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I. OBJECTIVESGiven a conversation, the grade VI pupils should be able:

1. spell the words with an initial letter k;2. pronounce the words with /s/ and /z/ sound;3. identify the adverb in the sentences presented;4. differentiate the different kinds of adverbs;5. construct sentences using adverbs.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Identifying Adverb and its KindsReferences: Maria Perpetual Imelda B. Ho

English for a Brighter World VI Brighthouse Publishing pp. 171 – 176 Girlie Grace S. Desuasido English Made Easy VI Cultural Publisher pp. 214 - 221

Materials: power point presentationSpelling: words with initial letter kSpelling Strategy: pencil and paper testPhonics: /s/ and /z/Phonics Strategy: in poem form



1. Spelling

Bring out your spelling booklet or ½ sheet of paper lengthwise and your ball pen because it is spelling time with initial letter k.

Are you ready class?

Good, listen carefully class because I will read each word twice only.

Yes, we are ready teacher!

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1. kaleidoscope it is a tube containing loose

bits of colored materials and two mirrors at one end that shows many different patterns as it is turned

2. kangarooit is any various large leaping

marsupial mammal of Australia

3. karaokea device that plays

instrumental accompaniment for songs to which user sings along

4. kedge it is a small anchor

5. keratinany various sulfur containing

proteins that make up hair and horny tissues

6. kidnapping to hold or carry a person

away by unlawful force

7. kilogram the basic metric unit of mass







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8. kindergarten a class for children usually

from four to six years old

9. kinetics a science that deals with the

effects of forces upon the motions of material bodies

10. kiosk a small structure with one or

more open sides

11. kitchenette a small kitchen

12. kleptomania a persistent neurotic impulse

to steal without economic motive

13. knight a mounted warrior of feudal

times serving a king

14. koala a gray furry Australian

marsupial that has large hairy ears and feeds on eucalyptus leaves








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15. krypton a gaseous chemical element

used in electric lamps

Exchange papers counterclockwise and let us check your answers.

2. Phonics Drill

I have here a poem entitled “A Mysterious Maze” I will read first then you will read it after I’ve read.



(Pupils will check)

A Mysterious Maze

My sister gazes at the mazeShe searches for the key that unlocks the gates.

Her face looks as if in a daze and in the hazeO mysterious, mysterious maze

Reveal your secret, for she feels pain.Soon, I hope to see a smile grace her face.

Now it’s your time to read.

Let’s have the boys read the poem.

What about the girls let me hear it.

(Pupils will read)

(Boys will read the poem)

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What have you noticed to the poem?

What are the words that are underlined once?

Very good! Let us read the words that are underlined once.

Good job! What about the words that are underlined twice.

Let us all read the words that are underlined twice.

Very good!

(Girls will read the poem)

There are words that are underlined once and twice.

They are the words that have /s/ sound.



mysteriousfeels face

Words that have the /z/ sound.


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B. Lesson Proper1. Motivation

Can you read this word


What can you understand on the word OBEY?

Very good! What else?

Very good! When was the last time you obeyed your parents?

Good. What else?

If you obeyed your parents do you have a reward or do they praise you?

What are those rewards?

(Pupils will read)

To follow a command Ma’am.

To act according to what you have been asked or ordered to do by someone in authority ma’am.

Last night ma’am!

When we were at the sports center ma’am.

Yes, Teacher.

If I obeyed my dad he usually give me an extra money ma’am!

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Wow! What else?

Very nice. When was the last time you disobeyed your parents?

What happened?

Do you think disobeying you parents is good?

Why do you say so?

Very good!

2. PresentationWhat can you say on this


If we obeyed our parent’s ma’am they treat us at Robinsons Place.

3 days ago teacher.

My mom said not to go in the computer shop but I still go ma’am.

No teacher.

Because if you disobeyed your parents you do not love and respect them.

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Very good! What do you think they are talking about?

What else?

Now I have here a conversation, let us find out the good things it will give you, for being obedient.

Do you think it will give you something good?

Do you think it is beneficial?

Let us see

3. Setting of Standard

Let us read the conversation of Clark and Leah. The girls will read on Leah and boys will read on Clark.

4. Reading Proper

The boy and girl are talking

I guess they are talking about their homework ma’am.

Maybe they are talking about their Christmas program.

Yes ma’am.

Yes ma’am.

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5. Comprehension Check

When does Clark want to go out?

Good! How was the weather when Clark want to go out?

If Clark went out last night where did he might get stranded?

Did Clark obeyed his father?

Very good. So what do you think will happen to Clark if he disobeyed his father?

So based on the story what good things it will give you for being obedient?

What else?

(Pupils will read)

Clark wanted to go out last night.

The rain was terribly pouring.

Clark might get stranded on his way home.

Yes, he obeyed his father willingly.

Clark might get stranded on the street if he disobeyed his father.

Parents knows what best for their kids’ teacher.

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6. Developing of Language

Now let us read your answers!

Will you read the first sentence.

What is the subject?

Good. What is the verb?

And what is the word that comes before the verb?

Therefore, terribly modifies the verb pouring.

I have here another sentence.

Clark made the people around him very happy.

What is the subject?

We should trust and believe what our parents told us for they know what is good and bad for us.

1. The rain was terribly pouring.2. Yes, he obeyed his father

willingly.3. Clark wanted to go out last night.

The rain was terribly pouring.

The rain teacher.

Pouring teacher.

terribly teacher.

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What is the verb?

What is the adjective in the sentence?

Good, what word comes before the adjective?

Therefore, very modifies the adjective happy.

Will you read the underlined words.

These words modifies verb and adjective right?

So what part of speech that modifies verb or an adjective?

And based on what you had said what is an adverb?

Clark teacher.

Made Teacher.

Happy is the adjective ma’am.

Very teacher.


Yes, ma’am.

Adverbs teacher.

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Very good! I have here another sentence.

He did his duties, unusually well.

Please read the sentence.

What is the subject?

Good! What about the verb?

What about the adverb?

Good! What comes before the word well?

Unusually is also an adverb. Therefore an adverb modifies another adverb.

Now who can defined adverb based on what we have said.

Very good. So adverb describes a verb, an adjective and

Adverbs modifies a verb and an adjective.

(Pupils will read)

He, ma’am.

Did, teacher.

Well, teacher.

Unusually teacher.

An adverb modifies verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

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another adverb.

7. Comparison and Abstraction

There are six kinds of adverbs.

Let us see what are they.

I have here sentences.

Robert will be coming home next week.

When will Robert comes home?

Next week is the answer for the question when. And if we are talking about when we are referring to the time. Understood class?

Let’s try another sentence.

We will see him soon.

When will you see him?

Why do you say so?

Good. Therefore if we are talking about time and answers the

Next week, teacher.

Yes ma’am.

Soon, teacher.

Because soon answers the question when.

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question when what kind of adverb is it?

Very good. And what is an adverb of time?

Nice. The first kind of adverb is adverb of time and it answers the questions when.

What is the first kind of adverb?

Good. I have here another sentence.

You may put the clean clothes there.

Where will you put the clean clothes?

Good. There answers the question “where”. And if we are talking about where we are referring to the place.

I have another sentence.

Isa reads a book in the library.

Where did Isa reads a book?

Adverb of time teacher.

An adverb of time answers the question “when”.

Adverb of time.

There, teacher.

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Why do you say so?

Therefore if we are talking about place and answers the question where. What kind of adverb is it?

Nice. And what is an adverb of place?

The second kind of adverb is adverb of place and it answers the question where.

What is the second kind of adverb?

Let’s have another sentence.

Jarenz does her work fast.

How did Jarenz do her work?

Fast answers the question “how” or in “what manner”.

I have another sentence.

She also works carefully all the time.

She reads at the library.

It answers the question where.

Adverb of place teacher.

Adverb of place answers the question where.

Adverb of place.

Jarenz work fast.

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How does she work?

Carefully, and it answers the question?

Good. Therefore if we are talking about how or in what manner. What kind of adverb is this?

Nice. And what is an adverb of manner?

The third kind of adverb is adverb of manner. It answers the question how or in what manner. What is the third kind of adverb?

Let’s go to another sentence.

The bus seldom stops in front of our house.

How often does the bus stops in front of their house?

Carefully ma’am.

It answers the question how.

Adverb of manner.

Adverb of manner answers the question how or in what manner.

Adverb of manner.

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Seldom answers the question how often.

Therefore if we are talking about the frequency or how often, what kind of adverb is this?

Another sentence.

I am familiar with my father’s friend because he frequently comes to our house.

How often did he comes to your house?

Frequently answers what question?

Good! What is an adverb of frequency?

The fourth kind of adverb is adverb of frequency. It answers the question how often.

What is the fourth kind of adverb?

Good! Next sentence.

Seldom teacher

Adverb of frequency.

Frequently, teacher.

It answers the question how often.

Adverb of frequency answers the question how often.

Adverb of frequency.

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Yes, we will all go to Palawan.

Are they going to Palawan?

Why do you say they are going to Palawan?

Good because the word yes means it affirms or they agree.

What if the sentence is like this

The convict was never given a fair trial.

Did the convict given a fair trial?

Never means they denies. Therefore if we affirms or denies we are telling if it is true or false. What is the fifth kind of adverb?

Good. And what is an adverb of affirmation and negation.

The fifth kind of adverb is adverb of affirmation and negation. It tells whether a fact is true or false or it says yes or no. So if it is yes that’s

Yes, teacher.

Because of the word yes, ma’am.

Never, teacher.

Adverb of affirmation and negation.

Adverb of affirmation and negation tell whether a fact is true or false.

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adverb of affirmation and if it is no it is an adverb of negation. What is the fifth kind of adverb?

Good. Another sentence.

Kyla cleaned their house entirely.

How much Kyla cleaned the house?

Entirely answers the question how much or how little we are talking about the degree. Therefore what is the last kind of adverb?

Good. Next sentence.

He has nearly recovered.

How much he had recovered?

Why do you say so?

Good. What kind of adverb that answers the question of how much or how little?

Adverb of affirmation and negation.

Entirely teacher.

Adverb of degree.

Nearly, teacher.

Because nearly answers the question how much.

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And what is adverb of degree?


Based on what we discussed can you define what an adverb is?

Good! And in adverbs there are six kinds what are they?

You’re amazing! What is adverb of time?

What about the adverb of place?

Good. What about if I answer the question “how” or “in what manner” what kind of adverb is that?

Adverb of degree teacher.

It answers the question how much or how little.

Adverbs describes a verb, adjective and another adverb.

The kinds of adverbs are adverb of time, adverb of place, adverb of manner, adverb of degree, adverb of affirmation and negation and adverb of frequency.

Adverb of time answers the question when.

Adverb of place answers the questions when.

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Very good! What about the adverb of degree?

Good! What about the adverbs that affirms or denies?

Nice! What about the adverb that answers the question “how often” or “how frequent”

Very good!

Its adverb of manner.

Adverb of degree answers the questions to what degree, how much or how little.

The adverb that affirms or denies is adverb of affirmation and negation.

It is adverb of frequency teacher.


Group yourselves into 6. Each group will have a puzzle to assemble. And make 3 sentences according to the kind of adverb that it is in your puzzle.

Group 1 Group 2

Adverb of degree

Adverb of affirmation and negation

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Group 3 Group 4

Group 5 Group 6

VI. EVALUATIONEncircle the adverb in each sentence. On the space provided, tell its type.

1. Do your work fast.2. Yes, I am attending your party on Saturday.3. At night, mother massages my back.4. Most housewives do their Christmas shopping early.5. You have accomplish your task perfectly.6. A poisonous snake was found near the river banks.7. Sometimes, I worry for my brother who comes home late.8. My father was never tardy.9. Why is she always touching his cheeks?10. I see people holding their cellphones everywhere.


Cut a picture put it on a medium size coupon. Construct sentences using the different kinds of adverbs.

Adverb of place Adverb of time

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Date of Submission: December 12, 2015Date of Teaching: December 14, 2015

Submitted by:

JEAN KATHRINE Q. MACUGAYBachelor in Elementary Education 4

Student Teacher

Submitted to:

MR. JAKE B. ABRAGARTeacher Training Instructor

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