  • 8/10/2019 Dmo-2009!07!159 DENR Code of Conduct Web










    Article XI of the 1987 Philip pine C ons


    t u

    lion provides

    Iliat "Public office is a public trust. Public officers and employees niust at all times be

    accou ntable to tlie people, serv e then1 witli utn iost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and

    efficiency, act wilh patriotism an d justice, an d lead m od est lives";


    Seclion 7, Cha pte r 11 Book


    of Executive Order No. 292, ollierwise

    ltnown as tlie "Administrative Code of 1987" enipowers Ilie Secrelary lo prornt~lgdlc.

    ndlnin istrative issuanc es necessary for the efficient adn iini stra tion of the DENR;


    Section 13 of Republic Act No. 6713, otherw ise kn ow n as the "C ode

    of Con du ct and Ethical St an da rd s for Public Officials and Eniployees" provid es tlial

    nothing in said Act shall be construed to der og at e from any law, o r any regulation

    prescribed by an y body or agency, which pro vides for niore stringen t sta nd ard s for ils

    officials an d employees;

    WHEREAS, the C ab in et in coord ination witli tlie Presidenl-ial An ti-Graft

    Conimission (PAGC) adopted a national anti-corruption framework known ' is Integrity

    Dev elopm ent Action Plan (IDAP) on 1 7 Decem ber 2004;


    on 'I5 April 2005, tlie DENR submitted ils agency-specific IDA


    coniniitnienls to the I'AGC;

    WHEREAS, on e of th e IIENR's IDA P coniniit nients is the fo rniulalio n of Ilie

    Co de of Con duc l and Elliical Stand ards;


    Republic Act No. 9485, otherwise kn ow n a s the "Anti-Red Ta pe Act

    of 2007" provides that the State shall maintain honesty and responsihility aniong its

    public officials and employees. It shall take appropriate nmeasures 1 0


    lransparency in each agency with regard to Ilie manner of lransacling will1 Ilie public,

    which s l ia ll encom pass a program for the adoption of s implif ied pro ce d~ ~l .eshat will

    reduce red tape and ex pedite transaction in government; a nd


    tlie DENR lierchy pro111 l t ~ sliis Co d e ol' Co n d t~ c tind

    lllliical Sta nda rds, to wit:



    1. Title . This Code shall he known as tlie "Code ol Conducl anti

    Elliical Sla nda rds of the Departm ent of Environnient and N ai l~ ra lRes o ~~rces " .



    Objectives. Th e following are the objectives of Iliis C od e of C ond uct

    and Ethical Standard s:


    To serve as a tool to attain the DENR vision, mission and the core


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    T o p r o v id e e n ip l oy e e s w i t h g l ~ i d a n c en e th ic ally a ~ i i h i g ~ ~ o u si t~rat io l i s

    in t lie perform ance of their dutie s and responsibi l it ies;

    c . To shar pen t li e DENR cr i te r ia and s t an dar ds fo r p~ l b l i c service

    accoun tab il i ty an d good governance ;

    d . To s e r v e a s g u i d ep o s t in c l a ri fy i ng d esi rab le an d ~ ~ n d es i r a b l e


    e. To provide protect - ion for employees against arbi t rary or unethical

    beha vior of su pe rio r officials;

    f. To deve lop an d ma intain p l ib lic t rust, t ranspa rency an d in tegr ity in

    the perfo rnianc e of official


    i lt ies an d functions;

    g . To h e lp p ro n io t e ~ ~ r o f e s s i o n a l i s n ind s tand ard s of excellence

    i l l

    ~ w h l i c


    11. T o imp re ss u po n en ipl oy ee s tlie sta nd a rd s of beIiciviol. req uire d of

    them in the perform ance of thei r dut ies ; and

    i. To pro vide a detai led set of ru les an d guide l ines for all off icial s an d

    eniplo yees to mee t the h igh est s tand ard of in tegr i ty in p i lb lic service.

    Sec t ion 3

    DEN R Vision an d M ission.



    nat ion en joy ing and sus t a in ing it s na tu ra l r esources an d a c l ean and

    IieaILhy envir onn ien t.

    M ISSTON: T l ie D EN R s h al l b e t h e d r i v i n g fo rce in t h e p ~ ~ r s ~ l i lf sustainal,le

    developm ent , enab l ing s takeholders par t icipat ion in t lie protection, conservat ion an d

    ma nage me nt o f t he env i ronn ien t an d na tu ra l r esources fo r t li e p resen t and fu tu re

    generat ions.

    Sec t ion 4 Co re Values . Tow ard s t he a t t a inment of t he DEN R Vis ion a nd

    Mission, th e fo l lowing C ore Values s lial l be upl ield :


    T he envi ro nnient a nd natura l resources a re cri tical to t lie wel l-being of

    F i li p inos and the deve lopm ent of t he coun t ry , a nd m us t t herefo re w

    gove rned wi th a d ee p sense of responsibi l ity an d accountabil i ty .

    b. A s conserva to r and n i anager of tl ie en v i ro ~ i ~ i i e n tn d n a t ~ ~ r a lesources, llie

    DENR sl ial l ful ly observe integri ty, accountabil i ty arid t ransparency



    p rogra ms and p ro jec ts .

    c. Tlie DE NR shall en su re effect ive an d efficient del ive ry of i ts services.

    d . DENR off ic ia ls and em ployee s sha ll l ead s imp le and mo des t l ives , observe

    low carbon l i fes ty les , and cul t ivate s incere appreciat ion for natural

    ecosys tems ap propr i a t e fo r s t ewards of t he coun t ry s env i ronn ien t a nd

    natural resources.


    DENR off icial s and employees shal l observe profess ional i sni and

    organ iza t iona l d i sc ip line pur s uan t t o l aws and regu la tions an d th is Code .

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    A. Where the Onlbudsman exercises jurisdiction over the case by

    requiring the respondent to submit his Answer/Counter Affidavit

    or Comment, then the DENR shall dismiss the case filed with it,

    without prejudice to any directive of the Office of the Ombudsman

    pursuant to Republic Act No. 6770, otherwise known as the

    Ombudsman Act?, such as referral or indorsement.

    B. Where the Ombudsman has not yet required the respondent to

    submit his or her Answer/Counter affidavit or Comment, then the

    DENR shall hold the case n abeyance, until the Ombudsman acts

    on the case, after wl~icll he case will e dismissed, unless the case

    is in~mediatelydisniissible wilhou t investigation, in accordance

    with Rule 4.A.



    4 3

    Cases that maybe subjected to Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Pursuant to Executive Order No. 523 and Republic Act No.


    those cases appropriate for Alternative Dispute Resolution shall be

    subjected to such process. Such cases are the following:

    A. Cases arising from a personal transaction between

    complainant and respondent such as agreements and contracts

    where a dispute or disagreement arose; and


    Those arising from personal quarrels and the Like, and there

    are no allegations involving graft and corrupt practices, grave

    misconduct or gross negligence in the

    perfornlance of official


    4 4 Grievance Machinery. Work related issues or complaints giving

    rise Lo employee dissatisfaction shall be addressed through the grievance

    machinery. These cases or issues shall not include the following:

    disciplinary cases, sexual harassment cases, union related issues and

    concern, and complaint relative to the Performance Evaluation System.

    Rule 5


    the following gifts policy for all officials and employees.

    No official or employee shall receive any gift in consideration of improper

    exercise of official functions. Provided that any gift received in the amount of more than

    Php 5,000.00 except for the DENR as an institution shall


    presumed to have been

    given and received in consideration of improper exercise of official functions.

    Entertainment, travels whether local or abroad, hotel accommodation, dinners and the

    like shall be considered gifts. However, this rule shall not apply to relatives within the

    third degree of consanguinity or affinity. Violation of this Rule shall be punished in

    accordance with existing and applicable laws, rules and regulations.



    PROHIBlTION ON NEPOTISM. The DENR shall strictly prohibit

    Nepotism which is the appointment made in favor of a relative of the appointing or


    authority, or of the Chief of Office, or of the person exercising

    immediate supervision over the appointee. The prohibition shall apply to relatives and

    members of the family within the 3rd civil degree either of consanguinity or affinity,

    except to persons employed in a confidential capacity.

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