
Æthír Facilitating Social Conscious

Business Strategy.

In Extraordinary Ways.

Our Mission

Our goal is to fund charitable organizations that strive to create

sustainable international humanitarian development and ensure human security, globally.

Fund development plan

“I’m encouraging young people to become social business entrepreneurs and contribute to the world, rather than just making money. Making money is no fun. Contributing to and changing the world is a lot more fun.” - Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner

Fund development plan

Any Business

Any Product

Add to Value Prop

Grow Social Value of Sourcing

Grow Our Impact

Client persona – meet david

Socially Conscious CEO ¤  Private University; MBA

¤  35 – 50 years old

¤  $300,000+ per year

¤  Single or Married

If Married one child

¤  Takes charitable vacations

¤  LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram

¤  Follows U.N., HRW, Clinton

¤  Reads: HBR, Podcasts, Fast Company,

The Economist.

¤  Supports Employees giving back

Client value

Rapidly grow revenue streams by securing new business contracts. Create programs to make Social Funding both possible and profitable. Expand marketing efforts to promote brand exposure. Manage operational contracts with new partners.

Partner persona – meet Jessica

Retail Purchasing Director ¤  MBA

¤  35 – 45 years old

¤  $100,000+ per year

¤  Married w/2 children

¤  LinkedIn, Facebook

¤  Professional interests:

Merchandising, Marketing.

¤  Reads: HBR, Retail Trade Publications,

NY Times, Vox, Vanity Fair

¤  Off hours: Girlfriend meet ups, paint,

craft nights, book clubs and

professional female networking events

partner value

Simple and profitable framework for social funding. Quality products, services and customer service. Business Growth. Expanding visibility for brand by promoting relationship. Foundation collaboration commitment.

Partner persona – meet Josh

Social Entrepreneur ¤  Undergrad, maybe MBA

¤  18 – 35 years old

¤  $0 – 200,000+ per year

¤  Single

¤  Twitter, Instagram, Facebook

¤  Reads: Human Rights Watch, UN, NY

Times, BuyConscious, Co.Exist, The

Good World, Conscious Magazine,

¤  Built business from ground up on

social innovation principles.

Social Entrepreneur value

Expanding visibility for brand by promoting relationship. Business Development Team Expansion. Business Growth. Foundation collaboration commitment.

Digital Marketing Objectives

Establish Creditability

Increase Brand Relevance

Grow Following

Generate Leads and Partnerships

Marketing funnel

Content Strategy to  Establish  Credibility  -­‐  Grow  Following    

Content that inspires educates informs proves celebrates supports establishes trust

Topics Corporate Social Responsibility Social Innovation Social Entrepreneurship Buy One Give One Success Stories Charities We Want to Support

Social to  Increase  Brand  Relevance

Engage In The Conversation Listen to the Industry

Connect with other organizations

Amplify content

Increase Brand Relevance/Meaning

Find new clients and partners Establish Credibility

Amplify Content

Increase Brand Relevance/Meaning

Increase SEO Amplify content

Increase Brand Relevance Grow Audience

Find New Clients/Partners

Amplify Content Audience: Clients, Partners and Promotional Partners

Find new clients and partners Establish Credibility

Amplify Content

Increase Brand Awareness Client Audience - CEOs, Marketers, Strategy Directors Partner Audience: Buyers, Marketers

Social Advertising to  Grow  Following  and  Generate  Engagement  

Display advertising to  Generate  Client  Leads  and  Partnerships  

Social Innovation Social Innovation Social Good Business Driving Social Innovation Social Good Business Social Entrepreneur Social Entrepreneurship Social Good Campaign Social Innovation Campaign Social Innovation Marketing

Brand Keywords Aethir Aethir Inc Aether Incorporated Aether Aether Inc Aether Incorporated Aethir Social Good Aethir Consultants Aethir Social Innovation Aethir Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CSR CSR Marketing Corporate Social Giving Corporate Charity Charitable Business Charitable Businesses

SEO to  Establish  Credibility  

Brand Keywords Aethir Aethir Inc Aether Incorporated Aether Aether Inc Aether Incorporated Aethir Social Good Aethir Consultants Aethir Social Innovation Aethir Corporate Social Responsibility

SEM – Brand Awareness campaigns to  Establish  Credibility  

Email campaigns

Segments Clients Partners

•  Potential Charity Fits for Marketing efforts

•  BTB Marketing/Business Development news

•  Case Studies on successful programs.

•  New Clients On Board •  Impact of Social Conscious

Marketing on Consumers. •  Potential Charity Fits for

Marketing efforts •  How buying behavior is affecting

story to customers.

to  Establish  Credibility  (Retain)  and  Generate  Leads/Partnerships    

•  Financial Performance Reviews •  Fund Impact News •  Weekly Blog Review

•  Blog updates (opt out) •  Æthír Company Update

All Email Subscribers

KPIs  –  Increase  our  brands  credibility  on  digital  Metrics  –  Time  on  Blog  pages,  Site  visits  from  social,  increase  social  engagement,    

Key performance indicators and metrics

Establish Creditability

Increase Brand Relevance

Grow Following

Generate Leads and Partnerships

KPIs  –  Increase  search  performance  on  “Aethir”  to  Page  2  by  year’s  end,  Page  1  in  two  years.  Metrics  –  Site  search  performance  on  branded  keywords,  site  traffic  found  by  Organic  Search    

KPIs  –  200  relevant  followers  on  twiUer  and  100  followers  on  LinkedIn  by  the  end  of  the  year.    Metrics  –  favorites,  shares,  retweets,  and  likes.  #  of  followers.  

KPI  –  Add  7  new  clients  and  3  new  partners  to  the  firm.  Metrics  –  Need  at  least  50  new  leads  to  contact  the  firm  this  year.  20%  conversion  rate,  a]er  contact.  We’re  running  about  a  50%  rate  now.  Site  visits,  pages  seen  per  visit,  bounce  rate.  

Normalcy  to  be  established  a]er  year  1  

Join us! Now or when you all become amazingly

successful digital marketers! Follow us on Twitter:


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