  • Determining the Dislocation Love Numbers using geodetic data

    Key Laboratory of Computational GeodynamicsUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    August 13, 2019

    Junyan Yang Wenke Sun*

  • Seismic wavespropagation

    Static permanent deformation

    Earthquake occurrence


  • Seismic Dislocation TheoryDislocation theory describes the relationship between the earthquake

    fault model and the physical field changes on the Earth surface. It providesan essential theoretical basis for studying source mechanisms, invertingfault slip models, interpreting seismic physical field changes and geodeticobservation data.

    Half-space earth model

    A SNREI earth 9model

    3-D heterogeneous earth model

    Okada, 1985; Okubo, 1992 et al.

    Sun et al., 192-2009

    Fu et al.,2007-2010

    Fault slip model Coseismic deformationDislocation theory

  • GRACE gravity satellite

    22 0

    ( , ) ( 1) ( cos sin ) (cos )N n

    GRACE mnm nm n

    n m

    GMg n C m S m Pa

    q j j j q= =

    D = - D + Då å

    2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake

    CSR trend over 2002-2015 with GIA correction

    GRACE can provide an extremely accurate, global, and high-resolution estimate of constant and time-variable components of the earth’s gravity field.

  • Dislocations in an SNREI Earth model


    , , ,( , , ) ( ) ( , )solid i j mlm l

    n m i ja k a Yy q j q j= å


    , , ,( , , ) ( ) ( , )ij i j mr lm n

    n m i ju a h a Yq j q j= å

    Green's function of gravity change:

    Green’s function of vertical displacement

    Dislocation model

    4 independent seismic sources:

    Dislocation Love number

  • Observation EquationTheoretically, the theoretical coseismic gravity change should be identical to the

    GRACE observed gravity change, that is:

    ( , , ) ( , , )total GRACEg a g aq j q jD = D

    Theoretical coseismicgravity change

    GRACE observed gravity change

    =12 32 33 222 1 0 01 2 3( , ) ( , ) ( , )( ) 4 ( , )n n n

    GRACEo n n nnf f f G H w gk k k kq j q j q j p r q j+ + - D- =

    unknownFault parameters( , ) (Fault model)if fq j =ocean waterredistribution

    GRACE change

  • The Inversion Theory

    Observation equation

    Constraint conduction

    Objective function

    Ø ABIC (Yabuki and Matsu’ura,1992)Ø Generalized Cross ValidationØ L-curve (Hansen and O’Leary, 1993)

    = +Gm d e

    0a a= +m m ε2 2 2

    0min{|| || (|| || )}a- + -Gm d m m

  • Ship models used for deformation modeling

    Hayes et al.


    Shao et al.


    Wei et al.

    ARIA Seismic waveformSeismic waveformSeismic waveform


  • Results gravity dislocation Love number(k)

    Blue PREM model

    Red inversion from





    321nK 33 220 0n nK K-

    (a) (c)(b)



    inversion GRACE residual

    theory GRACE residual

    The gravity change using the inverted dislocation Love numbers/ Green’s function is more consistent with GRACE observation, and the residual error is

    reduced by 80%.

  • Vertical displacement observed by cGPS

    Inland GPS observationHorizontal displacement

    observed by cGPS

    There are 1232 continuous GPS stations on the island of Japan, which show aneastward striking horizontal component with a maximum value of greater than 5.2 mand a significant downward vertical component with a maximum value of greaterthan 1.1 m

  • Results displacement dislocation Love number(h)

    122h n 321h n 33 220 0h hn n-

    (a) (c)(b)


    inversion GPS observation residual

    The dislocation Love number/Green’s function inverted from geodeticobservation data can better reflect the real local tectonic information of the earthand provide more accurate dislocation theory for seismic research in this region.


    Blue PREM model

    Red inversion from GPS

  • Conclusion :

    Ø We give a method to show using geodetic data (GRACEand GPS) to invert dislocation Love number / Green’s


    Ø All of the results imply that the inverted dislocation Lovenumbers are different from the PREM model.

    Ø The inverted results show the difference between the localstructure and a global average structure. The coseismic

    change using the inverted dislocation Love number/Green’s

    function agrees well with the observation, and can better

    interpret the geodetic observation.

  • Thank you

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