Page 1: Disability and Human Rights Commissions Meeting Minutes February 2014

Commission for Persons with Disabilities

Medford Human Rights Commission

February 26, 2014

Present: Steve Honeycutt, Diane McLeod, Dale Bryan, and Charlotte Swartz, Lois Bronnenkant, Henry Milorin, David Harris, and resident Jason Hite.

Not present: Chief Sacco and Natalie Breen


Public Participation

December Minutes

Steve motioned to accept, Henry seconded, all in favor

Old Business

Traces Project Update

We agreed the MLK event went well, and we continue with planning for 2014. Comments included the event being crowded, we should get more youth involved, and the facilitation was good.

The Loving Story had to be cancelled due to weather. It will be shown on Monday, March 3 rd at the Library.

Lois mentioned speaking to Mike Oliver about his Saturday evening movies and maybe adding the ‘Waiting Room’ or ‘Unnatural Causes’. David’s concern was that on a Saturday evening people may not be up for a thoughtful movie and then discussion. We thought maybe it could be part of the Traces series.

Diane mentioned that she spoke and emailed Michael Skorker , and the GSA would like to do the ‘selfie’ project. We talked about holding the event May 7th in the Council Chambers. She noted that she had a discussion with him feeling that we are not really collaborating and we need more discussion. He is getting the permission slips from students now. He has spoken with an Art teacher who has the cap[ability of enlarging the selfies. Diane noted that there should be some consultation about angles and how to take the pictures. She gave him Glenn’s information, who was the photographer who did the ‘Faces’ Project. She also spoke with him about numbers as Michael wants this to be a citywide project. If there are too many it won’t work. If they are too small there won’t be an impact. The students don’t want to exclude people, but they need to set parameters. Diane suggested he has a discussion with the students about these issues and then we can speak next week. He also asked about assistance getting a speaker. The students want an interactive session. The students want to discuss self confidence, self

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respect, and the meaning of beauty. Diane suggested he discuss whether they have an interactive session at school as well as a program that evening, or an interactive evening session.

New Business

Jobs for Youth with Disabilities

Natalie is not present and rather than put the information off David asked if she wanted to write a summary for the group as the next meeting is then end of March, and it may be too late to start something. Diane will follow up.

Variance Updates

Diane noted that the lift is in at the Salem Dental Office and they are waiting for an inspection.

The Kitchen Store had to finish installing grab bars and should be complete. (this should be complete)

Condo Units on Main Street were granted a variance with conditions – the 9 exam rooms will have a men’s and women’s single user toilet in the corridor. Persons with disabilities will be scheduled in the exam rooms with corresponding accessible toilet rooms (policy).

Correspondence & Announcements

Day to Day Updates

Diane met with a resident who is blind and has had several requests that she has been working on;

W. Medford Train Station Access. She spoke with Dr. Beverly Scott of the MBTA and has been working with a couple MBTA associates. They are currently conducting an audit of all inaccessible MBTA locations and will put together an access plan and timetable by the end of this year.

Bus shelter at Ring Rd. and Riverside Ave at the Senior Center – currently working with MBTA staff to make that happen.

JAWS software at the Public Library. Diane contacted Perkins School for the Blind and the Library Director. The Library is awaiting new computers (the old ones cannot use JAWS), and as soon as received, she will follow up with JAWS as well as other options available for the blind.

Henry noted there is a Legislative Breakfast for Disability month next Wednesday, March 5th at the State House Great Hall at 10:30AM

In April ‘Outside the Lines’ will host an art show at the Hyatt from April 25 th to the 27th that will consist of a ‘meet and greet’ and art show and a film. Save the date cards will go out.

Diane mentioned that on Monday at the Adams Federal Courthouse second floor there will be arguments on the Hollister case. The AAB found them in non-compliance due to their stepped entrance. Hollister has been fighting this for quite some time.

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David noted that on March 5th there will be the screening of ‘The Rebel’ that tells the story of a woman who fought in the Confederate Army as a man.

On March 13th at Harvard Law School there will be a candidate’s forum on criminal justice with Charles Ogletree and Judge Nancy Gertner

March 25th at Harvard there will be a Richard Ross exhibit on juvenile injustice.

April 3rd will be a screening of ‘The Waiting Room’ which highlights health care disparities

April 17th will screen ‘Free Angela’ at Harvard Law School

(all above events will be forwarded for more detail in an email)

Steve mentioned he attended the City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting on Tuesday night. He gave an overview of the discussion as it related to a bond for the Shepard Brooks Estate. Steve feels there should be an accessible pedestrian path of travel. From the discussion Steve had with Tom Lincoln MBelt prefers no foot traffic access or sidewalks. There was discussion among the group. Steve made a motion to send a letter to the Planning Director asking that an accessible pedestrian way be part of this project, Dale seconded, all in favor. They asked that the letter be CC’d to the Mayor, MBelt, and the City Council. The vote was unanimous. Diane will draft a letter and send it to the group for input.

(After the meeting, and before the draft was approved, it was determined that the city will include an accessible path of travel in the project, so the letter was held)

Motion to adjourn made by Steve, seconded by Dale, all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15PM

Next meeting date

March 26, 2014

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