Download - digiTroupe

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Jessica HaasBacilio MendezJessica Lyn Young

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digiTroupe™ is a native mobile Apple application and WAP portal that meets the research, time management, information sharing, and educational needs of the performing arts community served by the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center. NYPL holdingsMedia and information from performing arts companies (“troupes”)

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Jessicas and Bacilio had a dream…

A way to look up class schedules, performance dates

and dance-related media across multiple dance

companies and studios as well as NYPL’s holdings…

All at once, in the palm of your hand!

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Digital Library Service

digiTroupe is a portal for:

Information Interaction Integration

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Increase interest in and access to performing arts knowledge for research and education

Increase library patronageMake the lives of aspiring &

professional dancers and arts patrons easier

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Primary roll-out: Dance in New York Metropolitan Area

Later, post-analysis: Dance in other areas of the U.S.

Beyond: Other performing art forms and other areas within the U.S.

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Features & Functions

digiTroupe site searchSearch/browse NYPL holdingsGPS radius functionality for

discovering dance

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Dual Access Portals

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Rich Media Options

ImagesAudioVideoPrintOriginal contentGlossary

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Movie Time!

Grab a snack and enjoy.

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MedialyticsRich media advertising and analytics

platform for applications built for the iPhone

SDK freely available at

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Copyright & DRM

Conforms to all NYPL best practices and all NYPL Terms of Service are extended to the digiTroupe Mobile App

DRM-encoded with callback software

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Funding Model

WAP portal is freeLinks to purchase collection holdings

and performance tickets Portion of each sale automatically

donated to NYPL Digital Initiatives FundTargeted interstitial ads on

downloadable mobile app Can be turned off by entering NYPL card


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Partnerships with: NYPL Performing Arts Library Dance Studios Theaters

Marketing NYPL Dance Studios Theaters

Staff IT Catalogers Reference Librarians digiTroupe™ consultants

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Partnerships with studios and theaters through advertising and ticket sales would pay for: Marketing Salary for IT per year.

Grants $50K start up cost of creating an


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Literature and Research

“PDAs have applications far beyond serving as an electronic organizer. Academic, public, and special libraries are all developing creative uses for this technology. Librarians are determining how better to serve patrons who want library information on a PDA.”

- Megan K. Fox

“…mobile-learning (m-learning) technologies (e-learning using mobile devices and wireless transmission) can potentially provide significant opportunities for learning and collaborative interaction…”

- Kapil Loomba and Pooja Loomba

“…relevance judgments are supported by advanced technological features of both interfaces and search engines. The added value of the electronic environment is supported by links in contexts, advanced searching and intelligent embedded interfaces… “

- Jela Steinerova

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BIBLIOGRAPHY Arnold, Stephen E.. "Real-Time Search: Where retrieval and Discovery Collide." Online

(Weston, Conn.) 33.6 (2009): 40-1. Business Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2009. Bates, Mary Ellen. "The Future? It Ain't Here Yet!." EContent 29.1 (2006): 38. Library Lit &

Inf Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2009. Fichter, Darlene. "Technology Trends for Intranet Librarians." Online (Weston, Conn.) 28.6

(2004): 45-8. Business Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2009. Fitzgerald, Mary Ann, and Galloway, Chad. "Helping students use virtual libraries

effectively." Teacher Librarian 29.1 (2001): 8-14. Education Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2009. Fox, Megan K.. "A Library in Your Palm." Library Journal (1976) Spring 2003: 10-15.

Education Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2009. Haslam, Rik.  "Mobile Marketing: Interaction: App appeal puts marketers on track: It's been

a while coming, but mobile applications are beginning to find widespread approval - and generate revenues as a result. " The Guardian  9  Nov. 2009,International Newspapers, ProQuest. Web.  1 Dec. 2009.

Kho, Nancy Davis. "Search for Success: Information Discovery in the Effective Enterprise." EContent 32.4 (2009): 20-3, 26-7. Library Lit & Inf Full Text. Web. 14 Dec. 2009.

Loomba, Kapil, and Loomba, Pooja. "Mobile Learning in Knowledge Development Scenario." DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology 29.5 (2009): 54-6. Library Lit & Inf Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2009.

Lucas, Gavin. "Killer apps." Creative Review 28.12 (2008): 28-9. Art Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2009.

Steinerova, Jela. "Relevance Assessment for Digital Libraries." Mousaion 25.2 (2007): 37-57. Library Lit & Inf Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2009.

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digiTroupe™ will meet the needs of: NYPL Performing Arts Library patrons Students of dance Patrons of the performing arts

In the future, this mobile app will be paired with any digital library, subsuming virtually every type of digital content

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