
Diversity Icebreaker - presentation sales

Making the most out of diversity with[name][position][organization][address]

Space left for the user to fill in [name, position, organization, address]. 1OverviewIntroduction to the Diversity Icebreaker (DI) conceptClassical DI seminarThe effectiveness of DIAdvantages of using DI in your companyBehind the DI Human Factors AS Norway

2Introduction to the DI concept Diversity Icebreaker is a unique concept for communication preferences, different than other classical tools: DI is rapid, unifying and making an active use of humour Blue (task), Red (relational) and Green (change oriented)Social construction in the seminar as a bottom-up process

QuestionnaireMapping the social categories2. SeminarConstructing the commonunderstanding through participant involvement in behavioural, intellectual andemotional processes

3Introduction to the DI conceptEasy to useEasy to understandScientifically valid and reliableEgalitarian and complementary categoriesInstantly triggers humor and enthusiasmGives a balanced model for interaction

4Classical DI seminarDI is used in groups, organizations and conferencesClassical DI: short seminar format of approx. 1-2 hoursFour subsequent stages of the seminar: in and scoring the questionnaireDividing participants into three groupsGroup presentationsOpen discussion and learning process

5Classical DI seminarStage 1: Filling in and scoringClarification of the reasons for using the Diversity Icebreaker (depending on the seminar context)Facilitation of filling out and scoring the questionnaire

6Stage 2: Dividing participants into three even groupsDifferent ways of doing it

What are the qualities of your own colour in interaction with others?What are the qualities of the two other groups, separately described?

Classical DI seminar

(if there happen to be participants assigned to groups other than their predominant colour, encourage them to use their flexibility to act in line with their secondary 7Classical DI seminarStage 3: Group presentationsPresentation of the characteristics of each colour (one at a time)Actor-Observer perspective

Feeling of in-group cohesionActive use of humourFacilitator brings focus into a relevant theoretical perspective ( [area of current application])

Space left for the user to fill in [area of current application].8Classical DI seminarStage 4: Learning processCollective discussion on What have we learned?One can contribute differently in different stages of the process.Your difference is my challenge. Positive expectations of good dialogues.Categories are complementary and egalitarian.Its OK to be different if uniqueness is perceived positively by others.No uniqueness is better and more powerful than another.We have created our own language.We better understood the group dynamics. People are different, in different situations.

NOTE: boxes start to appear one after another after automatically.9Would you like to have some special sequence for the animation here/up to me/No animation at all?Classical DI seminarResults:Generates curiosity about ones personal view-points and those held by the othersThe participants develop new knowledge about themselves and others through a high-quality dialogue and direct involvementThe concepts of Red, Blue and Green contribute to a mutual recognition of differences, providing a positive learning process that the participants will remember for a long time

Flexibility: the universal questionnaire and seminar models open opportunities for the process to be led in many different directionsDI adapts to your organizations specific needs, current situation and members, bringing tailor-made improvements

10The effectiveness of DIImproves communication and dialogue Fosters flexibility and creativityBoosts trust and expectancy of being respectedEnhances self-awarenessFacilitates social interaction through better understanding of the other Brings in the appreciation of differences and positive evaluation of each otherIntroduces constructive group dynamics

When discussing this and the following slide, you should refer to slides 5 and 6.11The effectiveness of DIPromotes curiosity of the other and willingness to listenHelps with conflict resolutionBrings in a common understanding of interpersonal conceptsDraws on the culture of diversity and encourages people to share more of their unique background and perspectivesCreates psychological safety for experimental learning Gives feedback

12Advantages of using DI in your organizationTeam, Project work and InnovationAwareness of different roles in the teamEstablishes an expectancy of positive acknowledgement of uniquenessShared understanding and trustKnowledge of various type of contribution of people with different colours in different stages Smooth, complementary teamwork More open and trustful communication Better management of effective and creativity processesAREA OF APPLICATIONCHANGES IT BRINGSWHATS IN IT FOR YOU?

13Advantages of using DI in your organizationCommunication training Conflict managementBetter understanding of different communicational preferences through Red, Blue and Green categoriesOpen, precise and unconstrained communicationLess conflicts and more cooperation: things are being done faster and better in your organizationFacilitated feedback AREA OF APPLICATIONCHANGES IT BRINGSWHATS IN IT FOR YOU?

14Advantages of using DI in your organizationKick-offsDevelopment of shared language and understanding from the very beginning of being togetherUnforgettable collective experience of joyShorter time to reach a full working capacity of a new project teamGreat base for developing a meaningful rapport between stakeholders and project team membersCreates a shared image of an attractive future of working togetherAREA OF APPLICATIONCHANGES IT BRINGSWHATS IN IT FOR YOU?

15Advantages of using DI in your organizationDiversity managementDiversity categories relevant for ways of treating information and relationshipsSafe environment promoting trust an opennessA shared language for managing diversity, making it easier to treat diversity resulting from professions, departments, gender, culture, etc.Creating a positive integrative cultureAREA OF APPLICATIONCHANGES IT BRINGSWHATS IN IT FOR YOU?

16Advantages of using DI in your organizationSelf understanding, Leadership and Personal developmentIncreased self-awareness and self-reflection through concepts of Red, Blue and GreenMore conscious people oriented towards self-development and learning from social interactionLeaders with easy communicative understanding of the social interactions in their teamsAREA OF APPLICATIONCHANGES IT BRINGSWHATS IN IT FOR YOU?

17Advantages of using DI in your organizationCross-cultural training Cultural conflict managementBreaking of cultural barriers related to prejudicesA shared language of egalitarian and complementary qualities, going beyond cultural differencesSustainable solutions to cultural conflicts in your organizationMore effective ways to manage international teams, mergers and acquisitionsAREA OF APPLICATIONCHANGES IT BRINGSWHATS IN IT FOR YOU?

18Behind the Diversity IcebreakerHuman Factors AS An international management consultant company specializing in teams, leadership, cultural diversity, communication, project leadership, and measurement instruments since 1993Practitioner as well as academically orientated.Open Innovation ModelOpenness and Generosity the core values

Red, Blue and Green established as categories for communication in 1995DI Questionnaire emerged in 1997, the version in use unchanged since 2005The classical seminar pattern emerged in 2003

19This is the first time I include HF logo; I thought that we should focus the atention on the DI until now. What do you think?Behind the Diversity IcebreakerHuman Factors AS contactHuman Factors AS,

DiversityIcebreakerNetworkon LinkedIn

DiversityIcebreaker Internationalon Facebook

Note: link to the Human Factors AS website is under the HF logo in the right-down corner; link to the DI homepage is under the logo in the left-down corner Both LinkedIn and Facebook logos link to relevant social network pages.20I was wondering if I should put your name as the CEO of the company here. What do you think?

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