

improved speed and accuracy of communication.

2.4 Cognitive computing/artificial intelligence/machine learning

This combination of terms glosses over distinctions which would be important to a computer scientist

but the general thrust here is that computers are becoming increasingly able to carry out tasks which

had previously been thought the sole domain of humans – recognition, interpretation, judgement,

learning. And it is for this reason that automated vehicles are now considered a much more realistic

prospect than before.

2.5 Robotics & automation

We have had automation in various forms for many decades – people unthinkingly ride in lifts because

this is a form of automation that works well. But the combined fields of robotics and automation have

been advancing such that the range of tasks that can be automated has been rapidly expanding. The

prospect that a drone might deliver a package relies on a vehicle flying by itself, adjusting its

movement to reflect the mass of the package, navigating around obstacles and arriving at a defined

destination to a required level of precision.

2.6 Advanced materials

Probably last to the party are materials, more invisible even than energy. They too are changing. A

simple example is the use of carbon fibre. It is being preferred to steel in bicycle manufacture

because it is lighter and stronger, and it is also being used in the manufacture of aircraft, where

aluminium previously dominated, for similar reasons. As its price falls, we can expect it to be more

extensively used in transport.

Potentially more exciting are carbon nanotubes which exhibit extremely high levels of strength given

their light weight. Their application in “macroscopic” items is at a very early stage but this is set to


2.7 How fundamental changes combine

It is useful now to think about how certain of these fundamental changes are combining to produce the

types of advance that are being widely discussed in the transport sector – automated vehicles, for

example – and beyond – 3D printing etc.

This is illustrated by Figure 1 and Figure 2 which connect fundamental changes to UAVs – drones and

teleservices, respectively.

UAVs – drones are made possible mainly through automation – the vehicles are able to carry out

the flying task based on code that determines how they should behave in a series of situations

and they are able to act because their extensive sensors provide data concerning their

surroundings. They can locate the right package and deliver it to the right destination thanks to

connectedness, which enables a “conversation” between the drone, its cargo and the drop point.

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Figure 1: UAVs – drones

Figure 2: Teleservices

Teleservices are enabled by the prevalence of computers that can capture and transmit images

and sound, and by connectedness which supports the movement of data between correspondents

in a speedy and reliable way. More advanced teleservices – telesurgery, for example – relies on

the widespread presence of sensors (that provide the surgeon with a range of accurate

information about the patient) and robotics (which enable the surgeon to carry out surgical

procedures remotely).

These characterisations are not definitive – a claim could be made that UAVs rely cognitive

computing, for example – but they help to demonstrate that a small number of fundamental shifts

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underpins the majority of the developments being discussed in the transport sector. In Sections 3 and

4, tables provide an equivalent set of linkages for each of the advances discussed.

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3 Transport technological advances

3.1 Introduction

We begin by spending a short time discussing some of the ways in which a given technological

advance may affect the “world” of the transport policy maker and/or city leader. This is set out in

Figure 3.

Figure 3: Transport impacts of technological change

One impact that naturally preoccupies policy makers is the possible change in behaviours or attitudes

amongst users of the transport network: they may travel more or less or in different ways or at different

times; and they may develop new expectations of the system. The complement of this impact area

relates to the network: a technological advance may alter its effective capacity, by enabling vehicles to

travel less far apart, say. The other impacts in the figure are closer to the policy maker’s home: the

technological change may provide new management tools. For example, increasing volumes of

detailed traffic data (arising from ubiquitous sensing and connectedness) provide transport managers

with an ever richer understanding of the network’s performance. The change may affect the likely

impact of intervention. For example, the effectiveness of messages asking drivers to follow a given

route has diminished as they have increasingly relied on proprietary navigation aids (connectedness,

ubiquitous computing) that plot an “optimal” route. And they may simply alter the transport manager’s

workload. For example, the rise of so-called ride-sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft

(ubiquitous computing, connectedness) has led to increases in traffic in many major cities.

In this section, we discuss a set of transport technological advances that either already are or are

predicted to start having an effect in the short- to medium-term. In each case, we address the



Current state of development

“Mature” state (and variants)




Alter behavioursand/or attitudes




Affect the likelyimpact of


Change effectivenetwork capacity

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Potential benefits

Potential harms



Public acceptability

Contingencies and interactions

Below, the table links the advances dealt with in this section with the fundamental advances

introduced in Section 2.

Table 1: Transport technological advances

Fundamental technological












































lsAutomated driving X X X X

MaaS X X

UAVs – drones X X X

Hyperloop X

Cargo sous terrain

Smart road pricing X X X

Dynamic road



3.2 Automated driving

Title Automation of the driving task (automated vehicles)

Description Various connected technologies designed to enable

vehicles to carry out the driving task with limited or zero

human intervention

Current state of


Numerous “controlled” trials taking place in various

countries including the USA, UK, France, Netherlands,

Sweden. These trials are controlled in terms of vehicle

speed, driving environment, level of automation being

tested, and extent of human involvement.

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“Mature” state

(and variants)

The “ultimate” form of automation is as described by SAE’s

Level 5 – no requirement for human engagement.

Level 4 (full automation within a limited spatial domain, e.g.

motorway) is also a plausible final stage.

It is currently envisaged that the technology would spread to

all forms of motorised, land-based transport:

private/collective, carrying persons/freight.

Major questions remain concerning level of automation, and

environments in which operation would be permitted.

Probability Level 4: extremely high

Level 5: high

These estimates reflect both the pace of the technology’s

development and the open enthusiasm for the technology

expressed by a very wide range of powerful stakeholders.

Timescale 2020-2030 for an operational, useful Level-5 system; 2025-

2060 for Level-5 automation to be commonplace

Potential benefits Safety; accessibility; network capacity; reduced journey

time; productive use of travel time

Potential harms Deteriorating public health; intensifying mobility; sprawl;

social fragmentation and/or polarisation; loss of employment

Significance Very large

Governability High: national and urban governments can control the types

of technologies permitted, can limit their operation spatially

and temporally and can stipulate that particular groups

should benefit from automation. But this requires early

engagement (because it would be very hard to impose

constraints in retrospect) and courage (because the

pressure to embrace the technology is fierce).



Currently unclear. Evidence to date is inconclusive and

appears unreliable. A better picture is likely to emerge in

the next two years (approximately).

Contingencies and


To be a useful technology in urban areas, it relies on

segregation from other road users and/or social acceptance

that collisions with other vehicle/road user types will occur.

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There is a presumption that such vehicles will be

electrically powered (though this is not essential to the

technology); hence widespread predictions of improved air


Various researchers advocate a shared-ownership model,

arguing that this is essential if the technology’s promised

benefits are to be enjoyed. At the extreme, low-capacity

instances of the technology may be constrained to operate

as a first/last mile option, with collective mass transit

catering for trunk sections of journeys.

3.3 MaaS

Title Mobility as a service (MaaS)

Description The move towards increasingly “seamless” multi-stage

journeys through integrated planning, payment and delivery

Current state of


Elementary MaaS is well established in the form of multi-

modal journey planners such as Citymapper and cross-

platform smartcards for payment. Recent developments

include a blockchain protocol1 to support ready exchange of

service request amongst providers.

“Mature” state

(and variants)

The idealised version of MaaS will involve travellers being

offered a tailored, door-to-door journey that best matches

their needs and preferences, with payment made to a single

provider, any interchange taking place smoothly, and

adjustments made automatically in response to any incident.

MaaS may mature at a point between the status quo and

this idealised version.

Probability Idealised version: High

Timescale 2020-2025

Potential benefits Sustainability (as collective transport is made more

attractive and travel consumes less energy in aggregate)


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Potential harms Reducing physical activity (as MaaS provides attractive

door-to-door, motorised options for certain trips that might

otherwise have involved a walk stage)

Significance Medium

Governability Medium: city governments can lead the way by initiating

MaaS and creating the structure into which third parties are

invited. Otherwise, this is likely to be market-led; it is not

clear that this will deliver outcomes that are as socially




High – MaaS is perceived as optional and unthreatening. If

a given provider became dominant and began to charge

accordingly, this may change public attitudes.

Contingencies and


MaaS is conceived as embracing formal and informal

collective transport, shared transport (such as car clubs and

bike-hire schemes and, in some formulations, private

motorised transport. Its ultimate form in a given location will

reflect the status of those various components and the

willingness of the providers to collaborate.

3.4 UAVs – drones

Title Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – “drones” – for transport2

Description Transport of goods and individuals by automated aircraft

Current state of


Extensive trials and some commitments to operation (e.g.


“Mature” state

(and variants)

Schemes such as Uber’s Elevate present the service as

being equivalent to a taxi running on the road but with the

advantage of “leaping over” traffic. Amazon’s Prime Air

indicates it will deliver parcels to customers in nominated

drop zones. There is at present considerable doubt what

civil aviation authorities will allow in terms of flight paths.

Probability Very high

2 Drones are already being used extensively in civil applications (such as surveying) and for military purposes. Transport

bodies may derive value from using drones to monitor the status of infrastructure that they manage.

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Timescale Next five years

Potential benefits UAVs could offer safety benefits in enabling the urgent

movement of individuals in peril who cannot be reached by

more conventional means.

Potential harms UAVs are possible targets for hacking and have already

been involved in numerous near misses with larger aircraft.

If extensively used without effective decarbonisation of the

powertrain, they can be expected to have a negative

environmental effect. There are also concerns about visual

intrusion, noise and privacy. And if, as predicted, passenger

travel by drone remains the preserve of wealthy elites, the

benefits they enjoy in circumventing traffic congestion will

exacerbate inequalities of accessibility.

Significance Medium – likely to remain at most marginal compared with

surface transport.

Governability Medium – jurisdictions can stipulate in some detail what is

and is not permitted but authorities are currently struggling

with creating successful governance methods3.



Probably high at first as the potential personal benefits (of

obtaining a parcel very quickly, for example) are perceived.

This may change quickly if drones are found to be a

nuisance and very quickly in the event of injury resulting

from technical fault or crash.

Contingencies and


Drones need to plan and execute their routes successfully,

managing any conflicts en route. The technology required

is not dissimilar to that of automated (road) vehicles but

much less attention has so far been given to whether the

aircraft can be relied upon to avoid collisions.

“Drops” also require a suitable landing site (or the means to

parachute) and this remains a matter of debate.

3 Examples are the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s “drone code” ( and the European Aviation

Safety Agency (EASA)’s drone proposal

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3.5 Hyperloop

Title Hyperloop

Description High-speed transport of people and goods in capsules

travelling through vacuum tubes, using magnetic levitation

Current state of


Prototype is under construction in USA and various

jurisdictions (e.g. Dubai) have formally contracted for its


“Mature” state

(and variants)

The top speed is predicted to be 670mph

Probability The probability that the technology will achieve what is

predicted is high; whether the model will prove economic is

less clear (medium).

Timescale Virgin Hyperloop One (the company leading development of

the technology) states that its goal is to have operational

systems by 2021. A more conservative estimate would

suggest 2025-28 for the completion of a viable intercity


Potential benefits Sustainability (diversion from air travel); economic growth

(but also a source of potential harm)

Potential harms Sustainability (environmental impact of construction and

operation); economic loss arising from increased

accessibility of rival centres

Significance Low – not expected to affect urban travel to a great extent

Governability High – construction will require planning permission and

operation can be subject to regulation



Not known – considerable media attention has prompted

interest but the technology’s true acceptability will only

become clear when the consequences of its construction

and operation in urban areas are understood by citizens and

other stakeholders

Contingencies and


If placed in tunnel, Hyperloop need not cause significant

difficulty but the “stations” would still require land at ground

level. Installations on columns would of course be a cause

of at least visual intrusion. The impact of Hyperloop on the

transport market is more complex: it could be expected to

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disrupt the conventional rail and aviation markets, subject to

its cost and capacity. Its affordability to potential travellers

is an open question.

3.6 Cargo sous terrain

Title Underground cargo (Cargo sous terrain)

Description A network of tunnels through which freight travels on

automated vehicles which ascend to/descend from the

surface on escalators

Current state of


A Swiss consortium is raising money and seeking the

necessary permissions

“Mature” state

(and variants)

The scheme sponsors envisage a network of tunnels

beneath and between cities, with freight on pallets/in

containers travelling on conveyor belt-type tracks by

electromagnetic induction at between 30 and 60 km/h.

Probability Medium – scheme cost is high and the initiative will very

likely need to be funded by the private sector which may not

feel the potential return is secure or quick enough.

Timescale The consortium hopes to begin construction in 2023 and

complete its first tunnel by 2030

Potential benefits Such a system could reduce the volume and size of freight

vehicles on road with smaller vehicles fulfilling the

access/egress trips. This could bring air-quality

improvements, reduce carbon emissions, enhance road

safety and release highway capacity.

Potential harms The scheme (if implemented) would require a series of

“stations” at surface level which would need to be in central

locations in order for the benefits to come about. High

levels of traffic could be expected in their vicinity.

Significance Low-medium – a dense network of tunnels could promote a

significant movement of freight away from road; a single

tunnel might produce an effect at the corridor level.

Governability High – most states have close restrictions on tunnelling.



High (at first) – citizens are unlikely to perceive a problem if

they are not negatively affected by construction, the

“stations” or associated traffic.

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Contingencies and


The capacity to put tunnels under a city will depend on

topography, soil and what is already present. As with all

developments that may cause reductions in demand on the

surface road network there is a risk of a rebound effect.

3.7 Smart road pricing

Title “Smart” road pricing (SRP)

Description A system of road pricing that is dynamic and allows

authorities to levy charges that differ spatially, temporally

and by vehicle type in order to achieve specific policy


Current state of


The technology to support SRP is generally agreed to exist

and, in particular, GNSS-based pricing (where vehicles are

charged for the distance driven) has been successfully

trialled. But political difficulties have prevented its

implementation. One obstacle is that it is almost inevitable

that vehicles would need to be fitted with a tracking device

in order for such a scheme to work.

“Mature” state

(and variants)

The mature form of SRP has vehicles charged dynamically

to reflect the presence of congestion and other undesirable

transport impacts such as air pollution in such a way that a

defined optimum is achieved. It is generally accepted that

such a system would be “fiscally neutral”, in that

government would not accumulate more revenue than

under the pre-scheme arrangements; this would be

achieved by scrapping flat taxes such as vehicle excise duty

and its equivalents.

Probability Medium – the advent of automated vehicles (AVs) provides

a natural opportunity for governments to circumvent the

public and political opposition to the installation of tracking

devices because AVs are bound to carry such equipment as

standard. At a certain point, their installation in manual

vehicles could be made compulsory on equity grounds. But

the history of road pricing is chequered and fully automated

vehicles are not an immediate prospect.

Timescale The technology is available now; meaningful implementation

is probably a minimum of ten years away.

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Potential benefits SRP would, in principle, enable governments (city, state and

other) to pursue a wide range of policy objectives relating to

congestion, road safety, air pollution, accessibility and

transport sustainability in general.

Potential harms The principal objection to road pricing is that it is regressive

(i.e. that is has a larger relative impact on poorer people)

though SRP could conceivably be configured using means

testing to avoid this.

There is a small chance that cities implementing SRP would

lose out economically to those that did not adopt such a

system but this, again, could be actively managed through

the scheme’s design.

Significance High – SRP could provide cities with a high level of control

over the operation and impact of their transport systems.

Governability Low/high – authorities could have control over any SRP

scheme but the problem remains that, up to now, road

pricing has proved consistently unpopular with citizens and

other stakeholders.



Low – market research suggests that citizens would tolerate

a fiscally neutral scheme but all attempts to implement road

pricing, however equitably structured, have excited strong


Contingencies and


See remarks above concerning the advent of automated


SRP could interact with a range of other transport policy

measures and in fact is likeliest to be publicly acceptable if

pricing income is recycled into other transport services.

3.8 Dynamic road management

Title Dynamic road management (DRM)

Description A suite of tools that exploit the prevalence of sensors,

ubiquitous computing and increasingly flexible materials to

enable transport managers to change dynamically the

characteristics of the road and to communicate with users


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Current state of


Some types of DRM – the tidal-flow lane and speed-

activated road signs, for example – have existed for

decades. New options are arising on an ongoing basis –

dynamic road markings are a relatively new possibility,

allowing managers to turn parking “on and off”, for example.

The most recent technological advances have only been

used to a limited extent.

“Mature” state

(and variants)

In principle, DRM could evolve to the point where the only

fixed items would be the area delimited as highway and

immovable items such as tram tracks, lighting columns and

power cables. In practice, kerb-lines will remain for the

foreseeable future but, beyond this, the road-space could be

effectively flexible.

It is possible that the take-up of the technology will stop

short of this maximal position, with road managers using it in

a spatially specific way or to achieve particular goals.

Probability High

Timescale From now onwards

Potential benefits Effective use of DRM has the potential to make use of the

highway more efficient and to increase its effective capacity.

It could contribute to the vitality of urban centres (by

promoting a liveable atmosphere) and could help to manage

bugbears such as illegal parking and urban congestion.

Potential harms DRM needs to be implemented with sufficient care to ensure

that road users are not confused by changes to

configuration of the highway.

The effect of DRM could be to reduce the effective cost of

private motorised travel, thus prompting a rebound effect in

the form of additional driving

Significance Low – unless taken up very extensively, DRM can be

expected to have a positive impact in targeted areas.

Governability High – authorities tend to control most aspects of the public




Medium – citizens are likely to be comfortable with the idea

of DRM (and they have accepted such forms of it as are

already in use); their support is not guaranteed where it is

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used to address behaviours (such as illegal parking) in

which they indulge.

Contingencies and


The scope of DRM will widen as highway materials become

increasingly capable of showing dynamic laning. The

gradual renewal of road surfaces over time will allow the

technology to be rolled out across authorities’ networks. As

vehicles are increasingly fitted with tracking devices, it will

become possible to communicate with drivers, providing

them with individualised advice (on obtaining a parking

space, say).

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4 Non-transport technological and other advances

In this section, we turn to advances (technological and other) that are taking place or expected to take

place outside the transport sector but which are expected to have some impact on that sector. As with

Section 3, we address the following:


Current state of development

“Mature” state (and variants)



Potential benefits

Potential harms



Public acceptability

Contingencies and interactions

Below, the table links the advances dealt with in this section with the fundamental advances

introduced in Section 2.

Table 2: Non-transport advances

Fundamental technological











































Virtual presence &



3D printing X X

Blockchain X X X

New/evolving energy



The sharing economy X X

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4.1 Virtual presence & teleservices

Title Virtual presence & teleservices

Description A range of connected technologies making audio-visual

communication increasingly authentic; the parallel

distribution of services (e.g. health) via electronic

information and telecommunication technologies

Current state of


Skype and its equivalents are increasingly used but their

deficiencies are well understood. Video-based health

consultation is well established in some jurisdictions; more

sophisticated interventions such as remote surgery, despite

having passed “proof of concept”, are less well advanced

“Mature” state

(and variants)

In their mature state, the experience for the person

interacting with others or receiving a service

indistinguishable from that of being in the same location as

the service provider. Variants are simply versions based on

slightly less reliable communication or less convincing


Probability Teleservices are already taking place widely, where the

communications technology support them and there is a

business case. The probability that they will gradually

improve is high though whether they will ever be “as good

as being there” is doubtful. An increasing range of remote

activities will become possible as technology advances;

whether the activities will be extensively practised will

depend on savings that can made against in-person


Timescale Now onwards

Potential benefits In principle, virtual presence and teleservices enable the

avoidance of travel. And, as the technology develops, the

number of trips made unnecessary can be expected to rise.

This may free up space on the network, and could also

improve air quality and reduce carbon emissions.

Teleservices also have the potential to address disparities of

accessibility (resulting from mobility difficulties, remoteness

or both) by preventing affected individuals from having to

make difficult journeys.

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Potential harms There is a chance of social isolation as people obtain an

increasing quantity of “what they want” remotely. Space

freed on the transport network could lead to a rebound

effect, with greater travel of other kinds expanding to fill the

perceived gap.

The “digital divide” could create an underclass of individuals

who are either unable or unwilling to use this technology

and who will receive an inferior service as a result.

Significance Low/medium – the possibility that trips made unnecessary

by virtual presence & teleservices will be replaced by other

journeys suggests only a slight net decrease in use of the

transport network. If teleservices are designed on principles

of social equity, explicitly to assist those in greatest need,

this will make the impact greater.

Governability Low – the technology enabling virtual presence is not being

led by government; most teleservices are planned/delivered

outside the transport sector.



High – the proportion of transactions that people are happy

to conduct on-line and the extensive use of Skype and

equivalents suggests that people are comfortable with the

teleservice concept.

Contingencies and


Teleservices depend for their feasibility on high-quality

communications and the necessary equipment at both ends

of the chain. They also depend for their viability on having a

business case.

4.2 3D printing

Title 3D (additive) printing

Description The creation of solid items through the deposit of

successive layers of material, thereby circumventing

traditional production processes and enabling small volumes

to be produced at minimal notice

Current state of


The technology is well advanced but its adoption is at an

early stage – 3D printers are owned by a small number of

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specialist manufactures. A wide range of items can be

manufactured – metal, resin, plastic4

“Mature” state

(and variants)

One scenario has 3D printers extremely widely distributed –

including in private homes – and printing becoming the

standard way in which most items are created; a more

modest model has 3D printing remaining in the business

sector, used for manufacturing in circumstances where it

offers a cost saving over conventional methods. In

particular, spare parts would be printed to order as part of

the repair process.

Probability High (remaining in the business sector); low (full societal


Timescale Ten years (business sector)

Potential benefits The logistics market may be revolutionised by this

development, with far less movement of goods and, instead,

the transport of “feedstock” (raw materials used by the

printers), meaning a considerable reduction in freight

movements; the service sector may also see major change

with the number of journeys reducing as spare parts can be

printed to order.

Potential harms The removal of many “trunk haul” trips may be

counterbalanced somewhat by a growth in short trips with

small loads; the aggregate effect on the transport network is

hard to foresee.

The transport sector may experience a significant

adjustment in response to the above: logistics firms may

need to downsize; personal travel may reduce or alter as

fewer shopping trips are necessary.

Significance Medium

Governability Low – transport authorities have little leverage over the

development or adoption of the technology.



High – citizens will see benefits and few costs to


Contingencies and


The extent to which 3D printing affects transport and other

sectors will depend on various factors including the supply

4 There is also the possibility that living tissue will be manipulated using 3D printing.

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of feedstock from which items are made. The variety of

feedstock and the means by which it is transported will both

help to determine the ultimate impact of this technology on

transport systems.

4.3 Blockchain

Title Blockchain

Description An anonymised ledger (“distributed database”) system

which enables multiple actors to collaborate in the provision

of a service

Current state of


Early – various protocols have been created but the current

narrative speaks of the potential of blockchain once it has

become established

“Mature” state

(and variants)

Its mature form will have providers contributing to a

collective activity (transporting goods or an individual, say)

with minimal negotiation or oversight.

Probability Medium/high – there is confidence that the technology is

feasible and that it could prove valuable; at this stage, it is

not clear whether it will be taken up with enthusiasm by the

transport-delivery sector.

Timescale Next five years to become a viable tool; a further ten years

to realise its potential

Potential benefits Advocates of blockchain claim that it will make transport

transactions quicker, cheaper and more efficient. The user

will, it is argued, benefit from a more seamless process of

arranging travel and from adjustments being made

automatically in real time to overcome hitches (such as one

provider not fulfilling its promise). This is claimed also to be

true of the logistics sector, which may see savings in cost

and efficiency.

Blockchain may, in addition, widen the range of components

for a journey, by bringing, for example, unused private cars

into the choice set.

Potential harms Concerns have been raised about the possible abuse of

blockchain through collusion to keep prices high. Despite

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confidence on the part of blockchain advocates, some are

concerned about data security.

Significance Low/medium – if taken up on a large scale by the transport

sector, blockchain could have a considerable impact on the

nature and cost of transport services and the means by

which they are organised.

Governability High – authorities can use regulation to control the

development of blockchain and its nature.



Unknown – the technology is as yet unproven. But recent

experience of citizens’ willingness to share data suggest

that blockchain would be accepted if it was seen to offer

personal benefits.

Contingencies and


To achieve its potential, blockchain will depend on the

transport sector using it consistently. If multiple protocols

coexist, this is not likely to prove efficient, which suggests a

role for governments in fostering a unified approach. The

technology also relies on acceptance of crypto-currency as

a payment mechanism.

4.4 New/evolving energy systems

Title New/evolving energy systems

Description A set of developments that enable transport to be

increasingly powered without use of fossil fuels or with

reduced local air pollution

Current state of


Electric vehicles are commonplace and the batteries are

becoming lighter, developing higher capacities and can be

charged more quickly; the cost of electric vehicles is

gradually falling (though they remain substantially more

expensive than ICE vehicles for now).

Hydrogen is gaining ground as a viable energy source

(either combusted or within a fuel cell) though hydrogen-

using vehicles remain expensive.

“Mature” state

(and variants)

The “ideal” scenario involves the disappearance of vehicles

running on fossil fuels, replaced by battery-electric, mains

electric and/or hydrogen, all achieved on a low-carbon

basis. A role would also be played by wind and solar power.

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Over the coming fifty years, it is likelier that the proportion of

the fleet will continue to run on hydrocarbons, though this

proportion will gradually diminish.

Probability High – the technology is developing well and current

government anti-diesel policy will provide additional


Timescale 2050 (“ideal” scenario, if it transpires)

Potential benefits The removal of locally-burnt fossil fuels from the transport

sector (or their very significant reduction) promises

improved local air quality and (to a lesser extent) reduced

transport noise. If the powertrain is genuinely decarbonised

(see contingencies and interactions), an additional benefit is

reduced carbon emissions.

Knock-on benefits could include growth in walking and

cycling in response to improved local environments (all else

being equal).

Potential harms If it becomes cheaper to drive a non-fossil fuelled vehicle,

an increase in mobility can be expected with consequent

congestion impacts (assuming mode choice and vehicle

occupancy remain similar to current levels).

Significance High

Governability High – authorities can do much to guide this process

through regulation and pricing



Medium/high – cars such as the Tesla Model X and

Renault Twizy have helped to make electric cars palatable

to those who might otherwise see them as a pale shadow of

ICE vehicles. Improving local air quality, meanwhile, is

presently a topic of great societal concern.

Contingencies and


Road freight will be the last part of the transport sector to

convert to electricity because of the high power that it

demands, though vehicles are emerging in this category.

The major question relating to changes in the transport

powertrain is how much they actually reduce carbon

emissions. The bulk of electricity is still generated from

fossil fuels, for example, and the cheapest way of

generating hydrogen is from natural gas.

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These concerns are compounded by the fact that batteries

are made using rare earths, some of them extracted in

controversial conditions. Alongside the moral concerns that

this excites are questions of energy security: what if a

crucial battery component becomes unavailable because of

geo-political changes?

An additional factor is the oil and gas lobby which remains

powerful and is counteracting government pressure to


4.5 The sharing economy

Title The sharing economy

Description An umbrella term for a range of practices:

1. The paid non-overlapping use by qualifyingconsumers of facilities owned by a third party (e.g. acar club)

2. The paid overlapping use by qualifying consumers offacilities owned by a third party (e.g. a proprietaryminibus)

3. Payment to the owner of facilities for sharing theiruse whilst the owner also uses them (e.g. car-sharing/pooling)

4. Payment to the owner of facilities for sharing theiruse whilst the owner is not using them (e.g. parkingspace rental)

Thus the term “sharing economy” actually describes a

variety of economic and social phenomena, some of which

are more novel than others (Definition 2 being little more

than a “club” version of collective transport).

We note that these definitions all imply payment for services

rendered; true sharing suggests the absence of a financial

transaction (e.g. Streetbank) though this is not being

seriously discussed in transport circles.

Current state of


All of the above mechanisms are well developed in

technological terms; their uptake varies significantly though,

reflecting levels of understanding, issues of trust and

convenience, and social norms.

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“Mature” state

(and variants)

A widely discussed scenario relating to automated vehicles

has us renting “pods” on a per-trip basis, at least in urban

centres. This is equivalent to Definition 1 above. It

assumes a profound change in societal attitudes to

ownership, given that the overwhelming majority of private

car use currently takes place in vehicles to which the user

has exclusive access.

A more realistic, medium-term scenario involves a

considerable increase in sharing compared with today but

with the owner-user model remaining dominant.

Probability High (realistic, medium-term scenario)

Timescale 2030

Potential benefits Non overlapping sharing of cars, for example, could free up

road space occupied by unused vehicles and may

accelerate the renewal of the fleet (as a result of more

intensive use), which would bring through manufacturing

advances more quickly; it does not offer any definite

benefits in terms of congestion or environmental impacts

and in fact could exacerbate matters if people transfer from

collective transport to a car club or equivalent.

Sharing that results in increased simultaneous, collective

use of the transport system (e.g. car-sharing or -pooling)

achieves efficiency savings on the network, in terms of use

of both network capacity and energy.

Potential harms Though transport authorities may not consider this a cause

for concern, sharing that results in high-occupancy,

intensive use of vehicles is likely to affect manufacturers


Significance Medium – the significance depends on the balance across

models of sharing. High-occupancy, high-intensity use of

vehicles could make a very significant impact on cities.

Governability Medium – authorities can use pricing and regulation to

make the various forms of sharing more or less attractive.

For example, by giving preferential parking rights to car-club

cars, they immediately increase the appeal of this form of




Medium/high – provided they are able to choose whether

or not they share, citizens seem increasingly happy to do

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so, though there is a pronounced preference for

asynchronous sharing (with some evidence that younger

people remain relaxed about synchronous sharing).

Contingencies and


As indicated above, the types and extents of sharing will be

a function of the offer – whether the shared option is

preferable to one consumed conventionally.

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5 Responding to technological change

A perennial part of the narrative in transport has been the imminent arrival of new forms of transport,

be that the personal jetpack or a teleportation system. What is different now is the seriousness with

which prospects such as drone-based personal transport and automated vehicles are being taken.

There is a broad belief that these technologies are really coming rather than the stuff of science fiction.

And this alters the discussion about transport strategy, which used to be developed with the

assumption that the available modes of transport would stay broadly the same. Nor is the change

limited to the transport sector: developments such as 3D (additive) printing and virtual presence

appear likely to change trip patterns too.

All of this adds to the existing anxiety about the future discussed above. When developing strategy is

concerned, these technological changes can induce a feeling of powerlessness in cities: “we can’t

stop the arrival of automated vehicles so we had better simply prepare for them” (as discussed in the

glossary). And this is made more complicated by the enthusiasm often expressed for new technology,

as neatly described by the term “hype cycle” (see Figure 4, from Gartner (2016), which places

“autonomous cars” very close to the peak of the hype cycle for emerging technologies, as of 2016).

Figure 4: Hype cycle (from Gartner 2016)

Associated with the hype cycle is the role of policy entrepreneurs (Kingdon, 2013): just as technology

is not neutral, nor are those discussing it. And many of those involved in the debate concerning

technological development have a vested interest in its going a particular way. Policy makers will do

well if they manage to find advisers who do not have their own agendas.

The general point to make is that most technological changes will pose some challenges and offer

some opportunities. And the message of CREATE with respect to technological change is simple:

Remain calm and think clearly

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Ask how a given technological advance may assist or obstruct you in achieving your vision

Consider which policies can help you to get the best out of this technology

We now explore this with two practical examples: automated vehicles and virtual presence.

5.1 The automated vehicle: enjoying the benefits and avoiding thecosts

Big claims are made for automated vehicles (AVs): they will dramatically reduce road traffic collisions;

they will increase the effective capacity of the highway; they will liberate time currently spent

unproductively at the wheel; they will enable people who currently cannot travel to enjoy fuller lives;

and so on.

All of these things may be true. But equally negative predictions are also made: AVs will worsen our

public health by providing door-to-door motorised transport; they will lead to sprawl as people choose

to live further from the centre because journey time is no longer seen as wasted; they will cause a

return to a car-dominated world as the demand for speed is met by surrounding roads with guard-

railing; they will lead to social isolation and the death of the city as we all spend our time secluded in

moving capsules; and so on.

Of course, we cannot know at present which of these caricatures is more accurate. But we can and

do know that uncritically welcoming automated vehicles onto our roads would largely remove our

control over which future emerges. And, as the development of the car (“horseless carriage”) shows

us, it is far from straightforward to turn back time once a technology has become embedded.

So we remain calm and we think clearly. And we note that, if we wish to enjoy some of the promised

benefits of AVs, we need first to prevent their excessive use and second to guarantee their availability

to those who would have most to gain from them, such as people with disabilities who are unable to


We consider a range of policy measures:

Procuring a fleet of AVs to be run under the city’s jurisdiction, providing transport to a defined

group who cannot either drive or use conventional public transport

Stipulating that AVs should operate on a first/last mile basis in conjunction with high-capacity

collective transport

Preventing private ownership of AVs

Prohibiting empty running of AVs beyond a threshold minimal distance

Using road pricing to regulate the use of AVs (and, perhaps, other motorised private transport)

Tightening land-use planning regulations to promote the maintenance of minimum densities,

transit-oriented development etc

These alternatives vary in their likely impacts and their technical/political feasibility; they also would be

used at different stages in the development and spread of the technology. But the point to emphasise

is that it is possible even at this early stage in the AV story to conceive of government interventions

that might be expected to influence this technological advance in a positive way. It is also possible to

identify those which seem relevant to multiple future AV scenarios. This practice of planning public

interventions in advance of the challenges they may be needed to manage would be a case of

anticipatory governance (see glossary).

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5.2 Virtual presence: possible effects on the transport sector

Over time, humans have gradually increased the extent to which they have been able to interact

remotely with their environments and each other. A major leap forward came with the telephone

which enabled synchronous, voice-based communication in real time. The arrival of various types of

video-conferencing has introduced a visual aspect to this form of communication, thus broadening its

application. And the next step, we are told, is virtual presence, with various immersive technologies

vying to create the compelling sense that we really are somewhere else. Seeing from afar has already

brought significant safety benefits, with drones now being used to investigate and inspect facilities in

locations that would pose a threat to human operators. But what has been and will be the more

general impact on travel?

We note that this is a different challenge from automated vehicles discussed above. First, we do not

expect virtual presence to pose any direct challenges to the operation of the transport network.

Second, because it is not a transport technology, per se, those in charge of transport may feel (and

may be) removed from any governance required. But transport policy makers are well used to having

to deal with the transport consequences of non-transport developments – urbanisation, industrial

reform, growing personal wealth, etc. So the need here is to think through the possible behavioural

consequences of virtual presence and, from there, the specific transport impacts.

Might virtual presence increase movement? It might, by fostering new connections between people

that are then reinforced by face-to-face meetings. But the more common prediction is that it can

reduce travel as it makes a variety of journeys less necessary by providing an acceptable alternative

to face-to-face contact. As with automated vehicles, we cannot know. But we do know that virtual

presence could alter the volume of travel and we could make some educated conjectures concerning

the types of travel most likely to be affected (e.g. business trips). We discuss in Deliverable 6.4 the

idea of developing multiple future scenarios as an aid to planning; we could make the overall volume

of travel a variable taking different values across the scenarios we develop. Then, when considering

whether to build the major new heavy rail system in our city, say, we could ask whether it remains

viable against our various scenarios relating to volumes of travel.

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6 Discussion and recommendations

The examples discussed above help to show that a city’s scope to influence/govern potentially

important developments will vary greatly – some are far more susceptible to regulation and other

forms of government intervention than others. Some of the developments (3D printing, for example)

will, in effect, happen to cities. And these are, in general, developments that may alter the overall

volume of travel more than its nature. But others are much more governable and offer both

opportunities and challenges. The task, then, is to take the opportunities and manage the challenges.

In the terms introduced in the glossary, this calls for anticipatory governance. Cities that display either

technological determinism or technological fatalism can expect to arrive at a less desirable outcome

that those that engage positively with emerging technologies. For the avoidance of doubt, this is not

the same as attempting to resist the technology. This course of action should only be taken if cities

have satisfied themselves that it is preferable to any scenario in which the technology is allowed to

operate. Nor is it precautionary governance which is based on minimising risk. A city’s chosen path

may well contain an element of risk; provided this risk has been estimated and the possible benefits

considered to merit the risk, this is a justifiable path.

A fuller set of recommendations is provided in D6.4, embracing Work Package 6 as a whole. In this

section, we limit ourselves to recommendations flowing directly from the discussion in this deliverable

of technological and other changes.

Recommendation 1: Set a well-defined transport/mobility vision for thecity

A vision is a picture of the city as its stakeholders wish it to be. This vision can relate exclusively to

transport/mobility or have a wider scope. The latter will be better because it will enable transport

interventions to be justified in broad terms (e.g. quality of life, welfare) whereas a “transport vision” is

likely to frame issues quite narrowly and limit one to interventions that can be expected to address

“transport” problems such as congestion. It is essential that any vision is articulated specifically

enough to allow one to judge whether progress is being made towards its achievement. This is where

many such statements fall down, meriting the description “motherhood and apple pie”, meaning that

they espouse positive concepts in terms so general as to ensure that no one would disagree. The

reality is that transport inevitably involves trade-offs and the vision statement needs to be clear

enough to make such trade-offs explicit. Having a pedestrian-friendly town centre is not compatible

with an average door-to-door speed of 40kmh (unless there is a comprehensive network of vehicular

tunnels!) A vision that claims both will obtain is therefore unrealistic and, more important, unhelpful.

Recommendation 2: Review the interventions available to your city formanaging transport/mobility

Cities typically use only a fraction of the interventions available to them. This is partly because of path

dependence. And they do not often give much thought in advance to the possible impacts of

employing interventions. A “light touch” examination of the full range of measures that cities can

employ will remind officers and members of what is possible and may encourage them to expand their


Recommendation 3: Beware hype and policy entrepreneurs

As we have discussed above, technological advances may offer considerable benefits but they may

also pose real threats. The narrative surrounding them, in their early stages, will tend not to reflect

this balance; instead, there will be more talk about the benefits than the costs, because of hype (a

natural tendency to be excited by novelty) on the one hand, and the role of policy entrepreneurs

(people with a vested interest in the adoption of the new technology) on the other. The wise policy

maker is alive to both.

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Recommendation 4: Investigate methodically what a given technologicaladvance could contribute to the achievement of your vision

This is a keystone of anticipatory governance and will help to ensure that new technologies do not

simply “happen to” your city. This task can helpfully be done in the context of future scenarios, dealt

with in more detail in D6.4. Either way, the key word is “methodically” and here cities can benefit from

work being done at a European level on many relevant technologies5.

Recommendation 5: Consider experimental measures

The much-admired case of the Stockholm congestion charge started out as a trial. Only after citizens

had seen the results of the charge being in place did they vote in a referendum on its permanent

adoption. Experimental measures have the advantages that they can be implemented more quickly

than “permanent” measures and that they can be reversed. This latter point makes them less


5 European Parliamenary Technology Assessment (; European Parliament Science and

Technology Options Assessment (

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7 References

Gartner (2016) Gartner’s 2016 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies Identifies Three Key TrendsThat Organizations Must Track to Gain Competitive Advantage. Available at: (Accessed: 26 September 2017).

Guston, D. H. (2014) ‘Understanding “anticipatory governance”’, Social Studies of Science, 44(2), pp.218–242. doi: 10.1177/0306312713508669.

Kingdon, J. W. (2013) Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies. 2nd edition. Boston, Mass.:Pearson.

Licker, P. (2001) ‘A Gift from the Gods? Components of Information Technological Fatalism,Determinism in Several Cultures’. Available at: (Accessed: 17 May 2018).

Smith, M. R. and Marx, L. (eds) (1994) Does technology drive history? the dilemma of technologicaldeterminism. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

Trist, E. L. and Bamforth, K. W. (1951) ‘Some Social and Psychological Consequences of theLongwall Method of Coal-Getting: An Examination of the Psychological Situation andDefences of a Work Group in Relation to the Social Structure and TechnologicalContent of the Work System’, Human Relations, 4(1), pp. 3–38. doi:10.1177/001872675100400101.

Wilsdon, J. and Willis, R. (2004) See-through science: why public engagement needs to moveupstream. London: Demos.

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