
DILLBy Brandon Ellis

Region of Origin

- Native to southwest Asia and India

- Dill is now widely cultivated in Europe, India, and North America

Uses in cooking- Fresh and dried dill leaves (sometimes called "dill

weed" to distinguish it from dill seed) are widely used as herbs in Germany, Greece, Poland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, the Baltic, Russia, and central Asia

- Used in European Cuisine, Asian Cooking, and the Middle East

How is it grown- Sow your seeds right out into the garden and cover with a 1/4 inch of soil

- Dill is one of the most maintenance-free plants you will find

- You do not have to water dill unless there is a stretch of dry weather

- Dill are light feeders and doesn’t need any fertilizing

- Grown together


- Sharp yet sweet smell to it- Its green leaves are wispy and fernlike

and have a soft, sweet taste- Green- Soft texture and bright

Medicinal Uses- Dill has been used to treat ailments of the digestive tract and to

alleviate insomnia

- In Africa the leaves are chewed to treat headaches

- Used as a digestive aid and for fevers, ulcers, kidney disorders and eye disorders

Dill is sold…

Dry and Fresh

Foods that Dill compliments - Providing a tangy addition to pickles, salad dressing and fish dishes- Combine dill weed with plain yogurt and chopped cucumber for a delicious cooling dip.- Use dill when cooking fish, especially salmon and trout, as the flavors complement one another very well.- Use dill weed as a garnish for sandwiches.

2.00 tsp (4.20 grams)Nutrient % Daily Value

 calcium 6.3%

 manganese 4%

 iron 3.8%

 fiber 3.5%

 magnesium 2.6%

Calories (12) 0%

Nutrients in Dill

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