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    THE PATIENTBY : Dr. Sanat Trivedi

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    About the author

    Dr.Sanat Trivedi has served government for 32 years. He has retired from

    active service in 1995. He was the Director of Medical Services, at the time ofretirement. He is professionally a medical doctor and he works for the welfare

    of the patients. He has a variety of interests in life in addition to his medical

    field. He is voracious reader. His subjects of interests are philosophy, yoga, and

    classical literature. At present he is writing book on RAJYOGA.

    He is very active even after his retirement. He is engaged in numerous activities

    even to-day at the age of 65.His main hobbies are classical music, photography,

    and writing on various subjects. He is also the president of Drugs and

    Cosmetics Consumers Association. The aim of this organization is to protect

    the rights of the patients and consumers using various types of cosmetics.

    Citizens Vigilance Movement Trust is thankful to Dr.Trivedi for writing such a

    useful book for the benefit of the patients.


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    My friend Dr.Sanat Trivedi has worked in government health department fornearly thirty two years. He was Director of Medical Services, when he retired.

    During his service period, he used to solve the problems of hospitals, doctors,

    and patients. Many times he used to discuss such problems with me. He always

    had a desire to write one book for the benefit of the patients.

    Most of the time common citizens want to know their rights as patients. But as

    there is no literature available in simple language, it is not possible for them to

    know their rights. This booklet will fulfill their demand.

    Dr. Trivedi has started this book with the history of medical practice. He has

    beautifully written evolution of medical practice. There are rules and

    regulations for medical practitioners which are administered by medicalcouncil. He has also mentioned that doctor must practice with the same system

    of medicine in which he is trained for. Besides he has mentioned regarding

    patient doctor relations.

    Most of the doctors read the Hippocratic Oath during their study, but then with

    the passage of time they easily forget it. To-day hardly ten percent of the

    practicing doctors might be aware of the Hippocratic Oath.

    He has also written about the unwritten contract between the doctor and the

    patient. He has also briefly mentioned about the rights of the patients and

    responsibilities of the doctors. To-day doctors are giving evidence basedtreatment. It means that the treatment is not as per the personal belief of the

    doctor but it should be standardized and approved by medical science. The

    effectivity of this treatment depends upon both, the doctor and the patient. Any

    treatment will not be effective without the co-operation of the patient. Patient

    must fully understand the severity and the prognosis of his disease, and also the

    mode of his treatment. Dr.Trivedi has discussed this chapter in much more


    Dr.Trivedi has also written regarding importance of doctors prescription. He

    has also mentioned regarding various components of the prescription.

    In short this small booklet has tried to clarify various aspects of doctor and

    patient relationship. I hope the book shall give better insight and shall hence

    help to remove misunderstanding between the patients and the doctors.

    Dr. Jyotindra Bhatt

    M.D. Cardiologist


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    1. History

    2. Hippocratic Oath

    3. Geneva Convention

    4. Medical Practice To-day

    5. Doctors Responsibility

    6. Patients Rights

    7. Drugs and Prescription

    8. Regulatory Authorities

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    In India during the early period, modern medical science was not known.

    Most of the patients were treated by Ayurvedic doctors. The Ayurvedic medical

    system was prevalent during those days. As per the Ayurvedic tradition, the aim

    of treatment was not to earn money but to treat and cure sick patients. Doctors

    main aim was to look after the patients welfare. Doctor used to pray that,

    I desireth not the Kingdom on earth;

    I desireth not heaven after death;

    Nor do I desire a better rebirth.

    I desireth only to heal the unhealthy bodiesAnd soothe the disturbed minds of my patients.

    During British rule, modern medical science was introduced in India by British

    doctors. Special medical schools were started to train Indian doctors. Gradually

    Ayurvedic practice was replaced by modern medical practice. During those

    days also patients welfare was the first priority of the doctor. The doctor was

    enjoying high status in the society. He was respected by the people. He was

    considered as a kind and an unselfish individual who will treat the patient as per

    his knowledge and skill and in return will receive a reasonable fee. There were

    number of doctors in the society at that time, who would not charge fees to poorand non- affording patients. In those days doctor patient relationships were

    cordial. Some of the doctors were as good as family members of the patient.

    The patient and his family members used to have complete trust in their doctor.

    Doctors advice will be always for the welfare of the patient. Advice of family

    doctor was considered as final for all the family members.

    Now the time has changed. Doctor has become more professional. The aim of

    treating the patient is replaced by the aim of earning more money. Doctor has

    become more self-centered and money oriented. His aim is to earn more money

    within a short period. This is because he has spent a huge amount of money for

    his medical education. Today hospitals are established, not for the sole purposeof treating the patient but for getting enough returns from their investment.

    Today big corporate bodies and rich persons are interested to establish hospitals

    because they know that medical profession is more profitable then any other

    profession. On the other hand patients have also become aware of their rights.

    An expectation of the patients is to get better medical services in return of their

    money paid as fees. Today medical profession has altered to be a profitable

    business. Today doctor-patient emotional relations are no more present. Those

    emotional human relations are replaced by provider- consumer relations. Today

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    patient pays the fee and purchases the treatment. He expects maximum return of

    his money paid.

    In this changed circumstances, it is desirable that the patients rights areprotected. Not only that, but a patient must become aware of his rights as a

    patient. For the same purpose, he must know and understand his constitutional

    and legal rights which are sanctioned by the government and society. At the

    same time one should also know the responsibilities of the doctor. Most of the

    people in the society, are neither aware of their rights as the patient nor are they

    aware of doctors responsibilities.

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    In the ancient period there were no schools or colleges for learning medical

    science. In those days medical teachers used to teach medicine to their selected

    students. The medical students have to stay with their teacher to study

    medicine. The teacher used to teach his students by the way of lectures,

    discussions, and practical demonstrations on the patients. The student was

    taught the method of diagnosing the disease, selection of correct medicine,preparations of various mixtures and other techniques for treating patients. In

    Greece there was an eminent doctor whose name was Hippocrates. He made

    various experiments and research in the field of medical science. So he is

    considered as the father of the medical science. He made various rules for the

    doctors. Those rules were known as the HIPPOCRATIC OATH. It was

    mandatory for each doctor to obey those rules while practicing medicine. At the

    time of completion of medical training, each doctor was supposed to take those

    oaths in front of his teacher. The doctor was supposed to follow those rules for

    the life time. As per the belief of the Greek people Apollo is the lord of health.

    So those oaths were taken in the name of Apollo. The Hippocratic oaths are as

    given bellow.

    I swear by Apollo physician, by health, by heal all, and by all Gods and

    Goddesses , making them witnesses, that I will carry out according to my

    ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.

    To regard my teacher in this art as equal to my parents; to make him partner in

    my livelihood, and when he is in need of money to share mine with him, to

    consider his offsprings equal to my brothers; to teach them this art if they

    require to learn it, without fee or indenture; and to impart precept, oral

    instruction, and all other learnings , to my sons, and to the sons of my teacherand to pupils who have signed the indenture and sworn obedience to the

    physicians law, but to non other.

    I will use treatment to help the sick, according to my ability and judgment, but I

    will never use it to injure or wrong them. I will not give poison to any one

    though asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a plan. Similarly I will not give

    pessary to women to cause abortion. But in purity and holiness, I will guard my

    life and art. I will not use the knife on sufferers from stone, but I will give place

    to such as craftsmen there in.

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    Into what so ever houses I enter, I will do so to help the sick, keeping myself

    free from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, bond or free.

    Whatsoever in the course of practice I see or hear [or even out side my practicein social intercourse] that ought never to be published abroad, I will not

    divulge, but will consider such things to be holy secrets.

    Now if I keep this oath and break it not, may I enjoy honor, in my life and art,

    among all men for all time; but if I transgress and forswear myself, May the

    opposite befall me.

    These rules and ethics were suggested by Hippocrates in past. To-day even the

    same rules and ethics are abiding to doctors. At the end of completion of

    medical training each doctoris supposed to take this oath in front of his senior

    teacher. And he should abide the rules for life time during his medical practice.

    After the period of Hippocrates, there were major changes in the medicalscience. Number of new drugs and methods of treatment, were added in

    medical practice. Doctors were equipped with more knowledge and better

    technique for treating the patients. Medical profession was a noble profession,

    where doctors can get enough money, prestige, and respect in the society. With

    the effect more and more persons were attracted towards this profession.

    In 1949 members of world medical association, felt the need of framing certain

    rules for this profession. General meeting of the members were called in

    Geneva. The members discussed various aspects of medical practice and finally

    passed certain resolutions, which were known as Geneva convention.

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    In October 1949, members of world medical association prepared the document

    for the responsibilities of doctors. The rules and regulations mentioned in this

    document are obligatory for all the doctors. These rules are called the Geneva



    [Adopted by the General Assembly of the World Medical Association atGeneva, Switzerland, September, 1948]



    1) I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE myself to consecrate my life to the service of


    2) I WILL GIVE to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due.

    3) I WILL PRACTICE my profession with conscience and dignity.

    4) THE HEALTH OF MY PATIENTS will be my first consideration.

    5) I WILL RESPECT the secrets confided in me.

    6) I WILL MAINTAIN by all means, in my power, the honor and the noble

    traditions of the medical profession.

    7) MY COLLEAGUES will be my brothers.

    8) I WILL NOT PERMIT consideration of religion, nationality, race, party-

    politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient.

    9) I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for human life from time of


    10) Even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the

    laws of humanity.I MAKE THESE PROMISES solemnly, freely and upon my honor.

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    International Code of Medical Ethics is as follows:

    A] Duties of Doctors in General

    1. A doctor must always maintain the highest standards of professional conduct.

    2. A doctor must practice his profession uninfluenced by motives of profit.

    3. The following practices are deemed unethical.

    a) Any self-advertisement except such as is expressly authorized by the

    national code of medical ethics.

    b) Collaboration in any form of medical service in which doctor does not have

    professional independence.c) Receiving any money in connection with services rendered to a patient

    other than a proper professional fee, even with the knowledge of the patient.

    Any act or device that could weaken the physical or mental resistance of a

    human being may be used only in his interest.

    A doctor is advised to use great caution in divulging discoveries or new

    techniques or treatment.

    A doctor should certify or testify only to that which he has personally verified.


    A doctor must always bear in mind the obligation of preserving human life.

    A doctor owes to his patient complete loyalty and all the resources of his

    science. Whenever an examination or treatment is beyond his capacity he

    should summon another doctor who has the necessary ability.

    A doctor shall preserve absolute secrecy on all he knows about the patient

    because of the confidence entrusted in him.

    A doctor must give emergency care as a humanitarian duty unless he is assured

    that others are willing and able to give such care.


    A doctor ought to behave to his colleagues as he would have them behave to


    A doctor must not entice patients from his colleagues.

    A doctor must observe the principles of The Declaration of Geneva approved

    by the World Medical Association.

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    1) As per the Hippocratic Oath and the Geneva Convention, it is very clear

    that every doctor must follow medical ethics and certain rules during his

    medical practice. Medical profession is altogether a different profession. It is

    considered as a noble profession. So a doctor must have a humanitarian

    approach while treating patients. It is desirable that each doctor should

    follow medical ethics and maintain high standard of medical profession.

    2) The first and the primary duty of the doctor is to treat the patient. He

    should apply his knowledge and skill for the welfare of the patient and forthe treatment of the sick human beings. He should be always faithful to his

    patient. His advice to the patient must be for curing the disease and for the

    maintenance of good health. Most of the time, the patient does not have the

    right knowledge of his disease. For receiving right knowledge, he

    approaches the doctor. So it is prime duty of the doctor to advise him


    3) A Doctor must not give such an advice, which is harmful or injurious to

    the health of the patient. Harmful effect may be for short term or for long


    4) Doctor must not use such medicine or method of treatment for the patient,

    which is not approved by medical science.

    5) It is the primary duty of each practicing doctor to offer emergency

    treatment. So doctor should not refuse the patient who is in need of urgent

    medical treatment.

    6) All patients should be equal for the doctor. Treating disease is doctors

    primary duty. His medical approach should not be affected by caste,

    religion, nationality, or social status of the patient. He should treat the

    patient as per the medical need.

    7) Whenever the patient visits the clinic, he is examined by the doctor for thepurpose of diagnosing the disease. During medical examination, the patient

    reveals his private and personal matters to the doctor. Not only has that but

    the doctor has got full knowledge of the patients physical and mental status

    through medical examination. It is the duty of the doctor, to keep it secret

    and confidential. Legally nobody can compel the doctor, for revealing the

    confidential matters of his patient except judicial court.

    8) A Doctor must take due care while examining the patient. This is truer

    when he examines the female patient. His manner of examination should not

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    be such that it creates embarrassment to the patient. It is advisable to

    examine the female patient either in the presence of her relative or nurse.

    9) The doctor should not have any immoral relations with the patient. Suchrelation will spoil the image of doctor patient relationship.

    10) A Doctor can take a reasonable fee from the patient as reward of

    services given to him. But doctor should not accept undue fee or gifts from

    the patient.

    11) A Doctor must never prescribe or give poison to the patient, even though

    a patient may request for the same. Because the doctors primary duty is to

    give life and not death.

    12) If a doctor desires to use either patient or patients medical record for

    any type of medical research or training, he must take prior permission from

    the patient. Patients body or his medical record can not be used for anypurpose without patients permission.

    13) The Medical profession is a noble profession; it is obligatory duty of

    each of his member to maintain respect, status, and dignity of the profession.

    14) As per the code of conduct of this noble profession, members of this

    profession should not advertise for themselves. A Doctor is not supposed to

    directly or indirectly advertise through any media. Like other businessmen,

    doctors can not apply means of advertisement for the purpose of attracting


    15) A Doctor can not offer either kind or cash to anybody for bringing orreferring cases to him.

    16) Same way the specialist can not reward the practicing doctor, either in

    kind or in cash, for referring him patients.

    17) A Doctor should not use immoral means for the expansion of his


    18) A Doctor should practice only that system of medicine for which he is

    trained and in which he is expert. E.g. allopathic doctor should practice only

    allopathic system of medicine and homeopathic doctor should practice only

    homeopathic system of medicine.

    19) A Doctor must not use any medicine, method of treatment or method of

    operation, which is not approved by medical science.

    20) If at the time of examination, treatment, or operation, doctor feels that it

    is beyond his capacity to diagnose, treat, or operate the patient, then for

    benefit of the patient, he should take opinion of another expert. Or he should

    refer the patient to the institute where the patient can be treated effectively

    and efficiently. He should write full details of the patients sickness, while

    referring him to another specialist or an institution.

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    When a patient visits the doctor for the purpose of treatment, and doctor

    accepts him as his patient, automatically it becomes an unwritten contract

    between the patient and the doctor. As per the contract doctor is supposed to

    diagnose and treat the patient, while patient is supposed to pay a reasonable

    fee. The law of contract confirms certain rights to the patient. In the same

    way Constitution of India, has also confirmed certain rights for an Indian

    Citizen. The Patient being an Indian Citizen, he enjoys certain rights as per

    the Indian Constitution.

    The patient is a consumer of medical services. Being a consumer he enjoyscertain rights under Consumer Protection Act.

    So the patients rights are based on:

    1] The Law of contract

    2] The Indian constitution

    3] The Consumer Protection Act.

    Considering all these three acts together and considering doctors

    responsibilities, patients will have following rights:

    In legal terms the body is considered as the property of the patient. In

    other words he is the master of his body. So he enjoys all the rights to utilize it

    as per his own desire. When the same physical body is either sick or unhealthy,

    he will decide the mode of treatment. He can decide whether to treat it or not. If

    he decides to give treatment, he can decide whether to treat it with allopathic,

    homeopathic or ayurvedic system of medicine. He has also right to choose his

    doctor, laboratory, or treatment centre. Nobody other then the patient have a

    right to make a selection for him.

    Before selecting the doctor, the patient has a right to know about the

    qualifications and the medical experience of the doctor. In early days, doctors

    and consultants used to keep their degree and registration certificates in theclinics, at the place where the patient can easily verify it.

    The patient gives reasonable fee to doctor, so he expects good and

    effective treatment; and the doctor is thereby bound to provide him the most

    effective medical treatment.

    The patient has the full right to know the nature of fees he is supposed to

    pay. A Doctor should tell him in detail, regarding the nature of fees; he is going

    to charge to the patient.

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    Same way when the patient is admitted in the hospital, he has right to

    know various charges of the hospital.

    The Patient has also right to know the various facilities offered by thehospital.

    After accepting the person as a patient, doctor examines him clinically. If

    required for the purpose of diagnosis, he performs laboratory and x-ray

    investigations. He diagnosis the disease and finally advises the treatment. The

    Patient has full right to know about his physical condition, diagnosis, mode of

    treatment and prognosis. It is the duty of the doctor to inform the patient

    regarding all the details about the disease, the nature of treatment and the

    probable chances of cure. All the questions and queries of the patient should be

    satisfied. A Patient being a non-medical person will not be in a position to

    understand high technical words. It is the duty of the doctor; to inform him in amore simplified language, which can be understood by the patient.

    The Patient must be informed regarding effects, side effects and probable

    complications of the drugs used. He should be made aware of the probable short

    term and long term complications of the treatment prescribed. If patient is

    informed well in advanced regarding probable complications of the treatment

    and side effects of the drug, he will be mentally prepared to accept it.

    In the same way when an operation is the main part of the treatment, the

    patient must be fully informed about the method of operation, the type of

    anesthesia, the probable complications, and the effectivity of the operation. It isthe duty of the doctor to prepare the patient mentally for the purpose of

    operation. The Doctor must inform the patient about the probable risks of the

    operation. At present in number of hospitals, the patient is asked to sign on the

    acceptance form, which he signs without fully understanding it. This is not the

    correct method. The doctor, preferably the operating surgeon must spend

    reasonable time with the patient, for the purpose of informing him fully

    regarding the proposed operation.

    At the time of the medical check up, the patient reveals all his personal

    matters to the doctor. The Doctor gets information about his physical and

    mental status, his thought process, his emotions, his aspirations, his desires, and

    his secret wishes. These all are revealed by the patient for the sole purpose of

    getting correct and effective treatment. The Doctor must not divulge this

    information to any one. No authority can compel the doctor to disclose this

    information except judicial court.

    A Patient has the right to refuse utilization of his body or his medical

    record to be used for the purpose of either research or training.

    During the course of treatment if a patient desires to change either the

    doctor or the hospital, it is within his right to do so. If he leaves the hospital

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    After diagnosis the doctor decides the line of treatment. He prepares the list

    of drugs to be used for treatment which is called as the prescription. The

    prescription is given to the patient. The patient purchases the drugs from the

    drug store as per the prescription. As per the law, the drug store keeper can

    not sell the drugs to anybody without a standard prescription from registered

    medical practitioner.

    The prescription should be in standard form. It should contain doctors

    name, his qualifications, doctors registration number, date, list of drugs,

    method of taking the drugs, dose suggested and signature of the doctor.Most of the drugs are harmful and injurious to health if not taken as per the

    prescribed dose. Only doctors can select the drugs and decide the dose for

    the patient. So such drugs are not available from the medical store without a

    proper medical prescription.

    The person should take the following precautions while purchasing drugs

    from a drug store:

    A] The drugs supplied by the drug store must be as per the prescription. It

    may happen that if same drugs are not available with the store, store keeper

    may supply some alternative drugs, having same effect. This is not goodpractice. The store keeper being non-medical person can not decide the

    drugs for the patient. He may not have detailed knowledge of drugs effects

    and its side effects. On the other hand, the doctor might have prescribed the

    drug with specific reasons that are not known to the store keeper. So it is

    advisable not to purchase the drugs which are not as per the doctors

    prescription. The doctor can not be held responsible for the side effects and

    complications of the drugs taken, which he has not prescribed.

    B] Drug must be purchased only in a sealed packing. No drug should be

    purchased which is not in the sealed packing. If drugs packing is broken

    there are chances of it getting adulterated. At the same time some drugs getspoiled and ineffective once the packing remains open for long time. The

    manufacturing company cannot be held responsible for adulterated, spoiled,

    and ineffective drugs, if original company packing is broken.

    C] The packing should contain the standard labeling for the drug. The label

    should contain the name of the drug, its various constituents, the strength of

    its various constituents, and the date of manufacturing, date of expiring,

    batch number, and name of the manufacturing company.

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    D] The drug whose expiry date is over, should not be purchased, and should

    not be used in any circumstances. The expiry date is the time limit, decided

    by the manufacturing company for the effectivity and competency of thedrug. The drug may lose its efficacy after expiry date.

    E] The patient must know the correct method and dose of using the drug. If

    he has any doubt, he should consult his doctor and get clarification. The

    drugs meant for local use can not be taken orally. It may create severe


    F] Patients should not use old drugs already lying in the house. It may

    happen that the doctor might have prescribed some drug in the past for some

    disease for one of the family member. The same drug might be lying in the

    house. It is common practice to take the same drug when similar symptoms

    are shown by another family member. This is not correct method for severalreasons. Being old, the drug might have lost its efficacy. Secondly the

    symptoms may be similar but underlying disease may be different. For

    example chest pain may be due to purely muscular in origin or it may be due

    to serious heart trouble. The drugs for both the conditions are different.

    F] The drug must be properly stored in the house. It should be kept at cool

    and dry place so that temperature and humidity may not spoil the drug. It

    should not be kept within easy reach of children. Certain drugs are

    poisonous. And if taken by children it may create serious complications.

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    There are spectacular changes in the medical science and its medical practice

    within the last fifty years. The major changes in the medical field are:

    1) Number of new researches and inventions have given new hope to the

    doctors for treating hard and difficult cases.

    2) Medical treatment has become more costly.

    3) Medical practice has become more commercial.

    Medical Research and Discoveries.

    There are innumerable researches in the medical science which have

    completely changed the scenario of the medical field. Number of new drugs

    are discovered which are more powerful and more effective than its older

    counterparts. Revolutionary discovery of anti-biotics have given very

    powerful tool for fighting infectious diseases. Now with the help of

    antibiotics, doctors can confidently treat the patients with diseases like

    typhoid, bronchopneumonia, bronchitis, and many other diseases caused by

    various bacteria. In the same way number of other new drugs has made it

    easy to treat complicated cases. There are new laboratory and medical

    investigations which have made diagnosis easier and more accurate. With

    the help of such investigations the doctor is more confident for detecting the

    disease. Inventions of sonography, C.T.SCAN, M.R.I and other

    investigating procedures have made it easier for the doctor to detect number

    of severe diseases. Number of new operative procedures are added in the last

    fifty years. I.O.L for cataract, by-pass surgery for the heart diseases,

    transplantations of new organs like kidney transplantation and bone

    transplantations, and other new operative procedures have given new hope

    and more confidence for treating various diseases. New operativeinstruments are added to help the surgeons. Laparoscopy, gastroscopy,

    arthroscopy etc have made operations more easy and safe. As a result of all

    these new medical researches, the mortality and morbidity rates have

    declined. Certain diseases like small pox have been completely eradicated

    from the surface of the earth. Average life span of the man is now increased.

    Now there are more means to protect the man from various diseases.

    Average life is not only longer but healthier than what it was in the past.

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    Cost of treatment

    The second spectacular change is the colossal increase in the cost of

    treatment. There are multiple reasons for the increase in the cost oftreatment.

    A] There is an over all increase in the cost of living.

    B] Drugs have become more costly.

    C] Laboratory and other medical investigations have become more costly.

    Not only that but trends in the modern medical practice is to advise for more

    such tests for reaching to final diagnosis and to decide the mode of


    D] Consulting charges and medical fee of the doctor have increased. This is

    because doctor has to pay more for the maintenance of his clinic.

    E] Hospital charges have increased because hospitals have to spend more forits staff and other overheads.

    There are so many other factors which contribute towards the increase in the

    cost of treatment.

    Medical practice

    Medical practice is more commercial now days. There is a spectacular

    change in the attitude of the medical practitioner. He is more clever and

    shrewd compared to his ancestors. He is not only the healer of the disease

    but he is also a smart business man. He knows various lawful tactics to get

    satisfactory returns of his investments. A doctor has invested a huge sum ofmoney for his education and for the establishment of his practice. With the

    effect he has to increase the rate of his various charges. As far as the rates

    are moderately high, patients dont mind to pay the same. But the rates are

    disproportionately high in certain fields like cardiac and neuro- surgery.

    Rates of certain operations are so high that ordinary patients can never think

    of having such costly operations for his cure.

    Government Hospitals and Institutions

    There are government hospitals and institutions which provide treatment at

    much cheaper rates. But very few persons have their faith in effectivity of

    their treatment. Most of the time the government hospitals are not having

    enough drugs and medical equipments to satisfy the needs of the patients.

    With the effect the patients have to purchase drugs from the market which

    makes the treatment costlier. It is also observed that the attitude of medical

    staff in the government hospitals is mostly indifferent to the patients. So in

    the government hospitals patients do not get personal attention.

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    Effect of Consumer Protection Act on medical practice.

    Government has enacted Consumer Protection Act [CPA] for protecting the

    rights of consumers. Medical practice is also included within the sphere ofCPA. With the effect there are number of litigations against the doctors

    under CPA. This act has created adverse reactions amongst the doctors. It

    has disturbed the humanitarian relations between the doctor and the patient.

    Now doctor treats the patient as a mere consumer of the services. He has

    become more alert and cautious while treating the patient. Doctor has to

    protect his own interest while treating the patient. Now he can not depend

    only on his knowledge and experience, while diagnosing and treating the

    patient. He has to confirm his diagnosis by performing various laboratory

    and other medical tests. With the result patient has to submit himself for

    various tests, which were not ordinarily performed in the past. Ultimatelysuch procedures increase the cost of the treatment. Now the family physician

    does not take the risk of treating complicated cases. He prefers to refer such

    cases to either a specialist or to the hospital .It again increases the cost of

    treatment as well as causes hardship for the patient.

    Health services have now become a health industry. At present it is one of

    the biggest industries of the world. Multinational corporate bodies are

    engaged in manufacturing various drugs and various medical equipments.

    They apply various tactics for the promotion of their sale. They motivate the

    doctors to prescribe more and more drugs. Some of the doctors are rewardedby such companies for prescribing their drugs. With the effect most of the

    doctors prescribe multiple drugs for the patients. Some of the prescriptions

    contain more then eight to ten drugs, out of which hardly one or two are

    specifically required for the treatment. Rest of the drugs are either vitamins,

    tonics or some non-specific placebo.

    Health industry being a profitable trade, now a days big corporate bodies

    have started establishing luxurious hospitals. These hospitals are well

    equipped and having modern gadgets. The charges of such hospitals are very

    high. Such hospitals are managed by non-medical personals whose main aim

    is to get maximum profit of their investments. With the intention of

    expanding their business, they apply various business tactics and sometimes

    they overlook medical ethics and the rules of Geneva Convention.

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    There are a number of regulatory authorities who are responsible for the

    maintenance of rules and regulations of various medical practices.

    The Medical council of India:

    The Medical Council of India is the highest body which looks after the

    ethics and the conduct of the doctor. Each doctor has to register his name

    with the medical council after medical graduation. As such no doctor can

    carry out his medical practice without getting registration from the medical

    council. Medical council has full power to check the conduct of the doctor.If a doctors medical practice is found not as per the norms, and regulations

    of the medical council, the doctors registration can be cancelled. No doctor

    can practice without medical registration. Indian Medical Council has its

    branches in each state. In Gujarat there is the Gujarat Medical Council. The

    office of the Gujarat Medical Council is situated at Civil hospital,


    Department of Health and Medical Services.

    This department is run by the government. The maintenance of health of the

    people is the responsibility of the state government. So as per the Indian

    Constitution the state has to provide services for the maintenance of health

    of the people. The department of health looks after the various aspects of

    health of the people. Number of hospitals, dispensaries, and primary health

    centers are established by the department in the state. These institutions are

    responsible for providing total health care to the community. The main

    office of the health department is working at Gandhinagar. Head of the

    department is called the Commissioner of Health and Medical services. Any

    complain regarding services of the health department and hospitals run bythe department can be made to commissioner of health.

    The Department of Food and Drugs.

    This department is responsible for controlling the manufacture of various

    food items and drugs.

    There are a number of rules and regulations which are meant to prohibit the

    manufacture of adulterated and substandard food items and drugs. The

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    authorities of the department of food and drugs supervise the manufacturing

    processes of various companies. Whenever there is any deviation from the

    standard procedures, department can take action against the company. In thesame way the department looks after the sale of foods and drugs. It is the

    licensing authority for various drug stores. Any complain for the adulterated

    or substandard drugs can be made to the commissioner of the department.

    The head office of the department is in the Gandhinagar.

    In addition to that there are various private institutions which look after the

    rights of the consumers. Such institutions are equipped with the knowledge

    and the trained staff for the purpose. Drug and cosmetic consumers

    association {DCCA} guides the people for the protection of their patients


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