
DIGITAL MARKETING HACKS:39 Ways to Grow Your Traffic, Increase Conversions &

Generate More Sales

Christopher Gimmer |

1. Create A Free Tool Or Microsite

• Create a free tool or microsite so you can provide value to potential customers and build a relationship.

1. Create A Free Tool Or Microsite

2. Perform Keyword Research

• Use and the Google Keyword Planner to find highly searched keywords to rank for in your niche.

2. Perform Keyword Research

• Using tools like BuzzSumo, find link-worthy content that has already performed well, make it even better, then heavily promote it.

3. Use The Skyscraper Technique To Create Viral Content

• Turn your blog posts into Slideshares, YouTube videos, infographics, podcasts and other forms of media.

4. Repurpose Your Content

• Use Tweriod to find out when your Twitter following is most active and schedule tweets during those times.

5. Tweet At Optimal Times

5. Tweet At Optimal Times

• The easiest way to grow your Twitter following is to follow other people. User Followerwonk to target relevant people to follow.

6. Follow People

• Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets, 98% more favorites, and 18% more clicks. Use a tool like Snappa to share highly engaging marketing visuals.

7. Use Visuals

7. Use Visuals

• Use a tool like KingSumo Giveaways or Rafflecopter to run a giveaway. Make sure your prize is aligned with your target customer.

8. Run A Giveaway

8. Run A Giveaway

• Give your most popular products prime real estate on your homepage. Often, a small percentage of products make up for a large percentage of revenue.

9. Highlight Your Popular Products

• Within Google Analytics, activate site search and track what users are searching for. Knowing what users are searching for can give you valuable insights into your business.

10. Activate Site Search

10. Activate Site Search

• Next time you create an infographic (or some type of visual asset), partner up with a complimentary business, slap their logo on it, and ask them to cross-promote.

11. Co-Brand Your Content

• Integrate with as many potential partners as you can. Not only does your product become more valuable to your customers, you also tap into a brand new audience that might have never heard of you.

12. Integrate

• Mention influential people or companies in your blog posts. Once published, send them an email to let them know. They’ll often share your post when they’re portrayed in a good light.

13. Name Drop

13. Name Drop

• Create a group that is centered around the interests of your potential customers. By continuing to provide value to the group, they may become interested in your products or services.

14. Start A Facebook Or Linkedin Group

• Use tools like Open Site Explorer and AHREFs to research your competitor’s backlinks and try to build links of your own.

15. Steal Your Competitor’s Backlinks

15. Steal Your Competitor’s Backlinks

• Create an email course that educates your customer on the problem that your product is solving. It’s a great way to build a relationship with them and gain their trust.

16. Create An Email Course / Drip Campaign

16. Create An Email Course / Drip Campaign

• Guest post on blogs that are highly aligned with your target audience.

17. Guest Post

• When creating PPC ads, send visitors to a highly targeted landing page instead of your homepage. This will give you higher ad/quality scores (which translates into lower cost per click) and higher conversion rates.

18. Create Targeted Landing Pages For Ppc Ads

18. Create Targeted Landing Pages For Ppc Ads

• Offer a free bonus for people who opt-in for your email list. This can be in the form of an eBook, PDF guide, free tool, etc…

19. Create A Lead Magnet

19. Create A Lead Magnet

• Offer a specific bonus that is tied to the actual blog post you’ve written. For example, if you’re writing a list post, a content upgrade could be a PDF checklist or a bonus section with additional tactics.

20. Offer A Content Upgrade

20. Offer A Content Upgrade

• Use the Click to Tweet tool to remove any friction from people sharing your post.

21. Click To Tweet

21. Click To Tweet

• Reward customers for talking about your product by allowing them to Pay With a Tweet.

22. Pay With A Tweet

• Remove all unnecessary form fields on your signup page and allow users to signup with existing social accounts (Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc…)

23. Make A Lean Signup Page

23. Make A Lean Signup Page

• Create a dedicated page on your site explaining why you’re a better alternative than your competitor. Try to rank in Google by targeting the keywords “Alternative to [Competitor].”

24. Alternative To [Competitor] Page

• Since each tweet is seen by less than 5% of your audience, create multiple tweets for the same article. Use sub-headings and quotes instead of tweeting out the headline multiple times.

25. Same Article, Different Tweet

• When designing a referral program, create a benefit for both the person giving and receiving a referral.

26. Create A Two-Sided Referral Program

26. Create A Two-Sided Referral Program

• On your signup and checkout pages, remove all of your header navigation links and focus on guiding users through the rest of the process.

27. Remove Navigation Links

27. Remove Navigation Links

• Display testimonials that bring out the key benefits that are likely to resonate with potential customers. If reputable brands are using your product, display their logos on your website.

28. Display Testimonials And Social Proof

28. Display Testimonials And Social Proof

• Send a welcome email to everyone that signs up for your site and ask them a question that will help get to know your customers better.

29. Send A Welcome Email

• Figure out the one key event that all of your engaged customers perform before getting value. Then, design your on-boarding so that you guide new users to perform that specific action.

30. Help Users Find The Aha Moment

• Next time you’re promoting a deal, coupon, product launch, or training session, try adding a countdown and force users to act quickly.

31. Create Urgency

• If your product contains a widget or pop-up that lives on your customer’s site, add Powered by… at the bottom of the widget with a link back to your site.

32. Powered By…

32. Powered By…

• Highlight the incredible results that actual customers have received using your product or service.

33. Use Case Studies

• Display a 1-800 on your homepage and encourage customers to call. Talking to your customers on the phone can land you more sales and help you learn more about them.

34. Add A Phone Number

34. Add A Phone Number

• Encourage users to engage with your product by awarding points and level-ups for achieving certain milestones.

35. Add Gamification

• Provide affiliates with a special link they can use to send traffic to your site, and pay them a commission for each sale they refer.

36. Start An Affiliate Program

36. Start An Affiliate Program

• Come up with a variety of headlines that will appeal to the 20-35% of your traffic that is most likely to convert. Then, use an A/B testing software like Optimizely to find the highest converting headline.

37. Hack Your Headline

• Use retargeting to display ads across the internet to people who’ve visited your site. A good strategy is to segment users who’ve visited your blog with those that have browsed your products.

38. Use Retargeting

• Show different on-boarding sequences depending on the plan users sign up for.

39. Tailor Your On-Boarding


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