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    1.0 Background of Study

    Sports are well known by all people in this world and it is important and attractive

    to people even though in the country even though in Malaysia. Sports development and

    achievement are now really competitive. Within the competitive sports or the world class

    tournament, the athletes become more powerful, stronger, faster and improved. Besides

    that, the advanced technologies lead to all athletes to have the chances to win the game or

    tournament. For an example, in the 100 meter sprint event, the gold medalist won the

    event just by milliseconds different from silver medalist. Many factors that can be

    consider increasing the performance of an athlete for example the anthropometric factors

    and heredity.

    Many research and development plays the roles to observe how they can improve

    and produce the world class athlete in this world. In logically thinking, many children and

    people play sports based on the interest and popularity of a sport. Athletes can improve

    the ability by training of the sports. It is good to have the sport that they interesting at but

    to having high achievement of the sport, the talent is an important thing. Talent is

    something naturally exists of ability. The top and world class athlete can be produced by

    the combination of proper training, field of sports and also the talent. Prediction that

    effective for the rank of the performance is based on the testing such as bleep test,

    standing broad jump, agility T-test, and variation sit up, these will be relate to the ratio of


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    There are many positive impact and benefits for those who involved in sports.

    One of the impacts that can be seen nowadays is that, it is scientifically affirmed that

    athletics and physical exercise contribute immensely to the health of adolescence,

    reducing the likelihood for the development of a significant list of serious pathogeneses.

    By involving in sports also means that an individual is in the active lifestyle. Increase in

    physical activity will lead to decreasing the risk of getting diseases such as cardiovascular

    disease, hypertension and others. Having an active lifestyle means that an individual is

    tend to do physical activities such as jogging, cycling, hiking and many more these

    physical activities will lead to improve physical fitness, reducing stress, and enhances in

    social involvement. Despite that for those who are not having an active lifestyle might be

    easier in resulting for diseases such as hypertension, heart attack and many more.

    Sport performance can be influenced by a lot of factors which are body

    characteristic that include body size, body shape and many more. This characteristic will

    change accordingly towards time, and it is different from one and another. There are also

    inner and external factors that influence the changes such as population, environmental,

    age, sex, and hormones. Heredity is one of the potential catalyst that can enhance

    performance in sports this is through the genetic factors that will influence the body

    characteristic of an individual. Much individual told that ones is born to be an athlete,

    but an athlete success is not only depending on the talent itself but also the training

    consumed. The ability to respond to training is mostly affected by the genetic

    characteristic. The strength, the efficiency of energy produced, metabolism to meet the

    demand of the vigorous exercise (Putz et al. 2004). All of these characteristics such as

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    genetic, heredity, training, and others are important to potentially become a success


    Based on that, many research are done, and one of the researches for developing

    talented athletes is the digit ratio (2D:4D) differences, that is the ratio of lengths of the

    index finger and ring finger. This is the biomarker for many fields, and parts of it are the

    sporting ability, the putative marker of prenatal androgen action with better sport

    performance. The biomarker of the hormone plays important rules to determine the talent

    and performance of an athlete. The relationship between the digit ratios is correlated to

    prenatal testosterone. Prenatal testosterone exposure has been shown to be associated

    with sporting achievement (Manning and Taylor, 2001). Previous studies shown

    significant associated between the second-to-fourth digit ratios (2D:4D) and sexual,

    physiological, and behavioral variables in sport of various disciplines such as running,

    soccer, and skiing (Manning and Taylor 2001). Other than that, female who has low in

    2D:4D different also show an increasing in sport performance. It has been suggested that

    direct competition among men for women or for resources which attract women may

    account for sex differences in sports and athlete performance (Manning and Taylor


    There are many indicators or physiology marker for the sex hormones

    testosterone and estrogen, and one of the markers is 2D:4D digit ratio. The hormones will

    indicate the aggressiveness of a person. The hormone of testosterone influence the

    prenatal growth that indicate lower of 2D:4D digit ratios and the hormone of estrogen

    influence and vice versa (Manning 2022b,pp24). Improved training program and

    evolution in modern technology are proven to improve athlete performances to elite level

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    however talent is also important in ensuring that the athletes are ready to be developed as

    a world class athletes. Recently the identification programs had been done all over the

    country including Malaysia. The objective of this program is to identify individual sports

    potential and developing high achievement athlete for the country and identified each

    individual response to training intervention.

    1.1 Problem Statement

    Many of researchers have been investigating individuals characteristic correlate

    to the finger length. These researches have been done on comparison of second and

    fourth digit ratios. They are study about the variety of the characteristics including

    sporting ability, musical ability, health risk and numerical and even literacy competence

    (Putza, Gaulinb, Sporterc, & McBurney 2004). There are a lot of researches that have

    been investigating on the individuals characteristic correlate to the finger length. These

    researchers were comparing the second and fourth digit ratios. The study is about the

    variety of the characteristics including sporting ability, musical ability, health risk and

    numerical and even literacy competence (Putza, Gaulinb, Sporterc, & McBurney 2004).

    The talent identification by digit ratios became more interesting to be study. It has been to

    be proven lately as an early predictor for sporting ability and performance for adult. The

    inconsistency of the result produced in the previous study lead to make us become

    confuse and not clear about it. Moreover, most of the study done before is to the young

    adult population and not to the adolescence. Talent identification by digit ratios has

    become more interesting as lately it has been proven to be an early predictor for sporting

    ability and performance for adult. Inconsistencies of the results in previous studies tend to

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    lead us to a confusing situation. Moreover, previous study is focusing more on youngster

    instead of adolescence population.

    There are limited research has been done on identifying the sporting ability and

    the talent identification to the adolescence in Malaysia. There is something great to be

    study about digit ratios correlate to the sporting ability among adolescence population in

    this country. Fink et al. (2006) also proved that 2D:4D ratio was more associated with

    sports performance in young adults, not in adolescence. Not only that, the closest study

    by Manning, Trivers, Thornhill, & Singh (2000), Hnekopp et al. (2006) and Manning &

    Hill (2009) were focused on the hand performance of Jamaican adolescence, sprinting in

    boys and physical fitness as there have been only a few parallel studies of the relative

    lengths of the finger and its correlation to athletic ability.

    Throughout this study, it will help the country to produce and develop an elite and

    world class athletes by having correct predictor to successful sporting ability. Detection

    of sporting potential by examining the ratio between the index and ring fingers could help

    identify talented individuals at a pre-competitive stage (Manning et al. 2001). This

    country can use the related research such as this study to find talented athletes and to

    produce more world class athletes in the specific field of sports.

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    1.2 Purpose of the study

    The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between digit ratios

    (2D:4D) and the sporting ability using relevant physical fitness testing. This is to examine

    the physical fitness level of a person by having the digit ratio calculation and the multiple

    physical fitness testing. This will help in determine the talent identification of an

    individual. The study is focusing on the sporting ability among Malaysian age 18 to 23

    years old. Besides that, an athlete may be able to know their sporting ability and talent

    identification development for accurate sport for them. Some more coaches from each

    sport in the country easily identified talented athlete to be develop.

    1.3 Hypothesis of the study

    The hypotheses in this study are:

    I. Hypothesis 1H0: There is no significant relationship between low digit ratio (2D:4D) and


    H1: There is a significant relationship between low digit ratio (2D:4D) and agility.

    II. Hypothesis 2H0: There is a no significant relationship between low digit ratio and muscular


    H1: There is significant relationship between low digit ratio and muscular power.

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    III. Hypothesis 3H0: There is no significant relationship between low digit ratio and muscular


    H1: There is a significant relationship between low digit ratio and muscular


    IV. Hypothesis 4H0: There is no significant relationship between low digit ratio and cardiovascular


    H1: There is a significant relationship between low digit ratio and cardiovascular


    V. Hypothesis 5

    H0: There is no significant relationship between low digit ratio and fitness rating.

    H1: There is a significant relationship between low digit ratio and physical fitness


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    1.4 Significance of study

    The study of adolescence achievement in sports and their physical characteristics

    have now become important and popular aspects of identifying sporting athletic ability at

    early ages of childhood, and the impact of it has attracted numerous researchers in the

    scientific literature over the past few years. The reason for knowing the truth about the

    research is that we may be able to produced young talented and capable athletes either

    men or women. It will definitely being a good tools for coaches, scientist, parents and

    others to help them by having the information of the relationship between digit ratio and

    sport ability. Nevertheless, this study can give a new perspective on the factors of

    determining the sports talent identification and ability of the adolescence, physical

    growth development and how to develop the adolescence to be elite and successful

    athletes in future. Finally, this research will provide information for future research as

    reference. The children and the adolescences may be able to identify the sports that they

    capable to be in rather than just get involved in sports without knowing their capability

    and ability.

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    1.5 Limitation of the study

    This study focused on the specific physiological characteristics of digit ratios

    2D:4D to see how the result will relate with fitness component.

    1.5.1 Subject

    The subjects are 70 teenagers age between 18 to 23 years old. They have

    been chosen since they were facing physical fitness test during their

    interviews for diploma and degree intake for sport science and recreation

    faculty, UiTM.

    1.5.2 Population

    Target population for this study is teenagers that active in sports,

    specifically targeted the teenagers that having the interview in sport

    science course, diploma and degree intake for sport science faculty UiTM.

    1.5.3 Nutrition

    Subjects cannot take any supplement to improve their performance before,

    during and after test and training. Any illegal drugs that can enhance their

    performance are banded. Any substances that can immediately enhance

    the performance are not allowed.

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    1.6 Delimitation of Study

    It is difficult to produce world class athletes such as other country although we

    have certain sports those world class athletes such as badminton, squash, archery, and

    cycling. The question is how to produce more world class athletes and how to find the

    new talent and backup athlete for the future. The method used for selecting the athletes

    play important roles for this situation.

    1.6.1 Weather

    The test will be conducted in the all or the place that having good and big

    space. The hall is to avoid any unexpected weather that can change the

    validity of the testing.

    1.6.2 Health

    Subject must in the good condition and healthy. It is difficult to ensure that

    the subjects are all in the good health. This situation cannot be control

    because subject come from vary place and background. For an example is

    the history of injured athletes.

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    2.0 Introduction

    The study of young adolescence achievement in sports and their physical

    characteristics have now become important and popular aspects of identifying sporting

    ability at early ages, and the impact of it has attracted numerous researches in the

    previous study. The successes of young athletes can serve as a powerful inducement for

    others to follow. The role of sex hormones along with the genes inherit from the

    biological parent plays an important role in the development of digit lengths. Digit ratio

    has its own unique relationship to human performance in sports. Interest in digit ratio has

    been surging recently due to its function to give early predictions of the individuals

    ability in sports and other fields. In particular, the high amount of testosterone influenced

    the 2D:4D ratio to be more masculine or not (Bailey & Hurd 2005). Lower digit ratio

    among men is said to have a positive impact on their ability to perform in football, or

    more general is associated with a high level of attainment across a number of sports

    (Manning & Taylor, 2001).

    The relative contribution of other factors affecting digit ratio during childhood

    such as a development phase and nutritional requires further investigation. The

    associations of 2D:4D in sports performance are of a similar magnitude to those between

    2D:4D and various gym-based tests of physical fitness. Hnekopp, Manning & Muller

    (2006), have reported that measures of physical education grade and physical fitness in

    boys and young men are correlated with 2D:4D. The physical fitness measures were

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    determined from six exercises testing which were similar to this study (running, sit-ups,

    jumping, speed agility quickness, and endurance). However, in other study has found

    performance in a wide range of sports type is also said to be negatively related with

    2D:4D ratio.

    These rather weak associations may reflect the general magnitude of correlations

    between 2D:4D and sports performance more too young adolescents to adolescent in

    contrast to associations in adults. That finding suggests that there were little evidence

    regarding sporting ability with 2D:4D ratio. This is support by the result of tests of grip

    strength in young adolescence also show weak or no association with 2D:4D ratio (Fink,

    Thanzami, Seydel & Manning 2006). The significance of this study will hopefully

    provide more information of the relationships between 2D:4D digit ratio in young

    adolescence. It would offer scientists, coaches, athletes and parents a better understanding

    on it and also its relation to exercise and involvement in sports. Gaining a better

    understanding of the role of digit ratio in young adolescence is important because finding

    new strategies to maximize the sporting ability potential in young adolescence. As we

    already know young adolescence has better condition to improve in sports in the context

    of development of their performance.

    Furthermore, this study can give a new perspective on the factors of determining

    the sports talent identification of the young adolescence, physical growth development

    and how to develop them to be elite and successful athletes in the future. In order to

    create world champion or Olympian many aspects must be observed, not only focus on

    the nature and nurture of the athlete but also the specific talent that will give a big impact

    on the athletes performance.

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    2.1 Young adolescence and sporting ability

    Adolescence is naturally related to sports as they develop their cognitive, mental,

    emotional, physical and social capacities, from a very early age, through playing.

    Millions of young adolescence around the world does engage in sports that may take

    either the form of an organized activity or the form of spontaneous games in various

    settings. Engagement in sports has many significant positive effects for the well-being of


    First of all, it is scientifically affirmed that athletics and physical exercise

    contribute immensely to the health of adolescence, reducing the likelihood for the

    development of a significant list of serious pathogeneses. Good physical status along with

    lean body mass is often considered a surrogate for skeletal muscle mass, which is an

    important predictor of several physiological capacities expressed in absolute terms (e.g.,

    maximal oxygen uptake, neuromuscular strength, anaerobic capacity and others (Baxter

    et al., 2008).

    Increased physical activity has been associated with an increased life expectancy

    and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Physical activity produces overall physical,

    psychological and social benefits. Inactive young adolescence is likely to become

    inactive adults in future. The unhealthy person will easily to get the disease such as

    obesity, high blood pressure, heart attack, and many more.

    The physical characteristics that determine sport performance are constantly

    changing especially during the growing years of childhood. Body size, shape, and

    composition, as well as the physiological characteristics, are unique to an individual.

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    These physical traits are influenced by age and sex, along with a host of internal and

    external environmental factors. Baxter-Jones et al. (2008), stated that hormones are

    basically regulators of body functions, and they play an important role in physical growth

    and sexual maturation among the adolescence.

    Most importantly, body characteristics are determined by genetic factors.

    Hereditary influences on body structure and the body's many functions are so important

    in determining the potential for athletic performance that it is often said that great athletes

    are born, not made. The significance of one's genetic endowment cannot be denied. Aside

    from the size, shape, and makeup of the body, there are several ways in which body

    functions respond to exercise and training that are important contributors to athletic

    performance (Kathleen et al. 2001). As with the body's structure, these abilities to

    respond to training are in large part determined by genetic characteristics. They include

    the potential for developing outstanding muscle strength, the capability of producing

    muscle energy efficiently, and the capability of increasing the body's metabolism to a

    very high level to meet the demands of vigorous exercise (Putza et al. 2004).

    Quick reaction and speed of movement are also important to the athlete, as are the

    potentials for speed and power. These traits are all hereditary. Hereditary factors are

    critical in determining which the young adolescence can look forward to being

    outstanding, and perhaps even elite athletes.

    2.2 Digit ratio (2D:4D)

    The relative lengths of the index and ring fingers (the 2D:4D ratio) in humans has

    been a topic of considerable research interest in recent years. Digit ratio is often

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    described as the ratio of the lengths of differentdigits. The fingers typically measured

    from the bottom crease where the finger joins the hand to the tip of the finger. Prenatal

    testosterone exposure has been shown to be associated with the digit ratio. It has been

    suggested by some scientists that the ratio of two digits in particular, the 2nd (index

    finger) and 4th (ring finger), is affected by exposure totestosterone while in

    theuterus and that this 2D:4D ratio can be considered a crude measure for prenatal

    androgen exposure. This mean with lower 2D:4D ratios pointing to higher androgen

    exposure (Manning & Taylor, 2001).

    The main characteristic of finger length ratio is sexually dimorphic with lower

    digit ratio found in males. The digit ratio sexually dimorphism is established at least as

    early as the ninth week of fetal life in the womb is found in infants and young

    adolescence. It showed no evidence of change at puberty (Manning et al., 2007). Digit

    ratio in men tend to have longer ring fingers than index fingers, or ratios less than 1.00,

    and women tend to have index and ring fingers of equal length, or ratios of 1.00.

    The longer the ring fingers compared to the index finger, study suggest that, the

    higher the physiology aggressiveness (Hnekopp et al., 2006). This is depending with

    those findings and support the possibility that an association between low 2D:4D and

    sports and athletic achievement results at least in part from the action of prenatal

    testosterone on such achievement. Most of the recent researches agreed to regard the

    association between sports achievement and digit ratio. Digit ratio provides the essential

    information on detecting the sporting ability or achievement in sports among the

    individuals, especially the young adolescents.
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    Furthermore, researches conducted by Manning et al. (2001), found that low

    2D:4D ratio is significantly related with a high level of attainment among a number of

    sports. They further indicated that football players in the 1st team squads had lower

    2D:4D than the reserves players. This is proved again by Manning & Taylor (2001) in the

    same study that men and women that had played at the international level had lower digit

    ratios than those who had not played at international level. Manning et al. (2007) have

    found that 2D:4D is associated with endurance running such that men and women with

    high prenatal testosterone (low 2D:4D) tend to run faster.

    2.3 Talent Identification

    Talent identification is important to identify youngster and adolescences

    capability. However, the progress of the development had been a little bit slow and too

    late. The presumption from the above is that athletic talent is based, at least in some part,

    on a genetic or innate predisposition that is responsive to training intervention. There is

    strong evidence of genetic involvement in individual differences in sport-related

    performance attributes (Hoare & Warr, 2000).

    Throughout days, the youngsters shows signs of expert sporting potential, but not

    all of them will be attaining the international sporting excellence. This is caused by their

    talent rather than their interest that influence their level of excellence. Expertise in sport

    is so highly prized and so difficult time and resource consuming to attain that any means

    that can be found to accelerate the acquisition of expertise and to make skill learning

    more efficient will be exceptionally valuable to athletes, coaches, officials, and others.

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    Talent identification program is designed to identify young athletes, who possess

    extraordinary potential for success in senior elite sport, and to select and recruit them into

    talent promotion program (Vaeyens, 2009). The purpose of talent promotion is to

    increase athletes potential by means of a variety of institutional measures designed to

    accelerate talent development such as through additional competition and training

    opportunities, effective time management, high-profile coaching, scientific and medical

    intervention, individual funding, and counseling and welfare.

    Talent identification is important in modern sport. They suggested that efficient

    talent identification procedures should play a major role in modern sport. Finding the

    correct timing to nurture sports talent is important. The younger the adolescence the

    better it is. Final talent identification should take place at around 14 years of age.

    Meanwhile, in team sports such as soccer, Hoare & Warr, (2000) stated that the young

    soccer players can still be nurtured between ages of 15 years and there is still room for

    improvement in these capacities as a result of growth and maturational process with the

    training. Variant for this study is which is look on to adolescence ages range 18 to 23 that

    already achieve maturity in the way of knowledge and understanding the nature of sports

    that they involve.

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    2.4 Testosterone Hormone Exposure to 2D:4D Digit Ratio

    This study wants to show the correlation of digit ratio and the sporting ability.

    Sporting ability can be inherited by exposure of testosterone level in the male body.

    Exposure of testosterone in fetal and adult is a vital aspect in the establishment and

    maintenance of sex dependence abilities in sports related to physical competitiveness

    (Longman et al., 2011).

    All over study, sex hormones shows an important role to sexual differentiation

    about cognitive way and the physiological (Berenbaum & Beltz, 2011). During gestation,

    rapid development and exposure to testosterone in the brain undergoes and permanently

    organizes the structure of the brain in a way that influences the physical aggressiveness

    such as an aggression, spatial abilities, interests, gender identity, and sexual orientation

    (Berenbaum & Beltz, 2011). Other research shows that prenatal exposure to testosterone

    also appears to contribute to the ratio of the second digit to the fourth digit which

    assumes as the 2D:4D ratio (Manning et al., 1998, Manning, 2011, 2002).

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    3.0 Introduction

    The main purpose of this present study was to investigate the variables of

    physical characteristics through examining the 2D:4D finger length among the Malaysian

    young adolescence for predicting their sporting ability and the responses towards the

    physical fitness tests. The specific responses measured were the 2D:4D digit ratio along

    with the adolescence physical fitness level. This study methodology was mainly divided

    into three parts.

    3.1 Research design and methodology

    This study was evaluating the assessment of 2D:4D ratio and relate to sporting

    ability of the subject. The method was adopted by Manning and Taylor that conducted

    the study method to achieve the demand of this study. Design of the study use one shot

    data which is subject was asses to do a fitness test which consist of all fitness components

    such as power, strength, endurance and speed agility quickness. After fitness test,

    subjects will be asked to measure the length of their digit ratio. Data was analyzed

    statistically to see the correlation of the digit ratio with the sporting ability of the subjects.

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    3.2 Research method work flow

    Figure 3.1: The flowchart explains the process of this study













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