Page 1: Developing inhaled protein therapeutics for lung diseasesof a lung disease has reached the market, despite the aforementioned advantages that inhaled proteins pos-sess. Presently,

REVIEW Open Access

Developing inhaled protein therapeutics forlung diseasesAbigail A. Matthews1, Pui Lai Rachel Ee2,3 and Ruowen Ge1*


Biologic therapeutics such as protein/polypeptide drugs are conventionally administered systemically viaintravenous injection for the treatment of diseases including lung diseases, although this approach leads to lowtarget site accumulation and the potential risk for systemic side effects. In comparison, topical delivery of proteindrugs to the lung via inhalation is deemed to be a more effective approach for lung diseases, as proteins woulddirectly reach the target in the lung while exhibiting poor diffusion into the systemic circulation, leading to higherlung drug retention and efficacy while minimising toxicity to other organs. This review examines the importantconsiderations and challenges in designing an inhaled protein therapeutics for local lung delivery: the choice ofinhalation device, structural changes affecting drug deposition in diseased lungs, clearance mechanisms affectingan inhaled protein drug’s lung accumulation, protein stability, and immunogenicity. Possible approaches toovercoming these issues will also be discussed.

Keywords: Inhalation, Proteins, Biologics, Drug delivery, Lung diseases

IntroductionBiological drugs are revolutionising the treatment andmanagement of many serious illnesses including cancer,autoimmune disorders, and rare genetic diseases, withabout a third of all new drug approvals by the Food andDrug Administration (FDA) consisting of biologicaldrugs [1]. However, over the past decades, the develop-ment of inhaled therapeutics for the treatment of re-spiratory diseases has largely been focused on smallmolecules (corticosteroids, β2 agonists, and muscarinicantagonists), with only one inhaled protein biologic drugPulmozyme® being approved by the FDA to date [2]. Inthe treatment of lung diseases via inhalation therapy,biological drugs such as proteins/polypeptides offermany advantages over small molecule drugs. Proteinsdelivered via the pulmonary route could accumulate inthe lungs while having a poor ability to traverse the air-blood barrier due to their large molecular weight. Thiswould result in higher target site accumulation (airway

epithelial cells, alveolar macrophages, neutrophils etc)and minimise systemic toxicity, as compared to smallmolecule drugs that would pass easily into the systemiccirculation after reaching the lungs [2–4]. In addition,protein therapeutics display higher potencies (picomolarto femtomolar range) than small molecules (nanomolarrange), as well as highly specific receptor binding to re-duce off-target effects [5]. Notably, although peptidedrugs (< 5 kDa or < 40–50 amino acids in length) sharesome of the characteristics with protein/polypeptide drugssuch as both are composed of amino acids linked via pep-tide bond and both having high target specificity, most ofpeptide drugs are much smaller in sizes, conferring themwith some distinct differences including less enzyme sta-bility, higher tissue penetration ability etc. In addition,many peptide drugs harbour chemical modifications inthe form of peptidomimetics and/or cyclization, and somehave direct cell membrane penetrating ability. These pep-tide drugs are not covered in this review.Protein therapeutics are conventionally administered

via the systemic route, although this has proven to be aninefficient approach for drug delivery to the lung, notmentioning the additional danger of exposing the rest of

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* Correspondence: [email protected] of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, National University ofSingapore, 16 Science drive 4, Singapore 117558, SingaporeFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Molecular BiomedicineMatthews et al. Molecular Biomedicine (2020) 1:11

Page 2: Developing inhaled protein therapeutics for lung diseasesof a lung disease has reached the market, despite the aforementioned advantages that inhaled proteins pos-sess. Presently,

the body vulnerable to toxicity [4, 6]. For instance,monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are found at higher levels(500–10,000 times more) in serum than in bronchoalve-olar lavage (BAL) fluid following intravenous administra-tion, a trend that has been demonstrated in all species[4]. By the same token, protein therapeutics delivered viathe airways also pass poorly from the lungs into the sys-temic circulation. For example, only low amounts ofanti-VEGF-A G6–31 mAb (5.1%) and cetuximab (11%),an anti-EGFR mAb, were present in the serum afteraerosol delivery in mouse models of lung cancer [7, 8].This means that high concentrations of the protein drugcan be attained in the lung via pulmonary delivery, sug-gesting that lower doses of inhaled protein can have anequivalent or even superior therapeutic effect for lungdiseases when compared to the higher doses that wouldbe needed from systemic administration [9]. Indeed, itwas reported that the nebulised effective dose ofAvidinOX-anchored biotinylated cetuximab was 1/25,000 of the intravenous effective dose in a mouse modelof advanced metastatic lung cancer [10]. Althoughhigher pulmonary levels of protein therapeutics can beachieved through inhalation compared to systemic ad-ministration, this could be offset by the short residencetime of proteins in the lung compared to plasma. Pro-teins and antibodies are mostly cleared from the lungswithin 24 h, while plasma half-lives of full-length anti-bodies following intravenous injection can reach 3 weeksand more [11]. Nevertheless, there are strategies thatcan be employed to increase the local residence time ofprotein therapeutics in the lungs, and these will be dis-cussed in detail later on in this review. Besides improv-ing pharmacokinetic and toxicity profiles of proteintherapeutics, the inhalation route is non-invasive and al-lows for self-administration, which could improve pa-tient compliance [4, 5, 12].In 1993, Pulmozyme® (dornase alfa/deoxyribonuclease

I), was introduced for the treatment of cystic fibrosis [9].It has been almost three decades since then, and noother inhaled protein therapeutics for topical treatmentof a lung disease has reached the market, despite theaforementioned advantages that inhaled proteins pos-sess. Presently, and to the best of our knowledge, ten in-haled protein therapeutics are being assessed in clinicaltrials for the treatment of a range of lung diseases in-cluding asthma, cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, COPD andCOVID-19 (Table 1) [13–18]. There are also proteintherapeutics such as mAbs that are in the preclinicalstages [19, 20]. In order to drive more of these therapiesinto clinical development and eventually to the market,it is crucial to take into account the challenges unique tothe development of these agents into potential treat-ments so that they may be utilised successfully for pul-monary delivery. In this review, we will discuss the

challenges in developing an inhaled protein therapeuticfor lung diseases, as well as approaches that could helpto circumvent these issues. The focus of this review ison the pulmonary delivery of protein drugs for local ac-tion in the lung, however, examples of inhaled proteinsfor systemic action will be mentioned wherever relevant.

Challenges and considerations in thedevelopment of protein therapeutics for locallung deliveryChoice and limitations of drug delivery deviceThere are mainly three classes of inhalation devices namelydry powder inhalers (DPIs), nebulisers, and metered doseinhalers (MDIs). DPIs deliver drug as a solid aerosol, andpowder formulations possess inherent stability and shelf lifebenefits [4, 21]. However, the temperature and shear stressduring the manufacturing processes needed to producepowders (e.g. freeze drying, spray drying) could lead to pro-tein degradation [21]. DPIs have been used for the mar-keted inhalable insulin formulations Exubera® (approved in2006, but was discontinued after 1 year due to large devicesize, high pricing, and safety concerns) and Afrezza® (stillcommercially available) [22]. Moreover, DPIs have shownpromising results in studies assessing their use for inhaledprotein formulations. For example, Weers et al. (2019)showed that dry powder formulations of CSJ117 (anti-thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) mAb fragment)could achieve a total lung dose (TLD) of about 95% of thedelivered dose (DD) with the use of particle engineeringtechniques such as via the introduction of surface corruga-tion through the addition of trileucine [23].Nebulisers (jet, ultrasonic, and mesh) generate aerosol

droplets from a liquid solution of the drug [4]. The firstand only inhaled protein formulation approved for pul-monary delivery to date, Pulmozyme®, is administeredvia jet nebuliser. Nebulised formulations are less expen-sive to produce and test, because the manufacturingprocess for these formulations does not include extradrying steps. Nevertheless, prolonged storage of proteinsin liquid solutions can lead to protein instability throughdegradation pathways (i.e. deamidation and hydrolysis),temperature and pH changes, and aggregation (throughagitation of the aqueous carrier) [21]. Furthermore,across all nebuliser types, the process of nebulisation ex-poses the protein to physical stresses such as shearingforces and heat, as well as the large air-liquid interface(ALI) that could alter protein conformation and/orstructure through denaturation, chemical modifications(oxidation, deamidation), and aggregation [4, 15].Device-specific limitations such as the shear forces gen-erated by jet nebulisers, and the temperature increasesthat occur in ultrasonic nebulisers, can also lead to pro-tein degradation. Jet and ultrasonic nebulisers actuallyrecycle 99% of the primary aerosol, and a molecule

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Page 3: Developing inhaled protein therapeutics for lung diseasesof a lung disease has reached the market, despite the aforementioned advantages that inhaled proteins pos-sess. Presently,

Table 1 Inhaled protein drugs currently in clinical development for lung diseases

Protein Drug Name Sponsor(s) Disease(s) DevelopmentPhase

Type of inhaler Clinical trialno./


Alpha-1 antitrypsin (52kDa)


Rabin MedicalCenter

Bronchiolitisobliterable syndrome(BOS) after lungtransplantation

Phase IIunknown status

– NCT01394835

Kamada-AAT Kamada Alpha-1 antitrypsindeficiency

Phase IIIongoing

Mesh nebuliser (PARIeFlow® system)


Anticalin® protein (IL-4Rαantagonist) (~ 18 kDa)


Pieris Australia PtyLtd

Asthma Phase I ongoing – NCT03574805

– AstraZeneca Asthma Phase Icompleted(2019)

DPI (PlastiapeMonodose inhaler,) vs.Mesh nebuliser (PhilipsInnoSpire Go)


Anti –human thymicstromal lymphopoietin(TSLP) mAb fragment(Fab) (46 kDa)

CSJ117 Novartis Asthma Phase IIbongoing

– NCT04410523

Deoxyribo-nuclease I(DNase I) (37 kDa)

AIR DNase™/Alidornasealfa/ PRX-110

Protalix Cystic fibrosis Phase IIcompleted(2017)

Vibrating meshnebuliser (Philips I-neb®AAD system)

NCT02722122[13, 14]

Pulmozyme® UniversityHospital,Strasbourg, France

Acute respiratorydistress syndrome(ARDS)

Phase IIIongoing

Vibrating meshnebuliser (Aerogen®Solo device)


Pulmozyme® FondationOphtalmolo-giqueAdolphe deRothschild

ARDS in coronavirusdisease 2019 (COVID-19)

Phase IIIongoing

Nebuliser NCT04355364

rhDNase National JewishHealth

Neutrophilic asthma Phase I/IIongoing

Nebuliser NCT03994380

Granulocyte macrophagecolony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF) (14 kDa)

rhGM-CSF Dai HuapingChina-JapanFriendshipHospital

Autoimmunepulmonary alveolarproteinosis (aPAP)

Phase IIongoing

– NCT03316651

Molgramostim University ofGiessin

ARDS Phase IIongoing

– NCT02595060

Molgramostim Savara Inc aPAP Phase IIIongoing

Mesh nebuliser(PARI eFlow® system)


Molgramostim Savara Inc. Nontuberculousmycobacterial (NTM)infections

Phase IIongoing

Mesh nebuliser (PARIeFlow® system)



Children’s HospitalMedical Center(Cincinnati)

aPAP Phase I ongoing – NCT03006146


IRCCS PoliclinicoS. Matteo

aPAP Phase II/IIIunknown status

Vibrating meshnebuliser (AKITA2®)


Interferon beta-1a (IFNβ-1a) (22 kDa)

SNG001 SynairgenResearch Ltd.

Chronic ObstructivePulmonary Disease(COPD)

Phase IIongoing

– NCT03570359

SNG001 SynairgenResearch Ltd.

COVID-19 Phase IIongoing

– [17]

Interleukin-2 (IL-2) (15kDa)

Aldesleukin MD AndersonCancer Center

Lung metastases Phase I/IIongoing

– NCT01590069

Lactoferrin (incombination withhypothiocyanite) (80 kDa)

ALX-009 Alaxia SAS Cystic fibrosis/Bronchiectasis

Phase I ongoing Nebuliser NCT02598999

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would typically be subjected to 10–15 cycles of nebulisa-tion before leaving the nebuliser as a secondary aerosol[24]. This subjects the molecules to high shear stress inthese devices, resulting in the denaturation of proteins,with the extent of protein denaturation and degradationvaries depending on the characteristics of the individualprotein [25]. For example, for jet nebulizer delivery of LDHand urease, there is a log-linear degradation with a fractionof protein degraded with every recirculation [26, 27]. In con-trast, IgG and G-CSF has a rapid initial decline in native pro-teins in the first 5–10min [26, 28]. For ultrasonic nebulizers,heating resulting from ultrasonic radiation in addition toaerosol recirculation generated various protein denaturationand degradation in different proteins [25]. For example, thedegradation of LDH with ultrasonic nebulizer presented asigmoidal progression instead, indicating different denatur-ation process and factors involved from jet nebulizers [29].By comparison, vibrating mesh nebulisers employ single-passtechnology, ensuring that there is no recirculation of dropletsinto the reservoir; they do not alter solution temperature,and produce less shear forces inside the drug reservoir dur-ing nebulisation, making them more suitable for the deliveryof protein therapeutics [24–31]. In fact, several studieshave reported that jet and ultrasonic nebulisers pro-duce lower levels of activity, lower amounts of proteinmonomers (because of partial degradation), and moreaggregates (with or without excipients). On the otherhand, mesh nebulisers appear to maintain protein in-tegrity to a greater extent than other nebulisers [32].Safe aerosolisation with mesh nebulisers has alreadybeen demonstrated in several studies of labile drugsincluding proteins and mAbs [33–38]. The detaileddesigns and comparisons of various types of nebu-lizers have been reviewed previously and we will notelaborate further here [25, 30–32, 39].

Recently, nanoengineered particles using metal-phenolicnetworks (MPNs) with highly defined physical propertieshave been used to encapsulate both small molecule andmacromolecules including proteins for pulmonary deliveryvia nebulisation. Intratracheal nebulization delivery ofFITC-labelled bovine serum albumin (BSA, 65 kDa) inmice demonstrated that these capsules are biocompatibleand biodegradable, showing > 85% of the capsules in thelung after 20 h, while only < 4% remaining after 30 dayswithout causing obvious lung inflammation or toxicity. Al-though still in early stage of development, these MPN par-ticles may revolutionize the nebulization delivery ofprotein drugs and provide a more protected environmentfor effective pulmonary delivery [40].Moreover, new generation nebulisers are being devel-

oped such as surface acoustic wave (SAW) nebulisersand the more recent HYDRA (HYbriD Resonant Acous-tics) nebulisers that provide new platforms for inhaleddrug delivery. SAW use surface waves to generate aero-sols which can preserve macromolecule integrity thathas been shown to be efficient in aerosolising proteins[41]. HYDRA uses a hybrid combination of surface andbulk sound waves to generate the aerosol droplets, andcan overcome the low nebulisation rate of SAW nebuli-sers and conventional nebulisers, while also avoiding thepotential damage to proteins due to high shear (jet neb-ulisation) or cavitation (ultrasonic nebulisation). Thefirst human lung deposition study using a prototypeHYDRA nebuliser has been reported recently, indicatingsuccessful lung deposition of a radiolabelled small mol-ecule [42]. It is probable that HYDRA nebulisers may bedeveloped for pulmonary protein drug delivery.MDIs deliver drug through an aerosol burst, and allow

for the controlled delivery of specific amounts of drug tothe lungs [21, 22]. However, as with nebulisers, the use

Table 1 Inhaled protein drugs currently in clinical development for lung diseases (Continued)

Protein Drug Name Sponsor(s) Disease(s) DevelopmentPhase

Type of inhaler Clinical trialno./


Sialidase (46 kDa) DAS181 Renmin Hospitalof WuhanUniversity/AnsunBiopharma

Severe COVID-19 N.A.(Compassionateuse) ongoing

Nebuliser NCT04324489

DAS181 Ansun Biopharma Lower tractparainfluenza (PIV)infection/ COVID-19substudy

Phase IIIongoing

Vibrating meshnebuliser (Aerogen®Solo device)


DAS181 Ansun Biopharma COVID-19 Phase II/IIIongoing

Vibrating meshnebuliser (Aerogen®Solo device)


DAS181 Ansun Biopharma Influenza/SAD-RVinfections (includingCOVID-19)

Phase IIongoing

Vibrating meshnebuliser (Aerogen®Solo device)


Tissue plasminogenactivator (70 kDa)

Alteplase University ofMichigan

Plastic bronchitis Phase IIongoing

Nebuliser NCT02315898

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of aqueous solutions is not ideal for protein storage [22].There are also concerns that the hydrofluoroalkane(HFA) propellants used in MDIs could denature proteins[21, 43]. Despite this concern, there are examples of studiesshowing that proteins can remain stable in HFA-containingMDI formulations. Quinn et al. (1999) utilised Raman spec-troscopy to analyse the secondary conformations of lyso-zyme in the HFA propellants tetrafluoroethane (HFA 134a)and heptafluoropropane (HFA 227), demonstrating thatstructural integrity of lysozyme was preserved in bothHFAs, and that there is potential for proteins to be devel-oped as MDI formulations without compromising theirconformational stability [44]. Moreover, Liao et al. (2005)demonstrated that spray-dried lysozyme and catalase thatwere stabilised with excipients (sugars and/or 80% polyvinylalcohol) and then stored in HFA 134a at room temperaturefor 6months showed retention of biological activity [45].When choosing an inhalation device, it is important to

be cognisant of the fact that not all devices in the samecategory are equivalent. For instance, although it is gen-erally accepted that there is minimal heating of the drugreservoir in vibrating mesh nebulisers, and that heatingoccurs to a lesser degree than in ultrasonic nebulisers,considerable temperature increases have been reportedin some brands of vibrating mesh nebulisers (PARIeFlow®, AKITA2 APIXNEB®, and Aeroneb Go), withtemperatures of up to 40°C being reached towards theend of nebulisation [24]. Therefore, it is essential tochoose the inhalation device carefully, bearing in mindthat the best device type is the one that confers the moststability to the protein drug formulation. Soft mist in-haler (SMI), which also generate aerosols from liquid, isthe newest type of inhaler which does not use any pro-pellent. As only one medicine Respimat uses SMI, itssuitability for protein drug delivery is not clear.Another factor to consider is the aerodynamic diameter

of aerosol particles, which is critical to control where theparticles will be deposited in the respiratory track after in-halation. To be therapeutically effective, the drug contain-ing particles need to be deposited into the correct locationwithin the respiratory track. For example, for therapeuticsfor COPD, drugs need to be delivered to the deep lung(the alveolar space) for which it requires the aerodynamicdiameter of the particles to be between 1 and 5 μm. Largersize particles will generally be deposited in the oropharyn-geal region and be ingested, while small particles < 1 μmmay be exhaled during the next breathing cycle. Thus,suitable aerosol particle sizes need to be selected for pre-cise drug delivery into the lung to enhance drug efficacywhile simultaneously reducing harmful side effects [5].

Structural changes in diseased lungsThe respiratory tract comprises of a series of branchingairways, which can be categorised into two parts: the

conducting zone and the respiratory zone. The conduct-ing zone consists of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles,and terminal bronchioles. The airway wall in the con-ducting zone is too thick for diffusion and this regiondoes not contain alveoli. As such, no gas exchange takesplace here, and the purposes of the conducting zone in-clude transmitting air to the respiratory zone, as well asto warm, moisture and cleaning the inspired air. The re-spiratory zone consists of respiratory bronchioles, alveo-lar ducts, and alveolar sacs, and facilitates gas exchangebetween the air and the bloodstream. Alveoli can occa-sionally be found in the walls of the respiratory bronchi-oles, and are abundant in the alveolar ducts and alveolarsacs [45, 46]. Given the branched structure of the lungs,it is not only important to achieve high deposition rates,but also to obtain an appropriate deposition pattern forthe respiratory disease in question i.e. the protein thera-peutic would not only need to reach the lung, but wouldalso need to reach the correct target site within the lung.For instance, a therapeutic for asthma would have toreach the large airway, as asthma mainly affects thebronchi, while a drug for emphysema in COPD wouldneed to go deeper and reach the small airways of thelung because emphysema affects the alveolar region [47].The amount and pattern of lung deposition is not only

affected by the device and the characteristics of the in-haled drug (particle size and physicochemical propertiesof the formulation), but also by factors that are influ-enced by the specific disease state, including breathingpatterns, lung geometry (i.e. airway diameter, number ofalveoli) and structure, and nasal, oral, and pharyngealanatomy [45]. These factors need to be considered, andif possible, alterations to the drug formulation can bemade to address these issues. For example, in certainlung pathologies (for instance cystic fibrosis, COPD, andchronic sinusitis), the airway mucus becomes thicker. Ithas been reported that the thickness of the mucus layerranges from 2 to 30 μm in normal lungs to more than260 μm in cystic fibrosis and other obstructive airwaydiseases [48]. This presents a physical barrier that theprotein drug would need to penetrate to reach its targetsite in the lung and exert its effects. The addition ofanti-adhesive molecules (e.g. polyethylene glycol, PEG)in the formulation may help to promote the transloca-tion of the protein drug through the thickened mucus,although it should be noted that the adhesive propertiesof PEG depend on PEG molecular weight (MW) [12].While high MW PEGs display mucoadhesive properties,low MW PEGs are able to prevent mucoadhesion, withPEGs of MW up to 40 kDa able to provide effectivemucus penetration [49–51].Notably, as macromolecules, proteins have a relatively

poor ability to penetrate the epithelial layer to reach thedeep parenchyma lung. However, depending on the

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molecular weight and aerosol characteristics, a portionof the proteins would be able to reach the abluminal sideof the epithelium or the air-blood interface in the thinalveolar wall, triggering local or even systemic immunesignalling that may provide beneficial therapeutic effectin some cases [15].

Clearance mechanisms in the lungA good lung deposition pattern would be worthless ifthe protein therapeutic cannot withstand the lung’sclearance mechanisms. Inhaled proteins would be sub-jected to clearance by three mechanisms. The first clear-ance mechanism is mucociliary clearance (MCC), whichis the coordinated beating of cilia lining the nasal cavity,trachea, and bronchi, in order to move the mucus to-wards the larynx/pharynx, thereby pushing dust, micro-organisms, and insoluble particles that are trapped inthe mucus out of the lungs and into the upper airwaysto eventually be swallowed [46]. The surface lining ofthe airways in normal lungs consists of an aqueous layeradjacent to the epithelium and a surfactant containingfilm layer at the air-liquid interface. The peri-ciliaryaqueous layer has a relatively low viscosity, while thesurfactant film layer is more viscous. The surfactant filmplays an important role in the displacement of airwayparticles towards the epithelium where they will beimmersed and retained. The extent of particleimmersion depends on the surface tension of the film.The lower the surface tension, the greater the immersionof particles into the aqueous layer adjacent to the epithe-lium [52, 53]. It is possible that some protein monomerscould quickly reach the stagnant aqueous layer and notbe subjected to MCC. On the other hand, some proteinmonomers would become aggregated during the inhal-ation delivery process and the aggregates may stay withthe surfactant film layer at the air-liquid interface forsome time for MCC to take effect. Anti-adhesive formu-lations (achieved by using lower MW PEGs for example)could be used to circumvent MCC clearance of inhaledtherapeutics, thus increasing their lung accumulation.The mucus-penetrating ability of such PEGs has alreadybeen demonstrated in multiple studies [12, 54–61].The second clearance mechanism is macrophage up-

take, which is the primary clearance mechanism in thealveoli. Proteins are taken up by alveolar macrophages inthe deep lung via pinocytosis, and the uptake of particlesis size dependent [5, 12, 62]. Large proteins (≥ 40 kDa)would have more time to be engulfed by alveolar macro-phages by virtue of their slower transport and absorptionacross the alveolo-capillary barrier, while small proteinsand peptides (≤ 25 kDa) are absorbed rapidly from theairspaces and thus, may not be impacted by alveolarmacrophage uptake as much. In essence, pinocytosis byalveolar macrophages could become significant for

macromolecules with MW> 40 kDa [62]. The use of ex-cipients can help to reduce clearance of large proteinsby alveolar macrophages. For example, Koussoropliset al. (2014) showed that PEGylation conferred increasedresidence time to antibody fragments anti-IL-17A F (ab′)2 and anti-IL-13 Fab′ (unconjugated F (ab′)2 was 98kDa and unconjugated Fab′ was 47 kDa), and that theeffect was due to mucoadhesion as well as evasion of al-veolar macrophage uptake [11]. Protein PEGylation maypotentially also alter its deposition pattern in the respira-tory track, due to changes in molecular weight, hydro-philicity etc. However, systemic analyses of the effect ofPEGylation on protein deposition pattern in the respira-tory track are still needed in order to know if a consist-ent deposition pattern and behaviour can be reachedbased on how PEGylation is achieved.The third clearance mechanism is absorption into the

systemic circulation. After deposition in the alveolar re-gion, aerosol drug particles may dissolve in pulmonaryepithelial lining fluid if the drug is water-soluble, and be-come available for systemic absorption and clearance[46]. For the purpose of topical lung treatment, the goalwould be to minimise systemic absorption, which isgreatly influenced by protein MW. The bioavailability ofa protein after absorption from the lung decreases asprotein MW increases. Small peptides are absorbed rap-idly from the lungs with 20–50% of the bioavailabilityfor subcutaneous injection [63]. Proteins with MW of6–50 kDa exhibit moderate absorption, with bioavailabil-ity ranging from 10 to 40%, although it should be notedthat pulmonary absorption studies in animals may leadto an overestimation of bioavailability. For example, sys-temic bioavailability after aerosol administration in ani-mals for growth hormone (GH) and interferon α (IFNα)was 45% and 70% respectively, compared to only 3–10%in humans [63, 64]. Large MW antibodies (~ 150 kDa)are not significantly absorbed across the lung, and bio-availability is negligible (<< 10%) unless an active trans-port system is included [63]. Apart from high proteinMW, the presence of obstructive lung diseases (e.g.asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis) can also reduce systemicabsorption and bioavailability of proteins and otherdrugs [46]. For example, Henry et al. (2003) reportedthat healthy subjects had significantly higher area underthe curve (AUC) and mean maximum concentration(Cmax) after insulin inhalation than asthma patients, in-dicating that less insulin was absorbed into the systemiccirculation in asthma patients [65]. In addition, Dider-ichsen et al. (2013) reported that the Cmax of an inhaledlong acting β2 agonist (PF-00610355) was found to bereduced by 31% and 52% for COPD and asthma patientsrespectively, compared to healthy volunteers [66]. Add-itional possibility for the lower systemic absorption ofdrugs in lung disease patients could be due to altered

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drug deposition pattern in the diseased lung, for whichfurther studies are needed. Regardless the underlyingmechanisms, effective local lung retention of proteindrugs may not be a major issue for the successful inhal-ation treatment of obstructive lung diseases, since theprotein can be relatively well retained in the lungs.

Protein stability and immunogenicityInhaled protein therapeutics may undergo various deg-radation mechanisms during production, processingand/or storage. These degradation pathways may bephysical (denaturation and non-covalent aggregation) orchemical (mainly covalent aggregation, deamidation, oxi-dation and/or glycation).Denaturation is the result of physical stresses including

low/high temperatures, high salt concentrations, organicsolvents, and air/water or ice/water interfaces. Removalof the stressor may be spontaneously reversible (forsome single domain proteins), but is usually irreversiblefor most of the larger multi-domain proteins [67].Surface-induced aggregation is one of the commonmechanisms of non-covalent aggregation, and one ex-ample of when it occurs is during the process of nebuli-sation [15, 67]. As most proteins are amphiphilic andsurface active, they have a tendency towards adsorptionat the ALI. Upon adsorption, conformation changes mayoccur, exposing hydrophobic residues to the interface toavoid contact with water, thus leading to aggregationand unfolding, which are the main factors contributingto protein instability [67, 68]. Chemical degradation ofproteins (deamidation, oxidation, glycation) may alsocause aggregation (either covalent or non-covalent) [67].Aggregation has been extensively studied but chemical

modifications have not, despite having implications onbiological activity and immunogenicity [4, 15]. Aggrega-tion can result from both physical and chemical path-ways; therefore, it is useful to also evaluate chemicalchanges in inhaled proteins. Most studies assessing sta-bility of inhaled protein formulations focus on formationof aggregates, while studies that also examine chemicalchanges are few and far between. One study did, how-ever, consider chemical changes when evaluating thetechnical feasibility of delivering dornase alfa using per-forated vibrating membrane devices for nebulisation. Inthis study, besides detecting protein aggregates, stabilitywas also evaluated by measuring the percent deamida-tion of dornase alfa at Asn74 (the main chemical changefor the protein), which was shown to be inversely pro-portional to dornase alfa potency [35]. Another studylooked at methionine 59 oxidation [Met(o)] of nebulisedinsulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I), and how that corre-lated with aggregate formation and bioactivity. Highlyaggregated samples displayed a complete loss of bio-activity, while samples with complete oxidation but

minimal aggregation showed partial retention of bio-activity. Limited Met(o) formation and no aggregationwas observed following delivery with air-jet or vibratingmesh nebulisers [36]. Bandi et al. (2019) conducted astudy to compare the effects of deamidation and oxida-tion on interferon alpha-2a (IFNA2a), as deamidation ofasparagine and glutamine residues, and oxidation of me-thionine residues are two of the most common chemicalalterations that occur in pharmaceutical proteins thatcould compromise their efficacy and safety [68]. Thesefindings revealed that deamidation destabilised IFNA2aand enhanced its tendency to aggregate under stressfulconditions, and reduced its function to a greater extentthan oxidation. This is the first study that quantitativelycompared the effects between deamidation and oxida-tion of a therapeutic protein [68]. It would be a goodstrategy to conduct such studies early on in the develop-ment of therapeutic protein candidates in order to iden-tify the chemical modifications that a particular proteinwould be susceptible to, and to test out various excipi-ents that could resolve specific stability issues.The protein therapeutic also needs to remain stable

after reaching the lung, which can be challenging due tothe high numbers of serine proteases and aminopepti-dases present in the lung mucosa [69–72]. These prote-ases could degrade protein drugs even before they reachtheir target sites within the lung. The use of appropriateexcipients in the formulation such as PEG, could help toenhance protein resistance to proteolysis by these lungproteases. For example, Zhang et al. (2014) evaluated thestability of fibronectin (FN) preferentially PEGylated atlysine residues using different MW PEGs [2 kDa (PEG2),5 kDa (PEG5) or 10 kDa (PEG10)] against the proteaseα-chymotrypsin. They showed that PEGylation protectedFN from proteolysis and that PEG MW positively corre-lated with proteolytic stability (i.e. after 30 min of prote-olysis, 4%, 34%, 43% and 65% of the starting amounts ofnative FN, FN-PEG2, FN-PEG5 and FN-PEG10 respect-ively were remaining) [73].One must also be aware of the possibility of protein

aggregates forming in the lungs. Lasagna-Reeves et al.[74] demonstrated that mice exposed to inhaled insulin(Exubera®) in a chamber twice daily for 1 week devel-oped amyloid aggregates of insulin in both the proximaland distal airways, as well as the lung parenchyma (epi-thelium and muscle layer of the bronchi, bronchioles,and in the alveolar lining cells). The formation of insulinaggregates coincided with a significant decrease in re-spiratory flow rates, and also with caspase-9 activation.Previous studies investigating the link between changesin pulmonary function and inhaled insulin use focusedon formation of anti-insulin antibodies, or pulmonaryinflammation and subsequent airway remodelling, butnone of the published works before this looked at insulin

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aggregation in the lungs as a contributor to pulmonarydysfunction after inhaled insulin use [74]. Indeed, Exu-bera® was reported to cause cough, dyspnea, increasedsputum and epistaxis [75]. This example highlights thepossibility of inhaled proteins forming aggregates in thelungs, and thus the need for toxicity testing and safetystudies examining this possibility to be done early on inthe development of an inhaled protein candidate, duringpreclinical studies.In addition, proteins and other macromolecules have

the potential to induce immunogenicity, with the pro-duction of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) as the main im-mune response [5]. The development of ADAs inpatients can alter pharmacokinetics, drastically reduceefficacy, and can also lead to severe adverse events oreven lethal consequences [76]. Immunogenicity is alsolinked to protein stability, as the presence of aggregatescan render the protein immunogenic. As aggregates aretypically composed of denatured molecules, they wouldexhibit no or decreased activity, but at the same time,aggregates are usually immunogenic leading to ADAswith important clinical implications [4]. Aggregates arebelieved to be recognised and processed via non-specificuptake by antigen presenting cells and specific uptake byB cells. They may unmask neo−/cryptic/repetitive epi-topes, and these differences may influence the mechan-ism by which they activate the immune system [76].

Approaches to address the challenges informulating inhaled protein therapeuticsUsage of excipientsCurrently, only a few excipients have been approved bythe FDA for inhalation due to a dearth of toxicologicalstudies for inhaled excipients [15, 67]. There is also verylimited number of excipients that are approved by FDAfor biologics, rendering formulators limited choices toimprove protein formulations when excipients aresearched on the FDA’s Inactive Ingredient DatabaseGuidance. Furthermore, very few novel excipients havebeen investigated for biologic products; most arecyclodextrin-based excipients [77]. As such, there is aneed for more extensive toxicity testing to identify novelexcipients for pulmonary delivery. For excipients alreadyknown to increase protein stability, a trial and error ap-proach needs to be taken in determining their suitabilityfor a particular protein formulation, as an excipient maywork for one protein but not for another for various rea-sons including sequence differences [15]. Excipients thatare commonly used in liquid formulations (nebulisersand MDIs) include buffering or pH adjusting agents, andsurfactants, and those that are commonly used in drypowder formulations (DPIs) include sugars, polyols, andamino acids [67, 78].

Buffering or pH adjusting agents such as sodiumchloride, sodium citrate, hydrochloric acid, sodium hy-droxide, and citric acid, are added to maintain the pH ofthe formulation. It is important to choose the right buff-ering agent at an appropriate concentration, as mostproteins in solution only remain stable within a narrowpH range. Different buffer systems and concentrationscan also affect the aggregation pattern of proteins [67].Kim et al. [79] analysed the stability of a fusion protein,etanercept (marketed Enbrel®), with changing pH andbuffer concentrations. Increasing the pH of etanerceptfrom pH 6.6 to 8.6 resulted in a decrease in protein sizeand increase in aggregation. Under high buffer concen-trations (30 mM Tris buffer), changes in protein size wasreduced and irreversible aggregation was not observed,while in lower buffer concentrations (10 mM Tris buf-fer), larger aggregates (~ 1 μm) were observed across thepH range [79].Surfactants (polysorbates, sorbitan esters, oleic acid,

and soy lecithin) are frequently used to prevent aggre-gate formation, and they work by displacing proteinmolecules from the ALI [46, 62]. Polysorbates are themost commonly used surfactants, and are already beingused to preclude aggregation in formulations of intra-venously administered antibodies [34]. Polysorbate 80has been reported to lead to stabilisation in various in-haled protein formulations including those forgranulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), lactatedehydrogenase (LDH), tissue plasminogen activator (t-Pa) and aviscumine (recombinant mistletoe lectin) [68].The ability of polysorbates and other surfactants to sta-bilise a protein and hinder aggregate formation is con-tingent on the protein-to-surfactant ratio. Respaud et al.[34] examined the effects of various antibody and surfac-tant (polysorbate 20) concentrations to optimise theprotein-to-surfactant ratio for a nebulised antibody for-mulation. The authors determined that high concentra-tions of either surfactant or protein could minimise theformation of medium and large-sized aggregates, with-out significantly affecting the volume mean diameter(VMD) of the aerosol cloud, ensuring suitability for in-halation. Therefore, including surfactants and raisingprotein concentration to enhance the stability of inhaledprotein formulations is a viable strategy, although itshould be noted that this approach needs to be evaluatedand optimised for each drug and device pairing beingdeveloped into an inhaled protein formulation [34].Sugars (sucrose, trehalose, raffinose and lactose) and

polyols (mannitol) stabilise proteins through the prefer-ential hydration of proteins via steric repulsion of sugar/polyol molecules from the native protein [4, 68]. Lactoseis often used as a drug carrier in DPIs, however, it maynot be suitable for proteins because it is a reducingsugar, and it could interact with amino groups in

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proteins (Maillard reaction) [67]. On the other hand,non-reducing sugars such as sucrose, trehalose and raffi-nose would not undergo the Maillard reaction with pro-teins, and thus could be used as alternatives to lactose[81]. Sellers et al. [82] demonstrated that sucrose couldhelp to improve the stability of a dry powder formula-tion of LDH. Supercritical fluid (SCF) drying of LDHwithout excipients lead to irreversible loss of activity(only 15% recovered after rehydration). Inclusion of 10%(w/w) sucrose during dehydration lead to an increase inactivity recovered (to ~ 60%), and there was almostcomplete retention of activity when polysorbate 20 wasadded in addition to sucrose [82]. Trehalose and raffi-nose are currently not approved for any administrationroutes, but have been evaluated in experimental studieswith promising results. For instance, Ógáin et al. [81] in-corporated lysozyme into nanoporous microparticles oftrehalose and raffinose. Lysozyme showed good reten-tion of specific activity after storage for 12 weeks ateither 4°C (98.2 ± 7.1% for lysozyme:trehalose and 99.1 ±7.1% for lyzosyme:raffinose) or 25°C (92.5 ± 7.1% forlysozyme:trehalose and 90.8 ± 7.1% for lyzosyme:raffi-nose) [81]. Mannitol was used as an excipient in the for-mulation of Exubera® (Table 2) [80].Small amino acids (histidine, arginine, alanine, glycine,

lysine, isoleucine) are also used as stabilisers, and theywork by the “water substitution mechanism” in which theamino acids hydrogen bond with the protein during dry-ing to preserve the native protein structure in the driedstate [4, 83]. Ajmera and Scherlieβ [84] screened differentamino acids and their combinations for their ability tostabilize catalase during spray drying. When various ratiosof arginine, glycine and histidine were mixed with catalase,some formulations were able to maintain close to 100%catalase activity [84]. Despite encouraging results in stud-ies such as this one, there is a lack of data on the local tox-icity of the various amino acids following inhalation,which could limit their use. However, as they are en-dogenous substances, they may not present major safetyissues for local lung delivery [67, 85].The polyol, PEG, could be used for both liquid and

powder formulations of inhaled proteins. Small MWPEGs (< 10 kDa) are often used as excipients in oral,intravenous and nasal formulations. Larger PEGs (up to40 kDa) may be used in PEGylated biopharmaceuticals,

and safety testing for these formulations are done duringdevelopment on a case-by-case basis [86]. PEGylation isa commonly used method to enhance solubility and sta-bility, as well as to decrease immunogenicity of bioactivedrugs including but not limited to proteins, peptides,antibody fragments, and enzymes, and is achieved by thecovalent or noncovalent conjugation of PEG to the bio-molecule [87, 88]. PEGylation can also help to reduceclearance and increase lung accumulation and residencetime of inhaled protein therapeutics. For instance, conju-gation of a PEG chain to two antibody fragments (anti-IL-17A F (ab′)2 and anti-IL-13 Fab′) increased their levelsin mouse lungs following intranasal administration. Forty-eight hours post-administration, levels of unconjugatedantibody fragments in the lungs had dropped to 10% and14% of the original deposited dose of F (ab′)2 and Fab′ re-spectively, while this value was 40% for both PEGylatedfragments [11]. Furthermore, conjugation of a PEG chainto an anti-IL-17A Fab’ antibody fragment increased pul-monary retention in all three species tested (mice, rats,and rabbits) following intratracheal administration. Un-conjugated fragments were cleared from the lungs within24 h while large amounts of PEGylated fragments stillremained for up to 48 h [89].

Encapsulation in carriersThe two biggest challenges in developing particle sys-tems for pulmonary drug delivery are to maintain col-loidal stability during aerosolisation and to achieve highdelivery efficacy. Encapsulation of proteins in carrierscould provide multiple benefits such as protection fromenzymatic degradation and specific targeting to the siteof action through targeting ligands [5]. Furthermore,carriers may also be used to provide sustained drug re-lease, accumulating in the lungs and releasing thera-peutic levels of the protein drug over extended periodsof time. This would enhance efficacy while avertingpeaks in local drug concentrations that could cause pul-monary toxicity [90]. Proteins, including insulin, calci-tonin, and IgG, have already been loaded into variouscarriers such as microparticles, liposomes, and solid lipidnanoparticles [90, 91]. Indeed, Afrezza® uses Techno-sphere® technology, in which fumaryl diketopiperazine(FDKP), an excipient added into the formulation, self-assembles into microspheres, entrapping the insulin.

Table 2 Excipients used in marketed inhaled protein formulations

Product Devicetype

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient(API)


Pulmozyme® (approved 1993) Jetnebuliser

Dornase alfa (DNase I) sodium chloride, calcium chloride dihydrate

Exubera® (approved 2006, discontinued2007)

DPI Insulin human mannitol, sodium citrate, glycine, sodiumhydroxide

Afrezza® (approved 2014) DPI Insulin human fumaryl diketopiperazine, polysorbate 80

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Upon reaching the alveolar zone of the lung, the Tech-nosphere® particles rapidly dissolve in the pH-neutral en-vironment and release the insulin for systemicabsorption [75]. Although this approach has not been ex-tensively explored for topical lung delivery of proteins,and more work needs to be done on the use of carriers forthe purpose of systemic delivery of proteins through thelungs, some promising results have been reported thatsupport further development of this approach. Tawfeeket al. [92] encapsulated a model mucinolytic enzyme, α-chymotrypsin (which is very sensitive to unfolding andformulation conditions), in a novel biodegradable PEG-co-polyester microparticle carrier. The encapsulated α-chymotrypsin exhibited retention of enzymatic activityand the results indicated suitability of the carrier for po-tential use in the delivery of macromolecules as DPI for-mulations for the treatment of lung diseases [92]. Inanother study by Osman et al. [93], various surface modi-fications were made to DNase I loaded microparticlesusing different excipients in order to provide higher lungdeposition, enzyme stability and biological activity. Surfacemodifying the microparticles with polyglutamic acid(PGA) or dextran was found to provide high inhalation in-dices (emitted fraction (EF), respirable particle fraction(RP), and effective inhalation index (EI)) and increasedmucolytic activity in cystic fibrosis sputum. This could beexplained by the resulting surfaces of the particles aftermodification with PGA (rough dented surfaces) or dextran(dimpled surfaces). Compared to spherical particles withsimilar physical properties, corrugated particles have sur-face asperities that could reduce the true contact area be-tween particles, decreasing powder cohesiveness andenhancing aerosol performance [93].Advancements in drug-loaded capsules for pulmonary

delivery have been made in both inhalable dry powderor liquid drug formulations [94–96]. For dry powderdrug particles, precise control of the particle size hasbeen reported using the Particle Replication In Nonwet-ting Templates (PRINT) technology [97, 98]. For controlof aerodynamic particle size in liquid aerosols such as innebulized liquid formulation, the recently reportedMPNs have presented promising possibilities. MPN-based drug-loaded capsules with highly defined physicalproperties can be generated for both macromolecularprotein drugs and small molecule chemical drugs [54].These new developments may transform inhalation drugdelivery in the near future.One drawback with the use of carriers is their rapid

uptake by alveolar macrophages [99, 100]. Phagocytosisof carriers by alveolar macrophages can result in fastclearance and reduced residence time, limiting the thera-peutic efficacy of the carrier-associated drug. This wouldbe an issue for the treatment of chronic lung diseasessuch as asthma and COPD, where the goal of using a

carrier system would be to achieve controlled and con-tinuous drug release over an extended period of time.However, various formulation design strategies may beemployed to reduce the uptake of particulate carriers byalveolar macrophages including modulation of particlesize, shape, surface charge and surface coating [101].Studies on the use of various polymer coatings demon-strate reduced alveolar macrophage uptake of coated car-riers. For example, Jones et al. [102] showed thatrespirable microspheres coated with dipalmitoyl phos-phatidylcholine (DPPC; a major component of lung sur-factant) were able to significantly reduce phagocyticuptake by NR8383 in cultured alveolar macrophages com-pared to uncoated microspheres. The uptake of DPPCcoated microspheres was found to be only 24.1 ± 7.86%,31.9 ± 3.74% or 36.6 ± 3.66%, of the uptake of uncoatedmicrospheres for ratios of 5, 10 or excess microspheresper NR8383 cell respectively [102]. Furthermore, Shenet al. [103] demonstrated that surface coating of hydrogelnano- and microparticles with PEG showed significantlyreduced uptake by alveolar macrophages both in vitro (inMH-S cells) and in vivo (in mice) compared to unPEGy-lated particles of the respective size. At 24 h post-dose, thefold difference between PEGylated and unPEGylated 80 ×320 nm, 1.5 μm, and 6 μm particles in bronchioalveolarlavage fluid (BALF), was 1.5, 3.4 and 3.7 respectively [103].On the other hand, drug-loaded particles may be advanta-geous for anti-tuberculosis drugs as efficient uptake ofdrugs into alveolar macrophages could potentially en-hance the drug’s efficacy to kill the parasitic Mycobacter-ium tuberculosis that hide inside the cells [104].If the usage of a carrier is to be included in the protein

formulation, it should be noted that the formulation (i.e.combination of protein and carrier) would need to beoptimised together with the choice of device, as thechosen carrier may not work well with all inhalation de-vice types. For instance, liposomes may be delivered tothe lungs either by dry powder inhalation or nebulisationof a liposome suspension. However, nebulised solutionsof liposomes may cause instability as nebulisation hasbeen reported to disrupt liposomal structure, leading tothe release of loaded drug. These issues can be avoidedwith the use of dry powders of liposomes instead [90].Hence, although this review has presented a generaloverview for the various aspects of protein formulationdesign (such as choice of device, excipients), it is import-ant to test out the formulation and device together todetermine which combination works best.

Concluding remarksThis review analyses the various obstacles that an in-haled protein drug would need to overcome in order toreach the lungs and exert its therapeutic effects. Theseobstacles include the physical and chemical stresses

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experienced by the protein during production/storage/aerosolisation, the need to overcome mucociliary clear-ance and physical barriers arising from disease condi-tions in order to reach target sites within the lung, andthe need to remain stable in spite of the presence ofabundant proteases, and to evade clearance by alveolarmacrophages after reaching the lungs (Fig. 1). All ofthese threats to the integrity of the protein need to becarefully considered, so that pre-emptive measures canbe taken while designing the protein formulation to en-sure its therapeutic efficacy. Nevertheless, although theinformation provided here may serve as general consid-erations in developing pulmonary protein therapeutics,empirical testing of the formulation together with thedevice should still be performed to determine the bestcombination for a particular protein.Several key areas will require further investigation in

order to support the development of more successful in-haled protein therapies, and maintaining the stability ofthe inhaled protein is of paramount importance. Firstly,more studies could look at other instability issues be-yond protein aggregation. In depth studies on the spe-cific chemical modifications that a protein would besusceptible to, such as the one conducted by Bandi et al.(2019), could be carried out on therapeutic protein can-didates so that they may be developed into stable and ef-fective treatments [68]. Moreover, the scarcity of FDA-approved excipients for inhaled therapeutics furtherlimits drug developers, and expanding this list through

increased toxicological testing of new excipients wouldprovide more options for formulation design. Finally, in-novative approaches such as the use of novel carrier sys-tems should be employed for the purpose of topical lungdelivery, as carrier systems could greatly enhance thestability and pharmacokinetic profile of proteins. Theseapproaches would greatly benefit the field of pulmonarydrug delivery, and will ultimately allow more inhaledprotein therapeutics to reach the clinic.

AbbreviationsAPI: Active pharmaceutical ingredient; ADAs: Anti-drug antibodies; AUC: Areaunder the curve; BSA: Bovine serum albumin; COPD: Chronic obstructivepulmonary disease; DD: Delivered dose; DPPC: Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine; DPIs: Dry powder inhalers; EI: Effective inhalation index;EF: Emitted Fraction; FN: Fibronectin; FDA: Food and Drug Administration;FDKP: Fumaryl diketopiperazine; G-CSF: Granulocyte-colony stimulatingfactor; HYDRA: HYbriD Resonant Acoustics; HFA: Hydrofluoroalkane; IGF-I: Insulin-like growth factor-1; LDH: Lactate dehydrogenase; MDIs: Metereddose inhalers; MPNs: Metal-phenolic networks; Cmax: Mean maximumconcentration; MW: Molecular weight; mAbs: Monoclonal antibodies;MCC: Mucociliary clearance; PRINT: Particle Replication In NonwettingTemplates; PEG: Polyethylene glycol; PGA: Polyglutamic acid; RP: Respirableparticle fraction; SMI: Soft mist inhaler; SCF: Supercritical fluid; TSLP: Thymicstromal lymphopoietin; TLD: Total lung dose; VMD: Volume mean diameter


Code availabilityNA.

Authors’ contributionsAbigail Matthews performed the literature search and drafted themanuscript. Ruowen Ge obtained the funding, advised on the contents and

Fig. 1 Major challenges for targeting inhaled protein therapeutics to the lungs for local action. Targeted deposition sites within the lung (large orsmall airways) will vary depending on the specific lung disease being treated. (Created with

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revised the manuscript. Pui Lai Rachel Ee provided comments andsuggestions. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.

FundingFunding support for this work is provided by the grant MOE2017-T2–2-122awarded to Ruowen Ge from Singapore Ministry of Education, Republic ofSingapore.

Availability of data and materialsNA.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNA.

Consent for publicationAll authors concur with this publication.

Competing interestsRuowen Ge is the scientific founder of NovoBreeze Therapeutics Co. Ltd.,Ningbo, China. Other authors declare no competing interest.

Author details1Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, National University ofSingapore, 16 Science drive 4, Singapore 117558, Singapore. 2Department ofPharmacy, National University of Singapore, 18 Science Drive 4, Singapore117543, Singapore. 3NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences andEngineering, 21 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119077, Singapore.

Received: 31 August 2020 Accepted: 15 October 2020

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