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Developing a Shared Direction Joint meeting of the Brownsburg Town Council and Park Board January 29, 2015 Slide 2 The Vision for Brownsburg Parks is To enhance the quality of life in the Brownsburg community and further its economic development goals to create a community of choice to live, work, and play now and for future generations. Slide 3 The Mission of Brownsburg Parks is To maximize resources in providing beautiful parks, recreation activities, and facilities to the Brownsburg community that enhance the residents health and promote economic vitality for long-term sustainability. Slide 4 Desired Outcome Brief History Public Survey Results Feasibility Study Process Factors that Determine Costs Operations Cost Recovery Site Plans Discussions Agenda of Slides Slide 5 Desired Outcome Slide 6 Desired Outcomes Refresher of Information Bring new Council & Board Members up to speed Preferred funding approach Shared Direction of Next Steps for Town Manager and Park Director Slide 7 Brief History Slide 8 How did we get to this point? 2009 Center closes due to limited cost recovery, looming property tax caps and repurpose of building 2010 Strategic Business Plan 2012 the Town acquired St. Malachy Property 2013 Strategic Master Plan update Public Input & Survey Town Council/Park Board Visioning Session Slide 9 Public Survey Results Slide 10 FOUR PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES THAT ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO HOUSEHOLDS Based on the sum of their top four choices, the parks and recreation facilities that are most important to households are: walking and biking trails 36% outdoor swimming pools/water parks 36% indoor fitness and exercise facilities 23% indoor swimming pools/leisure pool 23% spray-pad area 22% Slide 11 FOUR IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO HOUSEHOLDS Based on the sum of their top three choices, improvements to the system that are most important to households are: developing new outdoor swimming/aquatic center pool 44% developing new walking/biking trails and connecting existing trails 39% developing a new indoor swimming pool 32% New Multi-generational Recreation Center 29% Slide 12 HOW OFTEN HOUSEHOLDS WOULD VISIT A NEW RECREATION CENTER Slide 13 Referendum Attitude Favorability Brownsburg voters, polled in the survey, indicate they are, overall, pleased with Brownsburg Parks performance This favorable performance may explain the willingness to support the Parks in a referendum Slide 14 FAVORABLE vs. NOT FAVORABLE Combined favorability responses show a 2/3 majority in favor of a new Recreation Center Slide 15 HOW COMMUNITY MEMBERS WOULD VOTE FOR A TAX INCREASE Nearly sixty-five percent (65%) would vote in favor or might vote in favor for a tax increase that was used to fund different types of recreation programming Slide 16 MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF ADDITIONAL TAX REVENUE HOUSEHOLDS ARE WILLING TO PAY 62 percent of respondents would accept a monthly tax increase between $6 and $9 with the most acceptable in the $5 to $6 range. Slide 17 AMOUNT OF ADDITIONAL TAX REVENUE HOUSEHOLDS ARE WILLING TO PAY Twenty percent (20%) of households indicated they are willing to pay $9 or more per month to improve the Brownsburg Parks System Other levels of support include: $7 to $8 per month (16%), $5 to $6 per month (26%), Slide 18 Feasibility Study Process Slide 19 Data Collection & Needs Analysis Community Input Program Identification Facility Building Program Capital & Operating Cost Financing & Operating Proforma Report Development & Briefings Slide 20 Factors that Determine Cost Slide 21 Demolition Estimate Slide 22 Building Space Program Slide 23 Design Floor Plans Slide 24 Slide 25 Capital Cost Development Slide 26 Operations Cost Recovery Slide 27 Pro Forma Summary Family Membership Adult Individual Membership Youth Individual Membership Senior Individual Membership Punch Passes (20 visits) Youth and Senior Daily Admission Adult Daily Admission Slide 28 Six Year Pro Forma Slide 29 Self-generated Revenues History Slide 30 Site Plans Slide 31 Site Plan Slide 32 Discussion

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